Showing Posts For phalaris.5134:
If you get focussed and targeted, no matter if condi-burst, boon corruption or vanilla build, you get blown up like a firecracker on 4th July.
I can handle conditions over time but to be honest, mid-fight first push can be somehow interesting who can dodge, cleanse, apply conditions and supports their team mates within 30 seconds. In that case again, condition over time should be secondary problem, because you should be able to cleanse or support should kick in from team mate, but hey, team comps are a different problem overall.
I love the idea that you can get Legendary armor in your preferred game mode, whether WvW, sPvP or the PVE (here Raid) option. The main important feature is that you can swap stats and change runes/infusion to your liking in a heartbeat.
The prestige look from the RAID Legendary armor is somewhat special because it was the only way to get legendary armor ni tge first place. After numerous complaints, they implemented for the PVE phlegmatic player a legendary armor option, yet not as shiny as the Original RAID Legendary counterparts.
To be honest, its easier to ‘grind’ your way to legendary armor in sPvP and WvW than raiding, considering you don’t have a “special forces” group involved, raiding 24/7.
I personally don’t think that they need yet again another special look to differentiate between Legendary and Ascended Parts.
Do not re-stat PvP or WvW Ascended Gear in the Mystic Forge, as they take on the Insignia’s Name and create a brand new item.
You won’t be able to upgrade those items to Legendary otherwise.
Mod can lock it!
All solved!
It would have been so easy to just change stats (in the mystic forge) and keep the original armor as received in the first time. I could understand if they mention that any transmuted skin get lost and original skin/armor will be recreated to any changes in stats.
They are so nifty with so many features in game but a simple stat change will throw away the base armor without any recovery options. Considering the hours & resources spent on acquiring such sets, a more moderate or considered restore option would have been much appreciated.
That… honestly sounds like a bug, you might want to report it formally. I assume you’ve double and triple checked that you have the correct armor set for the upgrade you’re performing? (WvW armor is incompatible with the PvP upgrade for example.)
I have four Ascended sets from PvP, which take on the names from each stat selection, such as Grymm Svaard (Marauder Stat Selection).
I double checked and none of my precursor sets would work because I have selected already the stats. Very disappointing tho.
Yet I don’t know if that’s intentional or simply a bug in the mystic forge!?
Read the top of that tooltip, dude. Appearence is completely irrelevant, here, the Svaard thing refers to the original item, not the stats. And if you originally got it from PvP, then that means you reforged it through the forge to change its stats. That effectively destroys the original item and gives you the PvE crafted set in the desired stats.
OUCH, I think I did change some stats, which changed the stat selection but didn’t change the appearance. That’s a big bummer. So I lost the origin due to new stat selection, even tho it’s still the same base/armor. Meh,…
That… honestly sounds like a bug, you might want to report it formally. I assume you’ve double and triple checked that you have the correct armor set for the upgrade you’re performing? (WvW armor is incompatible with the PvP upgrade for example.)
I have four Ascended sets from PvP, which take on the names from each stat selection, such as Grymm Svaard (Marauder Stat Selection).
I double checked and none of my precursor sets would work because I have selected already the stats. Very disappointing tho.
Yet I don’t know if that’s intentional or simply a bug in the mystic forge!?
Transmute fail more like.
You’ve transmuted Ardent over a crafted item.
Here’s 1 piece of my Ardent armor if I put it into the forge. Note at the bottom (Transmuted, Ardent Glorious Crown) That is the real item, and behaves as such.Files, 1 with no stat selected, 1 with stat selected.
Thanks for clarification.
I tried with my latest set and I only could find that one set where it said ARDENT GLORIOUS […] – all previous sets seemed to have lost their origin somehow.
That… honestly sounds like a bug, you might want to report it formally. I assume you’ve double and triple checked that you have the correct armor set for the upgrade you’re performing? (WvW armor is incompatible with the PvP upgrade for example.)
I have four Ascended sets from PvP, which take on the names from each stat selection, such as Grymm Svaard (Marauder Stat Selection).
I double checked and none of my precursor sets would work because I have selected already the stats. Very disappointing tho.
Yet I don’t know if that’s intentional or simply a bug in the mystic forge!?
