No references, no methods, poor formatting. Legit.
Still looks about right… though 2017 is a pretty conservative estimation for change.
Just remove the trait entirely.
We’ll have Deathly Chill soon. That should just make Chill do the same damage as burn.
Replace it with a trait that mirrors sigil of generosity.
Can we get a similar thread for the other announced changes/elite specializations as well? People seem incredibly unsatisified with the Necromancer changes both for the elite specialization and the class in general.
And now back to your regularly scheduled Revnant programming.
Except it always hits your target 3 times.
To be fair, that would only list myself as having played 2 ranked games. Yet you all seem to think my views on Necro have some weight :p
Who are you again? :p
j/k, to be fair for all I know mayube the OP played like 4,000 unranked games since December (when unranked queue was introduced), but since his views are diametrically opposite to everyone on these forums who actually know a thing or two, I somehow doubt it.
Everyone I know outside of forums is pretty sure that necros are OP.
Every class forums is pretty sure their class is worthless. So don’t be surprised that ANET listens to none of it.
ANet only ever reads the PvP forum, and that forum tends to show Necros being near the bottom of the barrel.
Cobalt + Glint’s Gaze + Shadow Blue here.
Has there been any acknowledgement that the community is unhappy with the state of the class, or is it pretty quiet?
It has been done since day one of GW2 pretty much. But nothing happened. Announcing an expansion and then proceeding to nerf us again was enough to get me to complain on the forums.
What’s depressing is the class should be able to stand on its own 2 feet going into the expansion. It’s so far from that point that the Reaper class is either not going to work at all and we will continue to be the worst class in the game OR the Repear class is going to be the most insanely broken thing known to man and be absolutely 100% mandatory because we’ll rely on it just to close the gap.
3.) It should either act like Shadow Refuge or pulse a 1 second boon every second that allows you and allies to see stealthd opponents.
Thief nerf! Thief nerf! Everybody get down!
And Mesmers.
1.) Only when spec’d for triple well with chill.
2.) It applies AE chill when traited.
3.) It should either act like Shadow Refuge or pulse a 1 second boon every second that allows you and allies to see stealthd opponents.
With the amount of drawbacks Necros has, we should have highest DPS in the game by a huge margain. Either we get that, or they have to fill in our gaps.
You’re overexaggerating though. Necros aren’t actually that bad off. The drawbacks often are small. Seriously, they are. Despite all issues, balance in GW2 is more or less “there”, and this goes for all classes.
Mind you, maybe I’m just too old, I started in M59. In EQ1, there was a spell which allowed Necromancers to ressurect someone (mind you, you lost XP upon death, and quite a lot of it, so you lost some hours of grinding XP). Oh to get the material for it, they had to have someone willingly take said XP-costing death. Fun stuff, that. Oh and another spell allowed Enchanters to re-fill their manabar. Once every two and a half hours.
In the big picture, our MMOs are so well-balanced today that the whole discussion often feels arcane.
Which is why I agree so much with Teevill. I’ll definitely take concepts over balance, as in, power-balance in, say, sPvP. I’d rather have interesting-designed classes with a certain remaining imbalance, but cool concepts and genuinely restricting drawbacks which build a class inter-reliance as no one is an island.
Drawbacks don’t matter.
Typical MMOs have a scale where the amount of damage a class does is offset by the amount of utility they bring. A class that does upper tier damage tends to provide lower tier group utility/support. Conversely, a class that brings a ton of utility tends to do retrained DPS.
We then look at GW2 where Necromancers not only do the least damage but also provide the least utility. Elementalists provide the most damage and an enormous amount of utility. This is the issue.
Axe needs to be 900 range base.
Rending Claws: Increase damage by 15%
Ghastly Claws: Increase damage by 15%
Unholy Feast: Grants 4 seconds of fury instead of retal.
These changes ensure dagger is still the clear DPS winner by a considerable margin but allow axe to be an attractive power weapon at range.
Corruption Skills: I’m fine with them hurting the Necromancer, but they should be powerful enough to warrant that extra damage. Simply making them cast the same condition on up to 5 targets around the Necromancer would do that. It would also make Master of Corruption a much more valuable option.
Replace Spiteful Spirit with Deathly Chill. Make it so Deathly Chill simply makes your chills deal burn damage. Remove the limit of 5 stacks. While we have a reasonable amount of chill, it’s still no where near elementalist levels of burn. I see no reason this can’t be done.
Replace the Reaper skill with something like…
Dark Soul: Your next attack after entering Death Shroud has a 100% chance to critical strike. Your next attack will do 1% more damage for every % of critical strike chance you have over 100%.
The only thing that could possibly justify this change is if something more is coming down the line for chill in the expansion.
Deathly Chill for example. Perhaps if each stack did similar damage to burn perhaps they felt it would be too powerful. Why limit to 5 stacks though I don’t know.
The only justification for this is if Deathly Chill makes it so chill does the same or more damage as burn. But then I’d question why the 5 stack cap.
I just want to hear what ANet’s justification is for Corruption skills having any negative impact on the player is. Not one is powerful enough to warrant any kind of negative impact. Let alone a second one when traiting for them.
Corruption skills should apply conditions to opponents (or at the very least apply them in an AE around the user so enemies get hit too). Not the other way around.
This change makes very little sense. The class has very limited access to blind and already has enormous problems with mobility and its ability to maintain range on opponents. I mean this trait is now 100% useless. Before it was only marginally useful if you ran tripple well. But now? I don’t know what they were thinking…
I’m also curious how much damage this new chill trait is going to do. Perhaps ANets design goal is to make chill our ‘burn’ since Dhuumfire is such crap and the class has little/no burst condi pressure. But seeing as how burn doesn’t have a 5 stack cap, and there are classes capable of maintaining 10-15 stacks of burn with ease, I wonder what this means for chill’s damage.
More doom and gloom than me? I’m not sure that’s possible…
Fluff already proved it’s the same damage.
Someone post their power and the amount on their tooltip and do the math…
Did hell just freeze over? Someone actually asked for a nerf to necromancer?
Necromancers should stop crying about being so bad and unviable, but rather go figure out a build that would work. Having passive stuff like this is not good for the game, that’s just a pure fact.
Oh, get gud? Just get gud?
Why don’t we strap on our get gud helmet, and squeeze down into a get gud cannon and fire off into get gud land, where get guds grow on guddies!
Funny. Last few days I see nothing but necros crying everywhere, then I turn on stream night before patch and I see Nos wrecking 5g over and over. Necros cannot be that bad, huh.
I don’t know… can you name one other Necromancer?
But I get it now. Some people just want to cry, go on.
Crying? Crying!
This is trolling good sir! Just like you!
Did hell just freeze over? Someone actually asked for a nerf to necromancer?
Necromancers should stop crying about being so bad and unviable, but rather go figure out a build that would work. Having passive stuff like this is not good for the game, that’s just a pure fact.
Oh, get gud? Just get gud?
Why don’t we strap on our get gud helmet, and squeeze down into a get gud cannon and fire off into get gud land, where get guds grow on guddies!
Funny. Last few days I see nothing but necros crying everywhere, then I turn on stream night before patch and I see Nos wrecking 5g over and over. Necros cannot be that bad, huh.
I don’t know… can you name one other Necromancer?
Did hell just freeze over? Someone actually asked for a nerf to necromancer?
Necromancers should stop crying about being so bad and unviable, but rather go figure out a build that would work. Having passive stuff like this is not good for the game, that’s just a pure fact.
Oh, get gud? Just get gud?
Why don’t we strap on our get gud helmet, and squeeze down into a get gud cannon and fire off into get gud land, where get guds grow on guddies!
This is hardly passive play. The only way it’s passive is with plague sending. The rest is active play with Spite and Plague signets with Corrupt Boon.
Were they really using SoV as well? I still can’t imagine using that even over the racial heal or that PvE heal that came out :/
can convert acended gear to the right stats :P
I have a shaman weapon crate that has berserker greatsword written all over it.
Im sure someone has pointed it out, but the BASE game densest have enough character slots to play one of every class. This seems the norm for most mmo’s. So I don’t see why adding another class you should expect them to give a free slot. I mean, you did choose to fill up on bread before the main course, so the onus is on you to find a way to get room for another character.
The norm is actually giving players a free character slot with a ‘for pay’ expansion that introduces a new character. Even games made by ANet.
The expansion should come with a free character slot regardless if you get the standard edition or if you pre-order or not. That’s a reasonable opinion to have considering it’s kind of the trend in MMO circles to do that.
respectfully snipped for brevity….
The reason I’m here is because anet is simply great at what they do, they are game masters, you will not find better game developers and artists. period.
so no matter what the deal, the quality is superior ….this is not saying they don’t have bugs …this is saying they know how to entertain. the rest is details on how to package that in a way everyone can support.
lol… yea.
See Ayrilana.1396’s comment above
i’m thinking the problem again here is the perception, the expansion costs more than the core game. the game should not be devalued, on sale yes, old and devalued no, if for no other reason other than it will always have more content than this and any future expansion and is the heart of guildwars. Heck, i’d even add a guildwars version 2.1 – throw some endorphin ai/physics in there and dx 11 …what ?! then we’d be cooking with fire!
The price is the price. Like any expansion for an MMO, it’s pretty much required to purchase if you plan to continue playing the MMO. The available content being worth the price of admission is up for debate, but if rumors of all future content requiring the expansion are true, then it’s really irrelevant what they charge. You’ll buy if it if you plan to keep playing.
The argument still withstanding is how the expansion is bringing us a new character and for some reason isn’t providing players a character slot to play that character to with. Unless you pre-order.
Considering there’s still a lot of debate whether this expansion is worth the price of admission it’s safe to say many aren’t willing to pre-order or are waiting until everything is set in stone to make a choice.
The expansion should come with a free character slot regardless if you get the standard edition or if you pre-order or not. That’s a reasonable opinion to have considering it’s kind of the trend in MMO circles to do that.
Over on reddit someone mentioned that you’ll need the expansion to enjoy any future story based content. If that’s true, that alone kind of forces you into the expansion which is unfortunate.
Ever heard of pre-order bonuses? Same concept.
It’s really not. If you introduce a new class, you should provide a character slot so your existing playerbase that has no available slots isn’t inconvenienced by buying your new product.
Pre-order bonuses are great. Making the bonus something the average player expects regardless is silly.
they also removed the side effect from thiefs quickness and buffed all of them with something else but thats not what this topic is about
The point is the only other skills in the game that had a noticeable negative effect attached to them had that negative effect removed. And at least with the quickness skills, the negative effect was pretty slight and the payoff was quite large.
Few corruption skills are at a power level to even warrant a negative effect.
My only guess is ANet has severely overestimated just how much condi transfer this class is capable of and the type of specs that actually use it/need it.
They even removed the negative side effects to the quickness skills of rangers/warriors but decided to double down on Necros self-mutilating?
You can’t use vague terms like ‘prompt’. It’s been a year since the last real effort to balance this game. Anything short of 12 months could be considered ‘prompt’.
Would be nice if ANet could do some propper house cleaning and get their population totals based of WvW and nothing else. Considering there’s no other functional use for the population numbers.
With accurate numbers, perhaps we’ll see more people consider a lower tier server over tier1 and tier2 all day everyday.
ANet should have done a better job vetting these streamers. I really don’t need to see 3 engi streams in a row. Or people playing classes they’re oblivious on.
can’t use them in PvP either, can you?
Sigh… I used an item for an alt I never play simply because the stat combo was useless for every other character I play. Wish I knew this 3 months ago as I’d have held onto the item so I could have used it on my main.
Fairness doesn’t mean anything. A lot of games include a free copy of the original game. The problem is the announced content isn’t worth $50 and it’s common practice to include a free character slot when you introduce a new class.
If the expansion were $30 and came with a free character slot and charged new players $10 for season1 and $10 for season 2 if they wanted it via the gem store, there would be no outrage. There would be no complaints. Heck, if the game were $50 and came with a free slot I’d wager the complaints wouldn’t be this loud.
The only content that is unique to those who purchase the expansion are the ability to own your own guild hall (non expansion people can still use it apparently?), the 9 new specializations, the revnant class, and a single new zone with its zone specific mastery. Everything else is being given away for free.
I’m sorry, but for close to the price of the original game, we’re not getting nearly close to that amount of content.
Question: Are we certain the additional conditions we see mentioned on each corruption skill aren’t simply the ones we get if we get the trait to reduce their cooldown?
Plague Signet equipped?
Ah, so they broke Necro in a bad way and acknowledge the Necro sucked. I can’t watch the stream at work, so your comment made it sound like the movement skill the Necro was given somehow made the class overpowered. I had a difficult time believing that
I can’t even remember what the movement skills were anymore. Wasn’t it just the 1 shroud skill? Which didn’t even have an evade on it. And that broke the camels back?
I’d sooner go cavalier until about 2600 to 3000 armor and the rest in Valkyrie for the above stated reason of you getting crit chance off vuln and assuming you’re going soul reaper for 50% crit in shroud. Full cav armor and trinkets will only set you back about 250 power and you will get 2600ish armor and maintain the high crit dmg.
