its happening to everyone on AB right now so yay
I am just so frustrated with HOT and the direction GW2 has taken.
I can only do certain events, hero point, or adventure mini-games when they become available.
No one is showing up for big meta events so they fail.
I can not get some mastery points unless other are there too.
The entire game has turned into forced cooperation.
I want to play when I want to, not when others decide to do certain events. I loved GW1 and when GW2 first came out it was AWESOME. Now I am mired with following around tags just hitting buttons.
I just want to play a nice game not follow after groups. Or grinding after things to get other things. What happened to the fun GW2?
Diablo 3 yo
Seriously though I play solo. I don’t mind having to group to do a huge dragon. If you want a solo game play a solo. You can’t solo old world boss or dungeons (mostly) so why is this such a complaint now?
New players it will probably be very difficult and annoying.
For older easier and annoying.
Oce you get masteries it will be easier to run around them. Also zero builds are stand in one place and own everything anymore. Mobs are smarter and do a ton more damage.
But for those complaining about hard content.. it isn’t hard for most I have seen complaining. It’s more they can’t afk auto attack and get free loot.
I play mostly by myself I have no problem staying alive. If you want to solo a dragon this isn’t the game for you (other those in solos le instances).
I play limited time during the week. Do a good amount on the weekends with a baby. Just finished Nevermore in a few months.
If you want to do the hardest content you can’t do it in blues.
If you don’t want to get ascended you don’t have to.
If you don’t want to do HoT you don’t have to.
If you want the best skins you have to put in some time.
The WoW mentality in games now is astounding. Getting exotics in GW2 is incredibly easy even ascended is pretty easy just takes longer.
So someone explain how you are forced to grind for gear to do anything other than raids.
As for masteries, yes its a grind but its very limited grind. Dragon Stand for HoT masteries and SW for Tyrian. There are plenty of groups doing HP/Mastery Point runs.
So people suck it up and play the game to get stuff and stop wanting to hit a lvl 1 mob and get Nevermore.
how about they make it so you get all items handed to you immediately…….
after playing for 12000 hours.
I was able to log in fine on Black gate. Try guesting there. My IP is
BG doesn’t matter. we have like 6 people stuck with a character there (granted they are mega servers so no real blackgate map).
Tried all the fixes none work. So my warrior is prob stuck there until they reset/patch
Suggestion for next update:
-Server achievements and events.
-WvW reward track.
-PPK zones around claimed objectives
-Removal of Keep lord rewards
-Increase of Rewards in WvW in general.
-Keep bag drops (they are a nice extra if people bother to pick them up, or see them at all in the first place)
1. Server achievements are part of the problem with seasons. You have the season 1 NA that was BG winning everything (which would certainly be a achievement) while in season 2 it was 2v1 all day long.
While 2v1 was great for the wallet, the idea of the 2v1 in essence every other week was awful.
2. Wvw Reward tracks – YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. We also need skins for that. Armor and weapon. Maybe a way to show ranks as just a added thing for fun.
4. I would rather reward servers for holding onto objectives. I would like to see something that calculates offensive v defensives forces, the amount of siege used etc. in what the ppt tick or just raw WvW points for X capture.
Such as BG Garrison with 40 vs 40 golem rush with 80 TC and 30 JQ (with 5 ACs)
The TC capture would be less than the BG successful defense. Would also have to calculate how long you held it. IE: TC holds their garri for 4 hours of attack. They would get X points per hour of attack. I would think the best way to define attack is when a wall or gate is taken down and then points rewarded depending on size of force attacking (goes through x well or y door). 5/10/20/30/40/50/60/70+ increments.
You can also give a good amount of points for successful yaks reaching destinations thus protecting and killing would be nice in PPT. Also make the yaks harder to kill or make the guards champions and no having to upgrade the camp to get guards for the yaks (maybe one upgrade to make it go from 2 champs to 3 or something). Camps would keep whatever max supply they had for the time of the buff on the Sup. fully upgraded camp with 250 sup would be 250 for 5 minutes.
Reduce the amount of siege you can place in one area (depending on which type). no 20 AC defense crap. Make people have to play not AC people to death or make them extremely easy to kill and more skills reach some of the AC spots.
As for bag drops, i would like to see more even if a reward track was put in.
Obviously this is not gonna happen but i think it would require less zerg running around and crap.
the problem is the daily 5/5 isn’t counting to the meta of wintersday which makes getting the wintersday meta impossible.
It’s not impossible. Many players got it the first night and it’s even easier now that Toypocalypse is fixed. The infinite achievements do not count. The others can easily be done.
i miss read the number. But the point being this is the first time every (since i started playing (2 wintersday ago) that there is no leeway on getting the meta for a holiday event. The haven’t commented that i have seen that it is intended or even that they are going to change metas to that system.
So until they make a comment i am going to assume its bugged or something they didn’t intend.
the problem is the daily 5/5 isn’t counting to the meta of wintersday which makes getting the wintersday meta impossible.
1. Some or many are bugged with not getting anything for doing 5/5 which is a deviation from past daily meta things.
2. in the past you needed 3 of the available to finish the daily.
3. Are the dailies suppose to change within that category or not? JP as a daily when many won’t try or won’t be able to do it seems a bit hilarious.
Just finding its seems it bugged due to past festivals. Usually 3 of the ones in the daily get 1 towards the meta. At the moment, none are doing anything.
was it? it was in the middle of season 1 though. so Halloween (mini candy corn elemental) is not stand alone? also the shattered wings are not being sold either, those were from dragonbash. I don’t see a reason to not add those 2 back item skins to the laurel vendor
was a boss reward. Boss week. Wasn’t part of the Living story.
Where have you been hearing that? I’m just curious, as I haven’t seen anything saying it will be a direct repeat (then again, I only go on here and sometimes reddit.)
I agree that two weeks is super short for this year’s event. Three or four weeks would be better, especially since I’ll be missing the first 5 1/2 days due to travel. It’s my favorite holiday in the game, so missing half of it bums me out. =/
They said (or i saw somewhere) they are bringing back Blood and Madness. That was the name of last years meta AP group. Thats all i have heard.
I am not getting my hopes up for anything but a renaming of events and a meta thats essentially the same.
Would be nice if Anet goes all out but i doubt it.
Haven’t played for a while, logged on and under living word it says I can “buy now” for 200 gems. What’s up with this?
you are paying for stuff that you would have completely missed (never got to play ever again).
The morale to this story is, log on for 5 seconds every time a new one is released and you can do them anytime.
I thought they were just taking a break for the feature pack and to work out the bugs, but now people were saying that was a mid-season finale and that S2 is already halfway over. Is this true?? If so, why was S1 a year and a half long and this one is only going to be 8 episodes? I was actually enjoying the LW content…
they will drag this out for a year with 4-8 week breaks in there for random wvw mini seasons which take 20 mins to complete the meta total wvw time.
Just read this:
Why is LS being delayed another 2 months?
You claim to have a 2-week release schedule and put out content faster than any other mmo… yet this is only true for 4 weeks, then a 12 week break…How is that different from any other MMO?
Why the delay?
Halloween, hilariously easy wvw mini season.
But i agree. They did wonders with the first living story thing (the one that finished with that dungeon). After Frost and Flames it has gotten awful. Dry Top has been ok to good but the zones and their events are awful but some people like them.
They have gotten away from the awesome that was Frost and Flames and threw in some very lazy things like adding living story stuff in to seasonal things. They have now had HUGE breaks in the story for… “Do 5 events in WvW which takes 5 mins” Wvw Season (which we can also crap all over since its been done unsmartly for 2 seasons). Just put in a stupid reward track with REAL rewards and be done with it.
But its ok. I have started back playing D3 and even old EQ to pass the time between the LS which i finish in 2 hours every time.
I was reading a topic on reddit this morning and I was wondering: why are people not farming at Dry Top?
I’ve been away for a month so i farmed there just 3 times, but i don’t think the loot is bad.
because its awful and rewards are even more awful. If you got more geodes or the stuff form the chests dropped more, it would be worth it. As of now its awful for the time put in.
I am an awful player with bad internet. I did it with like 2 death’s. Both of them were due to my horribleness.
