Then are you arguing just to argue because no one here is complaining about the stun break?
You can still stun break on the skill.
Here’s my Engineer.
Magitech Helmet
Nightshade Shoulderguards
Aetherblade Medium Jerkin
Firstborn Gloves
Viper’s Leggings
Aetherblade Medium Boots
(edited by DaShi.1368)
Warrior. It’s just good to have one on the backburner because they can do any content easily.
4) Profession balance. Having a commonly used profession skill destroyed during an update sours the whole experience regardless of what they add to the game.
I don’t care for it at all, but that’s just my opinion. If others like it and enjoy it, more power to them.
I can no longer express how utterly disappointed I am with this game. It’s a real shame.
I guess I can say that playing this game lately feels like one slap in the face after another. I’ve found myself becoming more and more hostile to it, and I don’t like that.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
Had they “fixed” this bug at release, we could have had the discussion of how awful iLeap is over a year ago.
Ergo, I have a problem with them making more money than anyone else.
And here we’ve isolated the problem.
No, in fact, I’ve just been made aware that when you unlock it on one character, it will unlock on all your characters, present and future. So no worries there.
Why can’t I +1 the OP?
I’m really very unhappy.
Seconded. I can’t remember when I’ve been more disappointed with this game. This on top of a sobering string of really kittenty drops have soured my experience in GW2.
There will be PvP updates, it will just take awhile. They have three large disparate game components to manage: PvE, PvP, and WvW. Each should see at least one major update a year. PvE will always get the most focus because that’s where the majority of the players are and forms the bread and butter of GW2.
I was expecting them to release an entire area at once, tbh. It had been a long time since the last LS update. I expected a huge splash to start LS2 off. Now I wonder if we won’t get to Magus Falls until LS3.
Yes, the advantage of the outfits is that they work the same way as outfits did in GW1, which was rather popular, I’m to understand.
I think people just wanted a new large area to explore. Something at least the size as the other open world maps.
That this is just a small portion of the map is even more worrisome because it means that LS2 may not have as many new maps (i.e. expansion pack worth) as we hoped.
I think the game has a lot of opportunity for new game modes like this. Unfortunately, the thread dedicated to suggesting such games modes devolved into another complaint thread.
At the end of the day, they took a flaky skill with poorly-documented functionality and made it terrible. It’s still flaky. Why, it’s actually flakier now, since you’re way more likely to hit Swap and go nowhere.
But you got that 1 second of cripple. Actually, they should probably nerf that too.
Thank you for the new information.
(edited by Moderator)
You don’t have to replay it with every character. You just need to unlock it with each character.
No. They shut it down completely for awhile. Then they simply added it to the Activity rotation. It never returned to the Norn home city.
I have a feeling that the people who are disappointed with this chapter of LS2 are going to be even more upset with chapter 2.
Thanks for the heads up. More and more glad I am delaying/skipping this.
It’s surprisingly small.
Considering that I can count the number of exotics that I’ve gotten in two years of play on my fingers, I do believe that some accounts are simply “unlucky.” I’m always surprised when people complain about their bad drops. I find myself wishing my drops were at least as bad as theirs. One of the growing reasons that I am getting quite weary of this game.
Little unnecessary changes do irk me, do not get me wrong. But almost a decade of dealing with them has pretty much built up a lack of caring in the end. :P Sorry.
If you don’t care, then don’t dismiss those who do. Just move on and play.
iLeap should have worked like a reverse Phase Retreat. “Teleport to your target and immobilize them. A clone is generated at your last position.” Drop the worthless 1s cripple for a more reliable gap closer and immobilize.
Mesmers have a love/hate relationship with iLeap. We love it, because it’s our only real gap closer. We hate it because it’s so unreliable. Now it is significant less reliable. With this “fix,” it is now a skill that will do practically nothing more often than not. 1s of cripple is ignorable. Every other clone generating weapon skill guarantees something substantial other than generating a clone on use. Even the awful Ether Clone.
