I’ve done the ogre escort four times and nothing. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. I escort them to as far as the inn, then suddenly their little shield icons disappear and the event disappears. The ogres, meanwhile, continue on to the Asura gate.
Disaster! one word to describe this update
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: DaShi.1368
Spam 1 and loot. Boring
Spam 1, get crap loot, and watch everyone else get endless tonics and exotics. Very sad and frustrating to get such horrible loot each run.
This event seems to be just another favor to those blessed with good rng. I don’t find it surprising that those in my guild that have had multiple precursors drop are now boasting about their endless tonic drops. Meanwhile, I’m still waiting to get my one exotic drop for this month.
Taimi stated that the thumpers may have another purpose than just mapping the leylines, but she added that she has no idea what that could be.
Exactly, too long of range, too short of cool down. It’s a spammable troll skill. People don’t want rangers in WvW for the same reason. So many times I’ve pinned down an enemy only to have some ranger knock him away and let him escape. The skill (among several other issues with rangers) needs to be fixed, if rangers ever want a place in team play.
wow, this thread is so full of agony and class racism against a class, just because it has an ability to annoy other people (which almost every class has btw) in pve.
- noone hates guardians because POTENTIAL op support
- noone hates mesmer because everyone already got helped out in a JP by their portals.
- noone hates warr cause “ME WARR ME SMASH YO! oh, n btw luk my 100b damutsh”
- noone hates necros because… wait, everyone hates necros that fear people off of the the aoe on walls in wvw. but they have plague, which saves their image in wvw.
yours sincerely,
innocent engineer.
I don’t hate rangers for knock backing me. In fact, I don’t mind opponent rangers at all. I just don’t want them on my team. I’ve seen too many rangers spam the knock back and cause their own team problems. A ranged knock back on such a short cool down is simply a bad idea. I do like the idea of making it a daze. That would at least make it useful.
4. Point Blank Shot : The biggest annoyance in the game when it comes to group play. It would be better if it was all reflected back to the ranger that cast it and knock him out of the fight. It is probably the strongest reason why people do not want any rangers in their parties.
This. 100 times this. Until this skill is fixed, I will not group with rangers outside of my guild. Not sure what Anet was thinking with a ranged knockback that is so easily spammed.
Its a free point cap if you use the moa escape skills and you are the only one defending the point.
Don’t retreat. Pummel that silly mesmer with your moa skills. You’ll be surprised how often this works. Most mesmers who use it think they’ve already won and completely forget how to play their class.
I wanted a heart great sword, and I got one. It looks great on my mesmer.
They should put all the banned players in it. They don’t have access to any other part of the game, just Skyhammer. Always Skyhammer! >:)
Considering all we know about her love for wrecking havoc and how she went mad after her accident in Omadds machine I found a possible answer on what is her goal.
I think that she is a Dragon Champion of the Jungle Dragon a.k.a. Mordremoth and her goal is to awaken him.
The whole accident sounds vaguely similar to the incident with Svanir back in EotN.
Jora told Svanir to leave Drakkars lake as quickly as possible while he instead decided to examine the place which corrupted him into the “Nornbear.” And as we know now Svanir was in fact a Dragon Champion of Jormag.
So this all sounds very similar – the Pale Tree also warned her not to proceed further but she didnt listen and something happened to her which changed her into the person she is now.
As to why I think she wants to awaken Mordremoth is also due to a hint from EotN.
The main antagonist in EotN was the Great Destroyer which we had to kill in the final mission. And it was stated now that the defeat of the Great Destroyer caused the awakening of Primordus to be delayed. In other words had the Great Destroyer not been defeated Primordus would have awakened sooner.
And we all know now that the Jungle Dragon will be fought too so I think that this whole Living story is simply the prequel to Mordremoths awakening.
Mordremoth also appears to be the source of the Nightmare in the Dream of Dream which is supported by the world boss in the Sylvari tutorial quest. That boss looks much like a plant version of Tequatl. So the fact Scarlet is a sylvari that severed her ties with the Pale tree also supports this.
Or maybe she wants to take out the Mordremoth version of the Great Destroyer to keep him slumbering longer.
@ Pyro & DaShi: yeah. I whispered him. Not because i’m a stalker or something but because most people that ever complained about me were much nicer in a direct chat than in the forum. Also i don’t know why it’s creepy that i wrote him “hi” and that i’d like him to answer me.
i just wanted a more friendly discussion about the topic if i’m a thief or a mesmer.