This is actually easier than the fool sylvari with his bombs from .. what.. the first part?
Agreed. The whole “Grind” of it is just down right stupid. Bleh.
what grind? You are bored one day, hey gonna go snag one of those achievements. There is no pressure to do it within a 2 week period now.
Lets say its “take a break” fun. Or in my case, hatred. But thats for other reasons.
Not all of us want to play a …
you are right in all but one thing.
The mobs drop t6 mats and other things. This put together with the buried chests, made about 18 gold with limited time there the past 5 days.
even removing the scarf/goggles i got, that’s 10 gold not including the silk and other salvaged stuff. The ambrite sells great. The cooking recipes are over a gold. etc etc.
I do agree this LS2 opening sucks with the jumping and shortness.
This is why achievements in general are just a dumb idea, instead of achievements focus on adding “chunky” levels of content, should that mean pushing back time to add more and work more heavily on specific content updates? Yes, it should, because id rather have a long developed update with a lot of content to look forwards too than one I can finish in 2 hours and be bored kicking the dirt wondering “what next”?
And what kind of content do you ask?
- More bosses, with mega server friendly difficulty but perhaps some challenge or optional hard mode to make them more rewarding.
- Player Housing, which might require actively going into the world to retrieve house assets that can only be attained by re-doing the heart quests multiple times to unlock tiered layers of house assets.
- Guild Alliances, for smaller guilds struggling to survive and larger guilds eager for assistance to help them do missions.
- Guild V Guild
- Refined Dungeon and Fractal system.
- Changing how achievement based armor sets are unlocked from kitten points to something that requires actual long term work to earn but can be done within the span of a year.
- While adding the next tier the year after.
1. achievements aren’t dumb
2. whether or not there are achievements, it would not affect the size of content released.
3. None of that stuff in that list will happen, including a revamp of WvW to make it better than zerg fests and coverage.
AP skins are a pain to get if you dont’ play a lot anyways and even more of a pain if you do play a lot. How many have the boots/legs/chest? Thats what over a year and a half of some people playing non stop and still don’t have 20K+ AP. Pretty sure its already balanced well except that it forces you to pick the same skins within the 3-18k range. What if i don’t want the stupid radiant helm? i am forced to take it. Rather they allow you to pick any piece of the hellfire/radiant as you gain the 3K APs.
They don’t need more bosses. They need no mega servers. They just need to scale bosses to the amount of people there or by server overall population. Mega servers are horrendous. You can’t do guild missions without having to “Join on” half the people. You rarely see fellow, in my case, Blackgate people (insert home server here). Its just a mess.
The essence.
Imagine your arenanet, you have a small team working for you who work there kitten off to get some good quality content ingame. get some gemstore items for potential profit and fix bugs/balance etc.
Youve worked all month on designing a new map as a team and your deadline is comming soon. you want it to be polished just like the story that will be folded out in the map. You dont want to instantly release the entirety of the map so you can still build around more of the story on other parts of the map and deliver a quality fun playstyle with a nice story line. (i really loved the idea of the zepyrite crystals scattered on a big open map wich you needed to use to explore the content.) This takes time.And there it is the big release where your reaping the fruits of the labor. You go for a stroll on the forums to see how the community reacts to your insane work and hope they are all very happy and pleased with this new form of free content. But then you actually start reading the titles alone;
they had all of WvW season and another month to make more content than this. Even with a few people it could have been more easily.
You put 4 players (not even devs) in EQ Landmark with unlimited access to claims, they could build a zone that’s 400 times bigger than the living story in much less time. There wasn’t anything added to this for balance (or in any sizable measurement).
while I appreciate what they put out (the fact they put it out, not the fact some updates have been atrocious with bugs and now this hilarious lag that makes the new zone unplayable (may or may not be their fault)), they made this update way too short for the build up.
glad the person didn’t log. popped up infront of me again and reported.
thnx guys
At the moment these are the suspicious things:
moving farther than any skill can make you instantly
porting around the map
porting around to specific mobs then disappearing
I would like to report this person but none of the options apply technically.
yep they screwed up the tracking system which bugged stuff to hell.
