Showing Posts For BooHud.2681:

Ranger Friendly Fire

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.

-Man In Black

Welcome to the new season WvW’ers

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Don’t forget to sup up on dem Aero carts!

Cya on the battlefield – Rock on peeps!

*sigh* I-leap range bug again.

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Since it doesn’t do anything when out of range, it shouldn’t work unless in range. Simple.

One day Anet may code well. One day.

Hmm, I seem to remember specifically whenever I tried casting this out of range, the ability never triggers and it goes on CD, and then I get mad at myself.

I could be wrong though, or maybe it’s a personal issue.

I seem to have a lot of those.

^ my experience as well. but i know others who totally dig it – glad it works for them.

Is shatter better than PU?

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681


PU outshines shatter, it doesn’t matter what condition mesmer you are those rangers aim for everything alive and with new mimic shatter is too glassy I still kill them with PU,shatter is another thing…..

Shatter is better than it was post patch, the only change I’ve made is I’m taking mirror as my heal. Shatter will continue to be a superior TPvP option.

I miss seeing hexie …

So now asuras can CLIMB walls?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Legend has it that Asurans were a genetically modified race of Ninjas that could fit in a suitcase.

You Topcheekie Scaramouch you

[CORE] Company of the Red Elite - IoJ NA WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Did someone say FRAY —- Come play with us – you know you want to


Siege Commander's Spoon....?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Ohh, I love it. Too funny!

Adopt-a-Dev for the WvW Fall Tournament

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Thank you Devs for coming out to play. We can’t wait to show you how much we love your game. And in the mean time we are having such fun trying the new WvW changes. Much props – Thank you

Things You Hate Seeing Other Mesmer Do?

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681


A true mesmer knows the art and purpose of dat moa

Don’t hate mez because me is purple

Zerg Tactics idea

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Please yes, so I can lock my squad into jumping off cliffs with me.

WTB this.

moosie hat


in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Finding good fights – win or lose.

Or draw? Dances with Lamas for the win



in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


How do you define winning in WvW? Is it PPT, kill/death ratio, achievements, something else?

For me personally, it is when I get guild groups to try and run down our small group of guild members on site. You know you are doing something right when a sea of red diverts from their objectives to chase you across a map.

dear ladies and gents, it depends on what your definition of “is” is …

would you like a beret hat? long...

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


dollie wanna cracker? sorry guys, guess I better eat lunch …

Remove "Outmanned"

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Hmm, well at least we are not still talking about dancing with glicko …

MetaBattle: World Vs Worlds Fights Guide.

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


now now hewy …

MetaBattle: World Vs Worlds Fights Guide.

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


yeah this is nice. thx all!

Diamond Legend

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


how many guys made it yet? =D

thanks to everyone for joining in the good and in the bad times,

supporting me and bein on the battlefield!

im not getting any more wxp, the wxp bar is just full and it shows:

49,979,000 / 49,979,000 WvW Experience

Are you some kind of bot? Seriously is there enough hours in a year to make that much WXP?

This is the kind of achieve where I’m torn appart between saying “congrat” and “get a life”. I can’t help but see the guy in South park episode “make love not Warcraft”.

but…but…I thought we were playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Ho-lld, Ho-lld.

Recommend an NA server with morning WvW raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: BooHud.2681


ioj ur best bet, u wont regret it

plus, superman chalupas n all

Only a WvW player...

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Only a WvW player thinks there should be a “stuck in siege after building” achievement.

oh, te he he, yay! i love this one. makes me laugh so!

[Build Survey] How do YOU Shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I run a Bountiful Shatter build, 0/4/4/0/6

Sword Pistol and Staff.

The boons, the 3300 power and the 16k 3 clone+IP shatter

ahh, is this what was causing the wrekage last night. good build, much props.

Diamond Legend

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


With the release of Feature Pack 2 on September 9th, WvW players who reach rank 10,000 will be able to continue earning WXP and rank-up chests.