Mirror Blade – damage + boons + conditions
Phase Retreat – teleport
Ether Clone – damage
Illusionary leap – 1s cripple
The only fix needed was how unreliable the skill was to begin with. Mesmer is now the only profession that does not have a gap closing weapon skill when going melee.
This “fix” also demonstrates how little Anet understands the mesmer. Mesmers’ greatest weakness has been its dependence on illusions. Every time they take away means of making illusions or increasing that dependence, they severely limit the way the mesmer can be played. This was the problem with deceptive evasion, and it’s the same problem here. This is very obvious because illusions are such a core mechanic of the mesmer.
Apparently, not enough people hated the costume system, so Anet decided that everyone loves it more than regular armor. And given the sales, it’s no surprise that they came to this conclusion.
If you want better armor, don’t buy the armor you don’t like.
It’s baffling the way they did this. It’s like they looked back at all their mistakes with the mesmer and thought, “Let’s see if we can do worse.”
It will be a Gem Store item. It will likely be released in two weeks and be available for a period of one month. Then it will come back at some future point.
I’m done with Anet and NCSoft. We don’t need them. Our lives will get along just fine without contributing to them in anyway. I used to have a lot of respect for Anet, but this and the horribly cruel drop rates have ended it. I wish I could get a refund for all the money and time I’ve wasted on this foolhardy attempt at a game.
1500 chances = 1498 tokens + 2 favors of the pavilion.
This is about right for my luck in this game. Playing since beta. I get rares at the rate others get exotics. I usually get 1 exotic drop a month (usually an underwater weapon lvl 78). Never got a drop worth over 3g. Everyone in my guild has 2 or more legendaries, I’m not even close to getting 1. Really getting tired of this.
I usually score either Scarlet or Moto on these things.
Any goal I score counts for my achieves. Don’t blame players for poor game design.
Hmm, sounds like a clear exploit.
I’d love to see some sort of Free For All:
1. 20-30 Players on a map about the size of the old GW1 Alliance Battle maps.
2. All players start in the same place, but are invulnerable. They can then use teleporters to take them to different parts of the map. Teleporting offers about 5-10 seconds of invulnerability to avoid campers.
3. Defeated players are returned to the starter area.
4. First to X amount of points wins.
5. Points are scored by defeating other players or completing other objectives spread out across the map.
-the other objectives would be thinks like carrying supply from one point to another or channeling a point. Things that could be easily disrupted by other players.
6. A few hidden (temporary) buffs could be found throughout the map, similar to the Dragon Arena during the Dragon Bash.
It should still open a new zone or people are going to flip.
In other games a 70/30 would have ended with those voting against it disappearing in a couple of weeks.
That’s the problem with bandwagoners. Sure it feels great to dominate during the tournament, but once that’s over, your server is tossed aside for the next one.
I suggest trying to build a WvW community in HoD. YB has dedicated WvW players that play regardless of whether there’s a tournament. They play for their server, not the shinies. You won’t be the top server, but WvW will be a much more satisfying experience regardless of whether there is a tournament or not.
Good luck!
Ugh, replying sentence by sentence is annoying. You’ve said nothing that further supports your terrible solution so your resorting to lame tactics. I now have no respect for you.
Simply put, rewarding personal scores will not end autobalance abuse and will not encourage team play. Abandon this idea because it will make hotjoin unbearable.
do you know that, many people who play in hotjoin, enters spectator mode to force auto balance so they can join the “winning team” or join the team with the “highest top scorer” of the previous match?
What does this have to do with personal scores?
people switches team so they can ride along on the winning team, removing the public scoreboard means that they do not know which the “better” players have joined.
reward players based on their personal score, because, at the moment, players can just force their way into a winning team and just leech off the rewards.
yes, there is a connection to auto-balance because when players see one team has a lot of top scorers, they will enter spectator mode to force auto-balance.
yes, the public score board which shows everyone names and scores should be removed because it does not teach players how to play the game.
however, a personal score board should be in place, showing the player how much that player contributed to the team score.