An example seasons worth of matches using this system in a five week tournament:
For this example I used the current Glicko scores (or close) with a limitaion that the servers must be within a score of 300 in order to be matched together. The exact limitation would need to be determined by Anet but 250 – 300 seems good.
There is variety, close matches, servers don’t simply alternate matches back and forth like this season and most people are not going to know their upcoming opponents (because they’re not going to bother doing the calculations). I don’t think we’ll be able to come up with a better system. And it would be much simpler to code for a computer to do the picking than my long winded description.
TLDR; Change the tournament matchmaking system to this!
yes IF no personal rewards (skins, loots (quality) etc) are determined by placement. That schedule looks like last season pretty much so i don’t see a modified anything in there.
It will help me finished legendary #2 faster, but will be the hilarious drama and stupidness of season 2.
Season 1 was much closer to what it should be (yet still far away). There shouldn’t be seasons just seasonal reward tracks. The seasonal rewards can only be achieved during the season. Have a off season reward track also for mats, loot, etc.
Season 1 (starting from beginning):
reward track items
1 weapon or armor skin of choice (new sets strictly from wvw)
maybe a loot chest
random other crap
Season 2
another weapon or armor skin of choice
loot chest
other garbage
Make ALL season finishers permanent and all different animals or mobs so you can show off which season you won or placed. ALl those outside the top 3 get limited finishers (50 maybe or whatever) or limited consolation finishers like a sad face. finisher.
it seems its a problem with their tracking system which should have been tested better. I am on blackgate and it says 1st place. Obviously that isn’t the case.
Not sure how they will fix it outside of checking those with metas done and just giving everyone the same rewards.
With the tracking the culprit, not sure they could back track outside of using the millennium rankings. But they you have to check all those that finished the meta.
a few things:
Rewards for server performance:
good but also kind of stupid. Skins should be personal rewards. Finishers they give out should be PERMANENT or last until the new winner of the next season are determined.
Add WvW Tracks like in pvp:
this is your personal reward track with various rewards. This allows you to get XYZ without having to depend on an entire server.
Do away with seasons:
any type of tourney or league with 3 teams fighting at once is flawed from the get go. There would have to be a mega overhaul of the WvW system for that. You could also form a new type of WvW with 2 servers fighting over multiple maps (maybe 2-3).
Rewards depending on bad players is flawed. Things like the Great wurm and teq, you can over come horrible players. The marionette achievements you couldn’t much of the time. As is rewards based on population in a league setting.
You can’t make bad players good if they don’t want to be good. You also can’t make up for 160 vs 80 or in the case of the lower tiered 40 vs 10.
So just give us reward tracks with decent rewards (decent = something other that 56000 greens).
2v1….1 is the loneliest number
#BGTearstoo bad this entire tournament is a FARCE and completely pointless in determining everything.
JQ and TC are going to be cheering and congratulating themselves for “victory” at the end of all of this, and yet
the winner of this tournament will not be the server who played the best, but instead a server who resorted to underhanded tactics and basically what amounts to CHEATING in order to win
and don’t tell me BG has that much superior coverage (the first wee was an EXTREMLY close match until JQ GAVE UP and quit the map like the noobs they are
cheating and hilarious are close cousins.
BG’s coverage isn’t like before. But we knew this would happen so we are playing for fights instead of fights and ppt. PPT is moot at this point since, like a couple days ago, TC and BG were close so TC and JQ went hardcore 2v1 until it was out of reach again.
I am sure the old SoR guilds are bored out of their skulls that they can’t fight JQ in any real way. I am sure that will blow up at some point here. JQ there are rumblings about being unhappy with this from people.
So BG will power through while the others have to deal with all that junk.
WvWvW <———— when you have to double team a server it just means you are not good enough on your own to win….so while you may win in points your server still isn’t upto the level of the “boss” server.
the top dog should know why this is happening and blame the game mechanics, and pity the 2 servers that have to resort to silly double team.
and if you look at the matchup…..aren’t you supposed to be playing other servers in the league? there’s SoS doing just fine….how come they aren’t going against those 2 other servers and BG going against maguuma and DB……
BECAUSE it’s flawed and a human is matching up the servers and breaking it’s own guidelines for matchups, so it’s time to blame the game not the players.
