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Signet of Vampirism Bugged in latest patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Even though the Necromancer’s Signet of Vampirism is a completely useless skill anyway (see, I thought it was important to report that the latest patch broke the skill against most of the key bosses in the game.

The patch notes say “Signet of Vampirism: The active life-siphoning effect of this signet can no longer be applied to inanimate objects, such as WvW gates.”

However, this has broken the active part of the skill against pretty much all world bosses – or specifically ALL the dragons, the Jungle Wurms, Golem MkII, Shadow Behemoth etc.

You can’t exactly say that all these guys are “inanimate objects”.

I’m sure this wasn’t intended.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

PVX - Signet of Vampirism completely useless

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


I’m also hearing the latest “fix” to Vamp Sig is buggy and means it does no damage to bosses like the Shatterer?

This is correct. All dragons, jungle wurms, and probably shadow behemoth and Golem Mk2 are immune to the signet active since the last change. Considering those events were the only place in the entire game where the signet was useful…

Oh what the kitten.

The patch notes say “Signet of Vampirism: The active life-siphoning effect of this signet can no longer be applied to inanimate objects, such as WvW gates.”

I wouldn’t exactly say ALL of the dragons and many of the other key bosses in the game are exactly inanimate or objects.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

PVX - Signet of Vampirism completely useless

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


I’m also hearing the latest “fix” to Vamp Sig is buggy and means it does no damage to bosses like the Shatterer?

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

8.45 gold per 100 gems?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Please explain why gems being more attractive to buy with real money is bad for Anet and something they should attempt to correct?

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Skills stop working - really common bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Ok so after testing out, I have been able to EASILY reproduce this bug. Using my warrior, I have simply used and thrown down a banner. Interact with it while moving and being just on the edge of the distance that you can still interact with/pick it up. So far the only ways I have found to fix this, as others have posted, is either completely leave the map/log out to character screen, or to take fall damage (but it has to be enough fall damage so that you go splat face down).

Edit: I have also found that getting dazed/stunned/knocked back fixes the skill lock up bug as well.

This should be enough to get some action on this.

There are warrior banners kitten everywhere in PvP and PvE and this can render your character a free kill in any mode.

Is this even being tracked?

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

[PvX] Deathshroud Skill Bar Lag

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


I’ve made countless threads and bug reports about this too and just gave up.

Anet is the bug-fix assigned to someone who has since left the company??

Can’t wait until e-sports start and a commentator asks why a dead Necro messed around for 3 seconds instead of healing.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

PVX - Signet of Vampirism completely useless

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


No idea why they gave us a second useless signet.

‘Signet of Undeath’ was already useless. I realise every class needs a rez skill (the active), but the passive is so terrible it might as well just be nothing too.

1% life force every 3 seconds? That means it takes 5 minutes to go from zero life force to full.

Considering Necros can get to 100% in about 20 seconds in any normal fight – that’s a completely and utterly useless passive.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

PVX - Signet of Vampirism completely useless

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Gah seriously? The whole Necro community is up in arms about how completely useless Vamp Sig is and it gets nerfed?

Right now there are zero situations where Vamp Sig is useful.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Stop killing builds

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Please note Death Shroud builds won’t use Dhuumfire.

We take close to death as it boosts power dps more.

Dhuumfire is still for hybrids, but now you can control it better.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

gw2.exe error while closing the game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Me too.

It’s not a huge deal, but you’ll probably want to fix it as it seems everyone gets a split second crash report every time you quit out of GW2.

I do realise quitting out of GW2 should be rare but it does happen on occasion when I need to sleep :P

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Mari dodge achieves

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


I think this is bugged in some way.

I have an SSD so load in straight away, I dodge whatever mari does and stay unhit for the whole event, and finish the event (cut the chain) successfully, and nothing happens.

Many, many times.

All lanes.

All I’ve done over the past week is run Mari – and I still have none of these dodge achieves.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Merge the overflows

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Yup this would fix my only issue with the new content.

Unorganised overflows have been a pet hate for me since the Tower of Nightmares.

If overflows filled to the brim and kept on filling up again after d/c’s, a lot of people would have a better time with new large scale content!

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Problem with Wurms I didn't have with Tequatl

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


PS: why the heck are covington pirates fighting on the side of the giant murderous wurm?

