Showing Posts For mishkamba.6358:
Btw: You need to crossover the names in the upper left corner as well
We can still see the name of the afk-dude (warrior)
Ooh its that guy. He is known afker.
Dont waste your time. Arenanet is poor and isnt willing to spend resources on ppl that ruin the community.
You either quit the game….or ignore it.
I completely agree, i’ve sent similar post in the past asking ANET if their so kitten enough to ignore quitters and afk’rs and what do i get? “INFRACTION POINT” which means that i have warning and my forum account might get suspended.
my post about it has been removed as well. so, good luck with telling ANET how to improve their rules and regulations.
I honestly don’t see pug’s vs premades as a problem at all. Just because they are in a party, doesn’t mean they are well organized with a premeditated comp. I have tried joining a few pvp focused guilds so I can try to find new people to play with. And in these guild groups you so frequently get weak players, that I generally find it easier to get wins while solo qing. Sure if you run into an esl level team all qing together then gg but generally the premades I run into aren’t much stronger than pugs.
Not to offend but this kind of reply brings the suggestion of majority to “0” chance. Arthur, not to be rude but you know there is a problem with the whole thing. what your saying is not completely wrong in my opinion but your only referring to 30% un-organized premade vs 70% well premade groups.
sad part is ANET will not do anything about it. not to mention the lame and stupid reporting system. like what the hell, people rage quitting and afk’ng without getting any consequences.
yep same here. felt like the bonus kill class for thief is in fact a pain nowadays. i usually burst them quick and hard then back off and utilize the SB. as soon as my steal is up i always rip their boons off then poison them again using SB. i’d love to hear what others are doing with this class.
I feel you. I did posted some suggestions for the current pvp system in this link.
let me know what you guys think.
As the topic states, is it worth it to buy the expansion? there are several reasons that clouds my judgment as to buy or not to.
1. will there ever be a descent dishonor sanctions for players rage quitting or afk’ng
2. can people abandoning the queue system be temporarily banned in pvp for 24hrs if they abandoned twice a day. so as to not get the match making screwed.
3. Will there ever be a descent leaderboard where people will not farm on pugs vs. pre-made groups.
4. Seriously is verbal abuse still up?? or is it going to improve?
5. Is there a way where players within the match can rank (promote & demote vote) a player whether he is performing well or not? and when this vote gets a descent amount, a player will be judged whether he/she will go up against a higher or lower MMR. (this probably should be on rank matches only)
6. as stated in #5. can reporting also be restricted. so people will not abuse the system. probably 3x a day. basically meant for serious offenses only.
Don’t get me wrong, the game is one of the best creative MMO-PVP out there, but I believe it is easier for ANET to fix these issues above than to create another expansion in my opinion.
aslong as people are still picking skyhammer, i’m still quitting!
This is why we can’t have nice things. One player can ruin the experience for nine others.
the experience is already ruined when you pick skyhammer or courtyard
Easy fix. Play Ranked.
You don’t get the point, whether your playing rank or not. there are still quitter’s and AFK’ers. worst is, ANET not doing anything about it. Yes their MMR might probably get affected but since fewer people are playing you’ll end up seeing them again on the next match. Other Games had a temporary ban for players like this. also, while in-game if the player is purposely committing suicide, in other games, the team members can report it. These reports will file up and the ADMIN demote their MMR rank. This is a much simpler solution rather than filing reports for everything.
aslong as people are still picking skyhammer, i’m still quitting!
This is why we can’t have nice things. One player can ruin the experience for nine others.
I guess this post has been created so many times yet nothing changes. Its such simple solution for these types of people.
ANET, what’s so hard in banning a player for 24hrs who’s rage quitting in pvp. And what are you planning to do with afk’ers? so many updates and nerf being invented and yet these simple matters are not resolved.
The solution is simple. yet arena net always ignores it. Bring back soloq
Really?? do you think ANET will do something about AFK’ers and quitters? no matter how many times you report them they seem to come back more and more. not to mention the broken block option
not sure how much longer i’m going to be playing this game.
PvE is braindead, and dead in the water until HoT anyway
WvW is so stale that 100-year-old bread is fresh by comparison
PvP matchmaking is horrendous and my win percentage in ~last week has plummeted from about 53% solo queueing to under 40%, with pretty much the exact type of players that everyone else has been saying over and over again.
I’ve been treading water in the LBs at r25-30 completely solo queue, but I don’t care about a llama and I definitely don’t care about GH armor.
It’s gotten really bad, and I can’t see any reason to stay around or really do much of anything anymore in this game.
