And only mesmers would be able to do it.
Map completion is one of the things that I feel should not be carried over if someone does a race change.
I think it was Nevir I saw in hotjoin today. Very impressive engying.
It’s confirmed. ANET officially nerfed the bloodstone. Each bag only gives 0-2 now instead of 0-8…. WHY WHY WHY? Why do you punish NEW players?
AND on top of that you don’t even document it in the patch note!
I wish I could sell mine to you.
Yeah this hot join team stacking is just an annoyance. I myself just spectate so that at least someone gets auto’d into fairness and watch as the person who got auto’d for some reason quits like an idiot.
I think people would have less of a problem, if they were aware that getting autojoined means guaranteed win credit.
I saw a team where a thief was getting hammered by two necros. So I joined his team and turned the score around. By the end of the match, there was so much autojoining and quitting that just that thief and myself were left on the same team and a score of about 480 to 250. The thief then gets autojoined to the losing side and immediately quits. :facepalm:
why are these all on the same key anyway?
why can I not bind revive player, talk to npc, and pick up item to different buttons?
I like this idea a lot.
Also, without EG, you lose your stun-breaker.
Unfortunately, soloQ remains a no go for those who can’t stand Skyhammer.
What if he sets up a Rube Goldberg machine to push the buttons?
No way! I find warriors cheesy and boring. Make them all mesmers!
1) you still get wining rewards if you get autobalanced. the system is not cheating you there.
Yup, getting autobalanced pretty much means you can’t lose the match because you will get credit no matter which team wins. The best thing is to do your best and have fun.
This thread is reading like warriors and thieves who believe that their build should not only win against every other build, but should win quickly against every other build. If they can’t, then those builds must be OP.
So we get complains like, they take to long to kill and are boring to play against. It’s just more self requests from bad players who expect their PvP experience to be the same as their PvE experience. As true spoiled children, they threaten to quit, if they don’t get their way.
well that post is very helpful..
If I am good or not, pve player or pvp player or whatever… if I am 12 years or 50 years. it doenst matter, fighting those bunker classes issnt fun.
they should do something about it, give them other options or whatever.. how they master capture points is just ridiculous.
This is clearly a subjective opinion. I’d much prefer to fight bunkers than instagib professions like thieves and warriors. I don’t find that fun at all. Yet, I’m not asking for them to be nerfed or threatening to leave if they aren’t. Also I am not using the childish argument that claims that everyone feels the same way as me.
I don’t mind the middle of the road bunkers who can do decent damage and defense. I certainly prefer them to the instagib play where warriors chain cc you to death in a few seconds or thieves stealth kill you even faster. These bunkers actually allow combat to be more interesting and keep glass cannons from being easy mode.
However, completely defensive bunkers who can’t kill or be killed are just as bad as pure glass cannon.
This thread is reading like warriors and thieves who believe that their build should not only win against every other build, but should win quickly against every other build. If they can’t, then those builds must be OP.
So we get complains like, they take to long to kill and are boring to play against. It’s just more self requests from bad players who expect their PvP experience to be the same as their PvE experience. As true spoiled children, they threaten to quit, if they don’t get their way.
No its not a L2p issue, the problem issnt that you cant defeat them..
the problem is HOW to defeat them because it takes waaay to long to defeat them.First:
You cant stay on capture point because you get kittened around because of there turrets and condi spam bombs etc..Second:
So you have to keep some distance, this turns into a boring fight where the engi keeps the capture point, at the moment you kill them (If ofc) you are already behind points and the engi is right back in 10 sec.And I aint complaining about OPness or anything, just saying this makes PVP boring to play.
Try fighting warriors who knock you around with ease and then fill you up with conditions or burst. All the while, the tiny bit of damage you can do against them is being passively healed away. That’s boring to play.
“only” from flame turret? that “only” is perma burn, you cant beat perma burn, any other burn would be a waste.
and i wish you try to destroy that flame turret. wont live to see it down.
and yes, this is a single target damage. long range, reliable sustained damage-condi mix. sort of ranger on steroids. cant armor against, cant cleans, and best of all, may hardly ever see the enemy.
Sounds like you are playing a glass cannon with no ranged weapons. You can’t really blame the engineer for that.
I suggest adding some more defensive skills, pure glass cannons are going to struggle a lot against full defensive builds. Also, bring a ranged weapon, that will keep you out range of flame and thumper turrets. Sorry that this isn’t a build that will stand still and let you instagib them.
I recall Anet mentioning this as a possibility in the future with the new trait refund changes. I guess we may see it in the next big feature update.
I suspect it is Kasmeer so that Canach will fill the Sylvari role for the biconics that Scarlet was denied.
It’s not about beating them, it’s that the builds are boring to fight against. Not to mention that the builds that CAN kill them not only don’t kill them fast but are also generally boring as well. As a Warrior if I want to kill a bunker Engi I’d have to run condi Warrior and it still wouldn’t be fast enough. Not to mention Decap Engis that have more pushback than even a Warrior with both Balanced Stance and Dolyak Signet can handle.
This is part of the problem. Engineers need all those knockbacks to counter the warriors with all their stability, cc, and damage. Other classes can’t have their abilities brought down, until warriors themselves are dealt with. Frankly, these build seem like an excellent counter to the warrior meta.
Maybe, check one of the other threads on this topic.
Because people buy hairstyle kits from the gem store.
Depends on your class, but I found Halmi Hammerfell to be easy on a thief. Just load up on gambits and permablind him.
You don’t have to. You get to.
