Showing Highly Rated Posts By Huskyboy.1053:

Never Played A Game With Such Terrible PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Literally…. damage for some professions is off the roof and CC makes some matches unplayable…..



No where near enough stability/cc breaks to cope with it.

So are you going to tell us what you play, what you were playing against when this happened, etc.? Or are you just here to trash GW2 on the GW2 forum and do nothing to improve? People will help you do better if you let them.

(edited by Huskyboy.1053)

Whats the plan for necros?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I guess its a matter of playstyle,i rather take extra stunbreak+stabil with lower RS CD and lower RS decrease while in shroud,it playes well,and is funn.Thou i was mainly pointing out,if someone got trouble with CC,there you go,pick that nice trait and life is easier.

You certainly have a lot of faith lol. I’ll be around tonight if you want to test that versus warrior.

Anet, why nerf condi revs?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Really there just needs to be a stunbreak on each legend, I think Stab makes for lazy play but Mallyx undeniably needs it. If you already have a SB then Invocation does it for you, but without it… You need Stab.

Mesmer is Horribly Underpowered

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


If you ever watched Helseths streams, especially the 1v1s he used as practise or time filling while waiting to queue pop you’d see a slightly disturbing realisation. To get a kill he pretty much had to do an excellent continuum split moa burst, usually using portal to allow him to get back to where he ended the split to keep the pressure up. If it failed, which wasn’t uncommon then he pretty much couldn’t do too much until he had continuum split again.

Put simply mesmer atm is carried by moa, if elites weren’t reset by CS you’d see the power of mesmer drop very significantly. As much as I love the uniqueness of moa and how funny it can be across the game (srsly moa the wargs in the raid wing 3 escort, it’s hilarious) part of me thinks the game and class would be better off without the skill.

It props up the profession with portal to such an extreme that the only way a mesmer would not be viable with them is if there was an apex predator that would literally jump and kill them before they even got to a node. That isn’t a good balance state at all.

Practically every class/build is “propped up” by 1-2 key skills, Rev being the exception because it’s not being propped up, it already fell down. Where would thief be without Basi, the unblockable shareable CC on a low CD? Constantly running away from every fight. Where would DH be without ToF and a reset on its virtues? Dead in less than 30 seconds. I’m not saying your argument is illegitimate, it’s just applicable to almost every meta build. Some skills, especially elites, contribute more to the success of the build that others. That’s not unique to mesmer, only a few builds can have the elite changed out and still be fine (Engi’s sneak gyro being an example). And yeah Continuum Split is OP as has been pointed out many times before, that’s the real power creep here, not moa or portal. Honestly CS “props up” Chronomancer more than anything else.

Arken's latest video on guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


the discussion is about comparing F1 abilities, should I also talk about how DH have the biggest trap radius, can trait Daze on their traps, unmatched access to aegis, etc.?

And every power ability on Rev is an Evade frame, while DH only utilizes 1 stun damaging trap on their utility bar.

Everything you mentioned about F1 (burns are laughable) is more of a nuisance than some kind of high damaging(it’s not), overpowered ability. It’s a CC that’s best for pulling off obvious combos. Stand alone, it’s hands down one of the bottom tier Function abilities in the game.

If it was 50% than the current 70% hit rate, it’ll revert back to trash like it was post-HoT. There’s a reason why Anet increased its hit rate.

Ken got it right, DH is annoying in the bottom tiers, problematic in amber leagues and barely a viable 5th pick in the ESL.

Burn guard says otherwise. If you don’t trait for it, it’s laughable, if you do, it’s not. It’s literally the most damaging condition being applied passively and constantly, idk what’s laughable about that. DH even has 2 teleports (Sword 2, Judge’s Intervention) and cripple to keep people within the1200 leash range. But anyways what’s OP about it is essentially the combination of 1/4 cast and unblockability. Go ahead and find another F1 that does that. Increase cast or make it blockable and I think it’s fine, I don’t want to see DH nerfed into the ground but it needs to be changed to a more skillful profession.