(I whispered 3 ppl – one answered)
Sorry Me Games Ma, I shouldn’t have made that post to begin with and deleted it shortly thereafter. It was a private matter that shouldn’t have been posted in the forums. I have no idea why Pyro felt that he needed to get involved even after I explained to him how inappropriate such an action was.
Karka. They are one of the oldest races, but have yet had the opportunity to really shine.
It’s always who you least suspect. So it must be Professor Gorr!
In beta, clones would last indefinitely and idle if their target vanished or ran out of range. In WvW, you could make keeps look fully defended with just a few mesmers.
But the Mesmer skill… phew. It will depend on the weapon skills you will gain when being transformed. However, it just does not feel right for the class. I really dislike the fact that the Illusions would be destroyed when transforming since it undermines the class mechanic.
This seems to be an issue with their code when it comes to summons, since transforming kills necro minions as well.
OMG! That thief skill is going to be fun and annoying to play against.
Wow. Very uncool.
….still, just flabbergasted that you would do that.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
Thieves tend to be the loudest when they lose. They play pure glass and are surprised when they lose in a few seconds to auto-attacks. 90% of the OP complaints I get (playing any class, though especially mesmer) are from glass cannon thieves. I’ve got so many blocked now.
I disagree. And I did not mean to offend you.
People go for offensive setups because it’s theoretically better. Sure, at lower levels, people like I take zerker simply because it adds a bit more edge to our play as well as a “fun” factor. Even at higher levels, though, theory suggests that Zerkers is the best amulet for a lot of classes and builds. For example, virtually every thief build must run zerker in order to avoid becoming an UP Warrior. Many Mesmer builds must run zerker in order to maximize the utility of their skills. Objectively speaking, power amplifies your damage input/output more than any other stat in the game, so there’s that that you have to consider as well.
This theory works in PvE where monsters either one shot you or don’t do enough damage to warrant a defense. Berserkers are the best choice because toughness and vitality don’t matter much.
In sPvP, it’s a different story. sPvP is more about outlasting the other guy. The only builds that come close to one shotting are berserkers and that’s against other berserkers. Also, bunkers may not have as much damage as berserkers; but against berserkers, bunkers feel like damage kings.
I will agree that berserker takes a lot more skill to pull off, but that doesn’t mean this is best build to play in sPvP. It also doesn’t mean that bunker builds are OP because they destroy berserkers.
It’s not that bunker builds are low skilled. It’s that it doesn’t take much skill to kill a berserker. A low skilled bunker will often beat a high skilled berserker because the bunker can survive the burst, but the berserker can’t survive the counter attack.
1. Berserker vs Berserker = short fight. Victory usually goes to the highest skilled.
2. Bunker vs Bunker = long fight. Victory usually goes to the highest skilled.
3. Bunker vs Berserker = short to medium fight. Victory usually goes to the bunker regardless of players’ skill level.
If you’re a high skilled player, your best choice is bunker because you will beat everything. If you’re a low skilled player, you best choice is also bunker because you will beat everything but high skilled bunkers.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
What I still don’t get is the attack on the council in Lion’s Arch, combined with the probe in Lion’s Arch. If she planned to weaken the defenses of Lion’s Arch, what for? Her probe shows that she was still looking for something (the strongest leyline). So how did she know in advance that Lion’s Arch needed to be weakened? Is this perhaps two different plans at work at the same time?
When she entered the chamber, they say Ceara brought something in with her. Perhaps one of the Elder Dragons managed to sneak inside her mind, after she had rejected the Pale Tree. And the experiment lowered the Pale Tree’s defenses over her mind (if such a thing exists), and lowered Ceara’s own mental defenses. Perhaps this allowed the draconic entity to take hold of Ceara’s mind, and exist as Scarlet Briar. Two entities in the same mind.
Perhaps the probes weren’t actually probes at all. Their purpose could be to “prime the pump” so to speak. The green probe in LA could indicate that the ley lines are ready.
And nothing says Scarlet’s battling Mordremoth. And she took the anti-toxin to apparently create a stronger poison, not duplicate the anti-toxin. If she wanted to use anti-toxin, then she’d have made more anti-toxin, and not even bother with making a stronger poison which she did.
This is also my understanding of the anti-toxin. It was a means to an end. The end being a stronger toxin.
Hairpieces have to be one of the most frustrating part of adjusting my characters in GW2. There are many great hairstyles that use things like ribbons and pins to create something that looks really great, but the color options that you are given are just poor. It puts the player in a place where they have to use a basic dye just match the ribbon and that really kills any sort of cool look that you are trying to create. It also makes matching armor and weapons nearly impossible.
