CC-ing most bosses actually makes the fight harder. If you blow through the defiant and actually interrupt a skill, it tends to reset the bosses’ AI. Making them use attacks outside their usual predictable order (at least once).
For example, knocking down Rumblus in AC 3 during his summon, has cause him to immediately stand up and scream on multiple occasions with guild tests. Far more dangerous than just letting him summon adds.
How about we remove Defiant? Then bosses would be fun. And not a kite-fest.
So kiting the Shatter = profit?
You said bosses. Not dragons.
And like the above said. All dragons are zerged. No strategy. They just sit there.
You haven’t seen good guardians. In pvp, it’s a bit difficult to hit with scepter perhaps, but not in pve. It’s very easy for a guardian to hit 3k on auto attack with scepter, which is stronger and faster than my dps ranger’s long bow auto attack, then there’s smite which chews through immobile targets.
No. My guardian has 3000 attack and 70% crit damage.
Scepter hits rarely go over 1.5k.
Kohler is one of the hardest bosses until you learn to dodge his grapplehook, once you learn to dodge that he becomes the easiest boss in the game.
It’s easy to dodge at that, when you see him powering up like a cartoon character, you dodge or move behind a pillar.
Yes you can dodge his pull, but nobody can stand there and take hits for more than a few seconds. You end up having to kite him.
Can’t we have some boss fights where we can actually CC the boss and use strategy to win? I’m so sick of kiting every single boss. It’s so boring, not fun.
Guide to defeating all bosses in GW2:
1: Kite the boss with ranged attacks.
2: ???
3: Profit
I suggest you browse the first page of this forum. There are several very thorough threads that include burst builds, with videos.
Could you explain the retaliation leap combo?
I can’t get it to work. You said illusionary leap thru temporal curtain? It gives about 4 seconds of retaliation on the clone, but nothing to me. Is that right?
EDIT: I figured it out, you have to STAND on the temporal curtain line. Very weird.
Yep, that’s how you do it. You stand on top of the curtain, then do the leap + swap, for the double activation.
Yeah.. 14 seconds from the leap, and 15 seconds from the shatter. I don’t even think Guardian is capable of generating that amount of retaliation, and it’s supposed to be their signature boon. Odd.
(edited by Darx.9842)
Could you explain the retaliation leap combo?
I can’t get it to work. You said illusionary leap thru temporal curtain? It gives about 4 seconds of retaliation on the clone, but nothing to me. Is that right?
EDIT: I figured it out, you have to STAND on the temporal curtain line. Very weird.
(edited by Darx.9842)
Hello, I’m a level 80 guardian and since today my critical chance has dropped from 40% to 36% out of nowhere. I didn’t change anything in my build. So I was like, fair enough i’ll just buy a Superior sigil of Accuracy (+5% crit chance) and geuss what? My crit change is still 36%…
Does anyone have the same problem? Because i think it’s really weird.
The sigil has never displayed properly on the page.
But it does look like Guardians have 4% less crit that normal. I found 2 other guardians in game with the same issue.
I’ve had the exact same gear for literally months. I have all my stats memorized. My crit has always been 30%. Today it is 26%. Guardian.
Something is going on.
I really like the look of this build so far. The retaliation uptime is interesting.
Do you ever find you don’t have enough dps to get someone down? Like another class that is similarly tanky?
The only class that I have completely failed at taking down is a staff ele using ether renewal, sitting in water pretty much the entire time. Everything else will die eventually, or run away. I can’t really stop a thief from running away (who can?), and I also can’t catch up to a d/d ele if they want to peace out. Everything else I can chew down though. The build has deceptively high power, since that is the major stat on all of the gear, just no crits.
I see. Do you think this build would be effective using Knight’s (pwr/prec/tgh) gear? That way there would be a bit more burst from crit, but still able to take little beating. Or is the large amount of Vitality required?
I really like the look of this build so far. The retaliation uptime is interesting.
Do you ever find you don’t have enough dps to get someone down? Like another class that is similarly tanky?
@Osicat, Sigil of Generosity seems good but, like you, I only use my sword to juke in for blurred frenzy. Does the sigil remove conditions on phantasm and clone crits too? OR just crits with the sword?