Well, soloq’er is not that bad as you can see from my latest match…
Seriously are there any game out there that are mmo pvp. maybe I better look around for better games managed by Professional Programers
As others have said:
1, Lack of updates whilst they focus on the expansion/living story
2, Their “feature patches” just remove features (solo q, mmr leaderboards, raid on cap, ranks up to 80, paid tournaments, 8 team tournaments, duelling whilst queueing, pve whilst queueing)
3, They lack a coherent direction – they move a few steps in one direction then a few steps back. They have been poorly managed as a team imo. Someone at anet needs to sit down and map out the ideal features for their pvp and work towards that with a global vision in mind. Not just ad-hoc changes which fit into no overarching strategy
4, No balance changes to keep things fresh and interesting
5, Very powerful specs which are frustrating for most to play vs (turret engi, longbow ranger – I think most agree on these 2)
6, A catering to 30 dudes who play for their college fund rather than to the masses who bought the game. Too many funds get directed into these tournaments.5 million people bought the game and they give away REAL money for their pvp tournaments. The result? 5 teams show up (the same 5 every week) and around 500-900 viewers even on guild wars 2’s official channel (a tiny audience). In short, remember the pax tournament nobody cared about? Yeh they delayed balance changes for about 6 months to not effect this stupid thing. That cost the game alot as people gave up on it. Too much catering to the few people prepared to base their weekends around this game in tournaments that nobody watches.
I wish everyone on this PVP thread will read your comment. I salute you. you have mentioned all the flaws in this game. Its just sad that ANET will AGAIN turn a blind eye into it.
AND yet again we’re wasting our time for this post cause ANET will turn a blind eye towards it. today I have 4 vs 5 twice with 3 mesmers and 1 thief being in line for matchup. congrats ANET
Having a small population AND ARENA NET doing a very good job in decreasing its popularity by doing stupid Leaderboard mechanics and of course disregarding solo players in pvp.
Solo q is not necessary IF we have a voice chat and a reson to win. In LoL you have pings as a way of communication and it works perfect. However it is for moba game and top down view. Here we just need voice chat.
Facing premades in any game is not so bad if your team wants to win, has a way of communication and knows the map. All those 3 aspects are in gw 2 pvp kinda meh.
not everyone wants to tryhard with complete randoms or talk to them really… People queue solo because they want to queue solo (or dont have friends on.)
Well you could turn off voice chat. But I’m talking about ranked, you should try there to win. If you want to kill there is unranked and hotjoin.
you have a point there. BUT, this will not solve the problem. Language barrier is one. 2nd is that unless you REALLY know the people your teamed up with then you’ll have the same objectives otherwise there will be different strategies. with that there will be more complaints and curses being thrown out.
Problem is people doing soloq’ers are being neglected in this game. its simple and should be addressed well. otherwise, let ANET bring back the old leaderboard computation where winning result is not only the one that matters.
Again, good luck with this thread. ANET will turn a blind eye into it thinking they will get more players with the new expansion. Just wait for the new expansion on PVP and i guess your next post will mostly have “kitten” “kitten” “kitten” curses all over. cause it focuses again on premades.
leaderboard before is better at least you get a descent score on rank even if the odds are not yours.
this thread is being repeated over and over again. however, no matter how much we (soloq’ers and even 2-3 team premades) like to address the issue to ANET, they seem to turn a blind eye towards it.
Again, they don’t want to give grave punishment on quitters and trolls because of GW2’s small community and yet they disregard regular and casual PVP’er doing solo rank. It seems their loosing players anyway and these (ANET) are hoping they will be able to bring them back with the new expansion. Good Luck with that!
If I had to guess the majority of the leaderboard is solo queuers because at least where I am ranked the board has been pretty stagnant since the change. Solo queuers are very likely to always be around 50 percent win rate based of the match up system and with the change if you go 50/50 there is a good chance you will not gain a point.
I have already explained that I don’t really find this system fair in a match making system that matches solos vs teams at times but it also means nobody is catching the people that got early jumps on the leaderboard because it is now extremely difficult to gain any points unless you always queue with a team
I don’t really understand your point. can you elaborate more? are you saying that soloq’ers had a better chance in winning?
of course I’m stupid and still optimistic that ANET will try to do different today and hear out people’s cry of leaderboard mistake. so I tried my luck again doing rank and this is the matchup.
Since the second test season began, the amount of points you were awarded was too high compared to the number you were loosing. So players who played a lot were artificially getting higher on the LB. Grouch said yesterday that he adjusted this system, so I won’t talk about now.
The F is that then???? In other words, tough luck if you didn’t exploit the error before it was patched.
I’m guessing from the link, if my “team” of randoms doesn’t hit 400, then expect to lose points or no change. Basically, making matches a complete waste of time. Which makes sense since last Saturday I was on the bad side of blowout after blowout. Silly me, even if players left the match, I’d stick it out to the end. Which is probably why I lost so many points.
So I’m guessing the best thing for me to do is, wreck my mmr in Unranked? Then roll a turret Engi, que up the “Trolololo” song, and win in low mmr ranked matches?
