Showing Posts For poolman.7245:

New Ranger Help

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


Arrys: very well said. I find it interesting that people like you go out on your own, learn on your own until you actualy understand and draw same conculsions as some of your other smart players and do so through the use of self trial and error. The fact that you explain so well proves it. I’m the same way.

What server do you play on? I’m looking for a good guild and want to create the dreamteam for paid PvP.

Long bow: is it too much to ask for dynamic arcing?

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


I think this is a very cool idea. Even have just one skill that does this, would make it more realistic, and give us some cover if the edge of the keep is under too much fire for us.

So, how do you make that immortal build?

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


Bunker archer is not a new thing in this game, or is it hard to do. Is such a boring build though because you do little dps, also there is another class that does this role so much better then the archer, it’ why you hardly see this build.

What is a Boon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poolman.7245


Pants: I understand what you mean to a degree. I know what a buff vs a debuff is. What i don’t like is how your saying a buff is countering its opisite effect when is reality its countering a nutural effect. And just as you put it not all buffs has a debuff. It the definition they created for boon thats just confusing. I want to slap the person who did it.

Bots are ruining the farming grounds and Trading post.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poolman.7245


I got hacked into for the first time from some gold farmers. They set up a link to an application to their website to join their guild. You had to set up an account on their website before applying, so I did. when setting up an account with them, I had to create password and email address. I have a gaming email address, have all my games linked to this email and use the same password for them all, so I set up with them using the same password. next day, could not log into account. I sence have fixed it.

Point is that I hate these low life people, want to tie them up and throw darts at them for fun. If they suspect bots, they need a perma ban, point blank.

Bots are ruining the farming grounds and Trading post.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poolman.7245



Ture, true. they need to bane these people for life then.

Bots are ruining the farming grounds and Trading post.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poolman.7245


We could solve the problem by having a true open PvP server.

Bots are ruining the farming grounds and Trading post.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poolman.7245


O boy! here we go!

What is a Boon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poolman.7245


Also what throws me off in the definition is how they say “is the counterpart of the negative condition” Why put it that way? makes it seem as if the only way a positive condition will work if its actualy countering a negative buff of some sort. In reality a buff should have a counterpart of 0, or nutural not positive or negative start point, and yet thats not what the definition implys.

What is a Boon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poolman.7245


Rekia: No, I undertsand what a buff is. just this strange idea of a boon and the way they define it throws me off.

What is a Boon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poolman.7245


I read they are positive effects for short duration, the counterpart to the negative conditions. They were created to replace enchantments from the original guild wars, and to simplify buffs. Is this correct?

If this is the correct definition, why use this word “Boon” to simplify buffs when you say it actualy replaces buffs? Why is this definition so humm… complacated? I just think they put way to much thought into it just to complicate the hell out of it for us. If a boon is a buff why not just define it that way rather then give us all this rubish? I thought an enchantment was just a type of buff anyways?

What is a Boon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poolman.7245


I searched, still don’t fully understand, is why i’m asking. I read its a positive buff that counters negative buffs. I want laymans terms, not a link to google.

What is a Boon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poolman.7245


maybe seem like a silly question to you, but what exactly is a Boon? Is it a buff? A kind of buff? What the hell is it?

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


Also, a pet that spits are harder to kill because they stay away from there apponent like you!

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


Ahh, ha… I get it now. Love this build, it like 95% better then the other. I do not know about giving so many traits to your pet in pvp because pets are sort of broken, they can only hit stationary targets, unless you use spiders like I do because they spit poison and such, and most are condition damage based so goes well with your setup. With your pet traits, and with a pet that can spit poison and with your “rampage as one” buff, your pet sure would dish out some damage. might be interesting.

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


The Sigil of Minor Corruption does not fit well unless you never die and even if you were perfect, + 10 condition damage is small, not sure how condition damage is calculated but lets say you have 1000 condition damage, would be 1%. I mean, I just don’t know how its calculated.

I would change tourch out for warhorn, gives 18 second buff that goes well with your cautious style approach because of the swiftness buff it gives, the 20% critical damage and adds 35 raw power, and 35 condition damage, buff also benefits your allies. Another thing to consider is the swiftness buff because it enables you to not only outmaneuver your opponent, but gets you from point A to B faster, increasing your chances of capturing a point, thus increases your teams chances of winning. Also Hunters call makes for a fine opener. However, is fun to burn people

As far as your armor, I don’t like it. You benifit so much more if you keep one kind, rather then mix it 3 ways like you have. Most of those benifits don’t start showing themselves untill you get to the 5th or 6th piece of armor.

Traps are nice, seems like you have lots of control going on. I myself are not use to using them in pvp, but can see the benifit at a price because traps are limited to predicting what your opponent is going to do next, and of you decided to drop one on the fly during battle, that takes time and you could get yourself into a bad situation fast. If I was you I would go with skills that you could execute on the fly that would help you get out of harms way quickly.

I like the trait that you chose “primal reflex” and “natures protection” but don’t like the trait you chose in your nature magic line “natures bounty” I think that you would be better off chosing “natures protection” because it goes well with “primal reflex” and “oakheart salve” won’t go into why, but instead just go check it out and you will see what i’m saying.

I know what your trying to do with traps, and see the traits for them, again, I do not have much experience with them because I always thought of traps as a PvE thing, human opponents are just to smart and unpredictable to make them effective in any MMO I have ever played that has traps.

Was this critical enough for you?

Nature Magic Rangers...are you there?

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


Use this build, even without spirits this build offers much, spirits are just a bonus.

need right click and copy link to get it to work.;TsAg0Cno4ywlgLLXOukctKYUwuAA

My best PvP Archer Build

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


Arrys: I did not know that, thanks man. Going to go mess around with that now. One of the reasons I like spirits are because it gives me 4 total pets, 4 extra targets to be toggled through. But I can see the advantages of what your telling me, cool stuff. I wonder if there is any other traits that can be used like that? Can’t think of any at the top of my head though.

My best PvP Archer Build

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245



I am also a bit conflicted on choosing “shared anguish” and “camoflage”, but vigor buff from “vigorous renewal” trait is just another good buff to add to the many that you already have and beneficial when using a heal over time heal, helps you get away from danger while healing and to me thats critical for me, I always push the envelope and try and go right to the brink when healing because if I’m able to to stay below 25% health while fighting I get that 30% damage reduction caused from the “Bark Skin” Trait. Which goes into my other reason for choosing “Bark Skin” in that trait line…

With “Bark Skin” and “Troll Unguent” working together while fighting and you manage to stay below 25% health, its like having double health overall, or near it, maybe the equivalent of 60% or more health in a fight. So instead of running away to heal, pop off “Troll Unguent” heal, and try your best to dodge, outmaneuver oe whatever you need to do too keep fighting. Its the best way to take advantage of those two traits working together like that.

The other trait in that trait line that is offten overlooked is “off hand training”. It gives 20% cooldown on off hand weapons, also adding 20% to the range. If you use “Warhorn” as your off heand weapon then you can really take advantage of it with “Hunter’s call” Hunters call will now have 1,200 range, and that skill is priceless with this build, does mass damage for an opener. " it also resets the cooldown of “Call of the Wild” The benifits of this one is huge, sets it on a 28 second cooldown, when the buff itself last 20 seconds. makes your conditions, power, and over all attack higher, wile making you extreemly fast and agile nearly all of the time.

Another trait I found important thats in the “Nature Magic” trait line is “Strength of Spirit” The reason being is because I’m focusing (not just on survivability) on doing as much damage as I possible can. What better way to do that then to add a trait that converts 5% of vitality to power when your already maxed out on vitality, I mean its the best time to ever use this trait. its like the equivalent of adding a few more points into the “Marksmanship” trait line for raw power, that raw power equals higher attact damage. add that fact to nearly always having “Call of the wild” Up and your talking some serious damage output because of the 35 pluse power and 35 pluse condition damage "Call of the wild gives you…

I have played it, thought about it, tweaked it over and over again, I’m strating to think its near perfect completion for me this build rocks.

Sorry for all the typos, I’m not using spell check and am in a hurry.

(edited by poolman.7245)

My best PvP Archer Build

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245



Is why I chose Troll Unguent because with our survivability we can time it right and benefit from every ounce of that heal . there is no way for me to test the same name for pets, but does make a diffrence when your opponent knows your char name. One problem is that spirits vanish in water and your CD does not reset, so with a moving spirit build your forced to stay out of the water. they should fix this though, sooner or later.

My best PvP Archer Build

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


I don’t have any videos, don’t want to go all out to prove a point when you can just see for yourself. As for using a Sun Spirit over using Storm Spirit I think is a bad idea because Sun Spirit does not offer any sort of control and the damage output of Sun Spirit is a joke. if you stick with the three Spirits suggested, you can control more of the field and buff your team better. As far as naming your pet the same name as your char, seems self explanatory to me, but I can better explain. If you lead your aggressive strategy off with a pet opener, and that pet has the same name as you, your opponent will most likly target your pet rather then target you, as soon as your pets dead, switch to your second pet, and have your second pets name your char name as well. I have had many battles like this without being targeted directly, or targeted half way in battle while your opponents helf is already halved or more. As far as Rogue AoE, and another archers AoE you make a good point, however, if you select “Vigourous Spirit” trait they can survive, and if they do not, a Rogue is not your most feared opponent anyways because you have huge survivability… I have little problem with them. Glass cannon Rogues don’t stand a chance, you can out maneuver them any rogue build.

The most problem I have had is with other archers. Mesmers, usualy do not know what to do because of your spirits ability to control. you also put Guardians in a tuff spot with controllability. ..

My best PvP Archer Build

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


I’m obsessed with the archer class, and PvP only. been playing build after build, and I do think that this is the best all around PvP build the archer class has to offer. I seem to down the most people with this build, can fast travel with “call of the wild”, Change your pets name to your name and sick him on opponent as your opener to cause immediate confusion, then open your attack with “Hunter’s Call” Constantly have all 3 of your spirit pets summoned to cause further mass confusion, as well as offers you and your team support. Going down the skill and trait tree like this offers excellent survivability, good damage, and good maneuverability. Give it a try and tell me what you think.

You need to copy paste the following link, won’t link to this page for some reason. >>>;TsAg0Cno4ywlgLLXOukctKYUwuAA

(edited by poolman.7245)

Spirit Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: poolman.7245


Make the Archers Spirit pets able to go under water. Currently, if I summon a spirit pet and go underwater, they vanish. This is highly burdening to me in PvP because I rely on my Spirit pets and when they vanish like that, I’m forced to wait for the cooldown to summon them again. It forces me to advoid water alltogether. makes my quickest path from point A to point B through water avoidable because I don’t want my pets to vanish, so I’m forced to take the long route thus putting me at a disadvantage. Not being able to use them to fight in water also puts me at a huge disadvantage and is not fair to me. In order to have the ability to summon spirit pets, I must sacerfice other advantages because so much need to be invested into the Nature Magic trait tree that it would only be fair to give us the ability to use them in water.


in Suggestions

Posted by: poolman.7245


Some don’t like it, some don’t mind it, others like me love it, therefore please add it.

Kill/Death ratio

in PvP

Posted by: poolman.7245


They give us a tool that gives us more information about our game and you cry doom. Well go ahead and cry you little babies heads. “Wea, weah, weaaahhhh, there giving us death kill stats” bunch of freaken babies.

Best spvp class is?

in PvP

Posted by: poolman.7245


Been playing mmorpg games since forever ago and i must admit that for the first time i’m finding it dificult to pick the best class. I’m most interested in wining at any cost, so with that said, what class would increase my chances of wining a match? I do not care about the dificulity of play, not looking for cookie cutter easy way to play. Just the class that when mastered brings the best chances of scoring a win. I have been stuck with mastering a glasscannon archer type, but I don’t think they are the best class to bring to the table. I think part of my problem is that this game spoils you in that you do not need to level to gain the best abilities needed for pvp, as a result I end up rolling a new char for pvp, give him a few runs without understanding the charctor and then giving up and switching back to my archer. Anywyas, before I invest alot of time mastering a new class as to not wast time, i wanted to see what you guys think?