If a thief is able to keep a group of 20 at a supply camp, the 20 at the supply camp are doing it wrong.
Arrow carts needed to be buffed. They should just unlock the zoom so that we all can just zoom out. I’d like to zoom out a bit more anyway. I would not attribute people using a hack to ANet encouraging zergs. Not all hacks are easy to detect or fix.
ANet stated WvW was ment to be battles involving large numbers of people. Not sure why you are complaining.
Stealth, no real counters to stealth, thieves can easily do this; videos posted have already proved it
They could either:
A) Make the downed state a trait or utility/passive skill as someone mentioned
B) Downed activated at say 20% hp left, once hp is 0 though, game over
C) Rezzers take 100% extra damage while in the process of rezzing
Any of these would make it more interesting than it is now.
Too me, the down state is just outright annoying and should be removed. I’ve come across so many cases where it literally takes double the time to kill them in the downed state, than it does when they are up and moving.
I like that players can be revived on the battlefield, that’s fine, but once a player’s hp reaches 0, leave it at that and they are immobile until revived. No fighting back, no teleporting around, no vanishing, no blowing people back, stunning them etc.. it’s a complete waste of time. Occasionally the downed player revives and gets away, but in reality, all it’s done is just wasted everyone’s time (including the one who was downed).
If any changes are made to WvW, I hope it’s this first, removing the downed state.
I look forward to the changes. I hope they do something with the score system as well. The way it stands now: Oceanic Coverage > than skill/strategy etc..
Did somebody not take notice of the Mesmer video?
He solo’d many thieves, even 1v2.Not good enough for ya’ll…
Thought not.
What a worthless discussion.
How was the mesmer traited or geared? Do you know?
Thought not.
What a worthless reply
Oops, see video above.
Sorry to debunk all your myths.
Nothing has been proven, it is what it is unless shown otherwise. You seem to forget Jacklo, that players can trait either for WvW or sPvP. I’m well aware that a warrior or ranger traited for sPvP will probably wipe the floor with a thief if both players are of similar skill level. I don’t know of many people who trait for single player in WvW..
If you can prove otherwise.. then by all means, if you can’t, well.. zip it
In regards to the other situation, 2 of the members were in my guild on a different server (i swapped about 3 weeks ago), this happened just prior to that. The other 4 were not, so I don’t know about their skill levels. Of the 2, one was a warrior, the other a guardian; guardian built tanky as far as I know, but im not sure how the warrior was built. Neither of them have any problems soloing most fights. I was in a keep near by manning a mortar trying to shell a group battle behind them.
What do I see in the end.. 6 of those pretty blue revive signs over corpses.. lol. Ya.. something needs to be done.
OK, I set a challenge.
Since so many of you quote Yishis’ videos when suggesting Thief is OP…
Roll Thief – Yishis has kindly supplied his build to help.
When you’re ready, post your videos of how you dominate.I guarantee that less than 1% of you will pull it off even after hundreds of hours of practice.
Queue the Benny Hill music and let the laughter begin!
Doesn’t matter,
When people enter WvW, then enter it traited to whichever is going to help group play the most. I don’t know of very many people who enter WvW traited for sPvP as it will be extremely ineffective compared traited for group play.
Also, how many people enter in full berserker gear? Thiefs can get away with it as they can stealth out whenever they please; every other class are sitting ducks. Granted I go in full berserker gear, but I expect to get my butt handed to me in nearly all 1v1 situations.
Taking this info, you take master of any class and trait/gear themselves how they would in WvW, then match them up with a thief how they’d enter WvW; then stick them in a typical situation on how a battle would start: A thief stealth attacking them then go from there… what do you think the outcome is going to be.. every single time..
A) Thiefs kills them in seconds
B) Thief cant kill initially, continually stealths out to reset fight until they can kill
C) Thief gives up and stealths out and leaves fight
I agree with your points OP but I think player kills should be worth a minimum of 5 and 10 if your outmanned. Same with taking over the objectives, It needs to rival the current point system, 1 is just way too low. It would definitely change the face of the game. Coverage wouldn’t really mean squat anymore, just who are the better strategists.
In my opinion anyway, the ticks from keeping camps/towers/keeps etc.. should just be bonus points.
They weren’t new players, they were on my old guild who have been playing quite sometime in both WvW and pvp. 2 of them were tanky types.. not sure about the other 4 though.
You see there is not much you can do if a thief decides to break stealth and nearly kill a bunker build on their first hit, then get lucky with the next strike to kill.. if not, just stealth, rinse and repeat.. before anybody can act.
This should not be the case. Stealth should be given at minimum a 15s cooldown after a thief comes out of stealth
I’m with you OP.. I’m not a fan of fractals, or dungeons for that matter. Even that temporary molten alliance dungeon that popped up that many people seemed to love.. wasn’t my cup of tea either.
I started off as a PvE player and migrated over to primarily WvW so I now have quite the stack of badges built up. Granted I havn’t bought any gear off it yet (though I intend to), but I do like the idea of using badges to grab ascended gear.
I can maybe see Anet’s argument against this.. as it doesn’t take a lot of time to build up badges or gold in WvW so people may be able to grab all their gear rather quickly..
I’ve seen a thief solo 6 people without getting hit.. how many other classes can do that? Under no circumstance should any class be able to continually reset a fight until they have everyone wiped out.
Quick question for the thieves out there.. it seems only fitting that some ranger pets should be able to detect stealth (due to heightened senses). How exactly would you feel if these pets broke your stealth in a 3000 range around the ranger? So essentially you now see a ranger in each small group.. or one in a group escorting yaks..
Considering this would essentially render thieves near useless.. how would you feel about it? Would it tick you off? If it does anger you, why shouldn’t others feel the same way when their classes are rendered useless due to stealth?
What would you do? Quit playing the thief? How would you like it if others just said “meh, L2P and stop QQ’ing”
(edited by DeadlySynz.3471)
“As far as I am aware, thieves are one of the weaker and least played professions in tournament PvP because everyone in tPvP has already learnt2play. So it sounds like everyone who thinks thieves have “OP mechanics” need to L2P.”
This is irrelevant. I’ve seen thieves easily escape entire zergs they were caught in the middle of. I’ve also seen them solo 6 people at once due to the simple fact they stealthed out continually and reset the fight until they essentially found the weakest player and 1 shot them.. then rinsed and repeat. This happened over a span of about 8 min.
The way Anet built the stealth mechanic into thieves is all wrong. You cannot have at any time a class that can duck in and out of a fight and reset it as much as they want rendering their opponent completely useless. Yes WvW is mainly about group fighting, but not everybody does that in WvW. There are smaller groups that run around doing odd jobs that are essentially sitting ducks.
Think of it this way, suppose Anet pulled a 180 and gave one class a superior advantage over thieves (much like thieves have a superior over other classes in 1v1 and small groups.. except this is just 1 class having an advantage..
Suppose Anet gave ranger pets the ability to automatically uncover thieves in stealth mode then the pets enrage. Then once uncovered, the rangers now were given CC immunity, increased movement speed, damage, and defense. A giant arrow is now placed on the thief for the entire zerg to track.
Are thieves going to be happy about this? Do you think they will be a tad bit miffed? Do you think their class will feel they are completely useless because the Rangers now have this OP mechanic rendering them useless? Now take that feeling, and multiply it by the 5 other classes. Now you should know how others view the thief..
Have a problem with it.. L2P of course.. figure it out.. it’s your own problem.. The attitude doesn’t really work. Stealth needs re-working, and this stealth trap wasn’t the right approach to it (if it was indeed designed to counter thieves, which I highly doubt it was)
This is a step in the right direction but it simply isn’t good enough.
This obviously isn’t meant to counter 1v1 situations, it’s meant to reveal zergs that are veiled (which is next to useless), and to flush out thieves in group situations (which in essence is next to useless as well.
Stealth needs an appropriate counter (like many agree), but it can’t come in the forum of traps; it either needs to come in the form of balancing the thief class, or giving other classes something to counter it. For instance, some ranger pets should be able to see/track stealth. It seems only fitting due to the heightened senses
I like the idea of adding traps to the battlefield for additional effects and zerg counters, but the stealth trap really needs to go. As the OP mentioned, in no way shape or form should anybody have to pay to counter a particular class. If that’s the case, give all classes some stupid ability that others need to pay for to counter.
(edited by DeadlySynz.3471)
Your lucky.. sometimes my “1” skill doesn’t even work under skill lag.
I think the thief needs to be re-balanced as a whole for WvW. The thing is, they are pretty much sitting ducks if they aren’t in stealth, yet if they come out of stealth to attack you, it’s pretty much game over, even those invested highly into toughness and vitality. It’s like the extreme in either direction.
I think they should be given more natural HP and toughness, then have their stealth adjusted appropriately. They, at the very least, need to have an effect where if any attack is made they cannot stealth for say 10 seconds, and get rid of the regeneration upon stealth.
I don’t know, the way they’ve got it set up is quite stupid. I saw a thief solo against 6 others in WvW because they couldn’t not touch them as they were constantly stealthing in and out. It shouldn’t be like that, that needs to change.
Basically rebalance them so they are a little more effective in group situations and less effective in 1v1 situations.
(edited by DeadlySynz.3471)
After seeing the new arrowcart change(s) and how the overall point structure to WvW works, I think some things can be changed for the better.
I’m unsure if this has been brought up before, but why are no points awarded for kills in WvW, or even for taking over structures? I understand that holding onto structures and ticking them for points is a big part of WvW, but I don’t believe it should be the only part, or even the focal point of it.
This is what I’m proposing:
- Each kill in WvW is worth 5 points & kills made with the outmanned buff are 10
- Kills made inside a base (that’s not yours) are now worth 10 / outmanned 20
- Any target hit by siege at any time is only worth 1 point
- Points are awarded for capturing SM, Keeps, Supply camps etc..
The points need to be meaningful for kills.. I say 5 because anything less than 5 would be pointless in the long run. They need to be able to at least parallel or overtake points obtained from ticking bases.
With the new arrowcart changes; I did favor them at one time due to the increased strategy, but after seeing just how much needless running around on the field occurs because of them, I believe it needs some additional tweaking.
This is what I propose for them:
- Remove the siege destrction timer
- Have each piece of siege equipment cost 1 supply for each shot
- Each shot is subtracted from the supply you carry (not from the base your in)
- Increase the damage of Trebs, Catas, Ballistas, Mortars, and Cannons at least 50%
Feel free to pick apart, add to, or support.
I like how Anet merges the arrowcart topics all into this 1 thread, yet move none of the posts over
What’s the point in merging them if your not going to bother moving the posts?
I think this AC problem could be fixed by just adding an ammunition supply in addition to the actual supplies to build the equipment. Players hold ammo on them, and when it drains, no more shots from AC’s, or any other siege equipment. They have to hop off and another player hops on with ammo to continue. If they don’t have ammo or they’ve wasted it blindly firing arrows outside the gate, then it’s too bad so sad.
They could add ammo camps, and little ammo caches. Ammo could drop off players etc..
I made the jump from T8 to T2 (TC) and it was a great choice! Seemed to be way too much bickering in T8.
Though it may be early to tell, both TC or FA seem to be falling behind DB’s coverage in that Tier. Numbers also seem to be lacking for TC during prime time at the moment; though TC and FA are a pretty even match!
Posting this here as a previous thread said it was sent here but yet I don’t see it.. anyway..
Seeing as many people feel that AC’s are overpowered at the moment. Even though I tend to agree somewhat, they don’t actually bother me as I don’t find it a problem to navigate around them; so this isn’t a complaint thread.
Suppose Anet adds a new supply into WvW called Ammunition. Maybe there are ammunition camps you can take over. Ammunition caches that could randomly spawn on the map. You could kill other players and ammo could be a random drop from them. Or perhaps new resource nodes spawn in the field that you have to mine for materials to create ammo (which you’d take back to a keep to forge it into ammo).
Either way, you’d need ammo to operate the siege equipment. No ammo.. no smashy. The ammo would be carried on you (like supplies are) and you can only fire as many shots as you have ammo. After that, hop off, and another person hops on who has some.
It forces those who persist on sitting in keeps and raining arrows all day to either have enough people in the keep with enough ammo to hopefully fend off the zerg, or step out of the keep (or upper walls), and fight the old fashion way.
