Showing Posts For BooHud.2681:

GvG Ranger Viability

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Being viable on the periphery doesn’t depend on damage alone. It depends on damage mitigation, which rangers are still going to do more poorly than thieves, mesmers, and d/d eles.

Rangers simply don’t have the same access to stealth, evades, and blinks that the other classes do. And on the periphery, you desperately need all of those, since you can’t rely on your train/backline to save you. Even if you do pack a punch, you’re going to be trained down very quickly. I highly doubt rangers are going to be “mandatory” after the patch.

To those who think rangers are currently viable in GvG’s/there just aren’t good ranger players, you’re very mistaken. Other classes can do what rangers do better — there’s no reason to slot a ranger over something else in the current meta.

Hard to predict where they’ll go with the patch. But unless they get better damage mitigation options, I don’t see rangers becoming a big deal in periphery play in GvG’s.

SC you making me cry. I thought we were going to have ranger gum.

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Moas 4eva. Especially in Skyhammer

Pack, Ranger, or Scholar

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681



Im curious about the blend… Why?

i often blend my ruins to try to maximize a particular stat especially if the final stat for the whole set isn’t something i’m finding lacking when i look at my overall composit. but its just my approach, i’m sure there are better. Sometimes I just don’t find the final stat boost to be worth it. Also that final stat often has weird effects (I am recalling one set, don’t remember the name, that actually turns you into an ice block – can work fine for PvE but I find that type of lack of response/mobility difficult to deal with in WvW).

Pack, Ranger, or Scholar

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Blend of svanir and dolyak atm. Fairly wvw oriented though – built with the anticipation heavies will be hitting me on the head. Good luck!

Questions, questions...

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Chaba, I need to find a moosie hat for you

Top 3 Buffs you'd like to see.

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Fix Temporal Curtain Swiftness: Yes
Fix ILeap: ambivilant
Give clones more health: Yes
Buff Mind Wrack or make all shatters AOE: Yes
Image/Iwarlock/Staff clone bolt speed laughably slow. make it move at magic bullet speed. Yes
Nerf PU so that they get 1 boon every 1.5 seconds instead of every second. Give a boon if stealth ends in the middle of the 1.5 second icd. Yes

Full zerker shatter mesmer should be able to kill a super tank regen warrior. Right now, for the most part we cannot without leaving up 3 phantasms, if you can keep them up which ruins the whole “shatter” part of the mechanic. Yes. Please. Candy. My pet cat would dance about this.

Make Glamour skills viable.:
Null field: Corrupts boons, not just strip them. Even without adding damage this would level the playing field with the necromancer Well of Corruption. Doesn’t need to convert conditions to boons. let’s not get out of hand. Yes. Really would like to see this in action.

Feedback: Reflect Projectiles, Boons applied within the feedback field turn into conditions Yes

Reduce cooldown on Arcane Thievery. ambivilant

Make Illusion Trait line buff BOON DURATION instead of Condition Damage Yes. Please. Candy.

Illusionary Leap

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Honestly I just don’t use this function. You can’t win them all. Rain is nice though, I do love the rain.

(edited by BooHud.2681)

WvW Improvement with today's patch

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Seriously after 2 years with only a few good builds per class who is gonna read the tool-tips? Fix the useless traits and skills first, then fix the tool-tips.

Because one requires testing and hours of work and the other takes a few minutes and makes it look like something is being done.

A brief look into the ANet WvW developer team:

For the last time, stop stealing my red stapler and chasing my pet with it.

GvG Ranger Viability

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Respectfully disagree on the lack of Ranger group utility, even post 7/25 balance pass. I know, I know, I’m overruled. But waterfield/warhorn sure can be refreshing for those willing to stay on tag. An oldie but goodie – Just my 2 cents.

Only a WvW player...

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Only a WvW player never thinks of Richard Nixon when someone mentions Watergate.

Oh my… LMFAO!

ahhh!!! so funny, i was saying that for like a month when i first started playing wvw. finally i don’t feel so lame. or at least i know my lameness has company

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Not every toon can do it. I’ve never been able to do it. Although I might be able to if I used a specific build I can’t be bothered.

I am sorry but.. what a sad comment.

I can solo a camp with a zergling player manning a ballista at the same time.

I hope you are new the game OP.

The solution: Grab a GS and equip zerker stance and balanced stance. Aggro everyone and take them around the corner behind a house/shed depending on the camp. Pop zerker stance to ignore the blinds then Hundred blades and Whirlwind em all down! If you get stunned use balanced stance for stability.

Nope not new, been playing since beta, don’t have a warrior though. Guess I’m just not pro leet like you.