It’s the Squiggly Pegleg alliance.

(Pirates and Wurms unite in the name of Scarlett!)

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Necromancer: "I lack an identity!" (1/8)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


I agree that Necros have an identity crisis – but giant sweeping changes to lots of skills that would require months of work to implement isn’t the way to get things done.

Even the balance forum guidelines note:

“Be mindful of scope. It takes design, development and testing time in order to make a new feature or revise an old one. Keep scope/work/time/resources in mind when you make your suggestions.”

A better approach would be to suggest small tweaks to existing functionality. Like:

*Tweaking Death Shroud by allowing siphons and signet of vampirism to work while transformed would help the Necromancer class with attrition issues. *

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Make marionette permanent.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Yeah I wish it would stay!

It’s the best living story update so far!

Maybe it won’t make sense for it to stay after we defeat Scarlet, but could you look into implimenting minor tweaks so it’s some aether pirate wanting revenge or something?

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Skills stop working - really common bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


This bug can fail the whole Marionette event for hundreds of people when they head onto the platforms and can’t help out at all.

I saw a number of people complaining in chat.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Praise for much clearer red circles!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Yeah they are a really nice improvement.

It especially makes a huge difference for Death Should Necros like me(in DS most of the time).

The little red circles are hard to see in my green-and-black-tinged world of darkness. But the new ones fix everything!

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Evil Puppet Lady: Thanks Anet! :D

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Yup absolutely love it!

Incredibly fun and actually challenging!

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

dragon painting in scarlet's lair

in Lore

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


To me that dragon painting looks like Scarlet’s flying saucer hovering above the pale tree with a giant dragon below/attached.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Definitely had higher IQ then average

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Can a high IQ player come in here and tell us if the OP is right?

I can’t figure it out myself.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

So, what shall we name our new wurm? :)

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


It’s just going to end up being called “Wurms”

I think 5 letters is the max length I’ve ever seen for a boss name.

People are lazy.

- Teq
- Maw
- kitten
- Jor
- FS


When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

If Necromancers get pistols

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


As long as they are melee and have cleave XD

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

[PvP] Lich form is overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


How are people saying Lich is OP when warriors, ele’s and guardians can easily out-dps it with their normal non-elite skills.

Necros get 30 seconds of not-quite-as-good-as-the-top-dps-specs damage with a giant cooldown and people complain?

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Skills stop working - really common bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


this is a lag problem. you need highspeed internet not slow speed posing as high speed. 5mb+ /ps at minimum preferably 10mb+/ps

Numerous people have already explained and proven that this has nothing to do with lag.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Necromancer: Feature Patch Preview Questions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Yeah those DS QOL updates would be amazing.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

The patch on the 21st of January - a hoax

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Every company I’ve worked in has their own terminology, their own definitions, I think you’re confusing those for some sort of standard.

Same experience for me.

I think the real issue is the following:

Yup, if Person A has difficulty comprehending what person B says, does that mean that Person B is lying?

It appears most of us understood just fine. All the information was there.

Saying Anet was lying is disingenuous and implies that they were trying to trick you into thinking changes were coming today.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Necromancer: Feature Patch Preview Questions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Will signet buffs and healing ever be allowed to work with Death Shroud?

It’s currently possible to take lots of signets and spec into the blood tree (siphons), and have none of your skills or talents work at all while in DS.

It would be such a great answer to our attrition/sustain problems.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

PvX (Necro) Dumbfire Poll

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


It’s a pretty silly situation.

- Lots of people calling for Dhuumfire nerfs.

- Necromancers themselves don’t even want it.

- The skill doesn’t fit with the lore – Dhuum was overthrown by Grenth. Necros use Grenth style skills like cold etc. It makes no sense for Necros to also use a Dhuum linked skill. It’s basically blasphemy!

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Necromancer: Feature Patch Preview Questions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Will the utility cooldown bug when exiting DS be fixed?

Will the Lich form not-remembering auto-attack settings bug be fixed?

Will our new heal (Signet of Vampirism) be reworked/improved? Noone uses it.

(Sorry 3 questions but I didn’t want to post 3 times in a row)

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

The patch on the 21st of January - a hoax

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


How did you guys misunderstand?

