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I’ve jokingly considered griefing people looking for bounties by feeding them false sightings. I haven’t done so mind you, but I wouldn’t be surprised if others are actually doing this.
The current method of griefing seems to be standing in the area of the bounty without attacking.
Despite being VERY upset that my guild isn’t large enough to unlock guild missions yet, I’d probably have to kick anybody in my guild if I found out they were doing this.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Hi everybody! Oft-accused White Knight Apologist here to discuss the tension between what players want and what ArenaNet wants for us. This is something that’s bothered me over the last few LW patches and after trying to do Boss Blitz last night, I feel like I’ve got to get this off my chest.
What ArenaNet Wants To Give Us
They haven’t quite said this, but ArenaNet seems to want GW2 “endgame” to be massive open-world content. I’d say they want to give us open-world raids. Difficult fights which require coordination… but in the open world, not in an instance. This has been obvious with megabosses, but other events – Marionette, Scarlet’s Knights/Holos, now Boss Blitz – follow the same pattern.
The problem is that this game had none of these mechanics at launch. They’ve also recognized this and are now trying to “teach” players how to do these events. (I think it was) Josh Foreman talked about this at one point, they are hoping to gradually scale up the difficulty level of these events.
What Players Want
Varies. Many players are chasing loot or chivos. Many players are looking for a challenge. Many players are just looking for a relaxing way to kill a couple hours.
Where I Think the Problem Occurs
I’m not a traditional MMO gamer. In fact, if we don’t count GW1 (because we shouldn’t), GW2 is my first and only MMO. <3 That said, raiding in other MMOs required huge amounts of coordination but worked because everybody had the same goal: kill the boss.
In GW2, players show up to the same events with drastically different goals. Just there for loot? You can AFK in the corner and get the top-end rewards like all the players participating. Want achievements? Hide in the corner where Scarlet’s holo can’t hit you with the gun. Want to kill the boss/complete the event? You’re stuck spending time in mapchat trying to convince people to play the content the “right” way (or perhaps the “coordinated” way) while being ignored/told that they are just “playing the way they want”/told “ArenaNet wouldn’t have done X if they didn’t want me to do Y.”
Inability to Take a Hint
How many of you had people doing Boss Blitz who thought the loot was bugged? Who didn’t realize the goal of Boss Blitz was to kill bosses, not farm mobs?
How many of you had commanders tagged up drawing most of the moths to the blue flame dorito? And 4 or 5 bosses with absolutely nobody?
How many of you, when trying to explain the event in mapchat, were told off by people “playing their way” or “farming” or “getting chivos?”
Pulling in the Same Direction
I understand that game design requires building content for multiple types of gamers, but I am continually astounded that ArenaNet doesn’t build content with this as a strict requirement:
For challenging content which requires coordination, all incentives should point in the same direction: completing the content to achieve the highest reward.
You can still provide reward for failure, but even here you need to be careful. Tequatl’s staged rewards are better than Wurm’s per-head rewards, for example. The Wurm rewards split players who would like to attempt to kill all heads from players who just want to kill one for the “Best Loser” reward.
These events eventually get better. That could be because players “learn” the encounters, but I think it’s because they finally get the achievements and start playing the content as intended. That means that people like myself who are more interested in completing the content than lootz/chivos are stuck headdesking for a couple weeks before we can “play how we want.”
I know this was super long, but PLEASE ArenaNet, if you’re going to give us hard content which requires coordination, don’t also dangle shinies in our peripheral vision.
(And this is an entirely separate topic, but we need better communication/coordination methods as well. Potential idea: Commanders can set a “Players Desired” number and the tag can report that as well as the players in the area. This will greatly ease the process of splitting players between multiple locations like in Marionette and Boss Blitz.)
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
As somebody who wants to finish the event (because I am primarily motivated by success, not loot), I am so. so. so. tired of farmers ruining this for me. If you fixed it so that champs didn’t spawn when the Aetherblade Pirate Captain is up (and, like you suggested, added Empyreal Fragments on victory), I think that’d go a long way toward making it better.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
I’d also like to point out that adding combat options as a way to skip existing puzzles would also work. Don’t like the Aetherblade puzzles? Maybe you can fight a boss to open up an alternate path to the final boss fight.
Having more moments where you say “Based on our party, do we want to do X or Y?” seems like a good thing to me.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Again. If they dont want people to leech the event they should just add a minimum participation or shorten the afk timer to 5min or something. If people circumvent the afk timer then I could see a problem, but with 60min timer noone is doing that.
