(edited by Felicela.2810)
Thanks for the info how does it hold up in dungeons?
Anyone use a full condition damage grenade build? Was considering this with Superior Sigil of Earth to increase the bleeds.
Just looking for some tips on Runes, the other Sigil, is condition duration worth it?, what about stats? Condition damage, precision, toughness? To with HGH to make up for lack of power in stats?
Personally I have found it gives me more Blues/Greens/T5-6 Crafting mats, but I dont see an increase in Rare or Exotics. That is running around the same as you.
Personally, I rarely see:
Warriors wearing anything except axes and a greatsword.
Rangers without a Shortbow.
Guardians with scepter and staff.
Thieves with swords.
Scepter&Focus Elementalists.
Engineers.Pretty much everything else is covered. Though, frankly, you can shortcut all of this and just play an Asura, or Charr. That will immediately make you an uncommon sight, regardless of profession or weapons.
Thats about what I came up with as well, which is why I didnt want to post in every sub forum for odd builds for each of these setups. Also I already have 2 Engineers at 80 so dont really need a 3rd. Plus doing 1 of every race for my achievements.
I have never been turned away from a group for my class, and if I ever was I would just create my own group, not to mention thats what guilds are for.
Yeah im pretty annoyed that i spent $10 and did not receive a single mini. I am not going to keep dumping $10 in like a slot machine…. it is insulting that all i got was some potions… would have rather gotten more bag slots or more practical consumables. I do not care of the average for getting 3 wintersday minis is the random chance with no static rewards is enough to cause me not to buy such chests ever again and i recommend others do the same. I should be encouraged to spend $20 a month… not made to feel i wasted money.
This is probably how most of the average players feel, and the reason they should consider allowing another purchase option for these Mini’s before the holiday is over.
Awesome just seems Angry. Depends on how you plan to level your character. I have level 2 Engineers now to 80 and found doing a P/P works great for me, its not the fastest kills but I can kite forever.
Groups I love Flamethrower and EG, EG is great support, and FT especially with a Guardian giving out Might and a good 20+ stacks between Jugg and HGH its a fearsome weapon, yes others might be able to do more damage but putting out consistent damage to a large area is worth it for me.
Using a 0/30/0/30/10 Build, I can just change the traits based on how I want to play. More P/P oriented for solo play, and EG/FT for groups.
Dredge and Urban are the best for drops.
I looted over 50 blues and greens just inside the castle in a single run, at the 2s a piece it was 1g just in drops.
I disagree in combination with EG and P/P I do quite well with my primary weapon being the FT.
You need HGH, Runes that extend Boons help, and Power/Prec/Crit Damage gear to make full effectiveness of it though.
As a P/P engineer primarily I would love nothing more than bouncing bullets to always get the effect of my Grandmaster trait.
The biggest thing of all would be combining the traits to make them less Taxed, this would be AWESOME.
I have an easy time farming any events with large numbers of mobs. Get Piercing Shots from the Firearms Line, use Dual Pistols and be mobile.
It takes 3 hits from my experience to get a drop from a normal monster on my engineer, honestly dont know if that is damage based or what.
I simply target the furthest monster way from me and let loose, everything inbetween gets hit, use Pistol #3 and #4 to ensure extra hits on things without much effort, and consider dropping supply crate into the middle of things as well.
Working on FT build, it seems to work quite well just need to be more melee for it.
How about making it Change Quantity, that way you can increase or decrease based on what you still need.
Was more looking for people who already play one, and what their build is, not a warrior but the odd combination.
By stop I assume you mean, you place an order for 100 of item X, and you want to d/c it?
Yes that does, My Transactions, Items Im Buying, then hit remove next to the one you no longer want.
I am a person who loves underdogs and achievements. So starting my next character and cant decide what to make. My love of underdogs and the uncommon brings me here.
While we all see Greatsword Warrior or Guardians, D/D Elementalists, etc. What is something you dont see very often?
I currently have 2 level 80 Engineers, but now looking for builds of other classes that are outside the normal. Such as a Guardian with a torch, I dont see them at level 80, but this is open to all classes with uncommon but can still be good builds, for PvE.
(edited by Felicela.2810)
This is what I would like on the BLTC, a Buy More option.
You go to My Transactions, Items I’m Buying. Click on an item and it allows you to Buy more at that same price, just add a new quanity, instead of having to replace orders for the same item. Just a conveience thing.
Isnt that what LA is suppose to be though, the last Capitol, where everyone comes together?
Regular mini’s and one time mini’s are different. The normal minis are not account bound and can be traded as far as I am aware.
They have broken trust already, stating only 2 of the Tixx Mini’s would be crafted and due to errors we could craft 3 without the possibilities of refunds, of spent gems, to those who bought them based on ANets word of only being able to craft 2, and bought them upon release instead of waiting.
Personally I would be far less mad if they opened up the Mini’s to everyone, it is a holiday event, it should have never been account bound RNG in the first place, admitting the mistake and finding a way to improve it will make a lot more people happy than mad.
So at this point ANet the question is are you going to do anything with a week left to go in the holiday?
Like what? The only people unhappy are those who bought chests and had bad luck. If they made the minis available to buy directly at this point, the people who got minis from chests already would complain.