Normally I would just pass up the hairstyle but I have found some I really like and think this issue should be resolved in some way. I’m not sure it would be enough to just open up all the color in the accessory panel either. Whatever it would take to make this happen, I think it’s worth looking into. Maybe add a dye panel somewhere for hair accessories ^.^
Please make this happen!
Here is a pic of my latest frustration! (Yes I know not all of the pin will dye anyways but I would still like an actually gold =] )
Yes, this! A thousand times this!
I’m going to go on record to reiterate that people are probably reading too much into the injector. We know that Scarlet’s was after the anti-toxin. The anti-toxin would’ve been obtained while inside the injector. Also, iirc, the different fluids inside the injector were different colors, implying that they were different chemicals that had to remain separate until it was time to inject them. It would make no sense for Scarlet to not take the injector, since that would require transferring those fluids from an already perfectly adequate receptacle into another, and there is no reason to believe the injector or the technology used in its making are at all remarkable.
You guys are saying that a supervillainess who has mastered teleportation and the hacking of clockwork robots would have been unable to grasp the complexities of a hypodermic needle. You do realize how ridiculous that sounds, right?
Sorry, this is rapidly becoming a pet peeve of mine. I know I’m overreacting, but… grr.
And you’re saying that she couldn’t develop an anti-toxin on her own. It seems highly unlikely that she’d bet her plan on the chance of someone developing an antitoxin that she couldn’t make herself. In addition, the antitoxin is now useless against the latest version of the toxin. If anything, she used the anti-toxin just to make her toxin stronger.
I’ve not read this whole thread, but I think people are neglecting a key point about the toxin. Scarlet has created a ridiculously strong toxin. If her plans just involve blowing up or invading Lion’s Arch, then there is no need for such a potent toxin. She has enough power from her molten alliance machinese, the aetherblades, and the watchworks for that. I suspect she is planning to poison the ley lines with her toxin. She expects this will wipe out her enemies (us, the dragons, and what ever is haunting her) and she will be the last one standing in a ruined world.
I’ve seen some bad guardians as well. One was actually quite brilliant though. On Warden 2, he managed to kite the warden perfectly around every bomb.
Sounds like an intentionally fail. I’ve seen some people who intentionally tried to fail the champs, just to make the event longer and grab more key pieces.
Yeah, that’s what I think as well.
No matter how much dps the other players have, it won’t be enough to counter the lack of dps from bear/bows.
You can solo 2, 3, 4 with a bunker guardian. If their dps is not a problem, then bearbows will do fine as well without need to be carried. As long as they understand the boss mechanics.
Seriously, this is the most desperate defense of bear/bow I’ve ever seen. Please show anyone soloing 2, 3, or 4 with a bunker guardian.
I’ve seen some bad guardians as well. One was actually quite brilliant though. On Warden 2, he managed to kite the warden perfectly around every bomb.
What people don’t understand is that we wrote and voiced a lot of these moments throughout the year. Some scenes and story instances were cut or never implemented in the final releases, which is why this particular story instance was longer than the typical one and filled with lots of exposition.
I sincerely hope that over course of the year there was an opportunity to get the Hero Voice Actors back into studio and allow the players to be more engaged in the climax of the arc than as mute witnesses.
Scavenge some clips from the existing Personal Story library if you have to, but please don’t leave us completely silent in the face of these world altering events!
Funny that you mention player voice. I’ve had a few meetings recently about that. I can’t go into details but I will say that it’s on the list of things we’re looking to address. The current issue is more of a tech one and less of a “we don’t want the player to talk” decision.
I hope so. I hated my character’s voice in GW1. But I love all the pc voices in GW2 and wish my characters would speak more.
I’d support race change, if you lose your personal story, all levels, all soul bound equipment, and all skills and skillpoints.
People are still bringing bear/bows and mm necros and wondering why they are failing the events.
If they are falling the events, then there were other, much more important factors to it than build choices. And bearbow, for that matter, is a much better choice (if played well) than a staff guardian. I know at least one person that does use lb/gs+bear for this event and is doing really well. Have seen some MM necros that also seemed to not be a disadvantage to their groups.
In the end the platform fights win or lose based mostly on player numbers, and understanding of warden mechanics, not on builds and skills they use.
