Scott replied with saying that’s an interesting observation and effectively saying “there are no intentions to go that way, but thongs in the future may change.”
Yay! New armor!
I like Scarlet too. Really it’s that one bit of her past where she’s some sort of super genius that makes people roll their eyes (I know I did when I first read it). However, if you look past that, she makes for a fun villain that Guild Wars has few of. She’s my favorite part of the Living Story so far.
The fact is that people are going to have different feelings about different characters in the game. Unfortunately, Anet can’t please everyone all the time. I don’t really care for Marjory, who I find to be too perfect and a complete mismatch for the type of story she was placed in. And don’t get me started on Lady Kasmeer.
Our favorite Oakhearts can be small source of harvested wood as they are actually walking living trees .. make them harvestable after we kill them .. instead of some random loot we can just grab hatchets and chop branches and piece of wood from them
Not a bad idea, but they respawn too quickly to be a source of consistent loot.
Guys! Someone bought my silver doubloon for 1g! Who can solve this mystery?
Problem is that people don’t check the other listings, they just list their item at the same price (or below) the lowest current listing, which screws the value of the item over completely.
Wrong. If I want to sell something worth 30G, first i click: Buy more on Trading Post, to check how buy and sell listings look like. Then i decide, if i want to sell my item now, or wait.
Thats not wrong. Just because you check doesnt meant most people do. People create walls all the time because of pointless undercutting. Usually only happens on cheaper items but it still happens and its very irritating. So many mats arent worth selling on the tp thanks to excessive undercutting.
Mats are a perfect example of why undercutting doesn’t matter in the long run. Once people undercut to the point where they aren’t worth selling, people will stop collecting them to sell. Eventually, the supply with dry up and the price will increase. People will then farm more mats to sell and the price will drop again. Also, if the demand drops, the price will drop as well.
Just look at ancient wood over the past two weeks. Crafting of ascended items added a huge new demand and the price skyrocketed. It then quickly stabilized between 8-9 silver no matter how many undercutters there were. It didn’t start to drop until the demand no longer could keep up with the supply. Undercutting had no effect other than to help move the market to an equilibrium.
Too many players view selling on the TP as the price they want to sell for rather than the price others will pay. They then come and whinge on the forums about undercutting, when it is their own kitten fault.
We should be able to see what kind of shots the people on the turrets are firing.
My problem isn’t so much the speed reduction while “in combat”…it’s that it takes so long to get “out of combat”. If the mob resets, you should exit “combat” imo. That and you shouldn’t be slowed unless you loose a certain % of your hp. I’m tired of having some rabbit bit my toe and stick me in combat for half an hour…
Attacking ambient creatures doesn’t start combat.
I agree that it would be nice to get out of combat when the mobs reset.
I don’t know what you mean about the mobs needing to catch up. I can’t run as fast as most enemies. that argument is illogical.
You run faster than all mobs out of combat. You either run faster or as fast as mobs in combat depending on mob.
Condition removal and stun breakers don’t work for in-combat speed buff.
I’m not sure what you are referring to here. You use conditions removal to remove cripple, frozen, or immobilize. You use stun breakers to get out of a stun. All of this helps you keep moving away from mobs and get back out of combat.
Teleport costs money with is just as irritating as in-combat speed reduction.
Blink is free. So is infiltrator’s arrow. Not sure why you think waypoints are something you would bring with you. Doesn’t make much sense.
Speed boosts suck. They are too short, don’t boost speed enough, have to much recharge time and take the place of more important damage skills.
If your intent is to run, then you don’t need to load up on damage skills.
Stealth has similar issue to speed skills with even crappier length of use.
You want classes to have longer stealth? As it is, it is an excellent tool for avoid combat and getting out of combat, which is what this thread is discussing. You seem to want the facetious scenario I proposed in my previous post.
Dodge is an irritating and partially broken system and I with suck a crappy recharge rate it becomes useless very fast. Dodge is also pointless when you agro large groups. It is really only designed to work with one on one fights.
Then you are using it wrong. I avoid aggro large groups easily with dodge. You seem to be confusing running through the maps with fighting mobs. If you really hate dodge, this might not be the game for you.
I hate being forced to do something. If I don’t want to fight then I am not doing it being slowed or not; It just makes my gameplay suck. My characters run pathetically slow even out of combat. There are times where I just stop playing because everything just takes to long!
