On one hand, I like the filter. It’s usually not hard to understand, and it blunts some of the harsher language people might use.
On the other hand, no one can type “Redenaz” “is” because the forum thinks they’re supporting the fascists. Whoops.
That’s not something they didn’t think about when they made this decision. They made it anyways. It’s almost like the people complaining here don’t understand that Anet already walked through those scenarios. Amazing.
Yeah, ANet has never made a decision and then had to backtrack because they misjudged the response after “walking through the scenarios”. NEVER!
ANet may give it to you.
Hey guys, is our attention span so bad that we forgot about this already? We need to continue to demand a proper response that isn’t just Mike O’Brien insulting people on the forums.
I haven’t forgotten, but there reaches a point in time where it becomes obvious that they’re not going to respond or change their mind.
Not that I won’t mention it though on appropriate threads, such as the next expansion if they haven’t started work on Legendaries and they make claims that there will be content later, if only we will trust them to add it in.
ANet may give it to you.
The best way to “vote” against such threads is to not participate in them. It won’t solve the problem of course but by not participating you are not encouraging it either.
Good luck. Won’t work though. A plea like this only works for those who normally don’t post negative speech, nonconstructive feedback or ideological/political beliefs. Those who make negative, non constructive posts or inflammatory political/ideological posts don’t think they are wrong. In addition, trolls who make “hot topic” threads to get a lot of posts don’t care about being reasonable and constructive. They only want to troll and get people riled up, probably because they’re bored.
If they cross the forum rules, report them. That’s all you can do.
ANet may give it to you.
I only bought one after the shared slots were added, but I strongly agree those who bought multiples before should be allowed to:
1) Return for gems, or
2) Make them tradeable so people can at least sell them to others.
Maybe even make them 1 time tradeable, once it’s used again, it’s account bound again.
The fact that these people bought multiples means they were supporting Anet through the gemshop, arguably Anet’s best supporters as far as income, as such I think Anet should be perfectly happy with keeping those customers happy.
The functionality of the item itself was not changed with the shared inventory slots so there wouldn’t be a refund unless you were still within that window.
Sadly the functionality was changed: the moment you put one of these items in the shared slot, the second and all the other you have become instantly useless.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I’m still quite frustrated that I have so many Salvage-o-Matic’s wasted sitting around in my personal bank because they’re too valuable to just outright destroy. I, personally, think not refunding the gems for them is a mistake on ANet Support’s part as far as customer satisfaction goes.
Please make is possible for a player to choose if they want to do HoT or regular dailies for PvE. Not all of us who own HoT have had the time to fully explore it, making some content inaccessible (including, again, today, and pretty much every day since the update went live). Some of us would also prefer to be able to do dailies with friends who don’t own HoT at all yet. It’s a social thing.
(edited by peachtails.9072)
Please make is possible for a player to choose if they want to do HoT or regular dailies. Not all of us who own HoT have had the time to fully explore it, making some content inaccessible (including, again, today, and pretty much every day since the update went live). Some of us would also prefer to be able to do dailies with friends who don’t own HoT at all yet. It’s a social thing.
Agreed. 3 of the last 4 have been further into HoT than I can reach yet. More flexibility, please.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
Seeing as the thrust seems to be to make them more accessible and you can only get a limited number of tokens in a season anyway, could even offer ascended armour/weapon boxes/trinkets (unique skins a la raids would be nice, but I think a lot of people would be happy having another option on getting ascended gear).
I think crowd-funding is a decent idea for developers that have a game idea but don’t have the money to produce it. I think it’s a terrible idea to encourage development companies (any companies, really) that already have a sustainable business model to think they can get away with providing less for the money they charge because people will then pay them more money to flesh out the product. This is a bad idea for consumers.
May The Stars Guide You in your quest to get rid of this.
ANet John Smith
These forums are not a grey market. Please do not use them as such.These forums are for educated and intelligent conversation about the BLTC, answering questions, solving problems and helping people. Lets use them for that!
ANet may give it to you.
Let’s start crowdfunding project so ArenaNet will have chance to finish promised 2nd weapon legendary set! Let’s say they offer to participants something ingame for donations. Would you use your credit card to support this project?
Share your thoughts.
This is a very dark and ugly road to go down. It shifts the money focus from gemstore cosmetics to “Let’s hint at something in the game, then see if they’ll pay for us to work on it some more.” It would become financially useful to start projects, then drop them to see if players pick up the funding to resume. Dissatisfaction, instead of satisfaction, would become the money maker.
Let’s not go there.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
This shouldn’t be encouraged. It can not only skew development in favour of those with the most money to spend, but we already have the option to support them with gems.
Plus we already paid for the legendaries.
Don’t limit yourself to one language. There are dozens of languages in our world, with many words for various plants among them. Both of my sylvari have single word names, because I spread my search a bit, and landed in Sanskrit as a language.
Remember, Celtic may be the inspiration for Sylvari, but its not the end-all basis for the race.
