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Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Well soon the speculation can end. I am sure we will all be right and it will quickly be reflected by the current scores. Whoever holds the most population at the time will most likely control the bloodlust buff and their score will reflect this. It should not take long for it to be obvious to all parties involved, how this change is going to negatively affect the game.

We were maybe 1k ahead of one server or dead even, although we had much smaller numbers. In 24 hours, they were 10k ahead and had been holding all 3 buffs for extended periods of time. It’s an extreme disadvantage to the underdog. I think Devon has lost his mind with this “new content”.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

WvW "Rewards" just went through the floor.

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

So you guys are complaining that you’re fighting people instead of walls? Well i guess no one can please you

Who were YOU fighting? Obviously not a server with +150 to stats WvW realm wide.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

WvW "Rewards" just went through the floor.

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I genuinely have no idea why the points don’t give world experience. If there were concerns about cap trading, then find systems to directly address that. Making what’s now the dominant portion of world vs. world unrewarding was not a good idea.

I don’t think it’s so much that there are ‘concerns’ about cap trading, as the system inherently promotes cap trading. You don’t need all the points, so some get left alone, and enemies go to those. Meanwhile your team re-caps the ones they left. It’s like musical chairs squares.

That’s how every capture location works in WvW. It’s better to run from tower to tower, camp to camp, keep to keep flipping them all via PvDoor than it is to defend. Commanders are more interested in karma trains and PvDoor undefended objectives than they are in defending anything. You flip my tower while I flip yours, then we swap and flip them back. Repeat.

I find it interesting people are unhappy that players are unhappy that they are getting too much open field combat.

We have had for a while a “Friday night karma train” in Tier 1 NA. Basically if the scores are completely imbalanced and there is no chance of coming back then the majority of organized guilds don’t defend and just pvdoor. You still get some who do and most pugs do. But this is only every few weeks because often the scores are too close either between 1st and 2nd or 2nd and 3rd. Now with the new potential points in a 24 hours period this is kind of out of the question and Tier 1 at least is the most balanced its been in a long time now JQ has picked up some strong guilds.

But as for the vast majority of times, everyone will defend to the death and respawn and run back if needed.

But its like, I’ve played 5 hours tonight, less than usual because of guild missions. And I have received 2 levels in those five hours from stomping. Prior to the patch I was making a minimum of 1 level per hour as well as copious karma, coin and other stuff. Now an average night in WvW yields at best nothing and at worst a repair bill combined with upgrade costs (net loss). Anet have said they wanted WvW to be rewarding and for dedicated players to only need to do a little sprinkle of PvE but they have really nerfed this. I love the additions, don’t get me wrong. But they have really contradicted what they were aiming to do here.

Anet is notorious for making promises they cannot or do not keep. They might promise you the moon, and give you a Moon Pie. WvW is obviously the “red headed step child” in the family. I’m finding less reasons to play and more to find other productive things to do with my spare time.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

The general conscensus seems to be...

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

pretty much, the new map is excellent but the stat buff needs to go away as quickly as possible

its just mind boggling how this went through considering Arenanet agreed with all of us when we requested the orb’s to be removed

I think it was mostly due to the thief hacks that they removed orbs. They also probably saw the situation as an opportunity to more or less say “hey we listened to you”, but I highly suspect had there not been an issue with hacking, they would not have changed anything.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

All these player feedbacks after the patch

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I guess we’re not allowed to refer to any posts made by Devon. I’ve had several posts deleted and his original post is gone, but I still have a screen of it. As I had originally stated, if they spent as much time working on real issues instead of hovering over forums posts, a lot could be accomplished. Posts are deleted almost immediately but a real account issue I have has been ongoing for a month. Prioritizing is obviously not a strong point with Anet.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

This. Only the people on the high population zerg servers will defend this. We have “Outnumbered” ALOT this new buff helps us in no way what so ever, it just makes them even stronger and i have already seen a drop in our population since this was employed.

Notice that I am on TC too. Not all of us will defend it or want unbalanced matches or anything that makes us even stronger.

