Showing Posts For Dadnir.5038:

Golemencer 6 x runes on mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


nope this has been fixed long ago.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Nature's Vengeance (trait) suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I agree that it is a shame to see that the active skills of the spirit are not used or perhaps I should say underused. However, the active skills have the same cool down than the spirit so I struggle to understand what you would gain by removing the cool down.

Back to the trait, I see here no suggestion about it. Personnaly I think they should renamed the trait to Nature’s boon or Nature’s blessing since as it is now it have nothing to do with “vengeance”.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

I think Decimate Defenses is broken.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


The hero panel does not show the change from those trait because those change are not general but conditionnal. To put it simply, the pannel show your crit chance assuming that your target have no vuln stack.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

[Vid] Please nerf deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


You ask about nerfing deathly chill while you reach 7k bleed thank to a condi trnsfert on your video? I’m not sure that this is a proper video to valid your point. If it weren’t for the 14 bleed stack that you transfered, you would have done 4k damage which is correct.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

Another Soul Eater topic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Come on, what’s amazing with this trait is that we would even welcome a bland 5% damage boost to replace the life siphon.

The real issue is that the life siphon is tied to gravedigger which is not the great skill that anet’s devs thought it would be. Aknowledging one’s mistake is important to be able to move forward and gravedigger is a mistake that need to be aknowledged.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

SoulBeast next spec? i hope with double sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


To be exact, they wanted to get rid of classes that fullfilled a unique specific role.

They wanted to make different professions that could all stand up to perform whatever role the party would need so nobody would have to wait for year for a tank or a healer to finally show up.

Guild wars 1 also showed them that healers that can heal a party through a pvp match is indeed a big issue for PvP, and that’s why they tryed really hard to avoided creating such a thing. Though they ended up creating druid whom they still continue to nerf the healing output (at this point I wonder if some HPS will be left).

At launch, the idea was a game where you had 8 professions that could each fullfill any given role out of dps, support and control. The reality quickly showed that it wasn’t an easy balance to create and as of today they still struggle to reach this idea.

The real difficulty is that some profession thematic have an easier time to adapt for each role while other struggle. In our case, the ranger need to adapt itself through the use of the pet and… well… That’s not the best tool they created.

It’s sad but I think that both the balance team and the player community pushed the ranger into this poor state of his. What the ranger needed (and still need) is a huge overhaul of the pet mechanism. Balancing all pets skills, F2 skills, pet UI and the way we control pet should have been the top priority of the balance team for the ranger. Instead, the player base pushed the balance team to make the pet into a flavor feature instead of a real strenght of the ranger. Buffing again and again the ranger himself while ignoring the pet more and more. The druid e-spec show exactly that, a will to make the ranger almost totally independant of the pet.

The ranger and the pet need a symbiotic relationship, since launch we still have the pet behaving like a parasite, not a symbiot. (And this will stay as is, as long as they will continue to keep the pet as a semi independant tool using poorly designed skills when it’s not needed).

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Am I doing it wrong?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Well, the necromancer is the necromancer…

Direct dps ain’t is strong point because anet want it in a state where you outlast your opponent, not in a state where you crush your opponent like other profession (except mesmer which is in a state where you outplay your opponent)

Condi damage wise, the necromancer focus on stacking the low damage conditions of the game which often lead the necromancer to have a slow ramp up in damage making it difficult for him to freely burst with conditions in fight that are fast paced. Reaper slightly correct this issue but the fact that you are heavily dependant on your sole ice field to achieve this burst make this ability only really relevant in non organized wvw.

Survivability is an important aspect of the necromancer. We’ve got tons of traits that support this aspect. Our real issue here is more that we don’t have any other way to negate damages than blinding our foes. We are supposed to take damage in a game where negating damage is king. Worst part of this is that we just lost our last way to retaliate while taking those damages.

Support… Well, the devs choice for our support are somewhat painfull. They chose to focus on :
- soft conditions (that any other profession can max out without losing anything),
- highly nerfed siphons (because it does both damage and heal, it seem that this just can’t be strong),
- taking conditions from your allies (the best joke),
- preventing death from down allies (Not really the best mindset when you intend to slay a timed foe)
- corrupting boons (well you need boons to corrupt obviously)
Anyway, all of this support is minor to the point that it is not really sought out by any team in pve.