We do appreciate the upgrade option of the current PvP/WvW Ascendent Armor but with surprise, any pre-stated Ascended PvP armor won’t be recognised by the Mystic Forge for upgrade to Legendary ones.
Can the Devs please give options to either reset the current armor (neutralise the stat selection) or update the Mystic Forge, so that current sets can be upgraded?
I tried with the new and -unselected stated Helm and it worked but I must say that this is a big setback if you want but cannot upgrade your current and well deserved sets.
Clarification is appreciated!
I understand that the Mac version of GW2 still runs on beta and I am very happy and glad that we have the pleasure of playing on Mac, however, I do run so many times into problems, such as:
- Log In issues with Game Loader
- Connectivity Errors, whilst loading the game from start or in different game modes (e.g. fractals, sPvP and WvW)
- Game Crashes all the time
- I cannot play the game on decent graphic settings, even tho I have a powerful and more than recommended setup.
Is there a proper version planned? Will the beta version ever be improved at all? (I try to follow the Dev notes and patches but rarely see anything.)
/Applications/Guild\ Wars\ 2\ -assetsrv
paste that in terminal
Worked perfectly! Thanks!
I have the same issue, nothing will happen when I open the client. Force Quit the only option to close the client. It appears to be the latest update for MAC users and I am an extremely unhappy camper. There is barely any support for Mac users, however, I do hope that the client issue will be solved rather sooner than later.
Can we please get any acknowledge from the dev-team?
Hero Points are made to unlock all specifications in PVE and WvW mode, unlike sPvP, where you have straight away access to all those features. So you are not lacking on those.
Some features were added to make a mode attractive and challenging, so they had to be adequately modified/implemented.
Should you desire those specifications beyond your preferred play mode, you should enjoy the original way to acquire them.
Why would you want them in the first place? PVE content? Running some PVE metas to get Hero Points is done so easily and is actually more fun than waiting for a sPvP Q to pop.
“I don’t want to do PVE to get PVE items/features” but why do you want them, if sPvP does not require them?
Oh yeah, AP Achievements, and we are back at PVE.
Honestly, most current sPvP matches feel like a mix of PVE and “groundhog day”.
They are ESL player for a reason, skill and experience level will reflect instantly.
You can win vs pre-mades, simply when you out rotate them and know how to play your class efficiently, considering everyone in your team is “up there” with skills.
PVE content is easily to tackle with Traveller runes, which give you all you need, beside boon duration increase, +16 to All Stats and 25% increased movement speed.
WvW blobs are running several Guardians and classes which support swiftness, so you can stack it for minutes.
Don’t understand, your “I don’t understand…”
You can see an animation when trap is activated. Dodge roll first, traps are useless then. When ever I play Guardian (which was my main for 3 years – now DH), I drop traps in different occasions, because I know that experienced player simply dodge them anyway. In some team fights i drop them when they are stunned or cornered.
If you know that a DH is in your opponent team, dodge roll empty cap points, just to make sure you don’t get one shotted.
Again, a game mechanic some couldn’t figure out yet.
Any class is OP if you “loose 1vs1”, which usually applies for sPvP and WvW roaming.
Just learn your skills, be aware of cool downs and predict opponent’s moves. (watch for boons, etc).
You will get there.
Great time spent on that build and post.
GW2 PVE requires simply Power to overcome fast and efficient any engagement with open world content. Marauder will help with some extra Health Points.
You can do 100% map completion easily with Exotic Zerker Gear (now Marauder if you want some extra Vitality).
Your play style should simply give you the upper in any encounter.
you can solo champions, even in new maps, adjust your build slightly but with the OP build it will take ages. I completed all new HOT map in Marauder Ascended Gear + Traveller Runes + Zerker/Celestial Trinkets. Greatsword/Longbow
I like the idea behind that build tho, could be good WvW build.
Alternatively, have all Celestial, beside weapons, it will give you all the support you need. Always good to have a heavy Ascended Cele Set in the bank.
(edited by phalaris.5134)
Correct Mandar!
Seems like we have the same ideas! I just saw your Beginners guide, which is actually an advanced one! I just didn’t want to write the whole story how to, would’ve been a very long story and you scratched with your post the surface of that topic anyway.
Love that one.
Anyhow, good luck fellas.
