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D/D vs D/F - might stacking

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


My rotation of sorts is kinda old, but whatever. I start in water attunement and right before the fight change to Air, Air 3 4 5…maybe some auto’s, change to fire 3 4 5… sometimes 2, Earth 4 3 2 (second 2), water 4 3 2 5, just really depends on the situation

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-The Pros at ANET

I blew up..

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


I’m really not sure why people call someone with damage OP! I’m not sure if people dont know what true balance really is. If you do high damage, your defense is low (aka glass cannon), if you have high defense, your damage is low (aka a tank), if you are in the middle ground, then your defense is meh, and your damage is meh (aka middle ground). The Ranger is being called OP because it can hit like a 8k with one really fast hitting spell, so you come here and complain about it. If you didn’t know about something called reflects, retaliation, and dodge, you may want to think about looking up what those are. It is so incredibly easy to one dodge out of rapid fire, or just completely reflect it, as well as put up retaliation…it actually helps -_-. Elementalists S/D or S/F is incredibly powerful, I’ll give you that one, but really…if an elementalist gets off that huge combo on you before you two shot it into oblivion, you deserve to die. IMO just learn class mechanics and rotations and you pretty much can beat and class with whatever you want.

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-The Pros at ANET

The Unfair Matchups?

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


I totally agree with pairing the teams so better teams will still make it, but still, No.1 vs. No.32? I still think it could be like, No.1 vs No.9-No.11. This still allows for a better match up even though the odds are stacked against the No.11 team. I never meant my post to sound like No.1 vs No.2, and No.3 vs No.4, etc. I just dont think it’s fair that these really good teams dont have a bit more competition at the start…If they are ranked No.1 they should be able to beat everyone regardless if they faced No.2, or No.32

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-The Pros at ANET

The Unfair Matchups?

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Alright, so the match ups in the ToL seem a bit offbalanced dont you think? I know that there will always be unfair match ups, but when a team like MEGALADONG CONFIRMED, with 2 All-stars gets match up with the Number 32 slot makes no sense to me. I know that the people setting up the brackets cant make everything fair and such, but I dont think it’s fair that the No.1 slot team gets to face the supposed “worst” team; this just seems like a free ride for MEGALADONG. Now this isnt directed at MEGALODONG, or Zombie’s cant swim, but it was just a good example I suppose. This isnt some rant or anything, I’m just curious to why there isnt some better match ups with these teams for the beginning matchs? What does everyone think about really good teams getting paired with the “Unknowns”.

(Once again this isnt directed at any team mentioned in this post, they are just used as examples.)

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-The Pros at ANET

ToL2 Brackets and Update for Teams

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


What comp does Japan play?

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-The Pros at ANET

ToL2 Brackets and Update for Teams

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Japan Thailand Croatia…Any of their members on any of the leaderboards?

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-The Pros at ANET

ToL2 Brackets and Update for Teams

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Who all is in Japan Thailand Croatia?

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-The Pros at ANET

Looking for an Ele teacher

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Hey zarek, I would love to help you! I’ve been playing ele since start, on and off as the months go by, but it’s always been my main. I’m knowledgeable with all weapon sets, and most builds you’ll probably want to run. I’m going to be on my way home tomorrow from vacation and I’ll be in the car all day long so it’ll probably be Sunday before I can get on and help out. Message me In game anytime during Sunday and I’ll probably be on. I look forward to helping a new elementalist sometime soon!

Cya in game
-Ki De Kah

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-The Pros at ANET

The best comp ever

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


It’s so interesting that low-rated players still seem to think conditions, particularly necromancers, are so good.

Life is good as an ele when a condi spec comes around XD

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-The Pros at ANET

The best comp ever

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


5 condi engis…. 5 necros… Man. Played a soloQ the other day and I had 5 thieves on my team and we won solely off of kills.

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-The Pros at ANET

The best comp ever

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Remember to explain why

Edit: preferably build too

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-The Pros at ANET

(edited by Anhomedog.7968)

The best comp ever

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Hello everyone, I was curious to what you think would be the best comp ever. I know player skill and build come into the picture, but let’s just say you would get the best player in this category and you could tell them whatever build to run and they would run it flawlessly. I would probably say

Ele, Mesmer, engi, guardian, thief

Explain your comp and why you think it would be most effective!