Rewarding personal scores will not improve the problems with autobalancing. You’ve said nothing that would even indicate that this would be the case. In fact, increasing personal score rewards will only make autobalance joining worse. People will still want to be on the winning team, because that team will have the best opportunity to maximize their personal scores. You’ve now given them another reason to force autobalance.
please elaborate on why they are terrible. i would appreciate your comprehensive reply.
See my previous reply. It is far more comprehensive than your “personal scores will magically make people not force autojoin anymore.”
my objective is mainly about the spectator mode and auto-balance abuse which has ruined hotjoin, and i believe that the rewards system is what caused this type of behavior to happen.
The rewards for winning in hotjoin are so small to be insignificant.
because, the current reward systems does not encourage individual players to do their best for the team, but instead exploit the system to force their way into the winning teams for the standard winning rewards.
and yes, anet failed terrible with the 5 vs 5 hotjoin, and with the rewards system.
:lol: Your inability to understand how games work does mean Anet failed. Rewarding personal scores will encourage more selfish play. People will play such that they maximize their personal scores and not help their team. They will still join winning teams, because those teams will allow them to increase their scores. Your entire suggestion will have no impact on autobalance abuse (or possibly make it worse). That you think your terrible solution should be applied to soloQ and tPvP, which both have no autobalance, only further demonstrates that autobalance is not what you are trying to improve.
The better solution to autobalace abuse has already been stated in this thread. Don’t allow spectators to join the match they are spectating in. It is simple and directly addresses autojoin abuse without adding more problems.
Rangers seem hellbent on not being team players. If something doesn’t involve pewpew with a longbow, then they want no part of it. This is why so many rangers are against stacking. It helps their teams, and they can’t tolerate that.
Anet will not reward personal scores in PvP for good reason. They want players to work as a team. Otherwise, players will just work to maximize their personal scores and lead to discord among teams.
well, their plan failed. players are not working as a team, players learned how to constantly enter spectator mode to force auto balance so they can get better rewards.
they do not work together to help the team win at all.
the current public scoreboard is a failure and should be completely removed.
Then you don’t have a coherent message. I’m not even sure what your issue is anymore because I made a post about personal scores and you are discussing autobalance which has no impact on personal scores.
You’re also asking to reward people for their personal scores, and then asking to remove the public scoreboard. There is no connection to autobalance because no one switches teams to improve their personal score (because personal score is and should be meaningless). And before you get confused, I do think that the personal scoreboard should be removed in hotjoin because it currently adds no value.
And there’s this stuff about adding your suggestions (which I think are terrible) to solo and tpvp, both of which have no impact on hotjoin autobalance. In fact, this whole emphasis on personal score is terrible and would only make the PvP experience worse regardless what is done about autobalance.
I’m not entirely sure what your objective is, but I can clearly tell what it is not. It is not about hotjoin autobalance abuse and it is certainly not about encouraging teamplay, no matter how much you try to deceive us otherwise by crying about how you believe Anet has failed.
Alright. We’ll see if the forum community can fix this for you.
Anet will not reward personal scores in PvP for good reason. They want players to work as a team. Otherwise, players will just work to maximize their personal scores and lead to discord among teams.
Turrets only seemed OP because people didn’t know how to react to them.
This is the same problem that MM necros ran into. People used to complain about them a lot more than turret engineers. Now they don’t receive near as many complaints and are a lot rarer sight in PvP. This is because they are not as effective as they were when people didn’t know how to counter them. Playing an MM is now not as easy as it used to be. Of course, there will still be some players who struggle against them and cry OP. But now only those truly dedicated to perfecting the build can get the most out of their minions. Even then, they will still hit a wall that most other meta builds won’t, which is why you won’t ever see them in tPvP.
Mesmers, in general, have been suffering from this for sometime, now that everyone knows their tricks.
Back to turrets being OP. It’s a problem that will go away on its own as more players become comfortable fighting against them and then bandwagoners move on to something that can more consistently offer them wins, like hambows.
A simple solution would be to just not allow people the join matches they are spectating in.
Entering hot join battles would be the same as before spectator was added. People who are interested in just watching battles could still do so.
And if you really want to join a battle that you are spectating, you can return to the HotM and then select the server you want to play in manually.