Aurora Glade EU
More spunk and outrage on forums by “proud” members of guilds and servers, than they ever show on the battlefield. Guess you’ve had more practice at battling on forums than you have fighting enemy players. Not including outnumbering your foes 4-1.
Reality must really hurt you guys. A server full of pve nubbings that come out for WXP and karma, yet can’t fight to save their lives – literally. You haven’t adapted, evolved or improved in any way since Piken kicked your fatkitten back in the day.
Same olde same olde. Log off when encountering a foe they can’t handle. I feel for the good pvpers on your server, the guilds that try to run and fight alone. It will end up like a certain other german server, where the guilds who crave action and pvp will leave your negative server and move to somewhere they can enjoy being with people who like to (shock, horror) fight!
Score this and score that, score means jacksugar. All about coverage. Who gives a toss, and with the random matchups it means even less.
You had your chance to fight all week and you failed miserably. Reset was fantastic, aside from the horrible lag, you made us think ok best 100man blob we’ve fought, lets challenge ourselves all week against it. Rather than kill half, lets kill all. But no, your spineless yellow bellies. The video by Xel in the thread shows a lvl 12… whooping 80s, well that’s how it feels fighting you skill less PvDoor scrubs.
We look for the fights, others look for fights, you… you run away and look for empty keeps.
Disgusting mindset, and its nothing todo with being german speaking. TUP have 5 or 6 germans, and they are embarrassed by your ethos, your attitude and your points win prizes mentality.
If after being stomped into dust you feel like winners, kudos.
Infact, I never thought i’d say this, as Riverside are boring as hell – but atleast guilds like IF, Zorn, DTK are up for a fight. AM you are terribad.
As for the “threat” of hope you get Elona, fought elona back when on Piken, just like you AM, nothing but skill less zergs, farmed them nice that week. Hope they’ve got some identity since then, perhaps even some guilds.
What you don’t seem to understand “proud” member, is we live for the fights. Bring Vizunah, Bring Elona, bring anyone that will fight, score means kitten. AM are prime time loggers off, map changing sissies, no fight in any bone in your bodies.
Shame really, was looking forward to the aggression AM megablobs were renowned for. Guess old habits die hard.
Greetz Dranul
Scrub a dub dubs
Good Smush on AM BL – Shame AM don’t have much pride for their own BL. We had hoped crushing your garrison and helping turn your whole zone Blue, would provoke some action. Alas shame, most of your zerg map hopped to PVD as “apparently” WvW is PVE an all, the idea of staying to re-conquer your BL vs foes must be too ugly a prospect.
Thanks to all for the fights, blobs, guilds, all foes, determined enemies at Garrison.
Where on earth is the aggression, the desire to fight all in your path, like you have on reset. Disappointing week, no guts no glory, no fight in your blobs. Gone back to the old AM where you disappeared in primetime to come back at 1-2am in the morning to (once again) PVD.
Roll on next week, hopefully an aggressive foe to fight.
@Belfagor Diabolos – Ye its funny when you make claims, when we record the actual night in question.
In anycase: was a great encounter, multiple guilds, forces, call it what you like from all 3 servers in and around the NE tower. Nice to see we brought the action to us, rather than always having to seek it out.
As for camping in a tower… just lol.
I found something curios. I was wondering what the average kill count was for the typical AM player, 5k? 10k? As they all seem really eager to get each and every kill in when they can. It’s quite benny hill to see 60 guys chase 1 or 2 around. They musta heard rumours that precursors dropped or something. Maybe I’m missing something hmmm.
Looking forward to seeing what action awaits the rest of the matchup!
Note to AM BL defence force, disappointed you had such a small force on reset tbh. Expected more. Let the good times roll.
Suits you sir. Good fun ahead boyos! @ [DP] AM guild I believe, cheers for the fights when you were alone was fun.
Lag at times on the map aside, fun fun.
Cheers Yak for GvG. Was also enjoyable watching you and Mya duke it out too earlier in the night.
Retaliation, is that song title?
Seven guilds couldn’t hold me back <3
Afraid I’ll have to decline your most sincere and genuine offer. I’m afraid cross-server relations won’t last.
Did someone say something?
