Remove #4 and it’s a fine weapon.
Yeah, I have to second a frustration with the doors. Even if you want to do something simple like the Clocktower, it’s a pain to find a door that opens to the MK realm.
Next year, it would be nice if every door led to the MK realm or, even better, there was an easier way to enter (such as talking to an npc). As for the achievement, if there is something similar next year, please let all the doors count.
Yet some of us only get rares in events that at minimum guarantee a rare.
It’s not the only class. I watched a thief stealth on his fall damage reduction trait while having revealed (unless it ended right before his impact which is unlikely as he was targeted and I didn’t see it go down). And no, it does not need “fixed.” Its duration does not stack with other stealth skills.
Sorry I believe you just didn’t notice that it has ended short time before.
Do you have a proofe for the thief thing?This is the proof for my post.
I just tryed out the falling thief thing and I was Immune to stealth!
Decoy works on a different stealth mechanic than other forms of stealth. It also won’t stack with other forms of stealth.
Tri-chest. Which requires three keys, for which you can also barter with Marjory.
And then there happen to be three weapons wielded by Marjory and her little helper Kashmere which have been found in the game data.Coincidence?
I hope this is not the case or I will never get those weapons because my RNG is so bad that they will never drop for me and I won’t get enough good drops to be able to buy it off the TP.
Obviously it’s ArenaNet.
The complaints from the players is about new lore that seems to contradict old lore – be they the ever-increasing retcons (which just causes players to question what they can and what they shouldn’t believe as canon) or be they things that are just confusing and don’t make sense with pre-established lore (such as the xenophobic krait working with Scarlet and the Nightmare Court). Basically the complaints occur when Anet says one thing, then goes and shows another thing without giving an explanation for why – or when they do give an explanation, the complaints come in about the explanation end up being “the old information was simply misinformed” (which is more or less what happened to all historic lore on the gods and humanity in continental Tyria by now – for the… fourth time I think).
So it really is a choice of what lore to believe.
That kind of invalidates some criticism of the lore then. Sure, they can complain that something is lore breaking, but that could be because they simply don’t believe the aspects of the lore that make it work. There’s nothing that can be done about that.
Who decides what is and what is not Guild Wars lore? The players or Anet? I’ve seen many posts on these forums telling Anet that certain things are not part of the lore. So if it is the players who decide, who among them get to decide?
in lunatic inquisition, do i get a rank up chest? I went from rank 22 to rank 23 just now, and I didnt get a dolyak chest, and if i rmember correctly, in fotm in pvp i would get a dolyak chest when i leveled up, right ?
I performed the same level up in the lunatic inquisition and did get a chest.
Jeff, do you start a Scarlet thread every week? I think you may have a crush.
Do the Queensdale train. About 1/2 of the champs spawn with the buff on them already.
Traps are not a good substitute for Mad King Says. The point of Mad King Says is to delay fleeing ghosts. As it is, it is not easy for ghosts to keep up with villagers in a straight out chase.
An interesting feature would be when the villages talk to the Mad King in the center, he teleports them somewhere randomly. Thus, if they are being chased and make it to the middle, they have an escape.
There is a cool down on the emote, but it isn’t much longer than the time before casting and when the stun occurs. To avoid the emote, use the invisibility skill. It strips the emote.
You are not alone jazz. I’d love to change more outfits more frequently, but I just don’t have the space or gold for it.
I’d love to see a smaller crab toss team. It is by far my least favorite activity.
I’m so sick of the term “Mary Sue.” Labels like this really force people to ignore the details of a character and write them off as having no character.
Sure, she’s not a deep or even really that complex of a character, but at least she’s funny. At least she has character. I’m glad they gave us some details about her past at all, even if she is an unprecedented genius.
There are many characters in this game (and many more outside of it) that don’t even have a history. They are simply introduced to the story as a mechanic to keep the story moving and that’s it.
I’m not saying she couldn’t be MORE interesting, but I feel like this label is erasing what little we DO know about Scarlet because people who haven’t even tried to find out for themselves are just assuming it’s useless to experience/read up on her because they already “know” everything about her.
They are using the hallmark of amateur analysis though, so it’s kind of expected in a highly populated forum.
GW3 should be in space.
My vote is for karka!
Firstly, I want to say thank you for for the Living Story and dedication to continually improving the game. Below are my opinions and suggestions regarding the LS. I hope that you find them useful.
1. Timeliness. I agree with many of the posters here that the 2-week schedule is exhausting for players (and can only imagine that it is exhausting for you as well). A longer time between LS events would allow more time for developing and bug-testing them. Quality over quantity.
2. Storyline Cohesion. Here I disagree with others. I like that there are several stories running throughout the LS, some with tenuous connection to others. This allows you to experiment with different story ideas. I look forward to the next part of the story featuring Kiel and that it might have little to do with Scarlet.