If a commanded zerg really wants to get in.. they will eventually by bleeding their ammo supplies, or they decide it’s not worth it at the time and move on, or secure their own ammo to treb them to death. Either way, I can vision people moving around the battle field more to secure more supplies instead of walling themselves up picking their noses waiting for some action.
It may or may not work, but at least it adds a new dynamic to the game, and forces people to conserve their ammo and fire it more strategically (and with help of people who can see the battle field), rather than being trigger happy.
I’m placing this here as I figure it would inevitably end up here anyway if I placed it in the WvW forum.
Seeing as many people feel that AC’s are overpowered at the moment. Even though I tend to agree somewhat, they don’t actually bother me as I don’t find it a problem to navigate around them; so this isn’t a complaint thread.
Suppose Anet adds a new supply into WvW called Ammunition. Maybe there are ammunition camps you can take over. Ammunition caches that could randomly spawn on the map. You could kill other players and ammo could be a random drop from them. Or perhaps new resource nodes spawn in the field that you have to mine for materials to create ammo (which you’d take back to a keep to forge it into ammo).
Either way, you’d need ammo to operate the siege equipment. No ammo.. no smashy. The ammo would be carried on you (like supplies are) and you can only fire as many shots as you have ammo. After that, hop off, and another person hops on who has some.
It forces those who persist on sitting in keeps and raining arrows all day to either have enough people in the keep with enough ammo to hopefully fend off the zerg, or step out of the keep (or upper walls), and fight the old fashion way.
If a commanded zerg really wants to get in.. they will eventually by bleeding their ammo supplies, or they decide it’s not worth it at the time and move on, or secure their own ammo to treb them to death. Either way, I can vision people moving around the battle field more to secure more supplies instead of walling themselves up picking their noses waiting for some action.
It may or may not work, but at least it adds a new dynamic to the game, and forces people to conserve their ammo and fire it more strategically (and with help of people who can see the battle field), rather than being trigger happy.
They will obviously adjust it if need be. Their biggest clue will be is if they see the WvW population go down across the board. I noticed last night there were less people on the field, and there was also no que time.
I say give it a couple of weeks.. if this persists, I’m sure they will adjust it.
The AoE limit is due to technical limitations.
Is there a way to navigate around this? Or is the current arrow cart set up the answer to having more AoE? Either way I don’t mind, I actually like the new arrow carts.
I would actually prefer the players being able to deal limitless AoE, rather than having it done via arrow carts.
I tried WvW last night for a couple of hours and I found absolutely no problem with the new arrow carts. Granted I don’t stand around like a knob in the cross fire and our group had no problem taking down defended gates. I did notice though the range is a tad bit ridiculous on how far they can fire outside the keeps.
I think a solution though that could work to quell the complaining is to just have the arrow carts use 1 supply for every shot you take. Basically if somebody hops on with 10 supply, they get 10 shots until they have to hop off. This could be done with all siege equipment. Hell, maybe add a separate “ammunition” supply separate from the supplies we have now that you need to fire the siege equipment. Perhaps also make the ammunition supplies random drops from killing enemies as well.
The way it is now, I think it’s fine, but if these AC’s are posing that much of a problem for groups to siege keeps, then perhaps having the siege equipment cost supplies or ammunition itself will do the trick.
It’s not good enough as a fix to this problem (it is a problem, many people have already given examples as to how these new arrowcarts are a problem, there is even another thread that has gathered such examples) but it is a good idea and definitely a step in the right direction.
I do not think it is a good enough but I support that idea because it is better than nothing.
I think it is a step in the right direction.. may not be enough.. though maybe it will be. Maybe adding in a separate ammunition supply cache into the game to fuel siege equipment. I mean, hell, you need ammo to use them, why not make it so we actually have to find, pick up, or take over ammo supply camps for it. We’ll see how this pans out over the next week or 2.
As for the person asking me what server I play on (whoever that was) im on TC tier 2.
This is just a joke. We just open Hill Keep, entered with around 40-50 men, and almost everyone was instantly down by the around 10 people and Arrowcarts on the gate
If this isn’t fixed how should it be posssible to take a keep with an enemy zerg in it.
