Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
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Not quite a “good riddance”, but:
What would be the point of staying even if you did get a precursor? Why does this matter so much?
Assuming you run 25 stacks of might all the time, you’re only losing 125 power. You should still have bloodlust and guard stacks (350 power), hoelbrak runes (175 power), sharpening stones (~100 power, scales higher with knight’s), and of course you can get zerker weapons and trinkets.
As for what’s the optimal balance, that really depends on you.
It’s the only aspect of the game that requires teamwork not just within a party, guild, or squad but across the whole server to compete on 4 maps.
If those fragile phantasms are an important part of your survival and damage, and your opponents aren’t wailing on your phantasms, you ought to find some better opponents before calling something OP.
Progeny? No! Shrunken progeny. This is what every bookah’s GW2 experience should be like:
Thanks to everyone who gave a thoughtful response. I emphasize that the main driver behind this proposal is not to combat nightcapping or to balance PPT. The fact is that the experience for night watch crews is markedly different from daytime and primetime, and it’s detrimental to the experience. In most matches, night populations are not large enough to sustain action on all four maps. The proposal is an attempt to redress that by consolidating the population onto a single map. EBG is very well suited to host imbalanced night populations because each server’s position is easily defensible.
I don’t find the suggestion that I am failing to consider the needs of night crew players – whether they are SEA or Oceanic players on NA servera, NA players on EU servers, or simply people with unusual schedules – fair or appropriate. On the contrary, I’m specifically soliciting the opinions of these players regarding how this change would affect their experience in the game. Comments from these players will, I believe, do the most to advance this discussion.
Sorry caid, I always feel compelled to write provocative thread titles. Then I go and write long posts because I can’t explain my ideas in fewer words and everyone just replies to the thread title.
I’d like to think of the current WvW maps as sort of a trial model. Something that the devs put out to test how the game developed on a large stage and how well it accommodated each kind of player. There are some fantastic elements in these maps, which show the incredible potential of this game – but that’s all it is right now, potential.
They’ve shown us that they have the tools to make an environment where zergers, roaming guilds, and solo players alike can have an impact. Now they need to examine their successes and failures and build a fully engaging WvW environment from the ground up.
I don’t think adding a separate GvG is really what we need for organized guilds or WvW as a whole. I know there are people who disagree, but with that kind of arena mode you lose all the unpredictability which is the true excitement of WvW. It’ll also be a loss for those who choose to stick to WvW, every WvW community will suffer tremendously if its guilds move on. If WvW becomes catered more to casuals, there is less depth for those who stay to develop as players and ultimately they’ll get bored and move on as well.
(edited by Bertrand.3057)
I think going forward Arena Net has a great opportunity to take out Trahearne and bring a personal touch to everyone’s stories in one swoop. They’d be off on the right foot by giving a race-themed demise for Trahearne. Here’s a few ideas that I think really complement the kind of personality that each race embodies:
Asura: Trahearne is annihilated in a freak accident involving the hero’s latest invention, or is captured by the Inquest and used in experiments.
Charr: Trahearne and the hero are out on an expedition in Ascalon when they are ambushed by the Flame Legion. Trahearne is captured, chopped up, and used to create an effigy which the hero must then defeat.
Human: Trahearne and the hero save orphans from a fire, and Trahearne decides that orphans are so great that he retires so that he can spend his days working at an orphanage.
Norn: Trahearne and the hero are walking on a glacier and Trahearne falls into a really deep crevasse.
Sylvari: Trahearne, the hero, and a third sylvari become embroiled in a 3-way love triangle. The third sylvari is eventually pushed out and jealously plots revenge against Trahearne and the hero, and successfully kills Trahearne before being defeated by the hero.
(edited by Bertrand.3057)
Ever since I read this in the morning, I havent logged in. I just found it difficult to log in knowing that any gear I obtain on my main might be replaced in a few days.
Going to log in now, on my alts I’d imagine, but I haven’t had the urge to log in and obtain some dungeon gear today just because of this.
You play an MMO. MMO’s are about progression and additions. Stuff will change. If you haven’t figured this out by now, then I don’t think MMO’s are the type of game for you.
Not this MMO. Not verticle progression. If I wanted a gear treadmill I’ll do it via raiding. Not by simple fact of purchasing gear.
With that logic, why have gear at all?
