I could possibly understand a minor frustration if everyone was forced to pay the 200 gems for every individual episode of the Living Story, whether you log in within the 2 weeks or not. Anet have been pretty fair with this approach, they are a business afterall, & the developers don’t work for biscuits
As for circumstances, if you can’t spare 30 seconds of your time within a 2 week period, then you’re an incredibly small minority. 200 gems is nothing, you’d have to not log in for 2 full months for it to amount to the minimum 800 gems you can purchase on the gem store. Even by means of subscription, that’s half the price of any sub-based MMO on the market today.
Adding my name to the hat
I would recommend using ShadowPlay if you’re looking to stream it. I’m not sure if it’s compatible with AMD Graphics Cards or not though (it’s developed by Nvidia).
Apparently you do require an Nvidia GPU. Compatible GPU’s in image below
(edited by Baamoink.4281)
If I had a hospital stay, or was on some kind of horrific accident that prevented me from logging into GW2 for 2 weeks. The least of my worries would be paying 200 gems for some content I may or may not be around for.
If you mean champ farms, nope.
Given their involvement in season 1, it would be a bit odd if they disappeared from the story all of a sudden right now.
No issues regarding FPS for me, but I’ve got an alright gaming rig to handle GW2. GTX770 + i7 950 Bloomfield running at 60fps.
Looks like original poster deleted
2 months notice. If you were travelling or away for 2 months, how did you manage the time to collect these tokens in the first place if you don’t have the time to cash them in?
I’m fairly sure they’re not Mursaat. But a return of the White Mantle + Shining Blade saga would be quite welcome
Thanks for the insight Cody!
Hello Perdog,
Whether you join a guild early on and learn the basics with them, or learn the ropes of the game before jumping in with a guild. Do whatever you’re most comfortable with!
There are always other new players starting out as well, so you could always party up with some nearby players when progressing through the game.
Nope, sending gold via mail is done entirely at your own risk
Thread bump! Spring is here, start the new season on a high note & make this year memorable with a close-knit community consisting of people you can make a connection with.
Application’s can be submitted here!
Or check the Achievements leaderboard, & filter it to guildies or friends leaderboards.guildwars2.com
Used to have a player who was nearly 70 in my guild a while ago.
Obviously a lot of you guys/girls have never tried playing J-RPG’s.
I’m going to remain optimistic for future alterations to the mega server, some tweaks to algorithm while listening to player feedback & I imagine some vast improvements to what the mega server is right now.
Shame dwarves are supposedly extinct.
Future playable races would possibly be the Tengu &/or Kodan.
Hello everyone, the original post for this is located @ In-game Events, here. But it isn’t receiving a great deal of attention likely due to the forum.
Mantle Assasins [MA] has unlocked the guild world event activation. We’re a relatively small with a close-knit approach, this meaning that we might not necessarily be able to do the Karka Queen on our own without a little assistance. Which is why I’m posting this here.
In exchange for helping us to complete the karka queen, we’ll be able activating this extra round of the karka queen for anyone that’s able to get into the same instance as us, outside of the normal boss rotation schedule.
To ensure you’re in the right instance, just look out for our banner near where the karka queen spawns (shown in attachments).
Date: 17/04/2014
Time: 20:00 BST (21:00 CEST)
Server: EU Megaserver
Location: Southsun Cove
Hello everyone, wasn’t sure where to put this but I reckon in-game event is likely a good location.
Mantle Assasins [MA] has unlocked the guild world event activation. We’re a relatively small with a close-knit approach, this meaning that we might not necessarily be able to do the Karka Queen on our own without a little assistance. Which is why I’m posting this here.
In exchange for helping us to complete the karka queen, we can activate an extra round of the karka queen for anyone that’s able to get into the same instance as us, outside of the normal boss rotation schedule.
To ensure you’re in the right instance, just look out for our banner near where the karka queen spawns (shown in attachments).
Date: 17/04/2014
Time: 20:00 BST (21:00 CEST)
Server: EU Megaserver
Location: Southsun Cove
(edited by Baamoink.4281)
Lets agree to disagree myself & everyone in my guild love the patch, I’ve even had a number of pre-guild members that left the game a while back, return to the game & my guild.
As has already been mentioned. Legendary’s are more than just the skin, they’re also the only weapon you can change the stats of on the fly without the need to transmute them.
When you grab a legendary skin from your wardrobe, the legendary stats will not come with it.
Giving ourselves a friendly bump. We’re plowing into the new year with as much enthusiasm as our last 8 years. We’re looking for mature, friendly, & above all sociable players to join our close-knit & friendly community.
Application’s can be submitted here!
Anet have already chimed in on that one here.
It would make sense with their upcoming release in China. I believe it’s a legal requirement for MMO’s to have a subscription of some kind over there?
Hello Zul, what time-zone do you play? EU or US?
Hello Laura, I would like to know what timezone it is that you play? Are you EU or US?