In the end, in pve, the worth of the necromancer lie in it’s resilience and it’s ability to survive while doing a medium amount of damage. The ideal role of the necromancer is probably a tanking role, however there is not really any room for tankers that only tank and can’t negate one hit KO mechanisms.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Stealth Nerf / Change to LoYF

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Better this way as it involves player skill.

Is placing oneself behind a target really worse being labelled as having “skill”? At best it’s a restriction that add flavor and punish foes that dare to show their back to the ranger. It has really nothing to do with “skill”.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Has Raiding Changed At All?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


@Op whats the mmo you are currently playing and allows you to play with w/e stat you like?

That’s a sharp point you got here…

However, for guild wars 2 the reality is that the raid can be done whatever gear you take, it’s, sadly, the community that push players into gearing optimally. On the other hand, I can understand that the players of the community want to safely slay a boss through optimal dps instead of struggling with suboptimal gear.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Invigorating bond trait

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Reduce healing and remove the internal cool down would be for me the best solution. Alas Anet probably won’t do it because it would mean that the moa’s outgoing healing would be inferior to the bird outgoing healing.

So many thing to correct when it’s related to ranger’s pets in this game…

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Elite Specialization speculation

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


What I mean?

Auras are more or less owned by the core elementalist and tempest push them to new heights.

The core ranger have an insane amount of “movement skills” why wouldn’t we have something that make use of that? And we know that it’s possible to add effect on movement skills since the warrior already have a trait that help him to break free of immobilize when using one.

Be it direct effect on the ranger like a cleanse on movement skill use or giving a buff to your pet when you use one… There is plenty of possibilities. Just imagine how valuable would be a trait that give an exxtra effect to :

- Swoop and technically hilt bash (great sword)
- quick shot (short bow)
- hornet sting, monarch leap and serpent’s strike (sword)
- stalker strike (dagger)
- lightning reflex (utility)

Now, with that, let’s just try to move the ranger closer to the thief we could end up with something like that :

1st Minor trait grant stealth on movement skill use as special mechanism.
2nd Minor grant stealth to your pet when you enter stealth.
3rd Minor grant Blurr to your pet when he enter stealth.

Up traits improve the ranger’s stealth :
1- grant first strike whenever you enter stealth.
2- grant you stabilty when you enter stealth.
3- you do more condition damage while stealthed.

Middle trait focus on reveal :
1- gain toughness while revealed
2- you and your pet do x% more damage while revealed
3- gain x health point every second while revealed.

Down traits focus on movement :
1- gain swftness when you use a movement skill
2- cure one condition when you use a movement skill
3- movement skill all gain a leap finisher.

(pretty easy to imagine, probably extremly easy to introduce in the game and most likely very usefull since it would work well whatever traitline you use)

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Dark Pact

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


And increase your heal by 20% using a bleed that will inflict you only 440 damage in 10 seconds is a really good excange.

i guess theres always gonna be those types…

Yeah, they won’t take into account that bleed actually keep you in combat for those 10 second while your foe swiftly withdrew and recovered it’s health in an instant. But well it sure is worth to bleed for 20% more health provided by a skill that can easily fail.

We would have trait that make us stronger when we harm ourselves, I wouldn’t mind this change but sadly it’s not the case. It’s like spending all your money into a monitor when you don’t even have a computer.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Is Vanilla Necro Viable vs Thief Now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Granted that it lost it’s access to retaliation, I’m not sure that the power vanilla necromancer is better at fighting thieve that it was. Reveal on tainted chain probably won’t really bother thieves at this point.

So my answer would be :
- power builds became less effective
- condi builds won’t see any serious difference

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Things you would like to see

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Well Draeyo, actually we got :

Ice field : Frost trap

Poison field : Viper nest, poisonous cloud (carion devourer), Poison gas (all spiders), Poison cloud (murello), exploding venom sac (warthog)

etheral field : Throw gunk (warthog and boar)

Water field : healing spring

Fire field : Falme trap, consuing flame (fire wivern), bonfire.

lightning field : ligthning assault (electric wivern)

smoke field : smokecloud (smokescale)

I’m not sure that we really need more poison field

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Elite Specialization speculation

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Auras are basically the things that the elementalist is able to spam in this game. Thematically those auras are not really easy to add to the ranger… Beside, I’m not sure that we would really gain anything by having a spec based on auras.

I think they already explored thoroughly the aura theme with tempest, let’s leave it at that.

Edit : If anything, I’d rather see them deepened our bond with movment skills by adding some effect when we use this kind of skills. With just our core ranger, we have incredible potential for an e-spec that capitalize on such mechanisms.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

Dark Pact

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


@_Maethendias_ I stoped expecting some common sense on the necromancer’s balance.

Tho the whole bleed thingy is probably because they thought that dagger main hand didn’t really fit the Blood magic where it’s dedicated trait sit in.

My opinion is that Dark pact don’t have an effect strong enough to desserve a self bleed. Anet’s opinion is probably that the self bleed is a damage buff itself…

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Feeling Vs Balance

in Warrior

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


What you feel like a long time feel like a really short time to me…

Well the thing that bug me the most is that you say that you played PS warrior a long time until people popularized it, but PS warrior has been meta since the day they introduced the trait in the game.

Thought I never like power PS due to the fact that I feel like my character is in slowmotion when it use the greatsword, I can understand that making it even slower hurt those who enjoyed it.

The way anet handle thing that need a nerf have always been “strange”. When something need a nerf they do not nerf the thing, they nerf things that revolve around this thing. Way to do thing that I personnally find to be dumb. The build needed a change on either Phallanx strenght or Forcefull greatsword.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Things you would like to see

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


A pet, let’s say a snake, that create clones of himself and have an F2 that shatter those clones for an abysmal effect.
This thing would have absolutely no efficiency, it’s just for fun sake.

Blur on pet when I dodge or use an evade skill. (Is this really to much to ask?)

The ability to prevent my pet from using some of it’s skill. I want to be able to disable permanently quickening screech or any of the many other bothersome skills that gutt some of our pets.

I want to trad the might stack on axe auto against a bleed stack (I won’t be against a poison stack if the dev team is affraid of a bleed stack on axe AA).

I want to trad the 5 might stacks given by most dangerous game against a single fury stack. (Just to create a synergy with the poor remorseless)

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Has Raiding Changed At All?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Even if something was changed, nobody would be able to answer this question because nomad gear cost way to much to make for very little return on investment.

Even so, I can recall that some guys had fun and upload a video of them doing the val guardian without any gear on them, so it might be doable even if your whole team sell their house for a nomad gear.

So in the end it’s likely that you’ll have more trouble finding a team that accept your fetish than trouble killing your way through the raids in nomad gear.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Elite Specialization speculation

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


What is “mark”? Also I understand that it is an unique debuff whose only purpose is to interact with dagger#2, I can’t help but think that it is a waste to introduce such a thing in a spec that will not capitalize on it.

What is “inner beast”? Again a very blurry concept that is not supported by any trait or any skills. Is there any use to it? Is this just a stow button that stow the pet even in combat?

On a side note, dagger is just sword 2.0 with this design… that’s sad.

NB.: 2% maximum health converted into power is undoubtely awfully OP. It’s not that hard to reach around 30k HP and it would grant 1500 power… That’s huge. Usually a traits that give extra stats don’t give more than roughly 300. The game will lose all illusions of balance if something lie this is introduced.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


But, honnestly the same is right for all pure damage skills in the game. However, you still do not support your party with a pure dps skill. It’s the skill that is selfish because it is the way this skill is coded.

However you turn it, the skill make yours the condition and make you do more damage. It doesn’t have any impact on your teammates. You need to kill 5 adds that poped out of nowhere by some kind of magic? Meteor shower will do the exact same job than epidemic, the 2 skills will have the same impact on your teammates.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Spreading your allies conditions and the damage dealt as a result of that should be credited to the allies as well as the necromancer. Without both the damage dealt would have never happened. Whether it “grant” the allies more dps or not is simply a difference in the way that is counted. But the bottom line is, you just assisted your allies in dealing more damage to the enemies with THEIR conditions not yours.

But Squallaus, that is no support. Whatever the way you want to put it, it is not any kind of support. It’s just the necromancer taking advantage of what the other give.

Whether it “grant” the allies more dps or not is simply a difference in the way that is counted.

But that’s what make the difference between support and dps lol. The support is purely altruistic the dps is purely selfish. If you don’t give anything to your allies and take their everything to do more damage, you are just ding damage and in no way you are doing any kind of support.

This is the very difference.

Meteor shower take all the support from the boons, buff and vulnerability stacks to do more damage.
Epidemic, the same way, take all the support from boons, buff and every other conditions that your allies put on the ennemy to do more damage. It does not “spread” the conditions of your allies, it copy these conditions, make them yours and apply them to the ennemies surrounding your target so that you can do a lot of damages.

Epidemic give absolutely nothing to your allies and thus, it can’t be listed as a “support” skill. If it was really spreading their conditions, you wouldn’t see their damage and the condition damage wouldn’t depend of your conditions damages. Just like Plague signet who send back conditions on you and neither show you their damage nor does it apply your conditions damages to these conditions.

It would be a support skill like you describe it if there weren’t any condition damage correction and if they were the one to see the condition damage real time.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Epidemic isn’t a support skill. Looking at the 3 pillars of the Damage, Support and Control Epidemic is Damage+Control. Not support.

Epidemic is not a skill that provide supportive buffs, but it is certainly a support skill that help the party spread their DPS. The “support” refered to by the Dps, support and control trinity refers specifically to supportive buffs. But that does not change the fact that epidemic is a support dps skill.

You’ve got a really twist mind…

Epidemic support nothing. You even said it, epidemic use your condition damage. Your party member do not benefit from epidemic, at least not more than your party member would benefit from a meteor shower.

There is a huge difference between being the one that is supported and the one that grant support and clearly you don’t really understand that difference.

If you give a direct benefit to your allies, you give them support. (Epidemic does not belong here). Other need you to reach the peak of their abilities.

If you give indirect benefit by doing more personnal dps, you are the one that is supported. (Epidemic belong here). You need other to reach the peak of your abilities.

Epidemic only allow your personnal dps to skyrocket for a few seconds. It give nothing to other. It doesn’t heal them! It doesn’t grant them more dps! It doesn’t grant them more personnal survivability! Nothing! The skill need other to improve it via both boons and conditions. The skill i itself is totally dependant of the support that other grant you. It give absolutely nothing to them, strictly speaking you are the only one to reap the benefit from this skill.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Is the mesmer a good main character?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


You probably forgot the “i” and it became “b*d*ss”

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


lol epidemic uses your team members conditions too for the spreading! in effect, you are helping your team members do damage. Just that your team members don’t get to see the values pop up afterwards. But atleast you are using your team members conditions to kill the mobs faster, therefore supporting the team. And those conditions are scaled to your condition dmg. Too bad there is a 25 stack cap though. But the point is, Meteor Shower on the other hand does not use your allies condition to dmg the enemy.

Meteor shower use your allies boons… thanks! Using things from your allies doesn’t mean that you support your allies, it just mean that you use the support of your allies. So no, epidemic is not a support skill, It’s a skill that need support from other to do optimal damage from what you are saying.

To support mean that you give something, not that you take the stuff of the good stuff of the other to achieve impressive personnal result.

With what you say to prove that epidemic is a support skill I can only say that perhaps epidemic is the only skill of the game that really take advantage of all the support that your allies can provide to it. But I just can’t aknoledge this skill as a skill that support my allies.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Only Epidemic on add’s is a good support skill but it is useless without those add’s.

C’mon epidemic is NOT a support skill! It’s like saying hundred blade or meteor shower are support skill. Spreading condition does not support your team, it only help you do more overall damage for a short time. This is a damage dealing skill not a support skill!

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Also to add, assuming the elites stack, which they should,

Don’t underestimate the damage of the New plagueland. It is far superior to our current wells. Just taking the first condi pulse bleed alone, one reaper would stack 9 bleeds at the end of the elite. 10 reapers = 90 bleed stacks. Add 10 epidemic to it and neighbouring sieges get 900 bleed stacks. And all these bleeds tick over time. And then there is chill stacking which increases bleed stacks even more due to reaper trait.

Nope 1 epidemic can only send 25 bleed stacks. so at best 250 bleed stacks and that is if there is no projectile reflexion or aegis or block.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


The support aspect is right on the edge of being absolutely amazing and worth taking or considering in most situations but is just missing that only little key piece to push it to the limit.

What a mind blowing introduction…

I hope that what you mean by this is that we got amazing tools on the paper but they are all so useless in the actual game that in the end it’s as if we don’t have any support tools.