Why so serious bro. Do you miss FURY so much that you need a forum war with someone else? I heard Kiss + Fury and i’m guessing many more aren’t your biggest fans.
Well truth be told, I loves you bro. I hope deep within my soul that the prince gets married has babies and has a happy ever after.
Story time! Gather round the fire folks!
Once upon a time, there was an Italian Prince Wafflefairy was his name. Now this prince he didn’t have many friends. He spent all day picking on his neighbours, never happy with his own life. Always declaring war left and right, never any fun, no royal weddings, no parties, just war war war. His favourite past time was pretending to be a mythical creature, you might know it as a Troll. Where he would send “fake” mistells to people, oh the charming prince that he is. Well one day he got so irate and asked the big bad Worst Commander EU how many troops he had in his army. Not liking the commanders answer, the fairy prince decided to throw his toys out the pram and start accusing all of lying.
It took his mom handing him his dummy to settle him down. They all lived happily ever after.
If all of us came on here everytime we fought a pug/semi organised led blob, we’d be on about 20 pages by now
Fact is AG is far more pug heavy than Gandara these days, very few WvW guilds, of various sizes. The pug leaders of every server, I have great respect for – it’s not an easy task and it certainly is a thankless task at times.
Community events, community guilds is more of an apt name. Yak at times in previous matchups had quite the blob 40+friendlies. Red from BB run well over 60+ at times, we’ve all seen abbablobs attempt at humour – Every server has them, whether it be server events or individuals holding open mics for people. Its part of WvW, in general it makes up a fair portion of people’s fights. Its not restricted to WvW focussed guilds only. Part of the variety that makes WvW so engaging, challenging, never knowing whats around the next corner..
Instead of complaining about semi organised, no specs, limited tactics, random personnel opponents. Guilds should look within themselves and see it as a challenge. Its not unknown to beat 4x your number (yes I do believe there still is a threshold where such feats are attainable and when its just too much). Embrace the open action, the warrior spirit rather than slander each other and use the biggest “diss/slur” possible and compare to Riverside. If anything I’ve found Gandara more organised in terms of defence in previous matchups with scouts in all dem towers (something not always the case on AG- not saying it doesn’t happen). As a roaming guild, I can appreciate how “ugh” it is, zoning in to see all Tier 3 upgrades. As typically having something to defend brings more fights around the area.
Not often do I see balls of steel from foes, but several times last night from both servers, guilds engaged with potentially 5 or so less than us. Its not often in a night that so many fights of ours are of roughly equal numbers.. typically most if not all are when outnumbered – of which I was grateful for the aggression shown by several foes last night.
To ARMY, I think at the NW tower with you sieging gandara- not sure who was more surprised to run into each other with no prior warning at 10ft. One of those caught with pants down moments I think.
Try to enjoy the rest of the matchup all, friendlies will be friendlies, commanders will try to achieve their goals with limited options. All play for fun in your own ways. Atleast no one hides in towers on 20 ACs this week eh. Be grateful for what we all have this week.
Kind Regards TUP
o7 all my enemies
Gandara and millers again
Failing that – I’d take AR, BB + Piken to be thrown in the mix.
Although Blobadons are feisty walking talking lootbags that know how to bring numbers to a fight. Much more entertaining than some other servers So if I were in a mood to fight a horde of people, AM.
Gandara be careful:- good could turn ugly fast. Obviously I haven’t fought against my beloved piken yet so no idea how they run compared to “old piken” but a friendly heads-up. You can quickly change from being amazing to fight against to reminding us of what tier 2 was like – not pretty (handholding guilds, refusing to leave each others side). Now by that I don’t mean (like for example sunday, where xxx/tda teamed up to get the numbers that tup/mya ran with) I mean the 3-4 groups of 20-25+ standing within kitten ing distance of each other.
While its a challenge for us, and we try things, (poor raid leaders first time against that many groups of organised) and we like a challenge we like fun. It brings with it a fair amount of lag. It can’t be fun to engage 25 enemies with 3 separate groups (at the same time) with your own 20-25+.
Ramble over – keep up the action, finally nice to see so many groups that like to fight (AC hiding in towers kept to a minimum!) great to see.
