Showing Posts For Esoteric.5490:

The "Queue Bug", a theory as to the cause

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


I think ANet should just do 2 things that many games have done before: Put an infographic telling you how many players are on the map out of a maximum, e.g. 140/166 and if you are waiting in queue, tell you what your spot is, e.g. #50. Is it really so hard to tell players how many people you have on a map? And, if that is too much info, is it so hard to have a literal line and each person in queue takes a number? This sort of queue system already exists, it isn’t like they’d have to do a ton of coding to let you know where you are in line anyway.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Extremely unbalanced profession

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Thieves are not OP, people literally just don’t think how to kill them. If you stun or knockdown a thief, they are dead. I’m not sure they have a single stun break, at least not that is worth bringing.

The only thing I can see is an increase to the revealed debuff; that may actually balance it. The thief hinges on stealth, taking that away takes away the viability of the class.

Now, can this thread get locked and thrown with the other 100+ “Thieves are OP” threads?

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Commander System

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


The problem is still the commander is intended as a WvW and a PvE tool (and it is even usable in sPvP). That is why it costs gold and is not attainable through an achievement, it is the only currency that both game types share.

The problem that people don’t see it as a PvE tool is the lack of a UI. It’s the same reason it becomes a vanity item in WvW, although highly useful I find. When the game launched, people would command without a tag. Harken back to that a bit if you don’t want to shell out 100g, or maybe your guild will donate it to you.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


I still hold that most people who are disappointed with a system will vote/speak out on it, especially on the internet. If people are enjoying the product, they are out their playing it. Most forum threads, if not discussion based, are outright complaints. I love my warrior, but do you see threads filling these boards about how much anyone loves their class or how much people love generic awesome WvW feature? Forums are visited primarily for complaints so you will see a disproportionately high number of “worse” votes no matter which forum this gets put in. I’d bet that it is far closer to 50-50 than anything else.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


I used to have an issue where players would not cull until they were on top of me and I was half dead. Now players cull at a distance that is outside of my 1200 range. That is a significant improvement to me albeit not perfect as the poster below you mentions my servermates not culling at close proximity but seeing them is not a priority.

This is what I’ve been trying to communicate. Everyone is so caught up in actively SEEING the culling happen, but fails to realize you can actually see an enemy portal onto you or charge from a distance or come through a tower door. No one realizes that combat is more balanced now than it has ever been because you can see a force coming and respond before you are half dead. I’d guess the vast majority of those that voted “worse” somehow expect culling to be 100% fixed and anything but is automatically considered worse.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

The "Queue Bug", a theory as to the cause

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


I think the biggest problem with this whole fracas is the fact that A-Net isn’t saying anything about it. It’s really not that hard to see an issue (real or perceived) brought up on the forums and then reply with applicable data. Even something as simple as “we’ve heard your reports of messed up queues and will be looking into it, we’ll update you on what we find next week” is better than this insulting silence we’ve had so far. The very fact that they haven’t addressed most of these concerns is what has convinced many that there is a real problem.

I honestly don’t really care if it’s a bug, an intentional pop-cap nerf, or a few random problems stirring up a whole lot of drama. I just want A-Net to stop treating us like we’re children and TALK TO US. We’re adults (for the most part). We can handle it.

I think this is the post of the day. The silence on the part of ANet really is deafening. Look at all of the posts raising WvW concerns on the front page, not one of them has a response from a Red when they are supposed to be these “community liasons” responsible for posting on the forums and talking to us. Would it be so bad if they took 5 minutes to tell us what’s up? I don’t mean layering facts in cryptic statements either, just telling us what the REAL issue is and that they are trying to fix it. Wild speculation just generates more panic amongst your player base.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Only a WvW player...

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Only a WvW player would think that making 2g in a night is a good profit.

Only a WvW player actually has server pride.

Only a WvW player understands what truly earning a “Gift of Battle” entails, 8 times over.

Only a WvW player knows that placing normal siege is NOT okay.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

The "Queue Bug", a theory as to the cause

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


The only way I could see culling affecting this map/queue/lack of bodies thing is if in the code, it’s pre-rendering of enemies has a bug and actually creates two of every player on map … The pre-rendered base model and the actual player.

That said, we do know this started after the Monday patch ……there is a definitive start time for this …… So something is wonky there.

Seems viable enough. Not to mention that, the assertion that a couple dozen servers can’t count and that is the problem, is pretty bold.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Mesmers mandatory in wvwvw, unfair?

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Every class has different uses. Portal utilizes manipulation, something the mesmer specializes in, but they also are great at clones, confusion, and granting boons such as chaos armor to allies. Warriors and Guardians heal/support/cc/tank far better, necros dish out crazy conditions are are higly survivable, eles are the kings of aoe and support incredibly, Rangers are still useful as trappers or glass Longbow, Thieves work great as gank squads and harassment groups to interrupt supply lines, engis can dish out good aoe and support well. Right there, every single class has a valuable use in WvW. The sooner people adapt to that instead of singularly focusing on one profession, the sooner a force will realize their full potential and be capable of responding to any situation. Balance is the most important thing.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Culling, What's Different ?

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


I’m curious to know what kind of machine you’re running as the patch was supposedly a marked improvement for those with lower end machines.

It’s a Dell XPS laptop with an i7-2620M @ 2.7GHz processor and 8g of RAM with an Intel HD Graphics card. It’s a little over a year old. It’s a fairly top notch system for a laptop and I run my game on pretty high settings.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Commander System

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


All I see here is failure to communicate. If someone is harrasing you, explain to that person what you’re doing, or intend to do, if he keeps on harrasing the /ignore. If you are already on Vent and have a team effort going on having a pin become useless at that point, and it’s your prerogative to turn it off. If you fail to do so then you need to communicate to the map what you intend to do.

I’m not a guild commander, im a pug commander because the guild I belong to doesn’t have a strong WvW presence, so I have to rely on pugs to to what I think is right. And so far it has worked just fine. Whenever I need assistance capping a camp or tower I turn it on, ask for help on map, and once done turn it off until it’s needed again. No one, unless zerging, needs to have the pin on at all times, unless, you know, you need to inflate your ego.

I think that some of the best commanders, all around, in this game are those who started with no guild or a smaller guild in WvW and had to rely on players outside of their guild and VoIP. They know how to best relate to the other players on the map and communicate effectively in team chat.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Commander System

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


A few things:

very awesome post


But this posts makes too much sense for some people to understand. Cause, you know, they know more about the game than the people who designed it.

No reason we can’t improve the system! Everyone has different playstyles and ideas of what is fun for them. Some of those playstyles can be hindered with the current mechanics. Not having /private option for commanders is the thing that doesn’t make sense to me.

I don’t think anyone is questioning that there could be massive improvements to the commander system, the UI especially, but the acquisition of said commander tag is currently the most balanced it could be given the intended uses.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Commander System

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


If you want to run a guild group, turn off your tag and use VoIP. You are a pretty garbage team if you can’t figure out how to put a target on who you are following and operate in combat unless someone has a blue chip over their head.

That’s pretty much what we have to do. We’ve ran using just VoIP and we’ve ran using VoIP AND the commander pin. It is much more effective running with VoIP and the visual commander pin.

It just seems silly to not use the most effective in game system for coordinating multiple guild groups because yoiu don’t plan to lead the entire zone. In this day of MMO’s there is no reason to not be able to flag a commander/squad as private. This way everyone is happy and play the way they want.


I agree with you there. It would be lovely to have a private option, but if you are a sizable group, randoms will still come along and run with you. Typing in /say is usually the best way I have found to be the proverbial ambassador to non-guild players They typically respond very well to being included in the group instead of sitting in silence because they can’t be in your VoIP. Maybe even invite them to your voice server if they want to run with you!

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Culling, What's Different ?

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


There have been countless times since this patch came out that I have been able to see enemies from a distance that I would never be able to see before. You all seem to be expecting a perfect solution and to see every player/mob 100% of the time, but this patch never claimed to be that. Explain to me how getting hit by 40+ people that you could never see coming before the patch was playable, but being able to see people (in full or in part) when they come out of a portal, come out of stealth, run through a tower door, or charge from 2500 range is suddenly unplayable?