Because of skills we have for damage mitigation and it being a flat % vit is better than armour due to it scaling life force and that being generated as a . You can easily net 72 damage reduction is shroud. So the more of it you have the better. Valk would have higher effective hp than cavalier.
I could see a condi build easily stacking that, but power not so much. The only consistent one I see applying is the damage reduction on chill. I doubt people will go death as a power build so that alone knocks out 2 key traits. Even if you did go death, poison isn’t that common. And protection is very reliant on you running Spectral Armor which will be harder to do in a WvW setting now.
And lets not forget that this all relies on the stars to align. In duels and PvP this may be possible, but WvW this will never happen.
I’d sooner go cavalier until about 2600 to 3000 armor and the rest in Valkyrie for the above stated reason of you getting crit chance off vuln and assuming you’re going soul reaper for 50% crit in shroud. Full cav armor and trinkets will only set you back about 250 power and you will get 2600ish armor and maintain the high crit dmg.
I’d also go Melandru or Hoelbrak depending on how you feel about damage vs toughness. This will give you tons of condi removal to help offset everyone running condi duration food.
Mess around with the character builder some and find what works for you. 2600 is the magic number though as that’s what character tooltips and the wiki are based on.
I need to see the potential life siphon changes in practice before I can get an honest opinion of how things will work in the end. I’m honestly not expecting them to work out as well as others seem to think they will though. Having played a warrior and a necro in GvGs and outnumbered battles while also attempting to roam with it in tier 1, 2, and 3, I just don’t think the life siphon change is enough to compensate it for all the other tools melee classes get to remain standing in WvW.
PvP is entirely different. I could see things working better in an environment where you’re rarely outnumbered and if you are, rarely by more than 1 or 2.
Someone mentioned the german article says something different. That the 2 bonuses are given freely once you reach a specific rank.
Life blasts hit for about 4.5k “regardless the range”, pierces, with almost 100%crit rate.
Long range shot maximum damage at 1000+ range is like 3.3k (1500 if no crit), 2.5K crit at 500- range, with around 50% crit rate only.This is actually only half true.
The damage coeffecents per second are (the numbers are taken from the wiki):
0-600 range: 1.4/1.4=1
600-1200 range 1/1.4=0.71Long Range Shot:
+1000 range: 0.9
500-1000 range: 0.8
0-500 range: 0.7So past 600 range Longrange shot does more damage (not counting any traits for ether). Only in 0-600 range Lifeblast does more damage and considering that weapons wiht small range tend to do more damage, i dont think it is unfair.
Now if we include the 50% crit chance in DS trait Lifeblast will most likely get higher dps but the potential burst of Long Range Shot past the 600 range is still higher, e.g. if you are lucky and crit a few times in a row, which is not unlikely with zerker gear and fury boon.
So i would conclude that at the 600+ range Long Range Shot is more dangerous then Lifeblast.
Also Lifeblast only pieces if traited and Long Range Shot can also pierce if traited.
Don’t forget read the wind. That adjusts your LRS coefficients up to 1.0 at max range. Thus why the 2 have the same DPS if within their ideal ranges.
Thats why i play ranger in pvp
I also love how players say haha noob ranger go play a meta build 1 minute later they are dead on the ground and say omfg your build is no skill.Still doesn’t change the fact its a no skill build LOL.
lol, and you play what exactly?
And after LRS is nerfed, I guess life blast will be the next target?
Life Blast requires DS, has much longer cast time and moves slowly, deals less damage overall, much shorter range.
YE son your point isn’t valid and you should feel bad for saying it
Range is the only thing on your list that’s true…
Life blast homes, has the same dps below 600 range, and often has 100% crit chance behind it. But I had no point. I just like the random QQ.
Thats why i play ranger in pvp
I also love how players say haha noob ranger go play a meta build 1 minute later they are dead on the ground and say omfg your build is no skill.Still doesn’t change the fact its a no skill build LOL.
lol, and you play what exactly?
And after LRS is nerfed, I guess life blast will be the next target?
Speaking of leaps, evades, and dodges…
Death’s Charge needs an evade attached to it.
I’m going with cobalt as it seems quite fitting now. Blue glowy effect for a chill spamming maniac? Plus I bought the blue glowy eyes from the gem store and that shadow blue color.