The point of my comment was not to show you that I am pro.
Sure it was. Or to denigrate me or the OP for never soloing a camp.

The point is you have to be new to say that not all toons can solo a camp. ALL CLASSES can solo a camp with ease actually.
I didn’t say all classes couldn’t solo a camp I said all toons couldn’t. Meaning you might need to tweak your build. Or learn how to do it or practice, which is what the OP seemed to want to do since they asked.

If you play WvWvW on a regular basis saying that you should never be bothered to solo a camp makes no sense. Of course you could be the type of player who simply logs off goes to another borderland unless they see a commander tag.
I didn’t say you should never be bothered to solo a camp. I said I can’t be bothered to do it. It was just a simple comment. There’s always other things to do.

Soloing camps is highly EFFICIENT given that one person can do it and it does help your server especially when you are outmanned like the original post highlighted.
I agree soloing camps is great.

oh just chill dude. here, eat some virtual candy corn and watch it snow with me. you taking the fun out of soloing the camps silly.

Only a real WvW-Player ... (2nd edition)

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


can play for hours and hours and hours and get hundreds of bags and still loose money

See In Re: spikes. But in all fairness, I can’t say Nuke didn’t warn me.

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


roaming is nice. plus you can take the time to watch it snow if you want.

[Suggestion] The Eventful WvW

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I like this too. But consider making the scale smaller for WvW. I recall last year when the Scarlett toxic events were plugged into WvW commanders went total commando bezerk kitteny about that. Yeah, those weren’t happy panda nights. Those elements had a little too much going on to be managable when compounded with the data and people management required to make WvW an enjoyable experience. Just my 2 cents.

What do you mean with “making the scale smaller” ?

In my vision, the events would “scale” (give better rewards) with the number of opposing players present, for example 5 people successfully defending a tower with 2 arrowcarts and one ballista from a group of about 20 attackers would get a nice reward, while the group of 20 capping the tower would get a lower reward since their forces were a lot bigger than the defenders’.

The suggestions I made are, of course, only simple examples… None of them requires the players involved to have a deep knowledge of WvW strategies.

metrics are metrics and songs are songs. and then, of course, there is meter

A More Magnificent Mesmer Main Mechanic

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Would absolutly give me something to sing about. Candy. Yes please!!!!!
As always, your dancing Buffy Bot.
—“don’t give me songs … give me something to sing about. Plezzzz, I need something to sing about”

[Suggestion] The Eventful WvW

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I like this too. But consider making the scale smaller for WvW. I recall last year when the Scarlett toxic events were plugged into WvW commanders went total commando bezerk kitteny about that. Yeah, those weren’t happy panda nights. Those elements had a little too much going on to be managable when compounded with the data and people management required to make WvW an enjoyable experience. Just my 2 cents.

Siege troll on Crystal desert!

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Hmm, me thinks the relevant question is what type of feet did said siege have? Were they sasquach feet?

GvG Ranger Viability

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


McRangie with dancing pets for the win

So what ways are there to play WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Yes sensi. snuffalupogusses are OP.

When you get killed...

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


oh, don’t hate on WvW. It is super fun once you get in and start rolling with it!!! Come play with us!

Sadly, it may have to be discussed...

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Chaba, I thought you wanted a moose tag.

How hard would extra maps be?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Mr. Carver is great … he brings us chocolate cake. And grapefruit juice! Happy Sunday WvWers!!!

How hard would extra maps be?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Oh yay!! Happy Happy Joy Joy! I am super stoked! Can’t wait!!!!

Meanwhile in SBI...

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


hmm, guess they don’t have the paradux ram build. tisk tisk

Were Quaggans removed from WvW maps?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Ya know, I’d like to meet this Mellaggan. Sounds like an interesting chap.

Reset night wish

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Hola WvWer’s – Happy Friday!
Its party time! See ya there! Don’t forget to bring your minis!!!!
- The Knight who goes Ni … Whom .. Ping. Or, in other words … Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptangya Zoooooooom Boing Ni!

To Command Or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


10: For fight tactics: watch this
For map politicing and map control, watch this:

For the second video, there are many lessons to be learned from that whole documentary, even if you can’t behead people.

Hamster, I would like to thank you again for the links to the vids, I just finished watching the documentary on Sun Tsu, after watching it I do understand why you posted it and came away with a much better understanding of tactics both good and bad, I even see how it translates into strategy or strategic thinking in WvW.

Much appreciated.

NP dude.

yeah, he kinda rocks like that Happy Friday WvWers!

suggestion: reward scouts

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I actually knew a PvE commander (ex military IRL) who keept track of nice karma like things peeps do for him in game on a spreadsheet while he plays. extrordinary person. Karma is an important concept in this game. Nice reminder n such. food for thought in the more competitive game play environment.

