Showing Posts For BlueBoy.1236:

Good staff build for tpvp?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Diva’s glass cannon build is pretty good, tho it’s not really viable in high lvl pvp. You really need to know how to position yourself tho.

The standard cantrip build also works for staff ele. It’s a good bunker build, although the dmg is kinda lacking imo

(edited by BlueBoy.1236)

WvW Backline strategies?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Depends on where your position during the battle. I usually like to use my blink early and blink to their back. Exploit their tunnel vision and give advantage to your train.

But like most ppl here said, prevention is better. Keep moving and stay behind or on the side of your train. More importantly, don’t panic. There’s nothing worse than using your burning retreat only to end up too far away from your melee train

Dear Arenanet

in Living World

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


“Also, because Season 1 of Living World was not built with the Journal in mind, it will not be available in the story Journal on initial launch when Season 2 begins. We do hope to add Season 1 to the Journal in the future.”

afaik, this is the last information anet gave abt season1 replayability (i knw it’s not a word. Stop judging me!)

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Your ignorance is not the fault of the new system.

Thanks for proving my point, your problem is thinking this game and update is only for veterans of the game who played for over a year. That attitude is what is destroying the number (and influx) of players good job, if you keep this up there wont be a GW2 one year from now.

Well, considering new players get a different set of dailies, and had you asked in literally any town, probably any zone anywhere in the game, someone would have told you where southsun is, and somehow you managed to wander around for hours and then blame the system, I’m gonna say that’s not a new player issue, that’s a being ignorant issue.

How does any of the nonsense you spouted make the new system any better or easier or even more diverse than the old one?

Do you know how awful it is to get 10 ap if you happen to be playing in a low tier server during off hour? Pls tell me how i should finish 10 wvw kills when there’s no one to kill, or how i should cap 3keeps alone.

Now, pls compare that kind of hassle with walking to silverwaste map and finishing 4events. kthxbye

wow are you seriously that kittened?
Even with just gathering and killing + carry a salvage kit you could easily get the old dailies, you are just making up kitten now to be right. Like I said trying to win when there is nothing to win. Pathetic excuse for a human being you are sigh…

You’ve just become my new definition of ignorance

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Your ignorance is not the fault of the new system.

Thanks for proving my point, your problem is thinking this game and update is only for veterans of the game who played for over a year. That attitude is what is destroying the number (and influx) of players good job, if you keep this up there wont be a GW2 one year from now.

Well, considering new players get a different set of dailies, and had you asked in literally any town, probably any zone anywhere in the game, someone would have told you where southsun is, and somehow you managed to wander around for hours and then blame the system, I’m gonna say that’s not a new player issue, that’s a being ignorant issue.

How does any of the nonsense you spouted make the new system any better or easier or even more diverse than the old one?

Do you know how awful it is to get 10 ap if you happen to be playing in a low tier server during off hour? Pls tell me how i should finish 10 wvw kills when there’s no one to kill, or how i should cap 3keeps alone.

Now, pls compare that kind of hassle with walking to silverwaste map and finishing 4events. kthxbye

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Your ignorance is not the fault of the new system.

Thanks for proving my point, your problem is thinking this game and update is only for veterans of the game who played for over a year. That attitude is what is destroying the number (and influx) of players good job, if you keep this up there wont be a GW2 one year from now.

Are you done with your daily whining quest? Here’s 10AP for you

Noob needs help creating a spreadsheet

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


I don’t really understand how API works, but pls check this thread if there’s any site that you can use. Posting on API subtopic also will be helpful for you.

There’s also a website that you can use to monitor marketprice
I hope it helps

(edited by BlueBoy.1236)

Which toon should I pimp-up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


I’d go with warrior, cos you can run with zerk armor in both wvw and pve on a warrior. It’s also easier to get accepted in a group if you’re using a warr than a mesmer (it’s not as bad as prepatch CoF, but some ppl still prefer warr over mesmer in their dungeon runs nowadays).

Fashion wise: asura light armor looks kinda meh for me. The only armor that looks pretty nice is their t3 armor. Charr on the other hand have a great collection of heavy armor. All of the cultural armor, some of the order equipments, the glorious set, and the ascended helmet look nice on charr.

White Sword Removal Very Helpful

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


The weaker servers are the ones who have to decide between scouting and zerging, neither of which will be effective against the larger server.