They said it was stated for the next “balance update”.

The one today is a “Living Story” update.

They are splitting them out this year as they found that when they combined them, people focused on the wrong thing. (i.e. if the update contained awesome new content, but only minor balance changes – too many people complained about the balance changes and it distracted from the new content).

They said “next feature patch”. A feature patch is a defined term in software development, meaning it was today’s patch.

The balance changed aren’t in meaning they STRAIGHT UP LIED ON THE STREAM.

Yes I’m in software dev too, but somehow I didn’t misunderstand what they meant.

Anet have responded here if you’re interested

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Do You Enjoy Massive Zerg Content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Given the question is about open world vs instanced it’s pretty clear they are talking about pve.

Wanna move this back to general mods?

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Summon items, 30min cooldown

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


It’s so you can’t go insane with fire harpies when fighting Teq and the new Wurm boss.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

The patch on the 21st of January - a hoax

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


How did you guys misunderstand?

They said it was stated for the next “balance update”.

The one today is a “Living Story” update.

They are splitting them out this year as they found that when they combined them, people focused on the wrong thing. (i.e. if the update contained awesome new content, but only minor balance changes – too many people complained about the balance changes and it distracted from the new content).

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Good drops for me today...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


I often notice multiple people getting good loot when a large zerg all opens bags at about the same time.

Haha could that also be because a large number of people are opening loot bags at the same time? XD

The more people you have playing RNG at the same time, the more likely it is that you will see multiple people link good loot in chat!

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Do You Enjoy Massive Zerg Content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Love it – it means I can enjoy GW2 and have a proper life and don’t need to worry too much if someone comes over, or I get a phone call or whatever and have to afk.

In an instanced raid – you have to be completely committed and if someone is afk everyone will fail.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Two out of three Necro Elites bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Yes 2 out of the 3 Necromancer elite skills are bugged.

Lich Form – doesn’t remember auto-attack settings. This is incredibly annoying when you use every 180 seconds as part of your normal rotation. Since you need to right click to turn on autoattack with the mouse, you pretty much lose all other control of your character while you do this. Every single time.

Flesh Golem – dies and goes on full cooldown if you run through a puddle.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Dhuumfire nerf/Deathshroud buff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


It is a buff but its a powermancer buff because dhuumfire is a powermancer trait, and their not forcing condimancer use death shroud more their trying to force condimancers to stop using dhuumfire and go back to condition traitlines.

It’s not a powermancer buff.

Powermancers take ‘Close to Death’ as our grandmaster Spite trait 100% of the time. It gives us way more damage than Dhuumfire.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

why not an oceanic server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


New Zealander here – I play on Sea of Sorrows (the unofficial Oceanic server) and it’s absolutely fine.

In fact I was go so far as to say having an unofficial one is better than an official one as the mix means that the world is populated 24/7.

No lag issues at all for me.

I’m sure if I played from the states with 5 times lower ping it would give me a few extra milliseconds to react, but I can win fights just fine as I am now.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

[PVP] Necromancer, a little bit too easy?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Yeah I’m not quite sure what this thread is about.

If it’s just a general complaint that Minion Master and Condition specs are unbalanced, Anet have already said in the livestream that:

- Conditionmancer is being nerfed (Dhuumfire changed to proc off DS lifeblast, rather than just any crit)

- Minion Master will have both it’s damage and healing nerfed.

/thread ?

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Skills stop working - really common bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Any idea if this will be addressed? We seem to have found the cause now, yet nothing. New threads are popping up weekly on this.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

[PVP] Necromancer, a little bit too easy?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


OP what did you spec? What skills did you use?

I would say the entire opposite – Necros are one of the hardest professions to play well as they need a lot of micro to win (aside from Minion Master – I’m guessing that’s what you used).

Death Shroud isn’t really “an extra lifebar”. It’s more like limited period of non-invincibility where you are limited to 5 basic skills and can’t heal.

In exchange, Necros have no other blocking abilities in the entire profession, and the worst mobility.

As you mentioned, Necros have to win or die.

Other classes have actual “invincibility” skills they can sit in to heal up and/or use mobility skills to get away.

If a Necro goes into DS with 100hp, they will come out of DS with 100hp and die. The ability of other classes to be invincible and use utility skills and healing is considerably better.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Why Still No First Person View?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


I agree it would be nice.

I don’t actually want to play in first person view, but just look at stuff.

Right now if I see an interesting character, I need to run past them and position myself way behind them so my camera is able to see them properly.

It’s pretty silly and THAT really breaks immersion.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

[PvX][Necromancer] Signet of Vampirism

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Thinking about this more, you know what I really think?

Signet of Vampirism should just be a utility skill.

The passive is so ineffective (it almost can’t gain you health by design) it’s worthy of being a utility that very slightly helps with attrition, and if the initial heal was removed from the active, it might be a semi-useful support skill for groups (even though it’s a dps loss, it would give necro more group support).

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

(edited by Ghostextechnica.3270)

"That Had to Burn" achieve - not possible.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Yeah it would be awesome if it was awarded automatically as it’s been four months since it was completely broken and unobtainable!

To give more detail for anyone submitting a bug to QA, we used to fire the Megalazer at Tequatl manually, which gave the achievment, but since September 17, 2013 it changed so the Megalazer now fires automatically.

This means it’s impossible to get the achievement, and it’s also impossible to finish the “Bosses” achievement category.

A quick bugfix might be to tie the achievement to the same conditions as “Burning Light” in the Tequatl achievement category as the requirements are pretty much the same.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Do 2x Sigils of Force work?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


I think a good test would be to find out if one force on one hand affects the skills on the other hand and all utilities.

i.e. apply force to MH weapon. Test if skills 4 and 5 and utilities do 5% more damage.


Apply force just to OH weapon. Test if skills 1,2,3 and utilities do 5% more damage.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

(edited by Ghostextechnica.3270)

"That Had to Burn" achieve - not possible.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


“That Had to Burn – Fire the megalaser at Tequatl the Sunless.”

This is currently isn’t possible to achieve since the September 17, 2013 update.

Will this be fixed soon?

I’ve done every other achievement in the ‘bosses’ category except this one

It would be ideal if this was automatically awarded to anyone who has already done Teq – as I’ve run him so many times I’ve now completed all the Teq-specific achievements and have the Sunbringer title.

If you need some way of telling, it could maybe be tied to “Burning Light” or “Slaughter in the Swamp”.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

[WvW/PvP] - Everyone Hates Dhuumfire...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


The upcoming change is a really good one, with the 10 sec ICD and 10 sec ICD of DS, it gives DS a purpose for conditions other than blocking damage.

I can’t see condition Necros losing that much dps, they just need to pop in and out of DS and fire a lifeblast every time the DS cooldown is up.

Moving it into the soul tree wouldn’t be ideal. DS necros wouldn’t take it because there are much better traits to pick (and don’t take Dhumbfire anyway in spite), and condition necros wouldn’t want to spec that high in soul – while talents in spite give condition duration.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

[PvX][Necromancer] Signet of Vampirism

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


@Ghostextechnica you really should not compare the Warrior to the Necro… In any way.

My intention wasn’t to compare professions, just heal value allocation across healing skills.

Even with the new 8% reduction to healing signet, it still heals a lot more, even if the perfect vamp sig healing conditions come up (getting hit for a tiny amount, every time the ICD is up).

Why was Signet of Vampirism not even mentioned in the livestream? Are there any plans to make this skill useful? I think a lot of necromancers are getting angry that their class is being so neglected.

Angry/Sad. A lot of Necros have been waiting for the Dhuumfire change, but in the hope that once this is fixed, then we can get some small beneficial tweaks in exchange. Like fixing Vamp Sig so it’s actually useful!

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Maintenance Fri night for NZ/AUS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Oh I didn’t realise. That’s a bit better!

I guess it depends on how bad the issues are with “logging in to the game as well as slight interruptions to chat, guilds and parties” over the four hour maintenance.

Still better than nothing – which is what I originally thought.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

Maintenance Fri night for NZ/AUS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


Did maintenance have to be 12am PDT?

This is primetime on a friday night for New Zealanders and Australians.

I mean, I realize the US is the most important population to consider due to the pure numbers of people affected, but this could have been somewhat mitigated by moving it earlier in the week.

Maintenance during primetime Mon-Thurs is a million times better than Fri/Sat/Sun.

It would be great if this could be considered for future maintenance.

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.