My sentiments exactly. I don’t normally afk even if the match is 100-400 in favor of the enemy but since Josh’s New PVP LB system in place i’m rethinking my PVP days in GW2.
Adam likes to face the best premades in the game. He likes close matches, good rotations, and playing with his friends.
- Bob doesn’t really care about rotations: he plays turret engi. He likes playin with strangers of his level.
- When his team is not online, Adam plays in unranked or in WvW/PvE, because he always want to give the very best in ranked.
- Meanwhile, Bob plays in ranked.
- Sometimes, Adam and his team play in unranked to test new comps.
- Meanwhile, Bob plays in ranked.
- Adam often duels his team mates or other good players, to make sure his mechanical skill is still sufficient.
- Meanwhile, Bob plays in ranked.
What’s the result in the end? Providing they have the same amount of free time to play the game, Bob will most likely be way above Adam in the LB! And it gets worse if Bob plays way more. The truth is, solo players should rarely reach the top of the LB, since the amount of skill it requires to play in top level teams is way beyond any soloq game. It doesn’t mean solo players are bad: it means there is a random component in soloq that doesn’t fit in a competitive game. I love solo queuing, but when I do, I know it’s just for casual fum.
I would give credit on how you elaborate things on this quote. Just to prove that, really in order to get a descent match you need to have a premade team for matchup. Which is my main point in posing this thread.
However, the fact that your perspective of soloq’ers are similar to a turret Engr is ridiculous. On top of that you have mentioned that premade teams bring the best out of a player. That’s your opinion i respect that, however, being on solo and carrying your team brings out your true skills (leadership and mechanical). I have played with my friends and been teamed up with random premade and believe me how easy the transition of game is. You probably might just played premade althroughout the entire pvp events that’s why you come up with this idea and could’nt handle to carry med to poor players and lead them to win.
My point still stands, if Josh thinks that disregarding soloq’ers on this game will bring out more players, then thats completely wrong. It is sad that the mechanics of the GW2 PVP is so far the best i’ve ever played, and i have been playing for decades. better not to mention my age but if things will not change players (who mainly supports the game whenever online purchasing is there) will fall out one by one and the reward money of 500 Euro will never ever get any better. Companies who sponsor game events like DOTA2 or others will never come and support the game.
For the fact that mostly everyone is annoyed because of the new system in place for leaderboards we cannot hide the fact that reading forums unwinds the stress caused by it.
such post as “Remove Mesmers” and “Thief Easy to Play” is such an unwinding comic relief. Please people keep them coming. its much appreciated.
(edited by mishkamba.6358)
It’s sad to say. but the recent leaderboard ladder has come up with a great idea to punish soloq’ers. This has been discussed several times and thread has been posted for numerous occasions but I’m still optimistic that they will have a system in place where soloq’ers can still join the PVP leaderboard and winning by their gameplay, gaining points whether losing or winning. at the same time having to filter high MMR against low MMR.
I might be dreaming but I believe it is possible. people can be matched up with high vs med MMR level instead of high and low MMR level.
This has been here too for a long time. mainly because ANET only gives priority to team matchups. if your soloq’er you don’t stand a chance. Unfortunately, GW2 cannot be compared to matchmaking being done by other games such as LOL & WOW. sad to say they might have to employ one of their programmers to straighten up this mess.
done and over with it. this leaderboard system only gives priority to premade groups. soloq’ers don’t stand a chance. sorry but anet cannot think enough to balance things
I feel you bro, on top of which this lame New Leaderboard system really puts all soloq’ers in a bad shape. Guild Wars 2 has done it… for the worst. for those who doesn’t have teams like us good luck. it seems that they will only prioritize those who are doing team RANKS
I bet 100% that all this matchups mostly are soloq’ers. cause arena net doesn’t seem to focus on soloq’ers so whatever matchup they can throw at us they don’t care.
Three necros + mesmer and thief and you think there’s no issue? Class stacking is wrong.
(I also assume the necros were power, so it must be fun to play against opposite team comp.)
exactly. power necros and enemy engi turret. not to mention the tanki build of 2 enemy guard.
point is if your on soloq class stacking is being neglected.
the reason I think no one’s using it cause of the unfamiliarity of the player skills in pvp. each one has its own playing level skills and if your just looking for people your not familiar with, you’ll probably end up loosing to a premade teams which knows each other very well.
well the new update should have fixed this issue.. stacking and 4 vs 5. etc, etc.. it seems you only need party members to get a descent match. otherwise if your soloq’er, take a hike.
Don’t waste your time. arena net wont do anything especially for soloq’ers. this new leaderboard should be named TEAM RANKING only. cause from what I can see you definitely need to party with a team member in order to get a descent match. soloq’ers take a hike.
