It used to work as written: all boons and conditions.
Will you be fixing the tagging and contribution systems so that players who revive others or throw down support skills get the same credit as those who throw down AoEs?
How about the condition cap crippling condition-based characters because all 25 bleed slots can be taken up by two characters?
Yes, please give credit to those who focus on support in both xp and loot. Often I would prefer to help my teammates but feel pressured to focus more on tagging mobs or I won’t get a reward.
I love the DE system, but because of the tagging system, I cringe when a lot of players show up.
I like this.
Another solution would be to switch the burn and blind. You vanish in a ball of flames and emerge in a burst of light. Since you are entering stealth anyway, the blind loses some usefulness. As pointed out, most people use invisible to escape, not to engage mobs, which limits the usefulness of burns.