3. Scarlet. Again, I disagree with others who outright hate Scarlet. I think she is a good villain archetype. However, I do believe that there is room for improvement. There are many different types of villains, and her character is refreshingly quirky. But quirkiness isn’t enough. Currently, there are no known stakes with Scarlet. She doesn’t feel like a threat, which makes many feel that her quirkiness is too cartoony. My recommendation is to let her win. Give her a storyline where she comes out on top. This is what made the GW1 villains work. Khilbron effectively deceived us. Shiro killed us flat out (don’t do this again ). Varesh massacred our forces in a well-laid trap. Even Zhaitan was responsible for the death of our mentor. Give us a reason to hate and fear Scarlet. Make it hurt and make her look powerful doing it. I want to hear her taunting laugh of victory so that we’ll all want nothing more than to punch her and put a stop to her. Not because we don’t like the character, but because she’s our villain. Right now her cackling looks delusional because we whipped her so many times. It’s hard to take seriously.
4. Don’t focus on the dragons. Again, I’m probably in the minority here, but with good reason. I feel the dragons need more than what the LS can offer…yes, an expansion. The issue is that once a LS is complete, it’s gone. That event doesn’t happen again. Fighting the dragons is something that all players should be able to do whether they started the game late or took breaks from it. The LS risks denying them that. However, the LS may be a good vehicle to introduce a new dragon, but the story to take it down should be more like the Personal Story.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
Anet was sorely temped at that time.
I expect they will drop to about 5 silver in a month. Buy in bulk then.
Skill 2 is terrible in PvE often porting you somewhere where it’s even harder to be rezzed.
It’s hard to judge Scarlet’s actual popularity. There are a lot of threads and posts disparaging her. But they all are from the same relatively small group of people with an ax to grind.
She fits a common villain archetype. That there would be similarity to other villains should not be surprising.
I understand what you are saying, but this is niether Lord of the Rings (wich is regular Fantasy) and there has been lots of weird/funny/humor characters in GuildWars history, though very few of them has had any big part of the actual story.
But am I wrong to say that GuildWars is originally quite anime-style inspirated? When I played GW1, atleast some of my friends disliked GuildWars 1 becouse they thought it was so Anime influenced.
This is a good point. The two main problems with the “GW1 was like this” complaints are: one, GW2 is not GW1; two, people seem to have a selective memory regarding GW1.
Regarding the first, Anet made it clear from the beginning that GW2 was going to be a departure from GW1 in many core aspects. There was a shift away from medieval fantasy to technology. There was a shift away from human focused stories to multi-racial stories. There was a shift away from the lore of the past to the lore of the new present.
And yet, many things have stayed the same. The overall tone remains just as light as GW1. GW1 villains were just as over-the-top as Scarlet. Khilbron was a mustache twirling schemer. Shiro was an unrelenting, also obtuse, unstoppable force. Varesh was a wild-eyed megalomaniac. There are multiple kinds of villains. Scarlet is different from the others, but just as an extreme caricature of her archetype as the GW1 villains were.
At the moment, I have absolutely no clue what the heck is happeinign inside Anet’s development team. They seem to have writers but…what are those writers actually doing.
I do not wish to offend anyone but I can’t see the current story being the work of a professional writer. Its disjointed, it lacks character progression, and the worst part of it: it gives the ‘reader’ zero-interest to find out more. I know that the best storytellers masterfully always gives the reader just enough information to intrigue them but never let you know everything even at the very end, but the story in this case seems to be going nowhere at all. You don’t have a clue why anything is happening.
I don’t think the LS was intended to be a single story. Rather it’s a platform from which to launch multiple stories and events that may closely or remotely connect with one another. Judging it as a single story is judging it for something it’s not even trying or intended to be.
I thought that the dedicated guilds were still doing it.
Mint leaves.
People will complain about anything.
+1 OP.
Scarlet is the best! The amount of hate, rage, vitriol and QQ directed her way means ArenaNet has finally made a memorable villain. Arm-chair critics be kitten ed; she is more infamous than Mad King Whotsface, his wannabe son and all the Elder Dragons combined.
I personally hope she never dies.
/ strokes his beloved holo-Scarlet mini…
I agree, but some of the critiques are painful to read. Also, the endless complaining is not constructive and getting tiresome. TBH, if it wasn’t Scarlet, they’d complain about something else. Even if their own awful ideas were used, they probably still complain.
I’m hoping for more Scarlet. The more we see of her the better we can understand her actions. But I really do like the way the LS has been delivered, in general. I like that there have been a variety of stories that separate but not completely disconnected from one another. If you don’t enjoy one type of story, there’s another type just around the corner. If you don’t like any of them, well forum complaining has become its own recreation here.
1. Some form of “Skin Bank” would make me extremely happy. My mesmer currently has 3 different exotic berserker sets because I like to change her appearance frequently. Thus, I’m also worried about ascended armor.