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-The Pros at ANET

How do you start and finish?

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


In pvp it seems every team has a different way of starting their matches, but everyone has a common ending every once in a while… Winning. My question to everyone is, what are your starting “formations” or plans? Do you send a heavy to protect a home point or do you send the mobile Mesmer with the portal home for quick movements to mod of needed? It seems rather late to ask for the ToL but one thing my team has a problem with sometimes is starting good. It’s somewhat embarrassing to be asking such a simple question as what do you do when you start your game, but there must be a science to it. My team doesn’t plan to win, know we’ve only been seriously playing together for less than a week, our goal is to just get past our first matchup,…we See that as a reasonable goal to reach. Now like I said we “know” the easiest things like get home and mod and such but this is more like numbers. Do you send 2 home 3 mid? Do you send 1 home 3 mid 1 far? This obviously may change with maps but please do your best to give me some info on how we should start. Btw our team comp is…

S/F ele (roamer)
mm nerco (home point bunk)
Bunk guard (mid point bunk)
Shatter Mesmer (roamer (secondary objective))
Engineer (different builds)(usually mid point bunk/sometimes roamer)

I’d say my partners would be willing to change their builds and we are willing to try anything new, also I know already that we carry 3 light armors… You don’t need to bring that up.

So our tactics now on most maps:

Necro goes straight home
Ele goes mid
Engi goes mid
Guard goes mid
Mess either gets secondary objective or goes far

So in other words 1 home 1 far and 3 mid. This works sometimes but not all the time . Some teams send 2 to our home,4 to our mid or 1 to the far. Every team is different so how do we prepare for these things?

Also, are secondary objectives like chief and svanir a “stop what you are doing and go kill the npc” or do we wait for 2 points and then go for these objectives?

I know these are a lot of questions, and I’m not asking for deep down stuffs, just se tactics for anyone reading this! This thread was made on my iPhone so if autocorrect changed anything or didn’t change what needed to be changed then sorry in advance… And as always, thanks So much for your help!!

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-The Pros at ANET

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


I think that there should be one massive line…Like 500 or maybe more (40 in current ones) with some really good stuff in it. Start with some OK rewards and progress to good stuff that people want! This would get PvE completionists into PvP, and allow the hardcore pvpers some awesome stuff to show off. Also, maybe have reward tracks only available to high ranks 1-9 Track, 10-19 track, etc. etc.. Maybe the last reward could be a precursor? This would revive the pvp community and make the pve community more willing to pvp. Of course these precursors would be non-tradeable, for marketing reasons!

Just my 2 cents!!

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-The Pros at ANET

Why pvp is annoying? Finding the reasons...

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Well honestly half the classes that you just made the description of, arent spam, or summon and watch.
Evade Thief: Yes does seem to spam 3, but they also have to get into the mix of a fight with full zerk and about 14k health, it’s harder than you would think

Turret Engi: Lots of blasts and such in order to stay alive…yes one of the more easy classes, but still

Staff (D/D) Ele: Have you noticed that ele’s are in fact light armor and have the lowest health pool? Yes we can heal a lot, but our health and survival is almost dependent on the fact that we can heal that much in order to stay alive anyway. It’s also not skill spam..try placing something strategically in order to just do damage in the first place. Staff ele’s get my full respect if they are able to stay alive knowing they have 10k health, and full zerk…Nuff Said

MM Necro: Yeah your description is right

Condu Necro: Description is right again:D

Power Necro: 3 in a row!

Spirit Ranger: 4?

Ranger’s with birds: Yeah right

Support guardians: Quite a bit of heals along with a ton of dmg, and yes… they are REALLY annoying.

Zerk Guard: Ton of dmg, along with the spam of the 3 ability I think it is? But what do you expect aye? Use what you have.

PU Mes: What are you summoning to win? Yes illusions and such, but Idk if its just me, but when I played PU for a short time, I was a Shatter / PU hybrid, so its not summon and watch.

Axe/Sword Warrior: Though it doesnt take much skill, if you have condi clear this build sucks…Ele’s FTW!

Shatter Mesmers: Pretty much right, although the burst is crazy, it’s very easy to stun break when you see the 5 ability go off. So in other words it CAN be difficult to land your burst, but still.

If anything the least OP class is Guardian IMO. Although the damage is really high the health is quite low, and once you have wasted your CDs you have to wait again to do any kind of significant damage.

Also, people use meta builds because they are easy…Why play a hard build when your opponents are using the easy ones?

In my opinion, you just need to try out more classes because not all of these classes that you think are “Oh so easy”, really aren’t.

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-The Pros at ANET happened to this game?

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


If you made a new character since that April 15th feature pack you are unfortunatly going to have to PvE for some of the traits. But dude really? You dont have the like 5s to buy weapons? You can still walk straight into PvP, all the things that are there, are in fact, still there. You wont have fancy skins anymore, but the play hasnt changed one bit.

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-The Pros at ANET

Time to nerf bird rune?

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968



I lel’d at this

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-The Pros at ANET

Maguuma patch

in Living World

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Dude, we must be brothers or something because I was thinking the same thing. I am SO disapointed that the fact that, like you said, after 3 months, I get 40 minutes of story, and 3 new Exotic skins. When will Anet realize that all that map that is around our current landmass, CAN IN FACT BE USED. I really enjoy playing this game a ton, and the only thing keeping me is the fact that its F2P. if it was P2P then I wouldve been out of this boat a year ago, because stuff hasnt changed one bit since I started playing.

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-The Pros at ANET

So, having an aching for getting back, but...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


1- When i left more than a year ago, this game should have been called kite wars, is this still the case?

-Well there is still a ton of CC and such as any MMO should have, and you will also have kiting, but IMO this HAS gotten better.

2- The game had a god awful stacking system for buffs and debuffs, with no UI customization which made it all the worse as it was harder to track, are both this issues still present?

-Still a lot of stacking in PvE obviously, but Anet is starting to reward dungeon bosses and such in order to stop stacking, so this is also being fixed. UI CANNOT be moved around…still

3- Lack of proper trinity (healers in particular) made spvp dreadful and next to nobody played it, ironic in a pvp oriented game, are healers still missing?.

- Still no “proper” healers, but there is always the Elementalists running a “healing” build, or a guardian, but still no “Holy amazing healer” that does only heals

Hope this helps

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-The Pros at ANET

Affordable Art-[Closed]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Hey do you still do this? I may be intrested, but Im kind of confused.. We pay in game money? If you wouldnt mind PMing me OP that would be awesome

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-The Pros at ANET

(NA) Ele LF team for ToL

in Looking for...

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Ello’ everyone, I am looking for a team to play with in the ToL. I am a seasoned ele that can play any weapon set or build you want me to with flying colors. I am rank 41 and have been playing in spvp since the game first came out. I am looking for a team that will be competitive in the ToL, not just some rag-tag team. I will tryout or do anything that I need to in order to join your team. Message me in game or post, if you are intrested in trying me out

Ride the Lightning: Movement speed adjustments
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-The Pros at ANET

Fun classes but decent PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Well I have played all of these classes, and my favorite has to be elementalist. With the elementalist, people say it sucks end game because they have no idea how to play it. Elementalist is one of those classes that you are either really good, or really bad…no middle ground. I enjoy attunement swapping and having the diversity of being able to run whatever spec I want to and still be effective. Now keep in mind that elementalist is the “Jack of all Trades” class meaning that it isn’t going to be the best in what ever you choose, examples include: "DPS, can be out DPSed by a thief….Support, multiple classes, maybe a Guardian? and Bunker, Guardian. Now dont get me wrong elementalists can do all of these things really good, but not as good as the classes designed for these specific purposes.

Now mesmer is really fun, maybe has a bit of a learning curve, but not much of one. A good mesmer will never be “found” in the midst of it’s clones.

Engineer: Havent really played much of this class, but what I have played I’ve always bunkered. Engineers have a ton of condition removal along with a ton of heals, thats about all I can tell you about Engi’s.

Necromancers: In my opinion one of the easiest classes to play just because of the massive health pool(s) you have. The meta spec right now is quite good (Minion Master or MM), but will probably be nerfed soon, but Necro’s have always had a pretty good meta spec.

Warriors: Giant healthpool, good CC, good Bunker, good damage, easy class, easy learning curve.

In my opinion these are the hardest classes to learn in order from hardest to easiest
1. Elementalists
2. Mesmer (depending on what build you use)
3. Thief (depending on what build you use)
4. Guardian
5. Ranger
6. Engineer
7. Necromancer
8. Warrior

Now this is just my personal experience with all of these classes, so many people are probably going to disagree with my ordering of how hard the class is to learn, and be good at, but yeah thats meh list.

