Showing Posts For limbeurt.9642:
Sword/dagger, more specifically flanking/larcenous strike have been gutted many times in the past. With the position thief is currently in, it would be more than fair to undo some of those nerfs and make the set viable again.
it would help thief fare better in the current meta, with the overabundance of blocks and boons from elite speces.
Two changes that would go a long way:
1. Alter the way larcenous works so its unblockable attribute isn’t practically useless. Some ideas that can fix this:
A) Make it so as long as flanking touches someone or something (even if the flanking is blinded/blocked/invuln’d), then larcenous is usable. I think this is the most needed/balanced option: flanking can still be evaded, while also able to punish blocks.
B) Leave it as is, but make both flanking and larcenous unblockable
C) Simply revert it back to how it used to be (can precast flanking and use larcenous afterwards at any time)
D) If changing flanking is not an option, then at least make the timer on larcenous longer so a block can be baited in between.
2. Petty straightforward: make larcenous steal 2 boons again.
Siege golem kills count as hammer.
I still got my video when I fought you back when I used to thief. It was fun but unfortunately I don’t really play thief anymore.
Cause u bad
In pvp on a point:
1. MM Necro
2. Hambow
3. Engi
in wvw:
1. med guard
Wow, I have so much problems with Mesmer, I can hardly count thieves as a hard counter to Mes, yet everyone says they are. But if you’re telling me to bring a set like SA : x/D into PvP you’ve got another thing coming to you. It’s such a selfish build to be running in pvp. Assuming this isn’t for PvP, can one show me videos of this high level thief play vs. a good mesmer? Outside of chain CnD’ing, I feel like there’s nothing I can do against them.
This is not a reply of “You guys don’t know wtf you’re talking about”, rather, I’m trying to L2P because Mesmers, Necros, and Engies give me the MOST problems. Wth am I doing wrong?
Because outside of chaining CnD and looking for opportunities to open up and don’t smash clones instead of mesmer because of super kittened single target attacks… there is not much else you can do.
1. dodge izerker
2. PBAoE clusterbombs
4. profit!
I prefer ER mostly for the cleansing, its especially nice after a spite, corrupt boon, nades rotation or if you get caught in a combustive/pin down/impale/flurry or similar, brushing off those 25 bleeds and 10s immob like its nothin’
A really good Engie will use the spanner for magnetic pull and then drop 5 stacks of confusion on you while you stand up. You can’t dodge that pull… it’s really annoying.
Tool kit’s magnet, while unblockable, can be dodged very easily if you’re expecting it.
His “quite easily” is very misleading, I have done over 50 lv49 fractals in the last few months and have never gotten a single armor box, its all RNG.
Easily warrior, thanks to the most kittened skill in the game combustive shot
I’ve tried “adapting” on my thief and using wire, but literally 90% of the time the pulled enemy will just stumble in place and not get pulled, any reason for that?
90% of thieves I cross both in soloq and wvw are still playing d/p, this thread is confounding to me
In my case it usually involves mesmers and shortbow.
Dat awkward moment when we’re on the same team in the next queue
Dodge the stuns, bring a stunbreak or RaO, use your evade skills properly, and you will not get killed.
Wrong, you can evade and dodge as best as you can you’re still gonna die in the long run cause you’ll be burning for the entire time that you’re on the point
I’ve been playing thief in solo q lately, and the problem I see most is that EVERYONE is tryng to play roamer. E.g. I help at mid at the start and we cap it, but then everyone on my team regardless of class leaves and go do something else, I call out in team chat for somebody more suited to please stay at mid but they ignore so im forced to stay and try to defend which usually doesnt go too well so we lose it. Rinse and repeat with any other point I help at during the game.
8 times out of 10 it ends in a loss and if they blame me for it they can go kitten themselves
Alternatively you could run with a power p/d build and actually challenge yourself
I’m also on HoD, been solo roaming few hours every night for the past weeks and have seen maybe 3 of those, and none in a 1 on 1 situation (they always had a group). Can’t say I corroborate OP’s claim.
you’re a scrub m8 go back to Cooking Mama.
360p are you sick?