2. I’m excited to visit other areas of the game, especially those from GW1. Maguuma and Crystal Desert areas would be nice to see.
3. Better rewards for fractals. They take longer than most dungeons and frequently reward less.
It’s too sweet!
Clockheart can be really easy if you can use pulls, pushbacks can also work. We had a warrior pushing holopirates with his Rifle 5, and I used my ele staff 3 to push holos to the boss.
The easiest way is propably to use thiefs or necros target pull.
Yes, Clockheart seems almost designed for thieves. They have mobility and a long range pull coupled with strong single target damage.
To rez people, have at least 1 player kite him away from those who are defeated while other rez. If he’s far enough he won’t place cogs on them.
If people are defeated on electric floors, killing a holo on clockwork will remove the electricity.
If you’re going for Above and Beyond, just send one person to go with Caithe. Well, one person who can fight a veteran clockwork alone.
Except for the protecting the Lion Guard, all the other events can be accomplished by a single player in one run.
My experience is that most dungeon ele and Necro are bad. Someone prove me wrong, mostly just the necros tho
I recently completed it with a pug group of 2 ele, 1 war, 1 mes, and 1 ranger. The ranger frequently disconnected but we were able to take on the bosses with only 4 people, and we generally breezed through it. Definitely convinced me of the strength of good eles.
I’d rather just see the same posters make thread after thread on the same topic as if their opinion is law.
However there should be really a ingame barber where you can change it for about 15 silver.
Yup. I tried so hard to get the permanent hair stylist kit, but I just wasn’t able to do it.
Alright, let’s do this.
-Marjory Delaqua[Old-School Necromancer Detective]: Her short story was awesome, the cut scene was beautiful and she is simply great. I like her back story, I like the way she talks to other people and I love her hair. Really, I need that hairstyle.
It looks like we’ll be getting it tomorrow.
-Rox[Charr trying for Stone Warband] – I like Rox. Not sure why. Must be the eyes.
-Braham[Upstart Norn Hero] – I like Braham. He had a good introduction being the one who went out to save the villagers that no one else would.
-Ellen Kiel[Lionsguard Captain//Lion’s Arch Council Member] – Kiel is the source of stability in the story. It’s good to have someone to stand with. She’s the good, noble character who will likely be faced with impossible moral choices.
-Moto[Inventor of SAB] – No real opinion of him.
-Canach[Lone Guerrilla Terrorist] – My least favorite character. He was presented as a kitten in the story, then in game, he turned out to be an idiot. Hard to respect someone who acts tough but lacks the skills to back it up.
-Mai Trin[Aetherblade Captain] – Like Canach in that she’s too big for her britches. However, this is a perfect role for a villain sidekick, so it works.
-Evon Gnashblade[Owner of Black Lion Company] – I like Evon. I’m glad he didn’t win the election because he doesn’t belong there. He much more interesting as the cunning businessman.
-Marjory Delaqua[Old-School Necromancer Detective] – How can you miscast a character in a video game story? Anet found a way. She’s setup as a hard-boiled detective but has none of the traits of one. I find it strange that people complain about Scarlet’s Sueness when Marjory is already practically perfect in every way and placed in such an envious role. Doesn’t help that someone who works on the “mean” streets looks like she just walked out of a Paris fashion show…with her partner…
-Lady Kasmeer[Partner of Marjory and Noble] – That cut scene with Marjory ruined her for me. You have this gritty scene that ends with Kasmeer staring at you like a dufus. I’m not sure what the intent was, because that silly look on her face just ruined the whole moment.
-Faren[Faren] – Faren is great. He was part of my personal story, so I was glad to see him again. Never change, Faren.
-Scarlet Briar[Crazy Omnipotent-ish Mastermind] – I like Scarlet. She’s certainly not omnipotent, and it would be weird to have a major villain be a pushover. People seem to be projecting a lot on to her. However, she’s actually one of the best villains we’ve gotten. She’s entertaining and interacts directly with our characters. I much prefer her to the brooding, no personality beyond their role as something for you to hack away at villains that are common in so many games. If we’re going to have a mastermind, let’s have one with some flair. I actually look forward to seeing what she’ll do and say next.
The thing with Scarlet is … she really does have a good voice actress and that makes her really likable to me. She sounds fun really.
Yes she really has little depth but other majour villains had neither depth nor personality and also very little screening time either, which did not help at all.
Only villains I really recall are Kudu and Faolain … they had atleast an ounce of charisma but way too little screentime so you don’t get the chance to care enough.
Also they really need to implement more of the lore IG somehow… it does make a hell of a difference.
My impression is that people like empty (Bella-like) characters that they can imagine their own personalities for. This explains the popularity of Canach, Marjory, and Kasmeer. Their personalities are so shallow and lacking definition that people can imagine them to be whatever they want.