This is the problem with your server. You chose to zerg, when the patch favors havoc group a lot.

I endorse this patch. I’ve found more small group fight in the last few days than in 6months before the patch. I’ll take 10fights of 5v8 over a fight of 50men vs 80men zerg any day

(edited by BlueBoy.1236)

I made a FLOWCHART for the Meta! Enjoy!

in PvP

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


This is better than the fappening. I’m also looking for forward for the next few hundreds of cele ele threads from Firebird. Now someone hand me those popcorns

Would people complain if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


People will always complain even if they did this, why? For them it wasn’t enough content.

Or they don’t like the content.

Or the change in X wasn’t a big enough change.

Or that’s now how they wanted ANet to input that into the game.

Or just pure ignorance, like “I DON’T WANT THAT GREEN ARROW TO POINT OUT WHERE THE EVENT IS” when you can actually turn it off -shrug-

A critical miss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


I just wanted to let you know that your feedback on this is really appreciated. I understand how this immersion breaking bug is severely detracting from your enjoyment of Guild Wars 2. I assure you, Radiobiology, Bluefox. We have Top Men working on it right now. As always it will be fixed When It’s Ready™.

So let me get this straight: you would put Top Men to work on a minor issue like this (you could have just easily said it was a decorative jewel instead of a window), but wont put them to work to fix legitimate gameplay bugs that have been around since the alphas?

Walking down a slope and dying of falling damage for walking is detracting from my enjoyment of GW2 (which reminds me that it’s just a game after the immersion factor is destroyed).

Using warrior greatsword skill 5 “Rush” on a target and running THROUGH that target and hitting the air behind it is detracting from my enjoyment of GW2 (which reminds me that it’s just a game after the immersion factor is destroyed).

Using warrior rifle burst skill “Kill Shot” on a target fails half the time as the shot goes off in some random direction away from the selected target is detracting from my enjoyment of GW2 (which reminds me that it’s just a game after the immersion factor is destroyed).

Many of your players have connection errors and the only fix seems to be to open up ‘ports’ that will require the purchase of third party software as per the links you provide in your support section for common errors seen here:

Really, Branden?

uhm, mate? the entire thread, hate to break it to you, is one big joke. even the reply is meant as a joke.

Yes, I know, that’s why I included the Top Men in my ‘unsarcastic’ rant. I know it’s hard to detect, but the sarcasm is there, and THAT is the joke in my post: the joke that ArenaNet would get Top Men to work on issues. The joke is that ArenaNet would even consider to fix things that have been broken since the alphas. Take real in-game issues, and assign fictional teams to fix them. That was the joke.

are you done with your daily whining quest? Here’s 10ap for you.

The most active WvW servers right now?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Unless you are playing outside NA prime, pls dont go to kitten is full of zerg fights that require you to have good pc to run the game smoothly. Roaming also sucks so much in t1. Go to t2-4 instead. T2-4 still have active wvw during na prime time. T2 is also a really good place if you’re into gvg

"Play How I Want" Is Gone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


“Top equipment” would be ascended gear which can only be obtained by crafting it for yourself. So, no, it never had the ability to get the top equipment by playing how you want.

Or doing world events.
Or doing Fractals.
Or doing WvW.

So basically doing most things in the game (except PvP, where it doesn’t even matter).

You can also get ascended armor from pvp chest, but that’s never been the real problem. They just want it to be delivered at their door.

Massively is issuing you a challenge ANet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Expansion at the end of season 2 will be great. Pls bring back annual events like dragon bash, and SAB. If anet can let us play season 1 content, it will be even more awesome

A new vine just sprouted in the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Holy kitten. That thing looks hideous. Well done.

Now are we gonna get some epic event like the karka event on the last episode of season 2? fingercrossed for free precursor event

will other stats in pve ever rival berserker?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Do we really need another post abt this? There’s already a long discussion abt this on another thread.

An idea for legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Before you suggest crazy thing like this, you may wanna read the amt of complain regarding the current BiS item in the game.

Here’s a good place to start. kthxbye

16 hours of play in T1 (so far)

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


too bad you never encountered [RIOT] [oPP] at their prime. lost alot of roamers in t1 andi have to admit the game it getting old

oPP that overpowered something guild? the one who likes to chase someone to the corner of the earth with their so called 8-men “roamers”? k

I kinda like t1 tho. Wvw is so relaxing, since you only need to spam guardian staff 1 skill.