I did notice you were on TC and I applaud your honesty. IMO, keep the areas, drop the buffs on players and leave them on NPCs ONLY. It still makes it worthwhile to cap ruins and less of a hindrance on the underdog servers. Then back to the drawing board for something more useful to WvW overall. The immediate fix should be relatively easy.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Try capping it yourself with 15-20 people running between all the points, meanwhile you are out numbered like always and just barely holding on to towers and retaking those you have lost only to know its only a matter of time before they are lost again…

Aha. That is an interesting thing to say. Because if that happens you’ll be alleviated 15-20 enemy players on the map. Which means the system is working as intended.


yall dont realize that if 30 ppl wanna camp those points, thats 30 ppl not defending or taking anything on the map…

This coming from a server that has people EVERYWHERE at all times… Give it a rest dude… you guys are like kitten roaches.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

They should just get rid of all the WvW maps and turn us loose in the PVE areas with “PK” flags/tags. A toggle mode to turn on/off “Player Kill” mode. Instead of “Scarlet’s Minions are attacking Sparkfly Fen” we should get server wide messages that say “Fort Aspenwood invaders are attacking XXXXX”. When I first heard of WvW and Anet’s boasting of 100 vs 100 large scale battles, THAT is what I envisioned. Not shoving us off in what is basically an “Instanced map” called WvW.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

If Anet really wanted this orb mechanic to encourage small group play, they would have put the capture points far apart from each other (e.g. skritt camp, centaur camp, quaggan island). Instead they’re practically all next to one another — very suspiciously like sPvP.

It’s almost like they just remodeled one of the Spvp areas and dropped it in there. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what they did.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Too many bonuses in WvW = IMBALANCE?

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

You’ve never played ANY other MMO have you? GW2 isn’t anywhere near as bad as most other MMOs in terms of balance.

PvP stat anyone?

I’ve been playing MMO’s before they even had graphics, and even the most simplest of games would strive for a balance, leveling the playing field. When you strip away everything, it should come down to basic SKILL, not armor, weapons or astronomical buffs that are insanely ridiculous. Shall I paint you a picture? Imagine a group of guys in t-shirts, shorts and sandals with BB guns fighting guys in full kevlar armor with rocket launchers.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Too many bonuses in WvW = IMBALANCE?

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

And before anyone says WvW isn’t meant to be balanced: Balanced match-ups are more fun than unbalanced ones.

Devs have already claimed there never will be balance in WvW.

What about this: Match-ups that are closer to being balanced are far more fun that those farther from being balanced.

Just because it’s unbalanced doesn’t mean it’s ok to make it even more unbalanced.

Sorry bud I wasn’t trying to troll the post, just reiterating what Devon had stated. I’m not at all happy with the buffs.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I’m not sure why they didn’t just give the buffs to the npcs and not players. It makes upgrading the camps/towers actually useful. Which makes defending and upgrading points not so pointless.

but since it is the way it is, new buff is BS and only a person with an IQ of 1 would think otherwise. glaringly obvious this should not have ever gone live

That’s an insightful and completely legitimate option for this. I totally agree. However, we have Devon over there saying that all of us posting in the forums are a minority so he’s not paying any attention to what we’re saying.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Too many bonuses in WvW = IMBALANCE?

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

And before anyone says WvW isn’t meant to be balanced: Balanced match-ups are far more fun than unbalanced ones.

Devs have already claimed there never will be balance in WvW.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Are you going to still play WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

XCom? Terror from the Deep? MAN…. I LOVED that game.

The new one, Enemy Unknown (2012).

Oh I figured it was a much newer version… just wanted to be sure it was the same Xcom I remembered.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Are you going to still play WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Lol enjoy your “boycott”…you’ll all be back playing WvW in a week rofl.

I quit for 5 months… maybe it’s time for another vacation.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Are you going to still play WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

While I get the idea and feel the pain, I WvW in my spare time. I will continue to do so until something better comes along.

T.V. absolutely sucks. SO outside of spending time with my wife and daughter, WvW it is.

I’ve been playing the XCOM remake; it’s really fun.

XCom? Terror from the Deep? MAN…. I LOVED that game.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Devon, is that you?

I wouldnt be shocked, they need some positive publicity. They aint get that much of it so could make fake accounts to make it seem enough people love it so they arent forced to admit they were clueless in the design, had no idea what they were doing and have to fix it.

You make me giggle. Been a long time member of these forums. Been playing since the open beta’s. And on top of that: I’m not even American.

But thank you for showing the world how paranoid you are when someone doesn’t agree with your point of view.

