Showing Posts For Arrow.3856:

Guild Trek Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Knights of Ares [ARES] on Dragonbrand just did Trek. On Ideation Leap, the new patch does not let anyone inside. Keeps putting you in jail. We thought we would try our luck and hope we dont get it again but unfortunately we got it again.

There is no way inside and getting it for Trek is automatic fail. Can you give us our 2 Treks back and will this be fixed?

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Oceanic Player Issues

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Arrow.3856


You wont get anything with this thread other then rants. However Living in Australia, it does get annoying when using Light pull, and realizing that even though your screen showed that u made it, 1 sec later ur back at checkpoint because of latency issues.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Arrow.3856


I apologize to DB and EB players attempting the JP right now. We can’t stop the couple of trolls that won’t stop harassing you…

All good. Same thing happened last time at AR. SoS and kittenreed to work together and sometimes u would get EBay pull a gank fest. Cant stop trolls. theyre on every server. Thx for the msg though.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Make Axe melee, add new actual ranged weapon

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


This is a world where the dead rise and dragons exists. People are too lazy to feed their own cows and water their crops. This is a world where clones are made out of thin air and the night sky can be seen in the day through a weapon skin. THIS IS TYRIA!

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Proud owners of The Dreamer

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


The shortbow does more damage than before. If you were using the short bow for 1000+ plus range then you were gimping you damage. You can still use sb for 900+
range you just have to attack manually. With the range reduction you get like 5% less use out of this weapon.

Talking about crying over split milk. Other weapon may gain more favor due to their buffs. This is a good thing. The problem with all legendaries are they have the same stats and dont compliment builds very well. That in itself is a reason not to use the dreamer.

I personaly rather go with something like the feathers of Dwayna. Once Legendary become ascended it probably will be possible to up grade named weapons crafted in the mystic forge.

For most build the dreamer isnt the most effective weapon. So most of this crying about effectiveness is bs.

Some people just need something to complain about I understand but it’s not good for the class.

I have no idea what you are talking about? This thread is to discuss why The Dreamer owners were not considered. It is after all a legendary and people who do own one have put in 2+months of farming. It is not to discuss if people like the The Dreamer or not. Plus Feathers of Dwayna is about 1300g cheaper then the Dreamer and requires about 1/20th the time to get.

Dreamer owners were under the impression that the 1200 range was what they were getting when we made the legendary and we accepted it even with its unsuitable stats. Reducing the range for a ranged weapon that takes so much effort to craft is unexceptionable. Although it is just -300, this reduction puts rangers in the danger zone. So if I am in the danger zone I might aswell use a greatsword and get more damage out. This leaves our legendary The Dreamer in our bags 80% of the time. We need to be considered.

PS: Shortbow manual autoattack range is 1000. However this does not apply to the rest of our shortbow skills. Which are about 950.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Pets disobeying me!

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Nope not using Guard. It does not happen every time either. It will stay all peaceful for a while even if we are standing in the middle of a zerg of enemies. I have a theory but it is no confirmed. I dont know if anyone else has noticed this.

We will be getting attacked by enemies A, B and C. While concentrating on enemy A, enemy C will lose agro and move away. We will kill Enemy A and B and go out of combat and farm some ore nearby. Randomly pet will start running and attacking enemy C who is not focused on us or we on it.

This does not explain why the pet goes off attacking a stationary boss that is not targeted or engaged with before but its a start to explaining something. Most likely though something is wrong with pets.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Proud owners of The Dreamer

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


didn’t they say Legendaries would eventualy be upleveled to ascended stats?

Yeah they did and there was a rumor that a transmuted legendary does not get ascended stats.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Proud owners of The Dreamer

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Yes it breaks all our hearts a little bit that we have to be forced to do things that defile our legendary. I do not wish to transmute my legendary because it feels like its not a legendary after that. Nevertheless either way it feels like they did not consider legendary owners at all when they thought about forcing people to move onto new builds.

They should have allowed Dreamer owners some incentive for this big Patch. Either give us our range back to all shorbows (or only to The Dreamers that were made before patch) or Let us swap our The Dreamer with another account bound legendary. This wont hurt the TP much. What do other Dreamer owners think would be a way to make things right?

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Reinstate shortbow range, inc. longbow range

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


And it will keep going down until it gets its wonderful range back or a generous damage boost to replace the range reduction.

