(i forgot to quote you when replying to this Arganthium)
I wanted to properly reply to what you said but I guess I went in a different direction. I wouldn’t call it a tragic story, i don’t take these things seriously. I was just surprised to see his name being listed as one of the best thieves. Well, even though Caed’s burst is definitely insane, I wouldn’t consider him someone playing at a high skill level because his playstyle seemed static to me. In my opinion being dynamic is important in pvp. I respect everyone’s build, whether it be glass canon all burst or bunker; so even though I respect his build, I wouldn’t call him one of the best thieves in the game because he seemed very predictable. Knowing a burst combo isn’t the same to me as being incredibly skilled.
Caed is extremely dynamic; he borrows from the short-term elements of a fight to create a long-term advantage. He uses specific combos at the correct time to wedge a large advantageous gap in his opponents. He has his cooldowns, positioning, and mobility mastered so that, in the long run, he can hurt the enemy team and reduce their health pools greatly. My main issue with his playstyle is that, while dynamic, he actually, contrary to what you said, doesn’t seem to take enough advantage of static advantages. That’s why I run builds that tend to look something like 0/0/X/X/X (although my current build doesn’t reflect this pattern; their’s 10 in DA, but none in CS). My playstyle focuses on abusing dynamic advantages to create long-term static advantages. Caed’s playstyle focuses on using dynamic advantages to create more dynamic advantages, and that’s where I think that his playstyle ultimately falters. He can’t use a small advantage to destroy opponents; he has to use large ones. Of course, large advantages are better than smaller ones, but smaller ones tend to be more safely secured and, in the long run, still have the same effect that larger advantages have. Furthermore, Caed’s very dynamic play allows him to create very large advantages very quickly, but at the cost of allowing his enemies to do the same to him.
That’s not to say that dynamic play isn’t important; it is, and in order to gain static advantages, you need to abuse dynamic opportunities. If anything, Caed is far too dynamic and not static enough.
WHOAAAA dude.. easy. Come up for air before you choke on that!! holy cow!
I expect just a simple, easy thing.
Thieves who runs glass cannon are as squishy as a Necromancer/Ranger/Engineer/Elementalist/Guardian/etc who runs as a glass cannon.
I’d like to see thieves forced to sacrifice damage to get defenses as much as other professions need to counter the stupid meta they created. I’d like that Thieves need to have at least 1400 toughness and vitality as everyone else need to survive.
That’s all I’d like to see.I don’t want them to be a free-kill. I want them not to be a win-win profession. I want them to be on par with the other professions. Am I asking too much?
are you trolling? wtf man. You play a GD mesmer. MESMER. you know … the king of wearing full zerker yet having the ability to dish and tank extreme damage via multiple distorts, blink, phase retreat, etc… etc.. I mean… blurred frenzy …. seriously? The thief class in tpvp requires complete carry. Only a really solid team can carry the thief and allow it to shine. I just don’t understand your argument here. I really don’t.
Any gc thief is either on the sidelines firing NERFED trick shots and cb’s in a teamfight…or insta gibbed if he even dares to enter the teamfight aoe f-fest that exists in the current meta. Oh… and what is driving that aoe f-fest… you know, engies, necros and that gd shatter mesmer. You seen him?
Hey all,
I’m looking to re-roll a profession that allows me to do the following:
1.) tank considerable amounts of dmg
2.) good condi removal options
3.) most important – has pets that will do all the work for me (cc / dmg / etc.)
I have some experience with thieves guild and ambush but I would like a bit more power from the pets and more survivability. Phantasms seem to do great dmg with little to no effort required on the mesmer’s part. Not sure if the mes can be tanky enough though. Rangers appear to only have one or two pets but I am open to wearing ogre runes for an additional AI pet if it doesn’t compromise survivability that much. Necro minion mancers I have no knowledge of. They seem to have an entire farm of AI which I love….but not sure how great at dmg they do.