Get rid of the immensely annoying in-combat slowdown! There is no out-of combat boost as some are trying to claim. I move too slow out of combat also. Also get rid of the WP fees! These just hurt the game. I am less likely to play with other people and help them because it just wont be worth it to me to spend 4 silver to do so. GW2 is starting to feel like a chore with all these annoying aspects constantly interfering with the fun you might have had. I deal with annoying stuff in real life and use the game to relax and get away from this only to start up GW2 and have to deal with more annoying crap. I guess they don’t want people like me to play their game?
Yes, this might not be the game for you. When you start hating core components of a game you are playing, it is time to rethink why you are playing it. I suggest finding a game that has the requirements that you desire. I can’t imagine such a game would hold interest for long. Perhaps something like Second Life (is that still around?).
I’m actually against this. It’s needed so that the mobs can keep up with you in combat. Running outside of combat is a bonus speed. If they took it out they would have to speed up all the mobs as well, and then they’d be a lot harder to avoid.
Currently, it’s super easy to avoid most of the mobs in the game, even in Orr. The problem is that most people just don’t try. Node farmers take the shortest route without thinking, which is often right through mobs. Rangers and Necros are the worst about this because they don’t do the most simple thing of storing their pets. If you are a ranger running through a map, put your pet on peaceful and stow it. I too often see rangers node farming with 5+ mobs following them and their pet along the way. It’s a nuisance to themselves and other players. If you are a necro, you don’t need all those minions to run across the map. Don’t summon them. Simple.
If you are running through a map and get in combat, make sure you have some of the following:
1. A speed boost
2. A teleport, if available
3. A stun breaker
4. Condition removal
5. Stealth, if available
6. Dodge (especially in the Cursed Shore. Know the mobs that have ranged attacks and be ready to dodge them)All of these will help you get on your way.
I can’t feel the same way give us slowness defies logic what needs to be done is make mobs catch up faster (give them slowness spells, shadowstep similar functionality that we had in gw1)
Its bad to force players to use spells and dodge to get around in the world, at least that is how i see it.
If you decide to run through mobs its better to have them try to catch you with a spell or actually cripple if they manage to hit you close combat.
This is wrong by design and the global slowness to “in-combat” feels as a fast fix they put in to counter the mobs need time to catch up. As it is now its pure stupidity.
This is unqualified opinion. It doesn’t really make a case against the combat speed or contribute to the overall discussion. You are just stating that you don’t like how it feels. That’s fine, but I feel that there is no problem with the combat speed.
As for the GW1 comparison. People need to take off their rose-tinted glasses. Running is GW1 was so horrible people paid others to do it. Giving every monster a snare or cripple to slow you down would be a lot worse than the current system. And not giving every monster a snare or slow while removing the combat speed is just asking for an entitlement. You might as well ask for free, always unconstested waypoints every three meters and all the crafting nodes in an open field in LA. It would be no different experience.
GW2 was built with a dodge mechanic and skills for mobility. The whole game is built around this. Dodging is part of the active gameplay Anet wants. You might want to consider another game, if this is such a problem.
Finally, combat speed is an excellent solution to the problems with travel that GW1 had. It only “feels” bad because out of combat speed is so fast, especially if you have speed boost signets spoiling you. Also, combat speed is very easy to avoid, if you just want to run across maps. It’s not a hindrance and actually makes running a lot more interesting than press R.
I’m actually against this. It’s needed so that the mobs can keep up with you in combat. Running outside of combat is a bonus speed. If they took it out they would have to speed up all the mobs as well, and then they’d be a lot harder to avoid.
Currently, it’s super easy to avoid most of the mobs in the game, even in Orr. The problem is that most people just don’t try. Node farmers take the shortest route without thinking, which is often right through mobs. Rangers and Necros are the worst about this because they don’t do the most simple thing of storing their pets. If you are a ranger running through a map, put your pet on peaceful and stow it. I too often see rangers node farming with 5+ mobs following them and their pet along the way. It’s a nuisance to themselves and other players. If you are a necro, you don’t need all those minions to run across the map. Don’t summon them. Simple.
If you are running through a map and get in combat, make sure you have some of the following:
1. A speed boost
2. A teleport, if available
3. A stun breaker
4. Condition removal
5. Stealth, if available
6. Dodge (especially in the Cursed Shore. Know the mobs that have ranged attacks and be ready to dodge them)
All of these will help you get on your way.
Each ori and wood node is unique. If you farm one on one server, you can’t farm the corresponding one on another. So if you farm 4 out of 5 Cursed Shore ori nodes in your home server and then guest to another, you will only find 1 ori node left on that server’s Cursed Shore.
people complain about over-priced lodestones and Anet needing to put a price limit on the TP, etc. now that they do something and the prices go down, people complain?
That’s because some people speculated and lost on lodestone prices. This will happen during any major price shift. And they really only have themselves to blame. Anet had mentioned that they would increase chances to get lodestones on at least two occasions.
Yes, and I don’t expect to have such things just handed to me.
I want all the legendaries, but I can’t play the way I want to play to do it.
The question is, if people buy ectos directly from the TP or just salvage those, they get from their crafted exos.
But i also think that the ecto price will go up, just cause….more MF is more MF.
I think it will stabilize. If ecto prices are high, then people won’t salvage them. If the price gets low enough, then they will be more likely to salvage them.
But as can be seen on spidy that buffer will eventually erode due to the insame amount of luck needed as well as ascended weapons. Mark my words Ecto will steadily increase over the coming weeks…
huh? supply has been depleted due to this last month of ecto free farming. now supply is skyrocketing. Prices are going to plummet not go up… I’d bet 100g on it.
Ectos are being used at a massive rate to craft to 500, but the actual weapons use almost no ectos.
Tonight for the first time in recent memory I got thrown into overflow when trying to do the Shadow Behemoth event in Queensdale. That hasn’t happened since… the spring? There are a LOT of people farming the events now that the gold faucets have been shut off.
Floods of rares, ectos, and mats are coming soon. The only thing that is certain is that things will always change.
It’s going to get better (or worse depending on perspective) for lower ecto prices when the 10 minute overflow grace period is added to all world bosses.
I was playing shatter for a long time. It’s nice to have distortion easily available. However, I’ve since switched to phantasm for PvE. I really only loose the condition damage, which I rarely needed anyway for more health, healing, and the focus reflections. I do miss being able to spare 10 points for chaos though. There are a lot of useful adept traits there.
Having not played spvp much lately, I was surprised to see these changes weren’t the case to begin with and was surprised by all the complaining about ranger spirits. I’m glad this is fixed.
Yes, if ranger’s want more damage, then something has to be done about their healing. This is why the pets had to be nerfed. I’ve seen rangers tank full berserker warriors in WvW thanks to troll ungent.
Ugh, I always hate getting matched with CD because of the QQ. I don’t think the whole server is bad, but unfortunately they have some very vocal poor sports. Look forward to this match ending and playing with more pleasant and competitive servers.
As for Yaks, I’m really pleased with the improvements.
It’s probably because they are weak and a popular profession, but I usually avoid rangers because they are jerks. They either spam their push skill or use it deliberately to push your target away. In another thread, I mentioned an instance where one rescued an opponent in WvW doing this. When on my ele, I have to be careful to not drop the flame greatsword near a ranger. On several occasions, I’ve seen a one pick it up and drop it immediately so no one else can use it. No other profession does this. Sadly, there have been few occasions where a good ranger has helped to improve their profession’s reputation. I’ve noticed that they rarely rez, but it seems fewer people do that as well now.
My mesmer didn’t even break a sweat fighting her. She’s easily distracted by clones. Maybe try elementals.
I think initially the prices of ori, ancient wood, t6 mats and ectos will rise again because those are needed to lvl your crafting to 450 or 500.
Once most people are at lvl 450 crafting, they will need the ascended mats and the farming meta will change quite a bit. More people will farm the world bosses which might push ecto prices down again.
I also expect exotic weapons to rise in price because they will be salvaged more often now.
Ectos are needed for exotics and exotics are needed for dark matter to build ascended weapon components.
There will be very strong demand for ectos for a very long time.
Not if you can’t sell dark matter and ascended items.
The utility phantasms could use a little more permanence.
iDefender takes damage for other players, so it won’t last long anyway. iDisenchanter could die after removing 5 conditions and boons or take damage for removing them. Keeping or adding these conditions should allow the player to keep them around after the target dies. This would make these skills more appealing to use.
The problem is that Jeff and Ree are either very busy with building the overarching lore (and giving into the subpar ideas of the new writers) or are held back so the LS writing team can have their “fun.”
Mm, no, the problem might be that the LS writers are trying to have it be “fun and entertaining” as opposed to “stirring and exquisite writing”. Which is good, because people shooting for “stirring and exquisite writing” sometimes risk missing the mark and moving right on into “boring and pretentious” or too far into “just plain boring”. Like shooting for Inception and instead getting Minority Report.