I’d tank the whole kitten thing until the matchup gets you outta the 2v1 and tell anet to follow it’s own guidelines regarding matchups
but im on the outside looking in hehe.
good luck BG
and someone that gets it.
The fact they have to double team as they have done even when BG is out manned (aka 30 man force could take garrison), is the reason out TS channels have had so much fun. Lots of laughing, points fingers and giggling and fun had by those in the channel. Sadly many of the PUGs do not join TS (and arent showing up) so they can’t feel the morale many of us have.
This has been the most fun BG has had (i am sure i can say that for the major WvW guilds and the members that are playing actively these past weeks) in a VERY long time.
I hate this 2v1
can you offend me with I showed this but I do not carelooks like JQ and TC planning an offense when bg is out manned.
That’s not even T1, what are you smoking man?
you do not get the joke
2v1 is ok and should be allow. Some small server need to team up to have a wining chance. I believe the problem you are facing is trading wins. Which is very much abuse in the current system.
Agreed. 2v1 at any other time fine. Trading wins as a way to manipulate point totals shouldn’t be allowed. But not much you can do about it overall. Anet can’t just go in and ban the servers. They can’t tell them stop. So everyone just needs to deal with it until Anet takes some smart pills and comes up with a real way to do this.
2v1 is fine. You have to want to fight through it. BG is fighting through it pretty well. But its like the old SoR and JQ fights. Every week the same thing and people get tired of it. I am sure Sor and JQ overall wanted some change back then.
2v1 is intended. As others and myself have said before, wvwvw doesn’t lend itself to seasons. You have to have a 1v1 to do leagues or seasons or its just a CF as it is now. BUt at least anet made it somewhat possible to get tons of gold fast. 140 gold this week (sat-present).
I hate this 2v1
can you offend me with I showed this but I do not care
looks like JQ and TC planning an offense when bg is out manned.
I think we should all transfer to the last place server and have them rise up from the ashes for season 3.
Anvil Rock #1
It will be interesting to see how strong a performance BG’s secret team of alt accounts on SoS puts in during next week’s matchup.
that would help bg how?
Would be better to join JQ one week TC the next and manipulate it that way. Using all the sup, tag watching for each server, building hilarious siege. you know all the things TC and JQ are doing in mass.
The funny thing is Cloudwhatever tag watches Waage like a stalker in your bushes. If waage tags down, Cloud fails miserably and only goes after paper things when his tag watcher sees out manned for bg.
Something akin to the HILARIOUS 20 golem rush (while BG was outmanned big time on BGBL) with near no overall coordination that was foiled by BG (yes with help from other maps but lols). This with JQ busting down all the gates and killing people also. Massive amounts of ACs on 3rd floor build by TC and still get they pushed off. You have 1 full map blob of TC and prob half a blob of JQ.
(notice the out manned)
So really helping SoS would be useless overall. It would also not be funny and enjoyable to do.
(edited by mallas.9836)
Also, it’s been great fun killing BlackgateLands in EoTM this week.
Keep defending that keep, guys.
odd i get thrown on maps i see no bg.
It’s quite clearly obvious who the cheaters are posting in this thread. Yes, 2v1 IS cheating. If you don’t believe so you are just tricking yourself. ANet clearly stated that they wanted three servers fighting each other so the two WEAKER servers would even up the playing field against a stronger one, not that two STRONG servers would collude to keep anyone else from having a chance at reaching the top ranking. The fact that this system is still broken doesn’t mean it’s ok, it just means ANet hasn’t gotten around to (or aren’t able to find a better solution to) sorting out the jerks doing it.
And another thing, deliberately taking turns to throw matches is also cheating. Again, it doesn’t matter if ANet has taken action yet; It is clearly obvious that the people doing this know that it’s morally wrong, but do it anyway. A 5 year old would understand why throwing matches like that to manipulate your rating is unfair.
If anything, I’ve grown rather jaded with this whole match fixing thing, and I can’t believe that ANet would let such actions tarnish their reputation.
