He wants to be that guy who sits in the back doing nothing but spamming heals.
Control and support are essential in decent runs but he doesn’t want to have to do these roles while also being a dps and having to pay attention to his dodges.
Truth is most people asking for a “healer role” are just asking for anet to give them the ability to be carried by their group.
Even thieves do support when they use smoke screen and blinding powder to blind trash mobs. Warriors are doing control when they interrupt things with their mace 5. etc. But the one thing all support and control have in common is that they’re not there to the detriment of dps. You don’t have to use “control” gear. Or “support” gear. Guardians will give reflection, aegis, blind, control (ring of warding, line of warding) no matter what they wear.
Baddies want an important “healer role” because they don’t want to have to pay attention to stuff. They want to watch health bars and press the heal buttons.
That’s not how it’s supposed to work. GW2 is not your carry mmo.
(edited by Nikaido.3457)
- Crafting Panel.
- Proletariat.
Damage builds = die easily. Survivability builds = die easily.
i commend you for your skill in computation, as i’ve double checked your equations and have come to the conclusion that they are absolutely correct
Corrected that image for you
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Many players have complained about Anet not caring about the ele, pointing out build, survivability, one weapon slot, dismal damage…..etc. I have read many good ideas submitted by players on these forums regarding how to repair and re-balance the class in respects to itself, and other classes. However, there seems to be a major lack of feedback from devs on the ele forums. As of this post, there have been only 3 reply’s by Anet in 20 pages of player posts.
This lack of communication is partly responsible for the discouragement that ele players feel about the class. We, as players have figured out that something is terribly wrong with the ele class, when for example, 2 hits by a warrior down us, but we need to hit a warrior 12 times (not precise estimate) to down it. We know that we have the squishiest class in the game, and also far more complex to play than the others, but our damage compared to survivability is complete trash. Just give us some damage! But please, Anet, start communicating with us about what you plan to do, if anything, with our class, or players are just going to continue to feel like Anet just doesn’t care about, or plan to do anything with the ele class to address our concerns.
I myself play many different classes – I even soloed a tower with my ranger- and the ele is one of my favorite. but in relation to the other classes that I play, the ele is the most difficult to solo with, esp in wvw, because 2 hits by just about anything is fatal, whereas I can easily take a dozen or more with the other classes. I have tried just about every possible combination of builds/weapons/armors/runes/sigils imaginable, but the results are pretty much the same. Damage builds = die easily. Survivability builds = still die easily, and I’m not exactly a pushover playing ele either. So what gives, Anet?
Kill a few: there won’t be a many
That’s so true that to do their 13.6 seconds speed kill on Lupicus, rT used two elementalists.
Hm.you only PvE I assume. I am not going to write again the wall about cost/efficiency ratio, so find it and read it if you want to understand better the point, otherwise stay in PvE and keep dreaming about Ele “being ok”.
Sounds like someone misses his D/D god….too bad. Elementalists are balanced now. Re-learn the class. Many people are doing so and doing well. For every QQer on this forum you get someone with some skill trying to spin it the other way.
I’m not really bored with dungeons, but I also don’t run them to nearly the extent that other people do. A rule of thumb, though, is that everything that doesn’t change gets boring after awhile. When running HotW to get a full set of armor and weapon skins, I had to run HotW path 1 so many times that I actually started to tune out during the runs. I had to keep myself interested for in the dungeon by constantly trying new builds, changing classes, and adapting new tactics. Running the dungeon the same way over and over again 30 times, finding someone who would run it the exact same way each time and not get bored would be difficult. However I digress:
The OP reminds me of an extremely popular thread on another MMO (active, so I won’t say the name) called “there be dragons” or something along those lines. It was years ago. The thread used dragons as a metaphor for the unknown, which was the driving experience for exploration. The game had become formulaic and bland, and there was no true surprise or wonder about the game anymore. This was true, of course. Something interesting one of the developers mentioned in that thread is that, in large part, the a lot of the lost wonder came from the fact that players would default to guides and walkthroughs whenever new content was released (which was 3 times a month or so), and in this fact they weren’t “exploring” anymore. Eventually, they released an area with elaborate randomly generated dungeons, and that is my favorite part of that game.
Looking back, my favorite dungeon runs were within the first two months after launch. Everyone did them blind, and were inexperienced in the game. So, each battle felt like a mountain to climb, and we’d spend time in voice chat just trying to figure out how to beat things. That anticipation of not knowing how to play your class well, and not knowing what was around the next corner… what I wouldn’t give to get that feeling again.
Now, it’s all so routine that voice chat is unnecessary in dungeons.