While it’s true that hotjoin shouldn’t be taken too seriously, it’s a lot more fun when both sides have the same number of players. However, I don’t agree with people joining with their friends just to roll over other players. Go to tPvP for that.
At this point I am all for a PvP realm. Everyone that tags up for it ends up with the other PvP people and those that don’t tag don’t end up there in the megaserver. Let them troll each other all day and night.
They could call it the Realm of Torment.
If you were on a winning team and got auto-joined to a losing team, you will get all the rank points and credit for winning the match. In fact, if you are auto-joined, you are guaranteed to win the match, unless you go into spectate and the match ends while you are in there.
Even if you are not involved, map chat is filled with angry posts each time the event fails.
It’s a challenging event. It’s also a very frustrating event. If it wasn’t required for a Grandmaster trait, then I don’t think it would be as much of a problem because few people are doing it for the challenge right now.
Yes! For my Asura!
I altered my statement to address your concern.
You are free to disagree.
What case? I simply stated what happened. You can choose to believe it or not.
I admit that I was never in favor open world dueling, but was fine with other forms of dueling. Now, after experiencing what others here have experienced in other games, I can fully understand why they are so strongly against dueling. It just creates a negative atmosphere in the game.
You have been consistently rude to me and others in this thread to promote your pro-dueling agenda. Dueling is clearly very closely associated with harassment.
I stated what happened clearly. Twisting my words won’t change what happened.
He’s already been reported, but I’m not going to post other people’s pms. If you choose not to believe me, that’s your choice. Dueling just brings out the worst in people. The way you treat others in this thread demonstrates this further.
I realize it’s a dragon flying around, but it does kind of look like a Klingon Bird of Prey warship in that screen shot. Yea, I am a trekkie nerd….so what
Yes, I thought it looked like a raptor at first, now I can totally see the Bird of Prey.
People should go do the Frostgorge train instead…oh wait.
Didn’t take long for a member of the pro-dueling crowd to start sending harassing pms.
Dueling period is a bad idea.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
This thread (and the others like it) are exactly why there shouldn’t be open-world dueling.
If you are not in favor of dueling, here are some of the things you’ve been called by its supporters in this thread:
Stubborn Control-freaks
Have Trivial/Invalid concerns
Magnet for trolls (love this one)
Having completely unbelievable opinions
Trolls/Bullies/Griefers (yes, seriously, and after all of the above was said about those against open-world dueling)
Asking to be harassed (Asking for it)
And that’s only when they don’t just dismiss your opinions completely as not worthy considering.
These are the people that are telling us that there won’t be harassment and yet are being rude, insulting, and dismissive to those who simply don’t agree with them. If we can’t expect open world dueling’s biggest proponents to act maturely when discussing it, how can we expect any better from the trolls and griefers waiting for dueling to get their rocks off by harassing people who just want to play the game they bought as advertised? Since Guild Wars 1, Guild Wars has been about team play in pvp. Dueling is possible but has never been the focus of the game. It would be a major deviation, if this changed.
I saw earlier in this thread that custom arena is not a good option for dueling because it is costly. Yet, I never see dueling supporters making threads suggesting ways to improve the custom arenas or offering alternative suggestions to open-world dueling that are less intrusive to other players (opt-in is clearly not the magic fix here, or so many wouldn’t be against it). GW1 didn’t have open-world dueling and was better for it. However, it did offer dueling opportunities in guild halls. Why not request guild halls and a similar dueling feature there?
Rangers aren’t bad. I love playing against them.
Pretty much this. Rangers are great for the other team to have. In your team, not only do they bring very little to the table, they can actually hurt your group through their pets and Point Blank Shot spam.
Engineers already counter thieves better than any other profession.
15 chars
The transmutation system doesn’t cost anymore than the old system.
There is less customization for town clothes. Outfits can no longer be mixed and matched, some have been converted to tonics, and others single piece items have been converted to armor skins. It’s unfortunate they went this way with it.
I’m still waiting on mine as well, but I’m surprised to see them working on the refund. I only bought two costumes (wintersday and halloween). I asked them to refund the wintersday. I’d ask them to refund the halloween too (because both are fairly unpleasant to me without being able to mix and match), but I got the broom with it, which I’d prefer to keep.
After the power lock “fix,” mesmers have been free kills lately.
Eles seems great! I love fighting them, because I actually have to think.
Thieves actually seem a little weaker. Can’t quite pin down why.
Yes, but what can you do?
Personally i think it could use a hotfix to the extend of not halting rezzing or stomps for 10 seconds but the rest should stay as is, no ICD. The idea being that if your interrupts are spammed and you lock up half an enemies skills for 10 seconds then that is a game changer
locking 1 skill up every X seconds shouldn’t be forced on the trait, specifically this limitation punishes things such as Pistol 5 and Chaos Storm which can cause multiple interrupts in less than 1s.
In current standing if i Drop a chaos storm on a trigger happy thief or Ele and lock them up, then i dont see it as an issue beyond “Learn that mesmer can punish you for mashing keys now” and “be more careful”.
Also i’m sick to the teeth of not being sustainable if i Dont run PU…
Sigh, I’m going to miss mesmers actually being a threat in PvP. Had some of the best battles with interrupt mesmers before the “fix.”
I don’t mind the bug fixes, but could they have least fixed a few bugs that can actually help the mesmer too.
Saw some good interrupt mesmers. They still lost, but they provided a lot more challenge and support than mesmers have been able to lately.
Sounds like an actually viable interrupt build.
Zerker is dead.
Long live Zerker!