I really need all 3 options above with #3 being by far the most important. Ideally I would start a match and summon my pets… and then head downstairs to eat dinner or do whatever while my pet(s) win the game. I know the thief pets have timers so they really reduce the ability for me to walk away from the keyboard for extended periods of time. I am also open to the idea of considering turrets pets.. They are AI after all even if it is stationary…
I’m a big proponent of the philosophy that if you can delegate the work then do so. Pets seem like a natural fit into this mindset. Thank you in advance for any suggestions and advice on this matter.
garbage class like the warrior. Needs great team to carry it. Thiefs represented in high end teams are carried but, when carried correctly, brought great elimination burst that could tip a fight in a quick time period.
now the burst has been nerfed. the team aoe suppression dmg nerfed via s/b changes…and the boon strip novelty will be exposed soon enough as cute but worthless in a meta of heavy aoe teamfights from engies/necros/mesmers and to some extent rangers.
there will be some die hard thiefs with groups reluctant enough to continue to carry them to greatness. I would wager the #1 team will not have a thief. and the teams that do roster one will always consider it a liability that could potentially be changed to a more potent roster spot with a different prof.
I dont understand all the fuss.
the Devs specifically said they wanted to nerf viable sets down so that unviable sets would get used more. Seems like everything is working as intended.
Do you guys even read dev notes or watch sotg? This was all stated there.
I personally can’t wait for this change to mug. It’s gonna be great. Currently, I sit back at high health level and wait to vulture a kill with my mug/bs combo burst. But the one thing that I always felt I lacked was a solid overheal. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing a heal that was unnecessary because you already had full health. Further, I currently find that when I vulture a combo on someone that is at 50% health..they almost always die. Now, with the reduction to mug, I’ll finally have a bit of gamble thrown in. Maybe they won’t die to the combo… maybe I will. This is what makes the game intense and super fun.
Looking forward to patch!
I don’t know where thief will fit in after this patch. I heard nothing that was addressing the massive aoe that is in this game. spamming a single target boon strip/steal evade attack isn’t going to do a whole hell of a lot when you are standing in aoe conditions from engies and necros laughing as you twirl around like a buffoon.
I heard the sotg cliff notes and all I can say is I expect the thief and warrior to now be equal and terrible in the new meta come april 30th. warrior will be buffed…slightly…nothing to address the real problem though (that they fall over to conditions like crazy) and thief will be nerfed. both will be tier C garbage that fill no roles that other classes don’t fill and better.
The only thief that will be viable (and truly the only thief really viable now) is one that is carried by four superstar teammates that handle dmg and dish dmg very well on their own…so that the thief can just vulture a target once at 50%. However, even in those teams where the thief has four superstars…i would suppose a team opposing it with five superstars not playing a thief…will ultimately prevail.
R.I.P warrior 3/26/2013
R.I.P thief 4/30/2013
I said before that I felt the devs were honing in on a truly epic game balance by homogenizing the player base into only one profession. By having everyone play one profession..all abilities are balanced..cause everyone has the same abilities. We started with 8 profs… we’re going to be down to 6. I guess by Jan 2014… we should have our prof winner!
What do you like more. Facing a top 100 ranked team using voip and premade crutching against a solo que rag tag pile of garbage with unranked players…
or the “gg” you get at the end of the match from said top 100 ranked team when the final score is 500-50 and one of your rag tag solo que’ers has already dc’d mid match while the other 3 are still trying to learn how to use skill #1 ability.
Gg to you premade crutchers. Gg to you.
This matchmaking is non-existent. I remember being told by devs that splitting solo and premade ques was unnecessary because the solo que’ers would be funneled to the bottom and therefore would only play bottom feeders anyways. What a joke. The reality is premade farm teams reminiscent of the early paid / free tourny days (although at least free tournies were somewhat of a safehaven from the premades because a few of the quality teams did actually feel shame for just conducting glorified baby seal pug stomping).
But even if you have the best build and does not make a mistake it is possible that a thief takes you down. Even top players are dying in seconds from time to time if a thief catch them.
Actually no. In high-end tPvP it’s almost impossible for a thief to 1v1 any class (besides warrior).
Thief is literally one of the weakest classes in the high-end spectrum of the ladder and they’re even weaker 1v1.
Pretty much this. Thieves have very little chance in higher tiers against any class 1v1 except other pure glass builds.
Their only role is to quickly finish off damaged and pre-occupied targets with no cooldown’s left in teamfights and using mobility to turn numbers in their team’s favor. They can serve that role very well, but only if the rest of his team can hold their own, which means that solo q tournies can be a very hostile environment for Thieves…
this post is so well written it should be posted everywhere. I believe, more than any other class aside from warrior, a thief is only viable to the extent it is carried by good teammates. without good teammates the thief is useless. It is extremely weak except in the small handful of quality teams that support it to truly have it excel at its role.
But even if you have the best build and does not make a mistake it is possible that a thief takes you down. Even top players are dying in seconds from time to time if a thief catch them.