As for the Rev evade frame thing, firstly that’s a huge exaggeration (sign of a bad argument), but also… do they have Aegis? Not even. They do have very obvious blocks that have far less uptime than DH Aegis + F3. Less AoE by far, can’t double-lay their utilities like a bunker trap guard can. No good ranged weapon like longbow or scepter. Horrific condi cleanse, and what they have in place (Glint heal) has a short duration and long cooldown. The list goes on. This is partly a function of the fact that rev was made from scratch a year ago as opposed to Guard being years old, but you can’t really claim that power Rev has the same 1v1 sustain with the meta build.

I’ve seen you defending meta DH all over the forums, which means you’ve seen the million threads dedicated to meta DH hate. Again, I don’t want it nerfed into the ground either, but you might consider actually looking at the class critically and trying to figure out how to change it in ways that don’t kill the class but make it more difficult to use. Blockable or longer-casting SoJ isn’t exactly a huge nerf, I’d expect that someone with your level of experience can handle it. And if you can handle it, why bring up red herrings like Rev evade frames?

Kittens and censorship

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053



We need Guild Wars PvP to save game

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Yeah the fact that we’re lacking team pvp is killing this game since it’s a team game mode.

Increase time before matches

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Some people will definitely disagree with me on this, but here goes: we need more time to prepare before matches. Since we currently don’t have build templates, if you want to change your build, you have to take almost the entire minute to do so. You can’t comprehensively evaluate your team and the other team, you don’t have time to really discuss strategy with your team (especially pre-match afkers or slow thinkers), and good forbid you want to change toons and then actually do either of the above.

We already have the “ready” button, so a longer pre-match waiting period wouldn’t necessarily mean that you wait the entire time, I think extending it to 1:45 or 2:00 wouldn’t be unreasonable. Right now there’s not enough time to discuss team strategy, you can only hope that only one person had a strategy and everyone rise well willingly follow it without question, because there’s no time to discuss its merits or lack thereof. I find this problematic in ranked since I actually care about how my team plays.

The economy of worth in PvP: Discuss

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


This list is mostly DPS role-oriented. A bunker, while extremely useful, would have a low kill-death ratio unless the enemy team was constantly streaming in 1 by 1 and getting killed by the bunker. In fact it’s possible they might have more deaths than kills due to being zerged a few times. To compensate for that I think time spent in/near an owned node without the presence of other team members (shouldn’t reward double/triple-bunkering) should be counted as positive behavior. Generally assaulting enemy-held nodes shouldn’t be rewarded unless successful, there’s plenty of idiots who get farmed mid who should be punished for their failure, not rewarded.

More stats like healing to allies/condis cleaned would be needed for support classes. Stats like kills, deaths, rezzes and such should be weighted according to the amulet chosen, since that’s the single strongest universal indicator of what role the character is primarily playing.

Bring back Team Queue and REAL Solo Queue

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Let’s cut through the myths. PvP leagues have failed spectacularly. Deep down, everyone knows this. It’s time to be brutally honest about the PvP situation. It’s time to stop protecting it. It’s time to stop pretending.

Just because you make a billion posts about how trash the system is (which is basically the same system used by every team based competitive game), it does not make your phantasm true.
Look at a some actual numbers like twitch viewership on pvp streams. Because this number doubled since the begining of this season. That sure is a proof that the league is an absolute failure, right?

So, let’s see. You’re telling me that every competitive game lets their players manipulate the matchmaking system and leaderboard? Somehow I doubt that lol.

Not all the top players need to cheat, if you want some indication of your skill level then watch Sindrener or Helseth and then try to duplicate what they do.

ranked horror story share time

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I was playing Druid. At the beginning of the match I told my team that I’d help mid, but then I’d go far and to let me 1v2, and not to plus me at far. I My team was basically stalled at mid by the other team while each team’s thief went around capping/decapping. Eventually our ele went down mid and I had to go far when he got stomped.

