First of all, full rabid isnt really what you should get for a confusion build. A mix between that & carrion would be the best. As you stated you want to use it for a confusion build, whereas chaos armor is at a lot cases almost the main confusion spreader. So yeah, I’d say it’s pretty OP and def. worth taking.
Alright, thanks for the input
For the most part people use rabid gear (prec/tough/cond) for Mesmer condition builds.
But there are ascended rings, amulet, and accessories that have the stats tough/vit/cond.
Would these be viable? I realize precision would be lost, and some potential bleeding stacks would be lost as a result. But gaining a few thousand hit points may be worth it no? They do however have a small amount of precision.
I mostly enjoy dropping confusion stacks on people, in which case precision isn’t as important. So I’m thinking about picking up a set of these stats for my trinkets.
Is anyone out there using these on their Mesmer?
How about you explain a little more? Very few people use mimic, and even less people probably use retaliatory shield.
Dazzling Glamours (Glamour skills blind foes at target location)
Does this work with Chaos Storm and Time Warp? They are ethereal fields just like null field, feedback.
I’m unable to check for myself, for a few days.
Thank you
What’s the deal? 56% of the top 100 players are from the same server?
This also means, 29 out of the top 50 will have access to the custom arenas. 58%.
Well about 90% of mesmers are human female wearing a mix of T3 armor, Arah shoulders, winged legs, and maybe necro starting glowing eyes.
So I would say that is most aesthetic.
But my personal opinion. Asura have the best “flare” and “style”
I made an Asuran mesmer because of the dodge. They look so stylish. Dodging through an enemy to create a clone, hitting mirror images mid-air, and firing off the shatter when he lands on his feet. Extremely satisfying.
These stats exist as Ascended rings so far only. That’s something at least..
ANet CAN do it. They just choose not to.
-The Snowblind fractal has a night time area is actually dark, it’s hard to see much without a torch, and you can sneak by the mobs in there because they can’t see much either.
-The dark room in the EB jump puzzle is also extremely dark, and nearly impossible to navigate without a torch.
-The dwarven tomb mini dungeon in Dredgehaunt Cliffs is very dark and requires torches to navigate.
There are a huge amount of caves, ruins, etc with no access to an outside light source, that SHOULD be pitch dark. But for some reason, ANet likes the ground and walls to be glowing with light? There should be more dark areas, they are already there, ANet just needs to dim the lights.
“After a projectile has been absorbed, the remaining duration will reflect all projectiles and block all other attacks. "
And some fun fact about mimic. U can trigger the “Block” with ur own “Buff” projectile or “ally Buff” Projectile. For example GS mesmer has Mirror Blade. The Blade will hit the target and then bounce back to Mesmer. Before the bounce arrives press Mimic and the Mimic “Stored” that projectile resulting block all Melee atk and reflect enemy projectile. ANother example with Guardian Staff #2. The Moving heal Orb. If that Orb passes the Mesmer while channeling the Mimic. The Orb is stored too.
Incoming Mimic nerf
A sample description :
“Once enabled, the player can invite Groups into a Team via the party UI.
The Captain status is displayed as a yellow shield icon on maps, only visible to those invited into the Team.The Team limit is 20 people, and up to four Groups may join it."
Some explanations :
Currently, there are either Commander based zerg squads, or max 5 man-sized groups.
There is a place I think for medium sized groups, who want to share fun in pve or mcm, in a different way as it is.
In pve, we found it’s really easy to lose coordination with a medium-sized group (6-20 people), and leave people behind, especially in Guild Missions, for example.
It would help also smaller groups in mcm, which want to pack for other tactics than the zerg.
Good idea. And to get the title would require a certain amount of kills in wvw? Or something..
But that way it would actually show the person knows what they are doing, unlike Commander.
The only time I think it is useful is against those Godforged Hellstorms in CoF, because they simply melt themselves when they hit you and you have retal on.
This is a good example. Also, if you’re a guardian, and you equip the trait that burns foes on block, shelter heal is amazing.
Also another good place to use retaliation is the harpy/asura fractal, against the golem second boss. He just spins and hits everyone in the group and melts himself. If you’re using a hammer on guardian; autoattack symbol of protection + mighty blow = area retaliation.
I just got one on my Ele and i couldn’t get it to work either.
Ele’s can’t swap weapons.
Okay. Do you know how much critical chance you gain from 25 stacks of perception
About 12%
Or you can do what many people do. After you get 25 stacks, equip a different weapon with a different sigil.
Human-Knight? NOOOO humans should be priests, Sylvari should be dervishes, and charr Warmasters
What does a Dervish do?