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


pvp has been very helpful for me. need thick skin in there most of the time though.

Were Quaggans removed from WvW maps?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


ohh, i love fall. last fall was nice. that is when i first became a dolyak.

New player seeking advice on class (WvW)

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


While i greatly enjoy my ranger, if you want to avoid unnecessary greif (often unwarrented, but present none the less) go with one of Coinhead’s recommendations.

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Welcome to gw2 and i hope you enjoy your time here.

WvW is highly volatile at the best of times being under-leveled will make it even more difficult. I would hate see you loose your enthusiasm for the game because you feel that you can not do anything in wvw because you are underpowered.

I would suggest you take the time to play through the game, learn how the class you have chosen plays and get to level 80. before adventuring to far in to wvw, but pop in some times a say hello!

When you get to level 80 the real fun can begin.

ditto. this is my approach, but just personal preference. it does seem to keep me enjoying the wvw experience. but i know plenty of wvw specific guilds that encourage going in as low levels. so its a matter of personal preference and who you typically play with.

Were Quaggans removed from WvW maps?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


they just wern’t dolyaks. nuff said

Rally mechanic

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


This has been brought up a number of times, but it is still an issue. There are various changes that could be tried. Allow only a 1 to 1 rally, remove rally but allow rez by friendlies, remove rez of full dead, remove rally from wildlife. The stomps are fun and it adds an extra bit of strategy to the combat that justifies it staying, but the current setup does just favor the side with the larger force.

question, not a statement. is the above accurate given the fact the side with the smaller force automatically gets the outnumbered buff?

is it allowed

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


moose, what moose. Oh stop distracting me with your shiney moosie mooses Chaba.

new to wvw

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Welcome to the Dolyak side of othe force

[CORE] Company of the Red Elite - IoJ NA WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: BooHud.2681


HRMs the BUNSes:

So glad to have been of service last night. Your tea parties can certaily be to die for. Thrum … thrum … thrum … RoaRRRR!

As always,

Bringing the Guild Wars to GW2 [GvG Concept]

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


What if GvG played and felt like a big10 football game on gameday – with a dogeballl twist (oh come on, any given day in gw2 so reminds me of something you would find in that fictitious Obscure Sports Quarterly reference). Anyway, I know this is vague, I will try to flesh it out better. But that is where my head is at.

To Command Or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


well, at least we’re not still talking about quaggins …

Either Loot Tables or RNG is Borked!

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


bork-ie, bork, bork, bork … of mice and sweedish chefs and men. what can one say?

To Command Or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


1: you do not need to be in TS3 to play the map, and PPT. If you want to win ZvZ fights however, you will want to have VoIP

2: Yes. I carry a stack of everything, and about 50 supers of everything at any given time. I use 1 super ram and 1 regular ram on paper gates, supers only on reinforced gates.

If you want to defend against map queue, you NEED superior defensive siege. regular siege does not have enough stopping power without building an absurd amount.

3: ask backseat drivers to keep their suggestions to /w. If they are just being critical and not helpful, then tell them to shut up or tag up.

4: Leading in EoTM would help you learn how to manage supply, but not much else.

5: Watch the map. Sentries moving, Yaks disappearing and the flip timers should give you a good idea of what is happening anywhere on the map. If you know the two other servers are engaged, fighting in stonemist for example, go hit an upgraded or inner tower like Ogrewatch, Jerrifers or Bravost. Map politics are about controlling where your enemies go and what they do. If there’s a waypoint in both SMC and their keep, and the third server has them occupied in SMC, lay siege at their keep and force them to pick which waypoint to save.

6: you need them. If no one is in your corner how do you know if your keep was tapped, or if there’s a golem coming up the water gate.

These folks are often your most stalwart tower and keep defenders. treat them well.

7. Yes. I loose a lot of respect for commanders who give up after wiping once or twice. In WvW you will die a lot. If you are not able to direct through voice, (where to bomb, when to dodge, pop stabilities, condi clears, water fields etc.) then you need to be extra careful about where you take your zerg. most people will take a few seconds to realize you’ve moved. Command through /S chat to get the best reaction time from people. Most of the time you should be able to maneuver around without bumping into the enemy zerg until you need to get past them into your tower.

Mostly you need to focus on hitting objectives that are not too hard. If you have a very small group, like less than 10, focus on controlling supply camps and ninjaing the odd tower here and there. Controlling supply is often underestimated by new commanders. If you can keep their camps flipping and their yaks dead, you WILL be able to whittle down their supply reserves, and when they’re dry, you can take their towers (and possibly keeps) with minimal resistance. Don’t rush to hit big objectives, build momentum and feed your zerg with champ bags and loot, and it will grow.