Jessica, please take a moment to consider how much time this player has put into WvW. Is it fair that he/she reached rank 10,000 and that he doesn’t get a piece of EPIC loot for his/her effort?

Should be a forced ascended drop for this rank up specifically. Precursor would be a great present too. 10k WvW ranks is an absurd level of dedication and should be rewarded accordingly. The only thing left is to see if he can get yakslapper before he dies.

No no, NOO.

LEt it be as it is. It’s ok. IF rewards will rise higher and higher then farming wxp will make sence for “farmers” and they will farm it as WXP.

I didnt say scale the rewards as the ranks rise, I said for the 10k chest SPECIFICALLY.

The rest of us little people have just managed to develop an affinity for the Effulgence of the Spike.

As always,
- The Dancing Buffy Bot

Diamond Legend

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


EOTM is not WvW

Chaba play nice already. I will find you a moosie hat.

Diamond Legend

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


i will give you a cookie. congrats!

WvW Season 1 Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Guys stop being grumpypants to Ms. Boettiger.

Season2 tickets work with Season3 tickets?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I’m impresssed you got tickets at all, way to go! I never recieved any despite repeated efforts – must be my bad dolyak aura or something. In any event, if I were you I would use them relatively soon. But thats just me, bad dolyak and all. Happy WvWing!

Can't do anything with your badges? Easy!

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Why use golems when you can use siege devourers?

De·vour … De·vour

what a way to gooooo!!!!!

Happy Saturday WvWers!!!

Individual WvW ranking

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I got asked last night why I was only a Bronze General.

It’s because I still owe you a moosie hat. I’m sorry Chaba

Pugmanders: gaining the respect of militia?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Don’t run them into deathtraps.
Make sure you know what you’re gonna do is gonna be succesfull,dont keep trying things that keep failing over and over.
Dont be a kittenbag.
If something goes wrong,blame yourself not the people ( unless it’s Really their fault..not stacking,not listening etc ) In Which case,explain what went wrong and explain how they could improve it next time.
Before you move out,explain what you expect from the people following you.
Show them you know your stuff.
Make use of the terrain when fighting zergs.
Dont go head on in another zerg,use tactics. ( Ports,veils,flanking,fake moves,act like you’re running away..Let a mesmer throw a veil and turn around )
Make sure people have fun,dont be overly serious,it’s still just a game.
If you use TS…dont scream…dont talk like you’re an auctioneer ( It’s just annoying for others,and it’s not needed ) calm and collective.
Dont complain about other commanders,offer help instead.
Keep asking for reports. ( zerg locations )
Keep asking for people to defend camps.
Keep asking for people to refresh sieges and to scout towers
Best one…NEVER RAGE,whatever happens.

a comander like this would get a themesong to go with their hat

happy day WvWers!

Pugmanders: gaining the respect of militia?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


There’s a little bit more to it besides just winning.

- Plan on a regular time that you will pugmand and stay CONSISTENT with it. This follow through is the most important thing of any organizational endeavor. It may require a little research into the ideal time for both you and your server.
- Start in EB because that’s where most pugs go.
- In the first week you start, go all out. Do semi-marathon commanding sessions to get your name out there. Start a little earlier than you normally plan to in order to gather a group together. Pugs follow zergs that have followers. If you have a group of followers already, people at your planned rally time have more incentive to follow.
- In order to develop a group of followers, make it easy for people to follow you. Always rally at a waypoint and give people 30s to rally.
- Never complain about lack of followers. It’s depressing and drives people away.

Chaba, i would give you a moosie hat if i could. props.

Pugmanders: gaining the respect of militia?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Others have provided good responses, but I feel the most important thing is to maintain good morale.

What this means is that even if you wipe or fail an objective, don’t lash out at others, even if they were at fault. Even if you have two people on tag, don’t get discouraged and leave. Just keep on taking smaller objectives until you get more people again. This is where most wannabe pugmanders fail. Once they wipe and lose their zerg, they tag down and go elsewhere. You’ll never lead sixty people if you’re unwilling to lead three.

this is why SC gets a hat.