Maybe there’s some truth in what he says. So what does “being American” have to do with anything? Want some conspiracy theory stuff? Well explain to me why a perma banned account of my son’s is still in my guild and logs on and off several times. What’s the point of keeping a perma banned account on the system? Maybe Anet employees/devs use them for themselves or give them to friends. You’d be surprised at some of the “behind the scenes” activity.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I never said we were losing because of the orb buff. We were losing before, and now we’re losing to people who have more stats than us for no reason other than they have more people spread out on each map to take the buffs.

This simply rewards servers with more numbers an advantage based on numbers instead of skill. If you can’t see that then you’re blind and lack insight.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

That was their theory:

" The ruins are set up to encourage a small dedicated group of players to be able to defend their holdings and prevent other worlds from gaining the bonus."

That is what is reality:

Getting rolled by 50+ in the ruins and ofc they already have the +150 Buff.

Result: Mission failed.

This. It is amazing how this got into the game. Just another example among the MANY we have that Anet does not care what the players want and that they have no idea what they are doing when it comes to Balance and WvW.

Anet did a pretty darn good job in GW1 with balance, so it baffles me beyond belief what they’ve been doing to this game. Then again, their overall attitude towards players has always been the same old “we don’t care and we’re going to do what we want regardless”.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

And remember, according to a “very lovely person” from the dev team, all those who are not here posting about these issues are agreeing with the developers, so we are a minority here… Pf.

Isn’t that racism? But seriously, in the beginning they said servers would naturally balance themselves out in the rankings. So that failed, then they initiate “random” selected server matchups, and it’s failing to provide balanced play. Now we’re revisiting the same scenario we had with the orbs, as if they think it will work the 2nd time around. They should pay attention to the people that care enough to come here and make their preferences heard, but… I guess if you can alienate enough of the daily WvW players, you can cut down on bandwidth, ect. ect. I had a much better opinion of Devon before this remark, and had even defended him a time or two. I bet he plays an insta-gib thief in WvW.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Anet gave you what you want, your Spvp right smack dab in the middle of WvW. I’m talking about the ruins in case you didn’t know.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Alt F4 is fun… you should try it sometime.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

You like the new content for WvWvW? Yes-No

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Just a reminder, if you don’t like the new WvW. Take a break from it. Anet will not change it unless they see a decline in numbers in WvW.

like the map changes, something different, but the buffs are out of control. With that said… My vote is a BIG FAT NOOOOO!

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

(edited by Moderator)

You like the new content for WvWvW? Yes-No

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I didn’t see a single person in map chat saying they didn’t like the map changes.

This thread is a perfect demonstration of how the forums only represents a small minority of the playerbase, who will complain about anything.

Why would anyone on your server complain when you’re miles ahead of both servers in PPT AND numbers. Every map you go to now has a load of TC people camping on the ruins. Just another tool for larger population servers to abuse.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

9/13: FA/DB/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I’ve seen many posts from both TC and FA claiming they’re not interested in PPT and like the open field fighting, yet when you’re facing even numbers, you get wiped or mostly run away. I saw it repeatedly tonight. So to quote Jack Nicholson “Go sell crazy somewhere else, we’re all stocked up here”.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/30 DB/EBay/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

DB TS3 amuses me sometimes…


Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/30 DB/EBay/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I think it should be a rule that all GvG must be done in the nude. That way we can all laugh at you whether you win or lose.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Ticket: 130826-002489. Opened 8/26/13. Resolved, closed, then reopened on 9/1 when support changed the email on the account for the 2nd time without prior notification. This makes the third time I’m having to recover this account and it’s honestly wearing quite thin on me. The original ticket is 130723-002074 which was opened on 7/23/13, so I’ve been dealing with this ongoing problem for over a month. Could you or someone please look into this for me and help me resolve this issue permanently? Thanks.

EDIT: Support has now changed MY account email instead of the account I opened the ticket for. They’re only making this more complicated than it needs to be. My account email needs to be changed back to what it was and the funlovnjim.1354 is the one that needed to be changed for my son.

EDIT (2): A GM finally responded and corrected the two emails associated with the respective accounts. For now this has been resolved, and hopefully support will not change the email again, forcing me to recover this account for a 4th time.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

(edited by Greens Daily Ritual.9025)

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I watched this Mag thief farming and practicing his dodging skillz last night. Quite amusing…

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I wanna play WvW with Christopher Walken….