The day they suspend me for afking without circumventing the afk timers is the day I will uninstall this game. Oh and I would make sure to ask for a refund for all the money I spent on this game in the last 6 months or whatever their refund rules are.
You could always just… you know… not leech.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
aslong as people are still picking skyhammer, i’m still quitting!
This is why we can’t have nice things. One player can ruin the experience for nine others.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Super Mega Happy Fun Time [MEGA] is a Northern Shiverpeaks-based social PvX guild. Our guild does not specialize in a particular type of content and we welcome players of all levels of experience, time investment, and skill.
We are a medium-sized guild looking for players who are looking for friends, not just party-members. A MEGA member should be mature, friendly, and social. A little irreverent, but always respectful. Interested in both growing as a player and teaching other members to do the same.
Our guild primarily communicates through Teamspeak, not guild chat. While we do not require voice comms for most guild activities (guild missions and WvW raids are the exception), you may find yourself a bit lonely if you don’t join in on TS. If you’re uncomfortable talking, you can always just listen in! (Especially if you like puns. Oh boy, the puns.)
Our population is primarily based in the 6pm-12am Eastern US time, but we are looking to expand both earlier (EU Prime) and later (late night Pacific US) in this recruiting drive, especially if you are interested in WvW during these times. (Note that we are not a WvW guild and typically do WvW a few times a week. Less at the time of this post given the T3 matchups lately…)
We ask that all potential members be able to accept the identity and choices made by other members as we believe all gamers should be entitled to a safe gaming environment. We have members who span the spectra of possible genders, sexual orientations, races, creeds, and political beliefs; we ask that you be tolerant of those with whom you differ. In addition, while we all swear a little, we have some younger members and frequently play with guilds who enforce family-friendly language, so we ask that guild chat be kept family-friendly and any TS channel with the (Clean) tag be kept so as well.
Our guild is especially interested in recruiting streamers, LPers, artists, and gamers willing to help build our YouTube channel. We’ve been working on putting some stuff up on the channel and would love to have more players interested in the double-duty of playing and producing. Here’s some stuff we’ve done so far…
LPs: Echoes of the Past / Tangled Paths / Seeds of Truth / Point of No Return
Guides: I Hit 80, Now What? / Ascended Crafting 400-500 for Cheapos
Just for Fun: Spelling with Peanut: Elder Dragons / Spelling with Peanut: Human Gods
If you are interested in joining, you’re welcome to leave a post here or message me in game with questions. New members are typically given a trial period so we can kitten whether it’s a good fit… and that goes both ways! If we’re not your type, no hard feelings. We’re not very focused on finding lots of players, but rather, we hope to find the right players. Hope that’s you!
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
I also agree that reusing the LS encounters is a great way to recycle the content. I just think we are selling ourselves short asking for them to be added to fractals. Off the top of my head why not a personal story teller in the home instance that can be used as an interface to ‘remember when I did that cool thing’ or a scrying pool or with assistance from the pale tree. Plus if the LS encounters are used somewhere other than fractals things like the molten facility won’t have to be shortened.
The upside would be every new fractal would be totally new, the downside would be taking longer to see new fractals.
I think expanding the GW2 HoM is a good idea. I think some LW encounters make sense for Fractals, others do not.
My concern is that, if too many of them are added, Fractals lose their “wow, what on earth is this?” feeling. It becomes a very high probability that you’re just replaying old content.
Thaumanova was cool in that regard because it took something we knew about the world and gave us a little more insight into it.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
You haven’t joined the Order of Whispers, have you? Jennah’s dress is nothing compared to Riel Darkwater.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
A positive change, even if people have gotten the achievements. It shows that they have both 1) recognized the leeching of rewards and achievements and 2) care to do something about it.
Thanks ArenaNet. Putting more cash into gems in 3…2…1…
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
We really needed a post to shame a dev over a typo?
Grow up.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
I’d say this: rolling isn’t a problem, it’s the symptom of a problem. That:
1) Despite a tiered system, there are still Fractals which are clearly “better” (read: quicker)
2) With the existing reward system, Faster = More Rewarding most/all of the time
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
So could ANet stop the Personal Story by level 20 or so?
Because the “Personal” part of the story is over by the time you pick an Order.
This could free you up in twisting the overarching story on its head somewhat.I don’t make a suggestion like this lightly, in fact I don’t envy your job because its a tough one and I applaud any efforts you all are making in working with this.