Yes I’m here because someone did whisper me for a gold
u do realize how easy it is to die in world vs world the time it takes to run back is more punishing enough its like taking the walk of shame after u get …. in a duel or after u get steamrolled by a zerg. I like this change, since the majority of my game play is spent roaming either solo or with friends, as it so happens we tend to die not because we are disorganized but sometimes you are just outnumbered or focused and these occur in outnumbered maps which you do not have to repair anyway. You still feel the impact everytime you die especially in a group in which you realize you let your teammates down because you were a critical component to the group composition. I just do not understand why you want to punish people for dying more so especially knowing it happens so easily.
TL:DR — If you like fights in the open field then please know that creating death penalties will mitigate that.
At least they’re finally giving meteor storm a red ring, thats about 50% less ninja deaths right there
Do you happen to be close to a body of water when it occurs?
Dear everyserverbutmine,
You guys are so bad! I wont admit that I’m slightly irritated by the PPT outcome, instead I’m just gonna brag about how you kittens drop like flies. You’re really lucky I have to sleep because me and my two pals Jerry and Carl kept wiping your 180men zerg all day just the three of us. It’s true because I said it.
thanks for the 15,000 bags and 14 precursors drops last night!
Great video as always Miss Caliber!
Aw I’m sad you conveniently ended your video there and didnt show the following fights agaisnt us [Mate]
Miss Caliber is going to be playing with us for a week; how about next time we do some group fights with you guys he films that and posts it
Sure but then it’ll be us vs tM and we already know you guys have the upper hand (at least in proper gvg), still looking forward to that 5v5 though! Always fun.
But hey ohai is the only skilled group matched agaisnt us this week, its worth teasing em a bit.
Oh I thought you were part of the nice 7vs7ish fight that took place shortly after that
Aw I’m sad you conveniently ended your video there and didnt show the following fights agaisnt us [Mate]
Hit me up ingame while you’re still on SF, myself and a couple friends are roaming vets who recently moved to Darkhaven. We will gladly challenge you to a few duels! We also have a few principles so you won’t see any of us face you with PU, Perplexity, Perma stealth, condi bunk or similar kind of cheese.
FC is somewhat renowned for its healthy amount of roamers, I don’t know ’bout you but we long to fight those guys, not join them! DH and FC should technically be matched against each other every week but the matchmaking system has been trolling us
Guild tag is [Mate] btw
(edited by limbeurt.9642)
“We don’t want more people to join the T8 wasteland, the very high population marker is totally appropriate”
I agree. If they want to make people clear Arah instead of skip it, they should make the mobs in Arah more profitable. As soon as those mobs drop better loot, doing Arah also becomes more fun. Kind of like how mobs in Underworld dropped ectos, and mobs in FoW dropped Obsidian Shards back in GW1.
A good example is the second set of stairs in CoE, it can be skipped but it usually isnt because the mobs there give decent loot and more importantly have a reasonable amount of hp.
The “major design flaw” isnt the skipping, its the boringly unrewarding damage sponges constantly thrown at us.
What’s the true definition of pug ? You are also a pug unless you are in a guild party 100% of the time. And yes frostbows are no better than bearbows. At least when you go with wars only its a guaranteed succes. There will be no surprise like “what is FGS?”
They will nerff it to the ground anyway. No caster is supposed to outdamage warrior. That is poor design
Not sure if serious but this is wrong, in RPGs casters almost always hit the strongest at the expense of survivability
Honestly don’t care THAT much about full zerk in pugs, just wanted to add a bit of controversy in there hehe.
I’m guilty myself of swapping to a few celestial parts sometimes. A few knights or valkyries are fine too. Going PVT, Dire, Apothecary etc on the other hand is unacceptable, if you need it to survive you’re doing it wrong.
omg every single pug takes my lightning hammer and uses 4.
Yet they leave extra fgs and ice bow on the ground it’s like they do it on purpose to troll us
I play an elementalist in dungeons, and I decided to create these user-friendly flow charts to teach newcomers how to deal with the tools an elementalist brings to the party.