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-The Pros at ANET


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Ill give you one tip… stay off the forums. 90% of the posts are people complaining, just enjoy the game for what it is.

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-The Pros at ANET

Guild Wars 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Hey guys…Sorry if this is posted in the wrong area, but this seemed like the only place where it would fit. Anyway I am thinking of buying the first Guild Wars to see the backstory/lore of the original game, along with getting the cool Hall of Monument stuffs. My question’s are as follows about it though…

Is it a Dead game?
Can I play it completely solo?
Would anyone be willing to play it with me?
It is actually worth buying?
Is it better, or worse compaired to Guild Wars 2?
How much game play time would I get out of the game?

These are just some of the basic questions I have about GW1, so yeah…. Thanks for the help

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-The Pros at ANET

D/C everytime I go into HotJoin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


I mostly play tpvp, but when I wanna chill in Hot Join I get about half way through a match and then I D/C everytime, and It’s getting really old. I’ve been waiting for over a month now thinking it would fix, but it hasn’t so I would like to ask if anyone else is having problems as well?

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-The Pros at ANET

Eles... Flavor of the Month ?

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


As people have said above me, lowest HP in the game = a lot higher looking heal than it really is.

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-The Pros at ANET

Funny hack story (help securing my account)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


I had a WoW account that got hacked… Was level 30 and I had 70s, which if you havent played wow… That SUCKS. My story turns out to be a bit better though. Got my account back about a year later and I got on and I had 67k Gold and 4 full geared 85s. Sorry Bro

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-The Pros at ANET

Is there a support thief build????

in Thief

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Probably a Venom Share build, but that’s probably it.

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-The Pros at ANET

Half hour deserter debuff

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Well, they dont do this because if it kept stacking time it would drive people from the game, and everyone knows what MMOs are about…money. Plus I dont believe that something such as Disconnecting from a match should be punishable which the OP somewhat said, because I D/C all the time, not purposely, and I dont think I should be punished for d/cing.

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-The Pros at ANET

I want to be challenged, chose Ele.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


That’s my vid… It’s for spvp though so keep that in mind, although it would probably work in other aspects of the game.

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-The Pros at ANET

POLL: Which Class IS the most broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Well I agree to as much, but I believe that guardian’s have been good bunker’s since start though…Am I right? I may be wrong, but I think most of their skills revolve around the fact that they are more or less the “tank” class of gw2… Yeah they are good in team fights and wvw, but to me the guardians that are dps arent amazing, that’s why I think they dont fix their bunker side. I say this because I can beat any dps guardian so easily with their awful health, and not so amazing damage (at least is spvp). Anyway I may be wrong, but ive never had any issues with killing a dps guardian so I dont believe they are the most broken, or really anywhere close, but Dee Jay I do like the comment…It brings things to light that I’ve never really thought of.

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-The Pros at ANET

Noob / Easy Questions to Answer

in Thief

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Thieves has the least number of weapon sets, so choosing the best fit for you shouldn’t be that difficult.

The best traits depends on what you want to do.
- If you want to effectively guard a point, choose bunker type traits.
- If you want to effectively take a point, choose a high damage type traits.
- If you want to be a team support, choose a support type traits.
- etc.

Engi’s and Ele’s have less weapon choices -_-

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-The Pros at ANET

POLL: Which Class IS the most broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Why s/d or s/p thief builds are not on the list?
Because you keep thinking those builds really require high skill? …

Why just “guardian” and specific builds for the others classes?

Eh. Well to be honest Im not sure what build a guardian could have that could be broken, or OP. I may just be stupid and not know the build, but please, do enlighten me.

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-The Pros at ANET

how to make stealth not so bad or cheese

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Im not saying some massive drain health, but something like a thief that can stay in stealth for extensive amounts of time… I believe that it would be alright for there to be some kind of reason to not go into stealth.. Unless traited of course. Now like I said I play thief a lot as well so this isnt me just raging, but rather giving the community idea’s to grow on.