It’s not even close to any of the big names in GW1, as someone else made a post earlier. I still remember every villain and their role and how impactfull it was from GW1. The only reason i will remember (if) Scarlet is because she’s annoying.
She was fun at first….but now..meh…whatever…
I personally feel that anet is going through a crysis when it comes to making characters that have an impact on the player to be honest….and it’s sad considering they can look back at GW1. Nothing against u guys at ANet but seriously u are miles away from the story or the emotional attachment u achieved in GW1…….miiiiles. Only ppl who find scarlet as being a real foe are ppl who either didn’t play GW1, or played it briefly/very fast for HoM….but we do leave in a world where quality comes second to quantity…that’s a sad truth i guess.
Ugh, GW1 villains were terrible. Khilbron literally had a mustache to twirl. Shiro ultimate plan was to abandon his role as a powerful psychopomp so that a bunch of out-of-towners could kill him. Also, to talk like a constipated batman. Varesh, crazy cult leader. Abandon, the god of secrets certainly knew to keep his mouth shut.
The only good GW1 villain was Joko, and he wasn’t even a villain in the story.
The problem with most of these villains was that they were so remote from the heroes, that it was weird that we were even fighting them. Khilbron at least knew our character’s names. But the rest must have felt like, “Where did these kids come from, who just foiled my plans?! Totally unfair!”
Hardly. Plus, she’s only been visible for one living story so far. I suggest some patience before passing judgement. Also, less hyperbole.
There aren’t enough things for people to complain about, so they need to start manufacturing things?
The OP went on for a very long time to describe a very simple problem:
Scarlet has no apparent motivation or justification for her actions.
That’s a problem because it means she’s pretty boring – players don’t know why she’s doing what she’s doing, just that she is – so she is more like a natural disaster than a villain – a force of nature, not a person – and forces of nature are interesting only in their consequences. So we’ve gone from a boring Sylvari good guy dominating the game (Trahearne), to a boring Sylvari bad guy (Scarlet). I mean, Sylvari are my favourite race, but come on ArenaNet, this is getting predictable.
Supposedly she has some kind of philosophy, but it seems to be pretty inconsistent, and for the level of extreme violence and damage she’s causing, it seems fairly weak and inconsequential, and she acts in a very light-hearted way that really undermines the idea that she’s dedicated to a philosophy.
So there’s no emotional connection with her – you don’t hate her because she believes in evil, because what she believes in is pretty vague and middle-ground (“What turns a man’s heart to neutral?”), but this is inexplicably accompanied by her invading zones and having two giant, ultra-mobile armies to back her up (even though they seem to get little/nothing out of the deal).
Given that the failings are more or less identical to Trahearne, I kind of wonder if ArenaNet’s lead writers need sit down and think about what they’ve done for a while.
EDIT – The reason that “bad things happened to X” works well as a villain motivation is twofold – firstly it’s ultra-rare in real-life for someone to be evil unless they were mistreated severely OR were utterly spoiled/pampered to the point where they are disconnected from humanity as a whole – so it feels “correct”. Second-off, it’s easy to emotionally relate to – all of us have been through bad stuff, and almost all of us have rejected evil as an option for dealing with it – but probably considered it, if not seriously. So you can say “Well something like that happened to me but I didn’t invade a zone with clockwork men because of it!”
What we have here is the “I decided to be evil”, or so it seems, which is vanishingly rare in real life, and not very interesting or easy to relate to.
I will say one thing – it’s better than WoW. In WoW there is only one reason anyone ever turns evil:
MAGIC. Pretty much every single character in WoW who is evil, is evil because magic made him/her evil.
Hopefully we don’t see too much of that in GW2, but I am still kind of afraid, given Scarlet’s apparent desire to “burn the world” that we will find she is merely an agent for the Destroyers and has been “made evil” by them.
There’s some good analysis here. Scarlet is definitely lacking a clear motivation for her actions.
This “she doesn’t have any flaws” argument is frustrating to read because flaws don’t magically make a character well-written or not. It’s very literary criticism 101, and it’s completely irrelevant. This is especially true when villains are first introduced in genre’s such as this. They are made to be very powerful and often nearly unstoppable in order to press their threat to the heroes.
Scarlet’s flaw, however, is plainly obvious. It’s arrogance. She underestimates her opponents and is so far “gone” that she can’t understand them. It’s a common trope for this type of villain and not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, for a video game villain, Scarlet, so far, is a novelty that many here don’t seem appreciate.
I believe there remains a lot of potential in Scarlet. In the meantime, she’s an entertaining and flamboyant villain. So if even if the plot doesn’t make much sense, you can still enjoy the ride.
I have 7 characters and have never used on of these stones.
There are about twenty other threads with amateur analysis on Scarlet. Why not just post this in one of them?