Hey folks,…
Many of you were wondering how to make a decent amount of gold in a short period of time, since so many prices went straight through the roof.
The website is a big blessing for those who can read, understand and work with tables and price predictions.
Simple Stock market! Simple maths!
Once you have some gold, invest it, sell, buy and resell.
You can make a whole bunch of gold, however, the ethical point of view is a totally different one; yet better than botting or buying gold with real $$$ on 3rd party websites.
WvW-face changed too much!!!
Since one game feature (orbs) got removed (due to a reason of exploits, etc.), unpleasant gaming-style faces you on the daily basis (very objective but who loves zergs? ) and an ‘almost’ never changing rotation of opponents, the actual WvW-fun vanished.
I was all over the game in the beginning,… now I’m barely hyped at all.
sPvP seems to be the latest funnel of joy beside the never ending grinding for Legendaries.
“PvP” – Well everyone likes it but somehow, there is barely any decent pvp!
Back and forth, using tactics, defending/taking keeps and that over 4 maps sounds like a whole bunch of fun, however, day/night time activities fluctuate a lot, and trying to hold/defend your keep when 7 Golems knock on your door, followed by a sea of opponents, well, you know and probably experienced what I meant.
There is fun to a certain degree.
At this stage there are not enough rewards what so ever.
- Kill count: no rewards
- Badges: beside the gift of Battle, armour/weapon-rewards – appearance is very simple
- Karmas: beside some modifications in appearance – dud (+ legendary sinkhole)
- EXP: thumps up
- Gold: could be better
- Daily/Weekly rewards should be modified as stated above.
I don’t see an issue at all at this stage.
In sPvP you can’t use those precious accessories and for PVE freaks it’s a luxurious add-on but in WvW it makes no difference at all; Why? Simply because the majority works in big raids and zergs jumping like locust plagues through the borderlands. Having a few stats more in your build is as useful as sugarcoating your armour for the locust.
Beside, it’s one thing to believe what game makers say and another to accept that every game is based on changes; always has been and will never change (like politics).
I assume Anet solved the issue,….
If not, I just solved the issue I’ve had with my points.
I completed the map to 100% but it showed 2 POI missing. (Achievement Points altered after Update) <> I re-discovered/explored the points and my Achievement Points recovered to the old amount after new Log-In.
Unless Anet did an update, it helped me in my situation.
Hope you guys get it solved ASAP,…
Anyhow, having the Achievement Points does not give you any benefits, does it?; why such a big fuss anyway, or is there an unknown reward-system?
Buying siege with badges, which are hard to get and could possibly have things in the future we’d like to purchase, is not the brightest idea when an easily replaceable option such as gold can also be used. Karma would be fine too as I think I’ve collected nearly 240k and have absolutely not a single thing to spend any of it on.
I’m in the same situation- a big karma bank with absolutely nothing I want to spend it on. I would LOVE to be able get siege with it- as long as it isn’t ridiculous prices like 10k karma for an arrow cart. I’d be far more willing to throw down siege, even if I wasn’t sure if it could make a difference.
Right now, I’m tight on money and badges are… badges. I actively try to avoid getting siege because, while it helps my server in the short term, it is a huge money sink and drastically affects me in the long term.
So until then… I guess I’m sticking to the few I get from jump puzzles. sigh
CRAFTING Legend weapons – big sinkhole for Karma, I invested already ~ 900k on it.
Most of the player don’t realise that you get more Karma and Points with defending keeps and camps; barely anyone upgrades and build a defence.
We did the same with like ~8 player and had so much fun vs. a well outmanned opponent.
Well, i played now on Gandara the whole time, switched to Jade Sea, in order to get the last frigging Vista; FYI we never seemed to get the closest keep to their base camp.
Anyhow, i can definitely confirm, that there is no ally between Jade Sea and Fort Ranik; we as in Gandara server have just massive problems with teamwork and WvW- eager player.
We get stomped b/c we lack on active player in PvP atm, pretty simple.
A lot of games give you a 1-2min chance to get revived; if not, you’ll get spawned to your nearest Waypoint. Simple is that!
I assume that the GMs have way more things to do than trying to optimise little nasty game features people take advantage of.
At this stage, most of the WvW PvP action is based on massive grouping, running zergs from one spot to another, running over every player and Keep; spying on what?