What is there to complain about? The only complaint I could see is that their pets are less rare because they became available to everyone, which is how it should have been in the first place considering its real life money(primarily, yes I know you can change gold to gems). Its not like a decrease in rarity would hurt these people in any form or fashion as they are account bound and cant be sold. Which if they want to “fix it” by making them non account bound, that is fine by me at this point, and would make the “lucky” ones happy as they could sell extras.
Not really seeing much of a downside to selling a Trio, ANet makes more money on those like myself with poor luck who will buy a Trio, or makes everyone happy by unbounding them and allowing lucky players to make cash, and giving us unluckys a chance to get them, again with real life cash converted to gold or hard work in game and saving.
(edited by Felicela.2810)
Hello all, hoping to get some help here. I just got GW2 on Xmas and I haven’t even played 5 mins yet. What I was wondering is what the best profession to start off with? I enjoy soloing. In MMO in the past I normally play Locks/Necros. But this time I would like to melee. And some pointers would also be good… Thanks
You can play a Necro with Daggers and melee as one if you like. Rangers have good solobility and can melee. Pretty much everyone can melee in some form or fashion just depends on what you like to play.
This should be for any major happening. Could add NPCs saying things like “We should prepare what if X comes here next” or “Those poor people in X never had time to prepare”
They are subtle enough not to blatantly obvious and make you pay attention to your surroundings, giving LA a community feel since you could hang out their without fear of missing the larger events in the game.
So at this point ANet the question is are you going to do anything with a week left to go in the holiday?
Thanks for combining these down into a single thread.
I buy them in KS all the time, they just want the state code, not the whole name
Running a 0/30/0/30/10 Build using primairly the FT, with EG for support and dual pistols for extra control and damage effects.
I am debating which gear to shoot for, Cond Damage/Toughness/Precision gear or Power/Precision/Toughness gear.
While the latter is easier to obtain, if I am building with things like Sigil of Earth, and going for a Cond damage extending runes am I gimping myself in damage not taking the power?
I have 120% base magic find, with food and buffs I can push upward of 200%, that being said RNG hates me and guild mates with 0 MF or just the Food buff will get better drops.
The biggest difference I notice is in farming, I seem to get a lot more Fine crafting materials than people with less MF.
Honestly defeats the purpose, its a trade off, you give up DPS or survivability in order to get a chance at better gear(if RNG doesnt hate you).
I think its to easy if you dont have to give up something for it.
I ran with a Cond Build and dual pistols for since release, just recently changed for something different, though most of the traits are in the same line so I can switch back as needed.
Currently there are 3 Dragons that spawn, and there is a World type event in each starting area.
I would love to see a system put in place where in LA the NPCs will start talking about X event happening in X zone, namely the events I have mentioned. This could help increase the kills of these creatures, help with Achievements, and add more depth.
Needs to be epic enough for the word to go out and lots of people get a chance at it.
Yep that is all, you can buy more frames for Ugly Socks, Sweaters etc. Glue and Stuffing does drop from presents and is buyable off the TP.
Also you wont be able to make any more Minis based on Cogs, you might have enough to make a 3rd but that will be all unless you purchase them.
I love the game. The shop is not pay to win. End game right now is mostly legendary weapons, PVP, achievements, etc. There is not raid content like you are use to in WoW.
Its free to play try it out for a month and decide what you think, you level pretty quickly compared to other games, so shouldnt take you long to make 80.
Would love some more communication.
I am in the same boat as you, and agree with TabMorte, only if you are finished with your storyline can you change, it takes that part out of the programming.
Agreed! Been suggested before but the lack of titles is annoying.
Yes gw2lfg is good, but why dont people use gw2’s lfg system? Its their type /lfg and its essentially the same thing.
You are welcome to go that route, just telling you what works for me and my guild mates when there is not enough of us on.
I have found a group for every dungeon usually within 5 minutes.
Pretty sure you are not going to get an answer, and willing to bet on No
It wouldnt ruin community though as you can currently do a majority of content with people on other servers, on top of that they were suppose to have a Guesting feature, that was similar to this but by choice not mandatory.
I think its a great idea, but what do you consider a dead zone?
Is it wrong I just rolled my second one? I love this class despite its flaws, and decided I hated the way my current one looked(Sylvari) so rerolled a new one.
This thread is referring to the Minis from Wintersday Boxes that some people such as myself have opened 100 boxes and yet to receive all the mini’s.
Merry Christmas to all and may it bring good RNG as your present!
To the Staff thank you for all you do, and Happy holidays.
I hate getting them as drops because I cant salvage and they dont sell for much.
It was a bug, its been fixed but they never removed current listings.
I believe all Mini’s should be unbound and a Mini Trio added.
Which is crap, every other Legendary that I am aware of does not require items that are not farmable or craftable to some extent. Shouldnt have to use the Cash Shop ever to complete ingame item.
Quip is something that Dr Seuss would use.
How do I get them aside from Gem Shop in a reliable manner? I have completed over half my dailies since release and every monthly, and I have ever gotten one of these as a drop from daily.
Would like to make my Quip but am a bit anti cash shop at the moment with the Mini scandal that is currently going on.
Nope dont want one for that, it opens up Karma items etc to people outside the ones that spent time on it, keep it just to account bound.