I was successfully 1v2ing the other team’s DH and ranger when our DH plussed me. That allowed the other team to snowball our other 3 incompetent teammates 3v3 and ruined the game. I got these nice PMs from my helpful DH at the end of the game.


ranked horror story share time

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I was playing Druid. At the beginning of the match I told my team that I’d help mid, but then I’d go far and to let me 1v2, and not to plus me at far. I My team was basically stalled at mid by the other team while each team’s thief went around capping/decapping. Eventually our ele went down mid and I had to go far when he got stomped.

I was successfully 1v2ing the other team’s DH and ranger when our DH plussed me. That allowed the other team to snowball our other 3 incompetent teammates 3v3 and ruined the game. I got these nice PMs from my helpful DH at the end of the game.

I’m not great so these are sincere comments, trying to learn:

If Ele goes down, but they seem to have a DH/Necro really low, do we go for the spike & stomp, and try to carry on the teamfight, or leave for far immediately?

If your DH isn’t sure the Ranger doesn’t have Signet of Stone/enemy DH has used RF… why is he coming to plus? What is he trying to achieve? I don’t see him having the toolset for a rapid +1, even a Necro would be better here.

I think lose mid -> push far is a valid stall tactic for Mender Druid, right? A lot of the time even having a worse overall team won’t matter (unless huge skill difference) because 4v3 is very winnable. While setting it up can take some luck, a solid 1v2 stall should buy a lot of room.

I’m not too comfortable with going mid at start with Druid, no Astral Force can make an easy focus.

When you go far as druid isn’t terribly important so long as the other team tries to 1v2 you. Some people go far at start instead of mid → far. It doesn’t work at Plat 2+ since the other team isn’t dumb enough to 2v1 you indefinitely, but I’m in Plat 1 atm and am stuck with and against people who will 2v1 me forever. Would’ve worked too but my teammate completely ignored what I explicitly said. Third time that’s happened in the past few days.

Allow class stacking in ESL

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


But here, sorry
veteran100-0 newbie <—- THIS IS THE PROBLEM! If a game 100-0 that mean no/less new player will join and stay.

This is not a problem. This type of logic is what leads to passive traits that reward people for taking a hit, rather than avoiding it like a skilled player. A veteran playing a high DPS build such as D/P thief or FA ele should be able to 100-0 somebody in around 6s if they don’t move or react in any way. If they do move/react, it’s no longer a 100-0 situation. That simple. If you don’t want to face the unpredictability and difficulty of playing versus other players, may I kindly introduce you to PvE?

The real issue in your overgeneralized example is that if a highly skilled veteran is facing a “newbie,” that isn’t an issue of class balancing or game design. It’s a failure of matchmaking and Anet’s pretending that their formula is infallible. That veteran shouldn’t have been in a match with new players in the first place.

Change or remove Sigil of Absorption

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


The only ways to avoid PI is to do nothing or to use uninteruptible skills/stability (if the thief hasn’t steal up). Avoiding headshot and avoiding PI is not the same. Headshot alone doesn’t do much if it doesn’t interrupt, so using defensive cds just to avoid hs is basically a waste. Not doing anything isn’t an option though, because then the thief can just autoattack you to death, which means, you need uninteruptible stuff (or enough sustain to heal through the dmg) in order to deal with PI. It requires counterbuilding, because counterplay is very limited. Which makes it such an unfun mechanic to play against (doesn’t neccessarily mean it is op though).

There are a lot of unfun mechanics in game (6 sec reveal on nearly instant spells that you somehow supposed to predict, passives, random invisible procs, attacking while blocking/being invulnerable) and yet there are still there.

Then start a thread about why we should get rid of those, I’m listening. What nobody can understand about you is this “well if I can’t have fun then nobody can!!” attitude. If something is low-skill and very unfun, let’s get rid of it. For the record I played symbolic DH last season, I am not really afraid of PI thieves on that build. Shards of Faith just needs to go imo, I use it but I could live without it.

If you're playing condi thief in ranked

in Thief

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


There’s a D/D condi build on Metabattle right now, and it’s perfect.

For mobility, spam heartseeker. You move really quickly.

With the meta build you can keep spamming Lotus Blossom and dodges over and over again. You also have two stunbreakers including a block.