A major reason that individuals probably think this is worse is because they can see the culling actually happening because 50% of people are showing up instead of not being able to see anything. You are AWARE of what you aren’t seeing now instead of being, previously, blissfully ignorant of what the game engine wasn’t showing you. And being aware that there are people in a given area grants my guild a far greater ability to fight a battle.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

(edited by Esoteric.5490)

Commander System

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


A few things:

1. Commander is for use in WvW AND PvE. If it wasn’t, it would disappear when you zone out of WvW, similar to sPvP armor/gear disappearing when you leave sPvP.

2. Gold is the only currency that is shared by both WvW and PvE. There is no other equivalent currency for the badge that can be used in both game types. 100g serves to be a deterrent to everyone and their mother buying Commander, but is obviously not going to be the perfect system.

3. It takes a lot of guts to lead an army. A commander tagging up in a map and trying to lead a force takes skill, intelligence, resilience, and any number of other leadership traits. If you have no ability to command, you are not only publicly embarrassing yourself, but those who are following you will remember if you were incompetent at your job.

4. Most servers have loved and trusted commanders that have earned their stripes. I commanded maps on a level 40 something character at launch because I stepped up and did what needed to be done. Eventually, my guild funded my commander tag and others who we wanted to be commanders based on their leadership and performance.

5. If you want to run a guild group, turn off your tag and use VoIP. You are a pretty garbage team if you can’t figure out how to put a target on who you are following and operate in combat unless someone has a blue chip over their head.

6. If a commander is bad, DON’T FOLLOW THEM. It’s a revolutionary concept that involves joining the squad of a commander that you would like to follow and then you won’t see ANY other commanders on the map. If you want to run in a small guild group and not follow a commander, your presence on the map interrupting supplies, taking camps, or ninjaing towers is invaluable to the leader of your map’s main forces.

In summary, 100g is fine, every complaint thread that I have ever seen about commanders does not seem to understand the very mechanics that they are complaining about, and if commanders are really that bad and keep tagging up, then your server has greater organization problems since they clearly can’t figure out how to use a squad or have enough dynamic talent in PvP to not follow a blue dot mindlessly.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

(edited by Esoteric.5490)

Culling, What's Different ?

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Truthfully, the new system is better. People who say otherwise are deranged. I can see something that I was never able to before: an enemy force moving to my position before they are on top of me dropping aoe. Sure, it isn’t perfect, but it is definitely an improvement. People that keep knocking culling and acting as if it is worse need to understand this was never supposed to solve the issue 100%, simply make it playable, which it did.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

No "Queue Bug" on Stormbluff Isle

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Lately, there has been a lot of talk about the queue queue bug.

I just wanted to bring it to the community’s attention that Stormbluff Isle has, so far, not experienced it. And from what I’ve read in other threads on the topic, neither have other low-population servers (like Eredon Terrace).

The queue queue bug only seems to be affecting bandwa—I mean, high-population servers.

Maybe this is a coincidence? Maybe SBI is just lucky? Either way, I hope Anet gets to the bottom of this as soon as possible!

So the queue issues are only affecting servers with pops high enough to have queues. Servers with no queues are not experiencing issues with their queues. Go figure.

In other news, people who do not own cars are less likely to experience mechanical issues with their car than people who do own cars.

You know what can’t have mechanical problems? That’s right! A wagon! I jest, I jest. :P

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Best WvW Server US.

