Showing Posts For queen of recovery.2378:
yeah i hate the banners, they are so overpowered.
yesterday we were sieging kloven with cata’s and it was a fun and close fight with them jumping out trying to destroy the cata’s and so on…
i’m talking small parties here (it was late at night) about 15v15
just having fun and then suddenly they jumped out again for a other push but now with a dragon banner and we got rekt pretty much instantly, cata’s down, siege ended, GG
now small fight it might be possible if you spot it in time and focus the carrier right away but the dmg was alrdy dealt to us.
in zergs there is no way you can easily focus that guy down when he is always running in his blob.
this was the dragon banner but rly the others are also quiet overpowered and to be honest they are pve items and you should not put such items in wvw
you said you encourage small skilled players to be able to fight a much bigger group, now i want you to try that when they have a banner.
I thought they we’re supposed to be on rotation? unless that was just gossip and poop being spewed in map chat?
yea i have heard that aswell but i just want the old ones back and remove the new borderlands.
i miss those days so much
its really boring in wvw at the moment!
same for spectral wall pls
Oh look free protection … oh nope got feared.
you cant cast death shroud while finishing to trigger stability of foot in the grave
stability of foot in the grave isnt long enough so you can go shroud first then finish
you cant finish in lich form
so far the only 2 things i found is well of darkness that i normally dont take with me
and plague form, you can cast plague while finishing.
plague is so far our best way to finish a person when we really need to (to rally allies) but 3min cooldown and loss of lich form is big.
are there any other ways? or are we just not ment to finish enemies?
cooldown of swoop sais its 9.5sec but its still at 12 seconds
after use of swoop its on 9sec and then half second later it goes up to 11sec
i think they forgot to add something to consume condition heal skill.
put a target on you automaticly for all enemies within 1500 range.
and i really thought that we would get a well deserved buff this time…
this is the first time in all these years i am considering changing class!
response of anet.
“By reviewing the video you sent I noticed you are awarded WXP at some points during the fight which makes me believe is probably a display bug not showing the earned experience when capturing the points”
this is not a display bug, yes i get exp/wxp from killing players and lords/guards
you can clearly see my exp/wxp bar go up when that happens, but nothing happens from capping the keeps…(i dont get participation reward)
i dont get silver/karma/wxp/exp nothing, this is not a visual bug. capping green keep would have given me a rank up.
and yes i have reinstalled gw2 alrdy, it did not fix it.
They did advice me to send an ingame bug report when it happens, so i did.
however i’ll probably not get response from ingame bug reports and i kinda want one
i’ve lost to much wxp alrdy because of this.
ok so clearly i’m the only one having this bug?
or maybe i’m the only one noticing it?
so here is a small video of the bug in action.
this is a cap of stone mist and a keep, not even 30 minutes in between…
this happens A LOT to me.
i mean the amount of levels i should have gotten by now its ridiculous….
its a very old bug thats still not fixed
not getting wxp or anything sometimes for capping keeps and towers
most of the times its keeps or sm but happens to towers aswell
funny thing is even if i solo a tower, cata the wall down kill all the guards … i sometimes dont get anything for it, its like i didnt participated in the fight…
is this ever going to be fixed?
my guess is no and it probably will still be there after expansion.
they now even started selling guides to skip lupi
his party was full almost instantly ….
yes was rly dissapointed when i read this.
i really wanted the build template from gw1
now i just made different characters (same class) for different builds.
i have been reporting the same group of bots for 6 weeks now (every single day i report them).
i know that anet bans them in waves but 6 weeks is a lot of time to destroy the market.
i really dont understand why they ban in big swipes anyway, if they gonna wait this long every time the bot will have payed for himself and they will have new hacked accounts to fill his place after the ban.
while if they just log in ones a day for 30 minutes and run around the popular bots places (malchors leap and cursed shore (SO MANY)) and ban them everyday they will run out of accounts or make any profit from doing that.
ofcourse they will look for different ways but still the bot trains will be gone.
complaining about it isnt bad tho.
i dont like rng chest that you can just buy from gem store either, however i dont mind if they put certain skins in certain dungeon chests something like that for example the bone dragon staff from guild wars 1 was a unique item that only dropped from the chests of shards of orr dungeon.
but gem store chests is just gambling with either real money or ingame.
I knew everything else would be a token grind for a backpack or items from gem store rng chests so i alrdy gave up on everything else from the festival.
But i was hoping that you guys brought the BEST mini game from guild wars 1 to gw2.
Dragon ball arena is a gank fest where it is impossible to win a 1 vs 2 unless you have the whirlwind skill.
ones your dodges run out you are dead., i am really sad to see that the dragon arena changed to this.
You cant properly side step dodge like in the original dragon arena with the fast autoattack in here and this should be changed in my opinion.
we just killed him and he doesnt drop anything.
he does bug out the dungeon cause you cant finnish the dungeon anymore.
after the crystal was destroyed a chest spawned but we never got tokens for the dungeon and we where unable to leave the dungeon aswell.
so dont kill him :p
when changing a skill on your utility bar when signet of undeath is on cooldown will put that skill on the same cooldown as the signet.
it happened in fractals the first time but i managed to get the bug in LA again (it doesnt always happen)
on the 2 screenshots you can see both skills on same cooldown, note that the cooldown of epidemic and signet of locust can never be that high ^^
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in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: queen of recovery.2378
Error Code: 42:6:3:2158
EU aurora glade
tyvm powercat for the perfect answer
bringing back daily zaishen quest can solve this problem.
My friend sais that he does the same paths of a dungeon on different characters and still get full rewards (60 tokens) aslong that he does a different path in between. (bad english i know)
example: necromancer does path 1 then path 2 of CoF dungeon, then does path 1 again but on his guardian ( he said he gets full reward with his guardian).
now i tried that today but i received 30 tokens on my second character.
now my question is:
is it because i did the runs to fast after each other (like can you do it in morning with 1 character and evening with other character)
is it because the dungeon rewards are account bound?
i dont understand why there is dr on karma, karma cant hurt the economy cause all items bought with karma is account or soulbound.
i completly understand why there is dr on loot and dungeons (maybe not dungeon tokens cause those or account bound aswell).
but on karma is just strange, i hit dr in 30 minutes, i cant even use my karma booster to its full potential (and they arnt cheap) unless i log out and come back in what 40 minutes or so?
i am dissapointed that they did this.