There are enough condition covers to stack bleeds with. It’s priceless. You literally spam dagger 3 over and over again to the point where you win the 1v1.

This is cute. Yes, the D/D condi build works fine in fractals (where it’s categorized) due to the fact that monsters don’t really dodge or block all that much. In sPvP the reality is different; thief has medium armor and is in the lowest health pool, yet you’re relying on a build with obvious tells, little use of stealth, and which requires you to constantly be at melee range to win. If you choose Viper or Sinister amulet to make the CnD → Backstab combo powerful (I.e. make stealth useful) you lose pretty much all survivability. It’s a fail against a DH who can manage their condi clears, any meta druid, engi, or ele, all warriors who can time their CCs correctly, staff sw/sh mesmers, and who’s left really? It’s a great 1v1 build when you’re fighting a potato, not so much when it’s a moving target with dodges, blocks, condi clears, and/or ranged weapons. There is a reason that build isn’t listed under Conquest, that section is for builds that work at all levels of sPvP, not just bronze/silver.

Thanks for the changes

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


These changes, especially QoL changes to the lobby, are wonderful. We don’t always get what we want, but I’d say that Anet is making a strong effort to make sPvP better and keep it fresh. Thanks and I hope you guys keep up the effort!

Dragonhunters NEED to be toned down ASAP

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


You mentioned the pull specifically. Firstly, just sit back and wait for the pull. At your level, many people will throw it as soon as you’re in range. The animation is pretty obvious if you’re ready for it, prepare to dodge.

If he lands the spear anyways, there’s a short period of time where you can prepare to hit your stunbreak. Put your finger on the key and press it as soon as he pulls you. If you do this successfully, at that point you can go on the offensive.

Making competitive guild for ag's etc

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I’ll message you later today.

Revenant "Changes" 10/18/16

in Revenant

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Versed in Stone is completely random when it’ll show up anyway, it couldn’t be relied on too much to begin with. And if you were wasting dodge rolls just for Stab, you had a problem to begin with. :/

I agree with the first part of your sentence, and I’m already scraping most of the passive skills from my characters, specially if they fall beyond the 40 seconds cd line.

But using evade to get stability was not only wise but also mandatory in a lot of situations: I did enjoy evading before finishing foes in downed state while PvPing or at
roaming, and in WvW raids evading before a clash was almost compulsory, because Stand Your Ground! alone from your comrades wasn’t enough in the current state of the game, in which is the soft cc (rooting, chill, daze..) what kills you most of the time (you die once you stop moving).

While I don’t agree with his word choice in that you have a “problem,” the point is that just dodging for Stab is a low-skill way to get one of the holy trinity of boons (the other two being quickness and resistance). Not saying it was unwise, just unskillful. All you’re being asked to do is actually evade something, in sPvP most downed players will be happy to provide you with something to dodge. I will not comment on WvW, not my area of expertise.

(edited by Huskyboy.1053)

Bunker rev and class stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Because it only costs 10 energy and has no CD. In other words, it’s spammable to no end.

Incoming Rev nerf, changing energy cost to 30 with 10 s CD.

While we’re having this discussion can we nerf Surge of the Mists again just to be extra sure?

Ok but let’s put alacrity on it to make it balanced!!

Anet, why nerf condi revs?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Lets be honest Anet is dropping bombs and we are the toilet.

Nominating this for quote of the year.

Lil Ticklers Season 7 Condi/Power Necrobuild

in Necromancer

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


1) build calculator link please, having to click through a youtube video is annoying to the extreme and smacks of view count tryharding.
2) Your build is literally the standard condi necro with some utilities flipped around.


Power Shatter Mes Montage!

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Here you can see one of the classes i was talking about in other topic that is out of control and have way too much of everything.

It shows mesmer able to instagibs while also very hard to kill.

I see that you are skilled one but also see that your class is too powerful and when the 2 meets this what happens. So easy and fast kills not really fun to watch.

Video and gameplay nicely done.