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


1. Gem prices for transfers are based off of server population, not WvW rank. Correlation does not yield causation in this regard.
2. Any server that was in Tier 1-4 prior to the reset is pretty well organized.
3. To this day, other than RUIN at launch, I have never seen a 100+ man zerg. Even the largest guild groups in Tier 1-2 roll in groups of 40-50 and people may sell it short as “lawlfacerollzerglingnoobs”, but there are group composition builds and extensive micro strategy and great communication. On reset night, we were wiping forces roughly twice the size of ours with relative frequency in the open field (40v70).
4. It really depends on what your flavor is. What are you looking to get out of WvW? Smaller WvW servers in lower tiers aren’t necessarily more “elite”, they just carry out the same battles as larger groups do on more active WvW servers. If you want WvW for the large scale combat, Tier 1-3/4 can probably suit you very well. Especially in Tier 3/4 you would be able to make a huge difference as an individual. Anything Tier 5-8 is likely much smaller scale and if you want the sPvP feel in the open world and specializing in small teams, a server that does that more commonly is probably a good home for you.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Well, I’m going to put a foot in my mouth so I’m going to open with a disclaimer that I am not the greatest strategist in [RET]. After going up against a particular BG guild who used the new culling mechanics VERY effectively, we changed our strategy and to a lesser extent our composition to compensate. The nature of the comps you are facing is very likely intentional. At the least I can tell you that it is a weakness we are by no means unaware of.

I actually think culling is better in that I can see people coming. You fight a force once and you know their relative size, so when you see a few of their tags pop up you can tell they are coming. No, it doesn’t render the entire force, but they don’t see all of your numbers either. And, as a shot in the dark, I have a feeling you’re referring to KnT, and for the record, we don’t abuse culling at all. Our success is based off of scouting and micro that gives our guild the best positioning possible. I’m sure it may seem like a “culling bomb”, but we call that a flank. It honestly seems as though you guys never look anywhere except in front of you.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Weird. EB full. FABL full. BGBL full. TCBL maybe 10 people total.

I am obviously not the most sensitive person you have seen on the internet Xinthai.6175. I know this because all I feel is bliss and have a psychological disorder that renders me emotionless. You said what you said with the intent of slandering me.

And because of the nature of business and the human condition…reported.

Are you real?

In other news, having a great time in TC BL tonight

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

WvWvW Queues issue [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


I love how everyone has started QQing about queues after leaving the lower tier servers in mass to find a spot on the higher – full in regards to WvW servers.
You decided to go with the zergs you have to deal with the queues get over it.

It isn’t the fact people are on higher tier servers. There are queues when the map has half of the players that it “should”. People assume the higher tiers are all “zerging”. Ask any server with a high population that’s gone up against a Tier 1-2 server with equal numbers and ask them what they saw. There is an incredible amount of micro and macro that goes into succeeding in WvW and if they reduced the map caps for players, that skill level necessary increases exponentially. For some servers, it may be because they got a ton of transfers, but for others complaining about this and they never had queue problems before and didn’t get mass transfers, how do you explain that? Servers don’t just go from having no queues after friday night, pick up a couple guilds, and all of the sudden they are in queue for 2 hours. ANet did something to the players caps on the map or the patch kittened up the queue and ANet is not admitting to it. We can tell they have a problem, it would be nice if they cared to humor the community and look into it instead of shrugging us off saying “the numbers look reasonable”. I’M LOOKING AT YOU HABIB.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


This is a time consuming aside for the real issue: icoa. icoa = BG. BG = icoa.

What does this even mean?


It’s a serious question.

no comment

Ok, that’s fine. You can be cryptic with statements that have no context.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


This is a time consuming aside for the real issue: icoa. icoa = BG. BG = icoa.

What does this even mean?


It’s a serious question.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


This is a time consuming aside for the real issue: icoa. icoa = BG. BG = icoa.

What does this even mean?

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

WvWvW Queues issue [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


There is definitely a huge problem with queues right now. We don’t have more players playing than we did last weekend, but the wait times are horrendous. They really haven’t been this bad since launch. ANet says that the same amount of players are on each map, but that doesn’t mean that that equal number has been reduced since the patch without them saying anything. They never really gave us a number of players per team in the map, so they could change it without having to announce anything. Part of this “culling fix”, I have a feeling, is a reduction of allowable players on the map so that normal population you’d have and the map is insta-queue, now becomes stuck in a queue. So instead of 166 players on a map, you now have a max of 80 and 50+ people in queue on a normal night. The other possibility is that when people log out from within WvW, it leaves a ghost of them on the server and takes up a slot. This take the greatest effect when there is a queue over a span of several hours and it appears as though less and less players are in the map. Could just be a conspiracy, but it seems very likely we can’t put as many players in a map any more.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


