Guild hall materials already have the treasury to go in so I’d say it’s fair to exclude items like Tomes.
Congratulations! I still have a few left. :P
Well, I’ve never purchased any of the Teleport to a Friend consumables. They seem pretty easy to acquire.
I’m sure, if one wished to take the time, the CS Team could help. It’s probably not often that one experiences a disconnect at just that particular time where the story is finished but the Waypoint is not unlocked.
At least, this is the only thread/post I’ve seen about the issue.
It appears they’ve fixed it but I wouldn’t assume it only affected the people that posted here. There were at least 10 people in the Rata Sum map the first evening saying they had the same issue. This same scenario was in the first chapter of episode one, too, but the completion dialog was after being teleported to Bloodstone Fen so you could just run the chapter over.
Oh you have to have them all filled at once? That is dumb.
There is an infinity symbol beneath the heart if that helps any. They’re already flagged as repeatable.
Something that costs 250 gems shouldn’t be the solution to this. It’d be nice if ANet acknowledged it.
yes so they are wasting time for single player features, THIS IS A MMO, not a single player game
People forgot this
The term MMO does not imply everyone must play in a group all the time. It simply means there are a large amount of players in the same game world.
I still don’t understand why this was so difficult that it had to be shelved. Certainly they planned this before they started working on it and the collections are just script templates with a checklist of what items are needed to complete it? It should just involve making a skin, assigning stats and putting the item IDs required for the weapon on the list.
The “big” mega server complaint I remember was maps closing when people were doing the metas. That complaint has indeed been fixed. The other two complaints you have brought up, I can’t really address, but the pop up is something I"m not sure how they’d handle, because sometimes maps are closed simulatenously as a big event ends, or fails. As long as the server doesn’t close and you can stay on your server, I’m not sure if it’s an issue worth of a huge time investment.
Auric Basin tried to shut down right in the middle of the meta on us last night. It’s not fixed.
I don’t want less time between paying $50. I want the same amount of content for $50 in every package that costs that. HoT did not provide the same quantity for $50 that Core did.
Check out XPadder.
Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GreyWolf.8670
Why do people keep assuming that this was intended behavior? Isn’t it just as likely that this is a bug? (Or an oversight.)
Because it is obvious that Anet’s new mandate for GW2 is to try to make people play all game modes whether they want to or not.
I hope not. I’m not financing elitism again.
Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GreyWolf.8670
Mostly true. You have to kill at least one raid boss. Some people sell raids, or do practice teaching raids. After your first kill you unlock raid masteries and you can train them like any other.
Once all your masteries are completed you again get spirit shards for leveling.
We should not have to pay others for content we paid ArenaNet for.
It’s ok I guess but why no fixes for revenant? You can’t even heal yourself underwater!
Raids were advertised as challenging content. Not sure why players feel they need to be catered and have access to everything
Are you ok with the raids not being included in the price of the expansion and you can pay for them separately, then?
They came as part of the package. Don’t know why anyone would want less content for the same price, much like how you get a new TV and they give you extra video cables you don’t need, but might as well have. You can’t ask to get those cables to get taken out of the package. Although you could personally toss them out when you get home, but other customers who get that same TV might want or need them.
“Don’t know why anyone would want less content for the same price…”
This is exactly my point. Everyone paid for the raid and everyone has access to it.
Fixed that mistake there, you almost implied there was some literal barrier for entry. Anyone can create a raid and go in. Anyone can go into a cleared instance and map out everything, this isn’t a difficult concept.
An empty instance is not playable content. I assume you’d be ok with them clearing out the entire raid zone and you’d be happy just wandering around in an empty room, too?
Raids were advertised as challenging content. Not sure why players feel they need to be catered and have access to everything
Are you ok with the raids not being included in the price of the expansion and you can pay for them separately, then?
They came as part of the package. Don’t know why anyone would want less content for the same price, much like how you get a new TV and they give you extra video cables you don’t need, but might as well have. You can’t ask to get those cables to get taken out of the package. Although you could personally toss them out when you get home, but other customers who get that same TV might want or need them.
“Don’t know why anyone would want less content for the same price…”
This is exactly my point. Everyone paid for the raid but not everyone has access to it.
Walk in by yourself and get put in a map instance with others. Walk in as a premade and get your “elite” mode experience with just your group. Problem solved and everyone gets what they paid for.
Everyone has access to the raid. It’s your choice not to form a group, not to socialize, not to attempt to learn it and to expect to be carried through the content.
The choice not do do something is not the same as the content not being available.
Either you didn’t read my post or you just want to make sure you have something others don’t. I’m not sure which but I’m done.