Sooo.. with these builds.. If you get bleeds/burns/poison thrown on you, you’re just supposed to take it? Run away and wait for heal to be up? Seems incredibly weak.
I use the condition removal food a lot on my mesmer. It really helps.
the -40% condition duration food?
What are you guys using for condition removal in wvw?
I’m running a typical 20/20/0/0/30 shatter build.
Are there any tricks we can use with traits? I’d like something other than arcane thievery, 45sec cooldown kills it for me.
Is there any reason why the price is going up?
For a while it was going down, and held steady around 40g for about a week, and even dropped as low as 35g. Now its up to 46-48ish.
I was looking for investments, not sure about this one..
How are people getting 100% crit?
Is this including Fury up?
If you’re a mesmer get mists. If you’re a guardian get foefire. If you’re anything else, don’t get either.
Already said ‘’which color suits which profession doesn’t matter to me’’. Your post is kinda redundant.
Not talking about colors, talking about the weapons themselves.
Crippling Dissapation and Confusing Combatants are amazing traits imo. Many times you’ll create an illusion and they might be killed instantly, well at least the enemy gets confusion or crippling.
And I’m not sure if many mesmers realize a clone being “killed” means not only if they get hit, but if they get overwritten as well.
I have so many thief kills in wvw dedicated to Crippling Dissapation. They’ll stealth, I’ll shatter, and they’ll come out of stealth a few seconds later with a limp, typically they’d be a mile away, but if they’re crippled, it’s an easy blink/MI/MW kill.
I used a build for a while I called my “suicide bomber” build. Because I would just make as many clones as possible to sacrifice to the enemy.
If you’re a mesmer get mists. If you’re a guardian get foefire. If you’re anything else, don’t get either.
How about you just don’t use it? Spend 3.5g to get an exotic from the TP. Or a couple hundred dungeon tokens. Problem solved.
Just found this. A heart in mount maelstrom that gives you a risen disguise, the camera gets extra zoom for some reason.
SO NICE. So like I said, obviously this mechanic is in game. Why is Anet limiting us?
Is there a legitimate reason why we are unable to zoom out further?
I know we ‘could’. The FotM grawl boss has further zoom, as do the world dragons. So obviously the mechanic is there.
The fov fix helped, but not by a lot, I still feel like I’m in tunnel vision.
Wow thanks guys, I would have never guessed AC
It honestly depends more on yer dodging skills and playstyle at that level. For example: I personally roll with ~2400 armour/18-20k hp, depending on loadout/buffs.
Meanwhile, my Guild leader is a Thief. Rolls with around my level of armour, but like 11-13k hp. Truth is, he typically outlives me. (Of course, my slow Mesmer self tends to get caught by enemies more often, but that’s not the entire reason).
I suggest 16k or so for health, a good 2k or so armour. This, plus careful fighting, should keep you decent. Some of our guys can pull it off with 14k hp/less armour, but that is definately glassy.
You really think only 2k armor is enough? My guardian rolls in 3.1k and I still get hit fairly hard from time to time. Mesmer is my second 80 after guardian so I’m not really sure how light armor classes work.
Yeah burst is fun, but I want to be able to stay up for long periods of time.
Whats a good amount of armor and health that will give me some cushion in wvw? But still have a capable amount of attack/crit/critdmg
This is just one possible location (maybe a clue to where the staff is) that i thought of. In lions arch their is a secret underwater tunnel system that leads to a secret order of whispers base. When you talk to the keeper there you say to her “I came to discover the undiscoverable” and she mentions a hole that smugglers cut into one of the columns in Agora that leads to the sewers in which the smugglers used to transport contraband. She then says that the order doesnt know the location of the column. I think this is all part of a secret quest chain in lions arch that plays out sort of like a scavenger hunt. (this is all just an idea I had, it could hint at the location of the staff but it more than likely doesnt). There is also some priory people at a digg site in LA that talk about unearthing artifacts from old lions arch. The have cry bars laying around that can be picked up and used under water (maybe you have to break something with them). There is also that pirate ghost in the maze place that may have some importants. Maybe following this "chain all the way through may end with a chest possibly containing the staff. Like I said before, this is just an idea I had. Their could be no chain at all and this could all be random stuff in LA just for fun with no meaning or importants. What do yoiu guys think? Here is a link to a video i found showing the location of the underwater tunnel
A story line for a weapon? I wish, not even the legendaries have stories behind them.