This game is too big to not have something to do at level 80. Reward your level 80’s eventually. Playing barbie will only go so far.
Reward with what? Bigger numbers? Or making the game slightly easier to play?
Proponents of stat progression sure love throwing out the word “rewards” without explaining their meaning. If the reward is the ability to access certain content because you have gear that’s better than what others have, that means precisely the kind of elitism and gear grind that would put a lot of players off GW2, because that’s not the game they bought.
I think you already know which race is for you, and you’ve identified this in your post.
Humans are too focused on their tribulations and suffering to give any argument as to why their race would be better than the Asura. An Asura, however, is ready at all times to list off their many fine attributes that promise them world domination.
This epic showdown you ask for? It’s humans cowering in fear as the Asura cackle in delight while deploying the might of their technology to enslave that lesser race.
Before this smearing escalates, I’d like to point out that Piken put up a respectable defense holding the lord’s room at Bay and Hills tonight on the Gandara border, it was a fun fight for Gandara too. Just as Gandara doesn’t want to be given a bad name due to the indiscretion of the few, I think our Piken opponents deserve the same courtesy.
Imo all commanders should be going for all 5 points in supply before anything else. Or anyone who likes to repair/build siege.
Cannons/Ballistas should be for the defensive/fallback group that don’t necessarily want to follow the zergball.
And guard defense/damage for those leveling alts.
Disagree with that assessment, ballista mastery will probably be my priority as proper use and placement can make or break a siege. After that, I’d take reduced siege and guard damage to avoid getting knocked down in a fight.
A commander is there to manage supply, not to carry it.
na na na Gandara got namechecked in the matchup change post and you other guys didn’t
I am quite shocked, that even after I took the time, calculated and broke down for you guys on an example the benefit of all 3 stats – condition dmg, condition duration and precision – you still are claiming false statements.
The main message I took away from your spreadsheet is that if you want to double your condition damage you just need to swap in some optimal runes and traits (for necros it’s more than double, you ignored food despite the fact that the Lingering Curses trait can actually push condition duration over 100%), and you still get to keep vitality and toughness as secondary stats on your gear.
For me ur just a coward, i would say learn to play if u think that all that is meant to be like that, and yeah it is war and for me u do me a favour cause anyone like u that loggs out to not pay repair are mostly noobs cant afford some silver for repairs? or better yet, u think ur bag of loot will matter anything to me? do u imagine how many bags of loot any real wvwer loses cause they die in a zerg and theres lots of loot to pick up? Pls quit WvW ur a shame and anyone else that think they are so pros by doing that.
Worse than doing it is saying were good by doing it… only reason i post here.So logging out is cowardly, but zerging someone(s) down with a massive numerical advantage is brave and honorable.
I’ll make you a deal, if we ever meet up and I’m running around solo and you’re in a zerg (which, from the sound of it, is always), make sure only one person fights me at a time. Tell everyone else to keep going or wait their turn. If you do that and I die 1v1, I promise I won’t log out.
You may say this is wvw, it isn’t a 1v1 setting. Getting zerged down is part of the game. Well guess what, at least for now, logging out is part of the game, too.
It’s absurd to say that alt-f4 is part of the game, it isn’t. There’s a reason why when you die and have to do repairs and drop loot bags. That’s the game mechanic. It isn’t a contest to see who can hit alt-f4 the fastest. You want to grief others because A-net hasn’t plugged the hole? Fine. But don’t pretend it’s a valid tactic, it’s just poor sportsmanship and you’re reflecting poorly on your server, and if you sport a guild tag, your guild.
It doesn’t matter if you get zerged down, or if you’re fighting 1v1 or 1v2 or 2v2, you are abusing an issue in the game that needs to be fixed. If you got or chased down by 10 players, that’s because you were running around solo like an idiot in an environment full of enemies. If you got zerged down while with others, the fact is that you could have been in the opposite situation with larger numbers on your side.
Don’t pretend for a minute that Alt-F4 is a permanent game feature acting as welfare for your repair bill for you because you don’t understand how to play the game. The same logic could be used to justify orb-hacking or glitching through walls before those were explicitly stated as being exploits, but that doesn’t mean that any of those abuses were valid.
Sounds to me like you’re just another player with an inflated ego who thinks they can walk into WvW and start 1v1ing people. Well, that isn’t what this game is. Nor is it hitting Alt-F4 because your game plan didn’t work out. If you want to keep up what you’re doing, whatever. Just don’t act like you’re not totally out of your element.
How is this unfair? You can also organize a guild and enter EotM.
Next it will be unfair to wear ascended armor, use food, or bring a level 80 character…
Yep, Super Classes also have infinite trait points!
Look, you can either spend all your time crying that certain classes are broken (you’re wrong, but it’s impossible to convince you otherwise because you’re a selective reader and won’t acknowledge legitimate counterpoints), or you can actually learn how to play against those classes. Plenty of people would be happy to offer you advice, if you’d just take it.
I do agree with that, I guess my concern is more that the way rewards are handed out, you always have an incentive to zerg.
Perhaps if there were a map-wide reward every time your server had a successful defense/capture event at a major objective. There would have to be a threshold for event participation to discourage people from just going AFK. You could also redistribute how WXP is awarded, so that this map-wide reward gives mainly WXP. This way people who just want PvE rewards don’t care about it. It would also just be a good idea to increase the material rewards for capturing/defending smaller objectives.
Phoebe Ascension,
I’m sorry your server organization sucks but please understand that what you’re proposing is not the solution to your problem. It won’t kill the enemy zerg and it won’t make fortifications any easier for you to capture when you’re outnumbered anyways. WvW is built around the use of blueprints and supply. You represent an extreme minority (the few people in WvW on servers that don’t have a presence in WvW), so I don’t see how appeasing you while wrecking WvW for everyone else will help GW2 keep players in the game.
My question for you is this: If your server were on equal footing, how would you feel about siege? If the answer is that you would still be against it, you’re playing the wrong kind of PvP offered in GW2. WvW is logistics-oriented (what you call use of Age of Empires equipment), sPvP and tPvP are not.
(edited by Bertrand.3057)
Yeah, the implication is that 70% of the market shouldn’t have had any problem with the existing system. My first sentence was incomplete, I guess.
Cool, I’m part of an extreme minority because I play GW2 to have fun.
This whole communism analogy? You’re barking up the wrong tree. Woof!
Approaching an hour now… All the siege will be gone.
He lost all of his credibility and respect when he decided to leak all the stuff he leaked. No one at ArenaNet is going to respond to him.
You talk about respecting pillars of the community while Sacrx totally disrespected any trust ArenaNet gave him.
You talk about that not responding would insult him while he clearly insulted ArenaNet’s NDA.
It’s guys like Sacrx that are an anchor to this community, not a pillar.
It’s not because I don’t like the guy, because I don’t even know him. But he doesn’t sound like the type of guy who sounds reasonable and understanding.Which is what Laure is pointing out. He might have made some good points, and some general concerns, but he definitely doesn’t deserve ArenaNet’s attention one single bit.
Maybe he doesn’t deserve their attention, but we do. We now have these facts (thanks to Sacrx), which means we’re going to be asking questions, and we expect them to be addressed.
If you think this is all just about one man expressing his opinion you need to take a look around you.
Thanks for the continued responses, especially from those who can speak to their server’s so-called “night shift”.
Even if this proposal is too controversial and too much opposition, I think I’ll have succeeded if I’ve successfully communicated this fact (which is recognized both by many who support and many who oppose the idea): The dynamics of WvW change radically when the population is low.
The point is not that it’s someone’s night time, or that primetime is over (Side note, for those who claimed to have read my post and then suggested I’m ignoring the fact that the night shift might be someone else’s primetime, a geography lesson is in order. I indicated already that I play on an EU server, but live in Canada. Canada is not in Europe.), the point is that population drops off across the WvW population pool.
The WvW population in a matchup might be 10-20 times smaller than its peak population, yet it is still distributed across 4 maps. The game simply doesn’t function in the same way, either from an experience standpoint or a scoring standpoint, when populations are so thinly spread.
There are a few people who have indicated they enjoy the unique experience of these low activity hours, and I will say that it does have its charms. But if you were pitching this as a game mode in isolation (i.e. forget the server’s other populations exist), I think it’d be absurd to suggest having 4 maps would be decently balanced or that it would offer a consistent experience given the total number and the variance of players who play in this time slot.
T1/T2 are of course the exception, certainly it’s an obstacle to this proposal that stacking of coverage during this time slot has already happened.
(edited by Bertrand.3057)
Edited by moderator: post edited as the original message quoted is not longer existing
Legendaries don’t have better stats, period. If there are new types of armor, they should follow the same model. There’s a difference between improving or tinkering with a minor aspect of the game and violating a core principle of your game’s design. That’s why people are up in arms, and they have a right to be, just as you have the right to express your opinion (respectfully) that you believe a new gear tier is a good thing.
It is a bit soon to assume what Ascended gear is, but never too soon to reaffirm one’s opposition to any kind of a gear grind model.
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I don’t care what people think or say just because I have the brains and brawn to come on here and voice my opinion about something nobody wants to discuss.
Brains and brawn to be 1-shot killed along with 50 other lemmings?
I’m happy to discuss it. Ways to avoid being feared off a cliff:
Stun break
Auto stun break
Having stability
Condition cleanse
Not running through the wall
If you can’t manage any of these things you deserve to be a loot bag. Spectral wall is a point control skill which is meant to force you to go around or use your stability, like the guardian and elementalist skills. If your reaction time is that awful then just don’t run at the front of your zerg and get your bear to help remove fear from allies.
This thread is supposed to be more of a, “What’s the best thing the devs can do to limit the power of zergs?” rather than a slugfest between proponents of organized group combat and proponents of siegecraft.
I’m really regretting the direction Raf has yanked my thread towards.
Hi all!
I’ve been meaning to start regularly reviewing my experiences in PvP as a way to identify my weaknesses and to get feedback, while also sharing the lessons I learned from my mistakes with others. Starting a stream might also be a good way to accomplish these goals, but I have serious doubts about the capacity of my hardware and connection to support a stream. I’m running a standard shatter mesmer build.
Having started focusing on PvP a month or two ago, I’m now getting matched up against top players, so I’m looking forward to the challenge. Here’s my current assessment of my abilities, 1 being a casual PvPer, 5 being a godlike no-scoper:
Mechanical skill: 3/5 I can read a fight and land a burst well, though my reaction times aren’t always on point and when this happens I might fumble a play
Map awareness: 3/5 The benefit of going solo Q most of the time
Team communication: 1/5 I would need a team to actually work on this
Team synergy: 1/5
Any other categories I’m missing?
Now, tonight:
Between lag spikes, horrendously lopsided matches, the queue bug, and trying to get Twitch functioning, tonight was interesting and I only stuck around for a few matches. I’ll start with the stupid stuff:
My first two matches saw me getting repeatedly 100-0’d by DPS guardians and thieves, with zero reaction on my part to getting spiked. I also got myself called out for backpedaling in a 1v1 (rightly so), and neglected to use portal when I could have saved myself in one instance too.
In the third match I put a portal on top of a downed Denshee, proceeded to travel through my own portal, where I ate an arcing arrow on the other end (a warrior was recapping his node), then portalled back to finish the hard res. Some would say that I should uninstall the game at this point, I can only make promises that this hilariously bad maneuver will not be repeated.
Good stuff:
Won a 1v1 against a good d/p thief. Can’t remember what I did right, he stayed close so I managed to drop chaos storm and land my shatters. I also got a useful !! portal stomp off at some point tonight, I guess I should keep a running tally of those (1). I wanted to take the portal after that but there was too much pressure and I had to back off. Stole a boss on Forest while kiting a necro around some LOS.
My main issue was getting 100-0’d in situations where I had cooldowns and didn’t use them in time or appropriately. This isn’t always an issue, but I’m curious what strategies you might have to make sure you can deal with that hard pressure intelligently. I do know my situational awareness was also lacking at times, but there were occasions where I would have anticipated being focused.
Ideas? Questions? Gripes?
Seems to me that playing mesmer as a melee class goes pretty hard against the class design. There’s a reason why MH sword is primarily a defensive weapon; as you point out, if you stay in melee against stronger melee classes, you’re going to get wrecked pretty quickly. If you’re playing power mesmer in the middle of the group fight, you’re going to get wrecked pretty quickly. You’re supposed to use your weapon swaps so that you can kite and avoid damage, and the clone death trait never made melee-only mesmer a viable build. If you don’t like that playstyle there are other professions that you might find more enjoyable.
Yup, allowing siege despawn time to be increased according to the number of different players who tag the siege item makes the most sense.
Only a WvW player thinks there should be an achievement for tagging siege.