Hopefully the more people become aware of this, the smoother pug runs will become! (one can dream)
No I actually found it fun too, one of my fave hearts
I think he was being sarcastic. I’m in the same boat, ran fotm lvl30-50 at least 50 times since fractured hit and I got a grand total of 0 skin, 0 ascended box. Really disheartening
Been looking for such a group myself for quite some time. I joined a dungeon running guild recently, but that didnt help much as nobody ever reps it so planning runs is a bit complicated. I run dungeons on my ele (30 0 10 10 20 s/d, might/fury stacking and conjure weps), and im baffled at the amount of pugs that have no idea how to use fgs/ice bow efficiently. Especially in TA and COE, every fiery rusher can speed up the run by 10-15% (2 eles in COE = 4 fgs = 50% faster runs).
My experience:
AC p1 (hundreds) – p2 (once) – p3 (hundreds).
CM p1 (once) – p2 (a few) – p3 (once)
TA – U (hundreds) F/F (dozens), F/U (dozens)
SE p1 (hundreds) – p2 (once) – p3 (once)
CoF p1 (millions) – p2 (once) – p3 (once)
CoE p1 (dozens) – p2 (dozens) – p3 (dozens)
HOTW p1 (once) – p2 (once) – p3 (once)
Arah p1 (once) – no other path.
Fractals (level 44, ran 49 a few)
I can teach how to COE, once mastered with a group of fgs-savvy people its no longer than AC or TA. I’d like to learn HOTW1, CoE3 and CoF2, I know they can be spedrun but never really bothered with em. I’d also like to finish up Arah for the DM title but I refuse to pay for it, and every other party asks for experienced.
(edited by limbeurt.9642)
Yes lets promote passive playing even more good idea
dat 3s retal
are you seriously bragging about this
Took me about 15 minutes of running around until I found that single tree I had left out
Hey what is it ET, GOM beat up on DR day? you each held half of our corner of EB, and half of each side of our BL.. Lets beat up on the little guy because its easy. fight each other for once..
2 of us bored in OS right now if anyone wants to come for some duels suit yourself
Jesus BS what have you done to these guys to get their panties in a bunch?
Lol, BS so sad. Now they are sending /w messages. You guys are terrible. BS, you lose, game over, get over it plz. Use our stomping of your guild as a learning experience and maybe one day you might be not so worthless in a fight.
You haven’t wiped us or accepted duel requests. Nice try though.
kitten please, you don’t duel. You stay in the OS spawn area with a group of 10 and jump anyone who even tries to go for duels. BS, get more numbers and keep spammin that respawn waypoint. More loot bags for me
How do you even get those loot bags if they jump you 10v1? Stay consistent man.
Either way good stuff, keep it coming pls
BS is so bad at pvdoor and ppt. We don’t know how to cap a tower.
Jesus Christ that HUB size, is it to help with your clicking?
If anyone on kaineng or et who ISNT running some cheese cond/perplexity build wants to have some fights this week pm me. Oh and to the war i just fought that first fight was great to bad the engi had to ruin it afterwards.
Lol I was the third ET there and was about to duel you next but you left after only 3 fights. The engi you fought has a classic condi build without perplexity like he said, protip engi has natural access to quite a bit of confusion. Not to mention mesmer is arguably the strongest and most disliked class to duel so you really can’t be too picky about who you get to face.
Same thing happened to me today, in CoE as well. Bluntly kicked right before the final Subject Alpha fight, and its not because I sucked or anything.
I don’t have any proof so believe me or not I don’t care, I’m just giving a warning. I don’t remember the name of the people or the guild they were all from (the name was in a foreign language) but their tag was [EA].
Once again duels happening at AR WM right now, everyone welcome
Duels happening right now at AR WM
Thanks [Yarr] for the 2v2s tonight, It was fun! Our planned setup was 3 but our mate had to bail (yes I’m looking at you Ken). Good news is the week’s just started so we can reconvene later.
We need to work on our team chemistry so the more practice the better.
Well, judging by the map right now, the race for second started early this week… ET on ARBL and AR on ET side of EB. While Fergs run free…
does that poi haunt you at night?
Duelers really should stick to the PvP dueling maps and not waste queue in WvW.
People like you make me want to duel all the more!
There’s always a fight night, its just not always advertised. Drop by the WM tomorow night.
Fought a couple guys last night that I wouldn’t mind running into again in the future. Asura ele+engi from [NWA]/[BEES], do you post here?
/raises hand
Had fun last night fighting you guys, see you on our next matchup in a few weeks!