There is a much better way to fix the monotony. I loved the randomly generated dungeons from that other game, and I would love to see them here. What anet should do is throw in a whole lot more randomly generated content. The enemies shouldn’t always be in the same place, and they shouldn’t always be the same enemies. There should be dynamic events that are truly random and meaningfully impact the dungeon. The troll in AC explorable is a start, but there should be ten times more of that. And no, I don’t mean “giant bag of HP”, but the randomness of it all.
(edited by Blood Red Arachnid.2493)
Dear Nex, we hear at Anet take your questions very seriously. We have 7 individuals working on the elementalists right now and here are some of our answers on your
1.) Was mist form intended to be nerfed? (You now can be CC’d during it by condis like fear AFTER going into it)
- We are planning on extending the duration of mistform to 15 seconds with a reuse timer of 5 seconds. This will balance ele’s with thieves as we have heard players do not know how use shocking auras effectively.
- We are currently working on fixing the Mistform glitch. We will keep you posted shortly
1a.) Will you change it back to its original form?
- See above.
2.) Are any foreseeable buffs coming to elementalist traits? Many feel previous nerfs left the class unplayable.
- Yes, our team of 7 are just focusing on buffs.
2a.) Once in for all, will you buff RTL to a better cool down?
- 100%. We intend to extend RTL to 6000 units because we believe the spell line called “ride the lightning” should really reflect that, and as such we adding a saddle to the lightning wave which will now bring you forward 6000 units as you ride that lightning flash and can be re-used every 10 seconds.
3.) Will you be changing cumbersome or pointless skills like fire grab and dragon’s tooth?
- Yes we are replacing firegrab with firekaboom which is a 360 radius 2000 unit 10,000 damage spell. As for dragon’s tooth , it is working as intended , meaning anyone dumb enough to stand under one, should get hit under one.
4.) Are there any plans to change GoEP from stunbreak and place it anywhere else? I have seen zero elementalists use it.
- We are working on it.
5.) In a new condition meta, do you see yourselves helping elementalists fit in? We currently don’t 100% fit in, as this forum would tell you.
- We are unsure about what is asked here. Rest assured, whatever it is , we are working on it!
6.) Are elementalists a priority for post PAX changes?
- We are unsure of your question unless you mean PAX which means kiss of peace. Sorry , we at Anet are not in the business of kissing. Perhaps you could call the closest escort service to your house.
— Additional questions
7.) Will conjure weapons be looked or changed?
- Yes we are replacing them with light sabers.
7a.) Will we be able to use conjure skills under water in the future?
- If light sabers work in water so will these.
Thank You for your questions
Anet – The Onion Division
I think people have done a good job of pointing out a lot of the issues. It’s really a combination of everything. There’s a lot of ways they could go to make the profession more effective. I’m actually fine with the twitchy play of the profession, but a few things really stand out to me as being the biggest issues.
Staff is bad for PvP – This is mostly due to it’s lack of damage that comes from ground targeted telegraphed skills that can easily be avoided.
Weak auto attacks – You aren’t dealing much damage and therefore HAVE to attunement dance to make up for the damage. This is so true that if you are auto-attacking, except for dagger air, you’re missing out on potential damage.
Big Hits have a large telegraph or a large cooldown – Dragon’s Tooth (too telegraphed), Phoenix (only useful at close range), Churning Earth (too defenseless), Eruption (too telegraphed), Lava Font (easily avoidable), Ice Spike (too weak, easily avoidable), Shatterstone (too weak, easily avoidable), Cone of Cold (DoT, interrupt or avoid), Dragon’s Breath (DoT, interrupt or avoid). All of these skills very easily be dodged, interrupted, blinded, blocked, or otherwise avoided. Churning earth is like a joke in WvW or PvP. The breath attacks and ground targeted attacks are DoT attackes which is bad for PvP, who is going to stand there and take a DoT attack? No one that is decent at PvP. They can dodge roll, teleport, walk away, interrupt the breath attacks, evade, and do all kinds of things.
Lowest Health and Armor – We’re the weakest profession by the numbers. This means we need to have compensation somewhere. Usually this would be in burst damage or defense. We do have some really good defense available, but there’s other professions that do it significantly better. We have some decent offense available but there’s other professions that do it significantly better.
Out of any of the there game mode, WvW, PvE, and PvP, I think our best build that stands out the most is the Lightning Hammer Berzerker build in PvE. I don’t see much else being used.
Checking the meta is a good way to see how people feel about a profession. Is a profession part of a lot of successful team compositions? If so it’s good enough to use, and hopefully not overpowered.
There’s just an overall problem. I say it’s with the skills. Because being able to access the already weak and avoidable skills more often is probably not going to solve our problems. From a PvP perspective, people have gotten better, and so the telegraphs that once worked are too easily avoidable. From a PvE perspective, people have have also gotten better and the most effective way to play is to be high dps, which the ele has at least 1 viable option I’ve seen.