Heal : We got a few tools but nothing that could help us take a healing spot. Vampiric aura is weak by itself, the only way to make it relevant and viable as a healing tool would be to remove the damage part and double the base heal component. We are by no mean masters of the regeneration boon. Transfusion is often on a to long cool down to be relevant as a reliable tool.

Boons : We are the worst at giving boons to others.

Conditions : We don’t add anthing here that other professions can already do with ease.

Cleanse : We are effectively useless for any party cleanse outside of wasting lich form CD just for a cleanse. Draining conditions from other achieve terribly poor results in game. This is just inefficient and pathetic.

Combo : Our fields are still horrible and our finisher useless for party support.

Utilities : People have the false idea that utility skills like epidemic are a kind of support… I’m affraid that I have to say that this is just a damage skill like meteor shower. We got BiP which can’t even maintain the few might stacks that it provide, WoP have few use in PvE and see barely any use in the other game mode, we have a skill that can block projectiles (thanks god!), a pitiable wall that is waste after 5 uses and lastly a signet that give a few siphon stacks.

I can agree that the ideas behind all those support tools are amazing but, if you look only at PvE (see I’ve read at least up to this point), all this support is wasted, ineficient and bypassed by the fact mechanisms. Conditions in PvE either kill you in an instant or are inexistant. Projectiles that you could block are often made so that they are unblockable (vale guardian is a good example). Life siphons? unreliable and pitiable in healing value. Boons? we are the worst profession at providing them (even a thief is mre reliable when it come to providing boons because he got reliable blast finisher).

Ironically support was the strenght of the GW’s necromancer but it seem that when they aquired the shroud they just got rid of this strenght. There are mechanisms in the game that could work really well with the necromancer’s thematic and can grant support tools to this profession. I just hope that they will be a part of the futur of the necromancer.

As for tanking, it is both the strong point of the necromancer and it’s weak point. I think it’s someow balanced as it is even if we just lost plague whic was one of our “Oh sh*t!” buton.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Old Mallyx is the new Necro spec?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I can’t seem to recall any “huge” change between beta mallyx and the current one… But I doubt that we will have what’s removed from this legend. That’s simply because if it has been removed, it was for balance sake not to satisfy the necromancer’s community.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Is the mesmer a good main character?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Mesmer doesn’t feel very weak to me in open world. Running a berserker chronomancer GS/ SW+SH things seem to die quickly, and I am 99% immune to all damage for almost zero effort. I played through HoT story quest with a minion-necromancer and it didn’t feel particularly better to me.

Subjective feeling vs actual data:

Mesmer is due to its mechanical limitations by far the last class dps wise.

Now some might argue, well those are endgame maximised benchmarks on 1 target. To which I would respond:“Yes they are, now please tell mich which other class in this game loses as much dps as mesmer when switching targets?”

Answer: none.

Meaning the class is off far worse when switching targets or fighting multiple low life opponents than even the benchmark shows.

While I won’t say that mesmer direct damage are sky high, you quote a player that specifically say “open world” and show the qT benchmark which have absolutely no direct dps build (exept condi) for the mesmer.

It’s sure that the damage won’t be impressive if half your traits and utilities are for support. This benchmark is subjective and not objective, it suppose that you will support or tank not that you will be taken as a DD. And this is totally understandable since this guild’s target is the optimum group comp.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Spirit Weapons - 5 Years And Still Unusable

in Guardian

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


One of my issue with the dev team is that they tend to stick with flawed design to the very end. Spirit weapon used to be undamagable… Well as soon as they made them relevant hile undamagable the fond it necessary to make them damagable… The issue was (and is) clearly the design of the skill but still they stick to it.

It’s exactly like transform skills or conjure weapons, the skills just aren’t used or when a gimmick can be used with them, they become a problem for the game and they nerf them. And they end up not being used.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Since when where conjured weapons viable?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dadnir.5038



Conjure are still in the same state as always : cluncky and without any great skills. There is no reason to take frost bow and FGS is still your mobility last ressort.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

SoulBeast next spec? i hope with double sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Well, I have no bowman fantasy but It does not mean that I enjoy playing druid at all. I can only admit that druid open up some build diversity, however the whole avatar thingy is simply horrible. (And I do not speak about the “look” but the whole gameplay of the thing)