Lupanic – please tell me in current tpvp what role you believe the thief should be? Should they bunk a point? stealth does not allow you to cap so unfortunately their one true defensive ability actually promotes capping for the other team when fighting on a point.
do you think they should be team support with heals or boon sharing? That doesn’t exist.
What do you think the thief class should do? should they just be super mobile and roam to all the points to see the bunkers sitting on them. maybe wave and say hi? in tpvp there are no ninja caps. Teams don’t leave points undefended.
So what should a thief be brought for? They have this one ability.. it can only land once every four seconds from stealth… (assuming you could even auto reapply stealth after the 4 sec reveal)… and this ability hits four DOUBLE dmg. what are the devs telling us about this class? Are they foreshadowing its role?
You are telling me that a thief, if played correctly, can SOMETIMES burst a good player in seconds. hmm..
yeah that sounds about right. i’d almost venture… that is kind of their entire point.
No, I was not afk. I was running towards their treb, and had no chance on dodging or other stuff. Was running and he spawned on top of me. Why would I even write a post if I were afk.
because the log shows you ate 10+ attacks, each with global cooldowns, that would take longer than 7 seconds to even execute…and you did all of this..without retaliating with even ONE skill.
He ate 5 attacks. And two of those – steal + backstab happened instantly. So he basically ate just three heartseekers.
double strike and lotus strike are auto attacks. they count. to get to lotus you have to hit two double strikes. he ate two chains of that. those don’t happen on top of your skills. they are after them … as attacks.
there are 11 total attacks that occur.
No, I was not afk. I was running towards their treb, and had no chance on dodging or other stuff. Was running and he spawned on top of me. Why would I even write a post if I were afk.
because the log shows you ate 10+ attacks, each with global cooldowns, that would take longer than 7 seconds to even execute…and you did all of this..without retaliating with even ONE skill.
It isn’t that his statement is untrue… You have just asked the wrong question nilgoow. The better question to ask is “what class are you playing kheops?”
I would wager a thief. Thiefs are utterly useless against guardians and they will feel overpowered when you fight them. Further, a thief with no condition clear will fall over to even the tiniest condition dot.
We can assume from the post that the OP is not playing a warrior (which by the way is terrible also), a guardian, an ele, or an engy. That leaves thief, mesmer, necro, and ranger.
The only class out of that which struggles is a thief.
So kheops… what class do you play? if its thief…try rerolling any other class but warrior and see if your situation against the classes you speak of doesnt improve.
Actually, a thief, when spec’d right, is a very formidable competitor against guards. Regular Backstab bursters tend to fail against guards because their high toughness overcomes the fact that bursters need to kill their enemies as quickly as possible. However, condi thieves and bunker thieves tend to be able to put up good fights against guards. Just sayin’.
oh my apologies.. i forgot about the plethora of super awesome condi and bunker thiefs roaming tpvp. please forgive me.
You went afk and died? I don’t see the problem.
if you weren’t afk you need to uninstall. He hit you with opening burst..followed by auto attacks..followed by 3 heartseekers…ran out of initiative and proceeded to do more auto attacks. this only happens if you are literally standing still afk. or … if you have absolutely no clue how to even move your character.
It isn’t that his statement is untrue… You have just asked the wrong question nilgoow. The better question to ask is “what class are you playing kheops?”
I would wager a thief. Thiefs are utterly useless against guardians and they will feel overpowered when you fight them. Further, a thief with no condition clear will fall over to even the tiniest condition dot.
We can assume from the post that the OP is not playing a warrior (which by the way is terrible also), a guardian, an ele, or an engy. That leaves thief, mesmer, necro, and ranger.
The only class out of that which struggles is a thief.
So kheops… what class do you play? if its thief…try rerolling any other class but warrior and see if your situation against the classes you speak of doesnt improve.
Perhabs J. Sharp could give the solo players an advice what they should do in this game. Solo queue seems to be not an option any more; in half the games you get setup up vs a premade and in the other half you could have fun if you are lucky and the matchmaking doesn’t put you up with low ranks vs high ranks or 4 vs 5.
Or perhabs we should all follow this strategy: After winning one match go afk in the following 2 or 3 matches so your ratings gets low enough for another match vs a premade.So J. Sharp please tell me, how the solo player can have fun in tpvp if you are not willing to change this stupid system soon. The promise to change it somewhere in the future (perhabs serveral month) is not really good enough!