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-The Pros at ANET

POLL: Which Class IS the most broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


The fact that no one has voted spirit ranger, and someone voted Guardian makes me lol

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-The Pros at ANET

how to make stealth not so bad or cheese

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


I believe that stealth has a lot of pro’s and con’s and a lot of things that need to be fixed so that it can be balanced. For one I dont like that people can go into stealth whenever they so please, this makes a very uneventful fight, and very boring. Yes I play a thief, and yes I do this, but it’s because it’s there and I can! Now there is also a downside…If you arent a thief, there really isnt any skills you can do, it’s just you going invisible.

Now my opinion is like some others that have already posted on this thread, and it’s that there needs to be new skills added to the game that unstealths someone, such as the “Flare” skill that Hunter’s get in World of Warcraft. Now in WoW you can just refresh the Flare once it has gone away… IMO that’s slightly unfair, you are basically taking away the only part of the thief that make’s it really good. Now I also believe that thieves and mesmer’s shouldnt be able to go into stealth as often as they can.. Pretty much every 4-5 seconds if they so choose too. I don’t disagree that something as good as “Shadow Refuge” should be nerfed because it is important for many different reasons, and there would be a complete outrage by anyone who plays thief, and use’s the skill.

Now for the portion where I pretty much argue against myself in the fact that I believe that there is nothing wrong with stealth. Yes it is annoying, yes it may be pretty OP, but almost every class has access to it in some way or fashion. Now it may be difficult to get into stealth, but you can go into it, therefore everyone has access to it, therefore it’s not OP. I also believe that stealth give’s an interesting aspect to an MMO in that it allows people to be more offensive, and defensive in order to create a more exciting gameplay!

Some ways that stealth could be toned down, but not destroyed.
-Limit stealth to only one class
-Limit the amount of stealth in one time period
-Increase the CD on Stealth abilities
-Only make stealth available through “Finishers”
-Give every class some Skill that can give them stealth\
-Revamp stealth in Thief that allows it to act in the WoW manner with Combo Points.
-Drain health while in stealth (Or can be traited to heal…Only in thief)

These are just my opinions, so yeah, dont judge

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-The Pros at ANET

POLL: Which Class IS the most broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Alrighty guys, all Ive seen lately is how “This class is too OP!!!!!”, “fix this class”, and other such things. My question is which class do you think needs the most fixing and why?


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-The Pros at ANET

(NA) Ele, thief, mes LF fun tpvp group

in Looking for...

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Hello all I am now looking for a new tpvp group. My old group kinda disband so yeahhhh…. Anyway I play D/D Ele, whatever thief, and a condi Mesmer! I am rank 35, which a good bit of is from tpvp. I have played all classes in tpvp so I have yet to get a champion title, but now I’m looking to start playing seriously with a good group of people. The only downside is that for the next month I’ll only be able to play on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, but after that I’m free for whenever! Also btw I am east coast, but I don’t mind playing with people where ever, but if that bothers you then that’s why I said it!

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-The Pros at ANET

Condi P/D so easy .. wow

in Thief

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


I agree with this… All you gotta do is carry some condi clear and you are just fine against a pd thief

what happens when the thief begins playing to your weaknesses, bursting you when your condi clear is on cd? also carrion is a good setup for this kind of build, but by far not even the more powerful it could become, dire also looks good on paper, havent tried it yet, due to the lack of dire gear, however i do run with what i think is dire trinkets, relanas band/plague idol. i agree with the listing, but that doesent mean we cant beat things in that list, i destroy hambow, most necros, i think spirit ranger gives me the most trouble. due to spirits taking shots/giving protection, in which case it comes down to how much damage the ranger is doing versus how fast you can kill its spirits

I’ve messed around with P/D dire build in WvW, and it’s hilariously easy and powerful to use. After a while it does get very boring though, so I spend most of my time in my D/D build once I get tired of P/D. Honestly, I think the biggest strength of P/D comes from the fact that not as many players are used to having to counter it just yet. Before the April 15th patch it wasn’t as common place, but it’s starting to gain more popularity now that players are looking for another means to deal damage, and not everyone want to buy strength runes. As a result, the thief roam meta shifts slightly more into condi bunker with P/D. It’s the easiest weapon set and build for us thieves at the moment (especially in terms for roaming in WvW) and it just so happens to counter some very popular builds on other classes quite well. Where it can take me 10 minutes to kill a good PU mesmer on my D/D build, it can take less than a minute with a dire P/D. You can call it cheese, or broken, or whatever, but it’s in the game so expect it to be used, especially when the meta of other classes in certain aspects of the game lose to it harder than our other builds. That’s just the natural progression and shifting of play styles over time is all. I mean, people used to complain about warriors with their hammers a whole lot more, and then everyone just started blinding them. Players adapt and overcome (good ones do at least), so rest assured, the “P/D cheese” will eventually see competition that drives it into an unfavorable position and another “cheese” build will surface.