Raids were advertised as challenging content. Not sure why players feel they need to be catered and have access to everything
Are you ok with the raids not being included in the price of the expansion and you can pay for them separately, then?
They came as part of the package. Don’t know why anyone would want less content for the same price, much like how you get a new TV and they give you extra video cables you don’t need, but might as well have. You can’t ask to get those cables to get taken out of the package. Although you could personally toss them out when you get home, but other customers who get that same TV might want or need them.
“Don’t know why anyone would want less content for the same price…”
This is exactly my point. Everyone paid for the raid but not everyone has access to it.
Walk in by yourself and get put in a map instance with others. Walk in as a premade and get your “elite” mode experience with just your group. Problem solved and everyone gets what they paid for.
Raids were advertised as challenging content. Not sure why players feel they need to be catered and have access to everything
Are you ok with the raids not being included in the price of the expansion and you can pay for them separately, then?
Solution is way more simpler than what was proposed above. Simply remove the time-gates and add tier loot based upon the time the raid takes down the boss.
Simple. Elegant. I like it.
Doesn’t work because there’s no value to the “limit” placed unless you get absolutely nothing after a certain time and if that’s the case then you’re back at square one. So either the lazy gain rewards or the elite overprofit. This model hasn’t worked well in other games either.
Having a baseline reward for completing the raid at all, and improving rewards for improved time could work.
There is nothing, “lazy,” about less, “elite,” players spending hours grinding their way through content that other players can complete in a fraction of the time.
It is also not, “overprofit,” for a skilled team to earn greater rewards for performing better at the raid.
No. Because what you’re looking at is the integrity of the system from an honest vantage point. Players aren’t honest though, take the “elite players”, throw in some gold for the run, give the lesser players the ability to get through the thing for “base” rewards, and voila you’ve got an overprofit problem on two ends.
That’s exactly how it works in almost every system where there is someone who can profit off of another person’s ineptitude and that person can profit off of their professionalism. Let’s say that we have a team of 8 players who are OP, they know their stuff, and they can easily earn mid-level rewards by themselves and then you have the two who pay to get in to get the mid-level reward and then you’ve got the raid itself.
The elites get mid-level rewards + gold (or whatever the currency they want) and the “less than useful” get more rewards than the honest casual team because of the set-up. I can guarantee that’ll be the outcome.
I hope ANet reads this and releases a lower difficulty map, hell make an open world zerg map that functions the same way as the current open world metas with the same open world rewards; if Trion can figure it out with their even more limited resources ANet has no excuse.
ANET did not make raids because they could not make open world content. They made raids because that is what was asked for by players. There was a CDI about it, I would have preferred open world, always have but the limitation was not on ANETs part.
I didn’t ask for raids and wasn’t here to participate in the CDI. I’m just not going to buy the next expansion if there is content that I can’t at least queue for to access. I don’t pay for others’ entertainment, I pay for mine.
We have one open raid (Dragon’s Stand, yes it’s a raid) and the closed one. Why?
Dragon’s Stand is a public raid anyone can join. Why can’t the actual raid be the same way? If you want to do it your own way just enter the zone with your group.
Artificial/contrived barriers to content shouldn’t exist when everyone has to pay for it. I can join PvP/WvW and play with others without a premade group, why not the raids/dungeons?
If there’s a few months between Living World season 3 episodes, they have to give a LOT of rewards and content to do. A new zone or two with a lot of events (Basically a larger new version of Silverwastes) for people to be content for a while, as well as a longer amount of engaging story content.
And what MMO do you know that provides that much content every 2-3 months? I don’t think people have realistic expectations.
Selfie cam was a great filler for a 6-month gap. :/
Personal feelings about this:
How is it that Raids get there own exclusive team that apparently does not interrupt all other content, yet Living Story has to make sacrifices for PvP?
Is the Living Story team and the PvP team the same team?If there is going to be a two-three month gap between chapters each chapter better be the size of half an expansion worth of content. New maps, new armor, new weapons, new story, new achievements. These chapters better be HUGE in content.
Why such long gaps between chapters? What have the devs been working on the last few months if they need even MORE time between chapters?
Overall i am really disappointed.
Me, too. The raid should just be turned into a map that anyone can join and participate in like Dragon’s Stand and end the raid development as an instanced thing.
How about a savings for those poor suckers who bought the “buy once, play forever” line. Although one might argue that if it sounds too good to be true, one might ought to have know better.
I’ve only bought it once and I’m still playing. I won’t be playing forever as I expect I’ll die someday. If you paid more than once maybe you should look into a refund?