Would you be in favor of a Golemancer profession?
Or race-specific classes in general?
Asura – Golemancer
Norn – Shaman
Human – Knight?
Sylvari – ??
Charr – ??
There’s golemancer NPC’s all over the place, Zojja is a golemancer.
The possibilities are endless:
- Pet bar to control the golem.
-Golem switching.
-Combo attacks with the golem.
-Defensive guardian-ish golems, Offensive bursty warrior-ish golems.
-Quests to build your own golem.
-“Golem Mode” could be similar to Engineer kits, with a different set of skills.
-Golems could have unique traits, “Area Scanning” to detect stealthed targets. Area denial with shields. Faster guns.
I could go on and on.
And don’t bring up the Golem Elite skills, they suck.
Absolutely I would.
why did this get moved out of WvW area into the General discussion?
It was never in wvw forum, I posted in General to get more exposure.
its nice that you guys are having fun.
and if there are enough people on both sides, trouble makers can be easily dealt with.
Yep, a couple people came in swinging, but they got taken down very quick.
Many of us want dueling. And since it has not been implemented yet, I propose we the players, set an area in WvW that players can come and peacefully duel 1 on 1, no stomps.
This has already happened. Last night there were 40+ players from all 3 servers in the same spot, dueling. People told their friends and guilds, and more people just kept showing up for the fun.
It starts with a /bow. And if the other player /bow’s, a duel can begin.
It was the most fun I’ve had in-game in several months. I participated in dozens of duels. Many were rematches and bests of 3. Many times enemy players would invite me to their party and we would talk about the duel, our builds, strategies, etc, I even added a couple new friends to my list.
I was there for over 3 hours. I witnessed no foul play, no trash talking, everyone was very polite.
The area this happened in, and the area I propose we set as our unofficial player dueling spot is the southern most point of a boarderlands map, just passed the skill point, next to the giant windmill. It happened to be in the green boarderlands, so if people went along with this.. It could always be in the green boarderlands.
Posting a couple pictures for you guys.
(edited by Darx.9842)
Make sure your Post-Processing option in graphics settings is not off. It has to be low or high, or else you won’t see any drunk effects.
but it’s Dungeon armor ……
Frankly, if you don’t do the dungeon, you don’t deserve the gear.
This was brought up on the SAB forum, a dev confirmed what it is.
All the weapons in SAB get upgraded in future levels. The fire sword is the final upgrade of the pointy stick.
In-SAB weapon only.
Took me a while to get this look right.
Thief starter hood
AC shoulders
WvW chest
Vigil gloves
Orr karma legs
Orr karma boots
50 chests, 0 skins.
105 chests, 0 skins.
(edited by Darx.9842)
You hit them with your stick first, there’s quite a long range. They get knocked out and you can jump on them. Just like turtles.
50 baubles in about 3 hours. Got the skin I wanted, and had fun PLAYING THE GAME.
LOL @ you.50 baubles in 3 hours….had fun playing the game
Maybe some people don’t count speedruning the same thing over and over again on 10 characters as “fun”
I actually love doing speed runs in games. It’s a new challenge. Many games have achievements for that sort of thing too. I regularly do speed runs of jumping puzzles I like, I try to run without pausing once, and keep swiftness up at all times. Whats great about the adventure box is you can create your own challenges.
And what’s even more funny about this situation. That dude bought his skin at the peak of their price, they’re dropping like mad now.
Are they the exact same skins?
If so, lol @ the people buying them.
It’s not lol at people buying them. Some of us have enough gold where we can afford to buy these skins. I don’t wanna farm to get them so I bought them. Man it’s nice having extra gold.
50 baubles in about 3 hours. Got the skin I wanted, and had fun PLAYING THE GAME.
LOL @ you.
Are they the exact same skins?
If so, lol @ the people buying them.
The smithsonian has an exhibit now called “the art of video games”. The game Flower by thatgamecompany is featured.
I believe they have nerfed the drop chance of these from chests atleast in JPs. 1 or 2 days ago id get them around 3/4 times, today ive done 5-6 and gotten a single one. Theres been some small updates so they might have snuck it in.
Exactly what I thought. They think players won’t notice stuff like that, but we ALWAYS do, even the most minute changes, we feel them.
Jumping Puzzles are probably the hard way to get these.
Try this list of easy chests: did 4-5 of those, got 1 coin so far.