Hey Despina, I was recently thanked by one of the anet devs for giving constructive remarks about this very issue and I think based on this praise I have a solid understanding of the answer to your question. You need to purchase a 2nd and possibly even a 3rd account. This will allow you the freedom to get AJ’d all day long on an account with no real worries regarding petty things like rank or leaderboards. As it’s just a second account for screwing around on… You are completely free to do as you please. Hope this helps.
Did you happen to have 17 stacks of confusion on you?
Your inability to process the logic of the hidden mmr can be explained by your inability to process that the mmr is without logic.
Once you understand this… an explanation you will find.
This is for tpvp only. Outside of that, this conversation is not intended.
in tpvp – thiefs are completely and utterly weak, unless their teammates are great. Period. Only the warrior has more issues. It has only one viable build – GC burst.
This class can not assault a point against a bunker 1v1.
This class should not be capping a point unless potentially a back cap ninja..but at moderate to high levels of tpvp..that doesn’t exist.
This class has to engage an enemy….that is already engaged… to eliminate them. This class should not attempt to stomp in a team fight environment. Not because black powder isnt awesome for stomping (it is)… but because the thief is so completely frail that the 3 seconds attempting to stomp will likely end up in you being dead.
Bottom line – if your teammates suck…if they die instantly in an engagement… you as a thief will be totally worthless and bring nothing to the match. You absolutely must be carried by your teammates and if they can carry you… you are an unbelievable offensive weapon. If they can’t carry you… you will bring nothing to help the match.
In this vein..they are extremely weak. The class requires its teammates to be good and carry in order to realize its potential.
I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with your assessment, just adding a clarification – if properly supported, a theif is an amazing offensive weapon, the class isn’t being carried…its being supported.
Carrying implies that the thief contributes nothing or next to nothing, when you yourself are saying that properly supported they’re a strong offensive asset.
I think it’s semantics but I will try to demonstrate why. If the thief is “not” properly “supported”… they really can’t do anything in the match. They can’t sustain any dmg fights…they can’t bunk…. they can’t cap. They are worthless. Thus, in order to not be worthless… they must be “supported”. If you exchange the word “support” with the word “carry”… I do not believe the message I just wrote changes its meaning whatsoever.
This is for tpvp only. Outside of that, this conversation is not intended.
in tpvp – thiefs are completely and utterly weak, unless their teammates are great. Period. Only the warrior has more issues. It has only one viable build – GC burst.
This class can not assault a point against a bunker 1v1.
This class should not be capping a point unless potentially a back cap ninja..but at moderate to high levels of tpvp..that doesn’t exist.
This class has to engage an enemy….that is already engaged… to eliminate them. This class should not attempt to stomp in a team fight environment. Not because black powder isnt awesome for stomping (it is)… but because the thief is so completely frail that the 3 seconds attempting to stomp will likely end up in you being dead.
Bottom line – if your teammates suck…if they die instantly in an engagement… you as a thief will be totally worthless and bring nothing to the match. You absolutely must be carried by your teammates and if they can carry you… you are an unbelievable offensive weapon. If they can’t carry you… you will bring nothing to help the match.
In this vein..they are extremely weak. The class requires its teammates to be good and carry in order to realize its potential.
When you assess the other classes (excluding warrior)… their contribution to the team is their own…and not dependent on the other team members. A bunker guard or trap ranger does not rely on his teammates to bunk or trap a point (sure they can’t do it forever and do require teammates to assist but in general all else equal…they provide their contribution independent of the teammates assist). The ele obviously needs no reliance to do… everything. The hgh engy and necro dish incredible condi burst dmg to assault bunkers and are valuable on their own right. The mesmer brings utility to the group and can assault bunkers as well.
(edited by mursie.3681)
Just wanted to jump in and say thanks for trying to be constructive guys. Solo queue (and splitting ratings) is something we have planned. We just need to finish up other features before we can get to that one.
No problem J. Sharp. I am committed to bringing your message to the people. I will continue to echo your words and the words of other devs. I appreciate your thanks but it is completely unnecessary. Just happy to help in any way I can.
Understanding the logic of anet devs:
1. Players dislikes 4v5 matches because it is imbalanced and will cause them a loss.
2. Losses are disliked because players do not want to have their rank on a leaderboard tanked.
3. Players will begin to avoid these 4v5 matches by grouping with other players.
4. Players in premade groups will improve their ranks by playing on the 5v4 side of a match.
5. Players will begin to cherish their rank, against pugs with 4 or less players, and call it their precious. They will become concerned that losing such a precious thing will kill them.
6. Players still want to play the game even when their group mates aren’t on…but they can’t have their precious ruined.
7. Players will buy a 2nd and 3rd account to protect the precious.
8. Anet profits.
Hope this clears up why your post is NOT considered a problem. Good day..and feel enlightened.
Dat matchmaking!
Maybe there was a rank 167 on blue team who left… then it would have been balanced.
Lol. ;-)
I’ve seen that guy… I think his name is God
It has come to my attention people are actually buying second AND THIRD accounts so they do not have to worry about dropping their main rating. This is crazy yet a great idea since the game is in the horrible state. Please fix your game sooner than later so people are not forced to buy second and third accounts. This is completely unfair to other people because this new account has no rating and they are trying to bomb other peoples rating which is what is happening.
Lmao, you want anet to fix an issue that is leading 15 year old bieber fans to purchase a new $60 game account?? that’s rich.
Let me walk you through the discussion at anet headquarters 10 days ago:
Dev#1: “we gotta start bringing in revenue for pvp or the two of us left working in this department are going to get canned. The $3 tickets to play tournies didn’t work and I doubt anyone is going to buy a ton of chef outfits to wear in the mists.. you got any ideas what to do?”
Dev#2: “lol, know your audience brah. These 15 year old mouth breathing bieber kids will purchase anything if they think they are the only ones that can have it.”
Dev#1: “i’m not following. what are you proposing?”
Dev#2: “simple watson. We create a leaderboard that displays a rank to these clowns and then sit back and watch the money pour in as they all rush to buy multiple new game copies to protect their original rank. Of course, we’ll need to make the rankings super volatile so that fear in losing will be exacerbated and further increase the need for these kids to purchase new accounts.”
Dev#1: "This is absolutely crazy. You really think someone is going to pay money for a 2nd account to a FREE game that was touted as “esports” material and 8 months past launch has empty pvp zones with not even a fraction of the supportable esport features promised at launch? Who in their right mind would do something that completely stupid? This game has barely 200 twitch viewers on a given weeknight compared to 10’s of thousands of viewers for games like LOL and Dota. No sir, i’m sorry but I think you are gravely mistaken and this is our jobs at stake."
Dev#2: “You really have alot to learn about the massive lack of intelligence of your purchasing demographic for an online pc game. These mouth breathers have the combined intelligence of an anvil. Maybe less. Trust me friend, after we introduce this ridiculous leaderboard with hidden MMR ratings and the volatility of a roller coaster… the money will start pouring in. We’ll likely triple or quadruple the revenues generated since the game was launched just with this one move.”
Dev#1: "I must say, they did fall for the “invisible” features we introduced on the 26th of March. I’m still laughing about that one. I guess give it a try, you’ve been right before. Thank God for america’s youth. I may still have a job yet!"
I don’t know why ele’s don’t use scepter/dagger. am i missing something? you get range attacks… an additional heal in water…. and a protection buff in earth. The set seems superior to dagger dagger in every way.
I have never understood this. The only draw back i guess would be the loss of shocking aura…which is awesome…but scepter/dagger has some pretty nice stuff.
Hey OE,
new engy here… I have a question for you. I noticed that when I put my face on the keyboard I won MOST…but definitely NOT ALL… fights I encountered. I’m baffled at this as I was assured this was a face to keyboard build that would literally allow me to smoke anyone and anything. I was using the left side of my face and I’m right handed. Was it the wrong cheek?
Many thanks.. =)
Actually…. today i won 5 tournaments in a row in solo Q, and won other 6-7 with other 2 friends. Our opponents were easy sometimes, some other times were really hard, we lost twice but wasnt so tragic.
At the moment i dont think its so bad, it could just be a little better with visible rank points on leaderboard and custom arenas.
time of day is a big deal. During non-peak hours you can get semi viable solo q matches. That is because ppl aren’t on to play so more solo quers in the pool.
Wait until prime time ..evenings… your life will be hell.
posted this a month ago before leaderboards were out. I think I nailed it. except necro apparently.
actually… i guess i failed on my engy assessment too. wtf was i thinking.
(edited by mursie.3681)
Thanks acandis… for some reason i thought versaint and kuro were rangers. appreciate the clarification.
So Just guard/ele/necro. interesting.
I guess i should qualify that i’m referring to NA leaderboards. my apologies.
I think solo que’ing entirely on a glass cannon thief is truly an inspirational move. For a class that relies heavily on your team to facilitate alot of what you do… I really find it enjoyable watching and waiting on pug allies to do…. anything really.
Routinely, as I play matches… i can’t help but hear that benny hill theme playing in the background.
(edited by mursie.3681)
Anyone find it interesting over half of the top 10 are Guardians…
followed by eles…
followed by rangers…
followed by – Necro?
First match of the evening:
opponent: Full guilded acolytes group. Granted, they are bad… literally they all sat in gate at beginning of match and died to my clusterbombing them from above… but even bads can beat the group i got. I’m really loving this game. I’ll keep posting these hilarious shots as the evening progresses.
It’s important to note that matchmaking has gotten much better (remember when just getting a 5v5 was a 50/50 chance?) I’d say matchmaking is actually pretty decent right now—premades usually face premades, pugs usually face pugs. It’s just that you can’t switch from team to solo, or solo to team.
The reasons for splitting the queue is not necessarily that it would improve matchmaking, although it would probably do that. The reason is that it would allow people to queue both in teams and solo, as well as the other benefits/opportunities stated.
Regarding population: top teams did complain back when paid tournaments were 8-team. When 2-team paids were introduced they popped instantly. Good structure builds playerbase.
I’m sorry but I have to completely disagree with you. The experience I had last night very nearly has driven me to uninstall the game. I am a diehard solo que’er. Basically always have been. I admit that during certain times (like mid day or early day) the ques are somewhat decent and your chance of winning pug v pug feels about 50%.
But last night starting at 7pm i played 20 consecutive solo q matches against all premades. Multiple times i was 4v5. In all cases the premades were ranked…and i proceeded to lose 18 of the 20 matches… completely falling off the leaderboards. What was most disturbing was that I continued to face r30+ premades and would be given, at least one to two r11 to r19 players. If there is a matchmaking system…it was in no way demonstrated last night.
It is beyond frustrating to play organized comps that have bunkers for two points and roamers/dps to assist…. while you are grouped with guardians that are full dps dieing faster than a full zerker thief. Again, this is not a 1 or 2 matches thing. TWENTY straight matches…
I find time of day to be highly correlated with the frustration.. unfortunately the time of day during the week that this occurs is the only time after my day job that I can actually game. At this point… I am close to fully checking out.
it has to be somthing on temple. It happened to me 3x in one match. The worst is dieing…waiting 15 secs for respawn… respsawn…walk out portal and die again instantly due to this bug and have another 15 sec respawn.
Serious post: I can’t wait to see the video. Hurry up.
2:11:10 is the start point of match. You will see us stealth up and go out… realize they are stealth and immediately target the ranger at orb when he vises… the rest is hilarious. You wont hear me talking – mic muted for stream. but enjoy this ranger’s beautiful moves. Oh and by the way… if you ask why we dont root him more on the bridges leading up to bear using inf strike…its because inf strike is broken on those bridges and ports you no where..same as shadow step.
I have a stream of it and will post. It’s not hyperbole. We had jsut played your team a match earlier so we were well aware what would be happening and with what frequency. To start the match, our guard went wolf and four of us went straight to orb to kill you. Your team stealthed you..but we still called that you were there. When you popped visible… i immediately stole to you…yet you still had the orb.
With two thieves using inf strike, an ele and an engy….we all trained you as called target. You were at top of stairs in 1 move… rooted there for a sec because inf strike actually works at top steps…. took some dmg..but very little. Evade,dodge,evade,evade,dodge,evade,dodge… leap..rush… gone. We followed you to Bear….beating on you in vein… you deposit, turn, and literally leap back to mid before we can even reach the end of pathway up top near bear.
Point: Four ppl, on voip, calling you as a target, training on you for the full opener…could not stop you. The rest of the game goes down hill from there…as admittedly we now have to split and start getting points or its just over. The reality is that throughout the match, four ppl trained on you will not happen. If four can’t do the job in the opening frames…so much less so will 2 do it throughout the match.
your build is broken for this map. there is no other way around it. the orb gives a 40% speed debuff for a reason…and builds like yours exploit the fact to abuse the scoring mechanic. It was never intended to be scored in this speed and succession. Regardless, kudos to you and your pve mastery to tank-speed run the orb like a champ. you will no doubt cheese many many victories this week and when the map switches…likely retrait to a more common ranger build. Such is life. Thanks for the l2p message… that helps. I should just l2p and follow suit on a ranger of my own. and undoubtedly all are free to do this. It is no wonder that ppl serious about playing spirit watch bring guards/rangers/eles and the trend will do nothing but continue as it becomes the only competitive way to play the map.
