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Mimic Needs Some Re-tuning

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I suspect they make you take the first hit so you can’t echo one-shot attacks. However, most one-shot projectiles will come from bosses who usually have enough hp to take several of them anyway.

Also, feedback does this so…maybe not.

Post 80: my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Your commiting the same logical fallacy. Really bringing up spelling? Look if your interested in flaming in this thread then get out it. Honestly I will report you if continue to talk about me having an ego issue and what not. Seriously, this is off topic.

. On topic: Generally though there needs to be reasons to be to lv 30 content. Effectively once hearst/vistas/points of interest are done entire zones die. Imo if more tunnel grinds were created in areas with green grass, trees, deer, you know areas without zombies

But why would you want more places to grind let alone tunnel grind?
That is what I don’t understand.
Grinding is boring almost by definition- so by definition if you are grinding you will be bored.
There is nothing to grind for except maybe legendaries, everything else can just be acquired by playing the game.

As for no reason to go back once you have done the hearts- sure, if you say so, I don’t agree with you but you are entitled to your opinion.
Personally I love the other zones and I spend most of my time there- I have my favorite maps because I either like the DE’s, the scenery or just the people who hang out there. I also have my favorite bosses that I kill regularly and it is always great fun.

The point is that if you have an hour a day to play the game- which I do- I don’t want to waste my time doing the same thing over and over.
Heck I have managed to level 3 alts at the same time ( to 60 or so ) just bumming around.

This post seems fine to me.

Fractal timewasters..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaShi.1368


On a side note, when I see a ranger in my party, I usually quit and look for another one. Chances are, that player is a girl or just a terribad wanting a WoW hunter experience with no basic knowledge of his class. Ranger in your party in PvE? Save your time and leave.

As a Ranger, I have to admit, there are a ton of, shall we say subpar players on an already lackluster prof. I myself get a flash of doubt if a Ranger joins a group that isn’t from within the guild.

I’m sorry to say that I often feel the same way when I see a ranger in a group. I’ve had too many just stand (stand and only stand) in healing spring while the rest of the party dies, thinking that they are contributing to the group. Also, that push skill. Why do so many hit it on cool down knocking enemies out of AoE. I’ve missed so many mind wracks due to a ranger rescuing the enemy.

A terribly long guide to Subject Alpha

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Tori, you shouldn’t have to dodge more than once per Alpha cast. When Alpha casts all those circles for earth and ice, wait about 1.5 seconds and then dodge. Even if you dodge into another circle, you won’t be hurt by it.

[Fractal] Drege Powersuit : Reflect nerfed ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I’m sad to hear this. Feedbacking the bombs was the best thing about that boss.

Scripts and/or bots active on the TP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Don’t be so quick to dismiss this. You can tell when their previous orders are removed and replaced. These are not isolated incidents that these players are mentioning. They can all be easily tracked once suspected, if one wants to. If just involves spending a bit of copper.

Fighting Melee Mesmers. (Balance Issue)

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Why are people so surprised that they are losing to good mesmers? Are they just as surprised when they lose to a good engineer? A good theif? A good ranger?

Yes, good players are going to win more often than not.

Daze Over Powered

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Daze is affected by defiant.

Fractal kicking is the norm now.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I write down the names of the people I am with, so I can report, if this happens. Anet should punish this behavior. However, I hope Anet finds a better solution to prevent it from happening soon.

RIP fotm

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Most people have trouble with the elementals. If you can, have one or two people remove his shield, while the rest mop up the elementals. Once the shield is down, everyone should be focusing on the elementals before attacking the shaman. Classes with reflects, might want to save them for the elementals rather than the shaman’s flame arrow. Once the elementals are destroyed, rez whoever needs it and continue fighting the shaman.

Use ranged attacks. Players in melee range will be instantly defeated by his dive attack. I onced dodged into it and was hit for 15k x3 damage! Ranged attacks will also help you dodge his flame arrow.

If you are hit by the flame arrow, keep away from your teammates. You will be spreading burning. Condition removal helps a little, but the burning is reapplied. Null field is helpful here.

Subject Alpha without rez rushing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Alpha takes some practice, but once you have it down, you won’t have much trouble with him.

If someone is defeated, have someone try to kite Alpha away from them. His attacks have a range limit. So if he’s far enough away, the defeated can be rezzed quickly.

When dodging the ice/earth, wait about 1.5 seconds and dodge just once. One dodge is enough to protect you, even if you don’t leave the area of the red circle. Also, if he’s not using the ice attack. You can remain in the center of the double circles without getting hurt.

When Alpha is using the ice attack, he will only use it again one player during the cast. Everyone else will get earth. Learning to recognize the difference between can help a lot. However, if you are stacking, then it’s safe to assume that you will see both ice and earth, so always dodge those.

