Showing Posts For masterdesh.8943:
I agree in fact I quit for several months because of the lack of new content. I then came back and had completely caught up in a week.
I want to keep the ground targeting I just want to hold 1 and it throw where my cursor is.
I only pve and its my preferred auto attack when dps isn’t a priority. As for 3rd party I was under the impression it was more of a grey area
Is there a way to hold 1 to keep throwing grenades or attach scrolling to the 1 skill? If not I would be interested if there’s any 3rd party programs that would allow such a thing to happen? Or even better for anet to just ad this feature, because playing engi is a literally painful experience.
I took a few months off of gw2 and missed some of the living story content. Now I’m back and trying to make mawdrey 2 but need a chaos orb. Is there still a way for me to do this or have I wasted time and gold?
this patch will make or break gw2 for me the only thing I like about the game any more is my engi and if they break that I will have to find something else.
The first week of the new wvw match system we get matched against DB and get owned. Its a new system Im willing to deal with a rough patch to get fun new fights. The next week we get FA and are beaten again. Still new system I guess maybe next week will be better. This week both FA and DB thanks for the balanced match ups Anet guess theres always next week.
I know its probably copy written not to mention would probably never happen, but lets throw that out the window. what skills would a portal gun kit have?
-obviously a portal
-I’m thinking a bouncing shot similar to sd
-maybe some kind of daze possibly a static field
-or maybe a lightning gun type of attack that channels
any other suggestions?
tonics molten cores or any of the sigils from cof they are just troll drops from anet
no love this month either guess Ill just go hide in a corner and wait till next patch
Yes if you don’t have grenadier it will not work for grenade barrage, or at least when I tried as well
auto defense bomb dispenser is pretty disappointing as a grand master no one really makes a build around the idea of throwing smoke in peoples eyes when knocked down.
I am in general disappointed with turret traits but that maybe because they start off so kitten bad in the first place. Same thing with EG if it weren’t for the heals I would never equip it.
Auto elixir s is a death trap if you have conditions on you or are rooted.
Adrenal implant big deal I can get twice as much with only 10 points in alchemy yet another disappointing grand master.
Thrown med kits why cant they just apply in a small aoe instead
Kit refinement very sore subject its totally unusable
and last but not least dropping bandages and ft/eg here have some wimpy heals and a distraction instead of rezing me maybe if it dropped nades but why our weaker kits
Another aspect of our 3 skill is that it might be able to knock enemies back but most pve bosses have defiant up 90% of the time so the just kind of laugh when you use it then they kill you
yes I agree with the things said here however turrets and utilities are a joke. Once they make them worth including in build then I could see engineer being balanced, but as it stands half of our skill types are wasted slots.
which of the sd skills don’t shoot straight ?
I am currently working on getting the predator and would like to have a build that uses rifle the majority of the time since I’m spending so much on it I’d like to see it. Any suggestions on how I might make that effective or are we pretty much stuck in the grenade kit.
devs aren’t going to know what to do with this tread since they just read our forums and nerf blindly with all this info they will probably just erase the class
I guess what Im really asking is has anyone taken the time to chart out their salvages and see how many ectos per rare you get because I could figure the rest from there
Has anyone done the math/made a formula to tell when its worth salvaging rares.
honestly it doesn’t have much to do with the patch other than kit refinement dying makes me want to reconsider my build
@cube If you will notice I asked exclusively for pve I just want to be as efficient as I can I don’t think that is crying
It just feels like dead weight I guess im just looking to optimize dmg output
100 nades is the only serious build I’ve ever run and the longer I run it the worse Anet has made it. The question I have now is now what?
What is the best engi dps build out there for pve? Or just any particularly effective pve build would be appreciated.
With two 1h weapons you get two sigils but, with a 2h weapon you only get one. Do the 2h weapons have something to offset this?