This is not fair to Dreamer owners and everyone knows it.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Proud owners of The Dreamer

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


The range reduction of the shortbow has been extremely painful for the players who own the shortbow legendary The Dreamer. After working so hard with the belief that it had 1200 range we get hit with a knockout punch.

The fact is people who do not have The Dreamer are free to move on and adapt to the new builds, take on new weapons in substitute to the shortbow and they wont get too penalized for it. However we The Dreamer owners are lost, wondering what to do? Do we accept the weaker state of our legendary which makes us more suseptible to damage or do we leave it looking pretty in our bags and banks.

I believe this is unexceptable. While crafting The Dreamer I had no idea that there would be a range reduction and crafted it accepting the stats & range as they were. It feels like a kick to the corner. This warrants attention. I would like to exchange my legendary for something else now. Either make it so its not soulbound/accountbound anymore or let us swap it for something else. The former will make The Dreamer price drop in TP and the latter will, not do anything really.


“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Reinstate shortbow range, inc. longbow range

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


To people who are saying adapt to the new build, okay

One condition…Let me switch my legendary that I worked so hard to get because I liked the stats it had and RANGE to twilight of sunrise. In fact I think I will put in a ticket to support for this. Otherwise the 2 months I spent to get my legendary is going to be for nothing.

Something like a range deduction on a ranged weapon should allow people to swap their hard earned dreamers. Im not keen on having The Dreamer sit in my bag 80% of the time while I use a crappy GS that took me 2 secs to order off TP. Going to put in ticket.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Pets disobeying me!

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


All day today my pet has been chasing after enemies that I haven’t targeted or attacked. For example Ill be harvesting some wood and my pet will run off on its own to an enemy and start attacking it. The enemy wont even be close or be targeting me. It also does this on bosses and trash mobs in dungeons. We will be waiting before a boss to group up and Id have a team mate targeted or even nothing. It just goes off and starts pounding on the boss.

Anyone else having the same problem?

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Lvl 12 ranger vs lvl 80s (solo WvW)

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


most of those guys your versing dont engage you until they’re 75% hp and have already used their heals. Also they didnt use any CCs or stun breakers.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Ranger doesn't mean archer...

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


They shouldn’t have to nerf our most common weapon to get us to try new classes.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Shame on you

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


They shouldn’t have to make ranger pets and common weapons useless in order to get us to try other builds.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

as a longbow ranger I die a little inside...

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


I tend to switch my longbow with my GS alot. I like having a LB equiped because I’m a ranger and it makes me feel like a ranger but it is also useless in anything but WvWvW(barrage). I didn’t mind it before the patch because I still had Short bow to fall back on. Now I find myself a little lost.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Custom Arena Admins in the near future?

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Thank you for the reply. I do hope it is put on the top of your files because Custom Arenas does have a lot of potential to open up events for guilds.

Parisalchuk, we password protected but our guild members tend to join to do dailies with other guild members. Something about being able to beat up guild officers gives them enjoyment. Also we can sort of balance it ourselves. The command to switch certain people. However we need to be in the arena. It would help if we could promote people to be admins.

Eagerly waiting for this.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Post Patch...Weakest Class?

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


How about we all play the same class? That way no balance issues.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Custom Arena (Free World Gear Usable?)

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


No. sPvP is a completely seperate part of open world PvE which sort of includes WvWvW as WvWvW uses PvE gear. sPvP is all about being fair in terms of gear. Also sPvP gear has no secondary stats. Putting PvE gear in with sPvP gear would in most cases turn sPvP into a very unfair area.


“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

1600 gems for custom arena

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Give us the option to make our friends admins. You can even put a cap on it if you think this will make your profits drop. 3 friends max…or charge us a small fee for each admin we put on. Just give us more options.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Custom Arena Admins in the near future?

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Are there any plans to give the option of allowing us to make other people admins on our Custom Arenas?

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

free recipe for previous coffer purchase?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Got 1. I purchased one on the first day it was available to see if the rate of drop was actually high. It wasnt.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Risk Vs Reward: Reward what Reward?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arrow.3856


I agree. The reward system needs a new overhaul. Miss having to spend endless hours tweaking my build so that i can become strong enough to run a dungeon that will award me a guaranteed awesome item.