At the moment it seems like GW2 is stuck between what it wants to do and where it was with GW1. You don’t want to keep old events around but still need them to build the narrative of the “present”. New players need to know about big Z and the Pact, but with that Personal Story your hands get tied when you want to do something extreme (like kill off Jenna or anyone high ranking).
Honestly, I know ArenaNet is on the fence with the idea of an expansion. I was initially against it, but now, I think this may be the best of all possible worlds:
1) Create an expansion that opens up new territory.
2) All characters start within the existing structure.
3) Once you join an Order, you can access the “expansion” content.
4) Expansion areas have no Hearts (like Orr) and become the most frequently-changing areas in the game. Build the zones with long-term change in mind.
This gives all new players enough time to learn the game mechanics before heading to a more complicated zone AND your Order can be the primary reason you head into the new areas.
For example: you must venture deep into the Maguuma jungle to study the Bloodstone (Priory), infiltrate the White Mantle (Whispers), or begin an offensive against Mordremoth (Vigil.) There could be almost a second chapter of Personal Story along with this, so if you buy the game and expansion and start fresh, you can choose whether to fight Zhaitan or Mordremoth once you join an Order. That kind of thing.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
I think that’s some great info on time-gating and helps us to understand why you use it. I would add that, in addition to casual-vs-hardcore, you should consider single-vs-multiple character players.
Time gates that might be reasonable for players with a single character could be entirely ridiculous for those of us who have eight.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Optional or not does not help people feel less forced, or less like they are being made to play a certain way.
Read this again.
This is the fundamental problem with so many unhappy gamers. “I have self-imposed rules which I must follow and their interaction with this game creates a situation I dislike.”
It’s just another facet of Scrub-ism.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Then he finally wrote: sorry my first time here……
Stupid elitist checks – gear pings, LIs, etc – don’t come out of nowhere. It’s not like most people wake up in the morning and think, “How can I be a complete jerk to strangers today?”
(But yes… those people do exist…)
Instead, all this “elitist” stuff comes from HORRIBLE experiences with people, usually many times over. Eventually you get tired of it and try to find some way to avoid it.
I’ve heard Fractal pugs are really hit or miss lately, but guildies have definitely shared stories of picking up pugs who clearly don’t have AR in high tier Fractals.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
You don’t have to go into World vs World. You don’t have to get map completion. You don’t have to get a Legendary.
If you don’t like the requirements for obtaining an item, perhaps you shouldn’t get the item?
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
dont ever leave timmy, would hate to see people asking you for your gold
If I feel so self-important by the time I quit that I make a forum post about it, consider yourselves lucky to be rid of me.
Good riddance.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
No salt here, except for the overall fact that server pop is madly imbalanced!
Question for you, though: does the imbalance across all tiers (i.e. kitten T8) bother you, or are you more concerned about intra-tier matchups?
I feel like the biggest problem we have is that there are HUGE Glicko cliffs between servers in the rankings. Example chart attached showing some of the “problem areas.” (Non-zero axis intentional to emphasize differences between servers.)
The basic problem, as I tried to indicate with green boxes, is that there are servers that are roughly balanced, but they don’t fit within the current tiers all that well. There’s either 4 of them that are even, or 3 split across tiers, etc.
Like many have said, Anet can’t fix this, and it moves so quickly any attempt would fail horribly.
Anyway, I like seeing it in graphical form, I think it makes the problem pretty obvious.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Yeah. In general I’m VERY happy with the new UI, but your first point here address a common irk of mine. I frequently open my Hero panel to check out my stats (because of modifiers like food, party buffs, etc) and the extra click to the Equipment tab can frustrate me.
I think that’s a pretty good sign of solid UI design, though. The biggest complaint I have is a single extra click.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
EDIT: It’s not cut-and-dried either way, and we need to get over that. It’s a complex decision and people have a tendency to see all the advantages and none of the disadvantages of the things they personally want.
It’s also a false equivalency. One side is saying, “This is content I want and I’d like it included along side the type of content the rest of you want.” The other side is saying, “You can’t have this content because I don’t want it.”
Not. The. Same. Thing.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Let me give an example of a boss encounter that could incorporate player choice and skill and give multiple paths for completion. I’m not going to add lore or background or anything, we’ll just call this boss Boss.