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


necro needed a role badly in wvw

If there is a game mode where necro have had a role it’s been wvw. The necro’s been meta in wvw since players understood ow to use well of corruption. Corrupting boons is in itself something that make the necromancer meta and there is no other gamemode in this game where there is more boons to corrupt.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Meanwhile, I’m sadly concerned by the fact that they removed the slightly cool transformation skin of the plague elite and left us with the horrendously ugly transformation skin of the lich skill…

Honnestly the change is not that bad, it have it’s pro and cons, it’s not worse than most elite skills of the game and finally relieve us of one of those bothersome cluncky tranformations skills. I would have prefered them to get rid of the lich and i’d certainly not have changed the plague this way but it’s not that bad either way.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Patch Notes May 16, 2017

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


On the upside, the Unholy Burst does deal identical damage to Unholy Feast itself, so it’s not too awful in that respect. If you can get even just two overlapping procs, that’s some serious burst to execute.

if this happen and it become a thing, it will more likely be nerfed hard pretty fast. The worst being that it will be higly efficient in pvp against downed player. I’m pretty sure tat Anet will stand against the idea if this skill become a wide area stomp skill.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Oh ANet, Might doesn't affect phantasms...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


You lot don’t get it… Dev are so engrossed by the next elite spec that they forgot that without the elite spec fantasm are not effected by might. However, with the elite spec, they become mere minion with their own stats and 8 might stacks is a godly buff for them.

You are not seeing the whole picture, that’s why you don’t understand such huge buff.

NB.: Writing those lines without laughing and crying at the same time was a challenge for me… Yet the fact is that it could be the logical answer behind this change. I can already imagine it : Fantasms are now independant minions that attack the same target than you and copy you when you use their active skill. Fantasm skills are now divided into 2 skills : one summon and the second let you and the minion use the active skill. You can now only have 1 weapon fantasm active and 3 clones. Shatters only destroy clone and not your fantasm.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Don’t you think that the real question is more :

Why does anet link WvW with PvE instead of linking it with sPvP?

WvW is mainly free PvP why the hell is it associated to PvE? Balance should be PvE on one side and PvP/WvW on the other side and don’t tell me that they ca’t do it, they already do it for ranger’s pets.

Honnestly, a little bit of logic would have already fixed this issue a long time ago.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Patch Notes May 16, 2017

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Wow… I double checked the date to be sure that we weren’t on april 1st…

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Predictions for Sandshroud & Torch Mechanics

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I think that an utility that fit the scourge idea would be in between banner and spirits. I kinda like the idea of corrupting an area, weakening the ennemies that step in.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Return the glory of Minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


About minions i love them. But i don’t think anet will ever again do something for us mm… can say i’m wrong but raids are what they are focused the most now. They’ll probably put minions away for more condis…. but i still hope for new minions! Give us an elite skill that summon a giganticus lupicus!

Don’t be like that, remember that they gave minions to the scrapper.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

A compilation of Necromancer ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Soul Comprehension might be OP as you describe. I recommend an ICD or just make it a constant passive.

That’s an understatement… It’s basically a way stronger iteration of the current unholy martyr.

I actually like what you did to signet of undeath while everything else is not to my liking. It could be interesting to dwell deeper in this path that you take with signet of undeath by doing something like that :

Signet of undeath : Passive : generate life force while in combat (2% every 3 seconds)
Active : For 4 seconds incoming damage are taken from your life force.
CD : 60 seconds

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Real life legends

in Revenant

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Legendary sniper : Ronnie O’Sullivan
Legendary daredevil : Jacky Chan
Legendary rebel : Che guevara
Legendary mower : Atila
Legendary engineer : Leonardo Da Vinci
Legendary sadist : Neron

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Explain Hp and armour tiers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


@Jski : The elementalist do not have an average health pool, the elementalist have an average effective HP pool. The most of this effective health pool lie in all the mitigation tools freely available through weapon, traits and utility. I think the real issue of the player with the elementalist is more that they have to dance between all the mitigation tools than the low health pool. This is a learn to play issue.

Tempest did more damage to the elementalist player base than anything. Why? Not because of the so called “powercreep” but because most player adapted to the slow rythm of the tempest induced by the overload. This fact effectively weakened the ability of most player to dance between attunment and use their tools to protect themself efficiently.

You could even talk about crafting crits from wvw buffs and hp +% that are in the game yet do not effect the game at all.