The only thing out of context, Obtena, are your misrepresentation of other player’s posts. I don’t think it is speculation to say that HoT didn’t meet Anet’s expectations. They are putting HoT content on hold to rush the next expansion while saying that they have learned their lesson from HoT. That doesn’t sound like a glowing endorsement of HoT.
Huh? What are the ley line and bandit current events, then?
Nobody is taking your JP rewards or flax, OP. They’re not first-come first-served.
I’d actually be happier if they updated the Hall of Monuments ‘vendor’ with some new items.
Ya great, they sure can develop the Hall of Monuments mechanic in GW2, make us work for it, hard. Conncet it to the lore, all options are open. But remove the GW1 lock which is concrete inaccessible wall.
It’s not inaccessible. Go buy it and play it for your rewards like we did.
People can throw out all the insults about “l2P” or “its already easy” and try to gloss this over all they want, but there is a need for a more casual raiding experience.
Not everyone wants to play to the meta or conform to the demands placed on most groups. Now, I agree that means there should be a lesser reward, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t needed.
And, once again, every other successful MMO with raids on the market has learned this lesson and has implemented tiered reward/difficulty raids.
I think Anet is starting to see that and I feel confident it is coming.
Also, this thread needs to be merged with the larger one on this topic. There has already been a lot of good dialogue (on both sides) about this.
What insults? I am not reading any insults to be honest. Arenanet implemented raids in an entirely different fashion and if recent blogs/posts are any indication they are content with Forsaken thicket.
A more casual experience would be fractals and open world, there is no raid to make raids more casual.
They made the same mistake, then, that other MMO companies have made. They are charging customers for content that is inaccessible to them. Blizzard fixed this with random queues, so should we expect that soon from this game?
I believe easy mode raids are called dungeons and fractals.
Please tell us how to enter the dungeon/fractal version of the HoT raid.
Wat? Are you saying rich people would play if there was no PvP?
The whole mastery point/hero point system defeats the “play as you want” aspect of the game that was so strong at launch. Experience and skill points were fine. You could choose to do the content you wanted to do. Nothing was handed to you in that system. It just didn’t force you to do the same content over and over with each character you make.
HoT just furthered the monstrosity that was the NPE.
No it doesn’t. As far as I know you’ve never been able to start a new character with everything available.
lesser reward is fine for me..
just want to have fun and not wasting time..
I’d prefer explorable mission modes on the maps for single players in addition to the full team raid mode. Many are like me and prefer playing maps alone.
It’s an MMO, you can expect content to require groups.
Dungeons and fractals don’t have solo modes either.
Not what MMO means. :rolleyes:
Being myself, who paid for the bloody game, and the expansion, I find that not only do I not care that the F2P is unwelcoming, but I wouldn’t mind if it didn’t exist.
With that said, what OP is complaining about is their own lack of reading comprehension, or willingness to read in the first place, not the F2P experience.
Really? I wouldn’t have paid for the game had it not been for the F2P option. I guess your results may vary. I haven’t bought games that I can’t try first for 15 years.
It is possible that players are looking for ports because they hate jumping puzzles. With that being said, I would urge Anet to drop jps from the daily rotation. Please go back to the at launch policy on jps where they are there for those who like to do them but aren’t required gameplay.
What? No! If you don’t want to do the JP daily then don’t do it. There are enough options to skip it.
You only get a main reward once just like most stuff in GW2.
(edited by GreyWolf.8670)
You have to do 3 of however many options there are for the daily. You don’t have to PvP or group at all. It takes me about 20-40 minutes to finish it solo.
My Gripes with the Replayability of the Story
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GreyWolf.8670
Just addressing The Jungle Provides achievement: if you lose a totem it will respawn after a short delay where it was in the first place.
1. They charge to list gw1 on stream. gw1 is dead so any sales are better than none, compaired to gw2 it has no way near the same playerbase anymore.
2. Guild Wars 1 is no longer doing updates and that stopped about 2 years ago. Microsoft/sony and stream charge games to update/patch their games. MS for one charges $5k per patch, considering Guild Wars 2 needs about 12 patches a month that cost soon adds up.
So gw1 sales are dead and its getting no more updates and thats why they can add it to stream. Guild Wars 2 for these reasons can and will never be added to stream/xbox/playstation etc. Not until the games dead like gw1.
Microsoft only charges for patches to Xbox games that are pressed on disc. Digital store games (Xbox or Windows) only require you push the patch.
Steam does not charge you to update your game.
This is an organizational issue, not a monetary issue. So… no. It’s a retail product.
