Meanwhile, over in Plains of Ashford, there’s a heart […] used to be, you fought animals in an arena, and could choose the animals and the level of difficulty. Now, the NPC gives you a gun and sets you off to capture drakes or minotaurs for the arena. This, of course, replaces your skills with the weapon’s… er, skills. Wasn’t that something they were trying to avoid, to avoid newbie confusion? As in, isn’t that the reason we are no longer able to feed the cows or water the corn in Queensdale? Or is there some other reason we now dance for the cows? Anyway, before, that heart was fun and not particularly tedious. Now, however, if there are several people hunting the drakes, well, are we not directly competing with each other for content/resources? Thought that was a design philosophy no-no. Hmm.
Over in Wayfarer Foothills, we can’t feed the bear cubs the tasty fish anymore, because hmm. We can still turn into snow leopards, which replaces our skills with one snow leopard attack. [..] Once again, inconsistency rears its ugly head. Unless there really is some other reason for the dancing with cows… hmm. No idea why the bunny thing was moved. The keg toss thing now has a circle telling you where to be to catch it. That gets an /e Fluttershy yay.
It’s just… logic has been denied. :P Good points by the way and nothing to add to them.
If you mean that thumb up icon ([img][/img]) that appears next to the +1 button, it only appears when a post is very highly upvoted, not all posts will show it.
I thought contested Waypoints don’t show up on the map; only ‘in person’. No?
It does. However, due Megaserver thing only the ones in the map you are currently in are showed as contested if it was caused by an event. Other than that, only permanently contested ones (like ones “broken” during LS Season 2) are showed that way wherever you are in the world.
The answer is simple: inactivity timeout. There is a mechanic that if you don’t do any action while transformed during a certain time, you are kicked of the armor. What happens is that countdown kicks in even during the loading screen and the timer is very short (like 20 or 30 secs I think, or less) and then if the loading screen takes longer than that, poof you go.
I have noticed it a while back through the chat, after teleporting and being kicked out of armor, my chat would have several warnings about inactivity.
I’ve only seen it in skritt caves, and I thought it was intentional -- ooh, shiny!
*drolls* Ohhh, shiiiiny! Stuff, stuff, stuff! (I couldn’t resist :P )
So, whenever I press “M” to open the big map, I don’t see the world completion/area completion. I used to see it on my friend’s account, but I can’t see it on mine. Anyone have any ideas?
Wonder just how exactly it is good idea to disable access to vistas and early skill points that players can see and do as they start new game.. Why we can not enjoy the pretty view and see all the vistas in, say, 5lvl area? And how is it a ‘new player experience’? It’s dolyak’s brownies. So after lvl 15 players have to go back to do what they can do as they encounter it?
Yay, the du… and very user unfriendly NPE strikes again… -_- Well, if you haven’t done so, leave your feedback about it here:
I think that all the people who logged in during the infamous patch is having this.
It’s probably caused by the fact that training was reset and now is full again.I also have this by the way.
Not actually, I have only logged in after the patch which fixed the reset issue and i’m getting this exclamation mark every time I waypoint.
Could we please get acknowledgement from someone at ArenaNet that at least they’ve seen this thread and are looking into these problems?
Even today, i went to do the guild rush in Southsun Cove and my chat reset once again just as i was about to launch the mission and when i then opened the Mission tab, it was completely blank. I was forced to leave the map in order for missions to reappear in the guild panel.
This is getting very frustrating. I don’t know if you realize just how hard it is to rally people to do this guild rush, everyone hates it and then having to deal with this kind of problem discourages them even more. I would appreciate it to at least know these issues have been noted and are being investigated.
Well, maybe filling a Support ticket could draw their attention to this?
The thing is, we are talking about New Players Experience… first character, first impression, very first moments in the game, first experience in the game… second, third or whatever character shouldn’t matter. You don’t start a game already planning what to do with your Nth character. Stop using second char gets better as argument.
Also, it’s called New Players Experience, again, New Players… Veteran players shouldn’t be forced to go through a tutorial whenever a new character is created. Alts shouldn’t matter for this subject. People doesn’t go through a whole learning process again every time they have to drive a new car, they learn the basics just once and then just get adapted to any difference or new info along the way.
Yes, it’s frustrating to see my main getting a “you haven’t enough experience” from a NPC after been playing it for more than 2 years and no, I wouldn’t waste my time through the whole leveling process again just to get rid of that. Stop using alts as argument. Alts are the end of leveling process, an additional. NPE should be only about the very first character.