Power shatter mes is the opposite of hard to kill. It plays marauder ammy and scholar armor. As already mentioned, mes has lowest number of passive defenses in the game. And high-level players don’t usually play Inspiration, meaning that outside of their well they have absolutely no condi cleanse. If you can’t figure out how to beat a no-toughness, lowest-armor, no condi-cleanse build then man the issue is not the build. To make up for this weakness they have port (easy to see) and Blink. That’s it. Blink is one-use. Just learn the build and its glaring weaknesses, and countering it will not be beyond you.

Got stuck in a wall. "16 Min Timeout"??

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Good question. When I’ve done it myself, I did absolutely nothing. No chat, no moving and no condis were put on me. I’ll ask a programmer to look at the code and tell me on Monday.

Thanks, problem is i got stuck in one of the pillars at mid in temple. The pillars are fairly small so i kept getting hit from mid point. Anyway couldve relogged and didnt really matter so its fine, just wanted to see if it would work out.

Could you also ask if knockbacks and such also have effect? I guess you ment going over everything but just making sure. Also moving camera, as in left click held down to look around. Im testing some of these myself, will update if i find something out.

Moving camera is fine, boons are fine.

Yeah knockback causes this problem too. I accidentally pushed someone into the Keep on Forest yesterday.

Anet and Core revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


This is a sPvP thread
Hey guys, in the wake of rev’s many nerfs, I see a lot of complaints about weapon skills. Those come from rev players who hate the nerfs, and also from non-rev players who hate the effectiveness of rev weapon skills. Because of Anet’s current approach to modifying Rev, it’s important to consider how Anet has been thinking, and what we can realistically petition for instead of constant QQing (to be clear, I have been part of this, it doesn’t work).

At the moment, it’s clear that Anet doesn’t want power rev to be the obvious choice in sPvP. Rather than directly pushing back against the weapon skill changes they made, what traits can be buffed or fixed to help Rev in other ways? Here’s some of my thoughts at the moment:

  1. Retribution is currently a dodge-focused trait line. One minor gives stability on a successful evade, another gives endurance simply for being hit. While I think requiring an actual evade for stability was a step in the right direction, ultimately I think it should be changed out for 6s of retaliation, and the stability should replace taunt in Eye for an Eye. Autotaunting someone for CCing you is brainless. Retaliatory Evasion isn’t the best major trait tbh, it should be replaced by something more useful, like a damage boost for a few seconds after evading an attack.
  2. Corruption focuses on 2 things: boon removal and torment improvement. Boon removal is good, until the boon meta is toned down this is a necessary role. However, why torment? Banish Enchantment applies confusion, Searing Fissure applies burning, the 3rd attack in the mace AA chain applies poison, and both Precision Strike and Frigid Precision apply chill. It’s frustrating to have 2/3 minor traits focus on torment, yet condi rev clearly is much more diverse in its condi application. Making one condition much more powerful and commonly applied than others exposes condi rev to even weak condi clears like Signet of Agility.
  3. Devastation Probably fine as-is. It gives tremendous offensive utility, and there are other trait lines for defense.
  4. Invocation Very useful for power rev, not much else. Power rev has basically 2 dedicated trait lines whereas condi rev only has Corruption. I primarily played Invocation power rev last season and saw great success, but I’m not finding as much use in Invo condi rev. Since this isn’t tied to a particular legend it should have something to offer to all builds, including Ventari, on all trait levels. Right now only the GM traits are sufficiently diverse. Instead of more fury, to which Heralds already have plenty of access, Fierce Infusion should be replaced with a trait that applies a snaring condi like immobilize or chill, cripple would be UP. That would help power revs anyways. Invigorating Flow should have its HP contribution upped yugely, right now it’s like… why would I take that with a 5 second CD? Alternatively the CD could be reduced to 3 1/2s.
  5. Salvation is not my area of expertise, but I notice that despite a specialization and everything, Ventari revs are just not as good at their jobs as support ele, druid, or even the upcoming support guard. Kinda lame imo but then again there’s not a lot of players pushing to make Ventari great again.