Boss is like a normal boss but has two buffs which are being applied by some sort of magical turret devices on opposite sides of the room, let’s say at 1500+ range from the boss. Turret 1 applies a Toughness buff to the boss which, like the Husks in the Wurm fight, negates most direct damage. Turret 2 applies the Condition Reflect buff to the boss, like the one from Scarlet’s Knights.
Players can “turn off” the buffs by standing on a pressure plate at the turret, but by standing on this plate, adds spawn in the vicinity.
This means a few decisions: should we turn off 0, 1, or 2 plates? Do we need players defending the player on the plate(s)? Etc.
In advanced Fractal groups, the answer will most certainly be to only turn off the Toughness turret and that player shouldn’t need any defending leaving 4 players to DPS the boss. But the encounter would still be accessible and require coordination by lower-skill groups.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Hello forum posters.
I am writing this to you with my dying breaths. Upon reading the advice in this thread, I determined I would like to skip my dailies. After all, it is the holidays and I am busy with family.
Little did I know, terror would befall me. When I recognized that I would miss out on a potential 10 achievement points, my chest cried out in pain. A heart attack, I think. I’m not really sure. I fully intend to head to the hospital, but I wanted to make sure I updated here first.
I will hopefully survive, but right now, I’m beginning to think maybe I just should have done like five minutes of WvW or ten minutes of PvP.
With regrets and soon to be dead,
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
There are some really terrifying stories about the impressions the train makes on new players. Really scary stuff.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
I think the problem here is that ArenaNet would say, “Oh, small guilds can do the content! They just might not be the ones starting it.”
Which is true. But that means they also won’t get the (rather nice) rewards.
Anybody have any influence farming tips?
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
We should buy guilds with Grumble Cakes. A stack of Grumble Cakes for each transfer!
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Those who AFK are not hurting you.
You say this like you’ve never tried to join a friend’s instance only to find it’s full… and your friend reports back there’s 20-30 people idling away, waiting for Breach/Vinewrath.
Yes, AFKers are hurting me.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Check back on Monday, maybe? :-)
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Hey Xar, hopefully Chris will fully clarify for you, but my understanding is, regarding cadence, that they feel this way:
1) We really want to be able to put out content every 2 weeks
2) We think we have the tools and teams to do so at a high quality
3) These tools and teams have required some refinement, so we’re still finding our feet and getting up to speed a bit
4) We don’t think we’ve had long enough in this mode to consider adjusting the cycle yet (even though, to you guys, it seems like a year, keep in mind that our teams have had AT MOST two releases each)
5) If, moving forward, we aren’t meeting the quality goals we’d like to hit, we’d consider changing it, but we aren’t at that point yet
While I disagree with some of that (specifically #2: I think the cycles are too fast for proper storytelling due to the time required to write, translate, and record voice in multiple languages), I think it’s a fair response at this point and most of us will have to accept it.
Now, 2 week releases don’t have to mean an achievement grind, so that may be a useful topic of discussion moving forward.
That’s my sense of what Chris said, anyway.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Hey guys, I thought I might try summarizing the discussion so far, as it’s reached a length that I think makes it tough for people to jump in and contribute. We’ve seen a few “I don’t have time to read this, but here’s my idea [that has already been discussed]” posts so far.
I’m going to do this differently from the link-heavy versions we’ve had others do here and try to summarize the discussion so far. Hopefully some people find this helpful.
Rewards have been a heavy topic of discussion, perhaps the most-discussed topic so far. Opinions on rewards vary, but tend to fall into a few core statements that seem to resonate with the community. Overall, Fractal rewards are insufficient compared to rewards in other game types. Suggestions for improving rewards vary, but include: increasing gold, providing other uses for regular and pristine relics, and adding upgradable Fractal armor (beyond just the backpack).
Time Required, Barriers to Entry, AR, and Dredge
One theme we’ve seen come up a lot, in different ways, is that Fractals represent a relatively large investment of time and perhaps gold. Getting started with Fractals can be challenging as there is not necessarily an easy way to learn the encounters due to the randomness of shard choice. Having 4 Fractals at a time can represent a significant amount of gaming for a group and may exclude players who only have an hour or less to play. Progressing deep into Fractals requires Agony Resistance, but that is bound to a character and can make progressing multiple characters through Fractals difficult and expensive. And worst of all, a quick Fractals run can be sidelined by an unlucky Dredge roll which can take many groups twice as long as other Fractals.