Arcane Theivery

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


The jellyfish only stacks might when it eats something.

Daily Dodge Req is Mandating Poor Play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Dodging through any ground aoe will produce multiple evades. Pretty sure every class can dodge, right?

Not sure if warriors can.

The Floor Is Lava. Don't Step In It

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Speculation is that clones and pets count. If they walk into lava then you lose the chance for the title. Also, walking into the lava pools while they are empty during the last battle may cost you the title.

Also, not sure how I got it when I did.

Possibility of 2 Orr's in future?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I suspect we’ll see most of these changes in Guild Wars 3. From orbit, because that one will take place in space.

I do not like the Feb monthlys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I don’t like dungeons, why do I need to do them to get dungeon tokens?

Feb 1st - SBI/CD/YB

in WvW

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Best of luck to all! Go Yaks!

Jumping puzzle in eternal battlegrounds.

in WvW

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I’d like to see a mystic fountain just before the dark room. There’s a nice place for it on the lower level. Players would still need to jump the pillars after using it, but they would have a better chance of making the next one before it wears off.

Another place to put one would be in the lower level of the dark room.

As for the torch issue, there is an easy way around it. However, it’s not available to all players.

Clone on dodge bug fixed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


My crying paid off!

Thank you Anet!

Overflow Server UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: DaShi.1368


How about a small UI at the far right of the screen, above the map, that indicates whether or not you are in an overflow server? It also allows you to control your queue status. You can select to exit a queue or enter a new queue. When your queue comes up, you get a smaller version of the timer bar and a choice to leave the overflow is highlighted. Perhaps it can also contain an option to enter an overflow, if you are in a city.

The most important part is that there are no more pop ups!

Mesmer Skill 2 when downed: BIG Problem now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I think downed #2 should work like Phase Retreat (staff #2). It teleports you away from the selected target, but doesn’t teleport you over a ledge or into lava.

(but sometimes it teleports you into a wall or into the ground, where you get stuck, can’t get out, can’t attack and can’t be attacked, which would be actually funny when downed ^^ )

This is how I first thought it worked. I realized that this wasn’t the case quit soon.

I am so tired of being forced to do events!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Arenanet should make a game that is just an open field with a single npc. Your character talks to the npc, where you are given a list of items. Each item is free; you only need to select it. Then you spend the rest of your time looking at such item. Every month, there is a new item.

Nevermind, I can already hear the complaints:

“NPC is too far away from where my PC loads. I didn’t pay for this game to have my character walk.”

“I don’t like the outfit the NPC wears. Let players customize it or I’ll quit.”

“This game has too much grind. Why do I have to select each item? My character should start with them all.”

I wonder what some people even bought GW2 for.

My Characters Have All Signed Pacifist Pledge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


This is unhealthy. Maybe take a break.

Mesmers Assemble

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Not sure why this is on Friday, if Saturday got the most votes.

please use these group finding methods

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I also have not gotten gold seller spam from In general, I’ve had good experiences with it. I don’t mind people asking for players in chat either because not everyone uses and sometimes just seeing a group forming in chat inspires me to join them for a dungeon or activity I probably wouldn’t have done otherwise.

Fractal Loot nerfed into oblivion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I play fractals for the fun of it. OK, seriously, I hope to get at least 2 rares a run, but I do enjoy the fractals. The gradual increase in difficulty has been interesting.

Guild Wars player logic.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Looks like that item just isn’t moving at the current prices so the price has been going down steadily. No point in wasting coins on a sell order that will never sell.

Scripts and/or bots active on the TP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I’ve noticed this as well and toyed with a few driving some prices way up. :o

I hope that Anet investigates this and is liberal with bans. Unlike bots, I don’t have 24 hours each day to check the market and place orders.

Inflation incomming.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DaShi.1368


So do junk drops. This is not something to sound the panic alarms over.

Dodge daily not registering

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I had to this one three times thanks to the disconnects and rollbacks. It’s not that difficult. Just find any monster with obviously telegraphed attacks and dance around it for a little while.

What Are New Orr Exotics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


tosses jewelry crafting into wastebin

Favorite skill/ Most hated

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Favorite: Arcane Thievery. I love bringing this skill in PvE. So many enemies have great, long lasting boons. Since I trait 10 into Chaos anyway, I can cut the recharge down on it, removing one of its drawbacks.

Hated: Illusion of Life. Never have a reason to use this.

Riding broom from gems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Does this broom give any different abilities than the broom that came with the Witch’s costume during the Halloween event?

Inflation incomming.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Usually you can’t put items bought with karma on the TP. As for the contents, there has already been a lot of requests to create better chances of getting lodestones than currently exist.