I have no hard feelings towards you…just detailing the reality. Peace and good day
Thieves can only play hotjoins now. If they actually play anything competitive in tpvp..they will get crushed. if you want to see less thieves… go solo que tournies.
Hey all. Played a number of tpvp matches last night and ran into Laurete Stormleaf (or something like that.)
I’ve seen ele’s ride the lightning to cap orbs. but I’ve also seen them die. Same with guards and their staff.
But this ranger, and another named euratien that I’ve seen do it as well (but to a lesser extent)… was literally uncatchable, unkillable, unrootable, almost kitten near un cc’able by a five man team on voip working on him from the beginning of match before orb was picked up.
He could repeatedly pick up an orb from pedastal and deposit at raven in less than five seconds. with a combination of leaps and rushes…he would almost appear to be teleport hacking up to raven in 3 moves. Two players in our group were thieves with sword #2 inf strike immobilize. Despite the serious bugs on the map that sometimes make this root not fire… the ranger was basically impervious and rinse/repeated the orb run once every 10 seconds for easily 300 of the 500 total points of the match.
Is no one else dealing with this issue? If you are, what is the solution? Trying to cc or apply conditions such as chill were completely ineffective. And the speed and mobility with which the ranger could move between the ped and raven was totally ridiculous.
thx for your feedback.
I see all these comlpaints about the ele. they are warranted sure…but what about the freaking ranger? i’m seeing rangers carry orb from pedastal to raven in less than four seconds … taking almost no dmg and shedding any attacks and roots..one because of evades..and too because roots like inf strike don’t work on half the freaking map. they deposit orb..and bam are back at pedastal before it even respawns.
If they’re doing it in less than four seconds, they’re hacking =P
Either way it still only takes about half as long as an ele does if the ranger is even halfway decent. Plus like he said they have a million and a half evades and all that.
All their leaps are also slowed by cripple/chill (on top of the orb slow). They lack any form of aegis so they’re easily stopped from picking up the orb in the first place. They have to actually build around orb-capping at the expense of power if they want to truly excel at it, while Elementalists get all their orb-running tools for free in their standard, OP builds. They have limited access to CC, etc.
Sure, they’re better at orb-running than a lot of professions in the right hands, but complaining about that is just as foolish as complaining about any other class that can do things better than the rest when built right. Rangers are easily countered if you know what you’re doing, while Elementalists basically just get to do whatever they want without any consequences, regardless of how their opponents react.
hilarious that you are on here trying to defend rangers… seeing as you are one of the rangers that is seriously abusing this. Chill the ranger you say? you literally picked up the orb with a full five man team beating on you… rooting you etc… and were at raven no less than five seconds later… despite the use of every cc we had. 300 of the 500 points your team scored were from your 30 point orb runs that you would rinse/repeat no less than once every 10 seconds.
I am not a ranger and I truly don’t understand all that is going on. I know that there have been videos of some rangers apparently “hacking”. others say a ranger ability actually lets them bypass thru the wall directly (perhaps a bug). bottom line… a coordinated voip team was all working on you as a called target before you even picked up orb…and the result was completely useless. I also see you have catapulted into the top 100…abusing this for likely the entire night…just running orbs.
it is sad in my opinion that pvp games always seem to dwindle down to this. PVE.
effectively you arent’ even fighting. no one really died in the matches. just an invulnerable, unrootable, uncatchable, evade machine taking orb over and over again… PVE’ing that kitten like a CHAMP!
I see all these comlpaints about the ele. they are warranted sure…but what about the freaking ranger? i’m seeing rangers carry orb from pedastal to raven in less than four seconds … taking almost no dmg and shedding any attacks and roots..one because of evades..and too because roots like inf strike don’t work on half the freaking map. they deposit orb..and bam are back at pedastal before it even respawns.
It is pretty clear this is getting nerfed. Engineers right now make the best point defenders/ point oriented support right now with ridiculous dmg/control/ good survivability. With the ridiculous amount of buffs last patch, They are bound to be toned down- the question being, by how much?