Mike O’Brien:
Looking at the size of this thread, it would have probably been easier if you kept quiet about this and just have people ‘wait’ for quite a while, then there wouldn’t be this huge uproar about it. Just people constantly asking when next one is, similar to the SAB situation we had.
But it was morally the right thing to do, no matter how difficult it was to announce, so Kudos for that. tips hat
I love the irony in giving somebody the moral highground for telling people all about how he took their money and isn’t giving the service paid for.
The service was postponed not cancelled. Now if they announce the next expansion without any new legendaries being released before then I will gladly grab a pitchfork even though I could care less about them. In fact until the game has stabilized and delivered on promises like legendaries there is no way I could give them money for an expansion.
By that time though, no Legendaries will be old news. Your pitchfork will less pointed than our current pitchforks and completely ignored. Any post or thread with pitchfork waving in a year or so will be greeted with a collective yawn from the forum followed by a query of “Where have you been all this time? That was ages ago.”
ANet may give it to you.
Seriously hats off to you, that is one hell of a patch (and a read), that many of us have been waiting so long for. Cant wait to login tonight when I get home and start exploring all the changes. Just great stuff.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
(edited by Moderator)
I’m not sure if I’m delighted, but I AM favorably impressed.
My desire to log in and play some WvW has skyrocketed after reading this, and my general disdain for the new maps won’t stop me from at least looking in them again to see if it’s become more appealing to lone wandering.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I’d say today’s patch moved me from not planning to buy the second expansion AT ALL to being prepared to at least look at the pre-launch hype train… with a highly critical eye.
They’ve got a ways to go making up for past miss-steps and demonstrating today wasn’t just a fluke but the beginning of a actual direction the company is moving in.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
also the leader of a guild here. o/
Imo, the only thing repping does right now, is it gives the guild leaders annoying big headache to try and keep their guild together. Members not repping the guild, never bother to interact with the guild members who ARE repping and they’re there just as a reminder they don’t really care for ur guild or anyone in it.
To me, this issue seems to be with your target audience.
I have members who represent and members who don’t. They are completly fine with their interactions and as such your presumption is simply false. :/
Your members may act like this, other leaders’ members may act like this, but not all members act like this.
I hate that little oval greyed out green symbol against their name and when u hover over it, the bracketed message that says (not representing). So please get rid of it we don’t need it any more.
“I” hate it.
“We” don’t need it anymore.
Please refrain from speaking for others.
I guess what i personally don’t like, is that members in multi guilds can chat in ur guild even when not representing it, you have no idea if they actually are watching ur chat or not. Even worse, they can listen in and espy what is going on in ur guild, but you have no idea what they’re up to if they don’t bother to tell u. In order words, guild leaders have been brought down, lost control, while members have been enervated with this new chat system as well as this notion ‘why even bother repping anymore.’ I’m starting to wonder, why even bother having guilds any more eh?
It seems your issue is associated more with size and lack of trust than with representation in itself.
- “…, you have no idea if they actually are watching ur chat or not. Even worse, they can listen in and espy what is going on in ur guild, …”
You’re a guild. Not a sovereign nation at war during the Cold War. You appear slightly suspicious and perhaps even paranoid with a statement such as this. If you fear people who don’t represent to be something as extreme as “spies” I honestly begin to wonder if you’re cut-out to be a leader, pardon my rudeness.
- “guild leaders have been brought down, lost control, …”
Why must you be in control? It is of my opinion that as a Guild Leader you provide a service, you’re not doing your members a favor and they don’t owe you. Nor do you own your members. The only control a Guild Leader has and should have are the Guild-Mechanics/authorities and the ability to keep your members content with what you provide.
- “…as well as this notion ‘why even bother repping anymore.’ I’m starting to wonder, why even bother having guilds any more eh?”
Representation does nothing but add a tiny “[TAG]” behind your name and turn that dim bright square into a brighter one in the Guild Roster of the guild you represent. If this, largely meaningless, activity decides something as important as a members’ interest in the guild, you might want to look at what your guild is providing.
- Are your members content with the services or content your guild provides?
- Do your members have reasons to represent or not to represent?
- Is being a Guild Leader more of a job to you than actual game-content?
- Do you feel the desire to control your members or to serve them?
- Is your guild perhaps too big for you to manage?
I know some of my remarks may seem very rude but I have no intention of insulting you.
Required representation is a relic of the past. Some guild leaders use it as you happen to be doing, an indication of interest in & loyalty to your guild. It is, however in my experience, no accurate depiction of either interest or loyalty and as such should be used less.
A personal advice: attempt to keep your guild small and don’t fear members using the multi-guild system.
A small guild will allow you to get to know your members well and to trust them. Being closer to your members will show that them not representing your guild isn’t something scary or dangerous.
Good luck and I hope I haven’t bothered you with my opinions. ^^
Guild leader since 2005,
Current leader of the Seraphim Order [Ankh], a small, trustworthy bunch of casuals who play as they want, when they want.
a small, casual Guild with a play as you want style.