Nah… it’s a guy named Jason Stephens. Sounds just like him though. He also does Morgan Freeman and Christopher Walken playing a game together.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I wanna play WvW with Christopher Walken….

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Good morning from DB EBG <3

Rough night? Guess getting beat down to 15 ppt during NA prime last night kicked the DB fair weathers back to pve for the daily night cap.

Everyone goes to sleep eventually…. now get out of my yard you silly rooster.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Props up to Maguuma(this isn’t sacrastic) for pulling together and just steam rolling, takes coordination that a lot of servers apart from T1 and apperently TC to do that, so my hats off to you, and in all honesty, but hurt people talking about roaming and 15v15 fights, and “ERMAGERD SO ZERRRGYY NERBS” , an 80 man megazerg really raises your chances to win fights, so good job.

Also, Evalana, you dramamonger, just step out of our(being DB’s) turf war with agg, and go back up all that smack talk about beating them maguuma in PPT

LOL!! What’s a PPT?

You guys are such sore winners. It’s ok though, keep reading between the lines! :

I never talked smack about anything at all. Just kind of surprised at how trolly you guys have become during your ‘climb’

Not all of us are trolly in game, some of us just like to RP trolls in PvF

<.< lets talk in game

I don’t know if I should be excited or skeerd…


Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

::sarcasm below::

Heey guys! Let’s make a post every time we wipe Agg! 1… 2….. …. …… 3?

Hey! Here’s a better idea! Let’s make a post every time they wipe us!

1001, 1002, 1030…….

Pipe down and play the game.

I didnt mention wiping Agg and i was there, do i get a medal?
look at that AGG PYRO and Ark zerg, beast roaming in their natural habitat of zerg balls

I’ll say it again, but don’t run 50-60 and be surprised when 1 guild calls out your location to get assist from another guild. We all want good fights, but you’re kinda asking for it wandering in those sizes.

Dont deny we didnt have any numbers. if not close to even…they were all dead when i took screens Q.Q

The dead know only one thing… it is better to be alive.

It’s better to have fun and get challenging fights. If you think not dying is better than having fun engagements, then I don’t even know why you play.

FISH ON!! Sorry bud but you totally missed the mark. That’s a movie quote intended to be humorous. I play for so many reasons it would boggle your mind.

go on

Sorry, I was too busy being the “class clown” and didn’t realize you wanted me to be serious here. Without revealing too much of my real character, let’s just say I enjoy it for all of the reasons you mentioned and then some.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

::sarcasm below::

Heey guys! Let’s make a post every time we wipe Agg! 1… 2….. …. …… 3?

Hey! Here’s a better idea! Let’s make a post every time they wipe us!

1001, 1002, 1030…….

Pipe down and play the game.

I didnt mention wiping Agg and i was there, do i get a medal?
look at that AGG PYRO and Ark zerg, beast roaming in their natural habitat of zerg balls

I’ll say it again, but don’t run 50-60 and be surprised when 1 guild calls out your location to get assist from another guild. We all want good fights, but you’re kinda asking for it wandering in those sizes.

Dont deny we didnt have any numbers. if not close to even…they were all dead when i took screens Q.Q

The dead know only one thing… it is better to be alive.

It’s better to have fun and get challenging fights. If you think not dying is better than having fun engagements, then I don’t even know why you play.

FISH ON!! Sorry bud but you totally missed the mark. That’s a movie quote intended to be humorous. I play for so many reasons it would boggle your mind.

Did your parents have any children that lived?

Well, I bet they regret that.

My parents died in a Nevada desert in nuclear testing zone. The radiation fallout infected a local cemetery causing zombies to rise from the ground. I was bitten by one and have since roamed the world as a radiated zombie. It’s pretty cool actually. I never need a flashlight. I had three brothers, but I got hungry.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

::sarcasm below::

Heey guys! Let’s make a post every time we wipe Agg! 1… 2….. …. …… 3?

Hey! Here’s a better idea! Let’s make a post every time they wipe us!

1001, 1002, 1030…….

Pipe down and play the game.