Missed you gandara a lot – kitten random points sticking us with zzz. Millers, army, qq, mya keep setting the great examples you do to your own server too. Be the open combat DE server for many many moons. Don’t turn into riverside <3
Great action guys (missed first hour of raid myself-so cant comment on how bad/unlucky the fighting was between bay/garri).
Keep it positive, keep it clean. Keep improving and testing each other out.
You know we will all be “blessed” with kitten matchups next week :P One of us will get blobadon (I personally like to fight them more than RS :P), one will get RS and one will get elona and the 3rd opponent for each will be a dead server. What a week to look forward too huh!!!
Kind regards, Dranul TUP
@caid – so as I don’t repeat myself too much here – but your idea is great (in theory). I would love to see the cross server communities get involved with player driven ideals to get more fun for all concerned. Sure a few give a toot about points – but the majority of us all here, its about having fun with our hobby, our free time – the action. Teamwork and banter.
So ye I would love to see us delegate a colour BL to – groups running 20+ to one zone, 10-20 and small scale to another, and zergs/commander/community blobs to the other.
It works out for all – the small guilds and individuals find lots of like minded people to fight. The people happy in pug blobs get to smash into other pug blobs for their form of epic big scale fights. The groups of 20+ get to challenge themselves with similar sized foes also.
I don’t speak for AG – but I for one would be happy to promote this to the community and see how they felt. Would love to see what our opponents thought of such an idea. Yes big groups could go hunt the zergs, but when there is organised foes to fight who would want too as for hunting smaller groups – just not cricket.
Kind regards TUP
@Street – U calling TUP smallscale? 25-30 guys on good nights is what i’d call average for guilds, small is 10-15 zerg guilds 40+
Don’t try to put words in our mouth – we aren’t a GvG guild, sure we’ve done a few, but smashing superior numbers over and over is where the fun is, challenge yourself, coordination, teamwork. We don’t mind zergs, we not a fan of handholding guilds like was experienced in Tier 2 :P
Guild v Zerg is the basis for testing tactics and strategies.
As for your other comments – troll is troll.
Don’t expect many of you to watch all 5 parts, its the condensed action from Friday the 7ths Reset Vs RS and DL. Best night of “fun” I’ve had in a single night. Once again thanks to our opponents for attacking in force and determination. Big respect to those that fight.
You’ll also see the footage senor street of your zone running – with no battlemarkers, they were happy farming the small pug force at spawn until we showed up
Was fine on AM bl. Biggest group was 40 at a guess? Some instances of a few groups merging together creating silly numbers but was fine mostly.
Sorry to hear AG wasn’t much fun.
Lots of nice fights all of which went well except those against TUP. There was a certain amount of resigned acceptance of the incoming wipe on later fights ‘oh look TUP splat … yep, respawn’. xD
Noticed you’ve grown fond of retal, dropped a symbol on you in one fight and wandered off to one side while eating 10k retal damage
Wish they’d hurry up with the bl fix, though its still pretty stupid on eb imo.Ain’t changed anything since last time
Althou hitting a pulsing attack on any organised group is crazy. Expect Retal.
My head hurts and im seeing triple, fun drinking night tbh.
You have more people, thats new. Maybe its all the charrs / norns but it seems like all the new recruits are warrs or guardians too. Not claiming its intentional or your taking advantage of a bug or anything just an observation really.
Does seem to be a lot of groups basically running 30 melee with a mesmer and a staff ele though. I dont know you look at combat log sometimes and see 80% of your health was lost to retal and 20% to auto attack. Does seem to be a distinct meta surrounding retal atm whether people are aware they’re doing it or not.We’ve changed a bit too really. There was a time when our backline was basically a mesmer, a necro and if we were lucky a staff ele. Last night 5 of our 15 were melee.
I think in a lot of cases retal is a bit more horrible for ranged personally. I basically refuse to play ranger or engi in guild events.
Anyway … yeah … we kind of need to be a bit more careful about our melee pushes these days really, less people to share the damage around, taking half our health off on retal makes life that much harder.Yeah pulsing attacks suck for retal but so does whirling wrath and auto attack isn’t that nice either. Anyway i kitten about blobs and their 1 spam so i have to use buttons now even if its dumb xD. At least i get heals from the boons symbols put out (and retal)
Suppose i should just switch to hammer but i just like gs ssssssssoooooooo dam much.