One more thing: for those saying that traits isn’t part of NPE, you are partially right. Traits were changed before NPE but NPE made them worse. After April 2014 Feature Patch, it was a nice and interesting idea to have traits being unlocked by doing some content (not taking in account that some of those content keeps being bugged). But after September 2014 Feature Patch and NPE it got worse by being given trait points and access to them later than before.
Back when the NPE was released Anet said they were going to make changes because of the backlash. Have any of those changes actually made it into the game, or are there still people waiting on them?
I could be wrong, but seem to remember reading that.
Well, the original title of this thread was “Changes coming to NPE” but besides what was said in the first post, nothing else has been announced as far I know.
If you have proof or even suspect someone could be using exploits or anything like you better report it through email to Discussing about exploits on forums isn’t allowed. But also good you didn’t name anyone or something like, that’s also not allowed.
Also, in case you have chance, you can report them using the in-game tool (if you can clearly see who is doing it of course).
I’m putting y’all on notice. I cannot possibly be the only one that knows this, but you can finish this [kittenkittenkittenkitteningkitten] race without resorting to Lightning Pull in any place where it will throw you over into the abyss.
However, I don’t really have an ability to make a vid, which this will probably require. Not to mention as soon as I type it, the methods will probably get ‘fixed’ ;( fixed, so that the race becomes impossible again.
So to whomever out there also knows how, you have a day to preempt me. I’m sure one of you has a video ready for youtubing.
I have found a few “shortcuts” there that doesn’t require Lightning Pull and they are even legal, but they aren’t always available (one of them is only opened for a certain time, after then your only way is through a path with LP). Not sure if the method you say uses glitches or “out-of-way” paths but I believe there are other ways indeed. However, there is no fun using workarounds or going out of way to bypass a broken mechanic
Yes, the mentioned “statue” is a globe with a “miniature of LA” inside it that spawns next to him and gives buff to anyone who interacts with it.
Don’t you believe it has a “mini LA” inside it? :P
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: shadow.6174
ok wait…
For all players who registered the core Guild Wars 2® game prior to January 23, 2015 and who upgrade their account by prepurchasing and registering any Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns edition before Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns‘ launch, we will add one additional character slot to your Guild Wars 2 account.
So those who would wait to buy it after the launch won’t get a character slot??
This is more than reasonable now though. Essentially, you get the expansion for $40 now, because you also get a character slot. Consider this a bonus to pre-purchasing. It also says “before Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns’ launch”, meaning right up until the day before it launches, when we know all the information about the expansion, if you pre-purchase it, you get the extra slot.
Ah yes. In fact, I see a character slot as an incentive to pre-purchase it and it would make all sense if it’s only valid for pre-purchase. At least it’s better now and this is how it should have been before all. Before, veteran players intending to buy the basic version had kind of none incentive to pre-purchase, but 1 character slot is already something to get people interested.
However, for me I still would need to wait it to go on sale or something. Exchange rates at my place sux at the moment and I would pay way higher than what I paid for the core game, but this issue is nothing they could do anyway.
Anyhow, yes now it’s a more reasonable offer and could get me more interested into thinking about purchasing it or not. And $50 still feels high but gotta way and see if the content will really worth it.
Verily, it is written, none but the most faithful may enter the Kingdom of HoT with a free character slot.
Hehe :P
Not sure if it also fails in this case but you can also click that little gear icon at the upper left, that brings up the same menu as Esc does (just in case no one tried it).
(yay, NPE stuff messing up with the game :P)
An Example: Edited…My Example has been removed and can now only be unlocked at Level 80 as it tended to confuse members of my test group
Lol, it describes what happen when you find a locked content that new players aren’t supposed to deal with yet in this new system. :P Like you reach a skill challenge or goggles and then “Sorry, you aren’t ready for this yet.” (that implicitly may mean “Sorry, we feel it’s too confusing for you to deal with it for now. Try again later.”).
Yes, calm down guys. It’s a April’s fool joke and it will be gone by tomorrow. It’s a joke like any other company does, like even Google does (not so original as Google’s but yeah). No reason to curse or flaming complaints. They just tried to make a joke.
Naa f2p hasn’t hurt the core game really... the xpac on the other hand
*runs and hides to his popcorn filled bomb shelter*
lol, I tend to agree... :P Hey, gimme some popcorn too :P
I’ve been gone for a good 6 months at least.
Ah yeah, no "much" has changed. Game went F2P and HoT got launched. With the last though several stuff changed and some HoT features has been creating discussions and complaints over the place, as Palador mentioned (costs for Guild Halls, supposing "grind" for Masteries and other stuff, bugs with the new content, specializations etc...) Generally speaking, it’s not much different from 6 months ago though.
(edited by shadow.6174)
Played this when it was the daily this past week. My methods for avoiding Lighting Pull still work.