Because the top players are upset that the new business model shifts the focus of games to the center and left of the standard curve.
If this is the experience merely for those to the center and left of the curve then I’ll withdraw my complaint because we are doomed as a society already. I didn’t realise Anet was in the business of creating games for special needs
(edited by Bertrand.3057)
I love how my Asura…
… sniffs the air and glances around when out of combat. Occasionally gives his head a confused scratch as well.
… gives a wide-eyed look of devoted admiration at other characters when they’re standing next to him. Even better when he’s running next to someone taller whose model is selected, because then he’s running and looking sideways and upwards with his dumb grin. He looks like he’s going to end up tripping over a rock since he’s too enamored with the other person to watch his step.
… squeaks when he cheers, grunts when he jumps, and gives a tickled chuckle when he laughs.
… sounded and looked drunk in every personal story cinematic.
… is ridiculously shorter than every non-Asura. I was hiding in a keep with a pair of bookahs and only went to 1/3 their height. The purple dugong guild emblem he sports only makes him look smaller.
Guys, let’s all settle down and enjoy one of my favourite folk songs. I bet you know it, it’s Blob Dylan’s “Blobbing in the Wind”.
How many guilds must a blob blob down,
Before you can call it a blob?
How many keeps must a zerger cap,
Before he’s bored with his WXP?
Yes, and how many buffs must the arrow cart gain,
Before they’re forever spammed?
The answer, my blob, is blobbing in the wind,
The answer is blobbing in the wind.
How many years can a blob train exist,
Before it is done its PvD?
Yes, and how many years can some people exist,
Before they get bored of blobbing?
Yes, and how many how many times must a man turn his head,
And pretend that he just doesn’t blob?
The answer, my blob, is blobbing in the wind,
The answer is blobbing in the wind.
How many times must a man press heal,
Before he can actually heal?
Yes, and how many skills must one man have,
If all he does is blob?
Yes, and how many blobs will it take til he knows,
That too many people have blobbed?
The answer, my blob, is blobbing in the wind.
The answer is blobbing in the wind.
After reading through the entirety of this thread I’ve come to the conclusion that most who offer some semblance of a solution have taking the position of punishing the successful servers which reminds me of the mentality of the OWS (bowel)movement.
I just wonder how any of these servers could feel an ounce of pride knowing they couldnt use the metrics everyone else has used that have been on top whether it was t1 -t8.
Take Kainege for instance they were bottom of the wv3 ranking just 2 months ago now they are on the threshold of moving in to t1 so you guys in t8 do some self reflection and you’ll discover its your crying and quitting mentality that’s your problem not your competition.
So lets change the metrics to me just reeks of poor sportsmanship.
Nice job with the complete post edit. I’m wondering if the way I format my posts prevents quote updates, or if these forums simply don’t allow it. I haven’t seen something to compare it with, so I couldn’t actually tell you.
In counter to your hastily thrown together last-minute-argument, let me just remind you that what you just said literally amounts to the following:
“Why can’t you just get massive free transfers as well? Kain did! You guys just reek of poor sportsmanship!”
Interestingly enough, the argument is so bad that you can actually work the analogy in reverse to rebuke Asglarek’s political philosophy, which presumably everyone is supposed to share.
“Why can’t everyone just be a privileged white guy?!”
But yes, the issue is obviously the 300-point gap and unless you’ve personally worked a server to overcome a 300-point gap without resorting to bandwagon transfers you’re really not in a position to criticize those complaining about it.
I used sword/torch + sword/pistol with no help. Sword 2 freezes the mesmer down while enemy keeps moving – I needed a ranged one-hand weapon. But scepter is here unrelevant: 10,414 crit is.
I have shatter build. Shatter is based on clones, but they are lazy and slow. Enemy can run away from them and shatter does no damage. I check enemy’s health bar and see nothing like those noob cases in youtube videos. I have tried different traits, tested in pvp lobby.
Shatter is not an easy build to play. Don’t expect results you see in videos like Bamf Joe’s before you have much experience.
You need to learn how to play your enemy and time your shatters so that they will get hit by the shatter. If you just position your clones haphazardly and hit shatter when you have 3 illusions up, chances are your enemy will have time to react to the shatter and dodge or run away from them. One simple trick is to set the clones up in a tight triangle around the enemy, then they have nowhere to run, and if you time an immobilize you can prevent them from dodging.