Siege them from multiple directions and drain their supplies. Works like a charm
I tried WvW last night for a couple of hours and I found absolutely no problem with the new arrow carts. Granted I don’t stand around like a knob in the cross fire and our group had no problem taking down defended gates. I did notice though the range is a tad bit ridiculous on how far they can fire outside the keeps.
I think a solution though that could work to quell the complaining is to just have the arrow carts use 1 supply for every shot you take. Basically if somebody hops on with 10 supply, they get 10 shots until they have to hop off. This could be done with all siege equipment. Hell, maybe add a separate “ammunition” supply separate from the supplies we have now that you need to fire the siege equipment. Perhaps also make the ammunition supplies random drops from killing enemies as well.
The way it is now, I think it’s fine, but if these AC’s are posing that much of a problem for groups to siege keeps, then perhaps having the siege equipment cost supplies or ammunition itself will do the trick.
just enjoy this xD
I do slightly higher damage with my ranger’s longbow AoE than those carts. So does that mean if there is a group of rangers behind a gate raining down higher damage on the gate smashers and rams, that those people are going to start complaining?
What if this group of rangers meandered their way out the gate with a bunch of guardians and other melee to protect them while they decimated an entire zerg? (yes this has happened, many times)
Where does the complaining stop exactly? There is so much tunnel vision going on in this thread it’s completely ridiculous. It’s like people want this game dumbed down to a simpleton level. D3 seems to be made for simpletons, perhaps these people should flock over there.
People seem to think that that players are just going to idley stand around while AC’s destroy them like a deer stuck in the headlights. Though I’ve seen people do that (they are beyond help) most do not.
People need to read between the lines here; right now the way this update stands is that keeps may only need less than a handful of people to defend a moderate zerg. This leaves the rest of the players to be out capturing objectives and wreaking havoc. I understand some people may like sitting in keeps picking their noses doing nothing waiting for a zerg, but I believe that far more would rather be out in the field.
Bottom line is, if the AC’s damage (or range) is out of control, Anet will scale it down accordingly. But as of now, it’s going to cause people to use their brains some more before attacking.
There are so many ways to bust into a keep it’s not even funny. One of the easiest and simplest ways is to render your enemy with no supply, done, game over.
People don’t realise that the enemy won’t be the only one using arrow carts. Some posts I read make me facepalm a million times over and over and over again. As if you won’t be the one that will ALSO have an arrow cart by your side.
And what’s even funnier is that people complain about zergs. Now something comes that will clear out zergs, and people complain about it.
Grow up and develop new strategies, it’s not the end of the world.
Basically this.
What you don’t understand is that PROMOTES zerging. Since there is no way you’re gonna take a keep with 20-30 people! You NEED the zerg’s supplies to “TRY” and take a keep…..
No it doesn’t. You take a dozen of smart ranged and they’ll have your gate down without you landing one tick of AC on them. Then starve the keeps supply and what do they do? Nothing, they are sitting ducks.
This is why it’s a good change. It disengages this mindless storm the keep with sheer numbers mentality. It promotes more strategy. Every single point talking against this new change can easily be refuted.
-Arrow carts do too much damage? Don’t stand in the circle
-Ballistas will hit you if your out of range of AC’s? Not if your moving they won’t
-Defenders will keep building seige if trebs destroy? Not if their supply is cut off
-Trebs in keeps will just counter other trebs? Build more trebs than them to nullify
-Rams are useless? I agree, build catapults further out, problem solved
-Ballistas will destroy catapults? Not when there is ranged to pick off the operators
-Larger zergs? Possibly, but only the true fools would think larger numbers prevail
A lot can be done by starving the enemy’s supply. It adds a whole new dynamic instead of allowing yaks to just wander to their destinations as if they were on a leisure sunday walk. It also adds a dynamic where it’s beneficial to start guarding supply camps.
This is where your not getting it.. are you assuming all players are dumb in WvW and just stand around spamming auto attack?
I rarely get hit by AC’s, if I do, I take 1-2 ticks and no more. I rarely get hit by ballistas. I’m mobile when I attack, I watch the battlefield, I watch the portals.
Defenders have no real advantage. They get melted on top with AoE, they get crippled running out of the portals due to mud traps, then consequently decimated within 2 seconds. It wouldn’t matter if the gates had more hp, they’d just take longer to take down while all the defenders are either dead in the keep or held up in the lords room waiting for the inevitable decimation.
The only down side I can see with this is it pretty much makes rams useless now, and those who like to flip and flip often won’t get as much gold. One of the reasons I personally run WvW is because the abundance of coin I get. I now see this will be hindered due to the keeps being longer to take.
With that said, there are many ways to take down a keep
- Starve the defenders of their supply by yak slapping so they either waste it all on rebuilding their siege or fixing their equipment
- Treb or catapult from multiple directions (again see supply or lack their of to continually rebuild)
- Ranged picks off the gate from a far then the group spreads out while strategically AoE’ing the AC’s. Contrary to what you might think, most ranged won’t stand in the AC fire dumbfoundedly like a deer in the headlights. Nor will they stand still as if in a shooting gallery for Ballistas.
This is a great addition and I hope they add more, both for attacking and defending. Frankly the numbers game is becoming a little bit boring.
Something needs to be done against zergs. I love WvW just as much as the next person, but this whole numbers game really has to go. By default if you have 30 attacking a group of 10 in a capped tower, the 30 will eventually get in, that is all there is to it.
There needs to be far more strategy involved so that:
1) The ones outnumbered actually have a fighting chance
2) The ones with sheer numbers will have to start employing different tactics and strategies.
I would like to see a single person be able to either defend or wipe out an entire zerg (if need be) which forces the zerg to use their numbers more wisely.
I am kinda hoping Anet adds additional things to WvW, which can defend or wipe out zergs either by camps/towers or out in the open field.
The arrow cart idea is a start but it really is pointless when ranged can just pick away at the door from afar
I run a full berserker build in WvW and have absolutely no problems. I use sb/lb and rarely die. I found it a lot harder to run a full knight set up… or knight/valk combo.
The way I look at it is, that rangers for the most part are sub par in terms of abilities when paired up against any other class. For this reason use what 1 strength the ranger has.. distance. I kill almost all my targets long before they ever reach me, or before they even know what hit them. I maybe die at most 1 time per hour.
I personally think rangers suck at 1vs1; I also suck at 1vs1, so you’ll never find me engaging in any battle where it could turn 1vs1. If I notice a 1vs1 battle going on, and I can slip in undetected, I’ll get them almost all the time.
I’ve found that dropping the AoE from the LB (which usually causes nearly everyone to expend their endurance), followed by rapid fire, will usually hit somebody (between the 2) 17K-28K + whatever damage the pet can muster.
If I take my warrior or Ele into WvW, I can’t do that sheer amount of damage I can with the ranger. Sure I’m better in 1vs1 battles, but to me those are meaningless. All I care about is sniping, helping wiping out/defending against zergs, and collecting a ton of loot bags. No matter which way I try, I cannot do that on either my warrior or ele effectively.
I know the ranger struggles with sheer dps in comparison to a warrior, but my warrior can’t take out a large amount of targets like my ranger can.
I agree OP.. I think these world boss events should have a lot more teeth. I’d also like to see the dragon timers done away with outside the game (as helpful as they can be sometimes).
This is what I’d like to see:
- An in-game timer with it’s own spawn window so you can see at all times when one of the world bosses will spawn
- Some sort of a message flashes across your screen like “an large shadow has been cast over Splintered Coast” to signify that an event has started in that particular area
- Do away with the ability to loot these bosses daily and just have 1 weekly chest (across all bosses) that yields far far greater rewards (gold, exotics, rares, lodestones etc..). Nothing I hate more than waiting around on a single map waiting for a boss to spawn. Sure I don’t want to do that, but if I want the gold and chance at certain items I do.
- Make the world bosses tougher.. like far tougher. Scale up in damage, hp’s, special cued attacks etc.. Make it so they can be failed.
Hell maybe even make some for WvW that spawn, the more damage your server does, the greater the rewards. Wouldn’t that be a hoot, giant zerg vs zerg battle, and a dragon drops right in the middle of it lol.
