Showing Posts For mkaito.6981:

PuG Quality Degradation: Wintersday Edition

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mkaito.6981


This has been said ad nauseum, but people just don’t seem to get it:

If you wish to run low-level characters and/or non-meta builds, no one is forcing you to join zerker-only speed run groups or path selling groups. Make your own group detailing that all levels/classes/builds are welcome. The end.

And then rot in wait.

Mesmer Lookalike

PUGs and LFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mkaito.6981


There is actually something more about using berserker gear. Most dungeon paths can be completed with way less than 5 people(except CoE lasers and the like) but it’s slower

I have no idea where you are going with this. Berserker’s gear is good because dungeons can be completed with less than five people? How does one thing lead to another?

people who can survive in full dps gear are obviously better than people running magi or apothecary or whatever crap some run.

I thought the fact that gear does jack kitten about your survival, aside from agony resistance, was well known and generally accepted to be true.

I can see why knight’s and soldier’s would be frowned upon, but why would you reject, for example, rabid or assassin’s gear?

Mesmer Lookalike

PUGs and LFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mkaito.6981


You sound like you’re resentful after getting kicked by a gear-ping PUG.

I have yet to be kicked because of gear ping. For one, I do run full zerker in PUGs. And for another, I leave because I don’t like the atmosphere gear-pingers bring to a group. And I don’t whine, I just leave. I’m not whining here either. I’m just curious about the mindset behind these groups, but all I’ve gotten so far is circlejerking.

Without combat parsing, all we can do is best-case math and subjective feeling-based analysis. Is that really enough to simply discard 90% of builds and gear?

Mesmer Lookalike

Classes and their roles

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mkaito.6981


The only thing incredible around here is the circlejerk.

Mesmer Lookalike

PUGs and LFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mkaito.6981


trolling the LFG tool


trolling the lfg tool?
Oh I know what he means, like when those bowbears and AH guard leeches join speedclear parties and waste everyone’s time.

Or when you set expectations such as 8k+ AP and ascended/zerker for even the easiest dungeons. Sure, it’s your party and you’re entitled to set whatever expectations you want to set. For all I care, you can ask for only people who drive Mercedes newer than 2008, and kick anyone who drives BMW. That doesn’t make it any less ridiculous, though.

When I join a party and get asked to ping my gear, I assume they are just looking for an excuse to boot me, and if it’s not my gear, it will be my build, or my character model. I just leave immediately, so they can continue to search for their ideal player.

The stupidity of this post is astounding. People ask for DPS gear because they want a clean and efficient run. They don’t want people running trash builds to slow down their run. Your outrage at people asking for DPS gear in easy dungeons is also rather counter-intuitive, since it would be more logical that people would run more tanky gear/builds in harder encounters and run more risky but powerful builds in easy encounters.

Whenever I see PUGs react to my ping requests with “but its just DUNGEONNAME”, I am always mystified as to what makes them think that running an easy dungeon gives one the right to be a useless burden on their team.

I’m sorry to have robbed you of a few precious braincells with my astounding lack of intelligence. I would give them back, but mine are inferior, so you’ll have to live with it, I’m afraid.

I’m not going to pretend I never die or know every encounter, or that I’m never tired and never screw up, but I do my homework, run a good build with good gear, and do my best to progress the instances I join in the best way possible. I just don’t want to put up with your bullkitten when your precious “smooth run” is delayed by 5 seconds because someone stepped on a bug. Stuck up elitists who would rather spend half an hour inspecting gear and kicking people for a perfect group than spend 2 more minutes in a dungeon because someone is missing a piece in his berserker set are in no way better than the staff guardian everyone loves to bash on.

And I don’t “react” to people asking me to ping my gear. I just wish them a merry day and go back to looking for groups.

Mesmer Lookalike

Classes and their roles

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Everyone is DPS. There are no other roles in this game.

Mesmer Lookalike

PUGs and LFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mkaito.6981


trolling the LFG tool


trolling the lfg tool?
Oh I know what he means, like when those bowbears and AH guard leeches join speedclear parties and waste everyone’s time.