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
No lol, I’d rather help fellow eles from wasting their time with useless builds that get severely outclassed by other professions.
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.
Just to add a few more of my own cents, since I find these kind of topics quite interesting (and entertaining).
As we all know, there are a lot of different playstyles that collide in a massive multiplayer game. Some people actively seek challenge, others want the game to actively challenge them, some want their achievements seen by others, and some will even downplay their own achievements to catch their opponent off guard.
The last part of that is one of the more interesting things. People who claim to have great skill are constantly challenged. However, the inverse is simply accepted. Meaning, if someone says they are a horrible player, no one challenges that. This leads me to believe that a large part of it is tied to self worth on all sides of the equation.
One who brags about skill is also one who likely converses about how easy everything is. It may seem obvious, but the implications are a bit more complex. It indicates a playstyle, as I have said a few times now, that is not interested in real challenge (i.e. “tying your hands behind your back” is considered laughable) but in playing a game that satisfies the need to feel legendary. In my opinion, this is a completely acceptable play style. Though, I think it would be beneficial to many to clarify this for themselves, as the claim is always that they are seeking more challenging content (which may not necessarily be the case). By understanding our own goals in our games, we can start to really pursue them as well as find the games that fit our needs best.
The issue comes in when trying to “convert” others, and that goes for any playstyle and just life in general. What is “correct” for one may not be “correct” for another.
I would strongly suggest though, to those who really are looking for challenge and not emotional ROI, that this can be created for yourself in a myriad of ways. While this playstyle is not fitting for some, others will find great satisfaction in it that might not be pursued for various different reasons. The reason I mention this repeatedly is it is easy to see someone with a similar playstyle, and apply it to our own. However, the end result is more pertinent. If you are looking for emotional verification from a game, then making everything as easy as possible is probably the best way to go. However, if one is actually looking for challenge, then that can be found very, very easily with a bit of work on our part. I think the issue is that it is a similar playstyle, but with two different goals and this means the lines frequently become crossed which leads to a bit of confusion.
Elitism is not a play style, imo, but a mind set. Generally, I find it to be a negative one though it can be used effectively to get inside someones head.
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
Had one chance to get the fireworks viewed and then I have to go out of town for the weekend. Thanks for doing things on time as usual Anet. I expect you will remove this post like you do every other negative thread/post. I hope the delay was to add more RNG, add more DR, reduce drop rates, nerf farms and all those wonderful things you do to us players! Looking forward to your “deleted and infracted” mails on Monday! <3
More and more I am experiencing this habit that the community has to despise people who claim to be skilled for this game.
Try it: go to LA, and say that you are a good player.
People will instantly tell you that you lack humility, that you are an elitist, that you are despicable etc; for no reason.
People do not want to see or be aware of the fact that some players can be more skilled than them (no boasting, just statement of skill). The community seem to believe that they would be better off without such players.
It appears as if the community would like to stay bad and play only with bad people.It is also the same on the forums.
I believe this is not benefiting the game in itself because it promotes stale and boring gameplay additions rather than diverse and challenging content.
As a comparison: when you play football as an amateur you play it for fun and you dream of being as skilled as the players of international level. In GW2 the ’amateurs" have no such dreams, worse: they do not want to face the fact that being better is possible.
With all due respect, why the discrimination?
you have just summed up the entirety of several of my other posts xD
ive tried to get my point across but youve done it in ten times the less writing,
Im aguild leader and help out as many people in my guild as i can so please dont just shout elitist!! i need more challenging content in this game, it doesnt have to be required just as long as i can show off, i like seeing other people show off with items they have achieved i dont think of it as a one way thing like most people do, i like seeing people with things that i cant get,
This will make me go crazy and work extremely hard to et it and when i do i will show off like they did, this is a gap in gw2 and these players are the ones that have been left in the dark i know that the game was set at the start to be casual but surely they can cater even a small bit of the game to challenge seekers,
btw im not solo’ing lupi xD
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
What, the developers have plenty of time for their community.
They respond in obviously very important threads like this. Also, there are a bunch of game breaking bugs like this one that need dev attention before dungeons, because obviously, no one can play the game when an NPC is running around asking random questions. Not to mention, this guy right here had a problem with his personal story quest, I mean, who could leave someone like that standing in the cold? This guy even had such a game breaking bug, he solved it himself! He just had to read his mail! Luckily the devs tried to help him though.
I mean, the Devs need to manage their time correctly, don’t you think?
TL;DR: Anet doesn’t give a flying toss about their dungeon community. This idea is only enforced by the fact that they continuously ninja nerf harmless things like the dredge skipping cage jump and add some boulders in snowblind etc, while completely ignoring every outcry of the community on actually game-breaking issues.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu