can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
I really just posted this to take a spin on the frustrating things that have recently hit rangers. I still play my ranger as a main and I like it, no matter what Anet does, we are the coolest class. We might not be the most effective…at anything but we sure do rock the hell out of Guild Wars 2.
2 months later, not much has changed although longbow stealth is so useful in many situations and I do use it more. I hope that we get a damage buff or we get our range back on our SBs.
Anets trying to tell you that the most valuable, dangerous or both valuabledangerous thing is you.
It does feel like there will be a little twist but unlike the patches with twists, this one seems very lacking in content. Other then a speech, which i believe will be a 5 min instanced event where something goes wrong and some vague fixes to wvw and pve we really do not get anything? Also when is this queens gauntlet going away, I want it to stop haunting me.
how awesome would it be if you had multiple guilds, one for each slice of the palvillion. objective, destroy other guilds God or statue or something that a guild can purchase. you use influence to buy in and the top 3 get portion of the influence.
I swear I tried Liadri more times then I can remember. I have tried with a mesmer, war, thief, ranger, guard but everytime I am pulled into her aoe and by the time i get up Im dead. I have gotten really close with about 5% of her hp left I got pulled into her aoe or she cripples me and Im all out of dodges. I really hate quiting at something I have gotten so far at. I just can not do it. It feels like there is that element of luck involved, if u get pulled into aoe or not, she cripples you etc. I honestly do not know what I am doing wrong. ArenaNet said thakittens a challange and you beat it by trying different builds and what not, however I do not know what class/build I need to use.
Anyone know what class/build I need to use to beat her? Ive watched a heap of youtube vids but they have all done it like 200 times b4 actually beating it.
Using your AC rewards as the baseline, then
CM p1 and p3 should be 1.5 gold instead of 1.75 gold (p2 can stay at 1.75)
TA I agree with.
SE p2 should be 2 gold. SE p3 should be equal p1 at 1.25 gold.
CoF p1 should really be 50 silver. The other paths I agree with.
HotW p3 should be reduced to 1.75 gold.
CoE – really? I actually perfer to run p2 over p1/3 (it’s way faster if your party knows how to dodge), but I can see how some groups might have trouble. – no change.
Arah p3 drop to 2 gold. p1 and p2 dropped to 2.75 gold.
See this seems like we are getting on target while “considering length and difficulty”. Thanks for the feedback. I hope Anet decide to use this.
Another question. Do you believe the 26s at the completion of a dungeon should be removed? Maybe nerfed to say 10s? Or would it be better to just keep it.
Okay so replying to laokoko, I would not mind them reducing cof reward to 50s. I just wrote the list because they said that dungeon rewards would be between 1g-3g. But yeah Im really lost on the motives of what the changes were.
Ilr I agree the patch was a disguise, they probably have a few reasons for these changes however I cant put my finger on it. I did realize though that on the gw2lfg site, the requests have changed from a list of cof p1 farming runs, to more of a variety.
Although the reward allocation does not make sense, the potential for extra gold has got people doing more dungeons. After an hour or so research I did see the trends in dungeon runs changing.
Anyone else notice this or do you see cof p1 farming"zerk wars" still.
PS: Im not sure but it seems like the Flaming effigy in cof p1 has got a heal buff. The healing crystals stacked to 20 today and stayed between 15-20. We had poison on him and was only able to keep his hp steady until his crystal buffs were gone. Any feedback?
ALright so lets try stick to the topic.
Dungeon path rewards were said to have been decided with consideration of “length” and “difficulty” which was confirmed on the live stream on 5th August. However their changes reflected neither. Lets say length: Cof p1 is not the same length as HoTw p3. Lets say difficulty: AC p3 is not the same difficulty as Arah p3.
My question to you all is, is there any form of thinking that could have allowed them to decide these rewards? Are they planning on changing it?
lol if they haven’t replied so far doubt they will reply any time soon. Also a base line for what? “lets give cof farmers more gold for farming cof and while we are at it make cof p1 have same rewards as ta ffkitten#8221;
lame but yeah really does need a rework.
The recent changes to dungeon reward and what they said they want seems to be completely out of sync and I honestly believe someone did a last minute job or they have not played this game at all. Here is what I believe should have been introduced.
P1: 1g
P2: 1.75g
P3: 1g
P1: 1.75g
P2: 1.75g
P3: 1.75g
U: 1.25g
F/F: 1.5g
F/U: 1.75g
P1: 1.25g
P2: 1.5g
P3: 1.5g
P1: 1g
P2: 1g
P3: 1.75g
P1: 1g
P2: 2g
P3: 2g
P1: 1.25g
P2: 1.75g
P3: 1.5g
P1: 3g
P2: 3g
P3: 2.5g
P4: 3g
So on top of this, the 26s at the end of the dungeon should have been removed. With the 26s + the bag of wonderous goods(2-4s) + Champ bags (6-8s), they are not discouraging anyone from farming cof p1. However the removal of the 26s at the end + the above dungeon reward changes would encourage people to move away from farmed dungeons.
Let me know what you think
It feels like a really poor job. The person who actually assigned these should really be fired. This does not discourage people from farming cof p1 at all. You still get the 26s at the end. All this does is make people run AC 1 time, SE 1 time and return to cof.
Okay to sum it up we got the crazy amount of free MF + our own MF.
Then champs drop a crap load of items.
Champ bags can grant you exotic weapons.
Dungeons give you an extra 1g for doing them each time + the 26s + the 10s you get from killing each champ.
Money is going to be worthless and most items prices are gonna drop
idk if this was intentional but TP is going crazy. What i originally thought about the dungeon changes was, the chest at the end only once per day which i thought meant u dont get the 26s per run.
1. Remove the 160% magic find.
2. Remove the 26s after the first run.
3. Rethink the daily gold awarded for dungeons like ta/coe etc. CoF p1 isnt the same length or difficulty as ta F/u.
Thank you
Im not sure if this was intentional but the emisaries in DR now give 160+% magic find boost. People are getting rares + exotics left and right. I really like that in the last 30 mins I got named exotics but this will really make items + gold useless. Alot of items on TP have gone down in price dramatically.
I am voting for Evon because I usually like to side with the underdog team. Also Evon is far more interesting then Kiel. However I do not mind who wins. Both have awesome rewards. Kiel will give us a fractal that explains alot of things and make waypoints “Cheaper”. While Evon will ‘show’ us a fractal with awesome gods and give us “cheaper” keys. I just hope the new fractals are not long. Can you imagine getting 3 fractals as lengthy as dredge?
Defiant does not effect damage or anything. It only stops you from using CC skills until the defiant stacks are removed. I think the bounty you are talking about is Half-baked. His got a bug with his shield where you can’t remove it and you do very little damage. To beat this boss you need to keep the group small maybe 5-10 people. 10+ makes it difficult as his health scales with the group and makes it near impossible.
Check out the Bug section here
It just seems like this thread is a magnet for the people who could not get into the game and who could not adapt to the innovation of Gw2. So they come here to vent. Sadly the opinion of those who are no longer playing does not matter because obviously they have moved onto better things.
However…why are they in Gw2 forums? Not all games are for everyones likes but it is pittyful to try bring down the game for people who like it because you do not like it.
Not to sound like a fanboy but ArenaNet has really made a great game and people realize that after they leave the game to move onto other MMO’s. I have seen so many people who have left the game return these few months because the combat and the creativity in other MMOs does not exist the way it does in Gw2.
Although Gw2 still needs improvement it is working hard to keep gamers invested in the game. It is releasing new balance patches every fortnight. They really have made great progress since launch and people are seeing that and it is the main reason why people are coming back to join the game. End game is not the games end anymore because now players are living in an evolving world.
The final reason comes down to…“You can not please everyone!” This would be clear to anyone who has run a guild or a bussiness irl. GW players always have GW to go to (I do). However although there are things I miss from my old MMO, I adapted and evolved with Tyria. That is the way of life itself, evolve or die.
The point is I believe he is asking how people have 9k achievement points.
Im sitting at 4.7k now and I have only been playing since the end of SAB. I have got all JP, all personal story for all races, some pvp and wvw, nearly half slayer done, started a bit on weapon master. and I have completed all LS achievements since Southsun. I also do dailies everyday. Now thinking about someone who did what I have done for the past 3 months, It is easy to understand that I would have got 9k achievement points had I been playing since launch nearly a year ago.
Evon-0-13! Do not fall for the puppets tricks. She is being controlled by a greater evil!
Ill be farming for tickets all day this sunday for 8hrs straight! Evon-o-13!
Voted 210 times for Evon-0-13! Evon we will not fail you! You have already handed out way more gold than Kiel can save us in 4 weeks of cheaper Waypoints.
Whats up Rune, Arrow here from Dragonbrand.
To get to the new map “Labyrinthine” follow the following steps.
1-Go to Lions Arch
2-Walk to the area that is circled in the image linked
3-Talk to the NPC that has the ship icon over his head
4-Travel to the new map
5-Explore new map
Alright so if you are looking to do these new events, I would suggest going for World completion which means exploring every foggy area in each map and doing the hearts, POI, Vistas and Skill challenges. This gets you familiar with where everything is located.
/Sigh I give up.
Omg are u serious? I said that in another thread >< If you are going to argue for the sake of arguing, at least check the thread.
Omg, I don’t like the new content that was absolutely free!
Heaven forbid anyone give the developers any feedback.
OP kind of came out more complaining than pointing out the flaws in this patch. ALso the way the OP wrote made it seem like everyone has the same ideals
Then do not vote. You said you did not care who won. Is this thread made just for the sake of complaining?
You complaining because the other guy “might” get more tickets then you?