Just putting out another reminder for those who haven’t actually played the spec—HGH condi engies have zero interrupts (outside an elite skill) and very little support. They do have a huge amount of sustained damage, as well as plenty of single condition removals and a three second invuln, so they aren’t completely glassy.
The buffs of the last patch were almost all to turrets, which are still virtually unused in tournaments. The HGH condi build received zero changes.
Lastly, I would like to remind people that the HGH build is a hard counter to pure bunker team compositions. Removing a counter is a dangerous decision. I thought a few weeks ago we wanted a profession that could reliably kill a bunker after a reasonable amount of time? If teams literally stop taking eles and guards because HGH engies counter them too hard, then we know it’s time to nerf.
aren’t completely glassy? lol. You have around 1700 toughness and 18.5K hp with rabid amulet. plus the boons from elixir H…plus the condi removal from elixir drinks…plus elixir S and thrown elixir S… plus your elite.
you are, no where even close to near, the definition of glassy.
Engis are close to eles in strength right now but their fix is much simpler in my opinion, just reduce hgh stacks duration and then re-evaluate their strength. Honestly I’m surprised that there is minimal qq about engis considering how powerful they are at the moment.
Really…..why don’t you post your build and possibly a video of you losing to an engy?
because you don’t “lose” to an engi, he just stand on the point, healing off bombs, and never tanking ANY damage he can’t out heal. Bunker-bomb engi is just disgusting in this king of the hill “pvp” thing we have right now. It’s one of the highest skill ceiling classes but the best build it has right now is so lazy that a monkey could win while using it (and not even a smart monkey at that).
honestly… maybe i’m crazy but the engy has alot going for it. The HGH build is a great team and 1v1 class. Great survivability while dishing great dmg. By survival i mean – good toughness and armor from rabid amulet, elixir S to completely mitigate immediate burst, thrown elixir S for stealth/stability, elixir H and its boons of regen/protection and thrown elixir H. Consider that by the time you get through/past all of that… you’ve been eating 25might stak multi condition physical and condi dmg….and you are dead. more than 1/2 its survivability is its pure offensive ability. But no – it wont hold a point. Just kill everything on it =).
Then there is the spec that bonbaman is running. It is freaking unkillable…with tons of cc and point control. guy can hold and harass a point with 1 or 2 or 3 ppl beating on him.
From this vantage point – engy is looking pretty good. great bunk spec. great team spec… and then there is this “power nade” spec that I don’t think I’ve even seen…but hell i’m sure it’s great too.
(edited by mursie.3681)
These leaderboards, in my opinion, are actually very very credible. At first I was somewhat skeptical that they were garbage. But today I can definitely feel confident about my assessment in their validity.
Case in point – Ostrich Eggs is rank 40 currently. Great engineer, somewhat of a sellout, but good player none the less. At rank 51, just 11 spots behind, is the completely daft ranger talent of Bonesx. Literally the best ranger you have never heard of. That this leaderboard was able to capture their talent and evaluate how close these two players are in actual skill was amazing to me. Seeing this made me know that yes – these leaderboards are legit.
I report ppl that intentionally afk matches for “scamming”
I don’t think you can “drop out”. If you log back in, it puts you right back in the match.
are you saying you drop out and stay logged out of game for 15 mins hoping match will actually end before you relog in?
These leaderboards, in my opinion, are actually very very credible. At first I was somewhat skeptical that they were garbage. But today I can definitely feel confident about my assessment in their validity.
Case in point – Ostrich Eggs is rank 40 currently. Great engineer, somewhat of a sellout, but good player none the less. At rank 51, just 11 spots behind, is the completely daft ranger talent of Bonesx. Literally the best ranger you have never heard of. That this leaderboard was able to capture their talent and evaluate how close these two players are in actual skill was amazing to me. Seeing this made me know that yes – these leaderboards are legit.
not hard if you 100% play with a premade, but seriously? that’s pretty boring to do
Umm.. I think playing 100% of the time with a premade is actually very hard to do. I’d say there is only about 100 ppl in the entire game that can currently even achieve that kind of game play format at all times. So, I really think you should re-evaluate your statements before making very broad and mostly unfounded generalizations!!!
Umm.. I think playing 100% of the time with a premade is actually very hard to do. I’d say there is only about 100 ppl in the entire game that can currently even achieve that kind of game play format at all times. So, I really think you should re-evaluate your statements before making very broad and mostly unfounded generalizations!!!