This was supposed to fix the issue having bad matchup for pvp. I believe with the current trend, the new leaderboard tournament should be named TEAM RANK MATCHUP. cause for soloq players this is a joke.
Is there any strategy guide for pvp maps specially for noobs. I’ve noticed most of the noobs prefer foefire and this is the worst map for individual queue
Or rework the daily system so that it doesn’t end up forcing a bunch of players onto random professions that they don’t want to play and are awful at when a large portion of the community prefers to only play a single (or very small number) of professions.
no one’s forcing any player here. they can do hot join to get the achievement.
Getting your daily achievement is a way to go on this game. however, I’ve seen several people who’s doing daily’s on RANK even though their not familiar with the character’s play style. This really ticks me off.
Please for some who don’t know, you can also get the achievement by doing hot join… DO NOT practice unfamiliar character on Ranked game.
I hope aranet has a way on how to determine rank by profession.
I agree that excessive language abuse is totally unacceptable. However, if your experiencing this situation more often than others, then look back and see the root cause of the problem.
On the other hand people, let’s try to be more constructive in our criticism. Everyone starts from something. Let’s not prevent other players from experiencing the fun of it. However, if your always being paired up with the same MOTHERF$@#% and despite all your efforts of teaching still does the same thing. Then it’s up to you
(edited by mishkamba.6358)
i usually go with my guild..and we r all friends so they r fine
…problem are the enemies..or when i go alone..
if i block daily 5 player my b-list gets full…
I call BS. We all play this game and none of get so many people spamming us hate chat that there are 5 blocks per day. If that is true – then listen to the people…they are trying to tell you to quit sucking. Grow so thick skin, shave off the insults from the statements and see if there is a theme to their arguments.
It takes 2 to get an argument going! People are allowed to tell you to stop being a tool and chasing far if you keep sucking at it. If you keep chasing far and sucking – maybe you should listen up. Buck up, get your head in the game and fix your error. If you are so effected by the way they say something to you….over the internet….in a video game, then maybe you should work on your Zen Place too. Clearly, you are letting other people pixels effect your day in a negative way.
If you are at the point where 5…count them 5! people are getting blocked by you per day…then you are the problem, not them.
TL:DR It takes 2 to get an argument going. Buck Up, quit letting pixels ruin your day
1 on this, it does’nt matter whether your rank is 50+. look on the other side of the coin. and Yes people might get very aggressive but i’ve seen people who don’t know what to do yet playing rank. mostly getting their points by merely farming
This is so far the worst connection I’ve ever had. almost 4 days now in a row. been lagging so much in PVP. And to think I have a descent speed connection of 10mbps. Could you please shed a light on this issue. FYI, We also play GW2 here in middle east using Europe server.
Hi Guys,
since the last patch I’ve been trying to see if a spirit weapon is fit for spvp. Could anyone advise whats a duable build for it.
I’m gonna repeat myself until Anet finally sees it.
Make a “Newbie Arena Que” for anyone who just entered PVP.
You have to complete 100 games in “Newbie Arena Que” before you can participate in any Unranked or Ranked Arena. (To avoid leeching, additional requirement is that you need to win at least 25 games among those 100 games.)
To protect the Newbie Arena’s safety, after you fulfill all the requirements (100 games, 25 wins), you cannot Que up in Newbie Arena again.Also, to avoid shortage of people, the game will be automatically started with any number of players currently in Ques(1v1, 2v2, etc) after 5 minutes of Que time.
With this, newbies can play around with each other, not being slaughtered by pros, and not being a liability to a normal team. They can learn the concept of maps, movement, classes, combat in this Arena with all the other newbies.Point of Newbie Arena Que is to let “real” newcomers grasp the flow of PVP, and not fighting in the horribly unbalanced 5 v 4 spectator/auto-balance hot-join, yet not being brutally beaten by the more experienced players in real arena.
And this feature is an account bound thing, so no, you don’t have to go through this process every time you create a new character.If you already play PVP for quite awhile, please don’t respond on the behalf of newbies, since you’re not newbie anymore. This feature is created exactly for newcomers of PVP, so veterans have no place to protest for the system.
I like this idea! Allow me to brainstorm on your original proposition.
I fear that your Newbie arena would split the player base even more. In fact, I think to have unranked and ranked is still dividing too much. Old soloq was less rewarding, so less people were playing it that the new unranked queue.
Following your idea, we could make unranked accessible only to people either new to the game or new to their profession. For example, you could not play in unranked if you reach 30 victories on the profession you’re playing, unless someone in your party has under 30 victories in theirs. You’d need 30 victories to enter ranked arena. That way, unranked arena would have a slightly less effective matchmaking, but ranked arena would have a better one.
I like both your ideas.. What if ANET will also rank players based on the profession their playing. At least people with higher level can try new prof on much lower competitive level.
cool now i’ll try this prof. thanks for the thread!!