Idk what you mean. The Tokens drop a crap load from all over Tyria. Their drop rate is pretty high as well. If you do not feel like farming it u can buy it from the TP
Is it weird that I did not find anything wrong with any of the points he mentioned?
Now i want to go to TP and buy 1000 tickets and vote Evon.
Only doing Kiel. Since I don’t like dungeon and fractals stuff(I think one or two of the subachievements for meta achievement require you to do these) I’d need to to most of the minigame achievements.
But the survivor minigame for Gnashblade is one of the most boring minigames every made. Other minigame is much more fun(teamplay and easier achievements and less luck based).
You posted the same thing on the other thread >.<
Minigame is one of the most boring minigames every made. So I’ll just ignore these achievements… and probably not getting the meta achievement completed since I also don’t do dungeons and other stuff…
but there’s still Kiel and the much more fun minigame with easier achievements.
Why are you playing the game if you dont do dungeons and other stuff? Do you use it as a chat room?
We were doing this on day 2 and it was bugged for us. We got passed it with a party of guildies by guesting another server.
I just got mine when I got 100% explored. Sometimes you dont get an item until you enter a major city like LA. Try that.
All the posts I have read so far has been how people hate the fortnightly release of new content. This post is just to say Thank You (less than three)
The game would die if the Living story was at anything over a month (which is still too long of an interval) because MOST of the gamers finish the new content in a day-week.
Plus if you have your priorities straight its easy to get an hour of gaming a day to do dailies/new content.
To each their own. If you do not like what they are offering there is always other MMO’s you can move onto. I heard most of them have a really intricate combat system where instead of hitting 123456789 you hit 1325365446. Must be exiting. Or you could move onto games like COD…OMG the fish moving away from the screen :o
If you can not get content that can be done in 2hrs done in 2 weeks you should have never started MMOs. If you want to wait a year for lousy expansions you could always move onto WoW.
More content every 2 weeks is great and I really enjoy the feeling of being in a world where things change in a pretty reasonable time. It is a shame that most content is taken away but who cares. New content arrives.
If you left Guild Wars 2, thanks for the $60. You do not need to come here and expect someone to be like oh sorry, did you quit. Okay we will change our whole system because what 6 people left the game. Leave and try other MMO’s but dont come back like everyone eventually does because every other MMO is so bad.
Awesome an election
The reply to the bug was so unprofessional. We are not looking for a roleplay answer.
If you are going to be in fractals expect 1.5-3hr depending on the fractal level and the fractals line up you get. Otherwise do not bother to try and finish a line up of Swamp, Dredge and colossus in 45 minutes at lvl 26.
If someone is experiencing some diffuclty, do your best to help them out. Telling them that they are useless is not going to help anything…I have blocked about 75 people because I saw them abuse players who were inexperienced in a dungeon. No need to play with people who are in the game to work. Its supposed to be fun and that is why I run dungeons like fractals. I love the creativity and the feeling of teamwork.
There is the lag and then there is that guy who uses one of those powerups that slow/push you back that ruins ur jumps.
a power up
I helped a few people get passed me while I was doing the crowd fav achievement. I didnt see a point in getting first over and over. Otherwise I think the community would turn into an eye for an eye kind of place or every person for himself. Where Guild Wars 2 is pretty much a place where people can work with each other with no pressure of actually having to beat the other person.
lol this thread. You should have told him to stay with the group, but he seems like he was an idiot so it would not have mattered. would have kicked him and got a guildie in for the last boss :p
Dont do too many Pug groups, but I do sometimes run with pugs as they sometimes have cool lil tricks. Last PUG group I had, 1 player was lagging and couldnt get over the Jumping part in Harpy Fracs, we were about to put a portal for him and one kitten on our team couldnt hold his kitten and wait a minute so he was like “Why is he so useless” “His so Slow” etc and the lagging guy took it offensive and quit…oh and the laggy guy was the host -.-
If you are in fractals and it is taking a bit longer then usual…suck it up. If you want a speed run through everything ever time go play Hello Kitty. Occasionally you get people who are new to the dungeon or have lag issues. The worst thing you can do is try rush everyone through it and get kicked out of fracs on 2nd fractal.
The fact that you need certain classes to complete a dungeon moves away from Arenanets “Dont need certain class for certain content” Reason they removed the healer etc. Also the philosphy that Arenanet has to balancing is really wierd.
If they want players to stop farming a certain dungeon/event and spread out, they just make that popular dungeon really hard. If they want players to try different build they make that build really weak. Its a really awkward strategy that only makes people move onto the next easy run or the next best build.
However for this path I believe it is a bug because there is no way that a party can pass this if they are slightly out of sync and do not have a guardian. Feels like they tried to fix something and broke something else. Make the spiders weaker or spawn less…this dungeon is so bad.
So yeah we failed Trek 2 times because of this. Will we get those two back?
I Dont know how to switch it. If someone with the ability could move it over would be great. Thanks. This needs to be looked into, maybe removed from appearing in Guild Trek until we are able to get into the area again.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.