Showing Posts For BlueStoat.9157:
We do understand and sincerely apologize that there are creative combinations of town clothes that will not exist anymore. Many have asked why remove town clothes as a concept. It boils down to we believe better armor skinning and the outfit system is something we can add more options to more often and will produce a better supported RP game for everyone with more variety in the future. In short, a healthier game.
This post should have been the article that was put up. I appreciate where you are trying to take this… it would be great if, rather than preset looks, we could create custom outfits out of our stand alone pieces. Think of all the outfits we’d have already designed for you… and I’ll think of that same number and realize that that is a ton of combos that you’d have to deal with adding to the new system.
I yield this round to the devs, but I still will want this look for my thief…
Any chance of taking any ideas from the pictures and making them into outfits for the game? Please? There are a few in this thread that I’d really like to see preserved.
I guess you aren’t a single skrit working in isolation after all.
My gurdian is on hold too, so is the second one while i level up a third… never had an issue with conditions. Remeber at launch when everyone was zerking everwhere? Find what beats it and watch the sheeple follow you.
And what exactly does/should an Economist do, eh? Just wondering what the perception is. I know what I’m doing wih my degree, and it has nothing to do with money (other than the occasional paycheck being sent my way).
The dragon word bosses are Tequila, Shatner, and Jori. Doesn’t matter what ANet thinks they should be called.
OP, you are the reason I bothered typing in my kittycating long password. I LOLed a bit.
I will censor myself. Thankyou very much, auto mod.
Why is this in the tequila forum? Guardians are more fun with a mace if you want to heal.. also, can someone please explain why I keep making all my alts gardians? Is there a support group I can join? I think I make have a problem.
please post you system specs if you’re having issues. I build my PC 4 yeasrs ago and other than upgrading the GPU 2 years ago and dropping in an SSD last year, I haven’t upgraded anything since Ibuilt it. I’m running great except the super zergs where I drop to about 25 fps on high settings. Once we figure out where your system is lacking you’ll know where to spend your money to get it running smoothly. If all else fails drop your graphcs settings for the zerg events and pop ’em back up after.
Buy the 64 bit OEM license for about $100 bucks…. Never buy a 32bit OS if you intend on doing any gaming on the machine. Seriously, putting 16GB or RAM into a 32 bit machine was more a waste of money than buying Windows again.
Not sure how color blindness works, but most video drivers have an option to adjust color balance. You should in theory be able to adjust it so that everything in the red spectrum shows up as a different color instead, and this would be a one-time fix for every game or application that you use. Since I’m not color blind myself I have no idea if this negatively impacts the color of other objects, but even so I think it’s worth trying as a stopgap fix in the meantime. In general though, color blindness is a computing problem not just one that affects specific video games. You will probably find better solutions that are designed for all-purpose color blind computing rather than trying to get color blind support patches out of specific video games.
If you don’t know how it affects us please don’t go giving solutions before doing any research into the condition. Your “fix” would cause more issues as we still detect the color just do not differentiate it from other colors (in the case or red it would be green). so we could put the game into only blue/yellow by shifting the red/green (blue/yellow deficient can do the opposite) and now it looks like trash. The point is that the game colors should be close to what we see everyday. If I’m walking in the grass the red circle isn’t going to stand out on green, but yellow sure will. Yes we can use a texture editor but then e get into a grey area with what would be seen as giving an advantage. the devs need to give a clear answer on the editor situation or just add support for a large number of players…
Maybe if I wrote a sob story about how it makes adopted kids feel they’d act as quickly as they did with the wording in the human story intro. Though I still don’t expect anything since tehy probably think it would make it too “confusing” for the idiot players who wouldn’t be able to figure out how to turn their personal story prompts on and off.
Just going to go out on a slightly racist limb here. would nipples in “engrish” be nippers/nipperz. May be that the only reason is that it sounds like you just tried to type the name in an accent.
As to proper use of a word…
Niger ursus est magnus. translation: The black bear is large.
There is a reason my Sylvari is named blue oak rather than black oak (beyond most of my characters being some shade of blue).
my post is probably censored…
(edited by BlueStoat.9157)
Please don’t take this the wrong way. Why is it important that the guild be LGBT? I’ve rarely seen straight only guilds or guilds strongly focused on the members’ orientation. Just curious if I’m missing something since I’m not in that minority, but I seem to see most of the GW player base to be fairly mature and indifferent to such matters (at least the members of my guilds have seemed to be).