Or when you set expectations such as 8k+ AP and ascended/zerker for even the easiest dungeons. Sure, it’s your party and you’re entitled to set whatever expectations you want to set. For all I care, you can ask for only people who drive Mercedes newer than 2008, and kick anyone who drives BMW. That doesn’t make it any less ridiculous, though.

When I join a party and get asked to ping my gear, I assume they are just looking for an excuse to boot me, and if it’s not my gear, it will be my build, or my character model. I just leave immediately, so they can continue to search for their ideal player.

Mesmer Lookalike

PUGs and LFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mkaito.6981


I think the bottom line is that a lot of people expect a kind of experience out of a random group that they will likely only get from a static organized group. Actually, how about you try to get a static group instead of trolling the LFG tool and looking down on newbies simply for being newbies?

Mesmer Lookalike

PUGs and LFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mkaito.6981


As a recent boomerang, this is what I’ve learned from the LFG tool:

  • Apparently, you need 4k AP to be even considered worthy of their brain time. Most groups expect you to have 8k. Sweet. Only 7k to go to be considered worthy. See you all in 3 years, I guess.
  • If you’re not a warrior, you suck. Sometimes, an elementalist is fine, but only for the regen.
  • People stack for everything, and don’t even know why. Your average AC run goes like this: All goes fine up to the spider queen. Someone insults everyone else until they stack at the pillar at the bottom of the stairs. The queen is pulled, and then everyone dies. Repeat a few times, and then people leave “beacuse this group sucks”.
  • You need to be level 80, experienced, and in full exotic to do AC.
  • Ppl typ liek dis, and expect me to understand it. Couple it with lots of insults and constantly repeating “omg”, and I understand even less of what you want from me.
  • Anything, anything at all, and you get a kick. Sometimes even for nothing. Just because kitten you.
  • You don’t have a name. You have a class. And you will be called “mes”, or “ele”, just to make it very clear that you are worth less than the dirt under their soles to them. Only worthy people have names. You do not.
  • If you fall behind, nobody will wait for you. Ever. If they even notice, you will just get insulted, and probably kicked.
  • You’ve never done this dungeon before? That’s a kickin’
Mesmer Lookalike

(edited by mkaito.6981)

Returning mesmer looking for advice

in Mesmer

Posted by: mkaito.6981


I haven’t played the game since fractals were a new thing that only the elite ran. I played a mesmer, and loved doing it. I would like to play defensively with phantasms and a staff, while providing utility in dungeons and fractals.

I’ve been reading the forums for about a day, and dabbling in game. It seems a lot has changed.

What builds are common these days? What’s the meta surrounding the mesmer in pve? Are there any guides/videos/tips I should know about? What role does the mesmer cover in groups?

Thanks for your help

Mesmer Lookalike

Help me understand gear tiers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Uhm, I guess I screwed up when I bought this gear before I quit. I would have sworn it was level 80, but it’s not. I didn’t even look at the item level before posting. My bad, I’m sorry.

Mesmer Lookalike

Help me understand gear tiers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mkaito.6981



I’m just getting back into the game after an extended hiatus. I have two level 80 characters, a Mesmer and a Guardian, both in exotic gear. Or so I thought. After looking at the gear I have and that which is available on vendors and the market, it seems the stats on my gear are very slightly below what they should have as exotics.

For example, my Berserker’s Acolyte Coat has 292 defence, 93 power, 67 precision, 5% critical damage. A Berserker’s Exalted Coat from the market has 314 defence, 101 power, 72 precision, 5% critical damage.

Are there tiers inside tiers? As in, better exotics and worse exotics? Or is my gear simply weird?

And while I’m at it, it seems there’s now more Ascended gear. Is there anywhere I can read up on that?

Mesmer Lookalike

Keep both items when transmuting

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


I was pretty fond of the appearance system in Everquest 2. You simply have “appearance slots”, where you can equip any armor you normally could. No stats would be applied, only appearance overriding.

Mesmer Lookalike

Make Runes Craftable...

