I’ve been playing the WvWvW for a few months now and have found it relatively enjoyable overall. However, I’m surprised at the overall lack of any discernible strategic acumen exhibited by any group. I’ve asked before “do we have any strategy here?”, and consistently I’m told that if I’m not on mumble then I have no position to talk. So I get on mumble and all it boils down to is “I’m going here, you go there” with the occasional, “we need more help at…” That’s NOT strategy. That’s simply communicating movements.
So many times after taking a camp I see it change back to another server’s control within minutes. So I decide to pull out of the zerg and observe and there are actually only a half a dozen of the other server retaking a camp that we used 60+ people to take. So I suggest let’s reverse course or keep some folks back to defend, but the commander always seems to just ignore and the herd just follows.
My favorite example is when we all left the siege weapons and attacked the structure to only get wiped…I realized while we were “storming the castle” that not a single person (including me, so I’m equally to blame) stayed on siege to provide any support…augh! However, shouldn’t the commander have said, “so-and-so, form a group to stay on siege the rest of us will advance on structure.”??
Those are just a few examples. Are there any servers out there that actually use strategy to have a committed plan of attack that employs tactical movements along with measured resources etc?
This has been changed to once per account per day.
Can we get confirmation on when this resets. Does it reset with the daily achievement clock (which for me resets at 6pm???) or at midnight?
I bought one of these even though I knew it was soulbound. I hope that ANet will do the right thing and expand this to account bound down the road.
However, I got to thinking. This still wouldn’t prevent Anet from creating new nodes (i.e. Unobtainium) that the Molten Pick could not harvest. Thoughts?
I guess I’m one of the players who failed the “sucker test”. I purchased one frost and one flame dye with GEMS only to get duplicates of dyes I already had. (que game show loser sound effect)
It took a second reading of the description for me to realize that there were only 6 new dyes for each theme. sigh
I wouldn’t say I’m a hard core gammer. I play mostly on weekends, but can spend several hours over the weekend on GW2.
What I don’t understand is why loot just doesn’t automatically go to our inventory. During WvW this past weekend I was in various battles. Its tough enough evading and keeping up with the battle to spend the effort looking for my “bags of loot” or whatever they’re called. I think I owe it to my team to be fighting.
I already have the settings to auto loot, but you still have to find it if you’ve moved away from the spot…it would be nice if it just went into inventory.
any thoughts?
So, I’m a casual WvWvW player, but have noticed recently that in during the weekend evenings I’ve had long ques to get into WvWvW. I’ve been on the Maguuma server since the 5 day pre-access for early buyers… Is this delay caused by the recent guesting changes about to be launched related to rules related to server switching? I don’t think people who’ve been on a server since August should have to wait 30 minutes to get into content just because people are willing to pay money to get on a popular server. Perhaps some level of seniority access algorithm???
Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of bad will associated with punishment from exploits. Honestly, I can see both sides of the debate.
I think ANet could do one very simple things to encourage more rapid reporting of exploits – provide a reward system for reporting possible exploits.
For example, a series of mini pets or tonics that could only be aquired through this reward system. The system would work on a sliding scale based upon possible damage to the economy that was avoided by more rapid response to an exploit. Thus, if an exploit is identifed and a large impact to the economy is avoided the first 5 people to report the exploit could receive a special exotic mini or tonic. If it was a relatively minor exploit then perhaps a rare mini or tonic to the first 50 who report it. and so on…
Make the reward for reporting an exploit better than the risk of the punishment for using it and you’ll:
a) build a greater bond with the GW2 community
b) have faster reporting of these occurences
c) have greater opportunity to address and fix before wider damage is done
I spent some GEMS to buy a few of the 3 pack mini pet items from the BLTP. While opening one of them I received duplicates of the blue mage mini.
I don’t mind so much as getting a duplicate from a seperate pack, but sort of feel like getting 2 out of 3 being the same in a single pack is not probably how ANet intends this to work.
Maybe I’m wrong and it’s just a pure random aspect and one could actually get 3 of the same mini in a pack???
the solution is SO simple. All they have to do is guarantee A Wintersday item. Just like every other drop it will range from Common (90%) to Exotic (<1%). That way everyone gets SOMETHING, but just about everyone has the commons.
I just think the solution is WAY too simple to ignore.
For Wintersday Anet should simply guarantee that “a” Wintersday item is contained in every Black Lions Chest opened during the event. There can still be the full range of items from common (high drop rate) to exotic (low drop rate), but in the end everyone gets “something”.