To sum up what I’m thinking: like I said, Anet has had some preconceived notions about nerfing power rev down, and we clearly can’t change that. Seriously, it never ends. However, the new stunbreak on Mallyx is actually a huge buff, and so they’re not hating on revs in general. So I think that rather than abandoning the profession because one build got nerfed (again), it’s more productive to focus on the profession’s potential for multiple viable builds and how that can happen. Right now rev still has a number of bugs, but from recent personal experience I’ve found condi rev to be very viable, it just needs a little push to be viable at high-level play.

(edited by Huskyboy.1053)

New meta analysis and what went wrong.

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


But would not shaking up the meta have been as interesting? Would yet another patch that barely changes anything be causing people to shake up their tournament comp as much as this one did?

They didn’t shake up the meta. DH/warrior/druid were on the fringe in a 5v5 team comp in the first place. Now they are just completely out.

If anything, the patch just reaffirmed the meta while make some changes which were good but otherwise screwing things up.

Which meta are you referring to, 5v5 comp or solo/duo queue comp? DH was not fringe at all in the top 250, Thermite made it into the top 10 with his symbolic build. Meditrapper was very popular and now maybe not so much. Mace GS burst was also very popular and now is decisively much worse. S7 meta will definitely be different. As for tournament comp nobody really knows yet, considering only one team has signed up and probably even they haven’t decided what their comp is yet.

Also: druid isn’t tournament meta? I’m surprised to hear that. Ele/necro/engi/thief is meta and has been for a whilr, what do you think the 5th is?

Guardians are so balanced

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I can’t kill Dragonhunters on my tank-thief. Clearly this means Dragonhunters are OP.

Lol speaking of thief… take the meta D/P build, replace dagger with pistol and change Dash to Bounding Dodger and you have a winner. No DH is prepared for PP right now and because of easy stealth access from P5 + Bound you have enough sustain to get past their blocks, even F3. And no need to step through their traps.

Who will the next legend be?

in Revenant

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Varesh Ossa: Was a direct servant of Abaddon like D’Alessio was of the Mursaat, and like him gained powers as a servant. Strength of this Legend is snaring and weakening individuals for party focus.

  1. Earth Vortex: does damage and knocks down those using non-AA skills with an activation time. Should have a small AoE effect around the Rev, large AoE would be OP, but could also be single-target.
  2. Enchantment Collapse: Whenever target loses a boon, remove 2 more boons.
  3. Call of Sacrifice: Basically is just causing damage while target is above a certain threshold.
  4. Frost Vortex: Similar to Earth Vortex, but chills instead of CCs. Chill from this has a stronger effect, maybe 80%.
  5. Elite: Enemies Must Die: For 10 seconds, whenever an enemy is hit by Rev, it receives the “Enemies Must Die” effect. This causes any of Rev’s party members to do 15% extra damage to the target. The effect can only be on one enemy at a time, and will affect the most recently hit enemy.

Profession Mechanic: Words of Madness: taken straight from Abaddon, causes area immobilize for 4 seconds, AoE is 600.

(edited by Huskyboy.1053)

I challenge Phantaram.

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


John this man is clearly a prodigy. CLEARLY. Certainly not everyone can do that kind of damage, certainly not a lowly pro-league player like Phantaram. Let’s make this happen!!

Who will the next legend be?

in Revenant

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Other ideas

King Doric: This one is iffy, he didn’t actually make an appearance in the games, only the lore. I don’t have many specific skill ideas for him, but since he was involved in the division of magic into 5 bloodstones which were sealed with his blood, maybe he could channel the power of a stone in each utility.

Corrupted Kuunavang: Kind of similar to Glint tbh but an interesting one nonetheless. Would be mostly focused on direct damage rather than Glint’s party support. Too lazy to translate her GW1 skills into GW2 language, but they are Corrupted Breath, Corrupted Dragon Scales, Corrupted Dragon Spores, Dark Chain Lightning, and Renewing Corruption. Profession mechanic would be giving very close allies (like within 300 range) Celestial skills which are based on the profession. Should not be the same a Thief’s stolen skills.

Zhu Hanuku: Could make use of cool GW1 mesmer skills like Psychic Instability and Panic, as well as its signature skill Jade Fury.