This still work, however this is mostly interesting when you are low level since crafting crit mainly give you more experience from a succesfull crit. It’s usefull for leveling up both your character and it’s craft.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Return the glory of Minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


3. Bone Minions:…. make the active part ground targeted.

I like this suggestion.

This can’t happen, minions are uncontrollable, ground target will mean to give the minions target and wait for them to reach it and then explode. Do you see the silliness in this?!
There is easier fix, The blast happens at players location. No matter where the minion is you blast around you.

Well, this would probably be the most practical mechanism for the necromancer, however the blast is supposed to be a byproduct of the exploding minion, it would be illogic to make it happen at the necromancer’s location.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Is the mesmer a good main character?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Just for the gameplay, the mesmer is worth it. For the same fight, the mesmer will almost always bring you double the enjoyment than you would get from any other profession.

Solo, this is the most satisfying profession of the game. In party, sadly, you are restrained to support due to the lack of DPS of the profession against big health pool bosses. Fortunately, the mesmer is one of the most gifted profession when it come to support.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Explain Hp and armour tiers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Armour have little to no impact in the game. Toughness which everyone can build is what matter in the end.

As for HP, the elementalist have an average effective health pool. Which mean that despite their low inate health pool, their ability to mitigate damage and refile this health pool is high enough for him to have effectively as much HP than the other professions.

Tempest have the potential to survive bathing for an extented time in lava if traited and geared correctly, what more HP would you need than that?

It’s harsh to say it but this kind of thread is probably the very kind of thread that could lead Anet to release an e-spec with a GM trait that grant 300 vitality and that nobody will ever use. Just like the guardian’s trait force of will.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

How to make Fire spec competitive

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I onder why ne would need to nerf a necromancer’s trait (deathly chill) to make the elementalist fire spec competitive… I’m sure that if the elementalist had deathly chill they would end up doing a lot more damage with it than the necromancer.

But that is not the issue of the fire spec. The issue is mainly that the elementalist lack the ability to survive long enough to dish out their damage if they do not have the water spec.

To counter this issue, you need to either make improve the survivability tools of this spec or add some external mechanisms that allow the elementalist to create some windows of opportunity long enough for him to do it’s job.

Historically, the elementalist used to capitalize on it’s mobility and high ability to generate boons via attunment dancing. Mobility was nerfed long ago but somehow buffed not so long ago. As for the attunment dancing, most player just ditch this out after taking for granted that they have to use tempest in every possible build they play.

Tempest slow the elementalist. It sure give it some tools to compensate the loss of survivability but one just can’t expect this spec to create any damage opportunity. the fact that it slow you down force you to tank more damage which lead you to the 2 necessary choice of water and earth spec.

If you leave tempest, you end with choice at least. You can easily put aside earth and open some room for fire or air.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

[Suggestion] My Spirits Rework Idea

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Spirit in their actual form are a good ay for anet to give other profession’s e-spec some support skills that will have almost no effect on their dear PvP and on WvW. They won’t change a skill concept that is this safe for the game as a whole.

It’s not that I wouldn’t want them to change the spirits but if I take a step back that is just how things are. Spirits as they are have minimal impact on the game and are easy to adapt to any profession.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Predictions for Sandshroud & Torch Mechanics

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I’m guessing the sand theme probably has to do with the new leaked desert related maps.

Then how is Reaper tied to HoT ?!?! Chill and jungle, mhm but anyway, story driven skills sound cool. we had many such skills in gw1.

Well we did have dragon hunter as a name so why not sand as a theme.

I’m ok with sand, but I still cringe when I see Dragon hunter, so unfitting for guardian… There is absolutely nothing dragon in the DH

I agree actually. Guard to DH was…hmm
Necro to Scourge…sounds great…but sand based? Hopefully like the other poster above mentioned, its more like pestilence egyptian style

If anything, that may come from the fact that nightfall’s undead are mostly awakened statues. Simply speaking the spirit possess a lump of sculpted earth/iron/gold. This could be a decent explanation. Hwever, I got no explanation or theory for them associating this thing to the name “scourge”. Thought I also got some issue associating “scourge” with any kind of support especially the forementioned support via “barrier” that absorb damage.

I think people are piling a lot of their idea onto a blurry concept from which we only reliably got the name. It’s fun to have some idea but it’s dangerous to take them from granted.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.