It feels like an insult to the people who have played this game for so long when a person who has playing for a few weeks gets a precursor drop.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Custom Arena /Commands

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


That would be pretty cool. Idk if it actually exists.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Vengeful Image nerf to hell

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arrow.3856


My question is where are the officials responses? What was the purpose of this patch…obviously not for balance. Was it a late April fools?

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Custom Arena Promotion

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


I also want an option to not let anyone in our guild arena except our guild members without losing progression. Stupid when we get 8+ in the arena and randoms join to ruin the event.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Ranger Nerf -.-

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Hey look at me Im a ranger oh its a melee warior I can kite him around while I kill him. Whaaaat? My pet is so weak now all good Ill use my DPS and skills to Kite and kill him. Oh his running away. Ill chase him…Whaaat? My shortbow doesnt reach? Ill use longbow…Barrage was too slow too activate and he walked past it. Number 4…kitten that pushed him even further. Ill use swiftness to close the gap. Oh kitten it he used swiftness too. Oh no my swiftness ran out and his GS skill+utility lets him run. Ahh well. I give up…

Pew….pew..what? kitten warrior attacking me using rifle…My shortbow wont reach WTF? Im the ranger not you….

Hope I taught you something about the nerf -.- Give rangers their range back. You can take your stupid Longbow buffs.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Request: Guild Custom Arena

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


/bump need to put guilds in perspective…its “Guild” Wars 2

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Request: Guild Custom Arena

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


We purchased an Arena for our guild events and tried it out for a while. Sadly any form of exclusivity makes the “No Progression” Icon pop up. The custom commands do not let us reserve all spots for Guild Members or put a password without taking away any rewards.

As soon as the Arena has at least 4 vs 4 others begin to join in and if we are just battling it out in the middle and not focusing on points, it ruins the event when a random person comes in. So this is a request to you lovely people. Allow us to put a password or only allow a certain guild.

For everyone else. If you see a guild Arena is near full…resist the urge to enter and ruin the event. If everyone takes care, we can live in harmony until ArenaNet gives us some exclusivity.


“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Can I get into the Custom Arena Beta?

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


I heard it was available for a brief period but I think I started Gw2 after it was withdrawn from the Gem Store. Not too much information on when it will be available to the whole public either. Is it possible to allow me to get into the Beta?

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Looking for friendly Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up Chibi. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

We are stationed in Dragonbrand however due to guesting being available and not restricting anything PvE related we are pulling in players from all over NA servers. Most of our friends decide to transfer to Dragonbrand after a few weeks because they enjoy being part of the community and not just another number. You should really consider joining us.

I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at and website (at

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

LF High-End Dungeon Guild [EU]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up Dub. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

Just my 2 cents here. Your post comes out a little bit elitist. Guilds aren’t full of top tier geared players who know all dungeons off by heart. It seems to me that you should not be looking for a “guild” but a consistent “group” of players that you can constantly run dungeons with. Guilds are more of a friends together participating in events for fun. Groups are more of a lets do this dungeon and move on.

Hope you find the group you are looking for.


“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

hay I need some help. looking for a guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up sarrcxb. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

We are stationed in Dragonbrand however due to guesting being available and not restricting anything PvE related we are pulling in players from all over NA servers. Most of our friends decide to transfer to Dragonbrand after a few weeks because they enjoy being part of the community and not just another number. We understand that it can get pretty boring playing by yourself and most of our members love to join each other on question or map completion. Even while playing alone we have a really active guild chat and you can always jump on our mumble server to start up a conversation

I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at and website (at

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Looking for a friendly, easygoing guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up JavaMoon. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

We are stationed in Dragonbrand however due to guesting being available and not restricting anything PvE related we are pulling in players from all over NA servers. Most of our friends decide to transfer to Dragonbrand after a few weeks because they enjoy being part of the community and not just another number. Our biggest quality is that we help our new players asap. We do not require anything but for you to represent us while you can and bring your personality into the guild

I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at and website (at

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Couple LF Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up Lawdev. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

We are stationed in Dragonbrand however due to guesting being available and not restricting anything PvE related we are pulling in players from all over NA servers. Most of our friends decide to transfer to Dragonbrand after a few weeks because they enjoy being part of the community and not just another number. We have a great spread out timezone of players and all we care about at Knights of Ares is that you bring your personality. We do not like to call ourselves a guild but a community.