2v1 is completely fine. TC and JQ are just playing patty cake for skins and some hilarious notion that 160 (+20 acs) vs 80 makes them #1.
I love the bags and the cash i am making. I have also gained near 300 ranks just from the double team weeks.
BG as a victim from 2v1 doesn’t make me feel bad in the slightest. They deserve it.
They thought that they could win tournies easily by stacking coverage and buying/renting guilds.
They certainly did not expect JQ/TC to team up.
And now they cannot envision any solution for this. Stacking more guilds in off-peak times won’t work. Renting/buying guilds won’t work anymore.
The only thing that Bg can do is sabotage JQ/TC by supplanting WvW spy/sabotage guilds, taking up the queues and wasting siege. But we all know BG won’t scoop down to those dirty tricks…right?
BG as a server is dead. As long as they remain in T1, they are never going to see higher than 3rd place in a match-up of the Top 3 servers (barring a TC vs JQ drama)
It’s going to crash hard like SoR. All the serious WvW guilds there can no longer operate and play for fun since they’ll lose every single battle. All the PvE’ers leeching will no longer like the 3rd-place rewards.
BG is truly doomed, and it’s all because of themselves. Good riddance.
gl with that. When TC breaks apart.. what then? Back to the red headed step child of BG.
BG has lasted through a few different double teams.
If Anet thought 2v1 was bad then wvw would b 1 v 1.
well they think all of their skins are cool looking. So not exactly arbiters of the right thing.
the system now doesn’t lend to seasons or leagues. So yes 2v1 is fine. During seasons with personal rewards tied to placement of servers is not fine. Not cause it isn’t fair. Its because it doesn’t work with the system.
BG Recruiting opportunity :-)
probably made enough money the past 2 weeks to buy all of china
Speak for yourself, I am in JQ and an avid WvWvW player, and this season is personal for me against BG. Get the facts right, first week was purely 3-way fight between BG, TC and JQ, there might be a one or two off incidence but that might be beneficial for both sides but it was 3-way mainly. Once BG got arrogant and started posting like they have won the tourney after their first week victory. Well this is what they deserve hope they fall to fifth place behind SoS and MAG. I truly enjoy watching them burn each week till the 9th. Please don’t give the crap that certain few players talk smack on the forums and you guy’s don’t deserve it if you want pity don’t play WvWvW.
The general consensus in JQ is we don’t give a kitten who wins First or Second, we just wish the downfall of Blackgate.
So you guys lost, decided to troll a fair matchup, and then brag about it and continue to troll them? You guys are only making your servers look like a bunch of pathetic sore loser trolls. The best part of this is you’re only making BG look better since “it took 2 T1 servers to keep us from winning”. TC or JQ might win the season, but you’ve gotten destroyed on the PR side.
<s>Remember everyone! We don’t want to bring megaservers to WvW because communities like JQ and TC are important!</s>
more like destroyed in the open field.
Pretty much the attempt to troll BG has made both TC and JQ look worse only because of their tactics within the week.
15 ACs in SMC.. 40 man zerg. still lose it
60+ man zerg in EB today taking all day to cap veloka and not sure BG keep has fallen .. all this with token D.
not including tag watching and planning assaults on that instead of real fights.
70-80 TC/JQ combined in open field building 8 ACs for 28 man BG zerg.
ALl you guys are doing are making BG look like world beaters. Nothing more, nothing less.
yea not sure ascended should be in there. the rest though would be nice.
Roaming is dying, well solo roaming anyway…
Go to a BL and run around for half an hour before finding 5 enemies running together reflipping camps and sentries you have taken, if you engage them from boredom and die then they all throw siege and jump on you.
Go to Eternal Battlegrounds, solo flip some camps while 1 enemy watches you, just as you get it done you get rolled by a 40 man zerg, go flip a sentry then get rolled by 10 man “roaming groups” that emote you after they kill you….
Yer it’s either be apart of a decent WvW guild then raid with them, zerg and get tons of rewards or roam and get laughed at.
Personally I just started getting back into PvP, WvW is just a karma train comparing it to a year ago when it actually felt like a warzone and people wanted to win and not just reflip your own BL keeps every 20 minutes.