Jingle bells, jingle bells…
Wintersday is here! Spend your Wintersday with a memorable & unique community this year
Hello Unown! Thankfully you won’t have to change server to become a part of our community! I have added you in-game & I will try to contact you as soon as I can
You can find our ad on the forums here, as well as contacts.
A week ago, our community turned 8 years old! We celebrated with a series of custom events, such as the MA Pub Quiz, dual co-op races, moa bird hockey & player darts. Along with goodies for the overall winners of the events.
If you’re looking to join a long-term community, with a little more than that short-lived flare of life many guilds have before vanishing within a number of months, or maybe a couple of years? Then we may just be the community for you!
Just going to leave this here…
FSP is coming for you! We’ve just overtaken FR in points! Go us!
Really enjoyed these fights this past week, UW have shown a real flare towards the end of the week, & held their own well on their borderlands & in EB.
Not with my money
Paying guilds to come over is pretty sad, coverage game or not
This is common practice for many highly populated servers. It’s also classed as contributing towards an otherwise very large cost when it comes to a whole guild wanting to move to another high population server.
You make it sound like bribery. Which is truthfully not the case. Where’s your sense of community?
3k hours clocked on mine,i am find it hard to see how we can keep with an enemy that
A:Warrior blows warhorn and savage leap and then spins with gs to get away.
B:Thief going stealth and arrowing his way out etc
C:Elementalist RTLing and cantrip teleport out (lets not go to the advanced escape chains with skills putting even more gap between)
D:Ranger with his 1100 gap closer used to escape as well
E:Mesmer going stealth and teleporting out.
F:Engi with rocket boots/super speed/oilDark path is too slow to hit,prone to be blocked by path or skill or even other target.
Necrotic traversal is borderline faster to run there than actually waste the utility slot.
And Spectral Walk isnt a way to initiate when the green glow telegraphs that you might want to attack and certainely doesnt keep up with gap closers.
I was referencing the teleport skills in terms of ability to escape. Of course relying on Flesh Wurm & Spectral Walk are entirely useless at trying to close the gap between you & the enemy. Dark Path is the only one with potential to close the gap out of the teleportation skills.
When it comes to a Necromancer closing the gap, they heavily rely on chill & cripple to close the gap on foes rather than teleportation (in my experience). Not a flawless technique, but between the staff, scepter, main-hand dagger, axe, focus & warhorn, they can dish out a lot of crowd control on a single enemy to keep them within range (or out of range).
Aaah sorry! I was looking for one in the WvW Match-ups because all the other leagues seem to have a thread here except us.
A Moderator may delete this thread when they have a moment
I have 965 hours clocked on my Necromancer, so I like to think I know what I’m talking about when it comes to this particular profession. The Necromancer was never developed to be incredibly mobile or to escape combat efficiently. And tends to be a profession designed to roll with the punches, & either take down the enemy, or be taken down yourself. This is proven by the Necromancer having the largest health pool in the game (combination of Warrior equivalent HP + Death Shroud HP).
Going by your posts, your main issue is their lack of teleportation skills. Which is false. There are 3 ability’s that the Necromancer can use to teleport him/herself away from danger (more than most professions). The only difference is the mechanic in how they’re used isn’t how you would like it to be. 2 of these skills (Flesh Wurm & Spectral Walk) require a pre-emptive approach. You need to have them up & ready before you plow into a fight, this takes skill & good initiative. Then you have Dark Path (Used in Death Shroud), which is used to close the gap between yourself & the enemy or neutral mob, with a small delay for the projectile to hit).
If you’re looking for better escape mechanics, then I recommend changing to another profession.
(edited by Baamoink.4281)
So, leagues are coming up later on tonight. Good luck to everyone entering the EU silver league for this term, I look forward to all the amazing havoc squads, blob zergs, roamers etc…
The predicted EU Silver League Servers are:
- Abaddon’s Mouth
- Desolation
- Gandara
- Aurora Glade
- Gunnar’s Hold
- Miller’s Sound
- Fort Rank
- Far Shiverpeaks
- Underworld
Given the current rating of the top & bottom servers for our league in comparison to the rank 8 & rank 19 servers. There’s very little chance any of us are going to be dropping from this league, so I believe the above listing to be a fairly accurate representation of who’s in.
Keep it tidy!
I would buy this if I was allowed to change my sickle from my necromancer to another character, even if it was a one time transfer. Until Anet allow us to either do this, or makes the game more alt friendly, I will not be buying anymore of these items.
Or do something similar to what they do with the WvW leagues & skill points, & unbind our harvest tools everytime they release a next set.
Giving our thread a friendly bump!
We successfully completed the new TA path within the first couple hours of release with a few team wipes. But we just pursued ‘The MA Way’, & just rolled back in with the punches that came with this dungeon. It was a very enjoyable experience for all!
We are still looking for friendly & enthusiastic individuals to join our community. Applications can be submitted here.
Did this dungeon with my guild, we wiped a few times during our first try, but got to the end & thoroughly enjoyed it.
This dungeon is not too difficult! Stop asking for content where you just walk through it without actually having to play the game.
Hello keln,
We’re a medium size EU international community hosted on the Far Shiverpeaks server, with the spoken language being English. Our maximum capacity is 70, spending a lot of time refining our community so we consist entirely of active & regular players.
We have a website & TeamSpeak3 server which are integral to the community, & I can say with great confidence that we wouldn’t be here today without them.
Our requirements:
- Players of the Guild Wars 2 Community to preferably be aged 18+
- Players of our Guild are to represent us at all times*
- *Exceptions can be made given good reason, such as if you have a guild just for your irl friends, guild for bank storage & SPvP Team guilds.
- Players are to register on our website & make an application when looking to be recruited.
- All new recruits have a sit down & chat session with an Officer or the Leader of the Guild so we can get a character reference.
- It is preferable that our members have TeamSpeak3 installed & are willing to use it.
You can read up a bit more about us here.
And here’s a video we upload of the community completing a guild puzzle together to give you an incite to what we’re like: Click here.
If you have any questions regarding our community, by all means send me an e-mail on our website: Contact me.
FSP isn’t manipulating its score to try & get into the bronze league. And to be entirely honest, I would love to get into Silver league just so that we could face Underworld again. Far Shiverpeaks & Underworld spent a long time fighting against each other previously, even though we’d usually end up on top. The tables have turned, & UW are now getting the upper hand on us.
But I love this match-up! Thank you for all of the good fights we’ve had so far Underworld, & glad to see you haven’t let yourselves drop since the last time we got the opportunity to face you guys & girls
I was simply confirming that it’s a preview code that’s causing the issue, at the time of me making this thread, that thread did not confirm it.
There is a very major preview code bug, that when used in chat will kick everybody on your current map. I know what the preview code is as it has started circulating through various chat spaces, but I will not post it here as to not increase any further damage towards the game.
Please get this fixed ASAP Anet!
Many thanks
We just got him down to 60%-65% health on Far Shiverpeaks, assigned an organized guild to camp the turrets, zerg did the rest. It’s a shame the timer doesn’t reset between phases, instead it freezes (which was at 26 seconds for us) then continues afterwards.
Thank you AG, we’ve had so many good fights with you guys. We just can’t keep up with you during the nights!
As has already been mentioned, FSP is an international community, with the vast majority English speaking. We’re very likely going to be the top of the bronze league during the first season, meaning a great chance of that elusive special stomp when the first season ends!
If that wasn’t enough, the player-base on our server is huge, no ghost towns & the majority of city’s are thriving with players, with the regular LA overflow.
Thank you Lara, we’ve managed to create a really relaxed & friendly atmosphere for all our members. And play the game for what it is, a game
Hello napooz,
We’re a medium size EU international community hosted on the Far Shiverpeaks server, with the spoken language being English. Our maximum capacity is 70, spending a lot of time refining our community so we consist entirely of active & regular players.
We have a website & TeamSpeak3 server which are integral to the community, & I can say with great confidence that we wouldn’t be here today without them.
Our requirements:
- Players of the Guild Wars 2 Community to preferably be aged 18+
- Players of our Guild are to represent us at all times*
- *Exceptions can be made given good reason, such as if you have a guild just for your irl friends, guild for bank storage & SPvP Team guilds.
- Players are to register on our website & make an application when looking to be recruited.
- All new recruits have a sit down & chat session with an Officer or the Leader of the Guild so we can get a character reference.
- It is preferable that our members have TeamSpeak3 installed & are willing to use it.
You can read up a bit more about us here.
And here’s a video we upload a few weeks ago of the community completing a guild puzzle together: Click here.
If you have any questions regarding our community, by all means send me an e-mail on our website: Contact me.
Hello Roblof,
We have been on Far Shiverpeaks since pre-launch & have been a solid community since 2005 in Guild Wars 1. Our maximum capacity is 70, as to not over-extend ourselves & remove the chance of becoming a large PUG guild. The majority of players also refer to each other on a first-name basis, taking the time to identify the players behind our characters.
Our website & TeamSpeak3 server are integral to the community, & I can say with great confidence that we wouldn’t be here today without them.
Our requirements:
- Players of the Guild Wars 2 Community to preferably be aged 18+
- Players of our Guild are to represent us at all times*
- *Exceptions can be made given good reason, such as if you have a guild just for your irl friends, guild for bank storage & SPvP Team guilds.
- Players are to register on our website & make an application when looking to be recruited.
- All new recruits have a sit down & chat session with an Officer or the Leader of the Guild so we can get a character reference.
- It is preferable that our members have TeamSpeak3 installed & are willing to use it.
You can read up a bit more about us here.
And here’s a video we upload a few weeks ago of the community completing a guild puzzle together: Click here.
If you have any questions regarding our community, by all means send me an e-mail on our website: Contact me.
An out of prison party we threw for one of our members a while ago after they got a false ban revoked