I agree with this… If it’s in the game then it is gonna be used

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-The Pros at ANET

Condi P/D so easy .. wow

in Thief

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Actually easiest to play are this order:

1. Decap Engi
2. Hambow
3. Spirit ranger
4. mm necro

P/D is really dependent on the quality of opponent given the dependency on CnD.

I agree with this… All you gotta do is carry some condi clear and you are just fine against a pd thief

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-The Pros at ANET

Condi P/D so easy .. wow

in Thief

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


You need to improve your reading skills, if you can find the word overpowered in my post
I will give you all my money. I’m just saying its funny how useless and skill less builds are strong in 1v1.

And no actually you can’t bunk home with a P/D thief, any thief using such build in tournies is useless and gets carried hard if his team manages to win.

Not being carried… I do just as much as the rest of my team. We make it work soooooo yeah. It may be easy, but you just cant be happy if someones’s class is too good. Like I said before, people in games are so upset when a build is good, it’s like people want builds to be so difficult…Games are built for a ton of different play styles, Thief P/D build is for someone who enjoys an easy gameplay style, something like D/D, that person likes something more difficult. Just personal preference.

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-The Pros at ANET

(edited by Anhomedog.7968)

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Rox’s Quiver again

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-The Pros at ANET

Condi P/D so easy .. wow

in Thief

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


I just tryed the condi build P/D with 30 SA and wow it is probably the easiest build by far. Even more than MM necro I would say. You get low on hp? Perma reset with stealth and regen.

It really feels like a bunker-troll build that is completly useless in spvp outside of hotjoin . Also I see alot of people in solo Q running around with this build. They are basicly doing nothing for the team but whatever.

So yea some people have been trashing D/P and S/D power builds which is really funny because nothing is more easier than P/D condi thief in the entiere game. Even PU mesmers cant reset a fight like this.

But anyway I might use this to troll in hotjoin and no where else, it feels cheap too since its the build that kills people and not my own skill.

Im talking about 2/0/6/0/6 build with krait runes , to make it more cheesy I need to unlock the confusion on steal GM trait.

Well the funny thing is… I bunker home and mid sometimes on my thief P/D build, while still being able to down someone in 5 seconds flat, and it’s not OP because all I have on is 4 condi’s, 2 of which can be useless if you are smart. Those condi’s are Confusion and Torment.. I get 4-5 torments on you and 6-8 stacks of Confusion, and maybe a poison stack and If you continue to move and do spells, you are a gonner for sure. People complain so much really.. I think Necro’s are too OP, but guess what… We all have to deal with it. It’s not like you are the only one feeling that thieves are OP. I bet you can find a thread on this forums complaining that all of the classes are WAY TOO OP!!!! Well, there is one thing I gotta say… You are playing a game, enjoy it and stop complaining.

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-The Pros at ANET

(edited by Anhomedog.7968)

Conditions are killing the fun.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


If you manage to complain about the torment from P/D you really need to just add a little . Torment is a pretty weak condition and Shadow Strike’s 2 stacks of 5 seconds are comparable to 3 bleed stacks of 5 seconds, while you move.

And yes, Confusion and, to a lesser extent, Torment are ‘fun’ conditions in the sense that they give you a choice.

You should see me on my thief… Torment is quite fun when you have enough torment on to do 1k+ a tick on top of the poison, multiple bleeds, and Confusion that does 2k a tick…It’s quite fun when I can down a person in like 2 seconds with a condi build. Even though condi is fun for me I really would like busting out the Daggers again for some more backstab fun

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-The Pros at ANET

A new Ele build for multipule uses

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


What do people think about the runes of the hoelbrak? Might duration and less condi duration

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-The Pros at ANET

What is your Moment in Pvp? Story Time

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


1v4’d a warrior, necro, and 2 thieves on my elementalist survivalist build…BEFORE the celestial amulet got good. Also I down people with my condi thief in a few seconds if they are stupid all the time… Always a good laugh when you are teasing da noobs