Personally, I don’t care about whether someone has “earned it” or how “fair” it is that someone gets an instant 80. All that is just frivolous nonsense. It doesn’t matter how fast someone else managed to get to 80, either.
My concern is about new players who will be doing level 80 content, but don’t know a single thing about the game. The whole leveling process is not only a necessary carrot on the stick for new players, but also a tutorial process. You learn what your skills and utilities do, you learn how enemies attack and move, you learn about dodging, conditions, crits, and various other mechanics. By the time you hit 80, you have a general working knowledge of how the game is supposed to be played. Even if you crafted your way to 80, that requires a lot of wealth and also the forethought to research how to do it.
But now, instead of having new players who don’t know what to do wandering around the starting areas, we’ll have new players who don’t know what to do in level 80 zones, messing with meta events, begging for cash, joining raids without saying a word, etc. The functioning population of the game becomes dumber once you have a “new players instantly max level” item.
I disagree. If a player is inclined to learn what his character can do, s/he will, whether that’s in the core leveling maps or in the trial in SW. I they aren’t, they won’t. There are plenty of vets dying in meta events who don’t know all that much about their characters’ capabilities, and they leveled in core.
Arguably, the core maps contain many mobs that teach players to stand and take what they dish out. At least SW mobs are closer to what one sees in HoT. If one’s first experience of the game is SW, that’s a better incentive to master the character than face-tanking groups of mobs in Lornar’s Pass.
That is false. People pick up skills and knowledge without having to actively pursue that information themselves. The proposed incompetence of vets is not on the level of players who haven’t even had a chance to experience the game. The free trail also gives players soldier gear, which is a gear set specifically to sit there and tank attacks.
I’d rather have a new player who used the boost, spent some time in SW learning the basics than a three year vet who never changes his bar. The point is that there is zero correlation between choosing to use the boost and not choosing to explore the profession.
As to the gear, does anyone know if:
“Quartermaster Criswell has been authorized to replace players’ trial equipment if they delete it.”
means “Give a player the same gear prefix if they accidentally delete their gear.” or “Give the player a different prefix of her/his choice, but they must delete the existing gear first.”?
When I first read that line, I assumed it had to be the latter. Then, I remembered the NPE.
Yes, Anet is handing out too much on a silver plattern catering to the instant gratification crowd of lazy casuals. The golden age of MMORPGs seems to be over thanks to instant gratification crowd.
If it would just be this lvl 80 boost I would not care, but the free hand outs are everywhere in GW2 and it seems to get more and more as the game matures.
Have you considered building a wall to keep us filthy, lazy casuals out? Cause we’re all looters and pillagers you know, and love touching your shinies.
As happy as I am about the patch, I can’t help but feel after so much hard work and labor we’ve gone through, it’s now just being handed out to everyone on a silver platter. So much gold, gems, time spent and now it’s being given out for free. Thanks though?
It shouldn’t matter how we earned stuff in the past. If it’s imbalanced to make things too annoying for to many, then shouldn’t they change it so it’s easier? (Similarly, if it’s too easy for too many people, then shouldn’t they make it harder?) We know that ANet makes mistakes; it’s important that they be able to rebalance.
One of the things that O’Brien & Smith have said recently is that some people are really good at increasing wealth and some aren’t. These recent changes will be a bigger benefit to the 90% than they are to the 10%: tiny fractional increase for the few and large for the many.
Even so, I wish they handed it out on a silver platter (because I would flip that on the TP for even more coin).
Mike O’Brien:
Looking at the size of this thread, it would have probably been easier if you kept quiet about this and just have people ‘wait’ for quite a while, then there wouldn’t be this huge uproar about it. Just people constantly asking when next one is, similar to the SAB situation we had.
But it was morally the right thing to do, no matter how difficult it was to announce, so Kudos for that. tips hat
I love the irony in giving somebody the moral highground for telling people all about how he took their money and isn’t giving the service paid for.
well it’s quite a shame that nobody even bothered asking them in their AMA about this thread. then again, it’s full of Anet sockpuppets and white knights hence why they ignore forums completely and run there.
So why didn’t you?
Did you go through the whole thread?
Did you look at the other threads at the same time, where devs were active?different timezone, checked other threads during that time, nothing of the sorts. second, checked the thread, no questions or either way down the rabbit-hole of “answerable” questions and praises and probably downvoted. i would’ve posted a question IF i had a reddit account.
People asked questions about the visual issues, and were totally ignored, yet Colin dank meme got quite the bit of attention, as did the discussion on the care of sponges. Reddit is laughable for those looking for answers to questions. Heck, people were offering to send the team beer they “clearly are owed”. Yes, these are the people who bought them cupcakes. Yes, for them doing what we already pay them to do… /boggled. No wonder we go through “content droughts”. We forget to get them nummies.
(edited by Siobhan.5273)