And if people being curious like me are the issue, I’m sorry.
But they could move it half an inch to the right and that would also fix it.
Is that half inch on your screen or mine? half inch here wont help at all. Please measure in pixels for your suggestion… also, a move vertically would look better.
I’d like to point out the the OP and John that the use of grant money in experimental economics will distort the recipients value of the funds as they were not earned in the traditional methods. OP, please work in game to save up the 2k gold you want. Once you’ve earned it then attempt to manipulate the market keeping detailed records of the items you attempt to manipulate. Bring all of that back here and we’ll have something speaking to the behavior of potential manipulators given the effort needed to acquire wealth. Seeing where you choose to try your manipulation is much more interesting than seeing what we already know… 2k is far too little to even dent a market in the long run.
If you want to get to that 2k fast just follow the existing market trends without attempting to manipulate them. You’’ll find that that is far more profitable than trying to control the actions of hundreds of thousands of market participants world wide.
DO NOT PUBLISH YOUR INTENDED ACTIONS. Only publish results and get a copy to John first. I’m sure he’d enjoy seeing the response of the Skritt if you post evn moderate success with a method on the forums.
My first thought was p/p+p/d in combo with some lag, but I watched that opening unload spam about 20 times, its always out of both hands, and no 5 stack of bleed on the OP for it to be p1 out of stealth. Looks more like the bots I see teleporting all over the place in PvE than skilled play.
It took a while to get GW1 over to China, but it happened (and we couldn’t have panda pets for rangers). I’m sure its coming at some point. Just have to give it some time. If you’re lucky the game will be finished by the time it gets there, I think the beta is just about over now and all the good content is about to fill the game out to where we all expect it to be. <- not bashing the game, I love it and have more than enough to keep me busy, but I feel like there is so much more that is being held back to keep the game nice and fresh. I think I saw something post release about adding in tutorial for new players… I thought it felt like it was still beta (again a good thing in my mind. devs are good at responding to what the game needs. Nothing seems like its stuck as is until the patch in 6 months).
“When was a young girl, my father fought in the Guild Wars…”
-Devona, GW1 release trailer…
Yep, its from the lore. That was the big war between Kryta, Ascalon, and Orr. Then the Charr came. Please learn your game history. GW1 was about PVE teaching the PvP mechanics, PvP was part of the PvE world though the arenas (hey cool, its like the producers name there) that were scattered throughout the Prophecies campaign. the crowning achievement was to go to ToPK and run HA and win the favor of the gods for your region which granted boosts to PvE (access to FoW and UW)… GW1 was all about joining the two aspects together while keeping them separate.
Guilds never went to war with each other in GW1, the had gladiatorial combat in arenas. The war was before the game.
With that out of the way… I am a PvE fan, I do not want to have GvG zergs on my maps, but I would like to see something like in GW1 Factions where guilds can use influence to control a fort in the world. Sponsor the local guards (guards wear guild emblem armor) and put their flag on top of the keep. That right should be given to the guilds performing the best in WvWvW defending the realm or donating gold to the WvWvW. Every guild should be able to purchase an instance hall just to hang out in. The top 5 contributing guilds on the server should get a public “guild hall” in one of the capitols as a way to show off like the fancy gold trimmed capes from GW1.
I’d like to see guilds be able to trigger/host open world events also. Like luring in a Dragon’s minion. Think along the lines of a guild setting up the event to pull in Shatterer or Claw of Jormag (obviously not those two, they’re taken already). They’d gather resources and set the trap, call in the locals (server wide announcement in the chat that guild x is preparing to fight [insert cool boss name here] at [location here] (link to waypoint) and an ETA for the boss. If no one shows up and the boss wins the guild loses influence in the area and the guild’s “hall” (the fort they control in the area) is destroyed/overrun by the minions. The top guilds can draw something into the starter area outside the capitol, and the content is still good because of the level scaling. It’ll pull players back to the lower level zones as long as the boss give some nice loot that always matches the player level, unlike Tequila and Shatner’s chests do now.
End long incoherent post.
(edited by BlueStoat.9157)
you have to log out to change characters, there is no other way.
Hit f12 and choose change character… still logged in. This has changed since beta.
Same as with all big effects.
Back in beta people noticed that when we have all the big and sparkly effects constantly pumping out and covering every inch of the screen, nobody could tell what was going on.