When it is the daily I simply start a race, dance a little bit in place and get my daily.
Or I fall in the water and get my daily. Or do nothing and get my daily.Awesome?
Lol, once I entered a race when it was about to end, then I got in practice mode. But then I got frustrated by not passing through a Lightning Tether that I stayed sitting near it and the race restarted due time over. When it started again I stayed dancing at the Start line for almost the whole next race :P
Hmm, dumb question but worth asking… by change didn’t you assign auto-attack to that skill? Auto-attack is done by holding CTRL and clicking a skill (or was it Shift?). Anyhow, auto-attack skills has two arrows circling it, check to see if you haven’t assigned to it accidentally.
Maybe it would fit more to be posted in the sticky thread about map art issues: And what an eye O.o
I can’t say nothing more than I just agree with the post above. As mesmer it sux to rely only on TC to get some swiftness and even worse when it doesn’t stack. Several and several times I got slowed down during a run or fleeing from enemies because TC failed to give me swiftness just because I had 1 or 2 secs left of swiftness (that, at times, wasn’t granted by myself but someone else).
Yes, I have been experiencing that for some weeks now. A few mins after logging on all windows would appear without a background for a few secs or mins (yes, I would see the world behind it). E.g. When opening my inventory it would show only contours and numbers for stacked items but no icon or backgrounds. I’ll take a snapshoot next time it occurs.
I am back after a 2 year absence and this bug is still going on…
It really has made Sanctum Sprint unplayable for me
Yeah sadly it’s still a thing… I can’t even recall when was the last time I could see the finish line… :/
In some ways the system has improved but the the negatives far out weight the positives
It summarizes in some way what I feel about the changes too, not NPE only but overall. The bad changes regarding NPE has kind of overshadowed the nice things added in the latest patch…
(And btw- goggles are broken from the top down as well as from the bottom up. Low levels are nerfed from using them, and high levels are over-gated, and apparently not allowed to go back. Not sure where I should post that info, in case nobody’s figured it out yet…)
Yes, I have just noted that while exploring Malchor’s Leap. See attached pic.
If it’s an intended behavior (even though I also can’t think why someone would want to stay on that window, but anyway), the buttons would need to be better worded. It seems the way it’s now is misleading and people aren’t realizing the Close button.
Maybe wording the OK as Continue or something could be more clear. “Ok” gives idea of confirmation and also it’s expected to mean like something is done, over. It makes sense in the general context of that popup (confirming the item has been sold), but it doesn’t make clear what will happen next.
Another way then is getting rid of the Close button, letting only the Ok in that popup what implicitly will lead ppl to seek the “X” button on top in order to close it. Annoying, I know, but less misleading.
Another thing would be dimming the Sell Instantly/List Item when you don’t have the item. This way it would make clear that window is there just for informational purposes now and you can’t do anything with that item at that moment.
Anyhow, despite that I have noted TP is somewhat faster than before when selling. The confirmation popup seems to be showing up faster now. Same with that warning when you choose the lowest allowed value, no more a gradual blink but an instant flash now.
(edited by shadow.6174)
That’s nice to hear devs answering and wanting more feedback (although I always knew they wanted it somehow). About feedbacks I had even made a poll to rate some aspects of the new system and maybe it could give some insight too. Not much votes in it so far but here they are:
Changes to Personal Story:
Objective Compass/Content direction or whatever is it called:
About locking features from low level players:
Apologies if someone’s already reported this, couldn’t find anything using the search function.
Not your fault, search has been broken for ages now. And yes, there are a few other threads about the issue but, ironically, I can’t search for them neither I recall where they are.
That’s a common case that happens to everyone, as already said there are areas with no things to do (like pois, wps, jps, etc..) but that are discoverable and counts toward that achievement. An advice I could give (that also happened to me) is looking intently your world map for any blurred areas, mainly map corners and then going there and walking around a bit. You will occasionally find the missing area.
You could try checking the commonly missed places listed here:
Also, you can use a checklist of all areas here:
Yes, there was a patch that fixed several things. But a big part of it still feels wrong and needs some action. Even after that fixes the system still treats people as having low IQ, things are still dumb and non-sense, it still have too much hand-holding and too much restrictions where it was never needed.
The fix done feels something like when someone holds your hand to help you to cross the street, then you tell them that they are gripping your hand too much and all what they do is only lessen it a very little bit, but still holding it tight as if supposing you aren’t able enough to do it on your own.
Couldn’t agree more but well… given the choices made for things like NPE I wouldn’t be surprised it was intended and by design… :/
It seems there was a recent Win10 update (at or near the same time) that is causing some issues.