It’s funny on the BG TS how many times other guilds ask ICoa ask us for help somewhere and yet we get the least amount of respect/shout out from our opponents amongst the major wvw BG guilds. That’s fine. We don’t care. Let others have the glory and respect. We will be the grunts steamrolling everything and collecting our bags while complaining we need to empty our inventory every frigging 10-15 minutes out on the battlefield; not being wimps standing behind some gates pounding our chests that way when we get alot of kills (as so many others on these forums do). We get our loot taking things and wiping things. We don’t beat our chests when wiping people when we are defending sm/garrison etc.

Better to just say nothing about this sort of stuff and let the respect come on its own. I will never post about my guild or the things we do on the field. Make your opponents be good sports by giving them respect. Humility goes a long way.

Speaking of which, PRO, GODS, and PiNK, FA BL was a blast last night. Thank you for bringing it

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Lol I’m sorry but I have to say this. As an ex-Darkhaven player (I came to FA because it was my original server from launch, but went to Darkhaven for a few months because my friend wanted me to play on that server) I cant wait to face two specific Blackgate guilds.

[iCoa] Let me tell you their history.Darkhaven was beating NSP. One of the biggest guilds on NSP bandwagons over to Darkhaven, then they merge with other guilds on Darkhaven to make [iCoa] they mass recruit on Darkhaven and then a loss or two, and they bandwagon to Blackgate after recruiting a large amount of the WvW population from Darkhaven. I have no respect for this guild as it is one of the reasons Darkhaven is dead.

[GoF] Yet another ex-Darkhaven guild. They are unorganized zergs of 40+ that went from Darkhaven to CD. They were on CD a few weeks, and bandwagoned to Blackgate after CD lost ONE time. No specific hate for this guild as they seem like a good community, but server hopping to CD and then hopping off to a tier 1 server after 1 loss on CD is a bit…..lame.

These are the only 2 major guilds of Blackgate I know. No disrespect to Blackgate itself, obviously you guys have original guilds and such, but there cant be too much server pride existent, seeing as many of the guilds there came from other servers.

You know, you make yourself and server look really great saying things like this. GoF and every other guild that came here from CD transferred as a last resort. I spoke to them prior to their move and the conditions of it were based on if other guilds were committing to move first. I do not blame them one bit for making the move to a server where they can play the game type they love competitively instead of on a dead/dying server. Blackgate is a community and, other than our first stint in tier 1, has never been a true bandwagon destination. If you looked at SoR or JQ now, or SoS when it rose through the ranks, the guilds simply piled on there. Those are a true bandwagon if you want to throw that word around. We got transfers that we needed to be competitive at the rank ANet placed us and these guilds answered the call, not for free wins, but for competition and the value of the community we have built here. Your statement is nothing short of highly disrespectful.

ICoa decided something that was best for their guild, and it seems as though you are quite resentful. We had a visiting member from Darkhaven on Blackgate before server lockdowns and he spoke highly of ICoa from when they were on DH. He was a visiting member from the newly formed Darkhaven Alliance and, excuse me, Darkhaven appears to be doing quite well in their tier, not a dead server if you asked me.

In the future, I suggest you take a second to have some perspective instead of a bitter point of view about our server and guilds that, regardless of the time spent here, have shown to be a large part of our community. Tell me what guild you’re in and I’ll look for your tag so one of those “native Blackgate guilds” can put you in your place.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Who do u really want to face after the reset

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


LaZy, GoF, LW, DDH, EVIL, Bros before Pros (don’t know the tag), LOA, LAW, and probably some more that I can’t think of.

This week is no indication of a population drop. After Tuesday, many of us took a break since the rating reset was announced and we were cruising to 2nd anyway.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


EDIT: This post is directed to any individual on ANY SERVER that doesn’t want to show up to WvW because ANY OTHER SERVER is beating you. To all of you out there who are fighting the good fight, /salute.

Great generalized post that is repeated billion times before.

Do you enjoy trolling? Or did I just offend you?

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Who do u really want to face after the reset

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Where did BG pick up numbers, seems to me we lost big numbers since our T2 days.

Please stop trolling. We benefited from the end of free transfers greatly. Other servers may have gotten more players from them (JQ) or already had more players (SoS), but that does not mean that we don’t have more players by any stretch of the imagination. 1 guild moved off of Blackgate because they wanted to play with more of their countrymen and, in return, many more than that transferred to us.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Who do u really want to face after the reset

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Lawl, don’t kid yourself.
Hopefully you got some new NA talent before we meet again.

Being that you are from [Choo] and I have become good friends with a number of your commanders from our weeks in Tier 2, I won’t flat out insult your guild for your jaded views. However, if you think that your NA was, somehow, unquestionably superior, you would be very, very wrong.

Early NA advantage went to SoR because you have a lot of EST players. Late NA advantage went to BG because we have a lot of PST players. In between, it was pretty freaking even. Don’t cheapen the 9 weeks that we spent together and make your guild look like they are poor sports, because I know otherwise and you are not reflective of [Choo]’s opinions.

For me, I want to fight SoR again. It will finally put to rest some of these statements like SoR NA steamrolling ours…

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


The rules of the forums do not allow you to name and shame a player individually.

This leads to posts that accuse an entire server of having the attitude displayed by one poster. While it seems fair that you have the right to reply to a complaint by one poster, attributing that poster’s attitude to the whole server is very likely incorrect and unfair.

IMHO, Those of us who are out there fighting for our servers rain hail or sunshine do not deserve to be lumped in with the forum warriors.

You are absolutely right. Hope my edit helps.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Blackgate and 20 other servers have never won in Tier 1 since 1 week matches started. We’re all still fighting. Let’s get some perspective in here. There isn’t an excuse for stopping to play, ever. Sack up and get out there and fight for your server and fight for pride, not whine the moment you aren’t in first. Did you ever consider the monumental amount of balls that it takes for any server that you are crushing to show up every day and try and leave your corpses in the dirt? SoS has been spoiled. You haven’t gotten legit rocked in a match in well over 3 months. You have won Tier 1 9 of 10 times. Now there is complaining the second you don’t outnumber someone? Try playing on Blackgate for a day and maybe you’ll appreciate fighting a losing battle a little more. An attitude that “we aren’t winning so we won’t try” spits on every server that has stuck it out through all of the bad and all of the blowouts. All those servers showed up because of good fights even when you were crushing them and, now that someone is doing it to you, you take your ball and go home? Please.

EDIT: This post is directed to any individual on SoS that doesn’t want to show up to WvW because JQ is beating you. To all of you out there who are fighting the good fight, /salute.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

(edited by Esoteric.5490)

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Personally, I’m excited for the match. Scoreboard aside, I always love fighting old foes and new faces. Haven’t seen FA in a very long time (since we were in like tier 3 or 4). I’m eager to see what they bring to the table as I’m sure is TC. It appears as though they are a new server with a winning attitude

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


I want to hear more about this rating reset

All this and more! This week in WvW!

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


I’m not fully up on the politics… why would SoR go for revenge against SoS? Revenge for what?

I wouldn’t say revenge as much as I would say rivalry. It’s been a while since our super close matches of the past, and many of us are looking forward to some equally fun matches when we meet again.

If your from SOR, a word of warning. BG pretty much played themselves out of staying in Tier 1 next week because of their rivalry with SOS. If they had of played smart last week and targetted JQ, BG would have finished in second place and gained some points. This week they are going to miss pushing SOS out of tier 1 by 30 points, which they could have made by playing for second place last week. To elaborate on this, SOS commanders were instructing to leave BG alone and avoid them and target JQ because it was obvious they were the bigger threat.

That said, Im yet to see a server play smart like this. Just know that a “rivalry” can come back to bite you like it just has for BG. And in all honesty, I don’t see BG getting much Tier 1 again for a while. Especially with Kain coming to Tier 2 in another week and FA becoming a stronger unified force.