Most every effect received a downscaling, and now we can actualy see a kitten thing when playing.
Unless you happen to have the misfortune to be a mele based player, then you’re still screwed if you try to play in a big event.
I was expecting to see something along the lines of “I don’t always cloak, but when I do I prefer…” but since its not. I’ve not played my thief enough to notice, but I do know that if you’re lagging a bit sometimes the cloaks and uncloaks don’t always show on time.
Stay stealthy my friends.
Signet, no thanks. Do like the ele and give every class a trait that will give swiftness based on what they’re holding.
yes I know eles have the signet too, but eles have too many passive speed buff options.
ummm… press “L” for quest log worked in GW1 Don’t know too many people who couldn’t figure out how to change quest targets there. Put the option to show/hide in the personal story screen on the hero panel or add and event/story log that tracks the events we’ve participated in (I’d love to get extra background on some of the meta events).
Cymatoperior.5942, I’m going to guess based on your talk and that you didn’t tell me the volume of your trade, you have banked less than 120g.
You’re going to come back at me now with a much higher number, probably without proof or a screenshot proving that you are just a sore loser who doesn’t pay debts that are easily within your means to pay. Now I’ll admit that to pay you the 100g GW2 I’d have to liquidate a portion of my non-monetary assets (I rarely hold more than about 15g in cash) and probably have irked a few people in doing so. To protect my investments I will not provide proof of my bank and collection tab stockpile. So what is it; you a poser or the real thing?
Disclaimer: this is not an attempt at manipulating any markets, but if y’all do decide to dump stock on some high ticket items I’ll gladly buy it up and sell it back to you when it recovers. BTW, dumping my excess t4 mats next week; I’m keeping the dust though
Yeah, I was prepared to pay the 100 in gw2 gold, but I was, am, and will not expect it to be paid to me. It was a forum bet. Let it drop people.
? Have some pancakes.
Now this is just like a casino, you place a bet and unless specified otherwise it it to be paid in the local currency. This it the GW2 forum I expect GW2 gold, but considering how poor you are in GW1 I doubt you managed to make even half of what you owe me in GW2. I’m still waiting, but if you want to do GW1 gold, the conversion would make it 1k platinum, unless you want to hold ecto or obi shards as the currency backing, in which case that price is going up a ton. Diablo 3 is trash I gave my account to my dog, he won’t even play it.
Cymatoperior.5942, I’ll take my gold now please.
Heck it could even be some high-end TP trader who’s so rich that he’s just buying stacks of Candy Corn off the TP and immediately destroying them because he can’t think of anything more fun to do with his gold.
Yep. And i’m testing a theory that all the vommiting will help my fa norn lose some weight to fit into her wintersday gown. So far i just ruined a pair of boots.
Ummm… projected profit is what you get from the sale. The 5% list fee is paid at listing out of your current funds. Why would that be in the profit box again? Please think before whining.
I guess all those people answering, you just don’t care about prices, because you:
1) either made a lot of gold in early stages of the game
2) have everything already
3) playing 1 hour/day and don’t care about all things like precursorsLucky you I can say
P/S I know how markets work, thanks to economics I studied/studying
Worth mentioning btw, real life market laws do not work/fully work in mmos, shame you don’t understand it
Please continue with your studies. When you make it out of school please come back. Maybe then we can laugh about that comment. You clearly haven’t made it past intro to m’cro.
Nah I doubt there will be much significant wintersday recipe that makes use of existing ingredients. They will introduce a new item just like they did for Halloween, the candy corn. And I can bet you 100 gold the new important item will be called candy canes..
I’ll take that bet.
50-60 Hz is normal. You arent going be getting anything higher on amd 77xx cards. If you are seeing lag at 50Hz you need a better monitorbecause it isnt syncing with your card.
…posting items at what you think the value is. if that is less than vendor/0.85 because you don’t want to take the time to walk/WP back to merch it, that’s fine. It is just an indication of the value of convenience.
Also, undercut by 1c. I don’t care. You want your money now because it devalues too quickly; I understand. Discount the future down to nothing if you want. We can drive the prices to the floor that way (and then I can buy everything dirt cheep with the money I made undercutting other people)!
Now for those of you who missed the point: This is normal, stop trying to tell people how to sell just because you don’t know how to list an item to get it sold. I you have to instruct people to post so that your order can sell your listing is not at the correct price.