% Wise, our makeup is the same. Its not like we didn’t hit the dizzy heights of 30 in the past, nice to be at it again. Sure there was some weeks we averaged 18. I have a feeling due to our opponents this week that we will see 25-30 every raid tbh.
Most of last night is a blur, a very fun but different reset compared to last week. And no hangover \o/
Please Please Please ANET keep Elona, Riverside and Abbablob together. They love to play for points- keep them together please! Although for the few guilds on RS atleast (I hope you can get the action you want from their blobs).
Was fine on AM bl. Biggest group was 40 at a guess? Some instances of a few groups merging together creating silly numbers but was fine mostly.
Sorry to hear AG wasn’t much fun.
Lots of nice fights all of which went well except those against TUP. There was a certain amount of resigned acceptance of the incoming wipe on later fights ‘oh look TUP splat … yep, respawn’. xD
Noticed you’ve grown fond of retal, dropped a symbol on you in one fight and wandered off to one side while eating 10k retal damage
Wish they’d hurry up with the bl fix, though its still pretty stupid on eb imo.
Ain’t changed anything since last time
Althou hitting a pulsing attack on any organised group is crazy. Expect Retal.
My head hurts and im seeing triple, fun drinking night tbh.
@Shinta – while we might get stoked up on the forums, when a point of view is unseen, leds to frustration. We try ingame at all times to live and die by our example. I hope the individuals and small groups noticed – just like you mentioned, that we will leave you alone, if you stay out of the “steamrollers path” / don’t attack. There is no fun or challenge in running over a small group. We let you look for your fights of xyz scale, we look for the bigger ones.
An organised GvZ nice idea – but ye If Riverside Commanders wanted to train their troops against TUP – my guys love fights, would be up for getting in contact.. Running on X map and letting the Commander(s) know. We’ve done it with guilds in the past, saying we will be roaming on (eg: Drakkar Lake BL) and it leads to action.
Yes RS have guilds, and slowly week by week, they are becoming more open. [IF] have both surprised and impressed me this week. Watched our private video back of reset night and you guys kept coming back and engaging, really tested us. You have other guilds like DTK (only saw once this week – probably stuck to AG BL :/ ) ZORN, VU, DW and others. You could really surprise servers in the future if those guilds got stuck in with more open combat.
Good luck all in your next matchup
o7 Kind Regards TUP
@ Damon Carver
Hope you guys enjoyed the fine folk of AG community, heard you had quite the following in EB. Offer is still there to join us for a drinking night tonight
Here’s to a good week ahead (I hope)!
Shadowresli – what does zergs have to do with anything TUP have posted? We WANT you and RS to bring the fights, Riverside fail to do so. As for DL – I remember them having more spirit, you had a 70man + blob in your own Borderland, we kicked you out of it last night, I was telling the raidleader, take their garrison, it will call in more from other maps – I was wrong. Seems like the huge zerg you had didn’t like being wiped a few times. Ended up with 0 defending your garrison – but well over 20 siege weapons :s
So we went to AG BL and helped kick the germans out of that zone – Kudos to [IF] appreciated the action.
If desiring fights or complaining about a server’s mentality for craving something other than fights – gets up your nose and you want to “label” TUP something – go ahead. Reality is TUP just want you to fight and play for fun, nothing about blobs or zergs – bring them atleast its a fight – which is all we want, fun and action.
@hydeaut – so do please explain what “reputation” TUP are building for you?
Beggers of action? Cravers of fights? Desirers of fun? Cause I would have to agree to all the above.
Every server that knows TUP, knows we don’t map change after a defeat, we don’t run away from action – sure we might have to use terrain when necessary against the mega zergs (rational). We seek out the biggest force on map, a typical night on map chat..
TUP: Any eyes on the zergs?
Superscout: 30 RS SE camp
Proscout: 60+ DL N Bay
TUP: Dibs on bay
So write and think what you want, the only truth is TUP want action. Your server for the most part (DW + IF excluded) do not give it. Hence the clash.