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-The Pros at ANET

A new Ele build for multipule uses

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


I do agree with the points into air, and I choose to be more defensive in tourney play…thats just me, but in my video I do point out that you can swap those 2 points into air if that is the way you wanna play. My question is, why would a sigil of doom be better than maybe a strength, or some other sigil. I can see the good of what an air or fire can do with damage, but just in my opinion, I would think maybe the extra 6 or so stacks of might (210 Power, 210 Condi Dmg), would be more of use. I say this because something like a sigil of fire is a proc type of thing, at 50%, and Sigil of strength is at 60% I believe with a 1 SECOND CD. Why even have a CD when it’s one second? I just believe in the fact that, the percent is higher, the damage (Imo) is higher, and the CD is smaller, makes the sigil of strength a more viable choice than something along the lines of a sigil of air/fire. Once again this is my personal preference, yet I may look into the usage of the Sigil of Doom later on this week when I get the chance to play

because the sigil of doom and sigil of air still applies a beneficial effect at 25 stacks of might. If you have 25 stacks of might then your sigils only use is to refresh the boons not increase the dps output. With 2 points in fire and making sure you blast your fire field at least once every time you use it as well as popping a flame aura up once in a while will ensure decent might stacks. But like i said i run strength runes and have not really tested anything without them. but if you hit max might without the sigil of strength then the sigil is a waste. If you understand where i am coming from.

And a sigil of doom can certainly compete against 6 stacks of might. (I am basing this on condition damage as the equations are easier) but get this, at 25 might stacks you will get approximately 1309 condition damage (with might stacks (25) and amulet (celestial)). At 1309 condition damage burning is doing 655 damage per second (dps), and considering you have 25% crit chance this is where the largest portion of your dps is coming from, conditions.

Now consider you sacrifice 6 stacks of might, as you say, for a sigil of doom this is 1309 condition damage minus 210 condition damage = 1099. Burning now hits at 603 dps + poison at 194 dps and they have a 33% reduction to heals. Not only do you deal more passive damage the sort that a necro has to work very hard to maintain but you place a condition on the enemy that they simply have to control. They cannot leave it on themselves before they proc a heal. Find me the thief, warrior or indeed any other class that can deal with a permanent onslaught of poison and burning. I do realise the poison is ot permanent but about 60% up-time so don’t pull me up on that please, but then again so is burning and direct damage.

Also after a fight more often than not with sigil of doom you will see a icon where your boons lie saying that the next attack poisons a foe. Thus sigil of dooms application is immediate whereas strengths takes a series of attacks to build up the might.

Direct damage is only good when you are hitting the opponent, condition damage still ticks away when they kite you, this is why condition damage will always be the most powerful mechanic in pvp. But like you say its personal preference.

Alrighty I can see where you are coming from now and I can see how, and why you like using the sigil of doom. My problem in fights is sometimes remembering to do blast finishers so I cant always sustain 25 stacks of might. Also I run Fire/Hoelbrak runes not Strengths. If I ran Strengths I would most definatly run Either Intellegence or Doom Runes, because it would be so much easier to sustain 25 stacks of might, but with my runes, and sometimes my problem with doing blast finishers, I use Strength runes!

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-The Pros at ANET

A new Ele build for multipule uses

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Eh… I dont get too many people evading my RTL’s and Updrafts that much anymore, and I curious to why really. It’s either they take the damage, or they have stability and just dont care… Either way it’s damage so I dont care.

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-The Pros at ANET

A new Ele build for multipule uses

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


Or start in air, rtl > updraft > burning speed > circle of flame > then fire grab! So it’s like 2k total from the air spells, 3-4k from burning speed, 1k from cof, and then 4-5k from fire grab + all the biting going on. So 2+3+1+4+1= 11k starter… Not bad at all.

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-The Pros at ANET

Searching for talented pvp elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


I would personally take 1 point out of fire and change that first fire trait to spell slinger, and put that extra point in either earth and get the trait that gives stability to very one around you or, put it into water for the little regeneration you get when you switch to water attunemeant. Also I would use some other runes, maybe strength or fire, and take advantage of the burning in that glyph rather than the chill. And if you do that switch the amulet to celestial, it’s just to good not to use for elementalist.

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-The Pros at ANET