I can’t believe this was needed.
still colorblind… still not addressed… still an issue… yeah this is a bump so maybe one of those fancy red posters can come along and let us know if this is even being looked at as a possibility in the future.
no… I want an asura supercomputer able to be crafted that gives me an in game calculator for the next hour. activate it and your character summons a desk with an array of screens and buttons and sits down to crunch some numbers… then an ugly UI pops up and hides your view so you can push the buttons.
why should you be the one playing the role of market maker? Anet could do it, which would take gold out of the market, provide liquidity, and prevent some of the centralization of large amounts of money on player accounts.
Because John Smith is an economist not a communist (to my knowledge at least) and wants a healthy player driven economy. The thing missing from most MMO’s and GW2 to a lesser but still huge extent is a stable money supply. If you look at inflation rates in game compared to real world you’ll be hard pressed to find any game that makes Germany post WWI look anything but ideal, and a truck load of marks at that time still couldn’t buy food for a family… unfortunately the only way to avoid hyper inflation in the game is to take out the ability to sell to vendors and require item to be bought from them on a regular basis (item condition degrades over time w/o death) thus restricting trade to between the players for wealth transfer or dumping money into a gold sink .
you’d have to have a “job” in game and be good at it to make enough to progress… too much like real life there. I like how it is… would like the TP to have an auction option though.
(edited by BlueStoat.9157)
no stealth nerf= the game data supports no change in the overall probability of the event, intentional or unintentional. John is one of the very few people who has access to a statistically relevant data set. He has also bee quite straight forward with us on matters of the economy and has nothing to gain by misleading us (that is unless he is using us a subjects for research… I know I would in his position. I’m just a little jealous of potential for experimentation he has).
umm… it a listing FEE, not a deposit. I’m not seeing why there is any confusion here so long as you are fluent in English.
What rule of English makes fees non-refundable? Every fee I’ve ever paid has been refundable except those that say “non-refundable”. Also, deposits aren’t necessarily refundable either. If you’re fluent in English then you’d know that the only difference between a fee and a deposit is that the latter alludes to partial pre-payment for some future transaction. This has nothing to do with language except, as the OP states, that there is no “non-refundable” notice on the TP. It’s a valid complaint and easily fixed.
Pull out a dictionary and read the the entry for fee. Then read deposit. One of those is due back to the payer as it is only being kept by the recipient but does not belong to them unless further terms of the agreement are met. It gets even more clear if you read any financial or legal definitions. Fee is the cost of doing business.
If you have a listing fee then the moment your listing is publicly viewable you have forfeit that money to the listing agency. removing the listing does not remove your impact on the market, the information was factored into the buy/sell decisions of every market participant after the offer was placed. you can’t get a refund unless you can rollback the memory of every market actor.
I will not give you any further education on this topic. It is up to you to learn to use precise language, not the ambiguous colloquial mess that is becoming increasing common in modern society.
Execute, murder, euthanize, kill… your task is to explain what those words mean and then figure out why we have all four. its the same reason we have fee, charge, deposit, donation, and tax.
Ain’t edjookashun awshem?!?
So, you think that this game, in development since the scrapping of Utopia in 2006, was just that small. That in the 6 years that this has been a project, they only made 25 zones, drew the entire map, and left most of it empty and unfinished, put in npcs at the borders to the empty spots that said it would happen soon in their actual dialogue…
Then, they put out a new zone twice as fast as they had been averaging for six years, while busy with a holiday event and keeping the live game going, and it just happens to be at the point when a significant amount of the playerbase is getting ready to leave for other stuff, as the holiday season approaches?
No. A-net doesn’t do that. Just look at their old timeline:
Sometime in 2000: A-net is started.
April, 2005: Prophecies release.
April, 2006: Utopia found out. Factions released.
May, 2006: Utopia “Well under way”
June 2006: Utopia confirmed to be canceled.
October 2006: Nightfall released.
March, 2007: GW2 Announced.
August 2007: Eye of the North released.
April 2010: Guild Wars Beyond begins.
August 2012: Guild Wars 2 released.In 2005-2006, they made three stand-alone campaigns, and had a fourth “well under way” before scrapping it and beginning work on GW2/EotN/Beyond. Then, over six more years, they make one expansion, three quest chains, and GW2.
And, after years of asking ‘em “is it done yet?”, and being told "when it’s ready", they release GW2, unfinished, short, and empty?