We like fun and action, you for the most part like points. The only time you guys (as a server) are fun is on reset, when you crave your “operation hills” and bring your mass and try to take points – but fighting to earn your “rewards”. Just wish the rest of the week would of been the same.
What I will say is – you both gave us, our best night of WvW @ Reset. Some servers are extremely weak on reset = leads to a boring night. But you both brought big numbers and didn’t log after a wipe. Fights make the game fun, for that we thank you.
Zorn, VU, IF, DTK, DW… Maybe many more guilds whose tags escape me, lead the way for your server, get that fire in your belly for fights again. Your server has some good quality guilds, while some of you might not see eye to eye with our vision of playing. It’s in your hands to turn Riverside into a fighting machine (while still keeping your points high). People may one day, look forward to fighting you – be like “oh kitten , tough week ahead, lots of fights this week”. Instead of “oh kitten its Riverside, well that’s my week over”
It can be hard to accept cold hard truths, people can say this thread is full of wine and cheese. Reality is no one is complaining about you being out in the lakes in a force (like blobadon’s thread) – we are actively trying to get you to fight. Trying to engage with you, a lot of your “leaders” and trolls, fail to see that. So if anything the “flame war” only comes as a result of you being blinkered and not accepting a server (not just one servers opinion, but many over the weeks and months) asking you to fight and calling you out, for hiding (with numbers) on superior siege in T3 keeps and towers.
So if asking you to fight is offensive – so be it. I thought it was a WvW, Player Vs Player based game, and simply want my opponent to fight. If you want to give TUP labels and a reputation for that go ahead.
The other 20+ Servers know what they get with TUP:
A bunch of misfits who when not drunk, wish they were. A comms full of banter and always looking for the next fight. Who try not to run over small scale foes, unless they attack/in the way. Who will not add in to even fights involving allies (let them have their fun).
Who also get upto to silly things (almost daily)
So think what you want, we won’t stop trying to get you to fight.
PS: Appreciate it last night [IF] @ NW tower, 2 TUP ran up hill past you and pugs (I guess around 25 or so in total) – your guys left us be, alas the 8 or so pugs wanted my kitten pretty badly lol.
So on a ending note: cheers for the fights when we could find em, you don’t have to be lonely in your towers forever RS <3 we give free group hugs.
But seriously, thanks for the fights and hope AG gets opponents more suited to its style, and hope RS gets what it wants.
Kind Regards TUP
Certain people have more fight, fire, spirit, aggression.. call it what you like. Here on the forums than they do on the battlefield. You know what I mean :P
Oh and before I forget, cheers to DW for the brief (curse you anet server stability) GvG. Was fun and ended with taking bets on who would dc next
o7 Kind regards TUP
See you on the battlefield.
Think Mordran missed the point – only room for one dran in this thread – No but seriously, Oracle is talking about when points made a difference to who your opponent was.. the 31/05 is at a time when points do not win prizes
I keep my fingers crossed for Piken sooner rather than later – but I know I’ll be rewarded with 2 german servers next week for lols. What with TUP drinking warband night Friday, should prove… interesting lol.
Greets to my monkeys left nut, now with that out the way.
Myrmi what you fail to see, is your server mates, calling ppl racist, calling people sore losers, calling all sorts of kitten. All anyone from AG is asking for is for your peeps to simply – Stop being boring and fight.
Why all the Riversiders that are guilty of such behaviour then suddenly get all offended and start going on about losers this and losers that is beyond me. No one here is saying they are the greatest – perhaps your google translate is corrupting the English. Nowhere is anyone saying anything about being the greatest. The whole point people are trying to make is that your server in general is a snooze fest. You WvW without PvP’n.
Answer me this, where is the fun, the intensity, the fun packed action…
Your server’s attitude towards WvW is appalling. As is most of your forum warriors ability to comprehend a discussion.
Serious Question to Abbablob, if you had to pick a fairly recent opponent as the most boring to fight. Who would it be and why? Just curious if other DE servers find Riverside’s style completely snooze inducing.
“And here I am, once having thought highly of a guild like TUP.
But after reading this thread and the many sad and sorry excuses of their leaders and members for why they are not doing that fine in this match-up (of course, it must have been that their opponents are honorless dogs!) I guess that feeling is gone now. What hurts especially is the fact that so many of you are unable to show the slightest bit of respect for your opponents, or even openly show nothing but hate and disdain. This is something I will never understand.
It’s really a shame that the sad display of just a few players can harm the public perception of a server so harshly. Yet, I still firmly believe most players from AG are actually really ok. I just hope that if we inevitably meet tougher opponents in an upcoming week, the bad loosers from our server (which we quite obviously will also have a few of) will not give a similarly shameful display.
We are doing kittening awesome thanks for asking. Were do we say, I noes we doing bad? Where’s our excuses? Excuses for what exactly? What twisted logic are you reading our posts with?? Hate is a strong word, dislike and disdain is very accurate however. Your server bores me, my guild and my server, not too mention the countless other servers who groan when they realise oh noes a week with Riverside. For one reason only, your boring.
Not all of you though, DW, I have much love and respect for. They lead the way on your server in terms of how to play as a group, engage the opposition and have fun.
What do you even mean by “tougher” opponents anyways. Coz I’ve never been beaten by a smaller force yet constantly smash bigger forces.
Oh I get it, you mean ppl with your craze about points and coverage.
What you don’t seem to get, is no one BUT YOUR server cares on the rankings in this matchup, we just want fun and fights in a open pvp game. Your servers attitude in general is “anti pvp”. Hence you will get a lot of disgruntled opponents venting their anger because we loath getting stuck with you.
Perfect world = you fight elona reach and vizunah each week OR you fight vabbi and fissure of woe.
Anet if your reading this, stick Riverside, Elona Reach and Vizunah Square in Tier 1 and leave them there, they deserve each other and are pretty much the only servers who play for points rather than fun. Just a thought.
@ Cubed, just check the last fight in his video, as to the kill/rally system. We are just 20 and lose 4-5 guys dead, not downed ontop of the stairs, and with just the 15 left we kill them all. We don’t rely on the kill/rally system at all. First and formost strive not to get downed in the first place :P It would actually benefit us more removing it, as we fight superior numbers who can make greater use of it.
Throughout the video you can see we leave dead and carry on still to good effect.
@cubed Its not illegal music, its just in Germany you are super strict on you copyright stuff. Surprised you can even access youtube in Germany. Yes I do take the kitten outta my german guildies for it. But there are ways around it.
Appreciate the kind words, he doesn’t even consider his necro his main “yet”
Cya on the battlefield.
To lay some facts on @ street – yes they did run away. Your entire zone was camping 20-30 pugs (AG BL) you owned garrison, NE tower, Hills, NW tower, SE tower. Nothing was under attack, we ran at them they saw us – whether or not from Quecc’s video shows that – I was leading, I was at the front, I watched them run after seeing us.
Dismiss the truth all the want.
As for disgusting Myrmi, calling someone a racist is pretty bad I agree.
If you wanted to be all racist, you could put forth the argument, stick the 6 german servers together for the next couple of months. Let them enjoy each others AC fest. But then that would be ever so cruel and unkind to the few guilds you each possess.
The game would be a better place if there was no wall and door upgrades. Time consuming nonsense that just allows defenders to build more ac’s than there are attackers (back in 2012 38 Superior ACs @ hills, provided for by Riverside).
As for blob this blob that, don’t have an issue with it, bad use of manpower. Its just the clashes of “play for points” “play for fun”. If free xfers existed, I guarantee that Riverside would have dead servers to fight each week – be like oh man RS again, i’m xferring to another tier for fights. Just a thought.
“But we do not care at all as long as we have fun”.
“we are having a party”
“we talk utterly nonsense and sometimes do stupid actions on purpose”
“is to have fun maybe to Drink some Beer and play drunk, sometimes gw is nothing but a big party”
Have you sir, been spying on TUP comms??
You describe us perfectly lol.
Drinking warband coming at you soon (again!)
Cheers for the kind words on the video, and keep up the good fight all, all (most of us) want is the action.
Keep up the humour too
@ Koma Grey: Get stuck fighting Riverside for the best part of 16 out of the last 24 weeks and then several times against 2 german opponents at a time (who just watch how RS play and mimic it). You can only take so much.. We just want them to fight, not cower in towers. Your server is a prime example of a good “national” server. Atleast it was when we fought you way back then. Miller’s for the most part follow your style too.
Who knows with this random matchup might get Kodash sometime.
o7 Kind Regards TUP
Zerg all you want mr mordran (btw there can be only one dran! – and if you ask the guys they certainly don’t want more dran :P)
People’s issue with RS and others is your obsession with points and cowering in towers and ACs by the bucketload. Countless times my 20-30 guild group will see 60+ refusing to come and fight, and would rather sit on 8+ ACs. – That is boring as kitten.
Bring your community zergs as Abbadon likes to call em, fight in the open, we thrive on it, we look for you always. Just quit the cowardly play for points and jump in the action for once.
However if you zerg, don’t expect non guild groups who love the challenge to be so accommodating. If I was a pug, i’d cower in a tower on AC if you brought the blob.
The single BIG difference is, other servers have ppl defending towers with ACs – granted, but RS especially, but other german servers too – you outnumber attackers, sometimes 2x 3x 4x and yet you refuse to join the party and have a fight. You build more siege.
And yes it is german mentality, have 4 or 5 in my guild. Pity and lolbbqsauce is all they feel for you guys. They really wish you’d see how much “FUN” this game can bring. But if your happy sitting in a keep for 5 hrs+ on ACs… more power to you. Just don’t expect the vast majority to be disgruntled or mock you.
Besides all this whining about blobs and ac i want to thank TUP for showing us last night at 2 o´clock, how you keep your bl clean.
You better keep running when you see those boys
Serious, never seen such a good and organized guild. Even with 7 warriors charging in you, it seemed that u lost nothing of your healthpool. after the fifth or sixth time dying in hills and the south camp of it, we decided to leave you alone.
Very nice play, seeing those elementalists and guards how they keep you all up after the first ambush.
We see us on the battlefield and be patient for my bad englishcya
[IF] Koko
Was fun and thanks for the good fights and kind words.
Always looking for the action, especially on reset and while we can’t be everywhere at once. We shared our time with DL and RS as best we could. Really good evening.
PS: Don’t advise people to run, we want fights! /shakes fist
Spreading the love.
Told you I remembered as back then I played from primetime till silly o’clock. U made all prime time guilds bored as you literally logged off, to come back later and PVD (even without WXP) you points fanatics.
I thank you for putting your own foot in mouth.
Last thing I will say on the subject.
PS: Greets Dranul
Can both RS + DL, fight with the fire in their bellies that they bring on reset (maybe that’s too much credit. Perhaps its just simply must take keeps to place ACs in – who knows). But seriously people would enjoy fighting you more, if during the rest of the matchup – you didn’t rely so heavily on ACs and T3 keeps. Does it not bore you guys?
But yes cheers for the fun on AG BL during reset, hoping for more action in the week ahead!
I remember Abbadons back in the day during Pikens rise. They used to log off for several hours during prime time, cause they couldn’t fight. Then after midnight, all maps 60+ to get their “preciooooooous” points.
I’d be /facepalming right about now if I was on a german server. All these claims of WvW is about points, and that challenging yourself, enjoying action and big fights is elitist and should go SPVP… Caring about points is elitist ya tools. Its just about coverage, who cares about points – play for “shock, horror” FUN.
I have several germans in my guild, and they feel sorry for you. That you really don’t understand what fun is, that you play a different game completely, you never improve, you never adapt, you never have fun.
I will place these 2 videos again: Take your pick –
Vote A) Rebel Style or Play for fun.
Then tell me whose playing the wrong game
Try to justify yourselves all you want, call guild play elitist all you want, far from the truth. Yes there are elitist guilds, but 90% of us guilds are not.
Amelia Knox – You should of stayed TUP rolled out seeing the battlemarkers camping our allies in spawn, and smashed the kitten outta that big blob (not the biggest we’ve seen, but then we look for them every raid) and proceeded to knock them out of zone inch by inch, loot bag by loot bag.