This is why I like Scarlet. She’s a fun, over the top villain.
This isn’t something that happens sometimes. It happens all the time on certain items. The issue isn’t whether there are bots. It’s what Anet will do about them.
The problem is mesmers have easy access to two traits that increase the damage of phantasms by 15%, and they are both easily accessible.
You mean a trait 25 points into a line that doesn’t sync well with any of the other trait lines?
Please describe some traits you don’t find easily accessible.
People are complaining to much. just play the game. Before this meta Necros and Warriors were weak like Mesmers and Eles are now.(they changed the places)
But Necros and Warriors never complained so much like you guys.
I suggest you look at the history of this forum. You’ll find numerous threads about warriors and necros, complaining about how weak they were.
I thought she was sylvari. What we could see of her face looked very sylvari and the way she spoke was very Nightmare Courtish villainy.
How is the community becoming divided at all a good thing?
I doubt anyone would take it that seriously.
Fantastic event, Anet! I’m impressed by how much passion people had for both characters. There was strong support on both sides. :b:
I’m so happy pretty Kiel won. She deserves it.
Interesting how an obvious huckster like Evon has drawn so many people in.
Give me the less obvious huckster, Kiel, any day.
The difficulty of this achievement is a valid complaint.
Tried Thief and Mesmer. Had a much easier time with thief.
I play like a deranged sociopath. I kill everything in sight with no regard for my own safety.
Or add CAPTCHAs.
I’m so excited about this change. I have 100+% MF and would love to run something else without feeling like I’m missing something. Account bound is fine. I can run the armor I want and not worry about MF. Although, I’d rather it just be gone altogether, but this works.
Don’t forget that there is a stop in the sun skill. You can cancel it after activating it. This helps you avoid falling off edges and saves endurance for the parts with multiple waterfalls.
Fakes aren’t much of a problem once you’ve done the race a few times. You’ll know where the real ones are and the people usually put the fakes in the same places. That said, since I don’t play for first, I generally let some people go ahead of me to clear the way, just so I don’t have to deal with them. Four place and further back see much fewer fakes.
Not sure if kite fortunes are treated as rare for MF. They do come in the those little chests, when mobs drop them, and I have, personally, noticed more kite fortune drops with higher magic find.
I’ve gotten quite used to getting these chests everyday. I’m not sure what I’m going to do when my chest fix runs out. :o
Rangers, deservedly so. I’d have more sympathy for Rangers, if they would just stop spamming their push skill. I don’t know why it is always Rangers as other professions have it too. But Rangers love to spam it at the worst possible time. At least twice in WvW, I had an opponent stunned/immobilized and ready to go down only to have a Ranger from my server push him away, which allowed him to escape. It’s even worse in PvE. Argh!
I put it on my mesmer and love it.
1. A ranger forum?
If your pattern isn’t working, go to the wiki and try the patterns there. Sometimes the pattern shown is not the correct one to solve the puzzle. Through trial and error, you should get through it.
I currently have two exotic armor sets for my mesmer. Both are full berserkers. I got the second set for the looks because I like the looks of both sets. Now I want a third set, yet it kills me to have to make a third berserker set. It’s not the cost, it’s the inefficiency. Sure, I could make a magic find or rampager, but I’ll hardly ever use them. Releasing new armor sets only makes this worse.
No, I still love my mesmer. Besides, if these changes really hurt the profession, I’m sure that Anet will address them. The best way is to keep playing them and show the problems, if any, so that Anet has enough info. to correct them.
Mesmers can do a bit more than a Necro, while still being somewhat tougher to kill. Necromancers don’t come close to the mobility that a Mesmer has, and the problem with what you described is that Necro has to build specifically for one or two things that make him suck at everything else. Mesmers get everything they need on a single build, considering everything they could need happens to be in their class mechanic and weapon set.
This is incorrect. You are exaggerating, which is why you don’t provide examples. Necros have far more mobility. They have easy access to swiftness and a signet to increase speed. They also have a lot of control, especially for AoE, that the mesmers lack. Mesmers have an unreliable immobilize and cripple.
Where necros fail is in defense. Despite so much condition removal, they are very vulnerable to them. This is because their condition removal is so slow that they are wiped by a burst before they can cleanse themselves. A necro is very useful in a zerg, but must always stay in the back or will die quickly. Mesmers and most other professions can jump into the fray and have enough tricks to get out.
Of course, like nearly all your posts, this has nothing to do with nerfing the mesmer.