Call to Arms: We want your WvW videos!

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I am so happy I am crying and Charr dancing!!! Can’t wait to see all of these goodies!!!

Bard Class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I would love to see a bard class added to GW2. It could work in a similar way to how engineers and eles work, but instead of kits/auras, you would have instruments with skill sets for each. I think having a class that could mez, interrupt and stun would be interesting in WvW. Perhaps a berserk song , where the target would attack whoever is nearest, friend or foe. A short duration charm for ambient creatures could be cool. Thoughts?

I need a new class to level up anyway, I’ve maxed out and geared up the current ones :-)


We have this unofficially on IoJ, at least some of the time. Depends on the commander

A thankless job, no more

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Again. The idea does need a lot of tweaking to be less exploitable but its a lot better then nothing at all! I don’t know if its just my server but upgrading, sieging, and defending is carried about by a very small handful of us. Anything is better then our current system of nothing.

yes. have you hugged a ranger today? (if you are a commander I know the answer is no … oh, except for SC of course , I did find you a hat and all.). good thing i still have my pets and my trapperkeeper.

TUP vs IV Unofficial GvG

in Community Creations

Posted by: BooHud.2681


this does look good. props

Whats the point of WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I asked this same question several moonths ago and didn’t really get a response. There is no ‘point’ to WvW. It’s kind of player driven content. Some do it because of the people they play with. Others do it because of the sense of competetion between players.

But when all is said and done there’s really no point behind it and you’ll likely find WvW a deserted wasteland once another option comes along. It’s not like in other games where PvP has a direct impact on player progression or the economy. You are barely rewarded at all for your efforts.

It’s all for the lawls.

what is this lawls you speak of? i am old and decrepid – perhapse it is a derivative of lama face …

Rytlock Ritual End Fight

in Living World

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Rytlock is so great. Deserves a spectacular death scene

Whats the point of WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


WvW is about fighting better, dancing with a melee train, and then dropping a meteornado on their head and watching em drop. You’re pitted against other players who are trying almost everything they can to stop you, and you need to use misdirection and tactical opportunity to your advantage.

It’s incredibly satisfying to take advantage of a distraction, like a fight inside SMC to swoop in and paper a fully fortified tower that the enemy server spent hours defending and upgrading, especially if you’re outnumbered or “outskilled” by your opponent.

I’ll bait enemy servers into killboxes, and I have the satisfaction of tricking 50 players into filling my bags.

WvW is a place to practice your synergy between your players in an open environment against organized groups. For me it has absolutely nothing to do with who wins or who looses, but a place to practice your weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths in any way possible.

ditto. learn a lot about yourself in the process. as a wise orgami sensi once told me, remember the journey.

A thankless job, no more

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


consistant wvw player, have never been able to get the tournament reward function to work. submitting support ticket, asking guildies, google search, gw2 wiki search, hitting head against monitor – i’m sure its a user error on my part but none worked and just not worth the frustration level. i continue to play wvw because the mode is enjoyable. no more, no less. again, you win some you lose some.

Questions, questions...

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I love wvw. Its my favorite game mode (okay, maybe tied with GvG). With that said, me thinks if these game modes are to improve, we need to back off the Anet teams dedicated to these areas and let them get to work. They are professionals. I trust we are in good hands. Don’t let us down guys – we are counting on you

Tier 1 GvG Workshop is TODAY at 4pm EST!

in In-game Events

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Couldn’t make this, but would be interested to hear how it went from those able to attend.

GvG Ranger Viability

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Gs aa gonna get a dps buff, maul hitting more people, evade on swoop, counter attack being less suicidal.
Axe stacking might.

How to build ranger for gvg so that it will be durable, but helpful?

A perfect build? No, a viable, sustainable build that can be adapted to fill multiple roles? Yes.

interesting build, a bit different from what i’ve been playing with. but i can be irrational like that thx for sharing, will certainly try it out!