To everyone else worrying about blob this blob that. Look within yourselves. Get yourselves 20-30 brave crazy samurai’s and train. Look for the blob, fight the blob, beat the blob. Zerg farming is delicious. Just ask the 2 german servers tonight – well over 1,100 kills in 5hrs not a bad return for a guild group.
AM I look forward to watching 80 of your blob cower in towers behind 10 acs once again.
Funny thing, French server blobs have more courage than you guys during the week ahead you will hide and use ACs, a server like Augury Rock their community, their zergs keep coming. Ala – something like that.
Enjoy the week!
Knock Knock Abbadons
Whose there?
<Insert girly scream here>
I miss you guys, miss crushing your server zergs. Hope you miss us just as much. Good luck Gandara and co – We have been blessed? with 2 german servers ourselves \o/ – only time they are fun is reset :P
Think Positive.
Oh what a night. Real pleasure leading my guys tonight. Numbered between 29 and 20 as the night progressed. Real nice to see people attack stuff (as per norm on reset- just wish you 2 servers would continue this throughout the week rather than hide in Tier 3 keeps and towers behind ACs – as you normally do as the week progresses). Here is hoping this week is different.
Appreciate the fights tonight guys, you made it fun. Enjoyed clashing with the big numbers you both put out.
Looking forward to the rest of the week. o7
Kind regards TUP – Hope you enjoyed it as much as us <3
Well nice to see about 4 posts or so wanting Aurora Glade
Piken Square is up there on my to-do list obviously being an ex pikey an all..
Gandalf as the variety of guilds and styles makes it like a box of chocolates you never know what ya gonna get.
Barauch Bay always enjoyed fighting the many guilds you had to offer and haven’t fought our Roleplay brothers in arms sIN <3 and ofcourse you have Alan these days so that’s quite tasty.
Augury Rock love their server mentality, their balls of steel, courage over anything else. They come out and fight and fight, ofcourse they have some decent guilds too
I’ll take any server that isn’t Riverside (no offence to DW) but i’m sick of servers who have zergs AND hide behind walls and 38 superior arrow carts.
Gonna get vabbi and fissure of woe just watch this space, will be a snooze fest
Cheers [MYA] for the GvG. Was good fun and a great laugh. Appreciate the action. Kudos, was a tough encounter.
To Devon Carter – on behalf of my guild The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade EU, we cordially invite you to join us for a raid. On the 14th June we are combining our two favourite pastimes, drinking while gaming. We will be having a drinking warband for the reset of the 14th June – our own drinking rules apply! You are most welcome to attend, heck even try your hand at the helm, you can lead the raid for the evening. With 20-30 loyal die hard misfits at your command, combined with copious drinking, you can’t go wrong.
Gotta say, you had me at drinking, but you lost me at Devon Carter. It’s Carver, man! I can’t make any commitments, unfortunately, but I will say this much. Aurora Glade should keep their eyes peeled for some Anet assistance in the coming weeks. Likely on a Thursday.
Well when you do visit AG for a little WvW, you are more than welcome to have/join our comms info via PM. The banter is strong in us, if you can handle it. Even without the drink!
Kind Regards TUP
So with Devon Carter saying “Holding a tower against all odds with some smart siege placement and a bit of luck may be one of the most fun things I’ve ever done in a video game.” Makes me wonder is he german and does he play on a german server regularly?? :P
Cause I mean if that’s the most exciting thing he’s done in a video game, he really hasn’t played his own game. Try joining in as a guest into one of the many roaming guilds within your game. Fighting 2x, 3x, 4x your number in intense action, where teamwork and co-ordination wins – not the strategic placement of OP Arrowcarts while hiding behind a wall.
Option A =
Option B
To Devon Carter – on behalf of my guild The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade EU, we cordially invite you to join us for a raid. On the 14th June we are combining our two favourite pastimes, drinking while gaming. We will be having a drinking warband for the reset of the 14th June – our own drinking rules apply! You are most welcome to attend, heck even try your hand at the helm, you can lead the raid for the evening. With 20-30 loyal die hard misfits at your command, combined with copious drinking, you can’t go wrong.
Cheers Millers Guild [QQ] for the GvG – was a nice change to our normal evening. See you and the others in the lakes tomorrow evening.
Kind Regards TUP
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