Urgoz or Kanaxai: Like Zhu Hanuku don’t have many unique skills of their own to draw from unfortunately, but have lore that could serve as fodder.

The 10 most OP traits/skills in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Things I find to be too good:

  • Ancient Seeds – Very strong trait if the target doesn’t have a condi clear ready. Then, if they do clear the immob, they get snared again unless they manage to move away quickly. Considering this is on a 10s cooldown, that’s a little low for such a potentially fight-ending trait. I would increase the cooldown or lower the snare duration.
  • Adrenal Health – heals more from one trait than from most classes’ active heals + sustain skills combined. When you take into account this goes on a class with heavy armour, long invulns, and resistance, you’ve got an OP healing machine.
  • Eternal Champion – long-lasting, high-uptime stability is dumb.
  • All the traits that cancel cc. These are usually on a <1m cooldown and passively swing fights wihout the user really doing anything. The attacker sees a window and goes for their big cc move, only to have it blanked by a passive trait. These might be more balanced if there was an indicator on the status bar so the attacker could use a lesser cc first.

Yeah Eternal champion is actually one of the worst power creeps from HoT. People just take for granted that you have to constantly kite a warrior until berserk mode is over but… why? Being fully covered by stability for that long is bad design, just because some dude is really angry doesnt mean I can’t smack him with a beer bottle and knock him out. Without all that stability, the warrior is more vulnerable, and the advantage given by adrenal health is more easily negated.

Bunker rev and class stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Can I just say I’m happy that Ventari, once considered the most worthless legend, is actually getting serious use?

Me too, I had a match last night with a bunker rev on my team and he carried us.

Condi Mesmer needs to be toned down

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Mesmer has been hit repeatedly. Most recently, Moa took yet another strong nerf. This is a learn to play issue, not a Mesmer problem.

Very dismissive response. Yes, Moa was nerfed, no, it’s not required for condi mes. That does not at all address the main concerns about clone generation (Chronophantasma doubles your phantasm generation with no downside), condi stacks, and condi duration. The OP provided actual numbers to prove his point, where is your fact-based counterargument that condi mes isn’t OP and is well-balanced?

Fighting DH

in Warrior

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


This is a sPvP thread

So I just got done dueling 2 top-50 DHs. One playing burn, the other playing standard meditrapper. I lost every duel. I got close on the burn DH, not even on the meditrapper, aside from forcing him to use his elite. I was using axe/shield GS with demolisher amulet, otherwise meta. What should I look for in order to win?

Rage Quitters and DCs

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Okay just forget i said anything about the pip loss bug, what I was saying is that if someone rage quits or dcs i would like to be able to leave the match without dishonor instead of wasting my time

Agreed. There was actually a post about a forfeit button/option, and that if every (present) member of the team voted yes, that the match would end. Seems like a reasonable option to me.

Condi Thief Needs a Nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Condi Thief is OP. Source: I’m in top 10 NA using S/D condi thief. Of course im also ridiculously good at the game, but it’s broken. I’m not even good at thief, I main warrior, its just that warr is so nerfed that im forced to use kittened OP stuff like SD condi thief to climb.

Yeah you were in that match in Coliseum yesterday where we came back. I knew you were on condi thief and wasn’t sure if you could pull it off XD.

Anyways how would you nerf it? I’d remove a condi from Lotus Training and just generally lower DPS, I wouldn’t want any changes that affect thief sustain in general.


in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Excuse my English……

dear admins!

Have a question He played this ranger And it’s good that way the balance….

Amanovik what other languages do you speak? Somebody who speaks it might be able to help you.

Condition Rev, Maybe one day..

in Revenant

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I agree you can pick the condi soul and mace axe but your second soul and second weapon are worthless in a condi damage build if you do. Honestly i want heavy access to torment.

Glint has Elemental Blast which deals 3 different condis including fire.

Sw/Shield is good for damage dealing and heals, though you could replace the shield with axe.

I’ve had a lot of success with the build, and I’m not even that good of a revenant to be honest.

That spec doesn’t work past gold/low platinum, and its condis are weaker than other condi specs and easier to avoid.

