I know what Nalora is talking about, currently only log in for the daily and log off.
I haven’t really had loot since the 1/28 patch.
1/28 (post patch) – 5 hours (dungeon, open world nothing really worthwhile in loot, the new chest never even dropped for me)
1/29 – 1 1/2 hours, same open world pattern as 1/28 logged out.
1/30- 1 hour, same pattern as open world 1/28
1/31- 30 minutes, same pattern filed ticket, posted on forums, logged out, looked for new game.
2/1 + – Will check forums, if nothing has been updated won’t bother to log in.
So… no.
Because the vocal minority on the forums keeps yelling until they get what they want, the most dumbed down and casual game ever where you get your monthlies by sitting in LA and you get through your dungeons by killing a series of critters.
And you are definitely not yelling on the forum trying to get what you want.
Dang . Makes the game feel sheetty to play when you’re not getting items.. makes you really think … hummm… unlucky or anti-farm… terrible feeling.
Find a big wurm.
Wait for it to hurl a rock and you.
Dodge. You’ll have way over a second to do that. If you lag longer than a second, then your problem is not the achievement, but your connection.
Other examples of slow attackers easy to dodge are ettins, giants and treant-type plants.
You can also get a thief and spam Flanking Strike.
I am excited. I am thrilled.
I feel like I am at the beginning of a wonderful and long tabletop campaign, only the images in my head are beautifully created by the folks at Arenanet.
Well done, guys.
I have played tabletop since my college days in 1978.
My mind is full of questions and I feel I am a part of the Lore of Tyria again.
Again I say…well done.
That is the way I felt too. When I first started playing GW2 a few weeks ago and again at the start of Flame and Frost.
Actually, that also took the form of an urge to play tabletop D&D.
I like the way the new Dailies work better then the old. I like the variety, and I like that you need to put a little bit more thought into achievement. For those of you running into requirements that are a bit too time consuming or difficult, when the remainder of the system is added and you are able to pick and choose froma list, that will be resolved. I agree it would have been nice to get the whole system at once, but I am glad we got the laurels as soon as possible so I can start saving up.
honestly the major focus of this patch was nerfing rich ori farming. They made it only 3 hits and they also changed mining picks to be lvl 45. Which alot of us had stocked up on so we could farm on our lvl 7 guardian or whatever alt you had parked there.
/facepalm ?
Am I the only one actually playing the game instead of finding new ways to farm/cheat?
Point A: At least they didn’t ban you for doing something they obviously didn’t intend.
Point B: Quit crying, is was bull that people could do it, sorry.
The temple of Grenth in Pact control
Accessories are P/V/T stat
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
I’m all for them, as long as I don’t have to do fractals for them
I don’t exactly avoid ascended gear. I like it. And I hope I get some eventually.
But I would not bend backwards for it. If I can get some for laurels, it’s fine. If not: exotic is good enough for my purposes.
To be honest, there currently is no value to achievement points at the moment
Some people find them as much a point of pride as others find flashy particle effects on a weapon to be.
i guess they’re takingn this out for now. i’ve read from reddit that combos that actually deal dmg work best. for e.g. fire field plus projectile finisher.
regardless, i think it was a nice direction to help people understand and try out combos more. cause they can make ALL the difference in any given battle. hopeuflly they’ll be able to polish this daily off cause i think the combo system is pretty neat in this game.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
The layoffs are within NCSoft corporate itself (specifically, the Seattle office of NCSoft). These layoffs are not at ArenaNet (which is also located in the downtown Seattle area…specifically, Bellevue).
I suspect this is a continuation of “realignment of focus” announced along with the City of Heroes sunset. And considering COH’s sunset just occurred last week, my gut is telling me it’s most likely that those within NCSoft corporate who were connected with City of Heroes are very likely the ones who were the casualties of this “realignment.” Don’t forget that the minimal support of COH between the time of the sunset announcement and the sunset itself was being handled through NC’s Seattle office (Paragon Studios was completely shuttered on the day of the sunset announcement). Not to mention there were likely other personnel linked with COH within NC corporate who were also likely based in the Seattle office. Now that COH is no more, those workers no longer had any work (since the game that they were working on has been closed), there may not have been any open positions for these workers to transition to and NCSoft did away with the redundancies. Of course this is all speculation. But it makes the most sense to me (as a former COH player and a current GW2 player).