I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at and website (at

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Exp. MMO Player LF Guild: Sorrow's Furnace

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up Starkdog. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

We are stationed in Dragonbrand however due to guesting being available and not restricting anything PvE related we are pulling in players from all over NA servers. Most of our friends decide to transfer to Dragonbrand after a few weeks because they enjoy being part of the community and not just another number. At Knights of Ares we do not care for levels or gear. As long as you bring your personality. Our best quality is helping out new players in Guild Wars 2. We have an army of officers ready for anything.

I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at and website (at

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

friends looking for guild inEredon terrace ^

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up Azureku. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

We are stationed in Dragonbrand however due to guesting being available and not restricting anything PvE related we are pulling in players from all over NA servers. Most of our friends decide to transfer to Dragonbrand after a few weeks because they enjoy being part of the community and not just another number. We would love to have you and your friends join us.

I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at and website (at

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

The New Cutscenes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Arrow.3856


I loved it too. Thanks Anet

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Custom Arena

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Answered my own questions

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Custom Arena

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Trying to organize a new Guild Event for the future and Custom Arena sounds perfect. I have been seeing the time tokens on Gem Store but has not caught my interest until now.

Is Custom Arena available? (I see a few of them on the NPC list in sPvP)
If not when will it be available?
If it is, when can I get one?
If not can I enter the Beta thing that was on a month ago?

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Thanks ArenaNet

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Already thanked Anet when dragon bash started but again thanks for bringing us content over and over.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

What am I going to miss?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Arrow.3856


My brother logged on for 3hrs this month and done all the content. Upto this point

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Stormbluff Isle, Casual/Social Player LFG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up Stormydove. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

Due to guesting allowing players across servers to be able to join anything pve related Knights of Ares are pulling in players from across all NA servers. We have the warmes community. a lot of our members transfer from other servers after a while because they know they will stay in ARES.

I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at and website (at

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Looking for an active guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up Raikii. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

We have alot of member who join new tell us what gear they have on, However we do not understand this practice. They say that the guild they were in before made them do it and they thought gear is what matters when joining a guild. At Knights of Ares the only thing that matters is for you to bring your personality and cheer. We do not like to call ourselves a guild but a community. Every new member is counted as a new addition to our family.

I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at and website (at

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Looking for Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up Kentucky. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

At Knights of Ares we are pulling in players from all over NA servers due to guesting allowing players to do anything pve related. If you want to get back into the game and stay, I would suggest a community. Which is exactly what ARES is.

I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at and website (at

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

TC, New to Guild Wars 2, Lvl 41 Warrior

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up ArdentOne. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

You will fit right in with us at Knights of Ares. We are pulling in players from all over NA servers and because of guesting being available in Guild Wars 2, you wont miss out on anything pve related. We have a large group of new players because simply, at Ares we help out our new players best. We have an army of Officers and Experienced members ready to help you out best they can.

I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at and website (at

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Ferguson Crossing, Lv42 Ranger (new to game)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up Tarvos. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

Being guildless is can be really boring most of the time. At Knights of Ares we have Event days where we run our new players through dungeon stories. We have a wide range of players from all timezones. Our officers are dedicated to helping everyone as much as they can. Most of the time we have all our officers in dungeons at the same time because we are each helping members run through dungeons. Using our mumble server or the chat we make sure to explain the dungeon the best way we can.

I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at and website (at

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

New player lf a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up Chenzo. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

We at Knights of Ares have a wide player base from all time zones that include experienced and new players. We like to call ourselves a community more than a guild and love to talk about things other then Guild Wars 2. We try to create the most dynamic environment in both our guild chat and mumble server. Our leaders/officers are all dedicated players who help out not only our members but anyone in tyria.

I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at and website (at

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

LF pve/dung/farm oceanic/sea guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up Zil. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.

Just to help you out a little. You need to expand your LFguild post so that leaders and officer know what you are looking for in a guild.

Some more information would be great for us to know a little more about you.


“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Engineer from AR

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Thats right buddy. Only thing you wont be able to do is wvwvw and that wont be a problem for you. We have members from all over NA servers who enjoy everything we offer because they guest for events and dungeon runs are across all servers. If you like to join, try whispering/mail me or other leaders (details under youtube trailer video) We will send an invite as soon as we can. Hope to see you join us soon.


“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The