After a certain skill level you will not be landing many if any hits at all with mace. Since it has no snare or gap closer

Mace does not work vs competent opponents. The few hits that it does land are not drastic enough either.

Well Jay you’re thinking small. Rev hasn’t been good at 1v1s for a long time, and if you look at Dragon stance, it was clearly meant to be a DPS/utility role. Mallyx adds resistance onto the list of boons, which massively increases its usefulness to teams.

Mace certainly isn’t a great 1v1 weapon, but if you land the glint elite, you can easily follow that with mace 2 -> mace 3 for heavy condi application and some aoe might stacking. Mace is a bad 1v1 weapon (unless you’re defending a node) but it’s a great node fight weapon. It’s just situational, certainly not an all-around good weapon but it has its use cases like any weapon. Mace 3 aint bad at all but mace 1 & 2 are very difficult to land against anyone who’s paying attention, not including guards, who are forced to eat it.

Long range weapon missing

in Guardian

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


You’re not using scepter? The projectile moves slowly but its DPS is high once the orbs start to connect with the target.

A tribute to epic people

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Grats man. It’s always gratifying when people don’t say “oh gg” when the other team is up and actually try their hardest instead.

[PVP] DH Too Strong and Easy To use

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


If you really think it’s that OP then go play it yourself.

Will there be balance on the 13th?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Do you really think they should nerf during active season? This would lead to a lot of angry players. The best I can think of is: one big patch right after season, and one close to the start of the next season, but only some number tweaking.
I feel like the game is quite balanced at this moment, with a lot of viewable builds. I could only think of these changes:
- Slightly fairer tradeoff between offense/defense on guardian
- Engineer has a bit too high sustain (while having moderate damage with some peaks)
- Somehow make the warrior just a bit more mobile

I do. People are being too conservative about balance patches; if they did them more frequently (including during the season, maybe 2 during each off-season) then we’d have balance faster. Ideally. I do share a lot of people’s distrust of the devs but I think overall they do more good than harm, they could benefit from appointing a few community members who are actually good at game/build analysis and consulting them about balance changes.

Part of being a good player in GW2, as opposed to more simple games, is thinking intelligently about builds and adapting to new situations. The build notes are public so we’re all able to look at them, evaluate how they impact the builds we’re currently using, and adjust. Maybe it’s because I was really into GW1, a game with a more complicated and customizable build system, but I don’t really have a lot of pity for people getting upset that their current build is no longer as viable. I understand the feeling, but you have every ability to adjust. If you are only able to play what Metabattle says then you’re not cut out for what makes this game great.

Condi Mesmer needs to be toned down

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


As a relatively new player I cannot judge yet if condi mes is op or not; but since the topic is somewhat about countering it I have to ask – how do one sees/evades their shatter? Phantasms/clones approach on different time and shatter upon contact, I just cannot manage to dodge that stuff properly as a scrapper sadly :C Best thing I can do is blocking with hammer4 but its cd way bigger than the next mesmer burst. I’m reading that scrapper should counter mesmer but still cannot manage to do that. So if you wise guys can share any tips I’d really appreciate that =) cheers.

Do you have your utilities, especially your heal skill, hotkeyed? You’ll need to use your heal skills while moving, you can’t stop and stand there while using it. Mash your heal skill hotkey then pick your turret right up and keep running. Make sure to pick it up, as it recharges faster if you do.

To beat any mes you need to keep up offensive pressure, including using your autoattack when your other weapon skills are on CD. This is true for power mes and especially true for condi mes. You will have to dodge or block probably 2 shatters, your heal skill and purge gyro can easily handle the rest of their condi application. Your block is an excellent offensive tool because of the vulnerability application, so ideally use it to block a shatter when you’re in melee range of the mesmer.

It’s ok to use your heal skill to remove damaging conditions even if you haven’t lost any health yet, the sooner you use it the sooner it will be recharged for the next use. Also, remember that hammer 3 is an evade, so you can use that to approach the mesmer and also evade a shatter at the same time. You’ll lose if you don’t force them to use their defensive CDs early on.