Not when you have three bear/bows on one platform. No matter how much dps the other players have, it won’t be enough to counter the lack of dps from bear/bows. But, hey, they were still standing at the end…. Frankly, there’s little difference from having a bear/bow and no player at all in your group for the wardens, your anecdotes aside. MMs are only really useful for warden 5, and even then, just for a short time before they are wiped. And yes, I’m not defending staff guardians either.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
I hope that queue indicators will be available for overflows too. Actually, I hope they clean up their overflow code so that when you get the option to leave an overflow, it doesn’t send you to another overflow.
They’ve said that Scarlet and PvE will still play a minor role in WvW during the event.
People are still bringing bear/bows and mm necros and wondering why they are failing the events.
I’d certainly enjoy replaying the ps.
I don’t like playing with rangers because of point blank shot. They use this whenever it is off cooldown – knocking foes out of AoE or skills like hundred blades/other high burst skills. The only rangers I like playing with are sword/whatever because they have no skills that can really interrupt the flow of battle. Knockbacks should never be used in small group roaming or in PvE.
You do realize that rangers are not the only ones that have knockbacks right?
Are you honestly trying to tell me that you have never seen or even believe that another class could have used a knockback to push the target back…..ever?
This is the real issue here… For some ungodly reason people think that only rangers suck at this game which is just ignorant and silly to even think.
knockback != knockdown. i don’t mind knockdown. it simply.. knocks them down. it doesn’t blow them out of range of an aoe or burst skill. this discussion was about rangers, and not mesmer (gs 5), necro (fear), thief (scorpion wire), ele(the especially annoying updraft), guardian (banish) and engineer (B.O.B). knockbacks are fine in large zergs when there is so much ridiculous aoe damage that all it does is get your target killed quicker, but not in pve or roaming in <5 man groups. guardian gs pull is infinitely more useful for clumping mobs than point blank shot is.
What was the point of this response?
I know the difference between a knockback and a knockdown.
There are other classes that have them both.People playing those classes can use them in any area of the game just like rangers can.
You go on to state that this thread was about rangers then in the next few statements make a comment about how guards pull is better.
How about you go a figure out your point and try to make it again because you completely missed my question and failed to respond to it.
Again….are you trying to tell me that no other class has ever used their knockbacks when they should not have?
Are you trying to tell me that all the bad players in this game only play rangers?That was the point. Any class can fail at the game like you described rangers failing with point blank shot. And they do as I have seen it many times over.
Rangers have issues but this is not one of them. We can complete any content in this game in a very timely manner. The hate is uncalled for and not needed.
The problem with Point Blank Shot is that it is a ranged knock back on a ranged weapon. When warriors, guardians, and eles use their knock back, they then have to chase after the target, which teaches them not to spam it. Mesmer’s knock back requires melee range with a greatsword. Similar with engineers. Rangers, see no personal consequences to using their knock back: sit at range, knock back an enemy being meleed by others, it’s still in ranger’s range so keep attacking. Everyone else is annoyed.
It is too easy for rangers to spam this skill thoughtlessly, hindering the efforts of everyone else. Thus, intentionally or not, it becomes a troll skill that turns other players against rangers.
Anet should reconsider how this skill works. I recommend a stun or daze instead of knock back. It would keep it’s primary function as an interrupt, but be useful to a team. If not that, then make it work like the mesmer greatsword: set it to melee range.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
What are these Spotter and Frost Spirit skills I keep hearing about? Do rangers actually have these?
Sadly, success and failure seems to be related to how many rangers you have. If there are a lot of rangers on your forum participating, you’re not going to make it.
Yesterday, we easily beat the marionette late at night with a less the full server. Normally, my server is hard capped and fails. The difference, there were only 3 rangers present.
I’ve seen rangers use longbow to push twisted watchwork enemies toward the gates.
I was in a group fighting warden #4. We had gotten him down to a sliver of health with 30 seconds left. Unfortunately, we all got defeated except for one player. I thought, alright, plenty of time for one player to kill the warden and the control panel. Then the bear appeared. The ranger pewpewed with his longbow. The timer ran out and the warden was still standing. Couldn’t believe it.
I’d love a way to help out other rings, and think it would go a long way to improving the event and quelling a lot of the complaints.
Like I told phys, please read my posts before replying.
And your unique experience not only doesn’t address the point I made (which I now believe you don’t understand), it’s not even a counterpoint to anything in this thread. Unless you really believe every post is about you.
The marionette event is not that difficult. I honestly can’t fathom how people are failing it so consistently.
If you’re struggling on the platforms for the marionette, please let us know why. I’d love to help these people.
No, I’m simply stating the nature of the system. If you disagree, please provide a counterpoint. Try to do it without using the word I.
The problem with these events is that they don’t reward you for contributing as much as they punish you for someone else failing.