TBH the T1 NA fight is like a war zone. Keeps swiss cheese, fights all over the place. Big zergs running around all near each other. Siege firing everywhere.
That is why its the most fun i have had in wvw.
There is not really an issue here regarding whether it would be better or worse for “SoS” to lose 2 matches to enhance finish position. It will not happen.
Like many non T1 servers, SoS is made up of a mix of playstyles who, from my limited 4000 odd play hrs spent mostly in WvW, appear to do whatever they wish.
For myself, IMHO, even if we had a war council decision to try and tank, the normal diehards would be out flipping camps, taking twrs and trying to scout/defend.
It is how we enjoy the game. It may be best to leave matchup score manipulation theories to our Glicko betters..
Dubain/Elkirin/Elkaen/5 more….
pretty much if you don’t play to win, its a manipulation of the system. Its just how it is. If you lose playing to win, then whatever. But no one showing up for 4-5 days ina week its just bad for WvW.
Not necessarily. What SoS did in the JQ/BG/SoS matchup was to find open field fights and let their structures get capped by whoever. With the way PPT is calculated, it’s very easy to tank a match even if you’re queuing 4 maps 24/7
BG’s council btw, is just that, a council. Guilds coming together to discuss stuff that’s relevant to the server, and to vote on stuff. It’s not this dictatorship style parliament thing. What SoS has there is basically how BG’s council works. Guilds can choose whether or not to follow the majority vote anyway.
I just saw lots of looking for SoS and them not being around except in little havok squads for the most part. Now i know there are the weekend warriors and all that. But i didn’t see them much. There was also plenty of talk from the commanders from BG that they couldn’t find them either and asked earlier on.. are they tanking the week. Apparently that was the word from SoS.
Whether or not its true, SoS doesn’t belong on the same map as any of the current t1 match up servers. Its a overall broken system.
Transferring right before seasons alone makes it broken. ZDs with BG, all the SoR guilds now on TC. Its probably their best way to make money in downtime from living story and all that but yea.
At least this wasn’t QQ from the NA debacle.
the NA Bagbacle
now everything became meta. I feel completely boring.
Therefore, I need more challenge, Such as…1. Make several titles visible in wvw field. Let’s call it special titles. So enemy will always attack those whose titles are visible. (Ultimate ~ titles, Legendary Champion spvp rank title, top100 pvp title, upper than masterful achiever and etc…)
2. Make enemy commander mark visible in a battlefield. (not minimap)
However, not blue color but red color commander Mark. Give huge badge to ONLY a person who FINISHED this commander lol.3. Decrease needed supply for arrow cart. (from 30 to 25 supply needed) So the user who have put all the points into maximum supply capacity will always make arrow cart without build help from other people. I rather want people use more siege weapon so… it’s wvw!
4. Increase wvw reward, especially gold reward.
I think it is too small as compared to pvp or dungeon reward. REALLY.GG
1. I kill red name tags not titles. Unless its a certain guild that loves eyefinity.
2. I would say no, but there are already TS spies, siege/supply trolls and tag watchers in the T1 matchup so it would be redundant
3. We need LESS ACs/siege overall not faster built ones. Needs to be more interactive siege. Towers, moveable siege such as the catapults.. seeing as they have WHEELS!
4. It depends on the matchup in my case. TC/JQ weeks i make tons. Others not as much. So i would agree more rewards overall is good.
There is not really an issue here regarding whether it would be better or worse for “SoS” to lose 2 matches to enhance finish position. It will not happen.
Like many non T1 servers, SoS is made up of a mix of playstyles who, from my limited 4000 odd play hrs spent mostly in WvW, appear to do whatever they wish.
For myself, IMHO, even if we had a war council decision to try and tank, the normal diehards would be out flipping camps, taking twrs and trying to scout/defend.
It is how we enjoy the game. It may be best to leave matchup score manipulation theories to our Glicko betters..
Dubain/Elkirin/Elkaen/5 more….
pretty much if you don’t play to win, its a manipulation of the system. Its just how it is. If you lose playing to win, then whatever. But no one showing up for 4-5 days ina week its just bad for WvW.
also a wvw reward track would be nice