Ectoplasms passing 40s?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Are ecto chances with mystic salvage kits 20%?

How do you kill Mesmers?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Yes, they can receive buffs and conditions as well as having a few trait-based ones.

Ecto drop nerfed or is it just me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


My rate on mystic salvage kits have been around .70.

The portal mechanic should not be Mesmer-only

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Because the devs have clearly stated that they want all professions to be able to do the same roles, but simply do them in a distinct way, Mesmers doing a single role that no one else can do downright contradicts the intentions of the devs. For that reason, the map warping mechanic chuld be shared among several professions, and be different enough to keep Portal – and Mesmer’s identity distinct.

So far, the counter-arguments have been weak, because their posters are either interpreting this thread wrongly, or because they don’t understand the difference between a format-defining mechanic and a flavourful mechanic.

Most of the things that make profs required in this game are due to balance. If Time Warp, Guardians, Eles, etc, are all “required”, it’s because they are too strong. However, sometimes, it’s not only balance that dictates the requirement of a mechanic, but design. The devs have designed a mechanic that is as important to pvp as point-warping, stun-breaking, rezzing, etc, but unlike all those mentioned, they sticked it to a single class. This is a problem unlike any other.

A Guardian can be the best bunker, but the mechanics to make a bunker work exist for all/ most professions – it just requires some balancing work. Any profession can be a roamer, or any profession can bring a specific core utility mechanic for pvp, with the exception of Portal’s mechanics.

That’s the diference between Portal, and everything else,be it Mesmer-related or not.

People were not misinterpreting what you were saying. What you said before was not exactly the same as what you are saying now. Please don’t blame us if the conversation wasn’t going the way you intended. That said, the above is a much better argument for each profession having a means of group fast travel.

Now the issue is that some professions are better at these core mechanics than others. While any profession can be a roamer, top teams are going to choose thieves for this role because they are the best at it. Guardians and eles are always going to be chosen as bunkers. Adding group fast travel to each profession will only make people look at which is the best for that. It may end up being the engineer. Then ~100% of teams will bring engineers. Or it may be that the eles are the best at it. So teams will just consist of guardians, eles, and thieves. Giving every profession group fast travel won’t really solve the problem of certain professions being chosen over others in tPvP.

What we really need are more viable strategies than the current meta. We need strategies that work that require people to bring necros, for example. We also need strategies that work that don’t require to people to bring necros. Every profession needs to have something that can contribute significantly to one or more of several viable strategies for winning.

The portal mechanic should not be Mesmer-only

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Dismiss my argument all you want, it won’t change the facts here.

He specifically states that his purpose is the limit the role of mesmers in the game.

The problem is that guardians, eles, and thieves are just as required as mesmers, if not more so. Reducing the role of mesmers in the game will not improve it at all. People will just bring more guardians, eles, and thieves. There is no reason to single mesmers out for removal, except for personal reasons.

Underutilized Utility Skill Survey

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Illusion of Life – Never use it. Seems extremely situational and not even the best choice in such a situation.
Mantra of Concentration – I used this once during that jumping puzzle in Wayfarer Foothills.
Mantra of Distraction – Never used it.
Mantra of Pain – I used to use in support builds when I ran with more points in Inspiration. However, since respeccing traits is so annoying, I don’t run this at all anymore.
Mantra of Resolve – Never used it
Mimic – Played around with it, but never got much value from it.
Phantasmal Defender – Since I run a shatter build, this isn’t useful. If traits could be respecced more easily, this might see more play.
Phantasmal Disenchanter – As far as I know this one is still bugged so that it won’t appear half the time.
Signet of Midnight – Never used it

New apps being created, if this is legal im out.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I suspect that there are macros that people are using to respond to undercutting. This is a bigger problem.

The portal mechanic should not be Mesmer-only

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Then they should look at the Guardian and the ele. Those are required classes. By giving every class portal the only change you make is to remove the mesmer from the match. People still aren’t going to want engineers, warriors, or necros. They’ll want thieves, guardians, and eles who can now port. They will be even less diversity.

All I see from your posts here is “remove the mesmer from tPvP.” We get it. You hate the profession.

I think this is one of those ‘you see what you want to see’ sort of moments. The OP has been polite, respectful and intelligent with his responses but it keeps going back to the plight of mesmers. Get over yourselves, he makes good points, no one wants to remove mesmers from the game, we just want to make it so they’re not required for tournaments. What’s wrong with that? A good player will have a spot, mesmer or not.

It’s quite clear that his issue isn’t about portal:

“Or nerf Portal. Keep nerfing Portal until Mesmers are no longer 100% needed for a party. "

He clearly sees nerfing portal as a means to an end. The end is removing mesmers.