I didnt mention wiping Agg and i was there, do i get a medal?
look at that AGG PYRO and Ark zerg, beast roaming in their natural habitat of zerg balls

I’ll say it again, but don’t run 50-60 and be surprised when 1 guild calls out your location to get assist from another guild. We all want good fights, but you’re kinda asking for it wandering in those sizes.

Dont deny we didnt have any numbers. if not close to even…they were all dead when i took screens Q.Q

The dead know only one thing… it is better to be alive.

It’s better to have fun and get challenging fights. If you think not dying is better than having fun engagements, then I don’t even know why you play.

FISH ON!! Sorry bud but you totally missed the mark. That’s a movie quote intended to be humorous. I play for so many reasons it would boggle your mind.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Props up to Maguuma(this isn’t sacrastic) for pulling together and just steam rolling, takes coordination that a lot of servers apart from T1 and apperently TC to do that, so my hats off to you, and in all honesty, but hurt people talking about roaming and 15v15 fights, and “ERMAGERD SO ZERRRGYY NERBS” , an 80 man megazerg really raises your chances to win fights, so good job.

Also, Evalana, you dramamonger, just step out of our(being DB’s) turf war with agg, and go back up all that smack talk about beating them maguuma in PPT

LOL!! What’s a PPT?

You guys are such sore winners. It’s ok though, keep reading between the lines! :

I never talked smack about anything at all. Just kind of surprised at how trolly you guys have become during your ‘climb’

Not all of us are trolly in game, some of us just like to RP trolls in PvF

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Good morning EBG from DB <3

Q.Q now someone is going to accuse us bragging about the score too, stop producing evidence

Meh, they can shove my lipstick up their nose hole if they do. :P

Kinky, meet me in the mists at 2:00 pm

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains EXCITE ME!

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

So..uhm what is up with the Borlis players randomly inviting people who kill them to parties then not saying anything? It’s really kind of weird. :/

Just imagine them breathing heavily into their microphones. Everything will be alright.

Hey – I don’t breathe heavily into my microphone!

Prove it

You’ve already given them a pic to look at, don’t do it! Think of all the chaos that would ensue.

Er, pretty sure I have never done that, lol, unless it’s one of them there FB groups I’m a part of or something. I think you have me confused with someone else :P

But no, I’m not a heavy breather, though I am soft spoken. I do sometimes yell though on TS if I’m commanderizing.

FB groups, you say…

Yeah – a couple of my old guilds had FB groups. NBD

Get back on topic, and cool your jets.

I’m just trying to creep back on BP people for creeping on poor Calu…but you keep deleting your posts so now it looks like I’m making them up!!

Dat BP NA presence.

We are all still at work. It’s that other thing mommy and daddy do that you don’t understand yet.

Oh, is BP the new mature, adult server now instead of YB?

We have people of all ages playing, but I get the impression that BP does have a higher percentage of older people playing. Part of that comes simply from every conversation not being 14 year boy trash talk, but for other reasons as well.

I have been defending the BL on more than one evening when the topics of conversation have been the kids high school (or even college) graduations, second marriages, vacation properties, bad backs, bad knees and the general annoyance of not being able to punish one’s body like you can in your twenties without paying for it.

I for one would love to see a debate between YB and BP on who is the more mature server! Please commence!

Which would you love to see more, the above or Mags beating a server with a higher ranking? Been what, 4 months now since that has happened?

I couldn’t give two craps about beating a server with higher ranking. I am still playing this game for one reason: fights. The PPT game is old and worn out. It’s you guys that actually care about PPT, not me. Beating a server with higher ranking doesn’t even mean anything except that the other server’s coverage is in flux. So the former. I would love to see the former.

So you will beat your chest all night about beating a server that is a full tier and a combined 9 ranks below its opponents, but you don’t care about PPT.

I think the fact that you can’t actually beat ANYONE who is ranked higher than you leads to your disdain of PPT far more than any love of a good fight. I mean, how good a fight can the doors put up anyway?

Please link to any posts of mine where I’ve chest thumped in this match. I don’t care that we’re beating BP, that is expected to any rational person. It was certain BP people that expected otherwise. The rest of your talk about ranking just indicates that you have little to no understanding about the ranking system. I’m guessing you’re one of the people who thinks you beat Ehmry based on your own merits and not just numbers and coverage. I don’t even like Ehmry, but they are a far, far better server than you are skill-wise.