(edited by DeadlySynz.3471)
Lift the AoE cap, and problem solved. Or to make it even more advantageous to separate your groups to allow more tactical play; amplify the AoE damage for the amount of people in the circle. The more people in the circle, the more damage it does, and it hits everybody in the circle.
No need to cap players or add new WvW servers, just lift the AoE cap, and all the problems would away in the blink of an eye.
Came across this myself. Invulnerable player with a tag that was immune to damage for 4 min close to their base. If this is intended, remove it; it has no place in the game.
you missed the whole part of ‘nothing persists’ . Nothing in the game currently persists are logout (forced or voluntary). DC in a dungeon when boss is looted, no loot. DC when a fractal finishes? no loot for you. Sell something to a vendor, logout, come back online and there is nothing that can be bought back. Get DC’d in middle of zerg v zerg battle, log back in all your lootbags are gone.
That’s just the way it works. Assuming that it would be easy or even possible to make a persistent chest is based on nothing but wishful thinking. Besides if the chest persisted whats to stop someone from using it as a bank and only taking things out as needed? Does it have a limit to how much it can hold? Where would the overflow go? Its never as simple as ‘do it’.
It is easy to implement as they already have the coding to do so. We have a bank/stash do we not? That persists through logging in and out, so there is no reason why a separate loot chest can’t be placed somewhere either inside or outside of WvW for the same purpose.
The solutions are simple to prevent people from using it as a bank:
1) Disallow players from placing items into the chest (only withdrawing)
2) Have a timer on the chest (say 24 hours), where a player either has to pull out all the loot or it disappears.
I just chalked this up as a “too bad so sad” instance, but it really is quite annoying when a simple solution is to just send all the loot separate chest.
And the first time someone DC’s or there is a build update and wvw shuts down or the server crashes and you didn’t get a chance to empty your chest you lose all the loot you accumulated since the last time you checked it. (Nothing persists after log off, couldn’t expect this magical chest to be any different).
Likewise if you have to log out suddenly, it should just spawn you back at your servers start location (not outside of that), then proceed to empty the chest. Your loot would never disappear.
If you have to log out, were kicked out due to a build, DC, lag out etc.. log back on and you spawn back at the servers spawn point (where your chest is). Or at the very least, place the chest somewhere in your home city and loot it from there.
I just chalked this up as a “too bad so sad” instance, but it really is quite annoying when a simple solution is to just send all the loot separate chest.
And the first time someone DC’s or there is a build update and wvw shuts down or the server crashes and you didn’t get a chance to empty your chest you lose all the loot you accumulated since the last time you checked it. (Nothing persists after log off, couldn’t expect this magical chest to be any different).
Likewise if you have to log out suddenly, it should just spawn you back at your servers start location (not outside of that), then proceed to empty the chest. Your loot would never disappear.
If you have to log out, were kicked out due to a build, DC, lag out etc.. log back on and you spawn back at the servers spawn point (where your chest is).
To me the best solution is to just have a universal chest in the area you spawn in. All loot goes into that chest and is has to be collected before you leave WvW.
Before I never had a problem up until last night. We were engaged in this mega battle and the ground around me was littered with loot bags. I did not notice them until I was dead as there was far too much AoE going on. The enemies overran us and I could never get back there to retrieve them as it was directly next to an area being guarded. So who knows what I missed out on.
I just chalked this up as a “too bad so sad” instance, but it really is quite annoying when a simple solution is to just send all the loot separate chest.
For people like me I hate doing dungeons. I also seem to get lucky when salvaging rares. I almost always get 2 ectos per rare
Well I’ve sat at this event for over 4 hours now. Randomly running around to see if the pre-events were possibly left in limbo.. but to no avail. It’s supposed to mimic the dragon timers.
The event is not running, so I suppose this needs to be put on the back burner until they fix it.
If the devs are listening (which I believe they are) the best course of action when navigating through all the chatter and decide who to listen to and who not to.. is just to:
Add stuff to the game! That’s it.
Don’t take stuff away, don’t nerf anything, don’t reduce anything.. just add and then add some more. If you start removing content, removing efficiency, nerfing classes, reducing effectiveness on things, people will inevitably walk away.
If they however, start adding to what they already have, make skills more interesting, more useful, increase in efficient ways to farm, more content with more rewards, they’ll be hard pressed to find anyone complaining.
Add stuff! Do not take it away.
Anet needs to learn from other games mistakes.
Never nerf anything for any reason what so ever. No matter how OP people or the devs think the skill is NEVER nerf it. Adjust skills around it to bring it up to it’s level, then adjust the difficulty.
I don’t play a mesmer so I dont know how nasty the change was.. I do play a Ranger but never touch dungeons so I don’t often have quickness in my skill bar anyway.
I highly doubt that nerfing a skill like quickness will suddenly cause people (who’ve left) to flock back to Gw2 based on their feeling it was overpowered and finally fixed. It’s far more likely for people to walk away from Gw2 based on a popular skill getting the axe, while messing with their build.
An MMO does not operate if droves of people leave based on their feelings the game might be going down the wrong path (path of nerfs)
Anet.. take note.. do not go down that path.
I noticed this yesterday too. I plunked my character in the area where the pre-event starts (unless they added another pre event somewhere on the map I wasn’t aware of).
I had the speakers up.. I went to chopped stuff up for dinner, watched TV, always had a clear view of the monitor.. and 4 hours nothing triggered. I went back through the map chatter and it clearly showed nothing happened as well.
Great pic Chronometria.. perfectly illustrates why there should be no AoE limit.
This is exactly why there shouldn’t be an AoE limit, or at the very least.. each “pulse” of AoE does area damage forcing the zerg to change it’s tactics.
Lets be honest here.. it doesn’t take a hell of a lot of thought or skill to join a large group with mob mentality to trample smaller groups with little to no skill. It’s far more challenging for say 2-3 elementalists to time their AoE’s properly together to nail a zerg dead on.
There was a video a bit ago of a WvWvW bot group storming through with like 25-30 people I think. Allowing such behavior to continue with no real counter other than “find a bigger group” is only going to encourage such things.
If anything it will force the group to change it’s tactics or use some sort of counter measures / group make up to go through.
I played the “mystic toilet” game long enough to know better lol. I did get very lucky during the Karka event and got a Dusk as a drop. I nearly sold it at the time as it was going for 100g… thank god I never did.. I’m saving that for a legendary when/if I can make it.
I find it very difficult to have the time to do dungeons + I just find them plain boring. I suppose I’ve pigeonholed myself with this mindset lol but I just cannot getting into doing dungeons (like I did back in WoW).
Back to cursed shore/southsun cove for me.
At some point, I just really wish they’d heavily buff the rewards of dynamic events in Cursed Shore and make them far more challenging and have more events in the series. Kind of like the old Plinx where it had about 4-5 events, but instead possibly buff it to 10-15 but got increasingly harder with each one, but the rewards grew with each one as well.
Doubt this will ever happen.. but one can dream!
With the recent patch, it seems to me we took a giant hit to farming potential with non guaranteed rares from mega events (outside the daily reward). I understand why Anet did it, but as we know from other games when time heavily outweighs reward.. people start to walk.
It doesn’t make much sense to me to jump from event to event when in all likelyhood, we’ll lose more money WP’ing around than we actually gain back from these events. Wasn’t this a problem before when these events were literally a ghost town?
With that being said, for someone that doesn’t like doing dungeons (nor has the time), what is the most optimal way to farm now? Dynamic events seem have “meh” rewards at best. Even though this game was not supposed to be about grinding, I actually don’t mind doing it, as long as, the reward outweighs the time spent.
I love GW2 and the whole concept of it, but i’m finding it difficult now to find reason to play when it seems the reward and fun factor of it has been taken away (IMO).
What are people doing/planning now to farm in lieu of the new patch?
It’d be nice if this thing even spawns. Doesn’t seem to follow the timer at all. I camped in the area and watched for it for over 4 hours (2 timers worth) and nothing.
I think the reason people are saying this is because the pet generally makes up close to 50% of the dps. The pets die easily apparently in dungeons, so there goes half of your dps. Or your either pulling them in and out of combat.. again, your pulling half of your dps out of combat sometimes.