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Getting them off drops is fine… If anything dropped at all, like ever. I’ve seen one exotic drop in my entire GW2 career xD

But having them being craftable makes sense to me.

Mesmer Lookalike

Disappointed with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: mkaito.6981


In Aion, the Legion who were holding a fort was receiving daily kinah (gold) and medals ( for pvp gear).

That would indeed be very interesting.

To everyone above talking about epic point defense, are there any videos where I can see such things? All I have ever seen is people getting killed on the walls and the zerg running the the door 3 minutes after arriving. It’s painful to watch.

Mesmer Lookalike

Auto consume food

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Everquest 2 had right that. Two slots for food and drink in the character window. You could choose to deactivate auto-consume, should you deem it adequate. Food and drink had nothing to do with what it does here, granted, but the feature was really well done.

Mesmer Lookalike

Names in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Giving us the option to choose whether we want to be anonymous, and whether or not to block communication with the opposing teams, would be rather great. Of course there is going to be a lot of childish squabbering, but there’s no way out of it anyway. At least, let me choose. Those of us who spend a lot of time in WvW end up feeling like we are fighting NPCs.

Mesmer Lookalike

Disappointed with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Defenders are barely able to stand on their own walls due to mass AoE, let alone actually shoot back. You better had siege placed and ready, because there’s no way you’re deploying a full defence set up before they break the gate. And they better arrive within the 30 minutes it takes the blueprints to despawn. But why bother? The zerg is going to roll over you either way.

Last week I singlehandedly defended a keep (without guild buffs) against a group of 20-25 invaders who tried setting up two arrow carts. They came back a little while later with about 50 people and 6 of us held them off despite that they had set up a catapault, flame ram, and two trebuchets.

The point being that defending a keep or a tower is far from hopeless, even if you’re outnumbered. It sounds like your own attitude and inexperience are what keep you from succeeding.

I think that’s pretty awesome. I wonder how you did that, though.

Mesmer Lookalike

Disappointed with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: mkaito.6981


you are why there are so many zerglings in wvw, people that make no effort to understand how the game works before crying about how unfair everything is.

I actually try pretty hard, mind you, and succeed pretty often in whatever I’m trying to get done. I just feel like it’s all pretty pointless. The only reason I do it, is because it’s what my guild does, and through playing with my friends I have fun. Let me say that again: I have fun in wvw; not because of wvw and it’s mechanics, but because I share the experience with my friends.

As for not understanding the game, I’d love to learn more.

Mesmer Lookalike

Disappointed with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: mkaito.6981


When I started playing in WvW, it felt like a grandiose thing. So much potential. It felt like with strategy and team play, we could have epic battles over keeps and towers! Guilds being proud of holding their points. Players being deployed for strategic strikes into enemy territory. War! Glory! Death!

Instead, we have zergs rolling over keeps in 4 minutes flat, campers in jumping puzzles (why are those even there?) waiting for the easy prey, and those who shelled out 100g for their commander icon being less and less motivated to try and do anything. Why bother?

Defenders are barely able to stand on their own walls due to mass AoE, let alone actually shoot back. You better had siege placed and ready, because there’s no way you’re deploying a full defence set up before they break the gate. And they better arrive within the 30 minutes it takes the blueprints to despawn. But why bother? The zerg is going to roll over you either way. You can just go run some dungeons in pve, and come back later. Capturing is much easier than defending, and this is a major impediment to wvw game play. It’s completely meaningless to hold a point when it’s much easier to wait for the zerg to move on and capture the point back. All of which takes maybe ten minutes.

Why would anyone bother with strategy and organization, when you just need two dozen mindless zerglings thrown at the gate?

Supply yaks are weak and slow. It takes hours to get a meaningful amount of supply to any point, and that’s if there’s nobody ganking the yaks… But that would be fine if trying to get them alive past anything that so much as sneezes their way wasn’t the only way to get supply to a keep. And good luck trying to stop anyone from just ganking the yak from under your nose after walking with it for half an hour. Event failed. You suck. Of course, you can do supply runs yourself. For ten supply. Like that’s gonna do anything about repairing a wall or gate. Maybe you were lucky and the point you’re trying to defend hasn’t been flipped 30 times in the last 5 hours, and there’s actually some supply left in the pad.

The only bad part about dying is having to walk back. Death is completely meaningless, just like everything else. You loose nothing, except for twenty minutes of running across map. And dying is so easy… I have never gotten even just a slight feeling of competition when fighting someone. Nine times out of ten, it’s completely one sided, be it because the other guy pulled 20 friends out of his back pocket, or because you’re simply fighting a profession you can’t handle well. And when I win, it generally feels like I was fighting a white critter. Hit em twice and they fall over… And yet, dying feels so frustrating. When I die, I usually know that there was nothing I could have done better to prevent my death. Which just makes it worse.

You know who loves WvW? The same people who play pirates in Eve Online. Those who live for nothing but the tears of those who dare crossing their path. Those who don’t give half a kitten about points, strategy, team play, or anything at all besides their own power issues. WvW is a paradise for these people. The rest of us are left with hopes that we might someday be able to deal with all the grief that floats in the mists. And yet WvW looked like such a great feature…

Mesmer Lookalike

Greatsword's "Rush"

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Leap of Faith (GS “rush”), and Flasing Blade (Sword teleport), both have the same range of 600 units. Thought I’d say that. Judge’s Intervention, on the other hand, is a 1200 range teleport.

Mesmer Lookalike

Asura Gates need their names on the Mini-Map

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Sounds like a reasonable feature request. +1

Mesmer Lookalike

What do you think about this idea?

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Useful information isn’t always clutter. Plus, you’d only see it when you’re in a squad, and you’d only see your squad members, which are unlikely to be so spread out on the map that they cause visibility issues.

Mesmer Lookalike

My Suggestion: Read Our Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Do they really need to hold your hand and give you a kiss on the cheek for you to feel like your feedback has been heard?

Mesmer Lookalike

What do you think about this idea?

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


What we need is an interface for squads. At least, draw them on the map, no matter how far they are, just like party members. There’s currently no real notion of whether you are in a squad, or who is in it with you.

Mesmer Lookalike

Whispers form other servers?

in WvW

Posted by: mkaito.6981


I don’t think that anonymity was a good idea. Of course, there will be jerks, and teens on a power drift, but you have those everywhere else. It’s not like they are saving you from anything. As others have mentioned, being able to communicate with them is actually a good thing. Those you don’t like… well, that’s what the block list is for.

Mesmer Lookalike

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


am i the only one getting the dyes on multiple characters? for the past few days when i find a dye and open it on one character and it appears on my other characters. the ones i unlocked before are still only on one character though.

Must be coincidence. I unlocked one yesterday, and it’s not account-wide.

Mesmer Lookalike

My Suggestion: Read Our Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Developers probably don’t read this. That’s what the community staff is for. They read and filter everything the community says, and pass it on to the developers.

You can rest assured that if you post something worthy, they will hear about it. But the devs don’t have time to respond to all these threads. They have better things to do.

Better things to do? A better thing to do is making sure people get their moneys worth of this game. -_-

Better things like improving the game. I didn’t pay to have them chat with me on the forums. I paid for a game. The devs make the game. Let them do that.

Mesmer Lookalike

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Well… did ANet say something about a Linux client until now?

Yes, they said NO. You can check it in the following link:
NO GW2 for Linux

It’s a pity, the only reason i’m still running Windows is there is no a good quality MMO for Linux, fortunately things are changing, for all you Linux gamers, a new MMO is been developing right now with good graphics and native Linux support, so if you are an MMO gamer like me, soon you will have the possibility to leave Windows SO forever if you like. I had preferred to leave Windows with GW2, i like it, but it seems there will be no port for it. One tip for Anet: Today there is no a competitive market in MMOs in Linux, a port to a linux client could mean to pick a lot of new users, probably more than with the Mac port but, things are changing, other MMOs (at least one) are coming to pick up that market.
…excuse my English again…

All he said is that they’re looking at the market. Porting is not as easy as you would think, and it won’t be profitable in the near term. When there is more market for games on Linux, they will likely port it.