As with any burst build, you also need to watch for your enemy’s defensive reactions, you can set up a burst but if they have a block or endure pain or a teleport, etc. it’s not going to do much.
Finally, you are never going to get 10k in your combat log as mesmer, each shatter hit registers independently. If you land a full shatter, however, it may well add up to over 10k,
Engineer, elementalist, and warrior excel with the celestial amulet, d/d ele being strongest 1v1 and brief 2v1s, engineer better for roaming due to CCs, and warrior bringing great group support with shout heals and warhorn cleanses.
Teams also bring 1+ DPS builds, typically thief, meditation guardian, or mesmer, power and condi necro or ranger are sometimes used as well.
So how is logging out is any different? It is not an exploit, it is coded into the game on purpose. Because it is unsporting? As if rolling over your enemy with a zerg several times their size is very sporting. If I drop and there is no queue and there is only a slim chance of me being rezzed and if there is no tactical advantage for me to remain where I am, such when defending a keep. Then I will log off, relog and be back in the game in 5-10 seconds. Same results as if I was staked, but sans repair cost to me and any reward for my enemies.
Skye, you really believe logging off is coded into the game so that you can save yourself the repair bill? I cry foul. This isn’t a gray area like any of the issues you named, this is explicit repurposing one game function (logging out) for another purpose (avoiding death in combat). As for zergs, this is a team sport. You ever played one, or did you rage quit when someone passed the ball to his friend because that was unsporting? Only difference is that it’s not supposed to be balanced teams 100% of the time, but that’s very clearly supposed to be part of the game.
But in case you really don’t understand, I’ll explain it to you. Let me know if there’s anything you don’t get, I know this might be really challenging to comprehend so I’ll try to put it in simple terms! The reason why logging out exists in this game is so that we don’t have to leave Guild Wars 2 running on our computers 24/7. I know this is extremely difficult to grasp, but bear with me. Running Guild Wars 2 places a load both on the client and the server, so it’s useful often to turn it off. As well, if you’re in WvW, that means you’re taking up someone’s slot while you’re AFK! Additionally, there’s a character select feature, so that you can play alt characters if you want to try different classes and races. Neither of these features were put in place as substitutes to you paying your repair bill. Any questions?
(edited by Bertrand.3057)
I like having options. This is my currency, I spent cash to acquire it. I have fewer options for what to do with that currency under this new system.
I also like having information. This information allows me to make intelligent decisions about what to do with my currency. I have less information available to me under this new system.
Reducing the options and information available to your customers makes them less empowered, hence the negative reactions. Money and time has been given by the customer, with one set of expectations, and now the conditions under which that money or time may be redeemed has been changed with absolutely no notice.
Whether or not it’s a legal sort of change, it’s a very rotten thing to do to a customer. Talking about how you want to advance the discussion or improve the system will be pointless to many so long as you fail to acknowledge that fact.
Problem to other class is how can thief kill and other instant kill damage class; engineer, elementalist kill so fast? The other class who don’t instant kill damage is the one using skill-skills; not other way around.
Again, have you played glass builds? If anyone so much as sneezes on you, you’re dead. If a race track analogy can be applied, it’s more like shortening the track for both sides so that the race isn’t mind-numbingly drawn out.
It’s impossible to instantly down anyone with tanky gear, they’d have to sit there and eat the damage. If a player is prone to doing that then it doesn’t matter what build they play against, they will lose.
That’s another part that’s often overlooked in the “thieves are op” discussion – the ability to grant that blasted stealth to other party members. The most fun I ever had were 2 thieves + 1 mesmer + 1 engi at Golanta. That group downed 12 people before they had to run (only to be back a few minutes later and farming everything but the main zerg which ran by them). Now do that with, say, 1 ranger, 1 necro and 2 guardians …
Not sure if you’re implying that comp should wreck a zerg or suggesting that it’s impossible… Because I’ve seen videos where TCHU does that (e.g. and they’re not the only guild that does this). They regularly take apart small zergs with a 4-5 man comp like that (often 2 guardians, 1 necro, 1-2 of another class like warrior, ele, ranger) because they have huge AoE burst potential paired with high sustain.