Absolute most basic starter class for pvp

in PvP

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


I think the most forgiving build is the standard hambow warr 0/0/6/2/6 build on Brigg’s link.

You can use celestial or soldier amulet with strength or hoelbrak runes.

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Instead of removing zerk, why don’t anet buff the trash mob? Those who knw how/when to dodge will live, those who don’t will be forced to tweak their stats.

On the other side, Anet pls remove condi cap and buff healing power pls pls pls


Removing White Sword : Good or Bad?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Then my point was right. No server ts? no map hopping? no one responded to map chat? no one tried to ninja stuffs? It’s pretty obvious your server just doesn’t have any intention to defend at all. EBG is like the most populated map, you always have ppl to do something. When you don’t have anything on the map, it’s pretty obvious you just don’t try to do anything

Wow, looks like we have a someone from a mythical server with crowds of selfless scouts who is happy to sit and watch 24/7. Pls, tell us a name of that magical place.

The same thing can be applied to your opponent. They don’t have dedicated scouts too. Why can’t Reborn server flip anything on the map? Maybe just maybe they just never tried.

The patch indeed promotes k-train a lot, but it doesn’t give clear advantage to one server over another. So much until a server can’t even flip a thing in ebg

(edited by BlueBoy.1236)

Removing White Sword : Good or Bad?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


because i do not have a server place to discuss this situation or counter this situation ( only a stupid will go make /m to ask for help on megaservers .players from other servers will laugh to him ) and because the eb always is the home for new and casual wvw players . eb affected more from this patch , not the home border .

new players or casual players when they face a bad situation they are not staying to fight , they jump to other game mode or to eotm for their achievement .

dear mate , veterans players or wvw guilds can not play on all maps ….

Then my point was right. No server ts? no map hopping? no one responded to map chat? no one tried to ninja stuffs? It’s pretty obvious your server just doesn’t have any intention to defend at all. EBG is like the most populated map, you always have ppl to do something. When you don’t have anything on the map, it’s pretty obvious you just don’t try to do anything

Removing White Sword : Good or Bad?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Waypoints are now too large an advantage.

agree . also the siegerazers are too poor optimized on situations ….let see all together a very nice photo ( see the attachement ).

a server with their population is creating a waypoint on your keep and manage trolls you and the new wvw players all the day , because it is fun for them and sucks for your server people .

if this is not gamebreaking for new wvw players i can not imagine what means gamebreaking ….

ANET you want more people on wvw …. right ? fix first the issues and gamebreaking situations that make new players do not want play on wvw and after all fixes through your “grenades” in wvw ….. please

If they can troll you, why can’t you? It’s not like one server gets white sword and the other doesn’t. The only reason i see you lose your keep here is that your server is severely outnumbered or your server just doesn’t care abt wvw at all. EBG keep is the least affected wvw objective from this patch.

why WIN with Profession x for dialy?

in PvP

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


I have to agree with this, tho my reason is quite different. What happened if someone already made 5chars and none of them is the class needed for daily achievement? There aren’t too many ppl out there who have enough gold to make one char for each class

Removing White Sword : Good or Bad?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


I have found my enlightenment when i tried not to care abt ppt anymore. Ppt game also became boring since they let ppl sell their sieges in tp (golem rush or get kitten under my kitten ac rain).

I realize there are more havoc groups since the patch came out, which is a good thing imo. Tho i’m afraid some ppl will cling harder to their twr and acs (ummm hello, yb. when are you gonna leave those twrs?)

Idea for Incentivizing Objective Scouting

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Scouting itself is a very passive activity, so i’m not sure if rewarding something on a passive activity is a good idea. Ppl will abuse this and just park all of their acc at the same twr. At the end, the home server will have more ppl afking rather than ppl who’re actually doing wvw. I’d say leave scouting to those who are really willing to do it.

Solution to the new dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


While you’re at it, pls give a daily quest where you need to afk 5mins in Lion’s arch, citadel, or heart of the mist. Hey, i’m playing the way i want. What are you guys looking at?

Power vs Condition when roaming

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Running full condi tho has its downside too. Ppl can just laugh at you and run away cos you cant down them fast enough (unless ofc you are one of those shameless condi thieves)

My 11 stacks of torment as condi shatter says you won’t run away…
Also sw+sw/LB warriors can keep up with most classes using pin down, jump from sw 2 (also deal cripple) and dealing dmg to moving targets with sw 4 (5 stacks of torment).
Turning your back to a shortbow condi ranger also means death, as it will give you infinite stacks of bleed.

Not all classes can be outrun that easily…

Landing your first burst is pretty easy. Once ppl become aware of you, good luck trying to drop all of your dmging skills

Experts: What class carries solos best?

in PvP

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Engi is your best bet. Other than that, a good mesmer who knws how to use portal can also carry most of their match unless ofc you’re on a very high lvl of pvp.

Power vs Condition when roaming

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


When it comes to 1vX, i found condi is much better than power. This is because condi only requires 2 stats (condi dmg and duration, compared to pwr,prec, fero on pwr build) allowing you to put more stats on defensive stats (much forgiving). Also power build took a huge hit after that ferocity patch. Running full condi tho has its downside too. Ppl can just laugh at you and run away cos you cant down them fast enough (unless ofc you are one of those shameless condi thieves)

An Honest Discussion About Living World

in Living World

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


I wouldn’t expect some extraordinary stories from an mmo, tho i hope they make each episode a lil bit longer. You don’t need to add more story in it. Just add more fights. Something like a large scale fight where you need to survive against endless mobs in 2-5mins (with some epic background music). Each chapter could also use some story branching (while still keeping the one conclusion) like what anet did in personal story.

I can understand why they push back the final episode to 2015. Beside their holiday reason, i think anet wanna introduce gw2 winter event to China (and new) players before moving on to the last chapter.

and lastly, less RNG pls. The fossil wpn was a pita to make because of the RNG. Mawdrey and the carapace armor were cool tho.

"Play How I Want" Is Gone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


One day you cry abt the game doesn’t give you enough reward, the next day you cry abt the game give you more reward. Seriously

Its not about getting more or less of something, its about HOW you go about getting the reward. If you can’t see that you’re being intentionally obtuse or you have a low IQ.

Yes please tell me again how you got your 10 ap before the patch. Oh wait you had to jump into pve, pvp and wvw all together. Now pve players dont have to deal with the wvw zerg, and wvw players dont have to deal with the boring pve maps. Maybe you should have tried to do those 10ap achievements prepatch before making this complaint. The only complain i have is probably how anet force a specific class to do the achievement thingy.

and ofc ppl forget the rest of my argument and take one sarcastic sentence into all seriousness just to justify their complains.

Making S/F Ele a viable roamer/Main DPS

in PvP

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Focus fire 5 could use some rework, maybe add a boon stripping skill (ele is the jack of all trades according to anet, so ele should get a boon stripping skill right? right? right?). I don’t think s/f ele needs more mobility, since they already have quite amt of cc and defensive skills, unless ofc you want this class to be broken.

"Play How I Want" Is Gone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Beside the new trait and skill system, I don’t really understand your complain. Do you knw how painful it is to do world bosses on a low pop server? Checking the site and waiting hours after hours just to wait another server open the temple for you must be your idea of fun.

The reason anet made changes on ps is certainly to prevent some ppl from abusing the personal story to make easy bl key. The only ppl who are affected by this are those who did bl key farm, and they didnt even complain abt it. and you know you can turn off that event pointer if you don’t like it right?

Abt the new daily system, have you actually tried to get 10 ap before the patch? You had to do wvw, pvp, and pve to get the max ap. Now you can stick to pve or whatever you want and get 10ap.

One day you cry abt the game doesn’t give you enough reward, the next day you cry abt the game give you more reward. Seriously

Anet, it's time look into Elementalists.

in PvP

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


BlueBoy, did you make an ele then find that you are an AMAZING player by using something absurdly OP and are you extremely scared that if it gets nerfed you might actually have to have skill to be good?

i’m afraid to tell you the truth, but my main in pvp is a mesmer. Lemme guess, you’ve only faced/played dd ele. Have u ever played d/f lightning rod or s/d fresh air? Pls share your opinion abt ele again after you try those builds.

Inflation pushes progression beyond reach

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


… but that’s dependent on how the PLAYER decided to play. WvW is not all about 1 vs. 1 so if someone does get caught in a situation where they are at a disadvantage because of their gear, that’s their own fault.

Yes, precisely. If you are not running ascended, it’s your own fault – because you really, really should have been.
Notice, how the person decked in ascended will never get caught in a situation when being in weaker gear will give him disadvantage.

lel, only bad players make that kind of excuses. Dodge, correct build and using the right skills at the right time are the things that matter in dueling.

Bullkitten. All that things the other player can do as well. And he also has better damage than you. Yes, the advantage the ascended gear grants may not matter much if you are a significantly better player, but what if you are of similar level of skill? Or are you implying, that you should never engage opponents if you don’t have crushing advantage?

yea a difference of 50 armors, 1%crit chance will definitely give me a “crushing” advantage.

50 more armor per blow adds up. You’re essentially saying that wearing a soldiers helm is worthless because it only gives 50 toughness. Also you don’t account for the multiplicative nature of DD stats. You see there are skills that increase damage by a percent, if your base damage is higher than that means you get even more damage from the small stat increase. So a 10K backstab can become a 12k backstab. So while the stat increase is only 5%, the overall damage increase is closer to 20%(iirc). That is very tangible and can make or break fights. In a class that bursts it’s targets, I’d say 20% is a crushing advantage.

lel, stop bringing pve numbers here. 20% inc dmg only works on full zerk on a trash mob (i don’t even knw where you got this number. lemme guess some random guy on reddit). Do you wanna knw the difference between full exo and full asc eviscerate dmg? 200-500. I bet it sounds a lot to you. But go ahead, you can use it as an excuse whenever you lose a duel.

Back to the topic, pls read this thread

It has a pretty good information on how the economy works in gw2, and you should be reading it. From gem price, silk double standard, to your wildest economy imagination. kthxbye

(edited by BlueBoy.1236)

Anet, it's time look into Elementalists.

in PvP

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Again Just because a few builds benefit from something dosent mean it isn’t a factor of imbalance. Especially if those are the builds in debate for being OP.

As for Ele vigor I do agree that there should be a nerf esp since guard and Mes are my fav classes I feel a little a little jipped. But I recognize that zerk eles kind of rely on that vigor. Having less sustain than glass Mesmers and no stealth like it’s glass counter parts, and don’t even get me started on the amount of punishment I can take on a zerk war or guard lol…

However considering the lack of set up burst eles have I do think the nerf mayyy be justified. But rather limiting imo.

This is also what i thought. Ele has a very low base hp, and a long utility skill cd. Without their dodge, you can sneeze at them and they will fall. They also lack true blocking skill, or stealth. Their elemental shielding can wear off really quickly in a team fight, making them completely vulnerable without dodges.

Engi has a bigger problem with their knockdown, condi spam, and the burst heal, but this is not a thread for that.

Ele nerfs-

Drake’s breath reduction from 3 to 1.5 seconds.
Frozen burst remove the chilling, keep the blast finisher effect
Stow Lightning Whip fix.
Small cast time to Updraft.

You might as well remove dagger from ele main wpn

A more realistic undertaking - Soloing SMC

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


I’ve only soloed garri lord once, and that’s with full dire p/d thief. I imagine smc legendary lord will be a lot harder.

The biggest problem i found is not the lord itself. The vets that randomly spawn will screw your solo attempt a lot more than the lord. Their pulls, and blinds comboed with lord huge dmg usually will instadown you.

Oh btw, it’s impossible to solo the lord in under 60secs. With 3ppl, maybe. Solo? i don’t think so

(edited by BlueBoy.1236)

Anet, it's time look into Elementalists.

in PvP

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Blueboy, you have no idea what you’re talking about, 1 person with cele can heal a group through anything, rotate anywhere, win any 1v1.

i’m pretty sure others here agree that aoe heal is one of the least important issue ele has. their perma regen and prot are the main problems (and there’s also their perma vigor, but that will kill other ele build if anet decides to change it). Tons of condi removal and great at both passive and active defensive skills makes them the most versatile bunker in the game. Lots of aoe skills to make it even better. Even when running zerk amulet, i feel quite tanky compared to other class out there.

Anet, it's time look into Elementalists.

in PvP

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Celestial stats is just fine. You do realize only specific class can actually run that stats right?

Ele elemental attunement/arcane 8 could use some duration nerf. Atm, the boon duration is incredibly high (6.5 secs of prot, and regen).

For engis, i think an extra 1-2sec cd for kit switching could help with their problem a lil bit.

Inflation pushes progression beyond reach

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


… but that’s dependent on how the PLAYER decided to play. WvW is not all about 1 vs. 1 so if someone does get caught in a situation where they are at a disadvantage because of their gear, that’s their own fault.

Yes, precisely. If you are not running ascended, it’s your own fault – because you really, really should have been.
Notice, how the person decked in ascended will never get caught in a situation when being in weaker gear will give him disadvantage.

lel, only bad players make that kind of excuses. Dodge, correct build and using the right skills at the right time are the things that matter in dueling.

Bullkitten. All that things the other player can do as well. And he also has better damage than you. Yes, the advantage the ascended gear grants may not matter much if you are a significantly better player, but what if you are of similar level of skill? Or are you implying, that you should never engage opponents if you don’t have crushing advantage?

yea a difference of 50 armors, 1%crit chance will definitely give me a “crushing” advantage.

Not much variety in item models at low levels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


There are a lot of skins available at low levels. It’s just too bad they’re tied to one stats combination. If you’re only using zerker wpn, ofc you only see 1-2 skins. Try wpn that has different stat combination. There are at least 6 wpn skins every 20lvls, not including those that you can craft. For armor, i think it’s limited to 3sets/20lvl

(edited by BlueBoy.1236)

Why Wvw fails to attract players

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


I think people just got bored. The game has been out for more than 2-3 years but wvw almost feels like untouched. They did add some ruins in each bl, but it didnt have any impact in wvw gameplay overall. There’s also a problem with server stacking and matchups. No one likes a one-sided match.

Somehow, i feel like wvw is better off with megaserver implementation. Less pressure for ppt, more fights. I know it will destroy the meaning of having a home server, but then again only t1-2 truly care abt that stuff.

Inflation pushes progression beyond reach

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Ascended and legendaries are luxury items. It’s supposed to be expensive, and a long-term goal. That’s the reason why anet make it time-gated.

Take a look at ecto’s price instead. It’s relatively stable for the last 6 months. The gem price is maybe a bit out of control, compared to 2 years ago. But it happens to any gemstore/market store items in all mmos

If only they were … when, in WvW, you go 1:1 with you all in Exotic and your opponent all in Ascended …

They’re a “nice to have” in PvE, they’re obsolete in PvP but they DO play a major role in WvW … they should have made those just a skin …

lel, only bad players make that kind of excuses. Dodge, correct build and using the right skills at the right time are the things that matter in dueling.

Now go fight those (shameless) condi thieves in wvw with your awesome asc armor, see if it helps you.

Back to the topic, if indeed you feel there’s inflation happening, you should try other mmos, and see what a real inflation is. Almost all mmos out there are experiencing real inflation. You will see how ridiculously expensive some staple things like potions or food buffs are.

Stop saying that those items are far beyond the reach of casual players. I have lots of friends who only play during the weekend, and most of them have made their legendary in 4months of gameplay. If you don’t know how to save your gold, blame yourself not the economy.

"Elite" Ele skills.

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Just make conjured weapons work like engi tool kit and i’ll be extremely happy with it

Charged Lodestone Nightmare

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


CoE is your best bet. I wouldn’t farm air/lightning elemental in malchor’s leap since the droprate is horrible. Another thing you could consider is prolly opening heavy bag of skritt shinies.

WvW is dead - Roamers do not exist

in WvW

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


definition of t1 roamers is 10 men chasing 2 eles from one corner of the map to another corner of the map)))

You guys can stay up there with all of that kitten-fest

Anet, it's time look into Elementalists.

in PvP

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Am i the only one who see the problem comes from strength runes? 45% duration increase with an extra 5%dmg to it seems a lil bit op compared to other runes.

Without their perma 20+ might stack, i dont think warr and ele will be at their place now.

Inflation pushes progression beyond reach

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueBoy.1236


Imma just make TLDR of all complains here: I can’t afford some things that i want, so therefore there’s an inflation happening.

Cant Anet just ban this inflation dude?

Do you need a hug? (>^.^)> I’m sry if i fail to make it sarcastic enough

Before anyone makes stupid assumption abt this inflation thingy, please read this thread first

It covers a lot parts of the in-game economy. From gems, to prec price, to silk price, to almost anything that has to do with in-game economy.

Thanks for referring me to my own thread for advice.

only the first sentence refer to you. OMG this thread is making me crazy.