Considering that Guild Wars 2 earned the biggest chunk of the revenue pie last quarter and helped bump NCSoft as a whole into a quarterly profit for the first time in 12 months, I suspect GW2 players have nothing to worry about with this realignment.
Henge of Denravi
I have a strong preference for playing with people who I know in real life. Since it’s tough to stay “in step” with our levels, we tend to play solo during the level up process. Once we’re at max level, that’s when the grouping begins since we’re not worried about being at different levels or trying to maintain equal levels.
As Corvindi said, there’s a lot of de facto grouping without actually making a group. This happens a lot with DEs. Because of the way that tagging and resource nodes work in this game, this sort of informal grouping works quite well.
Dearest Toymaker Tixx,
Please send us a wonderful, joyous event where all the boys and girls can play together regardless of when they can play and what level they may be.
Please let these magical experiences happen more than just once so that they can be shared with all those we hold dear and no poor soul feels abandoned and alone.
Please create an occasion that embraces the spirit of giving, rewarding the simple joy of seeing others made happy through mutual generosity, not avarice, where activities are progressed by actively helping others, and everyone benefits equally.
And an elf costume. With bells.
Thank you.
I’ve seen several Threads on the error issue.
After some research, I think I may have a Cause. That is cause of the issue not the solution.
I have Uverse. No I’m not blaming ATT keep reading to the end :P
Being a network admin I’ve done a few tests.
I’ve found that There are 7 connections GW2 makes using my firewall connection info.
I’ve found more then the IP’s listed but these are the ones I wrote down. 6112 two connections that refresh ~30 seconds Two connections that refresh ~ 2minutes Two continuous connections
Local host:9222 no data just a connection
Now I have my Home network connected to a NEW Dlink DIR-655 (bought for IPv6 compatibility) router which in turn is connected to 2wire box from ATT. I also have a 4 year old DIR-655
Connecting through the New DLink, I get random DC, This can from between 2 minutes to over an hour. The connection will drop the Continuous Data streams And I am left with 4 data streams which I believe are to the login servers, that become continuous streams instead of refreshing every 30 sec to 2 min.
Connected to the old DIR-655 or the ATT 2wire box also about 4 yr old, I don’t seem to have an Issue with DC. Now that being said, Both of these 4 yr old routers are not IPv6 compliant, and also Do not follow the latest TCP Networking protocols where as the New DIR has firmware that is less then a year old.
This would indicate that there is an issue in regards to the streaming packets from the play servers, Which is causing the newer router to Drop the connection.
As IPv6 pushes forward and More people switch to newer routers or ISPs update router firmware, and network equipment, The Error:(code=7:11:3:189:101) could possibly increase.
I hope this helps the Anet network team find a solution.
I am playing alot less and here is why
I solo’d 5 champs today and got 1 blue armor piece unusable by my class, one white armor piece unusable by my class and a chunk of meat…
Yesterday I decided to try farming the new zone and I killed stuff for about 2 hours including approx 10 vets and wound up with a stack of crabmeat.
The game now seems like it’s fractals of the mist online, and with the way they handled guilds and the lack of real guild functionality they should be ashamed of themselves for having that word in the games title.
Is there any hope for future content for those of us who never liked WoW? Any hope for more traditional mmo type dungeons? How about solo content?
I think the answer is no and so I play less and less…
I'm an internet connection errors' collector!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Stanley.4018
Hey, everybody.
I wanted to both thank Ashley and let everybody know that her solution helped my connection problems. I used to have horrible constant lag after the weekend patches and nothing I did helped (resetting connection / router).
What I did was:
1. netsh winsock reset
2. ipconfig /flushdns
3. reboot
4. reset router
This fixed my lag issues (at least for now) and I can play the game again!