Ehmry has skill? That’s news to me. Maybe the old Ehmry does but this current one has a bunch of fairweathers and people who complain about tower hugging.

When I’m roaming around solo, I like to hug the bunnies and an occasional tree. At least until the bullies show up and steal my lunch money.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

::sarcasm below::

Heey guys! Let’s make a post every time we wipe Agg! 1… 2….. …. …… 3?

Hey! Here’s a better idea! Let’s make a post every time they wipe us!

1001, 1002, 1030…….

Pipe down and play the game.

I didnt mention wiping Agg and i was there, do i get a medal?
look at that AGG PYRO and Ark zerg, beast roaming in their natural habitat of zerg balls

I’ll say it again, but don’t run 50-60 and be surprised when 1 guild calls out your location to get assist from another guild. We all want good fights, but you’re kinda asking for it wandering in those sizes.

Dont deny we didnt have any numbers. if not close to even…they were all dead when i took screens Q.Q

The dead know only one thing… it is better to be alive.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

So..uhm what is up with the Borlis players randomly inviting people who kill them to parties then not saying anything? It’s really kind of weird. :/

Just imagine them breathing heavily into their microphones. Everything will be alright.

Hey – I don’t breathe heavily into my microphone!

Prove it

You’ve already given them a pic to look at, don’t do it! Think of all the chaos that would ensue.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Unemployed, being a couch potato, enjoying your catnip. Sounds good to me…


Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

DB garrison capped with 15 people and no resistance

Ded matchup

PvD is probably more your style since we wiped you there inside the lord’s room earlier with just a skeleton crew.

If 50 + and 5 arrow carts count as skeleton, so be it. We also ran laps around the room until all of your siege was wiped, and then still managed to get most of us out alive

It wasn’t even close to 50. In fact, it wasn’t even 25. Regardless of that, it was a failure in the lord’s room. We were actually amused that all you did was run in circles achieving nothing. I saw a lot of downed/dead people for “most” of you to get out alive. If you’re going to post about taking something, at least make it a worthwhile post and not something about a random PvD.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

DB garrison capped with 15 people and no resistance

Ded matchup

PvD is probably more your style since we wiped you there inside the lord’s room earlier with just a skeleton crew.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

if this thread is going to be filled with BP drama this week i’m pulling up my recliner.

Agreed… so far this is better than anything I’ve seen on TV in quite some time. Last week’s thread was boring, this one is nice and juicy already!

I’m afraid it’s just getting started, lol

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show >.<

Greens, as you should know last week was boring because the fairweathers took off cause we fought TC.

Evalana, if this is the case I’m going to sit back and enjoy.

Yeah I was still there every day. I saw the “ghost town” without the fairweathers. I roamed solo a lot playing the song below almost nonstop. LOL

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

if this thread is going to be filled with BP drama this week i’m pulling up my recliner.

Agreed… so far this is better than anything I’ve seen on TV in quite some time. Last week’s thread was boring, this one is nice and juicy already!

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Hi Evalana, prepare to be hunted :O

Can you hunt me and give me a hug rather than stab me in the face with a sharp pointy object? I’m already going to have to be concerned with getting bashed in the face with hammers and other silly things.

Oh I’m soo excited – going to be lots of good fights this week (if the guilds we are facing ever break off and do their own things – DAT ZERG)

I reinstalled GW2 and it’s still telling me that my archive is corrupt, so no. I’m throwing my computer out the window.

Try downloading and using Power Defragmenter GUI. You can defrag DAT files with it, as well as folders, disks, ect. Sometimes, simply copying or moving the DAT file to another location helps repair the file structure/integrity.
At least you’re not having DNS and speed issues with your ISP like I am at present. Two minutes into reset and my connection decided to take an extended vacation. Equally frustrating is that after 30+ years in IT infrastructure management, I call in to tech support and speak to someone that wasn’t even born by the time I got my degrees, only to have them ask me if I reset the router. I’m stuck with crappy internet until Monday, so apparently no one works weekends around here. :/

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/16 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I keep seeing people talk about these guys named Jimmie and Garri. Who are these people???

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

8/16 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

O.o ….. Grabs Popcorn.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

GvG Deathmatch Arena with Spectators

in PvP

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Random Arenas in GW1, when you get the perfect roll with a kitten near perfect team = PRICELESS!

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1