Microsoft loves to make things better by “upgrading” tools and changing settings back to defaults.
Actually, maybe it’s not the changes or tools itself but the very own process of downloading updates. Apparently Friday is the day for Win 10 updates and, as everyone know, you have barely to no control of when it’s going to happen. Possibly an update was being downloaded that congested the connection then the game started to lag and disconnect.
I tell it for fact because recently at my work place every Friday the connection start having issues, to the point of download speed reaching 2 Kb/s on a 30 Mbps connection, in a network with 15 or so comps running Win 10.
The main issue is the emote range. Say chat’s range limit is fine, but the emote one goes waaaaaaay farther than Say. As Donari said, a lot of problems would be solved if the emote range were made a lot shorter. As it is now, you can be a ridiculous distance away from the RP players and still “hear” the emote text.
I was going to reply about the subject but this is what I was going to say. If emote was short range as local/say chat AND names in emotes were interactable with those right-click option we wouldn’t have such issues (why isn’t the former a thing? Why can’t names in emotes be a link? If the issue is the formatting it can still be a gray text but an interactable link).
Queensdale Map Chat Before NPE
New PLayer: How do I do X?
Vet player: Simple answer.
Other Vet Player: More in depth answer.
Another Player: Also, you can do Y.
Yet Another Player: Z is pretty awesome too!Queensdale Map Chat Post NPE
New PLayer: Why can’t I do X?
Vet Player: Because you aren’t high enough level.Not sure if anyone else sees this particular inherent flaw.
Truly sad enough…
Aside note: yay for merging threads and messing up posts lol. Just kidding, it gets a bit confused until catch up again but good to have everything in a single place.
Once I had issues with my comp freezing and I figured out it was due overheating, my CPU was dying due too much heat. At that time, my whole system would freeze within 5 to 10 mins of usage, then yes, even if it freezes with just a few mins of usage it can be due overheating.
As already stated, if it was an issue with GW2.exe itself everyone else here would be complaining (and cursing maybe) too. In this case, it sounds like it’s something on your system, since hardware to software, and not with GW2 itself (maybe GW2 is one victim too).
Anyhow, don’t panic and don’t prejudge or suppose things before having more proper info. At times the issue can be something you would never imagine. Unfortunately, freezing can be caused for several things and the only way to figure out is with troubleshooting and testing stuff. It’s hard to tell at first shoot. (and thanks for changing the title, it avoids some panic and misleading).
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: shadow.6174
Gotta love when mods merge threads and the discussion gets confused and how it grows exponentially :P
Pretty annoying indeed. It happens whenever I waypoint, either same map or not.
The best way for you to report exploits is through an email to, you could even provide further details through that way. Reporting exploits through forums is not allowed and discouraged.
That sounds like a bit of inconsistency here. If "Show All Players Name" is unchecked it shouldn’t, by definition, show any names not even those in your party. Maybe the previous behavior was wrong and now it got fixed? Actually, I never realized if it would always show party member’s name despite that option being checked or not, then I can’t say much.
There’s a gigantic difference between "DO NOT show ALL player names" (it’s current functionality) and "do not show all player names EXCEPT those in my part and/or raid." At worst, they broke the functionality by making the option do exactly what it implies.
Yup I see. If so then it’s a classic example where users got used to a "bug"/"misimplementation" as if it was a "feature" and then when it gets "fixed" it’s seen as a "bug". *shrugs* Well, without an official response we can only speculate if it was intended or not.
(edited by shadow.6174)
Beside the sepia effect, if you look on your Story Journal and compare both Personal Story and Living Story you will see they have different dates (the number at the right top, below the picture).
Also yeah, it’s intended. Personal Story instances using the map looking like it was when story took place were one of the changes made after its restoration:
One more… :P How user friendly the NPE is… (nop)
There was a bug where minis and finishers would revert whenever you click Apply (either changing armors, skins or dyes). Not sure if it has been fixed at this stage.
The game now looks as if it caters to 6 year olds.
I could even say it summarizes how it feels about the most of the changes…
Once upon a time a Warden that would think their abilities were simply to look blank waiting something to happen… :P Yeah, iWarden still seems to stand there glancing at mobs without doing anything. Recently I noticed that, I went to gather from a node but there was a mob near it, I spawned my iWarden on the mob and went to gather. iWarden stood there doing nothing and the mob came to me, ignoring my illusion.
Any possible idea when this might be fixed? It is really annoying everywhere.
- The DC issue is getting worse on some systems. It is not always our internet connections.
Yeah, I know right? :S I’m struggling with it for some time now (
Try to clean game cache, usually it works for me in these cases. See more about it here: