I have 2 accounts. One with HoT and the other without.
Of course, I got the Grasping Phantom Glider on the account that doesn’t have HoT…sigh
If someone else has already submitted a similar idea then I apologize.
It would be cool to have something similar to the shovels in Dry Wastes that can help locate desired mining nodes.
Here’s how I see them working:
Each resource type has its own unique “finder” for purchase. (Plant, Ore, Wood)
When you purchase the finder it creates an open “utility” slot in your inventory.
You place the item that you want to find in the slot. For example: Orichalcum.
When you double click on the finder in your inventory it creates the beacon icon and the rabbit icon.
Click on the beacon and a colored guiding streamer shows the path to the closest node. Follow the direction to the node. if the resource is not on the map it returns a message of “no nodes found”…or something similar.
Click on the rabbit for speed boost.
Can not engage in combat while in node finder mode.
Sell each node finder for 400 Gems or 1000 for all 3 resource type finders.
So, IF you want the skin you need to get 10 Black Lion Claim Scraps or 1 Black Lion Claim ticket.
IF NOT, then nothing in your world or how you play the game changes, correct?
Meh, doesn’t bother me.
Thanks for all the replies. Guess it helps to know what I’m buying first. ;-)
Oh well. Appreciate the answers.
I must be a bit dim witted. I bought the consumable from the BLTP. double clicked on the item. Now I can’t figure out how to access the accursed armor skins. I’ve checked my equipment and wardrobe…nothing.
Someone before would keep a tally of what the daily sale item(s) were and it was kept at the top of the forums…is anyone doing that again?
Invested in Divine Lucky envelops, did we now? ;-)
Not that it matters, but it makes no sense that my character would learn to glide….then magically forget how to glide in other maps…then suddenly remember how to glide again when back on certain maps. Again, not that it matters.
I’m not sure how I’ve survived since early access without a legendary weapon??? I’ve enjoyed this game a lot over they years and not having a legendary has had no impact upon my enjoyment. Maybe I’m just unique….
Found the Oct 13 interview on Dulfy.
<i>Q.Are your efforts more aimed toward bringing down the value of over inflated items such as certain cloths or things like charged lodestones or is the goal to bring up under-utilized and over supplied materials like thick leather sections? or both? I guess in short. Which one would you be manipulating more? supply or demand?
A. there is a mix of both, but we swing more towards the latter than the former.</i>
I’ll concede the linkage, but I’ll ask again…where are the charts for the other under priced over supplied items? Did folks simply laser in on Thick Leather because that was the item mentioned by the interviewer???
So, I’m curious. If this is normal speculative behavior could you show me other items that have a similar curve based upon recent or past speculations?
So, there is a run on thick leather that began on Oct 10th.
Use month view.
Price goes from 11c to 45c in the span of a few days moving over 6M out of the market supply.
Price starts to slowly settle prior to Halloween event then BOOM. It skyrockets to 80c based upon the need for Thick Leather or the Cured Thick Leather to be partnered with the Halloween Essence.
Please don’t argue this is normal market speculative behavior….it’s foreknowledge.
I’m not sure about botting in the open world, but I still have my suspicions regarding the BLTP. There have been a couple (2) times when I’ve decided to sell something that upon selling at the bid price notice that there is almost an immediate new listing at or just below the offer price.
This was for items that 1) didn’t have a lot of movement and volume (which is why I was selling at the bid) and 2) the spread was greater than 15%.
We already know that there is manipulation of the BLTP…just not sure how much is by a human vs. computer.
Joined the GW family in 2006 and have played GW2 since early access.
I have two boys (11 & 13) who have both said they’d like a career in computer games.
This would be a great chance to expose one of them to the broader industry.
I believe the GEM Store kits for the special dyes should always be random. That’s the risk you take with trying to get the uber rare dye. As many have suggested you can always buy with gold which may actually be more favorable to you price-wise in the end.
However, I’ve often felt that kits such as these: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unidentified_Gray_Dye_
Should ONLY contain the rarity of the dye the name indicates.
WARNING: You CANNOT buy 5 of the BL Key 5 packs. It says you can buy 5 at the 112 GEM price, but after I bought one the promo went away. ^%#$#$ I just traded a bunch of Gold at a ridiculously high exchange rate to get the GEMS too….
I think folks are overlooking a lot of aspects of my proposal:
1) Cash sink of 2G on all executed trades/ 50S on non-executed trades.
2) This system helps ignore the inflated prices in the TP due to market players
3) After 3 years if I were to craft a legendary I’d have find a way to raise significant gold just to list on TP.
4) Actually helps deter the LTB/LTS in map chat or other communication channels.
5) Secure trade
6) One step process vs. (sell, collect G, buy)If there were not players who control the pricing on the TP I’d say that a trade option wouldn’t be necessary. However, we know there are players who can control the price of materials as well as desired items. Evidence: Celestial Dye. Supply of Celestial Dye on TP has INCREASED and yet the price increases in light of flat or no growth in demand. Economics 101 states that if Demand is constant and Supply increases that prices go DOWN, not UP.
1. So if I’m selling an item that doesn’t sell at a fast rate, I risk having to continually place the order and spending more than 2G once it actually sells. A new player can’t use this system at all due to the price. The Trading Post they can use since it’s a fee relative to the price they set and they typically aren’t getting items that sell for more than a few silver at most, which amounts to a small amount of copper. The fee is a gold sink and they’ve set it up at a % of price sold for a reason. If flat fee was good for the economy they would have done that.
2. No, it now lets players who want to control the market to do so with an increased profit as they can sell it for whatever price they want and only take a 2G fee, instead of a fee that’s much higher. If the TP fee for the item is under 2G, people won’t use your system. They’d rather pay a smaller fee. If it’s around 2G, people would still rather use the TP as it won’t cancel their order and refund them all but 50s each time. Your system would only be used if the item had a fee much higher than 2G and then it’s just a fee escaper and the fee is there for a gold sink. Your system undermines the gold sink and will mean prices will in general rise as more people have more gold on average. And when the average person has more gold, prices on average rise as people think they can get more money out of them.
3. And that’s intended. It’s a gold sink. It serves as a means to keep players from just using the TP as a bank or setting exorbitant prices on items because they have to pay more the higher they want to sell it for. The increasing fee also helps keep inflation in check by keeping the luxury items from being too expensive.
4. I haven’t seen more than a handful of LTB/LTS messages in any chat during my time playing GW2 and I’ve played pretty steadily since launch. So the TP already deters that.
5. Trading Post is secure. No reason to reinvent the wheel here.
6. What if your bag is full when your item expires? Do you lose it? It would have to be a place order, pick up system. No way for it to be automated due to the bugs it would cause if someone’s bag was full.
Your suggestion is only a problem for people who do not wish to pay the fee. Which is there as a much needed gold sink to keep inflation as low as possible. Your solution will increase the rate of inflation.
1. Naw. If no one offers a trade on your item that should be a sign that there’s little interest. If you don’t like the offers then it costs you 50S and you can sell it on the TP. Anet could program it to credit you the 50S toward the sale if you list it immediately after the close of the trade offer. Thus, you’re out nothing more than if you’d listed it in the first place. This idea is in ADDITION to the TP not as a replacement.
2. Yup. it’s not intended to be used for all items. Why is that an issue? it’s not a fee “escaper” it’s a different service that has a different fee structure. AND introduces another gold sink for the economy.
3. Equally the same for this idea. Again, this idea is to be used in compliment with the TP and not to replace the TP.
4. I haven’t seen that many either, but they do happen. I’ve seen about a dozen or so. Mostly for Legendary items. Why? Because just the listing fee is so large some people don’t have the G to even list the item. However, that’s not to say the trend won’t increase.
5. TP is secure and the trade system would be secure. I think you think this should replace the TP which is not the idea. This is just another option available to players.
6. Same thing that happens if your bag is full today.
I think folks are overlooking a lot of aspects of my proposal:
1) Cash sink of 2G on all executed trades/ 50S on non-executed trades.
2) This system helps ignore the inflated prices in the TP due to market players
3) After 3 years if I were to craft a legendary I’d have find a way to raise significant gold just to list on TP.
4) Actually helps deter the LTB/LTS in map chat or other communication channels.
5) Secure trade
6) One step process vs. (sell, collect G, buy)
If there were not players who control the pricing on the TP I’d say that a trade option wouldn’t be necessary. However, we know there are players who can control the price of materials as well as desired items. Evidence: Celestial Dye. Supply of Celestial Dye on TP has INCREASED and yet the price increases in light of flat or no growth in demand. Economics 101 states that if Demand is constant and Supply increases that prices go DOWN, not UP.
Folks are looking at the problem and not the solution. Let’s just say I have Shadow Abyss, but don’t necessarily want gold, but am open to an item for item(s) trade. Why couldn’t there be a Black Lion Barter system that works like this:
1) I offer the item for trade. It leaves my inventory and is displayed as an item up for trade to all players viewing the barter items. It would also charge me 1G for offering the item for trade.
2) Players are allowed to propose trades offering their own item(s) they would offer in trade. Those items leave their inventory. These player are also charged 1G.
3) As the person listing the initial item I’m the only one who can view all the offers.
4) I have 48 hours to make a decision or the offer goes away and all items are returned to all players. However, the house keeps 50s from my 1G as a service fee. The 1 G is returned to all the players who submitted non-accepted trades.
5) If I accept one of the offers the items are mailed to each player. The 2G goes to the house as a service fee. All non-accepted trade players have their items and 1G returned to them.
No scams, No Spams. It would work.
Thoughts on if we hold off to use item if Shadow Dyes will be added to the selection. Has there been any word?
http://i.imgur.com/UpRdyCQ.jpg Here we go, thanks to GM Oracle and Cold
It appears the service RNG gods are smiling upon you. ANet should publish their service guidelines. I’ve submitted 2 tickets in 3 years and both were denied with little explanation. Not sure your ticket was any more difficult handle or noteworthy than mine. I admitted I made a mistake and asked for help. Nuth’n. You’d think something that doesn’t cost them anything other than time would be at least a 1X goodwill gesture. /gripe.
Congrats. I think I may choose the same color. The blacklight would look nice on my mesmer.
Dear Securities and Exchange Commission:
I missed out on investing in Apple, Coca-Cola and AT&T at their IPO. I don’t feel I should be punished. Please allow me to invest in these companies at their IPO price and immediately gain the benefits and value of historic stock appreciation.
Can anyone confirm these still drop from Trick or Treat bags? I’m hearing conflicting information.
Well… it’s the darnedest thing. When I logged in all my legendary weapons were missing from my inventory?!?!? ;-)
The sad part is that the GW1 solution was perfect.
I think there should be a birthday present that drops:
-1 Random Recipe from all crafting groups (Armor, Weapon and Consumable)
-1 Random Mini from the recent group
-1 Choose your boost stone 24hrs (Karma, Magic Find, Gathering, Gold)
-1 24 hour morph stone…it’s a style kit where changes only last 24hrs then reverts to your main character style settings.
yes, yes, yes.
I hear that Dragonite Ore is superb in making super strong building material. If ONLY there were a NPC that would return a gift for donations of Dragonite Ore….
Just create a NPC Merch that exchanges stuff for dragonite…sort of like the Zephyrite events…
Maybe I’m a bit naive, but I can’t understand why Anet can’t simply stealth police this type of thing using meta data that they undoubtedly capture in the game.
When a player initiates a kick the system should capture that data. Players that have the highest kick initiation rates should be investigated to determine if they are exhibiting undesired behavior. I’d be willing to bet there are players that deviate from a statistical norm for the game.
These threads persist because of continued player frustration around being kicked for bad reasons. I for one tend to avoid dungeons and fractals because you just never know if you’re going to run into someone who get’s kick happy at the instant something isn’t perfectly to their liking. Anet should be applauded that they have made improvements, but I for one would have more comfort if I knew there were reviews going on using the intelligence and data that should be readily available to them.
Remind me. What was the price for LS1?
cannot buy LS1, it wasnt designed to be self contained.
That’s sort of my point. I find it interesting that folks are all bent about not getting a discount or having the opportunity to purchase LS2 when LS1 was free with no log-in restrictions or anything. Shouldn’t the question be why isn’t LS2 free with no strings attached??
Remind me. What was the price for LS1?
As a consumer I believe this is an awesome idea. Competition in the market place is healthy and is designed to benefit the consumer-not the seller. If someone has already paid the listing price at the higher price point there’s no reasonable purpose to charge a second fee simply to lower their offer price.
Do the nodes in the black lion chests like Orrian truffle simply give 1-2 truffles a day or are they like the sprocket and candy corn nodes that give upto 10-12 per day?
Well, I tried it on an ambient rabbit (white letters in name) in Snowden Drifts…no luck. oh well.
Okay, so I had a bunch of these saved up from Halloween and have heard about farming ToT bags. So last week I tried to use them and nothing happened. I throw the balm at an ambient (name it white letters) creature and nothing happens…??? Do I need to go to a lower zone or is there a glitch?
There is no truth to the rumor that invites were packaged in Black Lion Chests. ;-)~
I don’t buy dye kits for this very reason. I can’t justify spending the gems for a random chance. I just buy the specific dye from those listed.
With that said, i do think they should re-think the dye mechanics in the game. Just make buying a dye kit a guaranteed rare dye…not necessarily the “themed” dye, but at least a dye that would have some peripheral value and possibly be a color the buyer would not have already. Getting fine and masterwork dyes after spending gems is just adding salt to the wound…
…same goes for unidentified rare [color] dye. if you buy an unidentified rare dye you should get a “rare” dye….jmho.
Any item that is used as a form of currency within the game should be in the wallet.
Key problem with MF in my opinion is that the influence of increased MF doesn’t seem powerful enough to counter the general affects of the RNG. I’ve gone rampaging with high MF with the desire to see increased rare (and/or exotic) drops to only be really disappointed. Then when just doing general game play without boosting up MF I’ll get two exotic items in an hour. RNG is RNG and while MF probably works exactly as designed it is clear that the impact from RNG > MF.
As with any type of random system, you need a LOT of samples to be able to detect an effect. While increasing your odds is still an improvement, going from 0.0001% to 0.0006% isn’t going to cause exotics to rain down upon you at every turn. You’re still better off than the guy at 0.0001% though.
that’s my point exactly. The affects of MF are truly imperceptible because the sample time necessary to see the impact (largely due to RNG) is meaningless. No one is going to play with maxed MF long enough to make it matter. Which begs the question as to why we have this mechanism called MF that leads us to believe it will produce some meaningful short term gain in loot drops. Could it? Yes. However, when players have better drops in spans when they have lower MF it shows the irrelevance of the loot boosting mechanic.
Key problem with MF in my opinion is that the influence of increased MF doesn’t seem powerful enough to counter the general affects of the RNG. I’ve gone rampaging with high MF with the desire to see increased rare (and/or exotic) drops to only be really disappointed. Then when just doing general game play without boosting up MF I’ll get two exotic items in an hour. RNG is RNG and while MF probably works exactly as designed it is clear that the impact from RNG > MF.
When does the Lunar Festival end?
I’ll take the number 41
Any thoughts on how the release of HoT will impact any items on the BLTP?
Yeah, I agree that it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but was a bit perturbed to be kicked at that point of the fractal run.
My thought was essentially if 2 others (plus the person being voted on who doesn’t have a vote and doesn’t really get a say) vote “don’t kick” it means 3/5 of the team said no. If that’s the case then deactivating the suggest kick feature from the player for 24 hours is not a harsh penalty at all. It doesn’t affect 99.99% of their game play…
So, I’m not a big fractal guy, but there are things that require the fractals (i.e. Mists Stone to make Mawdrey) in other parts of the game. I’m pretty deliberate when I’m looking for a group to avoid joining teams that are looking for “speed runs” or “experts only” because I don’t run fractals often enough to feel I’m going to meet their expectations…however, I’ve done the fractals enough to know what’s going on in each fractal.
Last evening I joined a team and we completed the first 3 fractals relatively smoothly. On the 4th fractal (solid ocean) i missed one jump and had to catch up with the group. This maybe delayed my arrival at the Jade Maw 20 seconds behind the other 4 guys. Then when I got a crystal I accidentally throw it at a monster. I was tabbing through enemies to get to the Jade Maw, and hit 1 on another monster. 5 seconds later I’m kicked.
I know this is a community game, but the maw was down to 50% and kicking a player who has been solid for 3 previous fractals and then makes a few mistakes on the 4th should have some way to prevent being kicked.
1) Require unanimous vote to kick on Boss Fractal.
2) Put the “kick player” vote on a (shorter?) timer so that it disappears after 5 seconds. Having it linger there only invites people to agree.
3) Add a “don’t kick” option. If 2 people select “don’t kick” the original requester has their “suggest a kick” function deactivated for 24 hours. This creates a bit of accountability to suggesting kicking a player.
4) Players who frequently suggest kicking other players should have their kicks reviewed and if deemed frivolous have the functionality disabled for a period of time.
Required for the luminescent gear. Do you think this will be purchasable for gold and bandit crests similar to Caithe’s Blossom in the next installment?
You can buy the recipe off of the Black Lion Trading Post…
What would be nice though is a “relist” option where an item can be re-priced by the seller without incurring an additional 5% fee.
Example: I get an exotic drop and I list it on the BLTP to match the lowest offer price at 3g kitten . A week later I see that it still hasn’t sold and there are a few offers of the same item at 2g 75s. It would be nice to simply be able to match that price without removing the item and relisting….
okay, for 2 weeks there is NOTHING…not a single change in bids, offers or number of items. The EXACT day that I place a bid the next day there are 7 new bids….that’s a pretty coincidental change. I suppose it IS possible, but….really?
FYI, I’ve now removed my bid…will be interesting to see if those 7 bids remain or go away as well…