The biggest reason there is “no market for games” on Linux is the lack of games for Linux.

Indeed. Valve is creating the market right here before our eyes. But ‘it is happening’ != ‘it has happened’.

I’m not entirely sure the propietary platform Valve is building will result in properly portable games to “real” Linux. We’ll have to wait and see. It surely would be a grand day for all Linuxers out there.

Mesmer Lookalike

My Suggestion: Read Our Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Developers probably don’t read this. That’s what the community staff is for. They read and filter everything the community says, and pass it on to the developers.

You can rest assured that if you post something worthy, they will hear about it. But the devs don’t have time to respond to all these threads. They have better things to do.

Mesmer Lookalike

In regards to Raids...

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


So you want fractals, just bigger? If you want big messy battles, go play WvW. You’ll love it.

Mesmer Lookalike

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Well… did ANet say something about a Linux client until now?

Yes, they said NO. You can check it in the following link:
NO GW2 for Linux

It’s a pity, the only reason i’m still running Windows is there is no a good quality MMO for Linux, fortunately things are changing, for all you Linux gamers, a new MMO is been developing right now with good graphics and native Linux support, so if you are an MMO gamer like me, soon you will have the possibility to leave Windows SO forever if you like. I had preferred to leave Windows with GW2, i like it, but it seems there will be no port for it. One tip for Anet: Today there is no a competitive market in MMOs in Linux, a port to a linux client could mean to pick a lot of new users, probably more than with the Mac port but, things are changing, other MMOs (at least one) are coming to pick up that market.
…excuse my English again…

All he said is that they’re looking at the market. Porting is not as easy as you would think, and it won’t be profitable in the near term. When there is more market for games on Linux, they will likely port it.

The biggest reason there is “no market for games” on Linux is the lack of games for Linux.

Mesmer Lookalike

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Mouse camera control is a little wonky at times, but the game runs rather decently in wine right now. There’s a patch for the trading post issue. I don’t get the performance I had on windows, but it’s not bad at all. Porting a game to Linux is a lot more work than most people realize, even if they had a native Mac client. If they could put some work into making it work better with wine, or maybe even work with the wine team, it would go a pretty kitten long way.

Not really. GW2 uses multiple threads for graphics, and Wine’s DirectX implementation is designed to work with one. To ‘fix’ this, the Wine developers will most likely need to rewrite large parts of their rendering engine, and it’s a pretty intrusive change that likely won’t be done in months, if not years. The reason for this is that Wine is always tested for regressions, so the new renderer will need to become more, or at least equally compatible before it’s shipped.

TL;DR Wine in its current state won’t help GW2, and fixing that will take time to make sure other things don’t break.

You’re right. But rewriting half of GW2 to have the engine run under OpenGL instead of DirectX is just as intrusive and unlikely to happen.

Mesmer Lookalike

Excessive Messaging filter hindering LFG

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Join a guild and spam them!

Mesmer Lookalike

GEM STORE item that will un-soulbind

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Soulbound items are a necessary mechanic. Granted, a lot of items should be account bound instead. But that’s a design flaw.

Mesmer Lookalike

Bag Upgrade recipes

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


I expect people to try and get kitten done. That’s expecting way too much in a PUG, as you may know.

Mesmer Lookalike

Bag Upgrade recipes

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


I tried FotM with pickup groups. Once. Not doing that again.

Zero Angel’s tip sounds nice.

Mesmer Lookalike

Giving Presents to Friends

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Smells of Steam. This feature would see more love if the gem store actually sold anything I’d like to buy for someone. And there’s a lot of potential there.

Mesmer Lookalike

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Mouse camera control is a little wonky at times, but the game runs rather decently in wine right now. There’s a patch for the trading post issue. I don’t get the performance I had on windows, but it’s not bad at all. Porting a game to Linux is a lot more work than most people realize, even if they had a native Mac client. If they could put some work into making it work better with wine, or maybe even work with the wine team, it would go a pretty kitten long way.

