My background is analog, so I’m probably not your best resource.
But I do want to encourage you! So of course, use whatever tool (digital or analog) you are most comfortable with if you are just starting out.
If you like line work and you don’t want to start out with software that will break the bank, you may enjoy manga studio. Its not the industry standard many are used to (adobe CS), so there are some drawbacks there with respect to user documentation (translation issues, etc.) But you can do a lot with it for a relatively low entry price tag. I use it on a surface pro because my husband (the software developer he is) will kill me if he doesnt see my art training translating somehow into digital But again, my daily and studio work primairly require sketchbook/canvas (required to work primairly from direct live observation).
Keep at it. Day by Day, Sketch by Sketch. You won’t fail. And you’ll find your voice. Trust me
No good Raisin, someone simply asked for Llama Jammas for Colin in my guild ….
But, they would make an awesome winter’s day outfit
(edited by BooHud.2681)
Well, personally I can’t wait for GW Halloween!
My friend Red is taking us GW trick-or-treating. For… Raisins.
Must think on a good hat to wear. Decisions, Decisions.
I honestly cannot wait to get that Tiger.
I too would love the ability to see a performance replay. Enjoyed it immensely.
Gracious thanks ANet Team.
Irenio and Rubi are talking about the Druid on Twitch NOW!!!
And it sounds Sweet! I can’t WAIT to try this!
/Happy Dance
So many purrfect minis for me!! I’m so happy
Here is my video I made today! I was so excited and it was fun to make! I know I probably won’t be picked but I really enjoyed doing this! <3
Love this Gizmo. Ya made me smile today
lol, when you are so much waiting for dutch stroopwafels, which are nothing else but 2 thin waffles pressed together with caramel syrup in between, then you should eat here in Germany a real hot waffle (belgium/brussel style) with warm cherries, whipped cream and powdered sugar. Alot more delicious than those cold tooth terrors, that are stroopwafels ^^
But if you really want to eat something delicious that comes originally from Germany/Austria, I advise you too eat some Apfelstrudel (Apple Strudel) with Bourbon Vanilla Sauce, you will never want to stop eating it anymore, I guarantee you hehe ^^ much for culinary derail talk here lol.
Can’t wait… still 19 days to GamescomI have been to Germany many times. In fact, I was there just two months ago on vacation. And I cannot recall Apfelstudel with Bourbon Vanilla Sauce. That sounds simply marvelous. Thank you for sharing that information.
Back on topic: Yes, the countdown continues — I’ll be traveling in just 12 days! ~ happy dance, preferably to Brahms or Beethoven ~
I will waltz with you Ms. Grey. When I play Beethoven people tell me it sounds like an after school special
Roam around da World
Yes, it’s called a draw. You were all in it. Some got their name drawn, some did not. Nothing to be upset over. Personally, I will have to work extra hours the day before and the day after the scheduled test just to make the 5-7 PST time slot. Happens to be the busiest time of year for me at work. However, this will be my first opportunity to do something like this, so I want to make the time. I actually feel there will be lots of problems and the two hour window will not feel like much time at all. It’s a stress test, after all, not a full on “hey we got this polished awesome new game for you please play and have fun” kind of test. We can’t keep what we get, we can’t keep the characters. We will be no better off than anyone else after the test is done.
So happy you and Ozzy get to do this – I’m sure you will have a fantastic adventure this week! Can’t wait to hear all about it!
Personally, I played the entire game solo.
I’m glad to hear this and hope the game continues to provide many avenues for solo play. As much as I enjoy spending time with my guild mates, I equally love spending time alone in GW soaking up all it has to offer.
We live in a beautiful world – yea we do, yea we do
- I like to run and bike. Did my first 10k last year. I hope to do another one sometime.
Congrats on the 10K – Believe in the Run!!!!
Playing GW2 is my reward for my daily runs. So many thanks for my “carrots” – you have NO idea how much my time with both the game and many in its community have positively impacted me
I would buy more hats at the gem store to help maintain your running shoe fund, but I go through running shoes about every 6 weeks so that eats into some of my super fun time budget.
That said, lemme see your race number from your next 10K and I’ll be sure to buy you a hat for your Charr!!
P.S. — Apparently I have a new account name. Its a mystery; not that I mind. But I’m the poster who puts dumb hats on her 14 yr old Persian cat
(edited by BooHud.2681)
Mr. Whiteside – Best of luck on your future endeavors. Heartfelt thanks for all your contributions; you made GW2 a better place.
So this is why I got in trouble for eating all the cheezie pie over the weekend.
Oh yes. In answer to the question, store updates will be coming out soon, but likely not today.
Again, thanks for your patience!
What are you doing up at this hour?!? :o
I’m in Brighton, England, for meetings with my EU team members. Then on to EGX Rezzed in London Thursday through Saturday.