(edited by Bertrand.3057)
Do consider Gandara, currently in our matchup against GH and Desolation (5 and 6 ranks above us) we are holding our own, especially at primetime we have consistent coverage on EB and home borderlands, with guild groups often hopping over to enemy borders. There are many solo roamers (including Maskaganda and Osicat) and small-scale roaming guilds, including Black Thunders, Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train, and Beyond the Wall, and a lot of players in the larger guilds will roam when their guild isn’t running an op.
You obviously have experience from other games before, and you know how to observe your environment and adapt to your surrounding situation. And you know how to write coherent sentences on a forum.
I like how the necessary answer to this concern now is, “You obviously aren’t dumb enough to understand.”
I’m also expressing my concern via #DontTreadmillOnMe, I hope people can defend the game instead of just quitting.
In the spirit of Bella’s post, apologies if I lashed out too broadly. Anyone who thinks the old EU reset time is better than the new NA one is obviously a troll or a very special person.
Bella, our community has pulled through this for 8 months and there will be a nice boost this reset. I am sure yours can be just as resilient, we’ve faced all the same WvW issues, and will even adapt to enjoy what positives a longer reset night brings.
There is already a feature in the game that lets you turn off forced balancing and rewards you for winning the match on the team you started with.
It’s called entering queue.
Maybe even limit two rams per gate.
Hm, I think a cap of two golems/rams per gate would do wonders. That way smaller teams could still hit objectives, while zergs would be at the very least slowed down. If zergs were serious about taking a fortified keep, they’d have to use long-range siege or hit multiple gates, and this would reward much more intelligent and coordinated commanding.
(Though probably the easiest way to fix golems is to make them cost at least twice as much supply and make them automatically despawn 1-2 hours after being created with no possibility for refresh)
(edited by Bertrand.3057)
Yep, I’m probably thinking too far back if my impression of EB pugs is 20 people autoattacking an SM outer gate and completely ignoring what the commander is doing on the map.
I like the OP. His responses are prompt and reasonable, and he’s seized upon an important fault of the game while proposing a solution that would address it. The fault is that the game and the PPT match does not function properly when servers have gaps in their coverage, and the solution is to remove enough redundant servers so that those gaps no longer exist.
I do wonder which time slot the OP plays in, and if this is blinding him to the obvious problem with this proposed solution. If you look at T1 off-peak coverage, that’s where most people accuse the players of stacking onto servers. Before a lot of players moved to these servers, they would have encountered fairly sparsely populated maps. As such they were not creating a problem by moving to servers with better off-peak coverage but amending one, at least as far as their experience was concerned.
However, this problem of having a low population only exists at certain hours for nearly every server, and you would need to travel at least 3-5 tiers down the ladder to find servers that don’t generate queues at their peak coverage hours. What I found imperceptive was the OP’s response to my first reply, where he said that multi-hour queues were “acceptable”. This was conditioned on being “in the current server and queue system”, I’m not entirely clear on what’s implied there.
So typical to see zero acknowledgement from AM players that it it’s simply wrong to abuse exploits like this. Fits right in with a play-for-loot, no respect for opponents, anti-PvP mentality.
Was there a reason why a portal was made in the first place? Was it really just an off-chance that someone discovered the one portal glitch in hills in the middle of an attack, while making a portal for no apparent reason? I play a mesmer, portal is not one of those skills that you just randomly spam. This isn’t a new glitch, it’s something that’s been known for a while, there are videos and screenshots on this forum and you must think us really naive if we are to believe that not one of you have ever heard of this.
All I see is a bunch of covering your kitten and saying that the portal wasn’t important, of course if AG sincerely regretted this they would have handed the keep back, as was standard in the days of orb-hacking. They have the night numbers, so I’m sure they’d have it back in 10 minutes.
Maybe I’m getting a bit frustrated again like last night and not thinking clearly, so I’ll lay the facts out as I see them and see if you can deny any of the following:
1. A portal was laid that was outside the inner gate, with no legitimate purpose intended, and happened to be in the one widely known glitch location in hills.
2. Someone called for this portal to be used while the gate was still up, a number of KISS members used it and one ported back while the others were killed.
3. This diverted attention from the gate UNTY was attacking, which Gandara had been repairing and which had all but 1 of the catapults used against it destroyed. There is no place for “if” statements but it ceased being a fair fight at this point.
4. Hills was subsequently taken and held by AG, AG guilds were able to move onto defending other objectives and Gandara received a formal apology but no reparations.
(edited by Bertrand.3057)
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