Give us UI where u can easily track the cooldowns of traits , runes, sigils.
How are we supposed to properly use traits like “Kinetic Battery” when its basically pure RNG when ur gonna get it because u have no clue when its gonna pop up (yes it has CD u can track it but c’mon….).
I think this would add “next level” for skillful play and maybe even create new builds?
(edited by Covis.6037)
Do people not want to win because of the joy of competition anymore? Like, anyone anywhere? Always with needing rewards (material or recognition) to be incentivized to partake in the thrill of a competitive activity.
play a game for 3 years. play it without any rewards. play it without any real progression. play it daily.
i believe its because of the patch we have decline in solo queue. atleast alot of my ingame friends stopped to queue or play 1-2 matches and rage. its not fun to play broken game :/
haha what a joke patch. its soon safe to quit the game…
(edited by Covis.6037)
they had 1 year to balance. 1 YEAR FOR 1 BALANCE PATCH. they didnt even test this patch its so broken… 1-2 hours of gameplay and u could already find major bugs that should have been cleared out, but no 1 week still nothing. not to mention completely broken class / game mechanics…
i usually think henry’s threads are just troll posts but i have to approve this.
remember only focus version of this has -20% condi duration (idk if u ment this).
yes it is the same skill but why the heck not – anet.
Can you buff mesmer more its too weak atm? all skilled mesmers suffer from this current state of the meta.
Ele is fine its just that burning hits for ridicilous amounts and its so easy to stack burn…
cant say its more balanced but atleast we dont have to play the exactly same 2 year old meta builds…
attention begging twitch troll makes drama out of nothing verp get a life.
it would be fair to give SALT a go but its been officially announced that oRNG will go to cologne so dont think it will happen.
shoutbow killed conditions.
way to get PvP rid of PvP yet its still called PvP?
i believe they are not doing anything to current stuff. its all about new expansion and milking that cash from it now. competitive play is currently for free gems and little beer money and free vacations for the most dedicated ones. i guess that will have to do. everything they did for the current matchmaking system and leaderboard is just worse imo.
(edited by Covis.6037)
random dodge geo doom weapon swap and u win.
wrong tool tip in patch notes (or value ingame)…
dont forget the ultimate synergy with thief stealth trait (below 25%), kittening op is the right word for it? and the almost spammable heal to get everything 100% of this rune.
runes should be bonuses not hard counters.
(edited by Covis.6037)
its never been there to begin with ;D
im still missing mine from 2 previous leaderboards (along with other rewards from them, cant even remember what it was but hey…)
minor balance tweak like turrets took about 1 year to fix so i wouldnt expect less then 2 years for sigil fixes.
what i thought life force is flawless death defying mechanic :-D
i usually read the bible or do something more interesting. counting each second is pretty fun too.
ok ty for quick actions.
Archers were completely useless. I could solo all the guards 3x faster than running supply for them and hoping that nobody doesnt kill them. Only reason to use them is when all gates are already down and if u have spare supply for some reason since at this point doorbreakers are not needed
The year of Spvp.
speechless… /15
you can always keyboard turn
think you are asking too much you can always move to NA for lower ping there.
are we talking about shoutbows and turret engineers?
im gonna instant lord rush.
If I read sentences like:
“My parrot with rocket turret won 1v1 vs thief while i was just standing on a corner”
“That’s why Khylo gets so little votes :>”
“While I’m sure I wouldve lost more if I were playing my main classes.”
“If you cant beat them, join them.”
…then I know that this guy was right:
/cry /sarcasm /tell him /please.
it sucks enough to not be good and anet killed population at the start.
Solo q is not necessary IF we have a voice chat and a reson to win. In LoL you have pings as a way of communication and it works perfect. However it is for moba game and top down view. Here we just need voice chat.
Facing premades in any game is not so bad if your team wants to win, has a way of communication and knows the map. All those 3 aspects are in gw 2 pvp kinda meh.
not everyone wants to tryhard with complete randoms or talk to them really… People queue solo because they want to queue solo (or dont have friends on.)
“we got better Q times?” – hell no ive been sitting 8-10min+ queues as a SOLO player every single day doesnt matter what time. If its fast pop i get full premade against me. Anet please revert these changes, it really sucks.
we had good system just with a stupid decay system. now we have broken, bad, horrible and inaccurate leaderboard. PvP has been made for carebears since they started hiding ranks from matches too
PS. enjoying my 10min queues and 70% solo vs. premade ratio.
This doesnt happen in ESL tournament therefore its not a real problem -anet.
Or should i say skynet perhaps?
why am i facing premade for half / over half of my games. seriously fix this kitten.
i wouldn’t make something that makes u instantly queue with them but “recently played / in party with” with track of 1-3 recent groups. could be somekind of side menu for friends list.
now show us our MMR please.
u need to play 14hours.
No. Just ignore these posters. Forum users consist of a minority of players, most of whom are just looking for something to complain about.
then whos gonna give the feedback? you obviously dont play this game if u think pvp is fine.
Exactly what people said above…
90% of my games are the same 10-20 players rotating. Im pretty sure i could name every single player i meet in solo queue since there is nobody else playing it lol…
Anet needs to pull their head out of their ESL box and make the game competitive outside these tournaments too (or atleast fun.).
HYPE TRAIN IS HERE…. oh it didnt even leave the station yet… here is a picture related to topic.
Anet stop baby sitting players by hiding ranks / MMR… seriously its a pvp game and its nature is to be toxic. It even happens in real life and theres no stop for it. As long as there is competition theres rivalries.
Please make the game competitive outside your god kitten ESL tournaments too…
(edited by Covis.6037)