(I even got an achievement doing one, probably something new I hadn’t done)
Yep I’ve been doing a few of these that I know of. Good idea finding the list. I’m going to update the OP with a few lists of chests.
i dont know what drop rate have coins but today i do 14 JP and get 0 Coins its start be boring wasting time with jp if dont get any coin
Yeah.. either the RNG can be really bad on these, or Anet saw this thread and made them more rare with the small patch yesterday. First day I got 10 coins, second day I got 4 coins, did everything the same. But I like conspiracies, so who knows.
They’re not shrinking when they are stowed. They are growing when they are equipped.
Anet did this because a huge weapon on an Asuran back would clip right into the ground (many still do) . And they grow on equip so everyone can see them better.
EDIT: I just looked at your pic, your version actually looks better But I don’t think the problem is with staves, but the other weapons like greatsword.
(edited by Darx.9842)
I’m holding right click constantly with my mouse at a fixed distance above my characters’ heads to use AoE more precisely. I can move and turn perfectly, it’s just the air control always feels clunky to me and the objects I’m supposed to be jumping on are often misleading and odd. <_>
Ohhhh, yeah I know what you mean. I think that will come with experience and knowledge of the puzzles. Many puzzles I can do in a single try with swiftness on without any hesitations before jumps. That’s only because I know the right spots to start my jump and end my jump at. Many spots in jump puzzles have those little edges that can mess up a run, it’s all practice
I’d like it if they smoothed things out a bit if they’re going to keep putting puzzles and such in. I like games like that, but GW2’s mechanics (not to mention horrible camera) always made the puzzles a bit annoying for me in this game.
Are you key turning? As long as you are holding right click to control camera, and keys A and D to strafe instead of turn, it should be completely fluid.
This is how experienced pvp players typically play to be able to circle strafe, I don’t know how much of the population actually does this. But it is extremely fluid movement for jump puzzles.
I really hope it’s an April Fool’s joke. There would be something extra funny about it causing people to sit and farm something before we even know anything about it as is typical with MMO communities, only to have it be a colossal waste of time.
Well it’s definately related to April 1st. If you change your system time to April 1 then login to guild wars, at the character selection screen there is 8bit music instead of the normal.
I wanted my mesmer to look like a noble from a royal Asuran family.
I think I pulled it off. This armor set is extremely underrated. Mesmers are supposed to be high class right?
Is anyone else farming these? I’ve gathered up 10 so far. They seem to have the best drop rate from “Splendid Chest” out of jump puzzles. I did about 15 puzzles yesterday, and opened several hidden chests around the world I know of, and 7 world boss events.
I didn’t recieve any from world boss chests, although I heard its possible, and I didn’t recieve any from regular "Chest"s, I opened several. I also read they can be in the daily chest.
But, splendid chests from puzzles seem to have a very high rate. Maybe 50+%.
I feel like these are going to have a big impact soon with the adventure box in Rata Sum. And if it’s a limited time event, I don’t want to waste time searching for more coins, I think it’s a good idea to get a bunch now.
EDIT/UPDATE: these are links to chest locations thoughout the world. Some are just laying around, some are in caves guarded by vets/champs, some are in jump puzzles.
Basic Chests:
Splendid Chests:
Grand Chests:
(edited by Darx.9842)
This living story event affects both Norn (frost) and Charr (flame), the combination of the Dredge (usually found in the colder climates) with the Flame Legion is probably where the term originates.
I suppose.
I was hoping for an ice dragon.
So far I only see flame.
What does frost refer to?
For now we can start a movement to help each other out.
To anyone reading this: Please turn off your own title out of respect to everyone else. Less clutter on the screen is good for everyone.
By the way, in an effort to help the community, my guild has turned off all of our titles on all of our characters. (We will no longer be showing our “achievements”.)
-something to consider
Happy to see I am not the only one thinking along those lines and I know about a few more who disabled their titles in order to help others out.
I did this as well and have convinced a few others to do so.
To anyone reading this: Please turn off your titles out of respect to other players. Less clutter is a good thing.
There is a thread in the suggestion forum.
Sadly not as many people will see it, because it got moved from here.
But you can still post to show your support of a toggle option.
Now that player titles are visible, there’s TWICE as much text on the screen. In crowded areas its obvious to see why this is a problem. It was perfect how it was. If someone wants to see titles that’s fine, give them a checkbox in the menu to display them.
Sure I can turn off player names. But I want to see player names, I don’t want to see titles and I don’t want double the amount of text floating on my screen.
This is a request to include a check-box within the game menu to hide or show OTHER players titles.
Please show your support and help send this message to Anet.
These weapons should ONLY belong to asura mesmers.
Looks like CoF 2.0