You realize ratings reset next week right? Remember how it was at launch? Well, we are getting that again except we have to sit through 1 week matches this time. Blackgate is right where it wants to be. Your condescension regarding the smartness of our play is unwarranted as you have no idea what our leaders discussed this week.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Let’s play nice guys. Keep your morale by focusing on the task at hand and maintain your happiness by playing well on the maps you can field. If we don’t have the coverage to put up +300, you can be rest assured we’ll be sending you a repair bill in the maps that we can cover. If anything, losing points makes you fight harder to get them back and more. It’s all a mindset; one must embrace resiliency.

SoS BL was great last night. I had to log for a while in the middle of that Garrison brawl, but it was epic while I was there.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Extremely unbalanced profession

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


D/D ele’s are beatable imo.

As far as thieves. They are literally designed to be excellent at small engagements and dueling. WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO SOLO ONE?!

I play a Sword/Shield and Hammer Warrior. The only way I can beat a thief is if I earthshaker them and then keep them permastunned and immobilized until they are dead.

Funny, though, those classes you mentioned have ridiculously higher contribution ability in large scale fighting which is the hallmark of WvW and is, coincidentally, where thieves are far less effective. You wanted “balance”, well there it is.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

(edited by Esoteric.5490)

Exotics through WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


lvling to 80 in wvw I had enough badges to buy a set and enough karma to buy another 1

The problem with karma armor is that if you aren’t a healing class, you have to buy the tank set. Only 5 pieces ever come with the same stat so you can’t buy a full set of Soldier’s gear with karma. Soldier’s gear is also the only thing that badges can buy. So, the two things that WvW players have the most of, badges and karma, can only be used to buy the same tanky sets of armor. Granted, Prec/Tough/ConDmg is great for Necros, and the healing set is ok for a guard, but the karma armor is generally not useful (read: dynamic) in WvW either. Basically, you get more variety from a dungeon. WvW tokens are so difficult to get (although I do have 4.1k now), that I wish they gave more than one option for armor/weapons. It’s not like you didn’t have to work your kitten off to get the tokens in the first place.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Exotics through WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


I play a lot of WvW and I bank between 1-4 gold a night (depending on drops and how many objectives are taken or if it’s boring defense). I have gotten 2 exotic drops in WvW ever (almost 1000 hours on my warrior, easily 850 of it in WvW). You are best off running a dungeon for the gear and do each path once a day. I think Arah’s is the only place with Knight’s though and that one has one farmable path. If you stick to banking a gold every time you make one and sell your rares on the trading post, you shouldn’t take that long to get full exotics, although it takes about 40g to full gear a character with weapons and armor and trinkets if you don’t buy them off the tp. At least you can get more ascended jewelry now just by doing dailies/monthlies.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

another map for top 3 Tiers?

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


The game is already coverage based. I am on Blackgate and have been on Blackgate since launch. While there may be queues on some of our maps during prime time, they really are 5 minute queues during the week. I think most servers get queues on reset, but a whole other map just because of reset queues isn’t really justifiable. Another map would exacerbate coverage issues more than they already are. We fight tooth and nail to maintain a presence in 4 maps as it is and sometimes we can’t even do that. JQ, to my knowledge, can pretty much field 4 maps easily with queues. If you made a 5th map, it would allow all those JQ players to go there and PvDoor pushing their PPT up even higher while their opponents have no hope of having any presence on a 5th map much less a 4th sometimes. A 5th map would make the population advantage an even larger role than it already is and I don’t think that is ANet’s goal. I’d actually expect to see server mergers eventually to balance populations.

Queues are good for the game, because if it really bothers players or guilds that much, it forces them to move to a server without queues or at least smaller ones in order to balance the population. If people stacked a single server then complain about horrendous queues, they can deal with it. HoD in its prime had horrid queues. If they opened a 5th map, they would have won even harder and their opponents with no answer to their already overwhelming coverage would have been dead to rights. The bad queues caused HoD to fall, but what was bad for that individual server was great for the game.

