Showing Highly Rated Posts By timmyf.1490:

Will there be changes to Scarlet's attack?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: timmyf.1490


There are some changes in the upcoming release to mitigate the severity of this problem. We’re also looking at making some long-term improvements to the Twisted Clockwork invasions.

It would be helpful if you indicated what those changes might be so that the player base could give you kind of a reality check beforehand. Please forgive me for assuming you folks don’t always understand the cause-and-effects of your own game, but history is on my side.

1) It’s too late for them to incorporate player feedback
2) Players don’t necessarily have a realistic view… or a consistent view… of how things should be “fixed”
3) It’s not Anthony’s job to communicate changes and, were he to hint at them and further refinements happen, you would be all over him for communicating wrong information

The only logical response is to say nothing until the official patch notes.

That said, I too would love hints. I just don’t think we’ll get them.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

11K dmg eviscerate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: timmyf.1490


This thread is beautiful. I especially like the part where anybody who disagrees must be a Warrior fanboi. #1 best trolling A+.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Lack of leveling content in zones?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: timmyf.1490


GW2 is different from other MMOs. I didn’t start 100%ing zones until long after I hit max level. Your best bet is to make sure you fully explore zones first by uncovering the map, unlocking waypoints, and getting most of the POIs and vistas. Do EVERY dynamic event you come across always. (I’d ignore hearts, but that’s a personal preference.)

Beyond that, kill stuff as you run through and you should get plenty of levels, especially with the XP boosts that come with food and utility buffs.

But yes, you need to do this in all the zones, not just one of them. By now, using this method, you would have 60-70%ed all five main cities, all five starter zones, a few 15-25 zones (Kessex, Brisban, Snowden, Diessa), the 25-40ish zones (Lornar’s Pass, Harathi Hinterlands, Gendarran Fields, Fields of Ruin).

If you’ve done all that and still are only level 45, I’d be pretty surprised.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

"Expansion sized" patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: timmyf.1490


Thanks Mark. I think it would be incorrect to call the “feature only” patch an “expansion-sized” patch, so I was wondering if there was something else that I missed.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Where is promised challenging HOT content?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: timmyf.1490


Sure, Vayne, most of us get that there’s enough challenge in this game for many people. The problem is this: if you only play 5 hours a week, you still probably haven’t done all the content that exists NOW. So you don’t need more content, at least not as much as somebody who plays 30-40 hours and has mastered all the existing content.

The request for challenging content is coming from and meant for players who either invest a ton of time or are just naturally more skillful at games. They don’t have anything made for them, apart from maybe high level Fractals and a small handful of dungeon paths, and even those are too easy.

There is already a TON of easy and lightly challenging content in this game and very little challenging content. Forget build diversity, I want challenge diversity.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: timmyf.1490


They can afford to have staff on 24-hour thread editing duty, but cannot spare one comment about the state of the game?

I’m sure you recognize that these are different people.

Community Managers are responsible for enforcing the Forum Code of Conduct. They are doing this by deleting threads and posts where appropriate, combining threads where appropriate, and giving warnings where appropriate.

If you don’t like this, there’s not much you can do, since even commenting on the Code of Conduct is against the Code of Conduct. You can email, but they’ve practically flat-out said they’re not changing it.

So the CMs are doing their job, even if you don’t like it.

What you want is a “comment about the state of the game.” No Community Manager worth their weekly paycheck is going to fall into that trap. They’ll deliver a message if asked to, but they certainly aren’t going to start voicing their opinion in the middle of a flame war. (We saw a brief message from the German CM, by the way, but I guess you found that insufficient?)

Even individual developers would be crazy to wander into this.

Realistically, what this community needs is for Colin to come out, take his lumps, and explain to people what the long-term goals of the game are. Again. Because people keep forgetting.

(As I understand it…) The goal is to create a game where large numbers of players come together in the open world to take down monsters. Megaserver is a necessary piece of that “large number of players…in the open world” part.

There are (obviously) issues with Megaserver. They are (obviously, I thought) in the process of fixing those issues. What more needs to be said?

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

would you play a Beta Drop RNG again?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: timmyf.1490


Needs more Buddhism in this thread. “Desire leads to suffering.”

This made me lol. Well done, sir/ma’am.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Romance Repetition

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: timmyf.1490


At least there will always be fond memories of GW1’s writing.

From the GW1 Wiki:

Stacie Magelssen [Design Lead for GW2]
Brian Campbell [Design for GW2]
Sean Ferguson [Design for GW2]
Cory Herndon
Caitlin Kittredge [Editing and Localization for GW2]
Will McDermott [Design for GW2]
Bobby Stein [Design Lead for GW2]

I guess all those great writers really saw their skills atrophy. (Or maybe you’re just being overly critical?)

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

New traits hurt me as a new player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: timmyf.1490


Don’t rush. The first leveling experience is one of the best parts about this game. Take your time, enjoy the world, and let the levels come as they will. This game isn’t about reaching “end game” as fast as possible.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: timmyf.1490


There are (obviously) issues with Megaserver. They are (obviously, I thought) in the process of fixing those issues. What more needs to be said?

Very well said. People expect immediate changes to something that came out just a week ago, something that needs data and observing before going all crazy and reverting/changing everything. It’s a longterm plan, didn’t you guys read the blogs they published before the patch?

Personally, I think this all megaserver thing turned out really well, I expected them to roll it out on much slower pace. And there’s not that many issues with it, AND they are working on fixing those.

That said, I was expecting a much slower roll-out and am dumbfounded as to why they decided to move so quickly. Many of the issues would have been discovered had they stuck with 4 or 5 zones for a week… and then we’d only have these problems in those 4-5 zones.

To the extent that ArenaNet made a major mistake, I’d say it was accelerating the rollout so quickly.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Remove Renown Hearts

in Suggestions

Posted by: timmyf.1490


I hate renown hearts. Absolutely despise them. I consider them one of the worst things about the game.

So I don’t do them. (Well, I did them once for map completion and now I ignore them.)

I don’t think they should be removed because, for reasons I could never truly understand, some people like them. And/or need them.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: timmyf.1490


I’ve felt this for awhile, though I still don’t quite know how to phrase it. Wondering if others might have an opinion.

As convenient as I find the waypoints all over the place, I feel like it trivializes much of the exploration we would be having without them.

I’ve suggested zones without waypoints as a way around this. Does anybody else feel the same way? Or am I romanticizing the runs from towns to far-flung locations in GW1?

Edit: should have said this originally, but all the credit to Sir Arthur for expressing my feelings better than I’ve been able to. This post was meant as a huge +1 to his.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

(edited by timmyf.1490)

CDI- Guilds- Logistics and QOL

in CDI

Posted by: timmyf.1490


I think being able to turn guild chat on/off by guild would be useful. Similar to the new Combat chat menu, the chat options for guild chat should just include the list of your guilds, up to five.

There should be one option, Only Represented Guild, which disables the other checkboxes and maintains the current behavior.

Unchecking that box enabled the up-to-five per-guild checkboxes.

When joining a guild, the guild chat checkbox for that guild should be enabled by default.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /