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New Black Lion Weapon Skins....Really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pretty fiendish.5421

pretty fiendish.5421

I’m tempted to create an exotic set of armour and weapons, and use the new improvised weapon skins along with the starter armour/some other basic looking armour.

How to nerf Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: pretty fiendish.5421

pretty fiendish.5421

I think a better idea is to just let things play out for like 1-2 months and THEN intervene if any inbalances are detected.

I agree with this. The expansion isn’t even out yet. I know there have been beta weekends, but let’s let everyone get their hands on the new elite specs and the new content before we start asking to be nerfed!

Turn off friendly AOE particle effects?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pretty fiendish.5421

pretty fiendish.5421

I actually felt a bit guilty at one point testing out my Reaper with that huge scythe and all the particle effects. There was a standard size human character that was barely visible. Forget catching a glimpse of an Asura!

(edited by pretty fiendish.5421)

Two thieves at once = death.

in PvP

Posted by: pretty fiendish.5421

pretty fiendish.5421

You die against 2vs1 and think that is unfair? lol, day after day QQ post are more and more absurd Oo

This is regarding two thieves. Against two of anything else, be they different proffesions or the same, you can at least fight back or try to disengage if they’re too much. Against two thieves, you can do neither, especially if they get the drop on you first.

Thieves specialize in chasing targets and 1v1 duels. Why on earth are you going to engage two of those who forte 1v1 when you are alone? This qq is much more of a stupidity and l2p issue than a legit problem.

So what do you want anet to do with Thieves, nerf them?

Should I also point out that I actively tried to avoid them and they hunted me down anyways? They even waited outside the spawn at one point so I couldn’t avoid them. Thanks for your pointless assumptions with no advice at all.

You had two thieves spawn camping you?! Please tell the rest of the team took advantage and you won.

Got to agree here. The best defense is telling the rest of your team in team chat to take advantage of the fact that two thieves are hanging near your spawn and not being useful to their team.

Dual Axe Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: pretty fiendish.5421

pretty fiendish.5421

That wouldn’t fix it.

It’d sure look cool though!

Replace necro bleeds with torment

in Necromancer

Posted by: pretty fiendish.5421

pretty fiendish.5421

Depending on what kind of level it’s set at that sounds like a really interesting idea. It would fit right in with the theme of Necro not being mobile, but trying to keep the enemy locked down.

List of necromancers useless trait bonuses and traits.

in Necromancer

Posted by: pretty fiendish.5421

pretty fiendish.5421

Ok this one’s at the top on the first page so I’ll reply, but a thread which started off with such negativity from 2 years ago should probably not be resurrected. Lock it start again without the negative replies and without the red dev tag.

Why was the staff sound changed and when?

in Necromancer

Posted by: pretty fiendish.5421

pretty fiendish.5421

It should shoot a tiny baby ghost quaggan going wooOOoooOOOooooOooo but alas, one can only dream.

How does it feel to have come up with the best idea ever?! This needs to be a staff skin for Necros.

What Legendaries Are You Hoping For?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pretty fiendish.5421

pretty fiendish.5421

What I think would be cool, when you get your legendary you’d be taken to something similar to a character creation screen, where you can alter the size slightly, and change the colour of any effects to match your outfit. Maybe even apply any dyes to certain parts. Nothing too crazy, but it’d help the fact that some weapons don’t suit some colour schemes. Traditional dark Necro outfit and Bifrost look a little weird for example.

Also, you’d receive a quest and be told to travel to a certain point on the map somewhere. There’d be an instance where you pull the sword out of a stone or have it blast out of the sky in a bolt of lightning or something for each weapon, just t make it feel more epic.

Scavenging vs Nightmare runes PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: pretty fiendish.5421

pretty fiendish.5421

Scavenging Runes look interesting. GW2 wiki mentions a bug with the 4 piece bonus if your armour is damaged. Does anyone have the runes equipped that can confirm whether this is still the case?

HoT Wishlist: Necro Specialization

in Necromancer

Posted by: pretty fiendish.5421

pretty fiendish.5421

if we ever get a shield, I would like the #4 skill to be this:

Summon Bone Wall (minion)
1/4 second cast
10 second recharge
Summon a small bone wall in front of you. Bone walls disintegrate over time (untraited lifespan of 60 seconds). Bone walls do not attack or move and are treated as objects.

Entire point would be summoning something to body-block attacks. Obviously doesn’t work for piercing, AoE, or non-projectile ranged attacks, but I’d love to summon one to eat an Eviscerate or a Rapid Fire. Short cooldown means you can potentially have multiples up, letting you dance around them to soak up a ton of damage in a distinctly different manner from other professions.

I really like the idea of this! It fits with the vision ANET have of Necro as being all about attrition/standing your ground, and it gives something interesting and unique to play around with.

Day 1 Revenant: Level 1 or Level 80?

in Revenant

Posted by: pretty fiendish.5421

pretty fiendish.5421

If I was going to level any of the existing characters I’d be looking to fast-track it, but I’m guessing there’s going to be a ton of people rolling new Revenants when they get released. I’m looking forward to the Revenant party as 100s of us descend on the starter zones! All Revenant runs of dungeons and world events, etc.

If I get tired of that then I’ll power through but to be honest I’m looking forward to it.