Solutions for fixing these problems vary, but include “saving” Fractal progress so single shards can be done at a time, a Practice Mode that allows groups to choose a single Fractal to attempt, some sort of AR-avoidance mechanism as a group buff or bundle, or even account-bound AR.
Dredge has pages of suggested fixes, but most of them center around reducing the total number of mobs, especially in the “clown car” encounter, or removing one of the 4 “parts” to the Fractal: button, hallway, Champ/clown car, final boss.
Rolling For Swamp
The most controversial discussion so far has been on the topic of “rolling” for the Swamp Fractal. There does not appear to be a consensus on this issue – there isn’t even a consensus that rolling is “bad” – apart from variable rewards depending on Fractal difficulty could be a way to reduce rolling. Some players even suggested allowing the group to vote on the Fractal at every stage.
Additional Fractal Content
There has been discussion surrounding adding new Fractals as a way to introduce new lore into the game or revisit unanswered questions. Suggestions for new Fractals have included using alternate versions of GW1 missions or dungeons as well as Fractal versions of events from the three Guild Wars Novels.
This is my own personal view of what people who might not be following closely should know to “catch up” a bit. There were topics discussed which I left out, some on purpose, others by accident, but I still think this is a relatively representative summary.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
As somebody who knows a little about the lore and would love to know more, I can’t think of a much worse way to introduce people to past stories than “Read once sentence at a time.”
Having a better UI for reading text would help, but it’s still a bandaid.
I’d rank a few possibilities for doing it, from best to worst:
Playable version of the events. (You get to walk around and be a part of the lore.)
Voice-acted discussion of the events.
Text you can read.
There are (obviously) other options, but as much as possible, I’d love to see ArenaNet shoot for the top of the list.
Edit: I should mention that I don’t have anything against reading: I’ve read all three books! (I even bought extra signed copies of Sea of Sorrows for my guild officers!) I just think it’s better to really bring the world to life. I still want more lore in text form than we have now, I just think there are better options available.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Sariel, thanks to Glicko randomization, that’s not strictly true. There will certainly be periods of weeks at a time that the server doesn’t change colors, but patience and persistence will pay off, even on the last-ranked server.
Edit: if you want to see this for last-place NA, Anvil Rock: http://mos.millenium.org/servers/history/47
I’ll post their color week-by-week starting now and going backward…
Red, Blue, Blue, Blue, Red, Green, Green, Blue, Blue, Red, Red, Blue, Blue, Green, Red…
There’s a substantial amount of bounce there, so it’s really just a matter of keeping your eyes on the map and allowing yourself a month or two in order to get everything.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
(edited by timmyf.1490)
Taimi asks for first hand accounts of what is going on in Lion’s Arch. I’m doing the Living Story and bringing back first hand reports of all the action taking place in LA.
I will not stand for this harassment by other players and devs calling me a leech for doing the living story. I will report all harassment promptly.
It is okay to be doing other content in LA: exploring, getting vistas, map completion, rubble, etc. It is not okay to spend 45 minutes running into a wall while you do other things.
It is understandable that some people will need to AFK. If you need more than 10 minutes, the game should remove you from the event. Players who attempt to circumvent that rule should receive suspensions.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Seriously, Plains of Ashford only have 3 uncontested wp on the far west side yet when I zone in theyre all open. WTH, make me wp twice to get where I want to go. Who thought this was a good idea?
Nobody. Even the devs acknowledged it wasn’t their preferred option, it’s just the only one that was technologically feasible at this point.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
The issue is… Zerging managed to at least get close to killing all 3 knights in time.
Now, even if you’re in a full overflow, it seems impossible to manage 6 minutes to Knightfall.
People don’t seem to understand the whole calibration mechanic.
“Oh, I’m hitting 0. No idea why that is. I’ll just keep standing here using auto-attack.”
What do you mean I have to attack from behind the Warden?!? And why is my bear not doing any damage?
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1. Anet chooses
No use doing a CDI that players choose that ends up being 90% “we can’t comment on future plans.”
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
This gives me the notion that with a little help at the system level, events can and should be the bulk of repeatable open world content in Tyria.
Yes. Yes yes yes. Renown hearts were my least favorite part of the game. While I respect the feelings of others who like them, I think you’re on the right track that dynamic events are more fun and engaging than hearts.
Honestly, when it comes to open world content, I think one of the largest reasons you don’t see people do it is because there’s “no reason to do it.”