That’s just nothing like the trend A-net has set over the last decade, and highly unlikely.
Looks about right to me, but you are missing the overhaul of the GW2 project which too the projected release from 2008 to this year. Well worth the wait if you ask me. I like the slow release of content for the individual campaign. the way I see it we have to possibility to do three dragons before this release campaign is done (Jormag and Crack-a-whats-its-name are shiverpeaks and desert, both well within the first map) or at least get to push into a gw beyond type story to prep for the release of the complete campaign. remember when ToPK went into torment? f’n EPIC and just to set us up for nightfall, GWEN and beyond to prep for GW2 launch now we have dynamic events to kick off a new zone and dungeons! I expect something huge leading into a full new campaign. I am fully expecting to pass a brick or two.
lvl 20 infused monk LFG HM!… seems a lot like it the level 20 gear from proph to me. infusions= insfused agony=spectral agony (only mursaat and only in phoph) ascended= max armor. I still trust a-net and that poll looks like a load of horse _ to me. I will agree that the game was published before completion, the devs did say that people were completing in weeks what they expected to take months (guess they thought no one would play 14 hrs a day). Makes me think that they were planning on rolling out “endgame” a bit later after release and letting us play what they already have while we wait. most of you are already grinding dungeons for cosmetics. why do you care about grinding one for the ability to crawl further into it?
I say first person to the end of the dungeon should get a prize… or maybe make it ever increasing stacks of agony so there is no end just better rewards the higher the agony stacks go; maybe a chance to see a precursor plop on the ground, sure would feel more legendary to me than throwing TP trash at a djin… PLEASE, I REALLY WANT THAT NOW!
(edited by BlueStoat.9157)
bug reported yet?
umm… it a listing FEE, not a deposit. I’m not seeing why there is any confusion here so long as you are fluent in English. it’s to prevent people from using the TP as storage by listing something they dont intend to sell for several times the market value just to remove the listing later… I still do that but I make enough money that I’m ok with renting the TP as a storage locker, and if the price on those items ever triples then I have a nice chunk of change that I can use to buy gems and buy a safer storage system, and I’ll get a good laugh at myself.
If you get the precursor, sell it and keep the cash, your friend doesn’t nee to know where you t3 racial armor came from.
If this were an intermittent issue affecting the majority of players we could be correct thinking it is a-net, but from what I’ve been seeing in game and on the forums is it is a small group of players who consistently experience the issue while most of up just throw out suggestions because it never happened to us.
Ayeth.2039, that picture looks normal to me. What are you trying to show us?
There’s no DR on Salvaging.
Also salvages are independent statistical events (which is very much related how you decide to think about probability here).
Lastly, you would need a relatively massive sample size to accurately understand the likelihood of each outcome.
I like this… and that some people still don’t seem to understand it.
Tons of bots are gone so supply shifted. The new equilibrium is at a higher price, people, please read the stickies at the top of the subforum. No changes to the drop rates were needed (unless I’m mistaken it was officially announced that there was a change to dye rates to correct an error).
As this is a colorblind topic I am posting in it. I’m still wonder how many times we have to request these features before they get implemented. So far my solution has been to turn off the circles and let everyone I play with know so they don’t think I’m either kitten or colorblind. I want my (technically not) disability to be hidden. I have to deal with it all day in real life (tech support is hard when you can’t tell people what colors things are, and some people are less than polite when you mess up). When I come to Tyria I don’t want to deal with the same ketteh that I get all day long from the entitled pricks that call in asking why their porn crashed their computer again. I WANT THE GAME TO BE AN ESCAPE!
That said, my guild usually gets a good laugh from me fighting the centaurs with siege equipment. maybe the circles should just disappear for everyone and make them watch the enemies more.
oh.. we didn’t get a red post. I guess they finally caught on the that trick to get extra reads.
Agreed. I’ve never liked a class in an MMO so much before. This is the first time that I don’t have the desire to make an alt lol!
I disagree… I made a second Guardian because my Charrdian was to fat and sluggish feeling, and human t2 armor looks sweet! Next up Norn Guardian… is three one one profession too many?
It’s more likely that the my transaction page is not showing properly. Is the price you listed at cleared out?
And you reported the bug and posted this in the game bugs forum/trading post issues sticky thread, right?
some nice mod will come along eventually and move it for you, then it’ll get a red post and everyone will stop in to read it and see if it happens to others as well. so its all win all over the place.