As happy as I am about the patch, I can’t help but feel after so much hard work and labor we’ve gone through, it’s now just being handed out to everyone on a silver platter. So much gold, gems, time spent and now it’s being given out for free. Thanks though?
I’m good with it. I ordered HoT on a gold platter so silver is at least acceptable.
I’m not interested in it. I’ve done enough raiding. Slightly off-topic question, but if raids were not included and sold as optional content would you still be interested?
Put it in your existing GW2 x86 install directory and run it from there.
Good list of fixes except it’s missing any repairs for the ghastly guild requirements.
Its beena while and still no word whatsoever.. I guess they will get away with it. See ya at xpac #2 with another 3 legendary weapons /shrug
They are getting away with in the sense that I haven’t seen any news of class action suits.
As for their income, that may be another story.
HoT was not "half done" and my 3 reasons why
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GreyWolf.8670
No one should have bought HoT thinking it was ‘done’. That’s not even the nature of most MMO expansions. They get tweaked, bugfixed, adjusted, added to … lots of time.
It’s pretty hard to compare almost anything Anet does to other MMO’s because GW2 does quite a few things off the beaten path. I get the feeling that Anet goes out of their way to deliver not-typical game mechanics and features.
when i buy a product, i expect the main features to be functional..they werent
if they had put more of that creative energy into some ordinary (casual) zones,
they wouldnt be in this situation
SPECIAL content for SPECIAL users will give you a SPECIAL playerbase
SPECIAL doesnt work very well if you want money from ORDINARY playersThen your expectations aren’t aligned to most of what the MMO industry delivers and especially to how Anet has demonstrated over the last 3 years how they operate. Anet delivers content in chunks. The expansion was no different, except you actually paid for these chunks. You still weren’t going to get them all at once on release day and IIRC, Anet was pretty clear about that so stop pretending that your expectations trump Anet’s content delivery process.
When will the next “chunk” of legendary weapons come after the ones MO mentioned, then?
If the expansion was a full-bodied 50$ worth of content expansion there wouldn’t be a content drought in the first place…
That is completely untrue. No MMO company has ever been able to produce content as fast or faster than the majority of people can consume it.
Whether you feel that you got $50 worth of content is a different consideration than if the amount of content that is released has any potential to cover the periods in time during which new content is being created.
Of course there will always eventually be a content drought, but I assume the point was that kitten expansion shouldn’t have reached that point so quickly.
Honestly there isn’t even a content drought. Raids are still being released regularly. It may not be the content everyone is interested in, but it’s content.
Raids are content in the sense that they took (past tense) space on my drive. I had no interest in setting foot in them.
Chalk it up to whatever you want. I don’t think the ‘why’ that explains the 6 mon dev time for one legendary weapon is all that relevant. In fact, it could be longer or shorter to develop a Legendary weapon; We have no way to know. I do know that if it takes months to release a Legendary, 2, 3, 4 6, whatever. That’s a long time.
Anet is on the record saying it takes about a month to create the new legendaries + collections. Since it shouldn’t take 6 people to make one a properly managed and competent team should be able to do 2-3 legendaries a month. Which is reasonable to me. So I think it is very relevant of the reason why.
I don’t get that. It should should just be a script and some database entries. Isn’t it just a scavenger hunt? That’s intern work.
If the expansion was a full-bodied 50$ worth of content expansion there wouldn’t be a content drought in the first place…
That is completely untrue. No MMO company has ever been able to produce content as fast or faster than the majority of people can consume it.
Whether you feel that you got $50 worth of content is a different consideration than if the amount of content that is released has any potential to cover the periods in time during which new content is being created.
Then don’t charge $50 for it. It’s not rocket science. Charge for what you can produce or reap… this.
Give people glider skins as rewards rather than making them buy all but the basic one.
I agree with you. I think a roll back to before you owned HoT is reasoanble.
I’ve spent money on gem store items that would be wiped out, that’s atrocious business from Anet.
I don’t get you, I’m agreeing with you and you’re still arguing with me. Force of habit maybe?
Wow you guys are still playing this, that’s dedication.. I left years ago but just purchased HOT now i’m a bit worried what i’ve bought…
And the prize for most pointless comment goes to Dante! Congratulations!
While this was know before HoT launched, it is consumer unfriendly, I agree. However, getting a refund SEVEN MONTHS after launch is kind of ridiculous.
It took them 7 months to announce features we paid for won’t exist. I’d hardly call that ridiculous.
Don’t count on it.
All LW content should be made available to anyone that has paid for the game no matter what expansion.