Good luck to everybody with fixing their lag problems
I want to like this game, I am STRUGGLING to find ways to like this game. I keep telling myself over time it will get better….
No MMO’s are not bug free or perfect, I don’t think the vast majority of people on here feel they should. Being perfect, expecting a bug or 2 in a new event you can shrug off, this whole event and its trumpetted advertising circus is a fiasco! EVERY EVENT BUGGED! That’s totally unacceptable.
If GW2 were a brand new gaming company with a brand new game I could shrug this off A LITTLE more tho I would still be vocal in my disappointment. But it’s NOT a new company! While it’s updated it’s model, ANet has successfully run GW1 for YEARS. These should not be brand new concepts for them! In fact, I bought this game because of the very vocal response friends had to this company and to their first product.
While GW2 is a very beautiful product it is a product with some glaring holes in it right now. I’m sticking with the game awhile longer but I do need to see SOME improvement.
This event was poorly thought out and EXTREMELY poorly executed. Also, I agree with the poster about the Twitter nonsense…you HAVE a website, USE IT for communication. If Miyani can spam mail me, the least you can do is send an in game mail explaning any changes/ how you’re fixing this mess. You have a website, use the front page instead of expecting people to go to twitter or 25 other websites for answers!
Those burrowing worms with their 17k hits sure are fun, my 2 dodge rolls work well when chased by 3 worms all attacking at once.
DEV HINT: Insta-death = suck game mechanic.
Quests in GW2 are notoriously buggy.
It’s just not in their wheelhouse.
Expecting the event to be different is naive.
Skritt Engineer me wants, or…a Skritt Warrior..but I feel a Skritt warrior would get distracted by their own plate armor…
As a long time GW vet, this patch is giving me a weird sort of flashback. I recall the first major content patch for the original game. It was the Sorrow’s Furnace update. And it also came just months after the games launch, and introduced a new tier of weapons (green in this case).
Green weapons were much like Ascended gear in the way the stats were max for their level, but were “baked” into the item and could not be changed. They had unique skins and were really neat if you found one that had the exact stats you wanted (Victo’s Battle Axe and Wenslauss Faith FTW). But a lot of people still used rare (yellow) items for their ability to be customized. In fact, as more diverse and creative builds were discovered, more eccentric stat combinations were needed and greens became inferior to the tier beneath them.
Green weapons did not introduce power creep even though they were initially superior to what most players had. This update did not start a vicious cycle of ever increasing item stats. But they were neat for what they were and people continued to “hunt for greens” for the entire life of the game, and probably still are today.
In other words the update was fun and it worked. Players were excited for a while, then they just became a thing to do. You got to wonder if this named boss would “drop his green” this time.
Keep in mind this is only A.net’s second game as a studio. And they are following the pattern they know. Release, content update, expansion. The Sorrows Furnace update introduced a new area on the map that was just smaller than a total zone, and so is Lost Shores. Sorrow’s Furnace introduced a new dungeon and so is Lost Shores. Sorrow’s Furnace introduced a new tier of gear, and so is Lost Shores. Sorrow’s Furnace introduced chest keys…ok, if Lost Shores has chest keys, then im out :p
On paper, A.net has pretty much stayed consistent with their habits. It’s more that the players have changed. Maybe that’s the new audience scared that this game will turn in to the one they left? To them I say, it didn’t happen seven years ago, it likely wont now. Maybe its other former GW players that didnt experience the game pre-Sorrow’s Furnace? To them I say, this has already been done and you continued to enjoy the game for a long time afterwards.
so people that logged on early made a killing everyone else suffers seems legit
“So i have to ask, why are the kill streak boosters not allowed to be used in this recipe for the forge. "
So do I.
After sleeping on it and thinking it over, this incident really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. For me personally I gambled and lost, I don’t need any items in return, I also don’t need money back. Personal responsibility and all that. No skins, theme items, no trading them in the Mystic Forge for items/tokens, Anet can keep their stuff. I accepted the fact that my image of Anet and this event was wrong and that.. well that hurt.
Let’s hope for the best until Christmas, but mystery presents will really be a bad idea.