Showing Posts For luckyguse.2674:

Asja Love!

in Community Creations

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


I have no love for snow bunnies unless they are queen of spades.

What does your post have to do with gw2?
Am I in the wrong forum again?

Error attempting to sell

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


It’s been like this since launch for me. Restarting the tp a few times usually works.

What is ONE change you'd make to your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674



Dear Anet,

I would love to have an out of combat speed boost that doesn’t require me to have a focus in my off hand or have those ridiculously expensive travelers runes . I really want to play WvW with my Mesmer but its painfully slow as it is.

Thank you.

Crafting vs. PvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


WvW players could (and should) argue that it’s not right to have to Pve to get that legendary. A legendary weapon is more useful in WvW than it is in Pve hands down.

Benefits of removing in-combat ressurections

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


So from your view if it isn’t perma death it’s care bear. Why are you playing this game when perma death games are available?

You have no idea what care bear means. He was referring to Pve situations which permanent death or not, is all 100% care bear.

Things I don't like in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


1) meh
2) no
3) no
4) no

If you want those things, blizzard already made a well established game for you…

Problem with my World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


59/60 refers to areas in orr not poi/vistas/skillpoints/etc.
you probably are still missing the source of orr

Oh! Thank you. That gives me a new perspective on the achievement. I’m going to try it tonight after work.

Problem with my World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


(Related story) My achievement tab keeps telling me I’m 59/60 with Orr completion but I also more than triple checked the maps and I can’t seem to find the hidden whatever I’m supposed to be looking for. The maps say completed 100% individually. I’ve also checked web sites and none of them has helped me.

Ascended, an Xmas tale.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


I’m sorry you have an aunt RNG… I mean aunt Agatha.

Didn’t you get the memo? Ascended is NOT NEEDED! (Lol)

Bringing down the market

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


People played dust? I thought that game was such a flop.
Good to know those old school EVE players made tons of ISK of the debacle.

I'm ready to buy gems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Ummmm just buy 1600 gems (800 each), they will come in time…….

Reading comprehension for the win. You are right though. I just don’t feel comfortable dishing out real life cash for something that hasn’t even been promissed. I know it’s not much money.

I'm ready to buy gems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Dear Anet,

I’m ready to buy gems for that unlimited wood axe or plant harvester. I see you have a version of the mining pick up but I already have that. I was either away, or lacked the money the last time you had those items available, but today I’m ready. Tomorrow, I’m not so sure. Sorry, I don’t trust anyone enough to prepay for something that may, or may not exsist in the near future. Please don’t take it personally.

P.S. I love your game. I’m not really a fan boy because I don’t agree with everything you have done, but I do agree with enough to continue to recommend your game to friends.

Love always, lucky.

Hidden costs in gold/diamond exchange?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


No, there’s a buffer between exchange rates to prevent/discourage currency flipping.

So Anet artificially lowers the gem to gold rate to prevent flipping but they claim they don’t manipulate the market…


RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


IMO all PvP games are MMO’s.

Well, maybe not “massive” but they are multiplayer and they are online. One could hypothetically argue PvE does not belong in a MMO.

Hidden costs in gold/diamond exchange?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


That’s a great question OP!
Why is there an exchange differance? If I exchange dollars to euros then back again, if there’s no fee, I should get the exact amount back I started with.

Whats this buff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Where do you get that? I just searched the wiki and it’s not there.

Which of these zones should be next?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


I’ve said this before and ill say it again:

Not crystal desert. It’s supposed to be filled with undead and I’ve had enough.

Hate on Quests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Pass. I’m not playing CSI online.

Existing weapons for other classes poll.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


I think the OP went to bed cuz I count 7 votes for Mesmer main hand pistol. I play a Mesmer main and they need a 1 handed, main hand, non condition based weapon. Pistol would be perfect.

Attack 1 should cause a couple of stacks of vulnerability on the enemy, OR a short duration might on allies. 2 should be a clone of some type, preferably one that removes conditions from allies (I’m sick of having 1-2 utility slots taken up by cleansers). 3 should be for kiting – knock back, chill, cripple etc.

The direction and state of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


There’s an arena for those who don’t want to have the PvE mechanics affect their power, and that’s structured PvP.
I have very little sympathy for your justification against Ascended, which I enjoy having as a goal on the horizon.
The gear doesn’t gate game play, so the grind is for BIS. You don’t require BIS for any content the game offers, therefore there is no have and have-not dynamic at play here.

There really is no gated content in this game. You can finish your opening personal story with a new toon and immediately step into fractals/sPvP, WvW etc. does that mean you will be all that effective?

Some servers are very competitive. Ascended is 8% better than exotic. Having ascended doesn’t make you more skilled, but it does make you 8% more powerful. In a competitive environment BiS can mean the differance between live or die.

The direction and state of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


My point was that there are so many variables, it’s probably not the gear that made you lose, even on the bleeding edge of competition.

You are right: statistically speaking, the odds are ascended was and will not be the only reason I lose fights. But it is now a contributing factor that wasn’t there before, and that will only grow with time.

The issue [people including myself] have, is not with ascended gear itself, but with the huge grind and time gated skills required to get the gear. It’s causing a rift in the community between the “haves”, “have-not”, those with a large amount of time, and those that don’t.

The direction and state of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


^ food is always used. You must have missed the part where I said “very competitive”.

I know there are better PvPers out there than me. But when I get beat now by a small fraction is that player better than me, or did he/she grind better gear?

That question might seem absurd to some but it lingers in the back of my mind now. That takes a lot of the fun away.

The direction and state of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Thank you OP. You posted a long opinion piece that sums up exactly how I feel.

I also didn’t mind the ascended gear drops from FOTM. I “tolerated” the ascended gear from dailies/monthlies like a bitter pill but disagreed with having them in the game.

But this past weekend I decided to try and work for an ascended weapon. I hated playing every minute.

I call BS on the players who say you don’t “need” ascended gear. My guild is very competitive in WvW. 1v1 happens. Every. Single. Day. And yes I lose, sometimes by only a couple of %. Ascended gear would have made a difference. Fact.

Spvp is only profanity.

in PvP

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Profanity filter or not, name calling is not allowed.

Report them and move on. Do not engage is their immature conversations.

Funniest thing what happened in Teq

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


That is funny, in an ironic sort if way. You got to be in an overflow alone with teq, yet I keep being thrown in overflows with no teq.

When/if for gw2 expansion or new zones?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Crystal desert? Pass. I’ve had my fill of undead thank you.

Delete char->Unbind items (Account Bound)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


No. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9…

Bosses as objects (non-crittable)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Run a condition thief. Then you have a right to complain.

Thing that bothers me w/duel wielding weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


I want you to go down to Home Depot or a local hardware store and buy yourself a couple of heavy hatches. Walk out into the woods and try to “dual wield” while chopping a tree down. Good luck not breaking your left wrist (if you’re right handed).

Dual wielding 2 heavy weapons is not as easy at it sounds. Unless you’re ambidextrous, your “off hand” is typically used for defensive purposes.

You know what would be cool? (sPvP)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


I agree! unfortunately, this topic was already suggested. Anet said no.

You know what also would be cool concerning spvp?
-if it didn’t take months to years to hit rank 80 with glory points.
-something to do other than conquest.
-if it was balanced by un-biased developers
-feel free to add your own

Is a Thief grinding 3-4x vs. a Staff Ele?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


What’s a Mage?

Anet, look at the game from my point of view.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Dear OP,

I hate my job. I work for a certain brown colored delivery company. My multiple bosses treat me like crap. My customers treat me like crap. Day in, and day out it feels like a grind, but they pay is pretty darn good.
One day I took all my hard earned money to the casino. Although I knew the odds of winning the jackpot were very low, I lost every penny I had.

Should the casino just hand me the jackpot because I worked so hard for it?

Heres how dragon fights should be.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Yes. I want the ability to tackle a dragon, and a great sword-pole-jump!
Anet make it happen!

You have been playing for one hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


You you can!

—you have been playing for 1 hour; diminishing returns have kicked in. Please take a break.

I think we need larger party sizes in dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Although I agree the older dungeons aren’t that much fun, turning them into raids is not the answer. Many if us left wow because of how much raids were work instead of fun.

If you miss them/want them so much, panda land is that way —→

Salvage rate of ectos from rares bugged?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Isn’t that what the black lion salvage kits say the rate is? 25%?
If it was better before then it was bugged, and what you’re seeing now matches the tooltip.

P.s. I could be wrong about that tooltip. I’m writing this from my phone and 25% chance to salvage something better than basic components from a BLSK is off the the top of my head.

Top PvP class base on skill and balance WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


Please provide a link to the statistics which gave you that list.

Or is that pure speculation?