@magiofdeath unfortunately I have so many cluttering my storage that it would be in the range of gold
The problem isn’t just the rings I have many pristine relics that I can only buy more rings with and mist essence that is piling up (thankfully in its own collectibles slot but still useless). It just seems like they didn’t put much forethought into this.
^and warriors don’t forget them
Will we ever be able to do anything with these rings that are piling up or, would I be better off with the gold Id get from vendoring? Same question for pristine relics.
Something I don’t see mentioned is the effects of magic find gear. If you get into the higher levels you just don’t wear the magic find stuff because it makes you weaker and your team slower. I get that magic find doesn’t effect the chest loot but loot from mobs is a big component in net earnings in fotm.
When I play my engi I just tell myself anything they can do I can do worse I chuckle a little, cry on the inside and hope for an update soon.
I really like the megazord idea or maybe 3 skill= ironman suit
but seriously our downed skills are pitiful
Is there a viable group healing build for engi if so what does it look like?
there are far to many currencies no where to put them and many have little to no use it’d be nice to see some kind of exchange rate or at least make them storable
Well the maw is gone fallen so very far from its former glory. Now what are there any good chest giving events out there I can do since I’m only doing Maw once a day now?
Has anyone found a recipe that works to add agony resist to the utility infusions or can you even put them in the forge yet?
I have a confession I play an Engineer as my main which may be why I want change to happen. It is hard to hear about warriors in my party hitting 30k+and I’m hiding in back hoping for 3k. I get engineer is supposed to be a utility class blah blah blah. The thing is I like the class, its skills, and the general feel. So why cant I take the class I like and play as dps and be taken serious. I thought this game promised classes with no defined roles.
I have a confession I play an Engineer as my main which may be why I want change to happen. It is hard to hear about warriors in my party hitting 30k+and I’m hiding in back hoping for 3k. I get engineer is supposed to be a utility class blah blah blah. The thing is I like the class, its skills, and the general feel. So why cant I take the class I like and play as dps and be taken serious. I thought this game promised classes with no defined roles.
ok whether you agree balancing needs to happen or not has there been talk of it and if so when?
I agree there seems to be something off about drop rates in fractals I almost exclusively make more money in fractals 20 or lower than the higher ones and they take much more effort and coordination. who knows maybe I just have terrible luck
Has there been any talk of PVE balancing because honestly it feels like if you want a slot in a party you have to be a specific class with specific build and armor and anything else is dead weight.
I think it would be great to have a guild like this there are 2 lvl 80 engis in the guild I’m with so I basically have no one to bounce ideas off. I wouldn’t turn down an inv if one happend my way either
Why choose I use both. They take up the same slot so if you get out of combat you can change it. Use speedy kits in low intensity fights then swap out before boss or big pull. Also speedy kits works underwater where as refinement does not.
Is there a way to report scammers/being scammed and more importantly will anything be done about it?
Is there any news out there whether we will be able to infuse the laurel amulets? Also will we be able to make utility infusions on rings/back slots?
Are those real items or just wishful thinking orange? and if real where?
I was just saying that in guild the other day bomb kit makes bomb tool uses tool attack grenade=grenades heath kit=….bomb?
@choops its probably wont happen as most people have a love hate relationship with their engis
I have over one million karma and am not interested in a legendary. Are there little things like the spy kits or tele guns out there I’m missing that are useful, or big things I can really sink this wasted currency on?
I guess the question is what do people even spend Karma on
(edited by masterdesh.8943)
Wanting to use turrets is not stupid. Back in the day when they showed us the video of an engi playing with some turrets it looked bad kitten and super fun. Unfortunately thats not quite what anet sold us in reality engis have to sit in the back and spam grenades and pray nothing hits us. Sorry. Hopefully Anet will realize one day that we are stuck in not very supportive limbo and will beef things up but until then play with kits.
I want to eek out as much dps as possible no need for support or heals or survivability.
The question is how. What gear/traits/skills do the most sustainable damage?