This event is by far my least favorite and has really turned me off to the game. Not sure what Anet was thinking. If there technical issues that prevented it from being played the way they wanted us to, then consider not doing the event at all.
I want to do the achievements, but it’s just not possible. My platform always completes, but all it takes is one to fail and cost us the achievement. No way to help them.
This entire event is DPS based, so I die a little for every bear/bow ranger I see there. And there are so many.
The only good part of this event is that I’m catching up on my reading. I expect to finish a few novels while waiting for the event to repeat.
the entire event is not really dps based, dont know where you get that idea. The timer on the fight is very generous, if the timer fails, its because a bunch of people on the other platform died. It also generally takes 5 times to fail the event, so its not like one platform lost the whole event.
I’ve seen tons of groups unable to kill the wardens within the time limit. Yes, those are groups with rangers, but it is still dps-based.
Also i dont know why people are waiting around for the event, if this is the only thing in the game holding your attention, then maybe something about it you like? you really can just log in 10 minutes before the event and usually get a team with a shot to win
It would help if you read people’s posts before replying. I, like many others, want to complete the achievements. Obviously you have not played this event, because getting a team of 100+ players who can win it is extremely unlikely. The only advantage a home server has over an overflow is that it can get 100 players to fill each lane. The overflows I’ve been in usually have 2 or 3 lanes with 10 to 15 players in them.
I have done the event only in overflows, every time we had enough people to win, we lost due to people not being able to fight the wardens, throughout multiple paths. I havent aimed for the achievements.
I also have never waited on the event. You really dont know who is capable of winning till you play with them. Many people have succeeded on overflows, and lost on main servers. From what i have seen it mostly comes down to people being familiar with the wardens different strategies, and able to deal with said strategies.
I have beaten wardens with 3 people, and im not a berserker. I have seen them soloed for like 40% of thier hp, This means the dps required is not high. The failure due to time, is mostly due to death/disconnects/people being alone, or just fighting the boss completely wrong.
Again, this doesn’t address anything I’ve said. They are your own personal anecdotes, which may or may not be true. Why are you replying to my posts with these comments? Please don’t reply to my posts until after you’ve read them.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
This event is by far my least favorite and has really turned me off to the game. Not sure what Anet was thinking. If there technical issues that prevented it from being played the way they wanted us to, then consider not doing the event at all.
I want to do the achievements, but it’s just not possible. My platform always completes, but all it takes is one to fail and cost us the achievement. No way to help them.
This entire event is DPS based, so I die a little for every bear/bow ranger I see there. And there are so many.
The only good part of this event is that I’m catching up on my reading. I expect to finish a few novels while waiting for the event to repeat.
the entire event is not really dps based, dont know where you get that idea. The timer on the fight is very generous, if the timer fails, its because a bunch of people on the other platform died. It also generally takes 5 times to fail the event, so its not like one platform lost the whole event.
I’ve seen tons of groups unable to kill the wardens within the time limit. Yes, those are groups with rangers, but it is still dps-based.
Also i dont know why people are waiting around for the event, if this is the only thing in the game holding your attention, then maybe something about it you like? you really can just log in 10 minutes before the event and usually get a team with a shot to win
It would help if you read people’s posts before replying. I, like many others, want to complete the achievements. Obviously you have not played this event, because getting a team of 100+ players who can win it is extremely unlikely. The only advantage a home server has over an overflow is that it can get 100 players to fill each lane. The overflows I’ve been in usually have 2 or 3 lanes with 10 to 15 players in them.
This event is by far my least favorite and has really turned me off to the game. Not sure what Anet was thinking. If there technical issues that prevented it from being played the way they wanted us to, then consider not doing the event at all.
I want to do the achievements, but it’s just not possible. My platform always completes, but all it takes is one to fail and cost us the achievement. No way to help them.
This entire event is DPS based, so I die a little for every bear/bow ranger I see there. And there are so many.
The only good part of this event is that I’m catching up on my reading. I expect to finish a few novels while waiting for the event to repeat.
Got in an hour and half early just to avoid the horrible overflow. 30 minutes until the start, Anet decided that my game should crash and sends me directly to an overflow. This game is only getting worse.
for me, any builds that requires “timing of skills” is hard for me.
That sucks. I’d think that would be the majority of them.
MMs aren’t a good choice for high level tPvP. They can’t hold a point against coordinated teams, are ineffective in groups, and are one of the slowest builds.
Dhummfire necro is very strong and useful in tPvP. I believe moreso than Power necro.