Best All-Around Roaming Class?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Condi thief/mesmer are easy mode in roaming. They have all the tools for strong 1v1 and can escape most situations. Equally skilled players facing one of these builds will usually lose.

Warrior is decent but will get owned by most solid kiting builds. Best they can do is lay into something and run if the fight turns. They are one of the easier classes to play though.

Engi and D/D Ele are fantastically awesome roaming classes IF you are a highly skilled player. These are relatively complex classes and require a lot of effort to maximize. Both are almost impossible to whittle down but are very susceptible to burst.

Guardian and Necros can be surprisingly solid 1v1 fighters but lack decent escape making them easy targets when a larger force shows up.

Ranger, still sucks. I know some think they are decent but even the best players are moderately effective with this class. The upcoming balance changes will help though.

i don’t think wonderbread is stale … maybe i just need more gum.

Make WvW an official streaming tournament

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


GvG commentary can be really funny too. Also some of my best gw2 times. It seems you never know what you are going to see in the WvW and GvG venue.

Does WvW feel fresh or stale to you?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Roast. 47/47 poll respondents said “Stale”

dude, you need more straw for your hat. And seriously, stop making me bring out Mark Twain. Its the other Clem, the other Clem I tell you. You spin me right round baby right round.

- I would rather have my ignorance than another man’s knowledge, because I have so much more of it. MT

(edited by BooHud.2681)

Why are Mesmers moaning?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I’m surprised that no one has linked this here yet. Quite a good summary of the small mountain of little things that all come together to make the mesmer… fail to shine.

yes, mesmers take a lot of patience, testing, and tweaking to find viability and play. i know tons of people who just won’t allow them in dungeon runs, etc. (oh, this is sounding similar to the Ranger hate in WvW, no?). With that said, I still have a blast finding ways to play it. And if peeps don’t want to play with Screeket, well she can always take her bubble on vacay – its a big world out there. And Skyhammer is such a good vacay spot

(edited by BooHud.2681)

Why are Mesmers moaning?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Yeah I’d probably say that mesmer’s are at least as bad as rangers. I mean bugs and AI aside since they both suffer from them, the mesmer just lacks in skills and overall utility. They just have so many lackluster skills/weapon sets. Mesmers aren’t really competitive in PvE dps, they have 1 spec for SPvP that requires a ton of skill to pull off what a thief can do with half the skill, and a WvW build that only works because it abuses stealth since the class can’t survive otherwise. The only things notable about the Mesmer are boon stripping, portals, and time warp.

I like my mesmer more than my ranger, but the ranger is currently a more solid class.

idk, as much as i would love to see many of the discussed ideas rolled out for my mesmer, in my current experience it is still viable in wvw roaming paired with a guard or solo if you are working on smaller objectives.

(edited by BooHud.2681)

Pack, Ranger, or Scholar

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Svanir. The Ice Block can be very detrimental because you still take condition damage, so unless you have Stability or a Stunbreak prepared, you’re not going to be in for a nice ride. Also, you can bypass the Invuln phase and go straight to downed state even though the Ice Block appears and it goes on cooldown.

Same thing happens with Vampire and Mist Form, although Mist Form can’t be “bypassed” with Stab/Stunbreak.

thx for the tip! I’ve actually been playing with those vamp ruines this week (not on my mes) and enjoying them.

GvG Ranger Viability

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


GvG. Easy. Take Necros,eles,Guards and warriors. Kaboom. Finished.

Will Rangers become mainstream in GvG, too early to tell


Best All-Around Roaming Class?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I second the mobility comment. Many of the classes can be traited/speced to be moble. And I don’t run an engie but its usually the class that gives me the most heartache when I’m roaming. Props to them – you keep it fun

Make WvW an official streaming tournament

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Yes. My hands down absolutly funnies and most entertaining moments in this game have been in WvW. The commentary that often goes with our WvW pushes so often has me laughing to tears. Its a huge reason why I keep playing the game.