Well that’s explained the extra U in rumor. You are probably posting from one of their machines and their spell check “fixed” it for you.
Actually, I used to live here, and for me “armour” really does have two “u’s.”
I have to consciously remove the second “u” in all sorts of words. (One of the founders of ArenaNet gently told me we needed to go with “armor” back when I first started writing website content.)
Ohh, I’m jelly – wish I was in England with you! Plus, it would give me an opportunity to hunt for a mini Bearskin hat for my cat
Hmmm.. What would you bite off if you had a shark for a head? :’D
Orange traffic cones – I suspect they are waffels in some alternate dimension.
Never read a Potter book or The Godfather. Do they have Wonderlands in them too?
Like Wonderland, both have immersive worlds I found fascinating to explore.
If there is anything this game desperately needs, it’s flying pigs.
Meet Porkchopper
- Second favourite is Stephen King’s The Stand, which I have read 4 or 5 times
^one of my fav books as well. I re-read every few years before New Years (and then inevitably get the ‘Baby can you dig your man’ lyrics stuck in my head for the month of January
I don’t suppose Mario Puzo’s The Godfather is your top fav? (Had to take a shot in the dark instead of immediately going for Harry Potter
Check the forum name. I’m betting the fave book is by someone name of Carroll.
I was trying to save this one for later in the week silly, to make it a suprise n all
Allisa here is Shark Girl (a mixed media study incorporating Wonderland themes) by Casey Riordan Millard. Thought you might enjoy
Currently freaking out over a potentially major career/life change
For you Rauderi
Life is …
- Second favourite is Stephen King’s The Stand, which I have read 4 or 5 times
^one of my fav books as well. I re-read every few years before New Years (and then inevitably get the ‘Baby can you dig your man’ lyrics stuck in my head for the month of January).
I don’t suppose Mario Puzo’s The Godfather is your top fav? (Had to take a shot in the dark instead of immediately going for Harry Potter )
(edited by BooHud.2681)
- Favorite movies: “The Princess Bride” and “Bridget Jones’s Diary” (don’t judge)
—’Tis Conceivable – Blue Soup Rules!
(edited by BooHud.2681)
I did not mention my love of Science Fiction, including Star Trek, in my previous entry here but please forgive this addition and my expression of sorrow at the loss of the man who portrayed one of my favorite fictional characters. RIP Leonard Nimoy.
^Agree – Much Sadness.
In Memoriam – With Much Affection from Fans.
- I like hats & have a 14 yr old Persian cat.
- My pet cat doesn’t appreciate the fact I like putting hats on him to make my guild mates smile when they are having a bad day.
- I am way too old to be putting hats on my pet cat.
…has visions of Gaile turning up to Anet 14 years ago to do an article and refusing to leave ever since, eating all their waffles
Pffft. I was invited to come up to chat! Somehow that turned into a job interview (which I recognized only after the fact; Mike O’Brien is that smart) and they offered me a job.
There may or may not have been some waffles involved.
right, so waffles are the secret to a job at ANet
scribbles furiously
In the immortal words of Cass:
“Onward to Waffles!”
-The Gamers: Dorkness Rising
[I may or may not be guilty of watching this movie way too much ]
- I’m as boring as it gets; 46 years old, a certified accountant
- I work full time and have lots of decisions to make every day along with lots of responsibilities, so when I come online to GW2 I just want to have fun and shut off my brain for a while
- I have 2 grown up kids that introduced me to GW2 (they’re now 24 and almost 21; neither of them still plays, or hardly ever at least)
- I’m not OCD but I am a perfectionist to the Nth degree
- I’m from Canada, so I have a favourite colour (oooo so many "U"s in there eh!), and it’s red
- I love red wine
- my husband and I have a baby, his name is Ozzy and he’s an almost 4 yr old Yorkie who is the sweetest and cutest creature on the planet
- I love seafood but my hubby hates it so I almost never eat it
- I don’t play the TP because I get pretty sick of accounting and economics :pBTW – I really like this thread. I love to learn stuff about people!
I made this last year after some of IoJ’s epic WvW battles.
Ozzy is the Splendiferous Red One flying off into the sunset – inspired by a pic of Ozzy in his “super-dog” halloween outfit.
(edited by BooHud.2681)
Yeah, in the interest of being on topic, what the first few second season living story chapters truly excelled at was driving a straight narrative, and a lot of that involved regular group meetups to talk about what we learned. You know what would have been awesome to have at the end of this last chapter would have been if we accompanied Marjory to the Priory and we went back to the library to do a little more investigating and found a book that had those symbols and spelled out clearly what they were. Even if there were only like 3-4 new books there to discover, it would have been a callback and a way to sort of wrap up the chapter instead of ending it.