Quite pathetic on Anet’s part. I don’t expect this weapon will be related to any sort of ingame story, it will be out of some random chest or some dumb mystic forge recipe. Just like everything else.
I’ve had soo many good duels in WvW be ruined by some other guy, either from my team or my enemies, or a small group.
If you see two people in the middle of a battle, think for a second before you rush in and try to get the last couple hits. Maybe they are having fun, maybe they don’t want to be disturbed.
He probably got it confused with the scythe skin from halloween, it wouldn’t be the first time this happens it won’t be the last, throughout the months people have seen this staff from time to time on people, and ask them where they got it but no answer, of course there has never been proof, probably because it isn’t the true staff.
I specifically asked him exactly this. He said no, it had a gargoyle with a wing sticking out on top. Not a scythe. Plus like I said, the person linked him in a whisper Final Rest.
(edited by Darx.9842)
An in-game hedge fund?
Did your friend take any screen captures?
He didn’t because he wasn’t aware that the staff was impossibly rare. Just never seen it before so he asked.
I’ve known him for a while, talk to him on vent alot, not the type to make kitten up, and not the type to get the staff mixed up with something else.
Friend told me today he’s seen a couple people wearing Final Rest, both in Lion’s Arch. He asked for a link and it was the real deal.
They didn’t divulge how they obtained tho.
I’ve seen “Golemancers” in game, asuran inquest have golemancers, they control golems. And half the opening cutscene after creating an Asura character are golemancers. We need this class! It could even be a branch of engineer?
And all the other races have their own classes we don’t currently have access to. Like Norn Shamans.
It works. But has always been mislabeled. 30% of crits, not hits.
In the menu there is an X-axis slider, which moves the camera position slightly to the left or right.
I’d like a Y-axis slider. I think this would solve the problem that many players complain about, that the camera is too “ground focused”.
Sliding up would give us more sky view and less ground view.
When the asura started dancing in the middle of the screen..
lost it
Where did you get your intel?
That will not happen.
Yes they do work together. I tested this out myself.
Guardian GS auto attack + empowering might + sigil = 7-12ish perma stacks of might. Of course it depends on your crit, but I rarely dropped below 5 stacks using normal auto attack with around 30% crit. With multiple targets and higher crit it keeps getting better.
I thought Toxx sounded more like GLaDOS from Portal.
Just curious, what’s the rational behind having a bunch of precision (and hence +crit rate) but without the +crit damage? And there are plenty of players who wouldn’t use it since it has vitality instead of a dps stat.
Are you implying someone would use this combo for every piece of their gear?
No. This would just offer a better variety. Surely if someone had only power/pre/vit gear they would find very quickly it’s not the greatest.
But having the option of this gear, would allow us to balance out our builds, if needed.
Seriously, many many many players want this stat combo.
Anet needs to give us a legitimate reason why we don’t have access to these stats.
It’s not like this combo is game breaking or something.
Just give the players what they want.
I’m dying for a lantern or something.
Closest thing I found is the T3 human cultural Focus. It’s an ornate winged lantern with glass, but has a single feather in it instead of a flame.
I was in that area for a loooong time, then finally heard the music for 1 round through the puzzle. Then back to regular game music again.
Just did it my first try……
Stop crying
So I was trying to take some cool screenshots, and check out what I found.
The staff ability Empower.. the little “feathers” that fly around are actually tiny paint brush strokes. Pretty awesome looking.
Umm, didn’t we all know this recipe as soon as Foefire was confirmed?
It was extremely obvious. I’ve seen a few in game.
Other than skin..
Anet said legendaries’ stats would always be upgraded to the best of the ascended stats. So.. if you get a legendary, you never need to worry about upgrading your weapon if Anet adds more vertical progression.