Mesmer Lookalike

Improving chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


We play with other people, and communicating with them is obviously the feature this game adds over any single player game. Through communication, we are enabled to share the game. There’s a number of things that could improve the communication, though. I’ve come up with a few, and others I miss from games I’ve played in the past. Consider it brainstorming, and please feel free to add to the list.

  • Custom channels: Allows people to form their own little communities separate from guilds, maybe create a LFG channel, allow guilds to streamline communication in high traffic scenarios like mass-wvw, etc. Easy feature, big impact.
  • Date in timestamp: The above feature might end up with a few low traffic channels. Knowing whether it was today or last week someone spoke in there can be rather useful.
  • Multiple chat windows: I can’t even begin to explain how useful this is. Monitor combat log without clogging the party chat. Keep your guild separate, because you always want to read your guild chat, but need party separate as it contains strategical discussion of the current objective, and thus needs to be clean. You get the point.
  • Clipboard and URLs: I can see why this wasn’t implemented, but it’s hampering honest communication. Clickable URLs open the gate to all kinds of spam, but also makes it easier to post a build or interesting, relevant article to my friends in game. Your efforts to keep gold farmers and spammers out should never affect honest communication. Period. And seriously, I’d love to copy things from chat now and then. Without having to type it out myself into a notepad document.
  • More right click options: Or make the current ones work better. The options for people should always include invite to party, join party, send mail, add friend, report, block, whisper, invite to guild (if have the permission to do so). I don’t care whether they are in the same map with me, or in WvW. For guild officers, options should also include promotion, demotion, and whatever else they can do with members. Having to sift through the guild pane is suboptimal. Also, include an option to copy the name.
  • More information: Once we have multiple windows, we probably want more information. Notwithstanding the fact that some damage never makes it to the combat log (cough phantasms cough), everything around you needs to be logged and viewable, especially during events, in dungeons, etc. This game has a very hectic combat system. One blink and you’re dead because you didn’t dodge. Let’s make it easier to keep an eye on things by putting it in a persistent location.
Mesmer Lookalike

Improving chat links

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Chat links are a big deal when it comes to sharing information with the people you play with. They are lacking a few features in my eyes, though.

  • Right click copy option (copy link text to system clipboard).
  • Right click “buy on TP” option.
  • Add a context menu entry for relevant items to place their link in the chat entry box.
Mesmer Lookalike

Bag Upgrade recipes

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


A gold sink for certain! Cheapest 20-slot container on TP right now is 11g80s. Maybe I’m just doing it wrong, but I can’t see myself sinking 48g into bags. I’m not sure I’ll ever have that much money!

Mesmer Lookalike

PREVIEW: For Trading Post PLEASE!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


I guess the fact that the TP is just a fancy web page with a chromeless browser made this one dificult. Trading as a whole needs a lot of work. Mind you, I come from EVE… we had proper trading there. What we have here in GW2 feels like a cheap gimmick in comparison.

Mesmer Lookalike

CLass Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Class change? Why, yes, it’s called delete & reroll ^^

On a more serious note… I don’t think this will be implemented.

Mesmer Lookalike

BUG: Elixir S camera angle chop

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mkaito.6981


I’ve noticed this as well. It’s not only in your situation. The camera will often zoom all the way in, for no apparent reason. This is very apparent with the small asura, perhaps less of an issue with a huge norn.

Definitely something worth looking at in your bug fixing sessions… you have those, right?

Mesmer Lookalike

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: mkaito.6981


I was after the vista in Dostoev Sky Peak today. It’s a pretty big Dredge mine in the Dredgehaunt Cliff area. I love hunting vistas, but this one had me this close to ragequitting. It took me 2 hours to fight my way up there! Whenever I would kill two mobs to clear some way, I’d find myself fighting them again while trying to kill a third mob in the same corridor.

This is not the first time I find myself cursing whoever thought these respawn times were sensible. Unless there’s a horde of players hungry for kills, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to have mobs respawn before the cadaver despawns.

In Ascalon, I saw a ghost respawn within one second of being killed. Seriously. What?

Mesmer Lookalike