8. It does not take a lot of experience to lead a map for PPT. Lead people to supply, and lead them to an objective. Learning siege placement takes a while though. Don’t forget to get on high ground and use a ballista to destroy enemy siege if it’s giving you a hard time. Catas are extremely versatile and 2 super catas(with masters) are faster than rams on a paper wall. Watch the tick timer, and time your defensive holds and ninjas around the tick timer. If your whole corner is paper and gets ktrained by a map queue, but you can flip all 4 towers back before the end of the 15 min tick, then you’ve effectively lost nothing.

9: You can tell most of the time. If half your zerg dies on the first push, you should probably bail. If the enemy is holed up in a heavily sieged tower or keep, and they’re just waiting for you to come in, build a treb and destroy their siege(supply and numbers allowing). Try to avoid walking into a killbox. You need to pick your fights based on how quickly your zerg responds to commands, and how well you know they can fight.

10: For fight tactics: watch this
For map politicing and map control, watch this:

For the second video, there are many lessons to be learned from that whole documentary, even if you can’t behead people.

11: IF you’re watching two other servers fight, then yes. Pick your fights carefully. however, you are where your team is focusing damage. so you are leading the charge. Like lioka said, you need to manage your team’s positioning. If you dont have enough to come out of a fight intact, then don’t go into the fight( 10v30 not always the best idea)

12: Don’t get flustered or worked up because you’re getting hammered or loosing stuff. c’est la vie. focus on having fun, and keeping your zerg together.

I was told there would be extra credit for putting the answer in musical format.

Sheeesh peeps, you make me get out my HMS Pinafore libretto for nothing. Its not like the Major General has a major genius head and can remember every lyric now that she is old and decrepid. Oh well, at least I’m too old to still be cast as Mable.

Guilds in WvW whonever put on a commander tag

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Not everyone wants to zerg WvW like EOTM. When I roam I don’t tag up because I want to duel and just have fun. Same goes for a 5 man party, up to guild raid. If I want to spam 1 and karma train, I tag up.

It’s also not always the best way to be successful to zerg everything like in EoTM. Sometimes you need to dangle a big slice of your zerg in front of a keep, make a lot of noise and orange swords, while a small team of 5 chews through the gate with golems on the other side of the keep.

Splitting a 30 man zerg into two 15 man groups to assault two towers/keeps at once, and making the defenders choose one of the two if they don’t have enough folks to defend both.

both of these are good techniques to use in wvw that don’t scream for 45 people PVDing a paper gate down in 90 seconds.

Ahh, yes. tis true, tis true. The old chewbacca face method.

Lyrical poetry

in Community Creations

Posted by: BooHud.2681


happy happy joy joy day to you!

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


In re: Roaming with Charr and Swiss Challets

Dear HRMs the BUNSes:

I had a lovely time wandering in your court and sojurning at our winter abode last night. We must further contemplate the ski in and ski out expansion. And crumpets, must not forget the crumpets for our next campaign.

In the meantime, a tribute for you.

Your humble Charrdian

[iNk] Back on Deso !

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


oh my wow, that was so good its not even funny. /bow is beyond insufficient to do it justice. and the 80s troll hairdos on the Charr is most excellent – you guys rock!

Props to Anet for ninja-fixing this

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


SC, I didn’t forget about youuuu … here is zee hat. Not Tina had to make sure it was airworthy n stuffs.

Mes pretty sure he is saying warrior lines, but idk that may just be the botox talking.

Happy Thursday WvWers!
P.S. — Don’t forget to check the new Ley Line finisher in the TP, it really is smashing!

GvGs on Ready Up?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


This would be spendiferous. Absolutly no troll intended with the comment. Only dancing Dolyaks

golems and guild seige

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


I would totally build golems that dance. Seriously, when is Mr. Sparkles going to learn to dance? If I’m having to spend this much quality time with my hardware and isp disgnostics, the least Mr. Sparkles can do is learn how to tango with me.

Best RNG

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


congrats on the nice drop! yay!!

INTENSE lag in Red Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


well sports fans, i hope you are having better luck than me. i’ve been stuck in d/c land for the better part of the night when trying to get into ioj and bls. and i have fiberoptics … whats a girl to do???? ughhhhhh!!!!!!!!

So one having fiber and one having copper is making a difference at times.

DUH. The powers that be need to understand the pipes aren’t all equal and the speeds are being throttled by cable companies like Comcast (my nightmare) as well as a record number of DDoS attacks worldwide.

PTB, i’m no computer guru, already established. But i have some exp with rack server agreements. Feel free to contact me, more than happy to assist or advise.