The portal mechanic should not be Mesmer-only

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Then they should look at the Guardian and the ele. Those are required classes. By giving every class portal the only change you make is to remove the mesmer from the match. People still aren’t going to want engineers, warriors, or necros. They’ll want thieves, guardians, and eles who can now port. They will be even less diversity.

All I see from your posts here is “remove the mesmer from tPvP.” We get it. You hate the profession.

(edited by DaShi.1368)

"Quickness", what do you think?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Removing quickness=buffing bunkers

The portal mechanic should not be Mesmer-only

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Seems like people really don’t care about the mesmer’s skills at all. They just want mesmers out of the game.

Best class for hotjoin sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I’ve been having a lot of fun with a condition necro in hotjoin.

New Meta??

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


First of all, I understand that both D/D-Ele’s with tons of Teamsupport and the S/D-Bunker are pretty annoying builds, very strong and can be hard to deal with, that being said, here are some strategies you can use against them:

How to play a Team with an S/D-Bunker

1) A lot of teams send 1-2 Chars in the direction of the S/D-Bunker at the start of the game to cripple, stun, chill and immobilize him. Most of the time, your Node-def will be able to get the Point capped before the Ele is there, or the Ele has to use up pretty much all of his CD’s.

2) Another way of approaching the scenario is by putting down a portal near your mainpoint and just keep one Char there to keep it neutral or even completely ignore it. The rest of the Team (with the Mesmer), collapses on mid. With 4-5 ppl mid, you’ll be able to get it quite fast. After you get mid, the Mesmer uses Portal and 2+ ppl go back (leave at least the Guard mid), they wipe the Bunker-Ele and now you have 2 Points against a Team with a much lower DMG-output than most Teams that don’t run 2 defensive Chars and you’ve basically won the game.

3) On Kyhlo, the Bunker Ele is really no Problem, cuz you got Treb. Yeah, he has tons of dodges and heal, but a good stun/Immobilize and a Trebshot will kill the Ele easily. They then again have a second Bunker that doesn’t deal much DMG, can’t get ppl off of points (except if he runs Tornado, which is a skill that allows the Ele to die against everything) and can’t destroy the Treb too well.

4) You can also just completely ignore your Point and go for 2+ ppl on their point and the rest mid. They now just have a crappy Bunker-Ele on one node and actually defending points as the S/D-Bunker Ele, is very very hard, because decapping points happens much faster than hindering your opponent from capping it, so just 1 Engi, Guardian, Necro etc. can push the Ele off the Point and make the point neutral.

How to play against D/D-Eles

1) The best way to mitigate huge amounts of DPS from the Eles is to used some sort of Movement-impairing skills like Cantrips, Ice-Fields, cripple and get ranged Classes to fight them. They’ll do much less DPS, but eat up a lot of DPS from your team.

2) If they run Aura-Share, they heavily invested into Teamfight-Skills, so if your Team is good enough, fight for 3 Points constantly and draw them out of Teamfights.

*Edit: Cheap, cheesey and gimmicky builds were also a HUGE part of GW1, I’d go as far as to say they were even more dangerous and required less skill, or a skill-set that is different from when you play a more balanced-build. It was up to the players that played balanced-builds to figure out how to deal with those builds, to analyze the Metagame and come up with counters etc. In return, they were regarded as better players that didn’t use gimmicky builds to win.

Good ideas. Also, pretty much supports my argument that people are bringing Mesmers to counter the bunkers, like they were used to counter monks in GW1.

The portal mechanic should not be Mesmer-only

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


And then what the mesmer does have left will be useless for PvP our burst is outmatched by a warriors and thieves… Ele’s have the BEST GROUP HEALING power in the game… Necros have better survivability as far as the scholar professions go. What do we have that is useful in PvP portal and time warp. They are UNIQUE to our class and should stay as such. A thieves group utility such as shadow refuge has just as much of an impact as portal. Our 2 mass invisibility skills don’t even TOUCH how long shadow refuge makes players invisible… And once again the Portal is a bright glowing circle on the ground. Also if PvP is being played properly and people are thinking… They won’t have their entire team sitting on one point… SO portal will not be useful to the whole team just the one MAYBE 2 people that are with the mesmer using the portal…

Mesmers have pretty much the best boon removal in the game as well as great CCs. Portal isn’t the only thing making a mesmer viable.

All of which people have also requested to nerf.

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


They just want to have two equally set up teams of Guardians, Thieves, and Eles. Rather than two equally set up teams of Guardians, Theives, Eles, and Mesmers.

Improvisational Dueling

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I hate that clicking the random join button nearly always places me into a map that has only 2 other players. I don’t want interrupt someone’s duel and 2v1 isn’t that much fun.