The idea that I do like, however, is having a objectiveless PvP map while in queue because I hate sPvP, but would like to do some good old deathmatch style play. I worked too hard grinding for Tier 3 cultural armor on a WvW player’s salary to not see that when I play sPvP and instead see that crap armor they start you with (and I think cap and hold is the dullest form of PvP because of the builds it requires).

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Blackgate Server need you! (NA/EU/Oceanic)

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Time is running out! Join the revolution! Drive back the JQ and SoS hoards!

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Hands up Singaporeans or GMT+8 folks

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Any Singaporean players looking for great action, competition, activity, and an incredible community please consider Blackgate. We have an excellent core of SEA players and you would be taking the ultimate challenge of WvW in trying to fight Blackgate into the #1 spot. We are not a stacked server, we are not full to transfers, and we need additional coverage. Be a hero, be a patriot, fight against overwhelming odds (and win!), go Blackgate.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

SoS Vs JQ Vs BG 18/01-25/01

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Can we stop arguing? There are many fine guilds that have gone to JQ, SoS, or SoR from servers such as EB, IoJ, and SBI. Even PRX gave Blackgate a fair look. While I wish that some of those guilds would have chosen us instead, they made the decisions that they felt were best for their guild. No matter how the dust settles on the 28th, our community has a fire that will burn in the darkest depths of the bracket and your numbers alone cannot stop the beast.

I tip my hat to the countless guild leaders that I have spoken to over the past 2 weeks about Blackgate and I thank you for your time and consideration. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors regardless of your final decisions. If you chose right, I will be there dying for God and Blackgate right beside you. If you chose wrong, well, I hope to see you on the end of my sword soon.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Blackgate Server need you! (NA/EU/Oceanic)

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Join the cause today! BG needs you!

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Blackgate Server need you! (NA/EU/Oceanic)

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


You guys need to do some recruiting on BG’s PvE community too… The server is full, so we problably won’t get as much transfers as we need… And BG have a big PvE community.

We have plans for them

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Blackgate Server need you! (NA/EU/Oceanic)

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


too bad, it already says full, cant transfer, seems like a nice server to wvw on.

The server very frequently goes to High and Very High. It is reset night so you are obviously seeing heightened activity. Just check back often and relaunch your client and it really shouldn’t take that long to get in. There are also times such as 9p-2a GMT +7 that our server is usually not displayed as full. If you need more help or if anyone else needs help because the server is “Full” please let us know. We can organize blackouts or keep you posted on server status to get you and your guild over

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

SoS Vs JQ Vs BG 18/01-25/01

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


You took Pangloss, we took your map. It’s pretty simple.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Blackgate Server need you! (NA/EU/Oceanic)

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


JQ and SoS have gotten their transfers riding in to save the day. If you are looking for an incredible community, something that you can hang your hat on long after the era of free transfers has ended, choose Blackgate.

We are building something special here. JQ and SoS already have made their mark on World PvP. Blackgate’s guilds can be described as nothing short of loyalists. None of our guilds have any plans to move elsewhere. That is the stability that we are promising you. We love it here and we would ride this server all the way down to Tier 8 if that’s how it worked out, but this community is standing here and defying anything that others say about us.

Help Blackgate build something great. We have an incredible bunch of players and guilds here and the only thing we are missing between us and the top is filling some coverage holes. Moving to JQ and SoS has been done and done again; Blackgate isn’t stacked, nor is it a bandwagon server. The fighting spirit here is like none I have ever experienced and I truly think that anyone who makes this place their home would agree. We don’t need to have the biggest or strongest guilds here, just guilds and players who are willing and eager to learn and compete in an adverse, challenging environment. Moving to Blackgate means that our cause is something you really believe in. This is a place that you and your guild can be proud to call home.

Please contact myself or Nirvii if you are interested. If you are worried about your guild getting over here, we can help facilitate your move.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

WarMachine looking for Alliances

in Guilds

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


For the record, we at Blackgate predicted the “Rise of Kaineng” months ago. We also stated that it would be a sign of the coming apocalypse.

Good luck WM. I’m sure we’ll meet again sooner rather than later.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate