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Expanding the Skill system

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I belive they are using some kind of tracking system are they not? What skills are used the most? What traits are used the most? All in the attempt to make it so everyone is using every skill and trait equally? Sounds great in theory but I doubt it is ever going to happen. Now if they gave us more options … more diversity … something seems out of hand, nerf it and people will find something new.

I agree with you. But I also believe that the players have something to do with it. After playing the game for a few hours, lazy people will end up on map chat and ask “Whats the best build for [class]?” Or they go to a build site and find the latest meta build, without bothering to develop an effective build on their own. Far as I’m concerned, the only reason builds get abused is because people lack imagination.

My own necro build is highly unusual, has been overpowered since launch, and I’ve NEVER seen it on ANY build sites. Since it’s not widely used, it’s never been nerfed. If it WAS widely used, it WOULD be nerfed. But because it’s not, it’s actually been recently buffed to encourage people to use the weapons and skills that I currently do. Go figure.

GW1 was the same way. My Ritualist build got me to Rank 5 gladiator in a short time, and that was before they eased up the rules for getting rank points (you had to get 10 wins in a row to get a SINGLE point). But I never saw my build on PVX wiki or anywhere else… Because it didn’t use an elite. People would laugh at me if I shared my build with them. But it could spike 450+ damage and add burning within 3 seconds. It had great defense, anti melee, was self-sufficient for energy. It took them about four years to get around to nerfing any of the skills I used.

I really really hope there are new skills coming. I have been holding out for nearly a year for the “horizontal” progression we were promised and I have yet to see it materialize, and I have begun to lose hope and patience.

Well, we got some new healing skills now, so that’s a start.

The nightmare is over achievement bug

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


It’s not a bug. You’re supposed to do some of the Nightmare’s Over daily achievements to fill the bar completely (meaning you have to participate for a minimum of two days to get everything).

Why was the Antitoxin Meter faked?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


It doesn’t matter. Jeez. They’ve had timers like this for many of the previous living story chapters. It’s just a way for the developers to give people an idea of how long the chapter is going to remain active. That’s all.

When I saw the antitoxin bar, I knew automatically that it had nothing to do with player content, nor did I expect it to. The Living Story chapters run on a strict schedule (usually 2 weeks or 1 month). Think about it. They’re not going to extend the event if the players don’t manage to inject enough toxin into the tower on time, nor would they advance the living story prematurely if the players filled the bar early.

What did you like about the living story?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I apologize in advance for the wall of text.

My report card:

Halloween 2012 – VERY GOOD Oh, the memories. The return of the Mad King was glorious. The labyrinth, the activities, the surprises! It was all classic and excellent.

Lost Shores – AVERAGE Adding Southsun as a zone was good, but Lost Shores was horrible for a myriad of reasons that I’m not going to bother explaining here.

Wintersday 2012 – EXCELLENT Arenanet hit the mark with this one. Everything was fun, the rewards were achievable, the pace felt right.

Flame and Frost – GOOD The pace for this one felt right. I took a bit of an issue with the 2-week window to beat the bosses because it precluded any chance of casual players getting good loot (jetpack, etc), but otherwise this one was enjoyable. Rox and Braham were a welcome addition to the cast.

Secret of Southsun – VERY GOOD This one also hit the mark. The month-long time limit was acceptable, it had a working story, the characters were decently written, the achievements were fun to get. The extra battle with the golem at the end was annoying but everything else felt right.

Dragon Bash – GOOD Dragon Bash introduced Marjory Delaqua, who is an awesome character. And you get to go sleuthing with her, which is even more awesome. The events and activities for Dragon Bash, such as the Dragon Arena, were also a lot of fun. There was nothing spectacular about this release, but overall it was fun.

Sky Pirates – VERY POOR This chapter combined grindy (and buggy) events, uninspired achievements, lackluster rewards, an annoying boss fight, throwaway villains and a prohibitive two-week time line. It is, hands down, the worst Living Story chapter so far.

Bazaar of Four Winds – GOOD I loved the new zone for this. I wish it would come back. I still enjoy Sanctum Sprint, though it needs new maps. The addition of Quartz as a material was welcome. It’s a shame that most of it was temporary. Supposedly it will come back though, which is a good thing. Hopefully we’ll be able to get the rewards we missed as well.

Cutthroat Politics – AVERAGE Aside from the coolness of voting for the next member of the captain’s council, grindy achievements and unenjoyable group instances are my only real memories of this.

Queen’s Jubilee – AVERAGE We got new cut scenes, a new area of Divinity’s Reach, and a huge underground arena. All of this is good. Too bad it’s all temporary. Grinding in the pits was kind of fun, but got repetitive. The Queen’s Gauntlet was horrible for a lot of reasons though (anyone who is colorblind and/or fought Liadri knows what I mean). The rewards were ugly and not worth it.

Clockwork Chaos POOR – Ah yes, the introduction of Scarlet. It’s all been downhill from here. Scarlet’s playhouse was not a fun instance. Grinding clockwork minions on random maps for 45 minutes straight is also not fun. The loot was great when farming champions, but otherwise the rewards for the whole event were not worth it.

Super Adventure Box – POOR All I wanted was my stupid blue backpack from the first time around. Despite logging many hours into it, I didn’t get it. Couldn’t get enough baubles because I was busy with Flame and Frost. Then SAB went away, and as a result, I’m never getting my backpack. It makes me sad. I boycotted part 2 because of this. It’s grindy and repetitive anyway.

Tequatl Rising – VERY POOR I skipped this crap. Seriously. Why the hell would they add content that half the playerbase isn’t even going to be able to complete?

Halloween 2013 – POOR Halloween 2012 was so perfect, so why did they feel the need to mess it up? The labyrinth wasn’t fun anymore, the rewards were worse, the achievements we missed last time didn’t come back. The addition of the Bloody Prince was welcome, but he got zero development. Why did they even bother?

Tower of Nightmares – POOR Farming the offshoots and completing events out in Kessex was kind of fun, if a little repetitive. Once you were inside the tower though, it really was a nightmare. Invincible champions and physical barriers blocking your progress made this prohibitive to casual players and small groups. The story behind this chapter made little sense, and Scarlet being involved didn’t help. The loot was not worth it.

Wintersday 2013 – GOOD At least they didn’t make Wintersday worse this year. It’s about the same as last time, which is good, if a little strange. A whole year has passed and Tixx hasn’t gotten control of his toys? C’mon. I wish that the Tower of Nightmares had never happened and the devs had made an effort to bring some fresh content to Halloween and Wintersday in 2013 instead.

When I think about the things I’ve liked about the living story, it’s often overshadowed by stuff that ruined it for me. What I do know, however, is that it’s getting worse. I wonder if the development teams are getting as burnt out as the players are.

(edited by BatsLoveCaves.5768)

Happy that next patch is Jan 21: Why are we complaining?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Who’s complaining? Most people have been asking for a break, far as I can tell.

Come to think of it, it’s kinda sad that the only time they’ll give us some time off is during the holidays, as though they’re our employers or something.

And if that’s the case, we should at least get a christmas bonus. Some extra gems for all our hard work grinding achievements this past year. Amirite?

Massively talks about Scarlets problems

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


This was a good article. Addresses the problems with Scarlet while making a call for reasonable discussion about her.

I honestly think her character design would be fine if it was executed a little bit differently. She’s a cool looking character with great voice talent, and there’s nothing wrong with villains who are overly chaotic – they can be interesting. The problem lies with her motives (or lack thereof), her nonsensical backstory and the suspension of disbelief we require as players to take her seriously.

RE: Hard disk space and the living world

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Dear OP, None of the files you download from the Living story are never removed from the .dat files . My friend logged in the other day after a few months playing and ended up in the Bazaar of the Four Winds map and was quickly booted to Lions Arch. Everything is in the client, we are just cut off from actually seeing it. So no it’s not actually taking up as much space as you think

You’ve gotta be kidding me…

So the 4 GB they’ve added to our clients in the past year is mostly temporary content that we just aren’t allowed to revisit.

That’s… Wow. Ridiculous.

Fine, scratch that theory. And to the devs: Instead of filling our hard drives with useless inaccessible content, please give us a proper expansion already.

RE: Hard disk space and the living world

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Mine is only 19GB and someone posted somewhere that a “fresh” .dat is just 17GB so that doesn’t really seem to be an issue. Storage technology will probably develop faster than GW2 and it’s only SSDs that would be a concern since you can get conventional drives that aare multiple terabytes. At around 1GB per year most current players should die of old age before space becomes an issue.

Seems like you didn’t read my whole post. My point was that the current rate of growth is sustainable, but if EVERY update was permanent content, it would not be.

RE: Hard disk space and the living world

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I can see from a technical perspective why Arenanet decides not to keep the living story content permanent.

Think about it. Every two weeks, we get a certain amount of data added to our GW2.DAT file. If the addition was permanent, that data would not go away. Currently the client takes up 20 GB. It was about 16 GB at launch. If all the living story content was permanent, the client size would baloon up to the point where it’s completely taking over our hard drives. The calls to make “everything permanent” don’t make sense for this reason alone.

I am not defending the Living Story and its format, because I still think we need a proper permanent expansion. I’m just saying that there is a legitimate technical reason why they don’t keep the content from week to week.

Expanding the Skill system

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I’m more into more customization options for weapon skills, because I personally do not like the “I’m a whirlwind” kind of skills. I’d rather have the option of AoE skills instead of just one in that regard.

I’m not sure what you mean by customization options, but I do know that they are going to add more weapon proficiencies for each class. I imagine this will provide more options for mainhand/offhand combinations, which will help diversify things a little bit.

Gw2 Inaccessible to new players

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Everyone started out new and played the game just fine though. All they need to do is a play more.

The difference between GW2 at launch and now, is that the starting zones are now completely bereft of players.

The one exception is Queensdale, and only due to champion farming. People who build Sylvari or Asura characters basically wander through ghost towns and are unable to complete group events because there isn’t anyone to help.

This isn’t like the first game where you can hire henchmen to help you if you need them. You’re completely reliant on other players to complete many of the events of this game. It gets tougher if you are new, lacking good gear and haven’t nailed down your build yet.

Again, joining a guild or reading forums helps. But the game should provide all the tools and information the players need to figure out how the game works without needing to go to those lengths.

A player who continues to play and learn the game will eventually figure it all out and be OK, but all I’m trying to say is that the game probably isn’t as accessible to new players as it was a year ago.

How do they fix it? I dunno. They’ve obviously tried to help this situation by adding the location-based dailies (maguuman killer, ascalonian events completer, etc) to get people into early zones, and that’s commendable. I’m not sure what else they could really do.

Gw2 Inaccessible to new players

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Whenever I find a new player, I make a point of trying to help them. But I’m generally the only one who will bother to do so.

From talking with them, I’ve seen some that are discouraged by the lack of help in the early zones, or frustrated by the intrusion of confusing living story content that kicks their butts (because it doesn’t scale properly and is actually designed for visiting level 80’s – example: toxic offshoots). Some are also annoyed by the fact that they’ve missed the previous living story chapters.

I also found a newbie in Metrica province who ran up to me and exclaimed “OH MY GOD ANOTHER PLAYER! YOU’RE THE FIRST ONE I’VE SEEN!” He was like… Level 15 at least. I felt a bit sorry for him.

But some other new players seem fine with the early content because most of it is easily soloable. Or they latch onto a guild early and get shown the ropes, and they end up liking the game a lot. It’s really up to the individual. I’ve seen a mixed bag of reactions.

This is why we need more polls to determine whether players are actually satisfied with the game or not.

(edited by BatsLoveCaves.5768)

Expanding the Skill system

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


GW2 is not GW. Most likely reason this isn’t in game is because this would be a balancing nightmare.

GW1 was a balancing nightmare. There were over 1600 skills across all professions, including PVE-only skills. There was no way they could ever come close to balancing all of them if they tried, and the added problem of secondary professions only complicated matters.

During early GW2 development, they considered keeping secondary classes but ended up removing them. I completely understand why they did this, and it’s the reason that all of our skills and traits do not get buffed or nerfed every week like they did in GW1. This is good thing. If you decided to take a 6 month break from GW1, you could expect to come back and find that your entire skill bar worked differently than it used to. It got really, really ridiculous.

There is still plenty of room for good, homegrown builds in GW2. Just use your imagination and make sure to take advantage of different gear loadouts, sigils, runes, etc. If you copy and paste your build from a site somewhere thinking it’s the ONLY thing that works, you haven’t fully explored the potential of your class.

Granted there are less options than there were in GW1. But like I said, in a roundabout way, it’s a good thing.

New skills for GW2 would be great, however, and Colin Johannsen already stated that they are coming soon, so I’m looking forward to that.

Don't worry scarlet will die soon

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


In the end, I think Scarlet didn’t turn out as Anet wanted her to be either way. I also believe this whole story arc was more focused on testing new mechanics and how they can push the LS, also testing the teams, rather than fully delivering a solid story.

You know what would be good? If they would TEST things by hiring PLAYTESTERS to review new content before it goes live. Or perhaps having a closed beta team that could preview the living story content beforehand and provide feedback. Right now they’re treating the game and the community like one giant experiment and I’m beginning to feel like a guinea pig.

More testing would result in less bugs too, and that’s always a good thing.

Tixx’s Toybox Is this a bad joke ?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I’m actually pleasantly surprised they’re making last year’s minis available this year, because I didn’t manage to get the full set last time. I wish they’d do this with all the other stuff I’ve missed out on.

However, it does seem odd that they’re not offering any new minis this time around.

Us poor Solo Players

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Is content that requires a certain number of people actually more difficult than content that does not?

Consider this: If an event is nearly impossible to beat with 5 people, but it’s easy to beat with 10-15 players, then it’s not exactly hard, is it? The event has nothing to do with the difficulty or the skill of the individual players, it just has to do with how many people show up. 30 people spamming their #1 skill and taking a moment to rez people who fall can probably beat the champions in the tower fairly quickly, and that’s all that’s required of them.

Fractals, in contrast, are actually difficult in my opinion, because you have limited party sizes. Everyone has to cooperate, coordinate their skills, think on their feet, and have strong builds to complete them. Every player matters.

So, “more difficult” open world content really has nothing to do with difficulty, it just has to do with numbers. As a result, the tower is simply full of barriers that prevent solo players and smaller groups from enjoying the content.

Maybe the whole open world concept is flawed for this reason, I dunno? There’s a whole topic for discussion right there.

It's Expansion Time

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Guild Wars 2 needs something permanent, something big, something really exciting that keeps players alive. Almost everybody wants that in community. Remember the GW1 Expansions? Good old times.

I still remember the magic I felt when I was first exploring Guild Wars: Factions for the first time with my friends. The prospect of a whole new continent, new possibilities, new challenges and epic battles to face. There were also new enemies, new skills, new music, new professions to master, along with an entirely new visual aesthetic.

Factions was definitely not the high point of Guild Wars by any means, but it still managed to give you that feeling you get when you’re discovering something entirely fresh and new.

But the Living Story completely lacks this. It’s reskins of enemies we’ve already met, places we’ve already seen, thin plots to string them together, and stressful time limits. It really does feel more like work than play.

(edited by BatsLoveCaves.5768)

Scarlet's motive.

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I think Scarlett’s intentions are quite clear in the short story.

If there’s this much debate about it, it’s obviously not “clear” at all.

After reading the story again, I still don’t see any good evidence to say she’s going to try to “evolve” the Sylvari, or help anyone but herself. There isn’t enough evidence to say what her motives or plans are at all. She even admits she has no solid goals in this line:

“I don’t know what the world will be when I’m through, but I will very much enjoy finding out. Empires will fall, continents will burn, and when the conflagration is over, I’ll be there to put my stamp on whatever new world this one becomes.”

As far as I can tell, she just wants to be bad for the sake of being bad. And that’s a really thin motive for a villain.

She’d be a great villain for a children’s cartoon. But this is an MMO with a more mature audience, and people are expecting more. We’ve gotten great villains from Arenanet in the past: Faolin, Kudu, Canach, Julius Zamon, Vizier Khilbron, Varesh Ossa, and Palawa Joko are a few examples. So people are wondering why they’ve dropped the ball this time, especially with a character that is so prominently featured.

Favorite LS Characters-Why

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Marjory and Kasmeer, they’re cute together.

Rox and Braham are runners-up.

Scarlet's motive.

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Scarlet’s motive is to remove the shackles of her pale tree’s believe system. She doesn’t like that she is compelled to choose one direction or the other. She yearns to be free and to free everyone else.

By pillaging and murdering everyone? … Hmm… Nope, that’s not it.

Furthermore, if her beef is with the pale tree, why the hell hasn’t she attacked the Grove yet?

So Scarlet is our personal nemesis?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Yeah. You might’ve noticed in the nightmare chambers that Scarlet uses your character’s past against you while you’re hallucinating (visions of Seiran, Tybalt, etc), to mess with your mind.

I actually thought this was a clever method of storytelling. But moments of cleverness don’t compensate for the awkwardness of the whole event, and the weakness of Scarlet as a villain. I wish things like this would be implemented into a proper expansion instead of a two-week grindfest.

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I feel I must point out that while they’ve said Scarlet’s story arc is ending, they have NOT said that she’s going to die. Or even go away. They’ve worded things in such a way to suggest that she’ll be gone, but they’ve not actually said it.

So, no. Don’t count on Scarlet dying. Don’t count on her being gone. Don’t count on there never being a Scarlet Briar story arc parts 2-7.

No, like any good cartoon villain, she’ll be defeated (but not killed, as all cartoons are rated G) and regroup back to her super-secret base, where she hatches a new scheme that the players must foil in next week’s episode.

Maybe next time she’ll hatch a plan to bring Cybertron into Tyria’s orbit. That’d be fun.

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


It is of course very unlikely that every single living story will reward an item that is PERFECT for your character.

Irrelevant. The point is that people are missing out on rewards they want, for no good reason other than “it was only available for two weeks, sorry!”

And I do have eight characters, all with different styles, so there’s a good chance it’ll happen to me multiple times.

Scarlet's motive.

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


If you haven’t read the Scarlet short story, here’s the link again:

But good luck finding a motive. There doesn’t seem to be any. The best they give us, is that she just “wants to be bad” and deny the Pale Tree from controlling her destiny. Which is pretty thin, if you ask me.

She’s just a poorly written character.

Scarlet (French point of view)

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Kulvar, your post was amusing and refreshing. And yes, it seems there is widespread dislike for Scarlet for precisely the reasons you listed, regardless of region or nationality.

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Many argue that threads such as these don’t represent a majority opinion. Such people claim that it’s only a very vocal and negative minority speaking up. With a thread such as this, and the huge amount of similar ones, I really hope ArenaNet realizes that we’re actually fans that are worried…

It seems to be very divided. Has Anet ever done a proper poll about what the playerbase actually thinks?

I put a thread in the suggestions forum to add polls to the promotional emails they send us to gauge whether or not people actually like the temporary content, but chances are they won’t (even though they CAN. They did one after Lost Shores)…

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


The main issue here is that people somehow feel that they MUST do every single thing released.
Is that the fault of the game? Might be.
But mostly it lies with the player.
If you don’t feel like you can handle it, simply don’t do it. You won’t be locked out from the game for not having done certain events and so on after all.

And if there’s an exclusive piece of loot or an awesome-looking back piece that is ONLY available for two weeks, we should just be OK with never getting it?

Even if it’s the perfect item to complete our character?

Sure, let’s try to feel OK with that.

Re: Rox's recent curious mail

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Wow, getting annoyed by a letter? I found it strange when i logged to an alt with a small guild but getting angry of it? It’s a MMORPG. Of course Anet wants you to join the community. You want to play these with people. Else you just buy RPGs.

There are strange people on the internet again.

Obviously you didn’t read my entire post or understand what I was trying to say.

I do like playing with groups – small groups. For the first year of Guild Wars 2, that was perfectly fine. Now Anet has suddenly changed the game. Now a five-man PUG or a small guild doesn’t cut it, and suddenly you need a 100 slot teamspeak server and 100+ players just to finish a single event (i.e., Tequatl), or 15-20ish people to comfortably defeat a living story chapter (i.e., Tower of Nightmares), when this was never necessary before.

My problem is that they are effectively telling us that large guilds are NECESSARY going forward. And the reason I’m irritated is because it shouldn’t be on the PLAYERS’ shoulders to pick up the slack and change their playstyles simply because Arenanet has decided to make its content too hard and unmanageable for most players to complete.

The actual problem lies in the fact that the latest content excludes casual players and small guilds and provides no alternative. And the only reason we’ve been given for why things have changed is “the players asked for harder content”.

But did we? All of us? I don’t recall being consulted. Do you?

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


For some reason they seem hellbent on keeping the 2 week release schedule. The bugs keep piling up as each release happens, too. At the current rate, I think it won’t be too long until the game starts to crash and burn from so many bugs that they can’t seem to fix, or won’t fix.

Not to mention the lag. The game is far laggier than it was a year ago. I have no idea why, but if it reaches a zenith point I’ll have to find another game to play.

The same thing happened with Dungeons & Dragons Online. I played for over a year, but they updated the game really too frequently, and with each update the game got buggier and laggier to the point of unplayability. I had to quit. I do hope GW2 doesn’t suffer the same fate.

Add polls to the mass emails

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Since there seems to be a lot of controversy over what the players actually “want”, why not give us more email polls, the same way you gave us one after the Lost Shores event?

You already send regular emails to the players to promote the new updates. Why not add a link to a poll at the end, so you can get accurate feedback from your users?

There seems to be a lot of mixed reactions to the updates. With regular pols you would get accurate feedback about what parts of the updates people liked or didn’t like.

The player base would get more of a voice, and you would make more profits by knowing exactly what your players want. Everybody wins.

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I agree completely with what you’re saying.

This is not a new topic. Ever since they switched to the 2-week release cycle, dozens upon dozens of threads have been created with this exact sentiment in mind.

They obviously haven’t listened, though.

Re: Rox's recent curious mail

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


You can easily walk right past the champ spider. Just use the walkway that goes outside (its to the left of the spider room) instead of the inside path. There’s nothing blocking you from doing so, unlike many of the other events which prevent you moving forward until you do them.

Right. I realize that now, but the same scenario happened with the wurm today. So go figure.

How would you rate this update?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


So long as they continue focussing on mediocre, grindy and buggy living story content, the game will continue to disappoint me going forward.

This is not to say I am completely unhappy with Guild Wars 2 in general; all the base content is great and I have generally been happy with all the permanent content they’ve added. Unfortunately it’s overshadowed by all the crappy temporary content they keep focussing on.

5-man party system inadequate for this

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Personally I’ve had no problem doing the tower with 5 people groups (and it became trivial with 8 people)… as long as you’re not in a hurry.

Few days ago, for example, I joined a group of 5 people going trough the third floor…we made our way, careful about not overaggroing enemies, killing them as we went, ressing people that were downed, and we had no issue reaching the end.

Other times I’ve seen groups bigger die because instead they try to just run from purifier to purifier, and I’d say that in my experience groups that do that end up wiping before reaching the end about 60 or 70% of the times (maybe it’s me that it’s unlucky, though), usually becuause you end up overwhelmed by all the mobs you aggroed while in the air purifier, or just the groups gets gradually thinned away as people fall behind when being knocked down or stunned, are killed and if anyone tries to go back to res (without killing any of the attacking mobs) end up dead as well.

That’s all fine and good, but if you get stuck at one of the mandatory champion bosses that are blocking progress, 5 people simply won’t cut it, no matter how patient and methodical you are.

Re: Rox's recent curious mail

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Yesterday, there wasn’t many people in the tower on my server so I put a call out on the LFG, got four other people and went through the whole tower. Had a blast. Taught everyone the mechanics of the bosses and had great fun. It felt like a dungeon crawler.

On two separate occasions, with two separate groups, I had six people up against champions that were blocking progress in the tower. Both times we were wiped out in short order.

The first time was against the champion warlock. I was the last one left and managed to rez everyone and give it another try, but we were wiped again despite trying to get ourselves organized and arrange tactics.

Second time was against the spider. I was tagging along with a 5-man guild that were all on teamspeak with each other. Despite the fact that they understood that the cocoons needed to die quickly – and also that people needed to be rezzed fast – all six of us were wiped in short order.

And of course there was no one else in the tower to call upon for additional help, so our progress was completely frozen.

So, while you may have gotten lucky with events that allow a 5-man to finish, not everyone is so lucky. And solo players – or small guilds – are basically screwed.

(edited by BatsLoveCaves.5768)

Re: Rox's recent curious mail

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Seriously? Instead of addressing the obvious problems with Tequatl and the new uber-difficult (i.e., frustrating) content, we get a thinly veiled in-game mail from an NPC that implies that we need to build larger guilds?

What about solo players? What about casual players who can’t dedicate the time to one? What about the promise at launch to make the game solo friendly?

I never had to be part of a large guild in the first game and I’m not going to start now. Zerging around in a mindless horde all day long is not fun to me. It may be to some people – and that’s fine. But that isn’t the case for the entire playerbase.

I refuse to be part of a large guild and I have good reasons. The amount of wangst, racism, sexism, personal issues, disorganization and drama llamas that pervade them preclude me from ever joining one ever again (and yes, I have tried many of them).

I have always played MMO’s with small, friendly groups of people to go on adventures with. The 5-man party system for dungeons hit the nail on the head and feels right. But now we can’t even survive with a full group in the latest content.

And as for starting a large guild of my own, I must also decline. If I wanted to be a babysitter, I could do it in real life for actual money.

(edited by BatsLoveCaves.5768)

5-man party system inadequate for this

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Why is the party size limit 5 when a group that size doesn’t stand a chance against the insanely powerful champions and various challenges presented by the new content? If you want us to 12-man or 16-man it, allow us to create larger parties so we can at least communicate with each other properly.

Us poor Solo Players

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


You(The players) asked for harder content.

You(The players) will now deal with what you get.

I don’t recall being consulted on this, nor asking for it.

Better sounds for the Bone Pick

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


The animation for the Bone Pick is fine, but the sound for it is just the typical pickaxe sound. The Molten Alliance Pick had great animations a unique sound to match, why should the bone pick be any different?

Stop making necro sounds worse

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


There was nothing wrong with the Crimson Tide sound, just like there was nothing wrong with the staff mark sounds.

Please stop making necromancer sounds worse. And ideally, restore them to their previous quality.


Life force bar does not need a number counter

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Seriously, what purpose does this serve? It just adds cutter to the UI.

When life force is referred to in skill descriptions, it lists the gain as a percentage and that has always been just fine… Do we really need to manage our life force down to the smallest digit?

Is there a non minion Necro user out there ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


The only minion I use regularly is Flesh Golem. The others just aren’t worth a slot on my bar.

There are lots of effective ways to build a necro without using minions at all.

Add an option to remove the LS blurb from UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


For those of us who are sick of the Living Story and want nothing to do with it, please add an option to remove the omnipresent orange blurb from our UI so that we don’t have to be constantly reminded of it.

Please and thank you.

What is the point of karma consumables now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Secondly is the level issue, a jug of karma gives a different value on a lv20 than a lv80. So removing the jugs would make that account reward of karma you got on your lv20 worth a lot less than if you could transfer then use it on your lv80.

This is not true. A jug of karma provides 6750 regardless of level.

I still haven’t seen any reason why we still need to have these.

best new race release order. y/n?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I think Tengu should come first. They do have their own city after all.

As much as I like the Largos, I think if they were a playable race it would diminish their mystique and overall coolness. It’s a treat when they show up, it’d be strange to see them swarming all over the place…

As for new professions, the eight they currently have are very rounded out; I don’t even know how they’d make a new class seem fresh…

What is the point of karma consumables now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


With all the changes to karma lately, consider this…

If karma is account-wide and goes in our wallets….

And jugs of karma, sips of karma, drops of karma, etc., are also account-bound and cannot be traded…

And karma boosts no longer affect karma consumables in any way whatsoever…

What is the point of giving us consumable karma items at all? Why shouldn’t we just get the karma added directly to our wallets, instead of having an item to double click on?

The original point of the karma consumables was to trade karma between characters on the same account, yes? But isn’t that irrelevant now?

Why was Karma income nerfed by ~90%?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I see that this karma nerf was included in the list of game updates, so it must be deliberate. But I haven’t seen a good reason why they would do this (yet).

Has Anet actually given a statement on this? I have more bits of temple armor to buy, I really hope they reverse this, even in part.

Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I know a lot of people are upset with the magic find change, but I completely agree with Anet’s reasons on this one.

For those of you who had to re-tool a MF build, you’re only losing some MF in the short term – That sucks, granted… But what you gain in the long run is better; you get the ability to fully boost your character’s combat stats AND have high magic find at the same time. Not immediately, of course. But eventually.

As for wasting time/money getting expensive magic find gear, you aren’t losing the gear itself and get to choose your new stats anyway. So your investments there aren’t wasted.

So what is the freaking problem? They’ve made this transition as smooth as possible for everyone.

Seems that impatience is the only legitimate concern here.

Loss of loot drop rate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I haven’t noticed a significant difference at all.

Please, PLEASE bring back the first backpack.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Oh, and before I’m accused of acting entitled or something, I’ll point out now that I already earned the backpack as well as the other old skins that I wanted. I still think they should be back regardless.

Thank you. <3