“No reason” = lack of exclusive rewards, or lack of rewards in general
Let’s say I decide to run around in Timberline Falls for exactly one hour, do some gathering, and complete dynamic events along the way. What can I expect as far as rewards? Some crafting mats, probably a handful of blues and greens – and not necessarily any unique skins – and maybe 1 gold?
Okay, how about instead I run dungeons for that hour. I get maybe 5 or 6 gold directly, more blues and greens, a huge number of champ boxes, and dungeon tokens which can get me unique skins, exotic-level gear, or be converted into gold.
Why is Dry Top better for this? Well, you need Geodes for lots of recipes and skins. So you have to play those events.
If you went back into old zones, added a bunch more dynamic events, added map-specific progression, and gave map-specific rewards, I bet you’d see a lot more players in those zones as well.
The trick is that the rewards need to be 1) exclusive or 2) comparable in gold value to other forms of content. And if #2 is economy-breaking, you NEED #1.
Just my two cents.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Or maybe it’s because they use a third-party payment processor that doesn’t accept bitcoins.
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These items still function the same as they did previously. In fact, Anet buffed the stats on them. So what’s there to complain about?
That is just not true.
Yeah, there was like a 6% boost on non-critical damage stats. Overall DPS is still down slightly, but they got higher stats in the last patch.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Dailies might be too much, but what about Weekly Orders Missions? Each Order can have a unique task for you to accomplish and it raises a corresponding Order Rank. Higher Order Ranks unlock new tiers of Order-specific gear.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
- Remove RNG from precursors and make them obtainable only from vendor purchase at 3000g a piece
I’m not sure what’s worse: this suggestion or the possibility you aren’t joking.
Yeah, i was thinking the same thing. OUCH!
I’m thinking maybe it was a typo and he meant 300g.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
I can’t really agree with this. I mean, if you guys are as serious about PvP as you say you are it would make more sense to ‘police’ yourselves a bit and keep the atmosphere positive. You’ll never be rid of casual players as long as PvP reward tracks > PvE content.
Hi. So as somebody who does police language – within my guild – I’d love to know how you think players can do this? Other than just yelling back or, as has been mentioned several times now, using the report function.
We can’t kick toxic jerks from Heart of the Mists, so unless you have a constructive, realistic suggestion, maybe let’s blame the toxic jerks for the toxicity and not the entire community?
Just like we’ll never be rid of PvE casuals, we’ll also never be rid of PvP tryhards.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Out of curiosity, how many people complaining about Zerker gear bought themselves a set, tried it out for a few months, and decided it wasn’t for them?
Or are you complaining about it from a place of ignorance?
I used to complain about it as well. Then I tried it and had a lot more fun.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Are you guys serious?
It takes longer than two weeks to develop the patches that come out every two weeks. The team began working on the LW patches in March/April, iirc. They started releasing in July. They probably wrapped up those patches a couple weeks before the last release in August.
That means they built four patches in the months of March, April, May, June, and July. 4-5 months for 4 patches.
So how long for the last 4 patches? 4-5 months. July, August, September, October, and November.
This is a very simple concept, you just need to understand there are multiple teams working on long workstreams. No release DOES NOT EQUAL no work being done. Biweekly releases DOES NOT MEAN those releases only took two weeks.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Yes, there is a roadmap.
No, you can’t see it.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Chris been missing for a day. Any news?
I’m not sure it’s appropriate to ask. He’s dealing with family issues. He’ll return when he returns.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
It doesn’t surprise me that STIHL doesn’t understand how a good player can carry a raid team or how a bad player can ruin it… You’ve not even killed VG, right?
We have a chrono who makes sick plays. Like hitting a 1s distortion share when a player is about to get flamewalled. I’ve made a few great plays myself with Transfusion on Matty G, pulling 3 downed players out of wells.
You’re criticizing something from a position of ignorance and it’s obvious.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
You could choose to be offended, and let them dictate how you feel, how you will react. Allow them to control your emotions and actions. Or you can choose to not take offense, and not them them control you.
When you allow them to control you, you give them more power. You are essentially saying, “I am giving you control over my feelings, and letting you choose how I react to your words.” If you don’t give them that control, then they have no power. Is that going to stop them? Probably not. But it will certainly make your life easier by refusing to let them control you.
A “control” metaphor is useful, but so is a “power” metaphor. I’d prefer to have the power to take action rather than be powerless against them with my only recourse being to hide.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Did Colin swing his sword at the end? And then he swung it again? And then he swung it again?
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org