Maybe I’ve just binge-watched Buffy on Netflix too much lately, but they do a really good job at the “big bad” long term stories, and it always involves exposition that comes from library and throwing around ideas in a big group after the action ends.
There is no such thing as watching too much Buffy
Our team’s producers make waffles for the whole studio on release day. Today’s were gingerbread, with optional chocolate chips, pecans, and various creams.
Mr. Fries – if you have extra waffles could you please share them with Mr. O’Dell? He has been working really hard these past few weeks.
Fern Hound: Fruit Lupe
Arctodus: Pikachewbacca
Pikachewbacca! Sooo awesome! Made me laugh so hard! Much props
x21.0019 – .0039
^sTART !initialize x.21.0019
Deep and dark, from jungle heart, the lifeblood stream doth know,
ethereal path, is soon to shift, to ancient ebb from flow.With folly’s bore, the channel deep, vexing element force,
dimension’s gate, the fallen arch, alters natures course.Karios comes, yet soon may flee, seize the moment’s last,
tempus winds, doth blow the wilds, days of future’s past.Ignorant soul, holds hope for all, predicament ensues,
on razors edge, fate’s tangled web, may tip from win to lose.^eND !finalize x.21.0039
^ I love the “No, your face is funny… it’s like a little raisin” line. I say it to my one friend all the time. Glad we are not the only peeps who get a kick out of it
What if.. Just WHAT IF..
Stay with me.
What if, Guardian used Line Of Warding at JUST the right spot and a bunch of people bumped in to it and fell off a cliff.
Would that be OP too? ’cause it could be done if it were placed just oh so perfectly.
yes, the guardian pinball is strong with this one…
Check these – FYI, note download file sizes.
Escorting dolyaks IS fun. I mean, how can the animation when you swift them not make you giggle at least a little…
#oftengetsgkickedforincessantgiggling :-)
OP, you may want to check this guide. I’ve found it interesting, but that is just me. Have fun!
For da moas!
PS – OP, you should use the catchphrase " NoahMoa’d". I want to steal your name now
(edited by BooHud.2681)
Congrats to all on the successful event!
PS – Me thinks I need to steal ostrich’s hat …
Ever a surprise
/Charr Cheer!
(edited by BooHud.2681)
Pr-tactical-ly Party Time
-do do do, dance da night away!
Terrain is always OP. So is Waffler’s name. And Chaba’s moosie hat. And Fuzzion’s Topcheekieness …
Happy Day WvW’ers —- Smile
grats! hope you enjoy (moa so fun – but i digress).
for solo consider using your blink and portals to leverage the npcs in the LS. That is what i do (takes me a while, but I don’t really mind so much).
anyway, have fun with it!
GW2 the Musical should TOTALLY be a thing. just saying
… do do do do, dance the night away
(personally, I think its really fun when I make my own chicken noises during the chicken run mission … )
(edited by BooHud.2681)
As respectful loyal GW1 PvP player, i’ll say this:
“As long as Guild wars 2 doesn’t have GvG, i will keep calling it just >>PVE wars 2<< "Because game has nothing to do with Guild and Wars any more.. Concept is lost in my eyes until we get what game was meant for.
inb4 some overzealous forumer comes and tells you that the game is named after an obscure nugget of lore that is only briefly hinted at during the main storyline of the original game and not named after one of the biggest, if not the biggest, selling point of the game.
These data-mined screenshots (found after the September feature pack) look promising though!
While I wouldnt mind the gw1 format coming back, As I thoroughly enjoyed it and would again, I think there should be a balance or both the Gw1 and Gw2 Format, As I currently Enjoy the Gw2 format the players have made as well.
Me too!
Do -do-do – IoJ dance the night a-way!!
Candy Corn Cheer!
We make all spies go on a date with me.
Topcheekie Scaramouch … always gots to be Startin’ Somethin’
… thundahhhhh!!!
I like the ideas, although it took the WvW dev team over a year to introduce color commander tags. How long do you think it would be to implement what you said?
*Edit: Someone pointed out to me that the color tags was more for PvE, so the WvW dev team might not have been involved. Scary.
I’ll say it again, it’s not really relevant that this plan isnt likely to be implemented. It’s more an exercise in creativity in finding a solution that would meet the desires of the players. I wanted to create a vague (cause the whole post is pretty vague. It’s one thing to say “defensive advantage” and a whole nother thing to quantify it.) concept of what WvW could use to add significant spice.
I think this a pretty ambitious suggestion and it would, bare minimum take 18 months of consistent work to complete, and there’s no guarantee that it would fit the bill the way I’ve outlined it.
Art is fundamentally what people need it to be. I still believe.
Indeed, Echoes of the Past is a segment worth savoring.